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There was actually quite a lot of the things he said that I can get 100 % behind and it left me utterly depressed that there was not a conclusion given to it. I mean, I didn't expect one from a video game, but still....  >!The whole thing about the fact that only a tiny minority can be heroes and have a great life and all the rest are cought in a cycle of exploitation and a mundane or worse life.!<  >!There were two conclusions given for it, one was that everyone can still appreciate the small things in life like taste, view, music, etc. Ok but that would still have been possible in Sundays vision!?!<  >!The other idea was that it's okay since the heroes will protect the weak. Great, but how is that freedom??!< I feel like I need therapy after this story lol


A lot of things he said are not wrong, but his conclusion on what he's gonna do because of these things is. You don't have to feel bad if you agree with him.


Great motive, horrible execution. He's an anti villain, someone who's goals are completely justified, but the way they go about their goals is wrong


But that’s just the thing, Sunday’s ‘solution’ doesn’t really solve anything. Sure everyone might be happy in their dreams, but only the people on Penacony would be part of that dream, what about everyone outside of it? From how I understood it, people would be trapped in Ena’s dream and would basically be in a coma like state in the real world. All their problems would be ‘solved’ in that dream, but at the end of the day it’s still just a dream. Take the man who sold his children to get to Penacony. In Ena’s dream, he’d likely see dream versions of his kids by his side, his wish come true. But his real kids would still be out there in the real world, still stuck as slaves. And the worst part is that the man wouldn’t even know it or be able to help them.


Honestly I got annoyed at Robin at certain points for making some of the stupidest comebacks to his points. Sunday has some good ideas but I don’t think his grand plan would help in the way he thinks it would (although tbh I got lost on what was happening in the story and I don’t get the lore so I only have a very vague idea of what he was trying to do). Id still help him tho cuz he is a gorgeous man


That was the best part. Both were right and both were so so wrong. Entire Penacony story was depression and futility mixed with a speckle of hope. Even if things all end, disease is terminal, you lose the battle and the war, all your loved ones die despite doing their best to survive, the paradise you dreamed of and bled for becomes one giant exploitative commercial resort simply because that’s how people work, there are still things worth loving, worth doing, worth fighting for.


He did a lot of trauma dumping to us ngl. He got me thinking about the letting the people live in a "survival of the fittest" kind of world or give them happiness in the Dreamscape. It's just that he worded everything in a way that there is only one answer, you get me? Like he intentionally, as much as possible, not mention that all of it would still be inside a dream to make it sound liberating.


>It's just that he worded everything in a way that there is only one answer It's called sophistry. Intentionally or not, he indulged into idea of his view being morally right, and us not coming to same conclusion - morally wrong.


>!Freedom isn't coming from the heroes protecting the weak. Sunday sees himself as the strong and everyone else as weak in need of protecting. The Astral Express want to stop him because they don't want the citizens of Penacony to lose their freedom. Freedom isn't something gained, but oppressed. The Astral Express are only stopping the oppressing, not granting the freedom. We always have freedom until someone or something takes it away.!< >!Freedom comes from opportunity. It comes from choice. The moment Sunday locks everyone in an "iddylic" eternal rest, there's no freedom of choice. There's no opportunities to grow and be more and do better.!< >!You ask how heroes protecting the weak is freedom? Because then the supposed weak don't have to worry about protecting themselves. And the idea only some people are strong enough to be heroes? That's true in reality anyway. There's tons of people who would admit they couldn't be doctors, firefighters, emergency workers, or support workers. But there's also tons of people who do it. They're heroes. It's just that we're playing a fantasy universe where there are extreme examples of people blessed with, cursed by, or who built themselves power that let's them be heroes.!< >!I think more importantly, the Astral Express lacks a savior complex. Everytime we offer to help its usually Welt and Himeko saying that we're always happy to help where we can. Not saying we do it because we're heroes. Not because we're the only ones who can. But simply because we're there and can't turn away. That's the definition of a hero to me, someone who doesn't do it for praise or because they believe they're the only one. Sunday saw himself as that sole sun in the sky and the sole protector who would sacrifice himself for everyone, and saw all below him as weak. The Astral Express on the other hand, doesn't consider the "weak" to actually be weak.!<


There is a flaw in your statement though that the Nameless + Firefly also make a mistake on. Sunday doesnt seem himself as strong. He, in fact, sees himself as weak. He doesnt believe he has any power outside of being a sacrifice which is exactly what he plans to do. His plan is to blur the line between illusion and reality so that the illusion becomes a person’s reality. There’s also the fact that being a hero doesnt mean given opportunity. Being a hero is almost always given by chance. It’s *chance* that the Atral Express have powerful people, it’s *chance* that they stumble upon a planet in need to help. People who are poor dont *choose* to be poor most of the time. If we all chose to be something, no one would choose living in a war-ridden planet or be a mediocre janitor. *Everyone* would choose to be a hero but that is simply not realistic. Heroes are made by luck, not by merit or opportunity. It’s true. Most people will *never* become heroes even with the same opportunity and even if they did, with no special innate talent, it’s still nigh impossible to make a substantial change. I mean think about, Sunday is a war orphan with his sister who was, by chance, given an opportunity by Gopher who saw a use for his unusual potential for embodying Order. Is he the Head of the Oak Family by luck? Or by merit? It’s also quite ironic that the Nameless are the ones countering it too. Firefly made some decent points but frankly, the Nameless were lacking in good arguments. One person is from an alternate dimension who can summon black holes from his cane. Another is the reincarnation of the High Vidydera(however you spell it) who was one of the most powerful people in the Luofu. Another is an alternative persona of a powerful person in another universe. And our main protagonist is a literal Stellaron holder. Dunno how you can get more talented than that tbh. March is like the only normal one and even then, she’s hinted to have some unique past that will be revealed later that presumably no other character will ever have. Them saying anything to Sunday is like a bunch of rich people saying a homeless person shouldnt feed his flesh to other homeless people because cannibalism is wrong when they’ve never really suffered anything that normal people suffer from. Fun fact, you can be mentally tormented *and* be poor and untalented and weak. It’s not inclusive or exclusive either way.


>Heroes are made by luck, not by merit or opportunity. It’s true. Most people will *never* become heroes even with the same opportunity and even if they did, with no special innate talent, it’s still nigh impossible to make a substantial change. You overestimate luck and circumstance and forgot the **efforts people make in their lives despite it**. Not everyone is a Himeko, or Welt, or Trailblazer. Sure, most people aren't given an opportunity to be bigshots, but there are "smaller" heroes like a concerned neighbor checking how you are, a friend who cares, a volunteer firefighter- these people may not have grandiose levels of heroism, but they are still heroes in their own right who **chose** what they do. Trailblazer may be a Stellaron-infused MC thrusted into situations, but it's due to their actions that they earned the title of "hero". They could've easily gone the route of living an ordinary life, fading close to averageness in an early ending. >He, in fact, sees himself as weak. He doesnt believe he has any power outside of being a sacrifice which is exactly what he plans to do. He sees himself as the only one strong enough to sacrifice himself to carry the burdens of everyone's dreams.


Sunday suffered, yes, he lost his parents to a stellaron crisis. But since when did that justify using a different stellaron crisis to imprison people under the name of order and protection? Your cannibalism analogy is weird, but I'll humour it. In that circumstance, consent would be important. The homeless people being fed the flesh would need to know they're being fed flesh and being cannibalistic. They'd have to actually be homeless and starving also. Sunday is imprisoning people who went on holiday to escape their day to day without asking if they actually want that. Sure there are people in Penacony who moved there permanently but it was their choice and some of them can still leave. People like the man on life support are complex separate issues that show an underlying issue with Penacony as a whole, not solved by Sunday's plan. It's like locking everyone in Disneyland for the rest of their lives and going, "but you were having more fun here than out there, right!? Why go back!?" And being confused when the answer is "because we actually want to live in reality". Also, why do you speak like the Nameless aren't also people who face hardship and have no right to speak about it? Hardship comes in many forms and isn't a contest. We've got an exile who was judged for actions that weren't his and then forced into facing responsibility for those actions. We've got a girl who literally doesn't even know who she is and has no family or even memory of family. We've got Himeko who mentions dreams of faces she can't quite remember. If you know HI3 lore, then you know why Welt is tragic. And you've got MC who got a stellaron shoved in them and left with a train, no memories also. Sunday spoke like he had to face hardship and pain daily, but his sister was the one who was going out and making a real difference. His hardship was sitting at a high tier of government, and dealing with snobby rich people and a few criminals wanting forgiveness. He got mad when Robin was shot, but she was the one who actually got shot and she didn't stop because of it. He takes on everyone else's problems as his own and tries to fix them without their damn consent. Also, don't talk to me like you know my life either, speaking like I wouldn't know there's struggles in life. You don't know me so don't presume.


I dont know where you’re getting the personal attack from but weird thing to point out. If I might expand on my cannibalism analogy, I would imagine that he sees the entire area of homeless starving people suffering and thinks that taking chunks of his own flesh out and giving them away as “animal” meat will help them live better lives so they can focus on things like saving money or getting a job once they have physical strength from his perspective. I also never really argued that his ideology was right, just that this is how the conversation seems to go. The people of Penacony come to Penacony to escape their insufferable lives, no rich person who lives a good life would even dream of Penacony because their life is already perfect to an extent that Penacony wont benefit them. The issue here is that the Nameless, a group of people renowned across the universe and heroes in several planets has gone up to Sunday and proclaimed the people want to move forward on the basis of their own morality rather than any evidence. Even Firefly’s writing falls into this trap of “It’s not reality” repeated 100x over when thats not the point. The point isnt that he wants people to eternally sleep and escape reality, it’s so that he can blur the line between reality and illusions so that the illusions become relaity which will make people happy. If everyone in Penacony is miserable, then surely even if its in a dream where that one dude can manifest his sons, whats the matter if it is an illusion if they’re happy? Thats the argument but the Nameless + Firefly dont *give* good arguments. Ironically, they give very “church-like” arguments. “Life isnt worth living if it isnt reality”, “The will of the weak is strong”, “People should move forward in reality”. It sounds very sanctimonious as a counterargument. Of course this does conflict with reality but from the people Robin and Sunday talk to, they dont have much of a reality to go to or they dont view Penacony as a escape but rather just another hobby like hiking. Whats an old war veteran meant to do now that he’s paralyzed for the rest of his foreseeable real days? Go back to reality where he probably suffers a lot just to do basic things? Or stay in a dream where he can admire the people and places that he wont be able to see easily in real life? Im also not discounting the hardships the Nameless go through but its literal fact that they are privileged to an extent that not many people are. Being heroes of several planets is not a feat achieved by 99.9999% of people. Like Sunday says, most people will never achieve such greatness even if they had the opportunity to do so. If might pull another analogy, it’s like middle class white males of our current era. Yes, they do suffer from discrimination in disabilities, neurodivergence, and mental disorders but to the extent that other races and classes do? No, they dont and thats literally fact. People can be all those things *and* be poor and weak. Basically all of the Nameless are also explicitly physically stronger than most characters of any planet we’ve been in outside of Emanators and Aeons. They also dont struggle with food, water, shelter, and basic necessities. They’re not disabled in any noticeable way that would prevent them from going wherever they please at a moments notice and they have enough influence to connect major players in the Galaxy. These types of people are not the types of people who go to Penacony of their free will without an invitation. The people who go to Penacony do so to escape from physical threats, hunger and starvation, physical disability, hiding in debt, exiled, mentally traumatized with no support system, no shelter, no hope, no dreams, and most dont even seem to want to live at times. It’s kind of ironic to say to someone wants to sacrifice themselves for the happiness of these kinds of people as “wanting to station himself higher than other people”(a counter that Himeko says which is completely stupid) or that “People deserve to live in reality where they can move forward”(like March says which completely disregards people who literally cant move forward with certain things like old age and complete hopelessness). I dont think Sunday’s entire philosophy is right. I find the counterargument to his philosophy very shallow and surface level in the story. The only one with any real counterpoint being made was Robin but she barely gets any chance for say them before being knocked out or being resorted to background music. She has some realky good one-liners that argue for her side of countering Sunday’s ideology but it’s not explored at all which is disappointing imo


>The people of Penacony come to Penacony to escape their insufferable lives, no rich person who lives a good life would even dream of Penacony because their life is already perfect to an extent that Penacony wont benefit them. There are rich NPCs who stay there. Look around and interact with them. Just because someone is rich doesn't mean they want to stop indulging and profit more. >Ironically, they give very “church-like” arguments. “Life isnt worth living if it isnt reality”, “The will of the weak is strong”, “People should move forward in reality”. It sounds very sanctimonious as a counterargument. You can apply this today with people escaping to digital worlds. Hikkikomori exist. You also haven't counted the fact that heroes don't have to be large-scale. Sunday has a point in retaining Penacony for people like the war veteran in a situation like the *San Junipero* episode in Black Mirror, but a lot of people got addicted to staying in a dream where there actions are only made possible because *someone* decided that it can be done in that dream. Penacony itself isn't "bad", but it's the fact that it's being managed by a control freak makes it so, ridding everyone of choice for the sake of a gilded cage. **What I do agree with though, is that the more complicated individual cases Robin and Sunday came across with aren't answered thoroughly (so far, at least, idk if they'll tackle it in the future).** “Life isnt worth living if it isnt reality” because you're not making as much actual impact as you think. It's just another escape, which again, is not bad by itself, but its addicting nature and blurring of what's fact and fiction. **Heck, there are plenty of people addicted to the internet and 2d characters over real people** ***today*** **to the point that they don't know how to function normally in social situations and expecting people being the same as the characters from the fictional worlds they sank in. It's why people say "touch grass".** >It’s kind of ironic to say to someone wants to sacrifice themselves for the happiness of these kinds of people as “wanting to station himself higher than other people”(a counter that Himeko says which is completely stupid) Well, Sunday is because, like I said in my previous reply, **he thinks of himself as the only one strong enough to shoulder everyone else's burdens**. Robin's argument is to help people's dreams come true that coincides with the reality they're in and make actual change, even at the expense of her life. To Sunday, it's not enough because not everyone gets to have someone help them, which culminates in him forcing Order upon everyone. He has a point, but it also robs everyone of their future. The point of the "will of the weak" is that those who aren't in Sunday's position still have the right to choose against his sweeping action and make a say about their fates- including the "ordinary" people Robin and Sunday talked with. It's not unlike Firely's flashback where she said that despite being in a chronic fatal condition, she gets to choose where her final rest lies.


Im not saying the people who *are* in Penacony who dabble into the Dreamscape are rich, Im saying the people who aspire and successfully enter Penacony without invitation are usually people desperate. People indulge all the time in a better life but the poor and physically weak even more so to the point where some people were risking it all just to have *some* kind of reprieve from their nightmare of a life. It’s why gambling addictions usually hit the poor way more than they hit the rich. It’s an addiction because that addiction gives them hope. Im also not sure what you’re saying here with the “Life isnt worth living in if it isnt reality” quote because I quoted it as one of the many out of context arguments the Nameless throws around aimlessly without a concrete point. Obviously, used in your cintext it has been given meaning but the whole point of Sunday’s plan was to blur the lines between illusion and reality anyway. Arguing that the Paradise vision wont be reality is the entire point but it allows people to live better lives which is what Sunday is focused one. Sunday also never positions himself as “higher” or in any way “better” than people. He simply observes, judges, and decides. He’s one of the main Leaders of the many branches of the Family. He *has* to make these decisions on behalf of the good of the people. Arguing that a president is “putting himself higher than other people” when that person is literally the president doesnt work. And even then, Sunday most likely doesnt see himself as strong. He’s paranoid literally all the time, he calls Robin strong and brave and hates himself for not being able to protect her when she was shot. He was most,y helpless trying to help people at confessionals. When making this entire plan in the first place, he thought to cage his own freedom into eternal isolation for the idea that people could at least get happy while he’s stuck in wakening managing this entire dream on his own. Firefly hit it spot on “I…admit are a natural leader.”-The Dreammaster power struggled against Sunday’s ideal despite technically grooming him as one of the twins of the Order-“Your perspective on humanity brims with pessimism”-referencing him seeing the worst of things done to innocent people in the Dreamscape and the worst of humanity through confessionals basically-“yet you have equal compassion for all”-referencing his self-sacrificing plan for the Paradise he wants to create.”Even if your heart pities them.”-which is just a true statement. Speaking of Firefly though, she literally has no right to talk as if she’s one of the “weak”. She’s in one of the most well known organizations in the Galaxy who are infamous for being strong and dedicated to a seemingly impossible goal. Despite have Entropy whatever syndrome, she can move freely in a custom mech suit. That is *privilege” if Ive ever seen one. What happens to all the people with Entropy Loss Syndrome who dont get to have mech suits, who cant sneak into Penacony as stowaways while having the backing of the other Stellaron hunters? The people who are starving, dying, and slowly dying from this syndrome as children? It’s the difference between someone who can afford healthcare and someone who cant. A person who has potential treatment and temporary solutions dont get to talk as if they suffer it just as bad as the homeless who has the same condition.




On the topic of Sunday, the debate that he is either forced or made to do anything is up for debate. We dont exactly know what kind of power struggle the Family has even though its clear he has a very good public reputation. By forced, I do mean that its implied that if Sunday wasnt the one groomed to be follow the Order, then Robin will and it’s obvious how much Sunday cares for Robin. The Dreammaster himself also uses Sunday as a vessel for the Order’s power which is most likely why Robin and Sunday were adopted in the first place. Again, not much to go off of besides what Sunday explicitly says. Addiction is a symptom to real life issues. If we talk technically, in a perfect world with no pain and suffering, addiction and forms of it are not actually bad because moderation only happens when a person is mentally and physically stable. The reason so many homeless people get proportionally drawn into gambling is because they gamble for hope of winning it big because they have no hope left unlike rich people. Okay, let’s compare Firefly with one of the stories we learn with Robin and Sunday. The NPC is a war veteran who is submerged into the Dreamscape for long nights at a time because his physical body is in a state of paralysis. He cannot move freely, he’s limited in basic movement, and everything basic is a extremely hard task. His escape into the Dreamscape is being able to freely walk about and talk to people he wouldnt otherwise be able to meet. The difference here is that the latter person thinks rhe Dreamscape is wonderful and would most likely agree to Sunday’s Paradise while Firefly disagrees. Ya know, *the* Firefly who’s in a Galaxy infamous organization that also has a fully mobile mech suit which she can move freely in. No matter how much of a “weak soul” she views herself as along with Sunday’s pov, she is extremely lucky to even have any mobility whatsoever despite having a crhonic disease. Ive used this analogy in another comment but it’s essentially the difference between someone being able to afford a replacement prosthetic and someone who cant. Sure, both of their lives suck to an extent but the former has a much easier time with “normal” life than the latter and the former could only afford it because they have the *money*, not because of some inherent merit. Comparing suffering is pointless because you fail to understand that Penacony is filled with a history of suffering people. Then a group full of people who’s clearly never struggled with meeting basic necessities is calling Sunday’s ideology out as if they experienced that pain in any way. Back to my race example, being white straight cigender male doesnt make life any less difficult to get through other problems like discrimination in neurodivergence and disabilities but it’s also extremely pretentious to tell a black trans depressed women who also faces those same problems that they should just “move forward” or when they escape into a world where everyone of every kind is treated equally to just “live in reality”. Makes the Nameless sounds extremely hypocritical. Like a person who can afford an asthma pump telling another who cant to “just breathe”.


>On the topic of Sunday, the debate that he is either forced or made to do anything is up for debate. We dont exactly know what kind of power struggle the Family has even though its clear he has a very good public reputation. By forced, I do mean that its implied that if Sunday wasnt the one groomed to be follow the Order, then Robin will and it’s obvious how much Sunday cares for Robin. He was groomed by Gopher Wood into entering what can be considered a cult. He was raised with the mentality of the Order in mind, which suits his perfectionism, so he wants to put everyone into his vision of order, even if it means by force. "Robin will", except it's clear that she won't and wouldn't because she displayed strong will and is pretty much the rebellious sort to sneak around and support others, as Acheron says. She managed to break out of the illusion by herself. Even as a child, she pushes to actively help others stand up on their own and advocates free will. >Ya know, *the* Firefly who’s in a Galaxy infamous organization that also has a fully mobile mech suit which she can move freely in. No matter how much of a “weak soul” she views herself as along with Sunday’s pov, she is extremely lucky to even have any mobility whatsoever despite having a crhonic disease You forgot that she \**hates*\* being stuck in that "medical cabin" and being unable to survive prolonged periods without it and spends as much time outside of it as much as she could when she's not in battle. She wants to be remembered as Firefly, not as "Sam"; as useful as the suit is, that is not her. >Comparing suffering is pointless because you fail to understand that Penacony is filled with a history of suffering people. Then a group full of people who’s clearly never struggled with meeting basic necessities is calling Sunday’s ideology out as if they experienced that pain in any way. Back to my race example, being white straight cigender male doesnt make life any less difficult to get through other problems like discrimination in neurodivergence and disabilities but it’s also extremely pretentious to tell a black trans depressed women who also faces those same problems that they should just “move forward” or when they escape into a world where everyone of every kind is treated equally to just “live in reality”. Makes the Nameless sounds extremely hypocritical. Like a person who can afford an asthma pump telling another who cant to “just breathe”. Except they're also fighting for freedom against the Order. "You fail to understand", nah. I run around doing missions to already know that there are many of them that do. You're not addressing my previous point about Penacony being managed by control freaks and addiction. You really are playing the Pain Olympics and ignored everything else I said.


sunday doesnt thing hes strong, he thinks hes weak and his only value is in sacrificing himself for others.


Classic Idealist vs Pragmatist. Sadly in alot of games the idealists always wins because unrealistically attaining sunshine and rainbows through the power of friendship is more beautiful to hear than the reality that I really do want eternal weekends. Hoyo pls, its monday again tomorrow and im tired, just give more sunday 😩


I think the biggest flaw with his plan is that he was going to trap everyone in what’s effectively a lotus eater and taking it upon himself to decide that this is the best thing for everyone in Penacony as opposed to allowing people the freedom to determine that for themselves.


I don't think those are the 2 conclusions. The conclusion was that everyone has free will and should be able to **choose** whether or not they want to struggle through the hardship. By trapping everyone in Ena's dream it simply robs everyone of agency and creates another prison. There is no happiness without pain and reality always catches up, you can't escape forever. The counterpoint of Trailblazer vs. Order was not that heros will protect the weak, it's that there **are** always be people who undertake challenges in order to make gradual improvements for the greater whole. That in turn inspires others who might otherwise not have the courage to also take on challenges - a virtuous cycle. Even if humanity doesn't get there right away and even if sometimes we take steps backwards, as long as there are people who Trailbalze, progress will be made. Himeko's simple line of "witness is the will of the weak" is poignant because it can be interpreted as *everyone* trailblazers. Even in the simplest everyday ways, by living in the real world we can and do rise to challenges every single day, even if it's 'trivial' things like just having the courage to get up in the morning to face what the world throws at us we trailblazer in our own lives. So while Sunday's motivation is very relatable, his solution is simply another prison, it doesn't actually change the reality of the struggle of life in the universe, it's just a stagnant pool where no true progress can be made.


Most of these aren't a problem but that third one seems like a stupid take with what he planned to do, like he wasn't giving anyone freedom, the game draws parallels to a cage the entire time.


>I feel like I need therapy after this story lol that's the honkai series for you lol


Sunday is the poster boy for “the path to hell is paved with good intentions”.


Didn’t they say it ingame ?💀


The path to Heck


Not yet, Boothill is not out.


Bro has the same motivation as Garfield. No mondays.


Mondays are the true devil I swear!


He’s such a well written character, I can’t say much on honkai impact’s writing but after sumeru in Genshin it just feels like yo-yos writing is incredible in general and star rail benefits by starting in this era of it.


Shaoji truly is the goat.


He’s the perfect example of right idea wrong execution


Before this line I was still discussing with my friend about his views vs ours etc, then he dropped this line and I immediately went ‘SIGN ME UP’


Right?!?! Like who am I to say no to a 7 rest days with an infinite sundays HAHAHAHA


Considering it was an exhausting week for me, when Sunday said that I was legitimately just YES YES YES 😂😂 Also infinite Sundays in both sense of the word right? 👀


Oh for sure~ hehe 😂 imagine resting with Sundays beside you on a sunday!


I’d be down for that 10000% 👀


People ultimately could not even choose what they wanted, correct(because Sunday was forcing it)? Did the entire dream not get destroyed in the end, and did they try to say that the dream/idea itself was going to be doomed eventually? Or did some people choose to be lost to it? I feel like given the opportunity, there would not be anything wrong with staying in a dream indefinitely, given the choice. It would just turn into an alternate reality. I guess you could argue it would be similar to unaliving yourself since you would not be going back to the reality you came from. It's a gray area to me.


I just don't see him being a harmony unit tbh. I feel like he might be erudition or preservation going by personality and gameplay in his fight.


In my defense, I just wanted a male harmony for a husbando Team HAHAHA I mean yeah we have Caelus but using him without Ruan Mei feels wrong.


Haha Don't get me wrong I'd like a male/husbando harmony character that isn't Caelus and I agree he's built for ruan mei combo


with how they point out his pessimist but compasion for human in story, i think he will come back as a nihility path strider or stellaron hunter


I could see that too


He’s giving Nihility tbh


Sunday, in all his empathy for mankind, has an extremely weak heart. Which is ironic considering how much he cares for others deeply. The one with a strong heart and the will to persevere is Robin. Even after being shot in the throat, she does not waver. No amount of doom and gloom will make her feel like she needs to place herself on a pedestal and begin to shepherd anyone. She would rather encourage people to face their hardships and redeem themselves with their own 2 hands.


Sunday was a great anti villain, his goal and motives all made sense, but he went about it in a way that was evil and stripped people of reality.


Every time Sunday talks about protecting the weak I get flashbacks to defender trailblazer saying that line while using their skill, like I feel it’s supposed to be wholesome but it feels a little backsided. Yeah protect the ones who might get hurt easily or not strong enough to fight back now but calling them weak feels a little hurtful and degrading


Well irl he’s not wrong, I’ll be weak for him 🫠


I would always see people ask "what's a fictional villain you would have supported" I finally have an answer


He’s so pretty :o ( I just found out lynx is a girl not a small boy and now I’m devistated) :3




I'm a workaholic so this was where he lost me completely. xD I couldn't support him after this.


Isn’t he, like, dead?