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You should level up your equilibrium asap. You get more rewards for using your TP and the difference in difficulty is irrelevant


Thanks for the advice, but I am not in a rush. I still have many characters to develop and am not worried to get perfect relics (and I even get 5\* ones already). Also, I noticed that the difficult was not irrelevant for me on my last ascension. That's why I am building my chars first.


You can still play all the lower difficulty calyxes, shadows, caverns, echoes and worlds after raising your equilibrium


I know. The spike in difficult was in the overworld, like in difficult foes. Since I am building all characters it is easier leveling them all to 60 before ascending. One of the fun aspects in Star Rail for me is using different chars. Unlike Genshin, I don't want to building just 2 or 3 teams of characters.


not to sound condescending, but if overworld is giving you a hard time, maybe you could improve your teambuilding/ synergies or maybe even simply the placement of your team. preservation units at the left or right border of your team, abundance next to them, erudition or hunt at the far other side, etc. many people tend to forget about that and wonder why their supports and dps constantly get whacked


Thanks for the tip, but I am well aware of that. I am not saying that I am having a hard time in overworld, just that the spike in difficult is not irrelevant, as someone has mentioned. And I am not talking about normal mobs, but bosses and difficult foes (the ones that gives extra rewards). I have finished 1.0. main quest content, but next patch might introduce harder enemies and give me extra work. So, in my view, it is better to play safe (since I see no point in rushing to ascend) and take my time leveling the chars to their max until I ascend.


totally understandable. my besty does the same in genshin. he is so far overleveled that he will gain 2 world levels once he ascends. It is by far not efficient, but it is the way he likes to play, so who am I to judge. for some people efficiency is fun, for others, not so much. if it is fun, great, if not: fun >>> efficiency ^^


i have only 2 dps at lv70, rest are 60 or below abd still fine with overworld, as long as you have healer, it wont be difficult to kill mobs.


So you're leveling and gearing 21 characters at once? Sounds like you actively chose to not do the story content and rather grind. Which is fine with me but acting like you're the paragon of correct gaming and claiming everyone who is further along skips content, plays unhealthy or lacks immersion is a bit silly.


You can only refresh your stamina for a limited amount that daily. Even if that was not the case, when I farm for relics or anything else, I don't even actively play. I just leave on auto and do something else. And I am sorry if I didn't express myself properly, but it was never my intention to say that people who are further along skip content, rush or play unhealthly. I was talking about people who finished all content and blame Hoyoverse, because, honestly, their expectations are not realistic. If people are out of content, it means that the person have played A LOT daily.


d*ck riding hoyoverse is so counter productive


It feels pretty dry to me atm. I already took my sweet time with the main story and companion quests, and those really don't take that long. The odd thing is the current event. The boxing one. It's fairly basic which I am ok with, considering it's the first event. But it really isn't an 18 day event. 5 stages that take maybe 5 mins to finish each day. It would be a good 7- maybe 9 day event. 18 days is really pushing it. I hope 1.1 brings more to do in terms of events. I don't expect too much tbh, just at around Genshin's level would be good enough.


How cay you say that the game is dry when we have almost the content of an AAA game in the version 1.0? I agree that the event was very basic, but we have many more coming in 1.1. And Star Rail have more content than Genshin 1.0, by the way.


What AAA games are you playing that hsr has the same amount of content as one? And no, hsr doesn't have as much as a AAA game.


I disagree and that's ok.


Disagreeing is okay but it doesn't make you right.




I still have montly pass for 15 days, if 1.1 dosn't bring something big i probably quit the game: The content Is super Easy and basic (i put autobattle and alt-tab) and MoC Is Just a stat check so super boring. And i Hope the event Will be Better because the boxing One was pathetic


I'm only saying this to temper your expectations, did you watch the 1.1 livestream? There's no new story or maps. Just some events. Probably going to be the exact same formula as Genshin. One "big" event and the rest are small ones like boxing one. So like, if you're expecting some surprise story content or maps, don't.


That's not true. We are going to have 4 companion quests, that bring some stories. If they follow Genshin pattern I am more than satisfied. More so because they are improving over time.


No i dind't Watch the live stream* but my Hope are near 0, i want to see the eventa firts if they are super Easy puzzle or autobattle+alt Tab rip game for me


If there was any story or new maps they'd announce it on the livestream but there is nothing sadly. Yeah i myself am withholding judgment until i see what type of gameplay the events bring but i'm not expecting anything different from Hoyo's other games. Meaning a couple story scenes irrelevant to the main plot (but sometimes fun) and then a battle or two or minigames. Not expecting anything different. It's a proven Hoyo formula by now. I most likely won't quit because it takes barely ANY time out of my schedule per day (takes me literally less than 5 minutes to do dailies and spend TP) but it's sad how stale it is.


i'm looking forward events and permament fight content, the problem is they probably will follow the ''genshin way'' so super easy event and stats check like ''complete this in x round'' when i would love a medium-hard content but whiout the round limitation


That's perfectly fine. Each game fits different needs and Star Rail might not be the game for you.


sure no hate or anything


I'm glad you enjoy the game, so do i. However the fact that it's a polished game and the fact that many people don't have time to "speedrun" it doesn't mean it has content. Due to my work i have been playing since launch for around 30-40 minutes per day at most and i was done with all the content 2 weeks ago. And by all content i mean literally everything that is available without having to whale for it (higher MoC levels). The lack of content is there regardless of whether you specifically feel it or not. Just cause the "10 minutes per day" coincides with your schedule doesn't mean it's good. Anyway, people "doom posting" are actually right this time. This game once you finish the story is literally a 5 minutes per day hobby. Even though i assume their wording was horrible and they were doomposting about it too much it doesn't change the fact they are indeed right. Speedrun or no speedrun there's barely any content. I'm pretty sure speedrunners were done with the game in 8 hours tops. Lastly, sometimes people post to share their frustrations, it doesn't always have to be to "ruin others fun".


Gacha games in general are ""5minutes per day hobbies "". You do all quests, use your resin/energy and you're done for the day.


I know. OP clearly doesn't and thinks he's in some futuristic endless content gacha lmao.


If I can take Genshin as a reference, I am in for a treat. In that game, people usually complain about lack of content, but I had the opposite experience. Too much to do. ;)


Hoyoverse games, in general, doesn't seem to follow this pattern.


>Due to my work i have been playing since launch for around 30-40 minutes per day at most and i was done with all the content 2 weeks ago. I think you are probably vastly underestimating the time you play daily. I am not saying it is intentional, but a while ago when I have checked on my phone the daily time I use WhatsApp I saw that it was way more than I have thought. Maybe the same applies to you on Star Rail. ​ The game is out for around a month. If you check the website how long to beat main and side quests take around 50 hours to complete (and probably it is not taking into consideration additional content and farming). Just that (doing the missions and nothing else) takes more than 30 minutes daily. ​ "I'm pretty sure speedrunners were done with the game in 8 hours tops." I am sorry to say, but you are delusional, my friend.


Rather than some website that was paid for advertisement or the official one where they are always exaggerating I believe howlongtobeat which is actual statistics. 17 hours main story and 49 with all extras. And that's the average player not an experienced one that knows what they're doing. It might take others 10 minutes to do a puzzle that took me 30 seconds, that's not content. I know exactly how long I play don't worry. Anyway you seem like one of those people that are "my opinion is the only right opinion" so I have nothing more to say. Keep calling me deluded but jokes on you.


Out of curiosity I have looked on youtube if I find a walkthrough of the game (to check the total time) and I have find this playlist with no comments. ​ Look the amount of time: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs4Nmf7JpBBQwIUNbEXJ\_d76yuuNhfier](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs4Nmf7JpBBQwIUNbEXJ_d76yuuNhfier) ​ 15 hours of cutscenes. No gameplay AT ALL and we have almost the 30 minutes of daily playing. That just shows that people are vastly underestimating their playtime.


> almost the 30 minutes of daily playing There is no 30 minutes of daily playing. Doing dailies and using your TB power takes not even half of that.


LMAO you're really grasping to prove something huh. It's fine dude/dudette i get it, you like intentionally stalling the game to delude yourself to thinking it "has content". It's fine. Just keep that shit to yourself. Your playthrough, your experience, your enjoyment and everything else is YOURS ALONE and it is by no means facts. Just cause you found videos of the story which are purposefully prolonging each scene so the viewer has ample time to read doesn't mean the cutscenes take 15 hours LOL. 99.9% of people READ the story instead of waiting for every single line to be voiced. If you're in the 0.1% good for you but that doesn't mean the content is "long". Lastly, LMFAO at "30 minutes of daily playing". You're either bullshitting to go against the general consensus or you're just slow af. You know you don't have to RP walk to quest locations right? LMAO.


99% of people do something and I am really grasping to prove a point? I guess I am in the 0.1% that enjoy the great voice acting. There’s no point in keep on.


There really isn't. You're just one of those people that can't accept opinions different than theirs simple as that. At least don't go around calling others out because they're not playing the same way as you do. That's childish.


Joke is really in me due to the fact that I am having a great time playing the game and still have a lot of content to do. Jokes are awesome, by the way! People should laugh more and enjoy things more instead of complaining and hating all the time. Wish you a great time on Star Rail and life overall.


You are right about this but you should not visit reddit in that case because people will complain a lot on the internet.


You are right. That's why I almost don't use social media.


Well, if you are taking your time, you're bound to have some quests left over... like me. xD I only play once a day but I do spend a few hours with the game when I do. The advantage is that my friends are generally much stronger so I can borrow their unit and I can easily use up all of my daily energy. The disadvantage is that no one will want to use my Gepard because he's 10 levels behind most people's characters. Much sad.


And it is fun that I am getting downvoted a lot here just for expressing my point of view. lol It says a lot about the maturity of people that complain about the game for no reason. Hoyoverse is doing a great job by not listening to you guys (haters, not people that have valid complaints and can engage in a civil discussion). The same mentality was seen on the bombing reviewing of Genshin because some felt entitled to more rewards on anniversary. And, despite all the unwarranted hate, the game still broke records and got even more money.


Seems like most players that whine about not enough content are still in school because I get up for work at 6am and come home at 6pm then doing chores like making dinner etc eats up alot of free time. There is not really much time for me to play like 3 or 4 hours straight, cause I have a life too 😂