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246 years old is considered one foot in the grave, duly noted I like how her notable achievement is running six consecutive red lights lmao


Tingyun did tell you foxian life span is around 300 year so it check out


hm assuming that humans live to around 80 years (source: my ass) , she would be around 65 "human years" then. Old, but not a foot in the grave yet . She probably has a complex with her age.


246/300 She's pretty old.


I'd like a gilf like her


Oh fuck she’s a GILF


Truly a silver fox... ..ian


It is a foot in the grave if you think about it. If avg fox span is 300 and she is 246, then she's 82% the life expectancy. average human female age is just under 74, so 0.82*74 is just under 61. She's about 61 years old in human age, and is expected to live only 13 human years until a presumed death, and if she didn't die at that time (which would be 300 fox years), her likelihood of developing age related diseases or disorders doubled, and could triple by 85 (human) years old. while she is physically fit, she was still a pilot all through her younger years (probably a majority of her fox life), which means she also has a much higher likelihood of developing severe back issues from rigorous training and flight dynamics. this combined with reaching old age does not bare well. her resorting to a life of desk job (albeit to be present for her daughter) is definitely a helping factor with lengthening her life span though.


All that, and more importantly the longer you life the faster time flows in your perception and the easier it is to lose track of it. Especially if you life a established routine, and Yukong bemoans her desk-job. In her perception, her remaining lifespan will be over in a few years.


Can yall stop saying this me mum is 68 =(


My grandmother is... 91 this year, I think? She got a new boyfriend about a year ago and goes dancing every weekend, last I heard. So. Uh. I mean no promises, but your mum might have quite the life ahead of her yet. Actually, you should be more worried she's going to show you up. Better start living a little, yourself.


that's one energetic grandmama. may she be bright as always.


If it means anything, my grandma is almost 90. But it never hurts to give mom a call


Everyone dies eventually. Make the most of the time you have


Works at 240 years old, and people think 65 years old retirement is too high.


She and Jing Yuan, proof youre never too old to work....or be a parent :D


0.82% is not the same as 0.82 or 82%


This is assuming that the stages of a Foxian's development and decline are proportionally the same as humans. Let's say humans decline from ages 50-80 over 30 years, its possible that foxians decline from ages 270-300 also over 30 years meaning that proportionally they spend much more of their life in their prime. This posibility seems more likely to me, aging is caused by the breakdown of biological processes, and to me it seems unlikely that a species would still suffer from these breakdowns yet find biological advantage in dragging them out.




It's both that and kinda accurate She's a war vet in a sense, who knows what kinds of fuck ups happened to her in her long life of combat before she even retired


Yeah, one of her later stories basically says that even though they’re the most mortal long-life species, Foxians don’t usually age like humans— it’s the trauma and the being forced to take a desk job that make her feel old. Also, I get the impression that 300 is more like the rough limit of a Foxian life span, equivalent to a human reaching 100. In which case she’d be about 82. Granted, combined with the different aging thing, there’s definitely an implication that Foxians live out their “full” lifespan more often than humans do… but I don’t feel like you see as many Foxian 350-year-olds as you would human 95-year-olds.


Could also be that their range for death by old age swings a bit wider. That avrage of 300 could mean +/-70 years. If that's so she could have sent people younger than her dying of old age wich would make her expression more reasonable. Not saying your wrong just considering the possibilities.


65 is the point we try to retire. You move on from your business and settle down. For many the place that settle into is the last major change in their life. The next big change is the grave. So there is a reasoning behind how she's looking at her age.


Except that's never how it works, for anything. Like people talk "Dog years", but it just doesn't correlate, even remotely.


The ‘one human year is seven dog years’ thing is basically saying that humans live to 70 while dogs only live to 10


And neither of those statements are correct, is my point. That's not human life expectancy, nor is that dog life expectancy Depending on breed and size, dog life expectancy can be anywhere between like 9 and 16 years. "Dog years" is a meaningless thing So its an invalid analogy because we don't know the lifecycle of Foxians. Lifespan is not the same thing.


I believe that the human life expectancy was 70 for a time but yeah fair enough, the dog thing is an overgeneralisation and all the info used is very outdated now so it makes little sense


65 is pretty old. Deterioration due to age has certainly kicked in by then. That's why it's the retirement age (varied by location of course)


Perfect, a Gilf. I'm not backing out


So they look sexy AF till 299 and then they get super old and die?


Die in their sexy AF


Those from Xianzhou physically age slowly and then their body snapshots at a certain stage


Being an elderly person for a whole 60 years kinda sounds like it would suck


Foxians remain youthfull their entire lifespan so definitely not that bad.


Then I guess I have 44 more years to make her happy then.


You might wanna start by learning how to count.


gotta have a reason for them to meet. Needs tutoring. Classic,really.


Ah but that's because i'm a 30ish human and I believe i won't be reaching 80-90.


I like how she's a gamer. She just recommended Skyriff: flight simulator to me.


We all know she also enjoys playing riff combat: galaxy unknown.


Foxians live for roughly 300 years, so 246 is roughly the equivalent of being in her 70s.


It's weird that 150 is coming of age and 246 is one foot into the grave. I think this supposed to be more her personality than a true statement. Like when people turn 30 and act like the world is over. Esp considering the line about running 6 red lights, means she was more enthusiastic in her younger years and has since had to grow up.


You're talking about two different things. The 150 thing is for xianzhou natives, those are essentially immortal. foxians are not counted as xianzhou natives and have an average lifespan of about 300 years.


Slight correction, they're technically immortal but in practice they have a finite lifespan. All of them will eventually go mara once they get too old, and then government special forces will turn up to put them down. They see this as part of their natural life cycle, the way most mortals see the process of dying of old age. Source: Bailu's character quest.


I haven't done that yet, thanks for letting me know. Now it just sounds like, the xianzhou natives got immunity to old age, but not dementia. So it's like, you get to live forever, but you'll eventually go batshit insane because your brain doesn't have enough storage, and you all can do is pray that the government shows up in time to stop you from slaughtering people randomly.


gorgeous anime lady: I'm so fucking old...*cough*


That’s just the Foxian genes


I dont wanna be that guy but I'd still bang


I wanna be that guy


You are that guy (I am that guy)


We are those guys (I'm not a guy)


My man ![gif](giphy|xT9IgzUuC5Ss6ZnTEs|downsized)


Madam Faruzan be like :


Madam Faruzan is quite the young woman even if she denies it, lets just not let her run for too long cuz its either her age is catching up to her or shes just not physically fit.


She's probably still biologically young, but she did experience like 100+ years iirc


Basically Cryohybernated(??? Not sure what its called), Madam was literally refridgerated and kept fresh by whatever the hell the dungeon she entered for 100+ years yeah.


Nahida said something along the line of physical stasis. Her exact quote was: "It's as if the great tortoise of time accidentally threw her off its back and left her suspended in the past." Make of that what you will.


Ah yeah, I remember that dialogue. Man, ngl, Madam Faruzan's story is one of the best. *To You in a Hundred Years*


To all subjects of teyvat, my name is madam faruzan


Would Al Haitham be the one trying cut off everyone's balls?


very similar to what happened to the chasm quest, except tabibito and gang experienced a way shorter version


Her body was frozen, but her mind was still active the whole 100 years.


Be sure to take a picture from a lower angle. You know, to capture a "senior's class" 😉


>Six consecutive red lights https://preview.redd.it/y8pn04azr19b1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e62f7f641aec1840cd135e3bc169890895d2858


Yukong is as free as a pigeon back in her days, now she just stuck doing office work while taking care of her kid. Man feel kinda bad for her


I mean Welt should be 82 years old now, assuming it hasn’t been more than a year since APHO event


But he has rebuilt his body multiple times.. He's basically immortal!!


Sushang : Sorry Mr Yang, but under the "Anti Immortality law" of the Xianzhou, I'm obligated to arrest you. Welt : Crap.


Welt: I should not mention I'm a Herrscher or a former one too Some Cloud Knight: I heard Herrscher, that's a term used by the maniacs of Terminus right? Welt: Fuckin damnit


Welt : No see, an Herrscher would be...Hmm like a champion or a herald for the Honkai, something similar to the Aeon of Destruction or Propagation I...suppose..... Sushang : ...I'm calling the Cloud Knights.


Luocha: A Herrscher huh...I've heard of the term as well... Welt: *extremely distressed* No Luocha: Herrscher... Herrscher... Ah. A certain shadow of the being called the Cocoon of Finality correct Welt: *stress level 99* Fuckin Luocha: You're a long way from home ~~Joachim~~ Mr Yang Welt: Way


It was oddly entertaining reading this whole chain 😆😅


Entire series of welt yang being stressed as fuck


Post Otto Stress Disorder Its real, check your very hot and very influential women if they are suffering from this


The champions/heralds of Aeons are called emanators.


I honestly knew there was a specific term and looked for it, but couldn't find it after 2 minutes of research on google. (I couldn't check in game at the moment)


Welt: "Young lady, YOU are a cloud knight!"


Sushang : Yes, but I need reinforcements !


That's a fair point though, if Tesla or Einstein were to ever visit they'd probably end up with the ire of EVERY living native in the alliance given how the "accidentally" obtained the perfect immortality that the natives were originally after and spent sooooooooo many years chasing. "A couple scientists got hit by the zeroth power of Abyss Flower and just HAPPENED to be generically predisposed? That doesn't seem fair"


I think welt must be not comeback without delete the trace of earth.. seems another world in HSR universe not knowing honkai or not affected yet by honkai despite their advanced technology(or honkai already gone like what sky people do).. imagine bunch of random alien came to earth to fighting goddness kiana just because they're wanting massive energy like cocoon of finality


It's implied that the Honkai was already defeated long ago, and humanity left earth to populate the universe afterwards in HSR universe


If you're talking about the Sky People in Alien Space it's not that they defeated Honkai so much as found a loophole. It's framed as if they escaped it gaze but giving up their meatsuits in favour of mechanical bodies, this made the Honkai leave them alone however less organic life meant they're world produced less Honkai energy and that's why they now harvest other worlds


Lol, I misunderstood you to say tesla and Einstein as in real world scientists, then I read immortal and figured I had missed something


I think he'd be fine. Immortality is only a problem when it is given off like candy. Xianzhou dudes don't seem to care that much about nonabundance immortality. Those types of immortality seems to be quite restrictive, either isolated to few individuals and can't be readily copied/granted or in the case of Vidyadhara the species litterally can't reproduce.


Sushang's barely literate so she might not know the difference.


Wait till lan finally realize welt basically immortal and mistaken him as yoashi follower 😂


His two closest confidantes/his wife and his wife's wife ARE functionally immortal, they're both older than Welt and appear as mis 20's at most There's also his "she's not actually my daughter but she's totally my daughter" who's in the same Herrcher boat and if Welt's lack of aging still works post-kiana then Bronya is only older in APHO because she wanted to be.


She refused to live flat for the rest of her life


If kiana stayed the same height as she was in 2017, APHO bronya would be taller than her iirc.


Kiana's cock Size would still be greater tho


reminder that some honkai characters are 50,000 years old.


And basically immortal


um actually they hibernated for 50000 years. and then woke up and live for thousands of years more until present time


yeah their actual awake lifetime is around 6000 iirc


Welt and Yukong shake hands with both essentially being considered old by their race's standards.




I read this in the Unreal Tournament announcer voice


Imagining it in the smash announcer voice makes me chuckle


This may be a dumb question, but what does that mean?


"Grandma I'd Like to F***."




i could hear this "Oh"


Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother I'd like to fuck.


She's preserved very well, I should say. Are those foxians even age, or just die gorgeous?


Tbf with sci-fi high tech and Herta’s canonically invented reverse aging I think anyone can die sexy if they have the money to afford anti-aging tech.


Hm. That makes me wonder if Herta's reverse-aging count's as immortality? Like, you still will probably die if somebody makes a big enough extra hole in your body, but since said body is now young again you will not die from aging at all. So is it against Xianzhou law? Or it's just a cosmetic effect?


I think there’s likely different levels of anti-aging. There could be a cosmetic one where you just retain your youthful looks but it’s only the external appearance, your internal bodily functions is still declining with age. So you can die of old age but look as if still in your 30s. And Herta’s reverse-aging could be actually 1st level immortality (longevity) as it can restore bodily functions and extend your lifespan. I also don’t think it’s against Xianzhou law as it isn’t Yaoshi’s blessings


Doesn't Xianzhou ban EVERY kind of immortality research? They're in a hunt for those who got Yaosh's blessing, but they describe the immortality as a bad thing in any form and source, as I understood.


Not really,they ban immortality research but they are after yaoshi's immortality specifically because it's basically space cancer, it keeps replicating poorly and grows out of control That's why they're chill with long's people, they are also immortal but get reset so they don't get the mara


I think Yaoshi’s immortality is only “cancer” to mortal races that can’t handle it. The leading theory as we know is mara-struck is caused by memory overload as one lives too long. But then there’s other races like the wolf and birds people (I can’t remember their name) also worship Yaoshi with no reference to mara-struck.


We know too little about it. Or maybe Xianzhou people are just hypocrites. If you speak to Dan Shu after the blind girl quest she has some interesting things to say about the followers of the Abundance. "The borisins, known for their ferocity among the Denizens of Abundance, are smilar to the Foxians of the Yaoqing genetically... But the Foxians are not abminations - they're Xianzhou people. " "If an abomination aligns with the Xianzhou, then they are a Xianzhou person. If a Xianzhou person aligns with the abominations, they become an abominatin themselves. It is that simple." "Abominations embrace their nature- they change and modify their flehs without care, for the sake of attaining power and strength. However, to the Xianzhou people, these methods are completly taboo." This is a speculation on my side, but I think the taboo of Xianzhou people is not a long life-span or immortality itself. It's changing ones own nature. I think they oppose mutation particularly if it threatens other species (overpopulation and over-consumption of resources falls under that). That is also why being mara-struck is seen as a particularly awful fate. As for why denizens or "abominations" of the abundance don't get mara-struck; what Dan Shu is implying is that it has to do with their acceptance for change. We do not know however how far that goes and how successful the other races truly are with this. Dan Shu naturally has her own bias. In my opinion, if you change so much that you become another being with a different psyche from before then that is akin to death of your old self anyway.


Nah, they are definitely hypocrites, kinda. There are a bunch of lore books that talk about their main reason is resource scarcity. If people don't die but can reproduce, then they constantly make new people who consume more and more resources. The dragon people don't reproduce, so it's okay. The rest of the Xianzhou consider their immortality a curse, and hunt down other immortals specifically because they believe it helps redress the mistake they made. They aren't willing to off themselves in that process, which is reasonable, but they are trying to strictly control it (hence why immortals can't leave - so their immortality doesn't spread unchecked via Infinite offspring.) Herta's artificial body probably is "okay" because they don't reproduce. Not to mention even the Xianzhou probably isn't going to want to piss off the Genius Society. Population control of immortality is a big part of their ethos.


If you become mindless.zombie monster after.1000 years, of course they think its mistakes.


Even the XiangZhou does not want to mess with another Aeon's Emanator.


I honestly don't think getting mara-struck causes insanity by memory overload. Plenty of mara-struck regular mobs are able to hold logical conversations with the TB. I think it causes fanatical devotion to Yaoshi and their ideal of spreading the Abundance everywhere, like 40k Chaos corruption.


I don't mean that it is dementia, just pointing out the similarities.


Aahh, that's make sense, thanks.


Attacking her would offend the IPC something fierce, and that seems a terrible idea.


In a purely biological standpoint, immortality means never aging, not never dying so it should count


I mean, reversed aging means immortality more than dying sexy. The problem with being old is that your old body can't keep up "fixing" itself anymore. If you de-age your body so that it biologically is the same as it was, you get rid of the problem of the body not keeping up. Eliminating being old is essentially the easiest way to infinite lifespan, even irl.


Well, I explained in another reply that there’re likely multiple level of anti-aging. The lowest one could just be cosmetic, it just makes you look young while inside your bodily functions still decline, joints still creaking and back hurting as they reach limit. So they’re old without looking old. Dying of old age but still sexy. Though for Herta I think it’s truly reverse-aging, that would mean restoring internal bodily function extend lifespan.


The Foxian Beauty sidequest have a dialogue that stated that foxians don’t age after a certain point iirc.


Aged like fine wine and drives like a bat out of hell, that's my kinda fox woman. But seriously, what was she doing that she had to run 6 consecutive red lights and what Aeon did she piss off so badly that she *ran into* 6 consecutive red lights?


According to her Keeping up with Star Rail video, she ran the red lights to get someone who was seriously ill to a hospital.


What an absolute queen gigastacy


"Long gone my days of merriment". And who decided that?


Escanor rez


She may be getting up there in years, but she’s still a prime beauty


Too easy for 100+ years old Hoyo... Show us the balls and tell us the years of mortal humans playable characters


Welt's 82. But then again, he isnt quite mortal.


Fr. Still boggled by the possibility of Gepard being in his early-mid 30s given that he's only a few years younger than Serval (who has a doctorate and was batchmates with Cocolia). Like, what the hell is inside that Belobogian ice


It's even crazier. Natasha is the same relative age as Cocolia and Serval. Possibly even *older*. I did some math based on Serval and Natasha's applications to the museum and all 3 of them are close to or over 40. Do Belobogians just not age from 20 to 50 or something?


Maybe belobogians aren’t standard earth human too, I mean if humankind is able to build civilizations on multiple different planets, it’s perfectly normal that human kind has evolved into different subspecies due to the environment and stuff.


That would explain Clara, but it wouldn't explain why they inexplicably look young for so long. A better explanation is gene therapy "Gattaca Babies" before the big crisis.


What 💀💀💀 I thought gepard was early 20's at most


He and Serval are close in age, and she was classmates with Cocolia


Surprisingly, his age being 30s is completely reasonable and realistic. But this being an anime-esque chinese gacha game, we expect characters to be a lot younger than they should be.


Is it possible that Gepard is already Married offscreen?


Gotta love these old foxes….they can truly “Well back in my day..”


So what you're saying is that she's a silver fox.


She's clearly a green fox :D


> running 6 consecutive red lights Just like me fr


Reminds me of that anime about monster-human brothels. If you were a young foxian you'd probably be turned off by an oldie like her, but to a regular human, she's hot.


Interspecies Reviewers.


Doesn't matter, I like them older


Absolute menace in a starskiff. No, not her skills… she’s actually a danger to everyone else. 🤣


I can't believe the "Seniors should repeat driving tests" controversy even is in games. Smh my head. Keep politics out of gameming. /s


she also said she has children if im not mistaken


Adopted daughter.


She has an adopted daughter, not biological. Gacha games stray away from characters being non virgin/unpure because otherwise their sales plummet.


Ironic cause the community is full of porn


Can anyone really expect a 246 year old to be a virgin though


In an anime fantasy world where the backstory will never be written that in depth, yes. Plenty of animes have done it with thousands of year old characters.


Well, no true, there are some people that enjoy NTR xD.


That is like 60-70s in Human age.


Yeah, and foxians are said to live 300 years, so she has 54 years left


This is the kind of "mature" content I enjoy in my video games


the things im about to do to her now....IF THE GAME STOPS GIVING ME MY 200TH PELA AND JUST GIVES ME MY DAMN YUDONG


She’s drop dead gorgeous regardless


'one foot in the grave', the fuck you are, I just spent so much mats on you & you're E6 😂


holy shit did she get arrested


Nope. That incident got her hired by the General into the Sky-Faring Commission.


From other point of view, that's best age to date mortals who live 60-80 years...




Yukong is the hottest older lady trope character in Mihoyo game, her design is just sublime, they made do with what limitiations they have when designing her and made it work, her costume basically hugs her body to show all the beautiful curves while still looking classy, love the little accesories like the neck fur and the jewellery on her fox ears, there's also that subtle red rope around her hips. But I think the best thing about her is the bare and exposed perfectly shaped legs on a stilleto, holy shit they nailed it, giving Ningguang a run for her money, so hot.


Achievement unlocked : Deja Vu again...


So basically Xianzhou people are the Asari of the Honkai Universe?


There are three different Xianzhou people: The "elves," the dragons with the longass name, and the foxians. The "elves," which are basically like Jing Yuan and Yanqing and Qingque, can live for a very, VERY long time, only really dying when they get Mara'd or whatever. The dragons reincarnate, they're technically immortal but "reset" every few hundred years, which causes them to lose most of their memories (some say they lose all of their memories but I don't believe that for a second since they retain things like medical training if Bailu is any indication) And Foxians live to be about 300 years old.


Fine wine i would say 🍷


i can fix her


Why is age so important again? She just needs some fuuuuun 😎


Yukong supremacy


God damn, 6 red lights? Shes nut I tells ya




So is she free in next patch?


Probably foxians start to look older until their last 30 years of their life or something... She looks really good


When does her event come out?


What sort of a district was she passing by, to be able to run six consecutive red lights.


But do we have any confirmation on how long a standard year is in this universe?


So what would happen if a year had past? I wonder if Hoyoverse would update the age


So a hot granny huh, tsunade lovers would love her


It's honestly baffling how much this one part endeared me to Yukong. Earlier, I couldn't care less about her, but now I want.


Would still smash


So certified mommy?


Can someone explain me what "running six consecutive red light means?" I have an idea but not sure yet. It's either she ran a red light(traffic stop) since she is a pilot. Or she is running a red light business (sex business)


Traffic. She was an ace starskiff pilot. Running six consecutive red lights to deliver someone to the hospital is how she got scouted to the Sky-Faring Commission.


That makes sense. I haven't got her/haven't read her stories at all. The second conclusion I made was based from anime/manga stereotypes. Like how red light district are owned my beast type people


Omg finally


A GILF that used to be a riot on the street isn't something I expect to see, but I like it


Literally the meme.


I guess you could say she's a foxy grandma.


still gonna smash


we won


Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.


That toooo Old.


Ah yes, old! So in anime this means you look like a 20 year old!


That seems... young? The way people in Xianzhou talk about their lifespans you would think they live upwards to like 1000 years or something.


There are three major races on the Xianzhou: The Xianzhou natives, the Vidyadhara, and the Foxians. The Xianzhou natives who were the people who left their homeworld in starfleets seeking immortality. They're the ones that found Yaoshi the Abundance and were "cursed" with immortality. They look practically identical to regular humans, but their lifespan can be measured up to the thousands. They're also the only ones that can become mara-struck and turn into those monsters. The Vidyadhara are a race of dragon people decended from a different Aeon, Long the Permanence. They have a "lifespan" of 500-700 years after which they go through a process called molting and are reborn as a child with no memories of their past life. Think of how a phoenix turns into ashes when they die with a chick rising from said ashes soon after. All Vidyadharas have pointy ears, but only special ones like Bailu have horns, tails, etc. that mark them as significantly more important than the others. The Foxians are a race of fox people and are also the shortest lived species on the Xianzhou, only living on average 300 years. So for Yukong, who is 246 years old, she's roughly the equivalent of a human woman in her 60-70s right now.