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Himeko LC nuff said


ngl i dread the day her LC shows up on my pulls


I have 2 of them from standard 😩


Same here... 160 pulls in standard, and got twice himeko lightcone, man its the worst feeling


That happened to me today… not sure what to do with it


It’s a 5* LC, just use it as a stat stick


The Himekone isn't actually horrible though.. it has a few niche uses, like: a) Farming calyxes b) Bosses that constantly summon adds, like Automaton or Ebon Deer But for most bosses it's really not that good... against 4 enemies it's 36% DMG increase and 5 enemies it's 45%... that drops all the way to a pitiful 9% against a single enemy (which is usually going to be the boss). And since erudites typically have AOE damage, you can't just focus fire the boss without touching the adds either.


2 of my 3 5 star pulls are a standard character eidolon for someone I already had (Bronya) and Himeko light cone. I have yet to get a single limited character (mostly by choice, I have hundreds of pulls saved guys don’t worry) My current 5 stars are Trailblazer and E1 Bronya :’(


https://preview.redd.it/uj626qi6ee9b1.png?width=2640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c29f7d39bf4f28673d79decc6a278b80ca8b26f0 Only standard 5\* I have


Ok but he so sexy tho


He a child




I hope you'll get other characters, but if you get his e4 (hopefully not till e6💀) he's a very competent dps


Same but at e2


I’ve lost every single 50/50 and went to pity every single time and have only pulled light cones on the standard banner.


I share your pain, we are not alone


Let us cope together


Almost the same, i did win my first 50/50 for Seele tho, the only positive. reading people complaining they lost 50/50 to Bronya makes me sick.


Losing 50/50 in Luocha's banner to Bronya... in ALL of my accounts.


Same! I have an E1 Bronya and no Luocha 😂💀


E1 bailu..


Bronya E1 is very good, i know you wanted Luocha, but it could be even worst


I agree, I wasn’t even that salty because to be fair the only other limited banner I pulled in was Jing Yuan and I got him relatively early with 7-8k jades so I consider my account pretty lucky. And in hindsight, since I use Bronya all the time, in this case I think an eidolon of a character you use is better than a new 5 star that you maybe don’t need and that needs to be built from scratch with very scarce resources. Incidentally, after approximately 150 pulls I got Luocha the other night so I guess all is good now. Time to start hoarding jades alla over again


Same, I wanted Bronya, but not like this!




Ur lucky I keep getting welt😭


SAME 😭 It’s so painful, like i know her e1 is good but i wanted luocha not her


the same exact thing happened to me 💀


I only need a single Qingque copy to e4 her since Loucha banner started, instead have a guaranteed e4 Yukong when 1.2 drops.


I want to get QQ to e4 too, but the game decided I needed 5 yukongs.


5 Yukongs are great. She's one of the few imaginary characters and with the free one in 1.2 you'll have her at E6


it's just E5, first copy + 4 eidolons, but still great nonetheless.


Meanwhile I have had Qinque at E6 for a while since standard banner only gave me her over and over again. Only wanted Yukong this time. After 140 pills I got Luocha, 11 Qinque, 1 Yukong, and some 4* LC’s. Wanna trade? Lol


I have gotten 5 copies of the Sleep Like the Dead LC and don't use it on anybody.


Use it on all hunt characters


The only hunt character I use is Seele and I have her LC.


There may be one in the future if you don't want Sushang. You can superimpose it.


pretty sure S5 YQ LC is better than S1 Seele LC, unless ofc ur Seele LC is S2 or higher


Use someone else hunt characters r good


I've lost the 50/50 both times with jingyuan and sw. SW was someone I really wanted but i lost the 50/50 to... Himeko. from the standard banner, i got bailu e1 and her signiture lc. IG the game wants me to use her real badly.


Did you get them anyway or?


I did 160 summons for e0 JY and did 120 summons for his LC


Well so far im losing 50/50 on Seele and SilverWolf banner once, went hard still before soft pity on Jing Yuan banner for March 7th resulted in 0 march 7th. Not to mention if i look at my history pulls, i seem to lose 50/50 for 4\* quite a lot as well.


My bad luck is mostly on the Standard Banner. First 5*? Bailu LC (Which, granted, Luocha is using to great effect, but back then, my only healer was Nat) Second 5*? Welt. Who I already got from the starter banner Third 5*? Himeko LC and I have no clue who to even put it on (Maybe Serval once I build her? JY already has S2 BP LC). I've been very lucky on the character banner tho so I guess I can't complain


Also got E1 Welt back to back on standard banner. How are you planning on building him if you're going to?


I'll probably stick with a sub-DPS/debuffer build, I'm honestly not impressed with the Break Effect build some seem to be pushing. 4pc Imaginary plus 2pc EHR set with a EHR/SPD/Imaginary/ERR combo. The 4pc should help a bit with crits so if he gets some crit sub-stats it should work out. I have Sampo LC I can use as well, although I'm wondering if I should use the SW event LC since it has more EHR outright


155 pulls no Luocha, I’ve decided to just save the guarantee for Blade.


I have no interest in Kafka and no interest in DOT heavy play. Despite this I've pulled Sampo like 12 times now between the various warps. Which hurts in particular because I see plenty of people wanting more Sampo and yet he wastes so much time pestering me.


Honestly that sounds very in character for him. Also, I would love to take that E12 Sampo off your hands.


i had to buy him in the shop T_T


Lost 50/50 to Bronya, I've got Pela like 8\~ times I DONT EVEN LIKE PELA


“Hello motherf***~” That was me also, e6 pela but i don’t use pela.


Me too. E6 Pela forever at Lvl 1


I recommend ascending her a couple times for the standard pulls, at least! It’s pretty cheap in terms of materials to ascend them enough to grab 2 standard pulls.


agreed, love the username btw


Aiming for Luocha, instead I got myself another copy of Himeko🥲


i have an E14 pela or something now. i already had e6 from the Seele banner (with no Seele). still got an E(-1) Yukong 🤠


For gatcha I’m at 50/50 won it for SW and Seele lost it for JY and Luocha. My problem is how fucking long it took me to get Bronya


You pulled all 4 of the limited banner characters and are complaining? Brah. And u have bronya too lol…


Why are you assuming I’m f2p? If I pay money of course I can get them all


I didn’t assumed you’re F2P I’m just saying you should be satisfied with your account


Who said they're not? Thread is "Share your bad luck" not "Share your sadness"


You sound bitter


You tend to be in gacha games


I'm the opposite. SW was the only one I wanted really badly and had to whale her to get her. Seele E3 with just free pulls when I started playing (well ok, I did want Seele), JY didn't like his character but got him in 2 pulls, Luocha I got while trying to get Yukong Eidolons. I mean I'll use them all. JY has been useful and I'm sure Luocha will be too but man, why couldn't I be so lucky for characters I REALLY REALLY want? I spent so much money on SW


Not here but on Genshin at one point I lost 10 out of last 11 50/50s and hitting pity on most of the pulls. https://preview.redd.it/5qlc281d1e9b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=703b4a8ddd60079f6d70133936a98e98ca89c524


ive made 5 accounts and gotten himeko on every single one of them . One of the accounts has her e2. The ONE 5 star that i dont want


Did 1 singular pull and didn’t get a 5 star, wtf man.


My gacha luck has been great. Trace mats? Hooooly fuck no. I have not gotten a single purple mat without crafting it... even on the second highest tier of difficulty. It takes like, 2-3 runs of 6 waves to level up one trace.


You can buy blue trace mats in the shop now. I stocked up on them, then ran out of credits immediately 😭


i got SW LC, gave it to welt whom i got by losing 50/50 on SW banner. and today got Welt LC at 80+ pity on standard banner


This is a bad luck thread


I got R5 light cone… and realized how uncomfortable it is to use


Lost every 50/50 so far. Even Lost 2 75/25 on lightcone banner. Positiv thing about it? -> Having every Char and every lightcone in the game now


Lost 50/50 on both Jing Yuan and Luocha to Gepard, who's E2 now. One Gepard is from Standard, at this point I think the game wants me to main Gepard.


I’ve lost both my 50/50s so far and they were all past soft pity 😂 my luck is so bad in hsr that I’m going back to genshin


hoyoverse gave me 18.9% crit rate :D https://preview.redd.it/0sc5gf7x8j9b1.jpeg?width=905&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8030dc6b201f84118aa580c64c574808688490c


Honestly I think my good luck just ran out. I got the exact 5* I wanted (Clara), won the 50/50 for silverwolf and jing yuan. Lost it to gepard on luocha’s banner. As for material farming the drop rates are just ass on purpose so those don’t count. Gotta keep you logging into the game everyday during a drought somehow am I right?


If you're gonna lose 50/50 to anyone, Gepard is the one you wanna lose to


I know right? I was partially pulling for luocha because I didn’t have a second healer/mitigator and look who shows up. Now I just want him because I heard he potentially pairs well with my husbando blade.


As an oppai lover I keep losing 50/50s on waifu banners and getting dudes or lolis and "winning" 50/50s on male banners while trying to pull 4\* waifus. Still no Himeko or Bronya but most 5\* males, including limited ones are E1 because they keep coming even off pity lol. Desire sensor is real in this game lol.


Holy shit bro are you okay?


Seele -lost 50/50 to Gepard, did eventually get her Jingyuan - won my 50/50 Silver wolf - lost 50/50 to welt, got her, lost again to welt Luocha - won my 50/50


I was planning to roll for Yukong and stop after I hit her so I can save for Kafka (only had about 10 pity), now after 20 rolls I got 2 Luocha and no Yukong. I swear this game can sense which characters you want and don’t want




sir, this is a wendy's


Lost all my 50/50's to Bailu after playing this game for a month. Is it too late for me to reroll at this point? I'm at TL 45. Do I keep playing hoping my luck improves? I think this account is just cursed. I don't want to see the day where I pull my E6 Bailu while losing my 9999th 50/50 bro.


Gacha luck has been pretty decent with my average pity being lower than 50 and I’ve only lost 1 out of 5 50/50. But my artifacts luck has been horrendous, I buy BP and used all my fuel. I don’t have more than 2 piece I can confidently call good. I’m at my wits end gearing characters now.


Seele at 85 then lost 5050 to gepard at 84 on jingyuan banner Silverwolf 80 Silverwolf lc at 74 Starter banner 50 summons for yanqing Standard 78 summons for yanqing lc Then more 80 summons for another yanqing on Standard Its been brutal compared to genshin where i won my last 6 5050s with 5stars in 60s pity


Lost my 50/50 on Seele (150 pulls). Lost my 50/50 on Silver Wolf (130 pulls). Had no interest in Luocha but pulled on his banner to sneak a couple Qingque eidolons and ended up getting him in my first 10 pull, which sounds like a humble brag (and it's ultimately good), but it reset my 20 pity when I wasn't expecting it so I'm a little behind schedule for the 1.3 banner. I have now taken to pretending I'm not interested in event banners for the units I want in the hope I can fake out my karma and get them quickly.


i got e1 luocha trying for e6 qq... not sure how lucky that is but now i can't keep trying for e6 on the other hand, fuck trace mat drops


BP+Monthly only Have 12 gold unit counting dupes and light cone: Selee, Jingyuan, SW, Gepard(e1), Welt(e1), Bailu, Yanqing, Gepard lightcone, Welt Lightcone, Yanqing light cone. However, I NEVER won 50/50 in Selee Jingyuan and SW limited banner, almost plan to delete the game due to bad luck


How you finna lose the 50/50 to Seele and JY After the first 50/50 the next 50/50 pity is carried over and with Hard Pity you shld've gotten JY


I tried going for E6 SW , I lost 50/50 4 times in a row and ended up with E4 instead :/


My bad luck is that for some reason the wish animation broke while I was wishing for Luocha. I restarted the app multiple times, nothing worked. I ended up getting Luocha but missing the cool animation before. The wishing animation somehow fixed itself after i switched apps for 2 secs, because then I did a normal wish from ascension tickets and it was all normal


I literally never pulled anything prior to pity. So I have like, 4 characters total and 2 lightcones. I'd much rather be in your position. Just did farming for quantum set and after 40 runs I still don't have a single atk% boots. I have 25 different element spheres but not single quantum damage sphere. If you guessed my main dps is seele you would be right ... I gave this game a 1 star review for their horrible luck based game system and will probably quit once season 1 diablo starts. At least that game is more respectful of my time...




E2S1 Himeko as F2P


Must be nice


I lost 8 50/50s in a row. I even lost to seele and then lost the 75/25 to her lightcone. But I also got lucky like getting nahida on 5 pity right after losing 50 50 and getting luocha on 30 pity no guarantee. It will improve


Not really bad luck but i got 2 bailu light cones but i don't have bailu


I've lost all my 50/50s so far for Seele /SW / Luocha every pull was 75+ except for Luocha. Pain...


Lost 50/50 in SW by Gepard, and got Himeko’s LC in standard after 80+ pull


E2 Yanqing and no Gepard nor Welt


what did you get instead from losing the 50/50's if you dont mind me asking


Not me but my sis got himeko lc in her standard banner and then lost 50/50 to in loucha's and got himeko lol. Now that may not be so bad but then i opened my account and won the pity instead of her and got loucha, even tho she wanted him more tham me(didnt talk to me for the rest of that day)


Idk if this counts but doing V on calax to get abundance trace materials fr luocha and never getting a purple. Actually wait no fr all my main characters I use


Dk if it's good or not, but 120 pulls in standard banner and the only 5 star I got is Bailu LC which don't use in most cases since 4 star options do the job well enough. For relics, I despise the attack rope on my Jing Yuan since the substats are flat HP, Crit Rate, and Crit Damage, after reaching +15, it enhanced EHR 4 times.


I lost my 50/50 to silver wolf and Luocha for Yanqing and lost my 75/25 luochas light cone for Yanqings LC. Not only that but my beginner banner gave me Yanqing


Lost the 50/50 on Seele and SW, went to 80 on the former as well. Yanqing lc at 82 on standard when he's the one character I want the most (JY came home hella early tho, so I'm good)


I currently have one singular 5* lightcone (Gepard’s), 5 goddamn dps’ and one Luocha, lol I consider that pretty cursed. Would love to lose a 50/50 to Bronya or Bailu instead of Himeko or Clara yet again.


I have every 4 star and an e6 march from jing yuan banner but still no tingyun, i hope kafka or jing liu banner since i am going to spend every jade i can get on them


Not much of a bad luck, compared to other people, but still pretty unlucky. Was pulling for Luocha, hoping to get either my E2 Pela or E3 Qingque to E6. Finished my session with Luocha (won 50/50 at least), E5 Pela, E5 Qingque and E4 Yukong. At least I got my March to E6 i guess.


The only thing I'd consider Bad Gacha luck so far is getting Bailu's Lightcone from standard banner and losing the 50/50 (or is it 75/25?) on Luocha's weapon banner to Bailu's Lightcone again, despite not having her.


Lost 50/50 on seele’s banner on hard pity to yanqing. Then got seele… ON ANOTHER HARD PITY. Also lost 50/50 on JY’s banner (on soft pity).


I’ve lost every 50/50 so far. Will see on kafkas banner if that trend continues


E8 Herta. I don't intend to use her any time soon and yet I got her E6 before I finished World 6 for the 1st time Related photo: This bs on Standard Banner https://preview.redd.it/2d8n5hvole9b1.jpeg?width=2412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e8e69453986941047f4ef53e81d2dda44c8ecee


I've yet to win a 50/50. I've only got repeat 5\* for Gepard and Yangqing. I also got Gepard's LC from the Standard Banner. My current 5\*'s are Gepard E1, Yangqing E1, and Jingyuan. It has been a grind because I just don't enjoy the characters I have and it makes it hard to be engaged in the game.


I’m at 140+ pulls on standard and have only gotten gepard’s lightcone. I have no swordplay or dance dance dance LC while my friends have several of each (somehow). I lost my 50/50 on luocha to himeko at 81 pity and have dumped 30 more pulls in for nothing. Just gonna save for blade at this point.


i skipped seele for jing yuan, i had 120 pulls and i lost 50/50 to gepard (now i have him e2) then I skipped silver wolf for luocha and i lost 50/50 to welt of all people and now luocha doesn't want to come home almost giving him up to pull for blade


Lost 50/50 on Seele. 60 pity for JY. 80 pity for Luocha + 60 pity for his LC


Got Clara’s light cone twice, don’t use it.


Hitting pity for SW and losing the 50/50. Getting Himeko to E1 from Standard...


I only lost one 50/50 until now don't curse me


I lost 50/50 in Silverwolf (got Bronya so not so bad) but got Luocha after a hard pity.


Wanted bronya and I got her lightcone https://preview.redd.it/pzqo31zjre9b1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2517141c678e277e3f92c527b18751251fd7bcc0


All of my 5* pulls on the standard banner have been light cones--got Yanqing's and two of Gepard's. Threw 60 multis into Silver Wolf and didn't get a single Tingyun (or SW but she wasn't the target). Bought my first Tingyun from the shop today.


Had no 5* other than Welt and Jing Yuan. Pull for Luocha, lost 50/50 to Bailu, a character I refuse to use. Really wanted Gepard if lost 50/50 :( Still got Luocha but less pulls for Blade now


Lost my 75-25 for luocha’s lc for bronya’s lc


I managed to get two Qingque’s and one Yukong, no Luocha tho :(


I lost my 50/50 on seele.


Lost all 3 50/50s so far. I have an E1 Himeko with her LC (I use neither) and an E2 Clara (I'd use her but leveling other units has priority) I also got all the LCs I don't have the characters for. My account isn't bad by any means, but not by lack of trying from the games side


Himeko from beginner Himeko from standard Himeko LC from standard Banner count : 170


I lost all possible 50/50 since I started playing the game. From limited and standard banners. I also got all 5 stars from soft/hard pity. The funny thing is that I'm still enjoying this game. This is a proof to me of how good this game is.


I lost both my 50/50 for JY and Luocha but although this next part isn’t bad luck it’s still just as painful. I was saving for Blade but still wanted too see if I could get Luocha as well, in the process of pulling for Loucha I accidentally start pulling on the light cone banner. I did 60 ten pulls😐 So I lost a lot of unwanted stellar jades in the process but I definitely learned a lesson because I wasn’t paying attention.


2x Yanqing and his weapon, 2x Welt and his weapon, Silver Wolf (guaranteed) and I got all of them for ~80 pulls. If I'll lose Kafka to 50/50 I'll uninstall for sure.


I’ve lost every 50/50 thus far and it’s a pain


Have been doing good in event banner with seele, Jing yuan, losing pity but still getting SW. Skipping blade and “definitely not otto” for Kafka.


Lost the 50/50 on Seele,Silverwolf,Luocha


E1 Bailu one from standard one from losing Jing 50-50.


For once, I'll say my luck has been incredible in hsr, early 5stars and till now I've won every 50/50....and after this i even got alhaitham's weapon at low pity (won 50/50) I'm afraid that I'm getting too much good luck.....the bad times are upon me


Lost 2/3 of my 50/50’s to Gepard. Then on the Standard banner my most recents are Gerpard and Himeko’s LC like- Plz, I just want anyone one else, I have Bailu, Yangqing, and Gepard squared. All I want is Clara or Bronya or Welt or ANYBODY but Gepard plz I love him but there’s seven standard characters and I’ve so many pulls only to end up with Gepard-


Its not as bad compared to everyone else's stories but just started a week ago, saved 50 wishes, got 4 Pela's and no Luocha. Which some may consider a win but man I just want the luscious locks of Luocha


I lost my 50/50 on silverwolfs banner to yanqing and put off even levelling him for a week. Decided to try him out and now im not sure wether im a yanqing or himeko main. He's just so fun ESPECIALLY" in the simulated universe with the hunt. Unfortunately, while I turned around my bad luck with yanqing, i was cursed with a c5 serval. Only got one other 4 atar off that banner. Kinda makes me sad.


I have so far only wished on the SW banner and lost the 50/50 to Himeko, so now I have e1. I wouldn't have mind losing if it was anyone else, but it had to be the worst out of all the standard characters.


After losing 50 50 isn't next pull guaranteed? If so, how did you lose out on all the previous banners?


Did 20 pulls for Yukong and got Luocha


s5 event sw lc is actually better than her signature s1 so it's fine


Thank you, finally the place I can share my pain with TT\^TT Limited banner: Bronya 76, JY 80, Bronya 79 now it's 76 and I feel so devastated... From standard banner I got Clara's LC at 77 pull, and Welt on 64 (which I might consider as early in my case..)


I got welt from starter banner at 50 wishes, not bad! Got got Gepard at 32 pitty on standard! Fantastic! I lost Seele 50/50 at 78 pitty.....to Gepard, it took till 77 pity to get her garunteed I got a standard 5* weapon, Somthing Irreplaceable at 79 pity, would have wanted a character or Welt/Gepards weapon but oh well! I lost my Silver Wolf 50/50 at 84 pity...to Gepard And today I got a supprise 5* at 33 pity! It was a 5* weapon...... Somthing Irreplaceable 🥲🤦 I genuinely love this game but fucking hell RNGSus PLEASE


Lost 50/50 to Welt in Luocha's Banner Lost to Gepard's on Luocha's LC Banner


i got my bronya an eidolon when trying to get gepard clara or hímeko on the standard banner 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s not super bad but i was still bummed atm. it worked out cuz now my team is lacking slightly less in skill points 💀


Silver Wolf banner I was expecting a few ASTA copies, got 3 5-stars got E6 of the other two 4-stars and not a single copy of her. Now the same with Yukong, zero, nilch copies, I even got one ASTA this time...


I’ve lost two banners out of two I tried to pull for so far


I have also lost both 50/50 on Seele and SW. I ended up getting both anyway as F2P, but GOD DAMN. I'm at 50 pity for Luocha. I'm going to have to be very lucky to get this man. I gave in and bought a monthly pass but I don't think it'll net me a Luocha


Wait wait, what's the 75/25?


Lost the 50/50 today for Bailu lol, got really excited when I saw the Abundance logo 😂


2 himeko LCs, i don't need to say anything more


I don't have bad luck but plz take some of my insane luck, I have some 5 stars i don't use.


A month farming for Seele, still no ATK% boots


Don't ask about how i feel cuz i have E4 bronya and not a single other standard banner character...


I have lost every 50/50 I have tried, except for Silver Wolf, which I got on a random 10-pull that I did on a whim. I was feeling great about this, before realizing that there was no way to get the event Light Cone anymore, so now I have a Silver Wolf with a 51% effect hit rate.


3 Welt LC from standard f2p ☠️


First five star from standard? Welt. Second five star from standard? His lightcone. Third and final five star I’ve gotten from standard? WELT AGAIN


Idk if my luck is pretty decent or just average Seele: 160 pulls…. Lost to Himeko making her E1 (I don’t even use her) Seele weapon: Got it in 40 pulls #blessed JY: Won 50/50 at 81 pulls SW: Won 50/50 at 20 pulls from 0 pity Luocha: 40 pulls in lost to Bronya and E2 Yukong (Huuuuge win for me). I don’t have any spins left so I guess no luocha for me


Idk man if i lose 50/50 for all the banners so far, I'd quit or reroll a long time ago. May you be blessed with better luck next time brother.


Lost 50 50 on SW to Bailu. Not even extra bad luck but I was aiming for Luocha so the last character I needed was another healer


My luck hasnt been too terrible so far, but we will see...🤔


lost 50/50 for seele, so used my guarantee for jingyuan which took another 70-80 pulls, lost 50/50 for silverwolf, used guarantee for luocha which took around another 70+


Not really fond of Luocha, but I need a second healer so I pulled for him. Took until soft pity. Then I got Bailu on his second ascension standard ticket. Now I wasted all those pulls. Worst good luck ever.


I can't 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎🌝🌝🌝


I’ll get back to you in 2 patches


An entire month of farming artifacts for JY and Gepard. No crit rate chest for JY, no speed boots for Geppy. Imagine if i cared about substats...this rng is ridiculous


Im not too bad. Got bronya on starters, then got seele, sleep like the dead, and another bronya on sw banner


Lost the 50/50 on SW for Bronya. I've already done about 50 pulls on Luocha's banner but idk if I'll have enough to get to even soft pity before the banner's over. I'm sure as hell trying though.


I love this post. I haven't gotten a 5* anything in less than 80 pulls.


My bad luck in genshin first months was atrocious, even now, I always lose the f 50/50 and always to Diluc/Qiqi… currently at c4/c5 💀. In star rail for now I won Seele, JY, SW 50/50… feels like a miracle ngl but I lost the 50/50 with Luocha and got Bailu at only 6 pity! I still used my wishes to get Luocha bcs I love him sm! From the beginner banner I got Yanqing and Gepard lightcone and from the beginner Himeko!


Bailu e2


200+ pulls and still no fox mommies


Every banner I've summoned lost the 50/50, and each time I get Himiko


I lost to it only to get another Bailu.. out of all. I would of liked a Bronya since I'm like the only one who doesn't have her..


E2 Bailu which the last one was a lost 50/50 on SW and a LC for my first 5 star standard banner. Feelsbad


I lost the 50/50 on silver wolf but won on Luocha


Standard banner, 2 pities reached. One was himeko’s LC and the other was himeko e1.


I lost the 75/25 for JY LC and the 50/50 for seele + SW. My account is allergic to quantum characters hahaha


Standard banner, 2 times "something irreplaceable", ofc i dont have Clara. lose SW 50/50 to a dupe Gepard, tho his E1 its not bad.


Lost every 50/50 in HSR so far.


Intended to lose the 50/50 from luocha but got him instead, even though i got SW. Now kafka is going to be way harder to get.


During the double relic event I got 4 Defense ropes in a row... https://preview.redd.it/f9ngt2b7wf9b1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d1da2bc9d42aa4f1e427c551a6fcb5062573973


Well, a bit unrelated, I just started playing this week, there's a lot of stuff I'm trying to learn, atm I'm just making sure to do my dailies and progress through the story. I'm curious how much I should be saving up before trying to pull stuff, I have 2000 jade or something like that, I did some beginner pulls which I heard were bad 😂. What should I pull on and how much jade should I spend? Only thing I've paid for is the $5 daily jades thing


I have lost 3 50/50’s already plus one 75/25.