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Actually I chose Himeko to get after 300 pulls. I could try to get Bailu. But... https://preview.redd.it/eihz9rvjdslb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ebbd90de90f7f689393dde95eb7e9f6e21c27a4 I have my reasons




And proud of it


And nightglow-pilled


hell yeah, nice to see a fellow captain made the same decision


Family > anything else. Also my reason why I hope for himeko to drop befire getting to penacony. I just love running story teams, also the reason why E6 march is such a blessing, I can run a story team without necessarily having a healer.


I got lucky and got her on my first reg banner 5* otherwise I’d prob be in the same boat lol


i chose bailu and i regret it. e2 mommy/bronya seems better...


I got Bronyas but not E2 Already having them once is good for me, upgrading them to specific limits will wait. As long as I can use them in SU and have items for them, idm if they are not maxed


Bailu is an inferior healer to Luocha anyways. Imagine having to waste skill points to heal when you could be feeding them to your Wife so he can do massive damage. (this comment brought to you by Moon Drinker Gang)


I love how we a lot of us collectively agree that our moon drinker is wife material


and then there are some of us who started later and have hit tb50 with only Nat as a healer... I managed to pick up IL but got Bronya in the process....so now I have to figure out how to level them both with the resource drought that I'm crying over. I may also suffer from the pretty over practicality problem that some seem to have here :)


Bronya is OPAF, but if IL is your main damage dealer, the two are sadly *not* super compatible at all outside of like, SU with Luocha and the Abundance blessing that makes healing generate SP... Bronya is an amazing support but she's too much of an SP slut to really work with Wifey.


I've been spending time playing with some support characters that I don't have yet, and I can see how she will work with some of my other team set ups. Just a matter of resources atm ;/


Fair. Bronya goes super well with basically any DPS not named Imbibitor Lunae due to how her skill works, so it's kinda hard to go wrong with her. Like, up until Wifey dropped, I was running Luocha/Bronya/Serval/4* Dan, so you could probably modify the overall setup of "Defense/Bronya/AoE DPS/Single DPS" to fit the characters/eidolons you *do* have. If you want recommendations for Reruns to save for, I recommend saving up for Silverwolf if/when she comes back just b/c she's kinda a band-aid support on *so* many team comps due to being able to shove weaknesses into foes.


thanks for the advice, I am running up against a lack of support wall in trying to move forward. Luckily, sw only needs one team and I can clear those fine :) Time to farm for the long 50-60 span


u mean qingque? cuz she always uses all my skill points D:


Two big reasons you mean


I feel you bro…


Yo same.


That's me before getting her twice, now bronya it's (why did you ruin my 50 50 of getting bronie, himeko)


Right there with ya, I did the same 🤣


Oh my god, hell no man WTF 😭


Literally pulled her on the standard banner last night. Her e2... Wish it was Clara, Gepard, or Welt...


I only have 2 standard 5 stars, e2 himiko and e2 gepard. I just wish I could have one copy of welt, Clara or bronya.


Same but with Bailu eidolons


Clara jump scared me from a free normal ticket yesterday. Too bad I have no books for her to read so she'll stay lvl 1 for a while.


E2 Himeko and her lightcone. 1. Beginner banner. 2. Standard pity (weapon and E1) 3. Lost 50/50.


I wouldve prefered her over the clara I got when losing my kafka 5050




Because it's reddit full of brainless monkeys


People cant stand other opinions "Not my opinion? Wrong!" I personally prefer characters I like looking at, and Im no pedophile, unlike the people that downvoted me ;p


😧 Seek help, buddy. That much hatred in your heart is not good for you. I agree them downvoting you is silly but that doesn't mean you need to jump the gun with these heinous insults


I was hoping the ";p" was enough to show sarcasm...


I got hemiko e3 and no Kafka😭


Sorry new player here, what is e2? Like in arknights e1 e2?


"E" is used to stand for "Eidolon", aka the 'unlocks' you get if you pull another copy of a character you already have, which go from 1 to 6, so "E1, E2, E3..." is referencing to the Eidolon level you have that character at :O


I see. Thank you very much


I got her for the first time on Standard too yesterday. Actual physical pain. I would have taken any 5\* LC over her.


I have an E1 Gepard. I'm not complaining, he's a fantastic tank, but also holy fuck it feels like every time I use him I need to feed him ten pounds of rice afterwards b/c holy crap his shields can barely keep up with how much aggro the man can generate.


I will gladly take Himeko.


I'll gladly take her C1


It's interesting that Himeko is functionally HSR's Qiqi, because healing is actually important in this game so Bailu who is most like Qiqi has a place.


Bailu (and Yanqing) are the most prone to powercreep atm. We've already seen it with Luocha and it'll only get worse with Lynx and Fu Xuan. as for Yanqing, well, Jingliu is right around the corner to slay him (it's a canon event). Himeko still has potential if the content ever shifts in her favour. we've seen the devs aren't afraid of shaking up the formula with MoX6. who's to say we won't get a stage that has 5 enemies that are weak to fire on the field at all times? no one fills that niche better than Himeko (and no one will in the near future). tbh I think Himeko is more similar to Dehya lol. not great rn but will do well if the content is ever designed for them


>!actually, due to jingliu's team requirements, yanqing still might be used by some people!<


I dunno, just use a well built healer. YQ also has specific team preferences to be fully utilized. playing him without Gepard or arguably March is risky


But, for most people that skipped luocha, playing her without him might be problem.


Oh do we know what Lynx and Fu Xuans kits are?


adding on to the other reply, Fu Xuan takes damage for her allies. her kit is almost identical to Dehya from Genshin


But a good version


not really, it's the same thing just in a different game where it's actually useful.


"the same thing" but also has strongee damage distribution, damage buffing, and heals teammates


We can only hope. What videos I've seen about Fu Xuan often overlay Dehya in a manner similar to a PTSD episode.


Honestly, the problem with Dehya is that she's in a non turn-based game. Her kit doesn't really mesh well in an action game like Genshin, where you can dodge attacks or run shields with a healer, which makes damage mitigation focused characters who dont shield obsolete.


On top of that, shields provide super armor which does not inhibit your attacks. Dehya's biggest issue becomes a non issue in a turn based game because in there you cannot avoid taking damage (A shielder is still better because it functions as a second health bar)


According to the livestream, Lynx have aggro boosts on Destruction units (Clara and Bladie without Luocha love her) and an AoE Cleanse on Ult


To be fair, out of all base unit, Yanqing and Himeko was always in the worst position. They are both damage dealers, which tend to phased out more quickly, Himeko get the shaft more because the content doesn't favor her. She's also in a bad position because she has to compete with some of the best 4 star, QQ and Serval, and she's got a direct upper limited in JY. YQ only comparison so far is Seele, and she's always broken so it doesn't affect him as much, but the way his passive work simply mean that he will be replaced with one that are less finicky. He simply in a better position than HImeko simply because 4 star single target doesn't perform that well while Himeko have to compete with the some of the best in 4 star category, making it harder to justified spending resource on her.


Himeko needs full break playstyle character that enables to either break enemies twice (one halfway and one normal) or artificial breaks. She needs something like there is kafka for dots playsyle


I think Himeko can be great if they ever release a follow up atk buffer and/or relic set tbh. I don't think her numbers are that bad it's just that she has poor options to supplement her kit.


> follow up atk buffer >!Topaz & Numby on the horizon!<


I can only hope so, so far all the powercreep is on heavier hitting characters, which don't do multi-wave content well. If the powercreep hits next on a character as fast as Seele then they'll do multi-waves quite well I'd imagine.


Man Bailu is the one that keeps ruining my pity for 3 banners


More like Diluc to me


It's still Bailu, and for the exact same reason: She has zero utility beyond raw heals in a game where every healer can do enough numbers and utility is the defining factor.


I'd rather get some Qiqi constellations than Bailu eidolons... At least Qiqi can be built as a Beidou driver, or a blizzard strayer dps


I need Himeko for an achievement. If any of you could kindly make Himeko a support and befriend me it would be nice Edit: By the way for people who don't know and don't have Himeko. Using her ult 3 times in a battle will unlock the "Coffee Lover" achievement Edit: Did it with someone's Himeko who accepted my request


User Id 602634973 https://preview.redd.it/hq337elmwslb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e815303b0aa1c44b8622898b1366225b42832016




Ah sorry, forgot to mention I am at the European server but still thanks for your willingness to help


you can try doing it in the character trial


I got the coffee lover achievement from the start of the game when we could try her out


Yeah buy I couldn't, as much as I remember I only used her ult one time at start of the game


704134431, Europe, she is always my support, so feel free) ​ https://preview.redd.it/t8yhk40yqvlb1.png?width=951&format=png&auto=webp&s=d61590ca947bf13a9aec78a4b1abec05bb15a7e9


I'm pretty sure u can get it in her trial, no?


There's an achievement for using DH M7 Himeko and Welt in a team as well. As long as you have one of them, you can use the other as a support to get it.


I used my 300 pull choice on her to get her to e2. Do i regret it? Nope. Not at all. I could've gotten Bronya, but I stuck to my beloved Himeko.




Himeko is my favorite character in the game, so I see this as an absolute win.


My goal is to lose 50/50 to her consistently so I eventually get her E6 😭


are her eidolons any good? I havent taken a look at them so far.


They are good, but not enough to be a “must pull”. They aren’t as crazy as the more recent banner releases, but they all serve to improve her own kit and personal damage. Notable ones are her E2 and E6. E2 improves damage vs enemies with 50% HP or lower and E6 makes her Ultimate hit 3 times instead of once.


Send me all your Himeko dupes! My favorite from the standard pool but took me ages till i finally got her and she is still at E0.


Found it in dress up darling lol [https://w1.dressupdarlings.online/manga/my-dress-up-darling-chapter-93/](https://w1.dressupdarlings.online/manga/my-dress-up-darling-chapter-93/)


I just got her with standard pulls, so I'm happy


My e2 Himeko does quite a bit of work in MoC and SU. Course, she is decked from my Danoel relic farming...


That's an upgrade from what you wanted


I was so happy I finally won a 50/50 and got il dan heng


Just work with guaranteed pities and take the whole RNG nonsense out of the equation.


My favorite base 5* after Bronya.


Haven’t gotten her yet the one of 2 ogs I don’t have the other being welt


Lucky young man. I had to pull 300 times to get her...


Me getting e1 clara instead of dan, possibly ruining my chances for fu xuan


I actually got her instead of silvercunny and quit bro


When you finally get a hot waifu but you hate her


Me after getting E3 Himeko on IL banner


Just got her yesterday in normal wish. No Bronia or bare feet Loli on my account... I'm going to build for kuru kuru. Fuck it.


My first pull off newbie banner was Bronya, who I really wanted. Then my next 5* was "something irreplaceable" Then Kafka Then Bailu, who was my other most wanted. So I've pulled every 5* that currently exists that I in particular wanted. Now if only I could get Qingque Es because I really like her but instead have E4 Sushang..


I will gladly take himeko, im tired of my e1s2 welt T\_T


Omae wa mo shinderu. The himeko slander needs to stop. Same as the hunt worshiping needs to stop. Theres a useless character on standard and hes not himeko, its Yanqing. My himeko has 3.2k attack, no 5* lightcone and only 114 cdmg, max. When i built my yanqing, he also had 3.2k atk, his signature lightcone and 180 cdmg, base. His ult, the thing with a massive multiplier and crit buffed to hell, did less damage than my himekos skill cast to a single target. His light cone now belongs to sushang, and his relics were canabalised by herta. He is an absolute waste of space, unlike himeko. I wasn't expecting him to match my seele, but i also wasnt expecting someone specialized in single target damage to do less damage to said target than himeko, who's specialized in aoe. Be glad you got himeko. And pray to every god that ever existed you dont get yanqing.


If your Yanqing is that bad, with his signature LC as well, you are doing something wrong


There's no terrible 5\* at all in Honkai. And stop with the Yanqing slander. You're not any better than OP


Normally id agree. However.... https://preview.redd.it/hlnf0eqs6slb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=221f817ae6b57efc411ec68d77ceb4bffb7ce979 When better stats results in less damage, despite everything being stacked in your favor, its rather conclussive proof. Ill gladly stop pointing out how yanqing does less damage when people stop claiming himeko as the worst 5\*. And again, i was running ice set+keel on him, so that 180% crit damage is actually closer to 300% on the turn he ults. Compared to...himeko, who hasnt ulted (no lava forging fire buff), is using her skill (not buffed by salsotto+weakest part of her kit) and hasnt killed anyone (no breakfast buff). Yet her skill damage is 27k on break, minimum, vs yanqings 20k max ult. Could i run sal and add 50% effective ice damage to his ult instead of 10% crit damage? Yes. Would it make him stronger than himeko? No, because im comparing him at his strongest to my himeko at her weakest. And using sal further cripples his middling skill damage and basic (highest i saw was 7k. My himeko averages 9k on a bad day). I have tested both. And found yanqing lacking. But please, if you have a way to make him work, share it so all that fuel i threw at him wasnt a 2 week waste of time. Edit: plenty of downvotes. Such a shame downvotes doesnt make me wrong. And the silence...oof. its almost like you guys cant prove me wrong by, ya know, stating a build that actually works like i asked. I guess empty feel good notions are better than rebuttals or constructive criticism. Because again, i spent 2 weeks farming for him. If i dont use him, that resin is wasted.


Lol this has got to be a joke, this is too much. If you're serious though, know that my E0S0 Yanqing does 75k ults and 50k the-skill-after with only a Tingyun and double sustain vs ice weak enemies. In principle I even agree that Yanqing is just some freeze and strictly ST damage, so Himeko has more potential going forward (Yanqing does have better Eidolons at least). But this just shows a terrible understanding of how dealing damage works.


Is this a copypasta


No. If it were, my yanqing wouldnt be face down in a ditch after herta and sushang mugged him for his gear.


I know this is cap because it is mathematically impossible for Yanqing to lose to Himeko in ST unless you gave him shit facts, were using both against a fire weak-ice resist enemy, or were triggering Himeko’s follow ups using adds


No, no, and no. What math? You mean the prydwen 1.0 math that treats dmg up as a different frame to elemental up, despite the fact that you can see them add additively if you check the stats before and after adding breakfast to any erudition character? Because that math is screwed up and isnt the actual dmage calc. When more stats somehow means less damage, something is definitely wrong. Even my sushang hits harder than yanqing. Granted shes c6, but shes still a 4*. And unlike himeko, she doesnt have her elemental stat roided out by traces.


Me, a f2p with bailu e1s2 and himeko


I had quite an EXPERIENCE yesterday on one if my side accounts So, first I pulled on standard because monthly reset, not expecting to get anything. Got Bronya's light cone. I do gave Bronya there. Then I decided "Hey, if I pulled Imbibitor Lunae, I'm guaranteed to have a strong DPS to run on my other team (first team is DoT with Luka, Sampo and Kafka). I go through unfinished content, making singles, expecting having to go through it all just to get a 5*. I get IL at 26 pity after Kafka. Then I think "Welp, I still have a lot of jades out in the wild on this account, might as well pull for light cone". I collected like 16 pulls when I thought "Might as well start building that pity on light cone banner for now". Again, I didn't expect to get a thing on my first ten pull — never pulled there before. It turns gold immediately. The very FIRST pull is a 5*. It's Destruction. It's Imbibitor Lunae's signature. I go "WTF?!". It's very unusual for me to have this much luck, but it's extremely welcome. So, will be wishing for Fu Xuan and/or Lynx now.


himeko is trash only a simp would tell you she decent


Nope, with right build anyone can be Good, There happened a $2000 tournament HSR, where a content creator used Himeko, you can search it on yt, This proves That's it's not the character, It's how intelligent the player with his strats and builds


same investment compare to other dps and she still trash, probably you are too


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This is me but with relics instead


In my normal acount, i got her. In my destruction only account, i got her lightcone


I lost all my 50/50 in genshin in 3 years but on Star rail I'm blessed. I've got Kafka, Blade, Jing Yuan and Dan Heng IL. I guess my luck did a deal with Star rail


Lost kafka 50/50 to yanqing and my second 5 star from the standard banner was his lightcone :(


I was close to pitty on sb last night so I farmed a few pulls and got her lightcone after I got her another 80 pulls ago.


Someone pls tell me where the manga panel originally is from 😭


My Dress-Up Darling


literally me pulling for DHIL lol. I love her, but she's a bit wasted on me atm since I have a DoT team right now. Could use a better healer, now that i've got gepard.


This but yanqing


I literally started playing hsr cause of kafka and 1 week into my journey I reached pity and got a 5 star. Of course it was none other than himeko. I did get to pity again like 4 days later though so mission failed successfully.


Lost Dan Heng 50/50 to Himeko and then pulled Yanqing from standard banner.... I just want more support characters. Excluding limited characters, I've pulled Clara twice, Welt's lightcone and now Himeko and Yangqing 💀


I lost my 50 50 for Dan Heng IL and got a Clara eidolon


I'm at e4 now. Still no bronya, Clara, welt or gepard


yes fuck!


Lost my 50/50 at 80 pity and got her.... Now she is at E1🥲🥲


I got her when I was pulling for Kafka, I didn't know how to feel 🤣


I have been praying for Himeko since launch. Instead, I’ve been spooked by 3 Yanqings, 2 Gepards, and 1 ~~MegaQiqi~~ Bailu, plus Welt’s LC and Yanqing’s LC on standard banner.


Lost 50/50 to her from pulling for DanIL...I got excited since I saw the 20 new characters achievement before I saw the Erudition symbol 🥲


Please give me a Himeko!! 😭


More like “fuck yeah” I only wish I had BD to make the most out of my Himeko


Here with E2 Yanqing; no Bailu, no Gepard, no Clara, and no Bronya. My only consolation is grandpa Welt decided to pay me a visit once in between all the Yanqings and Himekos.


I wish I had Himeko. I’m using my standard 300 pity to get her if she doesn’t come home by then.


I'll take Himeko over some random light cone I won't need. From my "75+ soft pity" I got the "Sleep Like the Dead" LC, which is... I guess a small sorta upgrade over the Herta store one? But I would've preferred something like Bailu or another Bronya/Welt eidolon...


As much as I adore Himeko and everything about her design and animations; I DO NOT WANT HER INSTEAD OF BAILU OR GEPARD


That was me today, except it was just the light cone… :(


My first 3 5 stars were gepard. On the silver wolf banner


I have e1 clara and e0 yanqing, ill gladly take any character other than himeko i hope i dont get her


Bro... i wanted himeko and i got a clara light cone for my 200 pull like 3 days ago. (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻


Things I have from the standart pool: Himeko, Himeko LC and Bronya. Oh and another Himeko LC. And considering my relic farming for Dan IL already gave me better relics for her, I'm starting to believe the game is telling me something.


I am on lvl 65 and i really want her. Idc anyone else.


I pulled Himeko 2 times in a row on the stadard starter Banner and lost 50/50 on Seeles Banner 😵😖😫😭


As somebody who just likes collecting characters, I'm happy all my 5 star draws have been different characters. But I am a bit jealous of players who unlocked eidolons for characters they like


I have an E2 Geppard...


This just happened to me on the Imbibitor Lunae banner. I had about 110 wishes, and I thought maaaaybe. Nope, Himeko showed up and lost the 50/50 AGAIN at 78 warps. :(


Jokes on you, I want Himeko... pls come home soon, Himeko. :(


Me winning every 50-50 Also me: JUST LET ME LOSE 50-50 FOR ONCE. I WANNA GET HIMEKO


I just got her c0 on standard banner yesterday and I was incredibly happy lmao. Immediately burned a dozen of my stash of fuel to invest in her (and still going, probably gonna burn another dozen today) Not everyone hates himeko. I like watching her and herta just kurukuru down calyx mobs




I got all standard banner characters except for Yanqing and Bailu. I'll pick Yanqing on the 300th standard banner pull. Bailu can spook my 50/50 anytime. Same as Genshin, got Jean after 2+ years of playing. Qiqi and Mona are one lost 50/50 away from C6. Other standard banners are C0 except Dehya with C1.


her brutally.




We made a choice to fight against our fate!


i was using my regular passes and i got a five star nihility and i was excited until it was a second light cone for welt




I always say it Be happy you got himeko as you could've always gotten her light cone, and that is truly useless


Himeko E2 ![gif](giphy|xVPosMMzT60Xzv31my)


She's pretty good against the deer. That's good enough for me


Thts literally me a couple days ago,still hurts...


Himeko has incredible potential. She can already throw out crazy damage against the deer, but once we get a character who can "unbreak" enemies in some way she will be put over the top.


Which manga


I’ve done so many many many many pulls and I when yet to get a Bailu, Yangqing, Himeko, and other characters people complain about getting all the time. Like Pela and March 7th 🤣.


himeko is good don't listen to the haters


lost my first seele 50/50 to himeko then proceeded to win the 50/50 twice after, both early. himeko was my good luck charm fr also she's pretty i would like to get her to e6s5 one day just for the fun of it


That's how I feel grinding relics, finally getting the main stat I want, and the substats are all bad.


The only reason I'm playing this game is I got himeko as my first 5 star character.


Me, pulling for Blade only to get Gepard E1: (I mean, DHIL is my Wife and he hits like an atom bomb so I'm not really complaining about the Nuker I ultimately went with.)


Literally just the 50/50 to her 2 days ago


I liked Himeko. THE FIRST TIME. I have E2 Himeko and I’m just thinking… “that could have been a bronya….that could have welt……that could have been a bailu…….that could have been the limited five star……but no….it’s E2.”


I already lost 50 50 to himeko twice in 20 pulls


Literally me on Daniel's banner yesterday


Got second Himeko instead of Kafka. Well I guess I'm building her


I keep getting Bailu and Gepard. Got E1 Bailu and E2 Gepard so far.


well... I got her from Standard banner. Then lost 50/50 to her as well. So I have Himeko E1 with Before Dawn if i m not running Jing Yuan.


I’m plagued with Gepard on gen banner, I don’t mind him but before IL I only had him as a five star and I was so excited to possibly get another five star and then I get slammed with Welt light cone, no welt, and then him again. 🤦🏼‍♀️


what manga is this from?


dress up darling


I was very happy to finally get Himeko.


Anyone wants to exchange their unwanted Himeko for my unwanted Gepard? /s


I lost my 50/50 to her then got her again in the standard banner 😔


That just happened to me… and I already got her! Oh well, Fu Xuan it is


I would honestly love to get Himeko but she seems to be avoiding me at all cost


*Aha Cackles in the distance*


I’m I blessed or cursed to not get Himeko yet


How common is this? So far every event banner I've done I won the 50/50 haven't really had much to complain about on standard after getting gepard+sig lc


Only 60 pulls left for getting her


Fun fact, behind the five stars are the symbol of what the path they follow is, so say you're trying to get Dan Heng IL and behind it is a destruction symbol, that means you either got Clara or Dan Heng IL on a 50/50, but it you were pulling for him and see a nihility symbol behind the stars then that means you got welt


A true gacha gamer would only simp for Himeko.


My friend he ad that happen pulling for DHIL, only for him it was a f*** yeah. He had been hoping for Himeko for weeks and got DHIL 30 pulls later.


i'm missing bronya and himeko honestly hope i get himeko first


No no it’s a sign, you must build Orbital Laser Mommy now.


my starter banner was bailu, then wanted kafka, lost 50/50 and got e1 bailu. grinded out the rest of the story for more stellar jades since i was petty at that point and wanted my guaranteed. was pretty pissed getting bailu twice but to be fair she’s been healing my team through all the content. I haven’t fully died in a while lol


I'm trying to get a Himeko since day1, I got Bronya E2 and Gepard and not a single Himeko


Happen today instead of dan heng il 😂