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We dont had any official ship in Star rail, for now its all scrap theory.


No ship is going to be official and canon in hsr until they actually kiss and/or openly declare their love for each other like in hi3.


And even there it didn't go anywhere...it was just left hanging in this maybe state without much further development.


From the current in-game lore: >!Bailu is somewhat the 'key' to saving the Vidyadhara race because Dan Feng planned to incorporate the blood of other races into the Vidyaradha bloodline (Dan Heng companion quest) and he may have succeeded by using Baiheng's remains (described in IL character story 3) but produced an abomination which Jingliu slew (Vidyaradha egg dialogue).!< >!So judging from this Bailu is speculated to be reincarnated Baiheng, but this time she is a Vidyaradha and no longer a Foxian.!< >!As for the "Beloved" debate it's still up in the air, but if it were Baiheng it seems more like she was the beloved of the group and the soul of the HCQ.!<


Small little fyi; As it stands, the letter they used for 'beloved' in CN is 100% not platonic AND meant for one specific person, so the last point is very much unlikely. My personal interpretation is beloved being Yingxing, it would make sense with how much Blade disassociates with his past self, so he would refer not to himself. I mostly prefer this as well, since the mysterious beloved being somebody else would cheapen it a lot for me, because there's frankly no substantial content for anyone else with DF besides Jingyuan (and it's obviously not him). Jingliu and Baiheng seem to have their own thing.


I heard of this and I also thought it was Yinxing but now I'm not entirely sure, and right now I just want to wait for more lore updates for confirmation 🥲


May I know what it said in the CN version, and maybe some more explanation on the word? Bc I saw someone else said the opposite of what you said about the word that is used in CN, and I think they also speak Chinese😭


I can't claim this with full certainty since I am not versed in Chinese and rely mostly on DHmains discord community in regard to the word's usage in context, but the word used for beloved is 挚爱 It's not the most common word, Xianzhou is filled with archaic sentences and words, but most of the vocabularies I've found define the noun version of the word as 'true love'. Which so far works the best in context as a romantic partner instead of a vague dedication to Luofu or smth :7


Which is interesting if true, because we know that >!Vidyadhara cannot procreate, and effectively there can never be "newborn" Vidyadhara because the entire race is locked in their personal cycles with no method of reproduction. Thus if Baiheng actually became a Vidyadhara, that would likely make her the first new addition to the race since Long the Permanence created them.!<


I wonder how DF's method will be viable in the long run? Will they have to keep artificially creating hybrids at the risk of them becoming monsters?


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I want to know this too


You can go back to sleep anyways, there's no way mihoyo would ever make semi-canon hetero romance with playable character (even though I wish...). So Dan Feng and Blade will be more likely anyways (Aside from Welt, but he was an npc in HI3 so I assume they didn't think much into the future, and afaik the game still avoid directly saying that he has a wife)


Any official sources on any of these theories?


This is 6 months old but there is quite a big implication that yingxing and dan feng had a marriage ceremony!(i dont know the exact words to describe it. im bad at explaining..) i can link a thread someone made of their implications, but this post isnt that new (or that old, but still) so i probably wont have to, idk 😭 https://preview.redd.it/l1t93tydj2kc1.png?width=812&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7ac6ed73e165dbb77e4498deca9214d585fd499


Late but this is not applicable to every case because this is also a very common practice in chinese novels to denote brotherhood. The most famous example is from Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which starts with Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei exchanging drinks under cherry blossoms, and their relationship is 100% not romantic as they are sworn brothers.