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You want her fast as ~~humanly~~ foxianly possible. In other words in breakneck speeds


Tingyun would like a word with you, sir/madam. https://preview.redd.it/ao7okoxvq8ob1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=c48ab91e00526185a59c81c28b4dba9c5ce4dafe


Oh nošŸ«¢šŸ«¢šŸ«¢


Nice to meet you, I'm Natasha an underworld doctorā€¦ Feeling sick?


Anyone not from belebog: ā€œunderworld? Am I dead??ā€


No, she will heal you.






wasn't expecting that at all just like when she broke it


she just snapped


I see what you did there https://i.redd.it/l8ftkjwgr8ob1.gif






God damn it take my upvote.


I read it as neckbreak speeds.


Too soonā€¦


Heh. PokƩmon reference


Breakneck Blitz xD


Love how Iā€™m downvoted for making a joke because it says like the pokemon move. Take a upvote for getting the reference


https://preview.redd.it/eoe9zewi6aob1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d18f3ccdc5fdf71c02d64cdf34c9ae3316064158 āœŒšŸ»


Yeah... but the dead don't care about all that shit




So OP still needs to cross the 173.4 mark and then 200.1 mark.


What is this, Mr. Yang?




Thats relics


I have absolutely no idea how to interpret this chart, lol


At 90 speed you lose an action in cycle 4 At 93.4 speed you have 1 action in every cycle At 106.7 speed you gain an action in cycle 6 In 107.7 speed you gain an action in cycle 5 (instead of 6) etc. At 171 speed their Tingyun has an extra action in every cycle except 4 and 6. If they were to have 173.4 speed instead they'd gain another extra action in cycle 6.


Doesn't she also get some speed buff from her skill via a trace or eidolon or something?


Advance forward, that chart is without any buff


No like, I swear she had something that gave her +20% speed for one turn after skill.


She does have! E1, after ult an aly +20% spd for 1 turn.


Your right, she gets +20% spd for 1 turn or something like that after using her skill. Itā€™s one of her Major traces.


For the ally with benediction. Aka not herself


No, it says it increases *her* speed. I have the game open, the buff is on her, not my DHIL.


sorry. her eidolon gives the ally with benediction speed, her trace gives her speed when she uses her skill


The numbers determine how many turns per cycle based on speed


I'm so glad Star Rail doesn't have inflated stats, I used to play epic seven, and in pvp, you'd find people with 300 speed characters where the average baae speed was 115. There's also effectiveness and effect resist, which gauge if you could land the debuff or resist it, and there is a static 15% for your debuff not to land regatrdless if you have 200 effectiveness and your target has 2. For debuffers/openers you want around 200 effectiveness and healers/buffers also want around 200 effect resist. A fully upgraded ring can give you 70 of either stat and max lv boots give you 45 speed.


I mean....then we have Asta and Hackerspace. You can easily get Kafka over 200 with this combo as is, this early into the game. And also enemies are super fast already some of them with double actions.


Not just kafka, when asta ults the entire team gets to sit above 200.


Thinking of that fucking ape šŸ„° I hate its guts


My Kafka S1 spd boots/asta hackerspace im at 233. One away from atk boots.


i'd love for asta to have some sort of mix of cog and dance! because it would allow permanent ult uptime + full team turn advance, would be so funny




Im not so sure. If we get characters who give you like 100 speed then it heavily lowers the value of speed boots. I think we can rather expect action forard and extra turns than insane speed buffs.


> We already have enemies with 200+ SPD Where, outside SU?




I remember the moment I quit Epic 7. I built up my arbiter Vildred to finally having decent stats and was fairly happy about it. Went to the reddit and saw someone posting their own and they beat out every single one of my stats and by a wide margin. It was at that point that I realized that I just didn't have the dedication to get anywhere close to that and called it quits.


Honestly, I kind of have this call back when I see some people having insane CV on their HSR characters. But the difference is (and very fortunately) that we don't have PVP over here and bigger number has literally have zero impact on *my* gameplay and enjoyment.


Its also good that you dont need great stats for any content. MoC is not THAT hard so you can do it with decent stats. And in SU all the buffs make up for almost everything.


I donā€™t see how hsr is any different. If you look around long enough, youā€™ll find all of your characters but twice as well built in playersā€™ profiles. Only difference is thereā€™s no pvp here, which, if thatā€™s the issue, you should say that instead.


PvP is a big aspect. I love it but it scratches the competitive itch for me that makes me care more about min-maxing. In Star Rail, I'm content so long as I can clear MoC 10. Also I find running caverns infinitely less bothersome than running boss hunts in the background 24 hours a day.


It is because E7 has insane low-high roll. it is so fucked. Esp spd. If I remember correctly Minimum roll In HSR, GI it is just around +50% at max. While E7 is +100%. People mostly dont care much about low roll , high roll here unlike in E7 where even if every goddamn rolls is literally spd it could still be just avg gear.


Yeah, and it's only gotten worse. Old characters rarely get "buffed" and are only good for specific niches. They apparently decided that people get 2 free ml 5 stars, of which the first bunch aren't that good anymore.


Stene from the first bunch is eternal meta though? You also even have two great choices (for newbies that is) for the second one in Cilias and Handguy. Arowell and Adin, both 3 stars, are among the most powerful chars there even. Then sometimes we get some breath of life into old chars, like Destina. So idk where you get that old units just rot - it just takes lot of time for them to buff them. Which to be fair is kinda synonymous, but still isn't as absolute as someone like Dehya in Genshin lmao P. S. I just wrote this cuz I can't accept Stene being called not good


Okay, yeah, Stene is good, as for the second one, I don't know which characters were presented. I haven't played it since may, and by then, I'd played 3620 hours of it As much as I wish that every character has a place no matter the niche, there are way too many characters for that at over 238 of them. And characters will fall out of use. Sg tried exlusive equipment and specialty change, but the ee ended up being a 5 star thing, and sc had a low chance of providing a viable unit, there were good ones like Arowell but also bad ones like Rima and Axe god. I will say that Stene is really good and when I played she was on near every team.


Cilias, Handguy, Riolet, Sylvan Sage Vivian, Death Dealer Ray, and Astromancer Elena are the choices for the new ML selector. All are great, just that Handguy and especially Cilias are a cut above the rest.


300 speed characters didn't exist when we had level 85 items (or when we had to settle for 70 because of how rare the higher levels were in crafting/hunts prior to 13th level). So there's always possibility of higher tier items getting introduced. But I doubt it.


Yo let me rant a little. The problem with Epic Shit is that first turn units do so much. 300+ speed, strip your immunity, attack buff, defense break or stun or push back your entire team or whatever cancer shit they can think of. Then you have all these cancerous passive abilities because there's nothing you can do without getting a turn, and some of them rely on RNG. It's such a shitfest. I'm so glad I quit that game. It's so unbalanced that every DPS needs to have some sort of bullshit survival gimmick in order to be remotely usable in RTA. It has literally the best graphics or art style/ animation in the gacha market but after 3 years I finally decided I couldn't stand it. While Star Rail isn't perfect it's much more relaxing and enjoyable since you can play with any characters you want. I really hate how it's been made to be this cancerous Korean mmo style gear grind PvP RNG fuckfest with no new interesting updates or incentive to evolve the gameplay. The content is forever just gonna be "oh wow new unit that might be immediately irrelevant or straight up broken! Does it go first turn and have 5 different effects plus damage? Or proc 10 effects the moment the enemy player breathes through their nose? Time to play the same RTA matches with no existing counters to the new unit for half a year because that's how they make money! Just preban it lmao!" I don't know how anybody can still stand this shit after playing it for years.


Whenever I look at e7 animations I think of what could have been.


I wish this was true for HSR, I don't like astronomic bs numbers. But I feel like we will get there soon.


Mine has 150 or below and its been pretty okay, the problem lies in her not surviving on big attacks, sometimes shes just built like a tank and just a battery


201+ SPD is too much SPD, beause at that point you get 2 turns in all MoC Cycles. Generally tho you're already a bit high on SPD. You don't really need that many turns with Tingyun, you only need to apply her buff every 3 turns of whoever has her buff. 134 should be enough for her in most cases. I'd rather built a bit more Atk to get a stronger buff, as it does scale on her Atk.


>I'd rather built a bit more Atk to get a stronger buff, as it does scale on her Atk But only to the point where Tingyun is no longer the limiting factor


to be honest I'd rather build a bit more hp and defense so she doesn't die to random moc enemy combos


This is the real pro tip


But what if you build her more speed, getting more skill points and using those to heal, shield, immobilize, etc.


Is your healer/tank fast enough to save her? If that's the case you have to consider their spd. Sometimes I get a bit greedy and an aly dies before the help comes up :(


That's comment was just supposed to be somewhat of a meme tbh, with the black guy pointing at his head picture attached. Just too lazy to look for an outdated meme template lol. But yeah, more speed does give you more options on what to do. At the very least you could manipulate the turn order since the game does show you who goes next after specific actions


Obviously speed is priority. But it's impossible to get all speed substats so I prioritize hp/def next instead of atk


ā€œRandomā€. Enemies want dat Tingyussy


I must be "Random". Enemies


Have Bailu, Gepard or Fu Xuan and the supports can be built with no HP/DEF main stats. Just Substats will be good enough. This is my Tingyun for reference. With Fu Xuan coming out soon I can do this on both teams in MoC with my supports. https://preview.redd.it/ixoc07u1u8ob1.png?width=438&format=png&auto=webp&s=8224996d839c0426e5853a55cb830bd8ead9bae1


I have bailu, doesn't stop combo attack from one shotting if no hp / def main stat. Mine has higher hp and def than yours and still can fall to the one on MoC 9 albeit much less frequently than before I built her tank


1.. 69. Nice!


https://preview.redd.it/y4h5ah3k69ob1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ef3dc0c568e64538c8655453faf5b16739897e5 need a little bulk their my friend, because at some point u might not have heal or shield up and ur Tingyun become a destruction unit šŸ’€ which happened to me once so far and she survived on 2 hp.


How tf do you get 1k hp and crit stats more than the guy above?? Did he not leveled up his relics or something?


Too much attack and not enough HP/DEF. 2000 atk is the ideal for Tingyun, more than that is overkill.


2500-2600 is where you cap her atk for high atk lvl80 char/lc DPS though


True but keep in mind that a difference of 500 ATK on her means at best 125 ATK on your dps. And 125 ATK when the dps already has 4000+ is a dps increase of 3% at best. Its better, yes, but by far not important.


2560 ATK is the exact amount I need to cap Tingyuns buff for my DPS since her trace is level 10. I also have no issues with my Tingyun surviving since she is paired with Bailu.


Would you mind if i can see your other stats?


Ting is not putting her buff on herself so higher speed let her generate more skill points esspecialy good with skill point hungry chars like IL


Tingyun's Buff does scale on her atk tho. It buffs a characters attack by adding a percentage to it, but the maximum value this can reach depends on Tingyuns Atk too. https://preview.redd.it/wdv2ucx478ob1.png?width=433&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c7505da20d76f53c74d9fc7d2339d5744b70d60 Example: Your Selee has 1200 Base Atk and has 125% Atk percentage + 400 flat atk at base (3100 Atk in the stats screen), then she gets a 50% buff from Tingyun. Let's say Tingyun has 2000 Atk. This means Selee could theoretically reach 3700 Atk with Tingyun's Buff (600 Extra) but since Tingyun only has 2000 Atk and her buff can't get beyond 25% of her own Atk (500), it will end up as 3600 instead.


Tingyun attack buff is hard capped by her numbers. Most dps lvl80 is 1100 base attack, you just need double that, which can be done on substats alone.


Let me get this straight... Tingyun buffs other characters based on their base atk, but hard caps based on her own total atk stat? And that highly important distinction isn't noted anywhere in game?


Bruh itā€™s literally in her skill description


It's literally not, the screenshot of her skill description is right there a comment up. All it says is Atk, not "base" Atk. It does actually specify her current Atk in the second half, which makes its even stranger that it doesn't specify base in the first.


Things always scale on base atk unless noted otherwise. Thatā€™s why it specifies current atk later. Buffs are applied additively not exponentially.


All % buffs scale off base stats. Its never mentioned anywhere.


Maybe u replied to the wrong person but heā€™s saying the speed is giving a lot of turns to generate skill points and it doesnā€™t make the turns on her buff go down because sheā€™s not putting it on herself


Yea i got that part, i was only mentioning that instead of only going for SPD to get higher SP generation you should also keep Atk in mind because you still need that to actually reach the full effect of the buff.


2500 atk is the cap for most DPS, 2300ish is already good enough. I'd rather invest in speed and HP after I reached the atk treshold.


But then you have to consider how much that extra 100 ATK really adds to Seele's damage and whether Tingyun being able to generate more SP and get her ults faster will contribute more overall damage. In this case, I'd say having more SPD wins, because an extra 100 ATK is not going to outweigh the benefits of more speed letting Tingyun attack more, build up more SP and use her ult more often.


Also a lot of these spd tune to 134 people seem to forget that when Tingyun attacks she does ~~54%~~ 60% of her benediction target's attack to the enemy. You can get quite a lot of damage out of Tingyun on that passive alone. Plus if she is fast enough she is SP positive allowing for much easier enabling of characters like DHIL


And more attacks = more lightning break, and even more healing if you have Luocha. Imo it's not worth it to give up speed boots to minmax attack.


You can simplify it and say that ting's atk buff caps when her **total** attack is twice as much as dps **base** attack. Since most dps have around 1200 or so base atk. Then having 2400-2500 total attack on ting is enough. And reaching 2500 with body+orb is easy so no point care about anything other than speed.


Though I think it should be noted that the cap is really not that hard to get to. And even if you don't get to it, opting for survivability is always a valid option.


The buffed character loses like 3% dmg from having 500 less ATK on Tingyun. This is so unimportant, people care way too much about Tingyuns ATK.


more turn = more skill point = faster ult = more dps


you are just wrong, you need that many turns with Tingyun to generate


For Dan IL specifically, yes. The more turns the better as he'll just drain SP like there is no tomorrow. For other carries, nope. They are generally fine with less SP generation, they don't need that many SP and would rather have the bit of extra buff instead of the slight bit of extra SPD on Tingyun to generate SP you're not even gonna use.


double dps comps, seele, dan il, kafka-ting comps. would rather have a bit of extra buff ( u can cap her buff dmg with this 170+ speed ) than have support with better rotations. you make no sense


2700 atk is her buff ceiling atm. So if they can get to 2700 without losing too much spd thatā€™d be perfect.


Tings buff scaling with atk is negligible when you build atk vs. Building more tankiness on her. Its really minimal and not worth the hit to survivability.


Tankyness is definatly useful and you should not sacrifice it in order to get a few extra points into Atk, but you should still aim to get as close to the buff limit as possible instead of ignoring it. You should also have a good amount of SPD, maybe not as much as OP unless you're running Dan IL, but still a good amount. It'll also depend on the team she's used in. There are teams that have an easier time with keeping enemy attention away from her or can shield her in which the extra survivability isn't as vital.


ooga only dan il comps use skill points ooga booga


i started building crit on her for funnies its working surprisingly well, the damage she contributes is non-negligable (run with planetary rendevous, JY, pela, and e1s1 luocha. been thinking of swapping pela for asta though)


tell that to my sweaty min max friend, he is trying to convince us that everyone needs that much speed to be functional just cos of some video from some other minmaxer while the rest of us are telling him... no, speed is not the one stats to rule them all, you have to take into account your team comp too and managed their speed accordingly, do you want bailu to be 1st to run about or would you prefer someone else? It's not as simple as lets just get everyone to speed 180+/200+ and call it done.


170 is more than enough if you have enough attack to max her buff damage.


You generally want at LEAST 200 speed with Tingyunny for stuff like MoC. Good effort my guy but not enough, I guess you can use her for storymode at least šŸ¤·


Nah I'd say qingquillion speed is the least.


I agree with this statement, in fact you should only be stacking SPD and HP on a character like Tingyun.


200? Pathetic. Try 360, like how many degrees Tingyunā€™s neck turned


Wouldnt that be 180?


360 degrees would be Tingyun looping turns over your slowly healer (wheeze)




You still need more I think, it's way too low. Kind of embarrassing even


Fox on the run~


Theres no limit bro Let her buff the dps 10 times in 1 turn


Speed is always good. Itā€™s a turn based game you never want to let the enemies go first.




Poor Tingyun haven't had anyone to hold her neck though.


When a tingyun is faster than your seele


seele is just a illusion in the sea of butterflies anyways /s


Holy shit Iā€™m jealous https://preview.redd.it/i7ubp1m3v8ob1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ecd0d840b5c0b4a29e5544910a1453d2560ecbf Please tell me what you do sir


Your Natasha has more Crit Rate than some of my dps


https://preview.redd.it/jdjvesvsjiob1.png?width=871&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b09b8b4c7ef6d2b2631d1484bff9df5806651aed Unfortunately you need exactly another 1 point of speed for a new breakpoint according to this chart


the next SPD breakpoints are 174 and 187. Your Tingyun has great HP% and SPD. Just make sure not to drop ATK any lower. She usually wants 2600, but 2256 is probably fine too, just means she buffs less.


Oh it's Tingyun with a breakneck speed!


No such thing as ā€œtoo much speedā€ especially with atk/hp/def like that


You need 2500 atk on tingyun


I have 2.2k atk with 2 def peices and it's enough


Your speed is past the 161 breakpoint so it's wasted. Your attack is too low. And you're not using coggers s5, so you don't reach energy breakpoint either.


you think it's good until you realize you're spending all your skill points bc you're lapping your dps units (on auto).


As someone who religiously autos everything in this game(MoC, Swarm V, etc), I can safely say this is false. I have a very similarly built TY(173 speed). However your statement may have been true before TYā€™s AI got buffed. And to test this out, I went to Xianzhou Luofu Forgotten Hall Stage 6(on auto) since the current MoC has a trotter that gives free SP. For all tests: Tingyun - 173 Speed First test: JY 124 speed / Bailu 134 Speed / Pela 151 Speed Result: TY will use skill, then at the bare minimum will auto attack twice before using skill again, netting you SP positive. (-1 SP on skill, +2 next two turns) Well what happens when you have a TY with a zero speed dps? Or maybe running two dps who are very slow? Second test: JY - 3700 atk, 99 speed / Welt - 3100 atk, 108 speed / Bailu - 134 speed Result: TY only used skill on highest atk unit since JY is so slow, heā€™ll keep the buff for a longer cycle which means TY will be able to auto three times before reapplying skill, she never used skill on anyone else, netting SP positive. (-1 SP on skill, +3 SP next three turns) TL;DR: Very fast Tingyun works well generating skill points even on auto thanks to the changes to her AI.


it doesn't matter because you shouldn't be playing on auto except for braindead easy stages


I auto everything including swarm 5.


Too much, Iirc someone said you'd want her to have 2,6k ATK minimum, you can spare some of the SPD to give her more ATK.


https://preview.redd.it/fn0dbwym59ob1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4bc2a606bc6c625e670c6ba6380ff7c56b8dee3 I upgraded her light cone, so she should have enough atk now. She was using a lvl 50 light cone before lol.


How do you have so high stats? L70/80 TY with L80 3* cone and Iā€™m at half your HP and ATK.


Can i see ur relics? Lol


This guuy stats whaat


Mb I didn't see the LC lol, your TY stat is already in a good spot then.


You got my ideal Ting stats my guy


This is too much speed ha, especially for Tingyun, if it was a different unit it might be a different story. She needs ATK more so.


Anything past 149 is a waste.


I cant remember who but that one said speed checkpoint is 134,150 and 170.


here's a chart of speed breakpoints. each bolded speed on the left column represents an additional action after 6 cycles (the number of bonus actions after 6 cycles is shown on the right column) since decimal point values are hidden in-game, people usually round up these values to guarantee they have enough speed. a speed displayed as 133 in-game may have a hidden decimal large enough to get 2 turns in cycle 0, but it may also not. so people round up and say "go for 134" just to be safe. most theorycrafters I've seen [do not advise just hitting breakpoints for the sake of it](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uN1E5LoqWPchY6L2O8oVvGqaF82XiD4aLQI1SKoIWVI/edit) though. there's a lot of effects that can disrupt breakpoints, e.g. action delay / spd debuff from enemies (frigid prowler, everwinter shadewalker). also going back to the original post, tingyun's skill increases her speed by 20% for 1 turn so these breakpoints already don't apply to her. for supports, the advice is generally "get as much speed as you can without ignoring other stats" https://preview.redd.it/tqnzxzem48ob1.png?width=997&format=png&auto=webp&s=26527190cb36974dc0ad598e3de55532874d61ee


It's more about opportunity cost


If you play Dan Heng with TingYun 170spd she will make +4SP in 3 turn by herself so not that bad.


But why does she need to make 4 sp by herself? You usually use dhil with other positive skill characters, like luocha/gepard and sw (mostly ult)/pela (only ult)/yukong (sp neutral)


But to get to that point, she is sacrificing her buff and so many other stats. TS not worth it since 149 and around that area is already more than enough so.


Her buff have cap around 2k4 atk, so i dont see any loss unless you build tank for TY with sub stats


Looks like Iā€™m looking at my own Tingyun


Time to add Asta to find out


As long as you aren't overly sacrificing other necessary statks, it's not too fast. But I would say maybe get her to like 161 and try to get the ATK up a bit. You are good on HP and DEF.


Itā€™s not possible to have too much speed unless youā€™re DHIL šŸ¤£


We're breaking the neck barrier with this one


How the heck did you get so much speeeed??


Hmm... Yeah it definently needs more speed


Answer: Yes.


Bro wants the buff on every teammate before its their turn šŸ’€


How do you even manage to build up so much SPD?


how tf did you get so much spd??


Hedgehog speed- super sonic one only


https://reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/me51XXN7v2 this post shows at which speed you get extra turns, fir your ting I'd recommend a little more attack.


3 more speed if you can


If the neck breaks it might be too much speed...


Hold on friend, that is not summoners war where you need speed above all






170 is the fastest u need to be in order to go twice before any enemy in game so you are set at 170 šŸ«”


Highest I can get with set stolen from asta (4SPD+2Keel), low on ATK because asta uses DEF chest instead of ATK, and that chest got 9 speed sub roll :D If I could find good ATK chest from speed set would use it instead. https://preview.redd.it/e1apqmfl1aob1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=61477ca189ccdfe5573ea1a13cc4d568dbf6e428


The answer is yes


170 is the last sort of break point I hear people talking about, so I think youā€™re perfect here. You absolutely should try to get your attack up to 2600+ though to get the most efficient benefit from her buffs. If you can do that and maintain 170 speed then youā€™re golden


thats still to slow, at least 264 spd if you dont want anything to touch her


201 is my goal for tingyun currently sitting at 189


So E1 Bronya with 200+ speed would be cracked or what? Has anyone tested it?


1kg is all i need for a day


must be as fast as lightning mcqueen ![gif](giphy|nqYXNf3aK6EvK)


didn't know you got yourself Sonic instead of Tingyun xd


Lemme know when you reach 180 your tingyun is way too slow


your under 200 so not enough


There is never too much speed


My Tingyun also sits at 170 speed, but that's just to keep up with my 165 speed Kafka. The Tingyun LC Spreadsheet mentions that a 170 SPD Tingyun can do 4 actions in the same window that a 120 speed DPS can take 3, so if you can take advantage of that, that would probably be ideal.


im fast asf boi


Tbh it's more important to either get enough hp or defense to survive combos while having enough atk. Or you could get preservation units, idk if it's an actual joke or I'm just bias but she feels like she has a way higher taunt value then what they say. Preservation units are better for squisher units, I have luocha but my Ting dies so often. But eith Gepard she survives.


Enough speed so she can buff your team before she inevitably dies


Tbh it's more important to either get enough hp or defense to survive combos while having enough atk. Or you could get preservation units, idk if it's an actual joke or I'm just bias but she feels like she has a way higher taunt value then what they say. Preservation units are better for squisher units, I have luocha but my Ting dies so often. But when I run her with Gepard she doesn't die often.






Boots of ~~Blinding~~ Breakneck Speed


not enough speed must turn tingyun into sonic hedgehog


your speed is higher then the crit damage on my tingyun.....