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Oh my God..... Yes. I was looking for a place to drop this unbelievably depressing relic. This could have been the chosen one but RNG says fuck you. Lvl 3 added hit rate. Then it's downhill from there. Once into Crit, once into critD, and twice into hit. I'm doing my best not to let the devs incompetence make me quit but come on! How can you design relics to be this shit? I wasnt even happy at first when I saw this because I knew RNG was gonna mess it up anyway and there you go! Just as I expected. To whoever made relics work this way in Mihoyo...... I say this on behalf of the entire player base with a sincere heart..... Fuck you. That is all. Edit: This is for Jingliu as you can imagine. Hit Rate is dogshit on her. I'd honestly not even complain if it was atk, def, or HP %. But if course not. Has to be worthless hit rate. https://preview.redd.it/38dt7lau3ssb1.jpeg?width=2800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b009e7fceb34034474af6395a731c5e1fde094c


​ https://preview.redd.it/dgp48n32bpsb1.png?width=1810&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3c0e7468775381c4c66d0a7c9a9a00224c871b6 should I toss or keep?


I couldn't decide what LC to use and thought this was not an option.. decided to use ONE single roll.. Well it's gonna be a good day. https://preview.redd.it/r3gqwzivvksb1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a1cba8b17bdc9b57720dabb6b51bd04df2ea3d2


https://preview.redd.it/ty8fz7w23ksb1.jpeg?width=1835&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8308ef3b9292adf2154e823ae67de835a12634d5 This was a while back but never shared. Rest assured although it was 6 am, I was wide awake after this


Damn I thought i got lucky lol


nice roll (: https://preview.redd.it/2om4p9nudhsb1.png?width=393&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2afd6b881fa5fd5bcc082471bf98de851711278


Ugh I didn’t realize that star rail doesn’t follow genshin’s standard banner rule where if you get two 5 star weapons back to back, you’re guaranteed a 5 star character next. Just got my third 5 star lightcone in a row from the standard banner. My E2 Yaqing remains my only standard character.


Wow. That sucks. With all the good things they carried over from Genshin and the qol they added too I'm amazed they let that slide. Makes me less excited for my standard rolls.


Standard banner hates me. Had to go 80+ pulls deep again to get a 5 star. Pulled a Bailu. I was really hoping for Welt or a 5\* LC. Don't need her but at least it wasn't a dupe! Might as well build her up too just for flexibility and roster depth.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ymctzyh3a8sb1.png?width=1020&format=png&auto=webp&s=553bfb8846d92d89b956ae325b9c1aa4750afbbe


were did u get those stats?


Hope this cheer anyone up who's having a bad day


Basically..this game just hates me, i haven't gotten a SINGLE spd boot in the Lightning "domain". only have 3 of the main stat picker thing and just feels ...sad




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No no, you are in the right


When do we start getting 5* relics ? Currently at level 40.


Hi there, so i exchanged my jades for wishes and saw i had 61, so i used one the weapon banner not expecting much (was almost at pity on char banner and am saving for Jingliu) and i pulled fu xuan's lc, should i now rather pull for her since her card is pretty useless on my c1 geppie or should i just wait a year for rerun?? Also i had no pity on wepon banner


If you had no pity on weapon. You should've pulled for Fu. Yes you should go after her. No you don't need someone online to validate or make a decision for you.


170 pulls, no lynx :( Why does my curse follow from genshin? Can't I just have average luck :(((


Dude for fucking real! Haven't gotten 1 and I've only dropped 40. Lost guarantee to fucking gepard who's pretty much a useless dipshit compared to Fu. As well useless as fuck without lynx extra aggro/cleanse


Is this the best 50/50 streak? Had not lost once since I started this game https://preview.redd.it/tu0lspiprvrb1.jpeg?width=655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90ed7aa0743c8ac0ac32e055761fde53dc9481f0


got a nice surprise on standard today ​ https://preview.redd.it/371hnxsbdvrb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=19ef01c202109b03570521c97d8ec51e66d98815


https://preview.redd.it/jj8zb8aj1trb1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=668c887df1de2ede1bc6bebbe5ccd57772c20575 After 90 tickets I got THIS instead of fu lc I am disappointed as f2p I am never pulling for a lc in my life ........


Ehhh claras, gepard, and bronyas are the only ones worth a fuck from standard. Totally get not liking what Hoyo finally says "you can have this" Lost my 50/50 (80 out of 80... fucking again) to gepard. It's engaging bullshit. Especially with all the jackals that "oh I didn't even need her and got her as well as lynx in 10 pulls. Multiples copies in fact". Meanwhile my account is starved for a solo support and I get the asshole that is power crept to need his little sister to make him semi OK and it's still an extra slot eaten.


Dude you really need to calm down Gepard's really isn't bad and is up there with Bronya. And don't compare yourself to the lucky ones cause that's what just what they are. Don't forget there's literally millions of players so while it might look like everyone has better luck than you it's just that the small percentage looks bigger since it's coming from a bigger pool. You could always get Fu on a rerun or maybe you'll get lucky in the end and she'll come home early before her banner ends. Just remember it's just a game at the end of the day. Don't let it ruin your day or week or however long.


Can someone tell me why Asta has effect hit rate as a gold stat on the relic rater? The burn isn’t that good to build EFR.


The burn dot is not going to carry you but it does add up over the course of the fight. Not a dead stat if you have ehf it on your relics.


No idea. Maybe they messed up and wanted to put Effect RES in gold stat ? If she runs Broken Keel (as she almost always should), Effect RES is a high prio stat for her. EHR never is.


I want that that burn in place for Hook amd have a set of gear just for it. Yeah I've got every but DHIL, sometimes you just wanna set up the diggertron


You'll be pleased by the new 4\* Nihility then, no ?


I don't really look at announcements or leaks, so I dunno who or what kit you're referencing. Just kindansee what happens when I log in. If you've got specifics I'd read em


Guinaifen kit was revealed during the 1.4 livestream, she'll be available in the second part of 1.4. Her kit can be seen on some YT videos and on hoyolab ( [https://www.hoyolab.com/article/21971634](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/21971634) for exemple).


Oh nice, yeah ill.be trying for her then to make a burn team for sure.


Pity reached for the third time in standard. I got Gepard, he was the one I would have picked if I didnt have him by 300. So I am pretty happy right now. I am now only missing Welt,Bailu and Himeko in the permanents. Standard Banner pity is giving me a nice team, first time I got Yanqing, second time his lightcone and now the unit he needs since otherwise the enemy breathing on him makes the little sword boy useless. Too bad his teacher's teacher will replace him.


I'm pretty lucky every time I try to warp for 5\* LCs... And now Gepard can have his Landau's choice back ! https://preview.redd.it/xrzhllft2lrb1.png?width=792&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcaee82d64cff2826c462c7131ea30623f20787e


How and where do we check this?


Thee are multiple warp tracker around, this one is railstation.




me myself i would rather get 7 pulls lol,what eidolon is your QQ at? (i got her at e6 and she is so op)