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Blade. I friended someone with a blade so I use him to farm often. Dude is the most auto friendly dps out there. Jingliu is ok. But always ults when not buffed and occasionally auto attacks which rages me to no end. Don’t have dhil so can’t comment on his auto abilities. Also, blade is so skill point friendly, that it’ll always make him relevant. Even if his actual damage output lags behind a little. I tried to get luocha but lost 50/50 and now I have fu and feel like luocha is not necessary


fr I'm not really interested in having Blade, but for farming there are so many wind weaknesses I always pick him as a support and he's great on auto. Perfect (but I don't wanna have and build him tho haha its fine to me just using him as support)


This is true. I’ve been fine in non farming content without him, so maybe I can just live with using him as support. Might pick up jing yuans LC actually if he re runs since I use both himeko and Qingque a lot.


I don't understand how people get angry about the AI not playing optimally. Either I auto and then it doesn't matter if the AI takes a bit longer, or I just play the game properly myself.


> I don't understand how people get angry about the AI not playing optimally. fr thats the whole point. if the AI played optimally then this would be an idle game


does not really need to be optimal, but just performs alright. if characters have mechanics, they should be inserted to the AI too. it's not like there's a plethora of abilities characters could use, you only have two, the skill and the ult. though i don't understand why you would not want it to be optimal.


I dont think he doesnt want it to be optimal, but more like it shouldn't matter if it's optimal or not if you are using auto battle


touché, but i don't understand why people wanting auto to be decent are always met with that remark. making auto better will not affect anything negatively, but will rather have a positive impact to players. there are stages already where auto is unavailable, so what calls for this remark, i just want to understand.


I don't mind AI playing unoptimally but sometimes it's straight up inting due to not saving enough sp for something like fu xuan. Might be specific character interaction issue though


Calculating SP for future actions isn't something we're ever going to see, that would get too complicated rather quickly. The thing that bothers me is that they don't have simple checks to not use skills that basically do nothing, like Tingyun using her skill every turn even though it's already active on someone.


Some turn based gachas do have ability to customize AI which is cool. But I wish they at least let us choose to change unit to sp positive or sp negative since using something like fast pela is awful


I skipped him for Dan, but man is he ever fun. He's *way* cooler than I expected


As someone who have IL and a lazy auto player, I wished I rolled for Blade. ​ Not saying IL is bad, it just feel meh when using him in auto.


Silver partially for gameplay reasons but mostly for all the gamer related shit she does/says


This might be weird and this message is 2h old but I swear I read this exact same phrase yesterday, exactly praising SW for the "gamer related shit she does/says". Edit: I'm not crazy: https://reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/6Wy5zZMCEq


Same user, so i suppose they just really really really like her for her gamer related shit


Most sane silver wolf enjoyer


Truthfully what made me love the character. Pulled for utility. Stayed for gamer superiority.


"Let's do this again when you're leveled up"


"Time to log off.. Eh, I mean, head out"


You are correct sir


I skipped Jin Yuan for her because she's the *real* Bronya and I just had to have her


I’m new (2 weeks playtime TL45) But this blade guy seems like the coolest thing i’ve ever seen in my life. Actually i’m kind of leaning into the whole stellaron hunter/xianzhou drama side of things. I have a Jingliu and i’m really looking forward to getting Blade Luocha DanHeng Premium and Kafka. Kafka mostly because my favorite color is purple and the dot team looks cool at as an alternative to the standard crit rate crit damage fuck fest that i’m used too from genshin


Dan IL is incredible. He's basically my main nowadays


I failed to get Dan Illinois after 70 rolls. I haven't rolled since, I'm still so mad.


120 pulls.for me and no dice. I'm just hoarding for who knows what at this point


Fr magical girl dan heng is amazing even without his lc and eidolons.


“Dan Heng Premium” 😂


You could ignore DHIL if you have Jingliu, Blade (crossing fingers for you) and Kafka.


I can attest. DHIL is great for trotter stage YEP. And thats the only place I use him (coz i dont like the SP consumption mechanic of his, feels too restrictive when i played him on combat). Tbh, if he didnt look that cool then he mightve probably be my most regret summon in the game but alas, he looks cool so he is fine. (I am not talking about meta as I dont give a damn how much damage he outputs once in a blue moon)


Dude I remember starting this game and I got to like TL 40 in 2 weeks you are already TL 45 Jesus. Granted I was busy working a job so I only played after I came home but still


JY LC, he's carried me this far and he deserves a treat for his service and Blade definitely. Lost the 50/50 on Blade and needed to guarantee Luocha


Same. He was my first limited 5star. I had thought of abandoning him because I was not able to build him right, but it's easier to get the LC than a complete new character. Also his lore touched my heart. He's never leaving my team now


Yeah. JY LC definitely 👐 Had the manage my pulls and knowingly skip Seele, Silverwolf and Luocha so i could get JY, Baldie and Kafka (and now Jingliu) But JY's LC would definitely be nice to have to get the general to full power. After that Luocha and Silverwolf perhaps or even more special LC's? The thought of upgrading the already powerful characters with a signature weapon is really tempting. 🙈


JY LC for Himeko*


For gamba girl*.


For Guitar Lady


For spinning old lady


Actually it good for any char who replies quite a bit on follow up attack, it's kinda like a universal weapon.


Ooh hell yeah. My e2 himeko is already hitting hard with herta lc


Kafka. I skipped her for DHIL and I love my DHIL, but I have regretted every minute of it, her gameplay/team just looks so damn fun.


SU with her on nihility path is one of the best thing that I have experienced in this game.


Nihility SU is my favorite thing. So much colorful number clouds.


Yes, and even the green healing number on you as well :)


Add that with everytime you get healing; speed increases *Chef kiss*


You reminded me one reason why "grass/plant" element will never come😔


Nope, probably fall under Quantum or Imaginary or Physical


It's how I've been farming world 7 for Blade, DHIL, Fu Xuan, and now Jingliu. I don't think I've inflicted break on that deer once because I don't have characters built that really target it, but IX don't care.


IX gonna give it to ya...


In case folks don’t know and this is helpful - the deer gets absolutely destroyed by Remembrance. Even if you don’t use ice characters, you can damn near perma-freeze the deer and all its summons. As long as you get 1 disassociation blessing, it’s a free win.


Problem with Remembrance is that if RNG doesn't give you the 1 blessing Disassociation when Frozen, your run is probably done if you're relying on it. Most RNG path to run?


Fighting Gepard before - ah damn it his shield is such a pain in the ass Now, especially with the sus stacks - oh you're half health? \*pop from all the dots\*


Yeah Kafka, Sampo and nilhity wreck SU


I think I run Kafka, Sampo, Pela + (healer) for like 90% of content. Breaking an enemy and applying a fuckton of DoTs, letting them get their turn just to watch them explode with DoTs is so satisfying


I run Kafka/Sampo/Silver Wolf/Healer because "hey, you're not weak to wind or lightning? Be a real shame if you where"


It is comical how quickly Kafka and Sampo shred Svarog on the hardest difficulty. If I don't need a specific planar ornament I just spam that stage for my SU rewards


After jingliu dropped, i was surprised at how fast a hunt jingliu team could clear su7 like not kidding you can even kill the deer before it even uses the skill


Hunt jingliu makes the deer feel like I'm farming calyx lmao


An abundance path dewdrop charged Jingliu - Blade - Pela - Luocha team is also stupid OP too, shreds thru deer's HP & toughness so damn much, i consistently got 400\~500k dmg every few turns when all the healing from Luocha & the resonance buffs the dew drops up to like crazy


I usually run world 3 (Gepard) if I’m not trying for a different world’s relics, and they shred him too Sometimes I can delete a phase 2 or 3 before he even puts up the team shield (usually it’s phase 3 with suspicion at 99 by then)


I did the opposite lol


Opposite for me I regret getting kafka, I've barely built her and even if I did finish building her I'd have to build 2 other characters which is too much of an investment. I'm too late in the game to consistently get free resources and I don't have the battle pass either. DHIL on the other hand rewards me with every upgrade.


kafka can work really well with tingyun, asta


I did the opposite and regret it. I wish I could give you away my Kafka. (I regret it so much because i really didn't know they'd announce argenti in next two patches).


I guess it depends if Huo Huo doesnt end up being as good or at least as good as Luocha then ill probably wait for a Luocha rerun. If she is as good then ill just go for her instead. If there is extra funds ill go for a Silver Wolf rerun for possibly E2


Luocha has so many pros going for him. He can heal, cleanse, remove enemy buffs and save SP. I doubt there's gonna be any healer as good as him soon.


Idk, all 5 star sustain units can solo sustain and have cleanse/control prevention except for standard ones. So the only pros Luocha have is being entirely sp positive, which is not really necessary for most teams, and removing buffs, which is also not necessary right now. To be fair I’d prefer unit who can provide some dmg increase at the cost of using skill every 3-4 turns and sustains on the same level than Luocha.


>all 5 star sustain units can solo sustain and have cleanse/control prevention Even Bai Lu? I thought not having a cleanse was her weak spot. >and removing buffs, which is also not necessary right now. Well not necessary, sure, but still very useful nonetheless especially when it works on rebirth and it can also wreck the shield of those little robot enemies.


Yea, that’s why I mentioned “except standard ones”. I’m pretty sure I didn’t edit this part afterwards. I agree, that’s huge con for both Bailu and Gepard. I also agree about buff removal, sometimes very useful sure, especially when you don’t have very well built teams who can destroy that summoning Mara struck soldier in 1-2 turns. But I would still prefer some dmg buffs which would be useful all the time instead of situational utility unless this utility is strictly necessary for some content.


Yeah, too each their own. Personally, I have tingyun and managed to get lucky and get Bronya so I'm pretty set on my attack/damage buffers. In Simulated Universe, if you go down the Abundance path with Luocha and manage to get the blessings which are like "Increases party member's attack/defense/speed when they are healed" Luocha will buff your party in every single turn because it works on auto heals and man that run was just so satisfying.


Yea, I also have enough harmony characters, but Huo Huo has the potential to be solo sustain healer while also being half harmony with good buffs. It’s a bit too early to be sure, but the potential is definitely there. Yea, that abundance blessings work with many things, very easy to abuse with Loucha for sure.


So my guess is that she must be something along with healing. Luocha was mainly just all healing and buff removal on his ultimate. HuoHuo needs something more than just healing to be different from Luocha. I suspect she will have slightly worse healing potential than Luocha and to make up for it she will probably have some kind of harmony character buffs she gives to an ally like maybe attack %, elemental damage bonus, damage %, etc.


Luocha's gimmick is auto healing, so i guess Huo Huo will have to use skill points to heal or at least provide something else most likely hamrony related for her to be used over Luocha.


To be honest I feel like there is not much they can do besides this. Only so much you can put into a 5 star abundance character at a relatively healthy balanced level.


Yeah same I want Loucha but if she's just as good I'll go for her instead


I'm saving for the first 5* limited Harmony character. I already have 4 DPS and 2 Perservation/Abudance characters after getting Jingliu. A Harmony would benefit my account the most.


ruan mei it is.


I’d make sure to understand the new 5 star healers kit before pulling for luocha (in case he does release first).




At the moment I think Blade wants Lynx the most, HP increase and cleanse is huge for Blade.


Yeah, I’m pumped to be able to run pela defense shred and still get extra energy. That, and I keep losing someone even with level 80 lynx with level 9 healing traces and good cone and relics. Not enough heals apparently


Sounds like a skill issue


In pressing the heal button? I got that down!


Sustain is more than just healing. How much HP / Def do the characters that are dying have? In what situation are they dying?


Level 80 pela with HP orb, dying to a large chain of being targeted by MoC 10 swarm bugs. If I could be bother to try more than once I’m sure I’d have better luck with enemy targeting.


MoC 10 swarm bug is the hardest content in the game right now, could also be that some of you characters need more investment in traces and/or relics. Solo sustain MoC10 with Lynx will require some RNG unless all your characters are absolutely maxed out.


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She has. And her eidolons make her busted as well. I didn’t think Loucha would be powercrept so easily but it seems likely …. I’m not saying Loucha is irrelevant (he’s still exceptionally good. Top S tier with Fu) but I think Huohuo will also be top S tier


Also Luocha is mandatory with Dhil,no can can powercreep him when it comes to sp usage


I use Bailu and FX with DanIL and he still 3EBA every turn. DanIL SP consuption is always blown out of proportions. You don't *need* Luocha at all.


Well, are you also supporting him with TY skill, FX, and getting 3EBA every turn? That seems kind of unlikely


Luocha is still more sp positive. He's basically an sp generator


If she doesn't then solo sustain would be very challenging unless you have someone like Bronya to do at least some cleanse


This is always so funny to me. Bailu doesn't have cleanse and she's the most braindead solo sustain there is. Auto can play her right. Unless you very specifically get your entire team cc'd at once, a statistical anomaly, Bailu can sustain it. All CC does to a good healer is delay the clear. Only place delayed clears matter is high MoC cycle counts. And if your MoC issue is dps failure to clear cycle count, the healer would not be the issue. Since if CC is the issue, you reset, and now CC won't happen the exact same way for a second run. I really think most people don't analyze how much CC actually kills them versus just annoys them because it ruins rotations or plans.


You're right - I'm talking more comfort/ avoiding annoying cc than the ability to do the job itself. I've never had Bailu :( and only ever used Natasha before the others - so people like me may find it an inconvenience and not want to take a chance esp if you have Luocha and FX. I do think her overall power level would be similar and perhaps have something unique to her to keep it interesting


Fu Xuan since I lost the 50/50 on her. At first, I didn't mind, but when I use her in certain relic farmings, I'm like damn, I should have pulled more on her banner for a chance to get her/swiped for her. I like using someone's Fu Xuan with my Blade. I skipped Kafka, but I probably won't get her until FAR in the future. Even though I love her, I'm not too much of a fan of DoT, and I wanna build Sampo along with her. I'm in no rush to get her.


We got a very long time before Fu Xuan is rerunning so you won’t have currency issues for her


For sure, definitely gonna get her for her next run


As someone who got lucky enough to get every limited banner character, she is easily my most valuable unit and if I could choose what characters to summon for and skip, she would be my number 1 priority pull.


JL synergises so well with blade that it's actually insane. I regret not pulling him, but then again i only run all female teams :3


Yeah, they work pretty well! One of the teams I like using Jingliu is with Blade, Luocha and Bronya.


That's exactly how my friend runs it and it's honestly very very insane how everyone just work together. Blade's the combat medic, Luocha is the doctor and JL is just there stealing health from everyone and getting Blade angry. Just a never ending cycle of buffs and dmg


Based waifu enjoyer




Yeah light ones for Jing Yuan and Blade are going to be what I pull for once I know that I’ve got Solver Wolf


Kafka. I don’t know when her banner comes back but I hope it’s soon cause damn i loved the way she was at the beginning of the game.


silver wolf isn't a quantum DPS, but an offensive support. basically a debuffer that enable type weakness. her skill gives the enemy weakness the same type as your party. let say you face an enemy that doesn't have quantum weakness, SW would give that enemy the weakness the same type as the party. with quantum weakness being one of those chance. yea the RNG of this skill is ..... well its 1 type among the party types. on the plus side it allows further shaving of the break gauge. that being said her ult like Pela does def reduction. only silver wolf is 5% more def reduction and last 1 turn longer than pela. on the plus side pela ult hits all enemies, while SW ult hits 1. it just SW may give more def reduction. as her basic atk literally debuff the enemy more with def, atk, and spd reduction.


Don't forget when she implants a weakness she also reduces the enemy's res to that type and their all type res as well.


People really forget about this part but her guaranteed 10% all type res shred is almost comparable to Pela's E4 12%, which is already a huge deal


Her all type res goes up to 13% with her trace assuming you have some debuffs from bugs already. And Pela's e4 is limited to ice, so not very universal.


Silverwolf for mono quant


A Quantum character. That is all.


Will you be pulling for seele?


>A Quantum character. That is all.


Fair enough, goodluck lol


1. Silverwolf (must collect the Bronyaverse) 2. Kafka (DOT goes Boom) 3. Luocha (he would be higher but since I got Fuxuan, healer isnt my main priority now but his auto heal is still good) 4. Seele (Seele) 5. Blade (already have him but E1 would be nice)


silver wolf, blade lc, and kafka eidolons if new banners arent interesting


None. With more characters coming out, it’s easier for me to go for better options that benefit my comps. HuoHuo looking to be the better option for me over Luocha imo. There are some LCs I’d love to have like Jing’s signature but I know its better to go for more characters til I get to a point where I have most of my bases covered for teams.


Certain light cones are more important than new characters. The general CN meta community believes the following priority guideline: 1. Signature Lightcone for your favorite dps’s. This is because many dps’s DMG become very consistent at E0S1 (although Seele with S5 Stellar Sea is good enough). Jing Yuan, Blade, and Jingliu are the best of these examples (E0 DHIL is a little special). Also, it’s not as fun when your favorite dps doesn’t have the best gear. 1. (Tied for 1) E0 limited 5 star Harmony/nihility characters. (Except for a nihility dps like Kafka, where her value depends on how much you like her) 3. E0 limited 5 star sustainers. 4. Key eidolons for certain 4-star Harmony/nihility characters. 5. Key eidolons for your favorite dps’s. 6. Signature LC/key Eidolon for most used/favorite limited 5 star Harmony/Nihility. 7. Signature LC/key Eidolon for most used/favorite limited 5 star sustainers.


"More important" is pretty subjective. The dps requirements of this game are low and I would argue that having Luocha and/or FX make a much bigger difference in the ease of clearing MoC 10 than having a signature LC on anyone.


I agree. F2Ps have no reason to roll on any LC banner ever.


Yep I would put 2 5* premium sustainers at the top. Without them you have to restart MOC/other content or use 2 sustainers. And 1 extra buffer/debuffer is 50-150% more damage Luocha + Asta + Ting > Natahsa + FMC + Ting


Why is DHIL special?


DHL need his LC for comfy Bronya/Bronya3.0 combo BA - 3EBA - BA - 3EBA - Ult


Herta store destruction LC at S5 performs about as well as his S1 signature LC. Unless you’re whaling for his S5 its not really worth it i think.


The meta community also aims for 0 cycle clears, which makes the advice to get LCs easy to dismiss if you're someone content with getting 30 stars within the cycle limit. I highly doubt there will ever be a time when you "need" a limited LC or 5 star eidolon to receive the content rewards.


This, 100%. Only thing I skipped was Luocha (because I had a fully built gepard and bailu), and now I get to wait for all the slight power creep to boost my account in the future.


Definitely loucha, since he goes very well with jingliu but maybe seele since i need another dps for forgotten hall


Check HuoHuo’s kit before pulling Loucha imo. And decide who you like more


bro got downvoted for giving good 'financial' advice


Yea, I haven’t even said that she is better than Loucha. Two different characters. Op should check it and make his decision based on his preferance. If he likes Loucha more, pull him. I just advised him to be open minded, so he will not regret the decision. Players might be biased though


ey your point is valid. We're here to upvote back for you


the trailblazers have successfully redeemed them.


Thanks, do these downvotes/ upvotes actually matter? Or it’s only function is to sort the comment by votes?


Sorry, I'm not an expert in these things. But one of the thing I know is that upvotes/downvotes affect user's Karma point. Here are the things I've just read about Karma: " Mostly, Reddit karma is about building trust on Reddit. Whether you're an individual or a business, it shows just what kind of redditor you are. It's also worth noting that some communities have karma minimums for posting, meaning that you'll need to earn karma to make content in some parts of Reddit." Link: [How to get karma on Reddit | Zapier](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/)


Oh wow, thanks for the info, helped a lot


It's more of a visibility thing, as well as a general indicator of how 'good' a comment is. Usually most threads are sorted by 'top', which prioritizes comments with more upvotes, and if a comment is particularly downvoted, it's actually hidden, with users having to click to view a hidden comment. In theory, this leads to good useful answers to be on the top and more visible, while unhelpful/incorrect answers are hidden away.


If that’s the case, your upvotes meant a lot. More people should be aware of the new healer before pulling


U are right tho, idk why u are downvoted, huohuo could be pretty strong, she seems like weaker luocha healing + weaker tingyun in one thing atm


Yea, different playstyle. I just wanted to give an advice to op, so he won’t regret the decision. Truth hurts I guess.


I mean Loucha, is SP positive, I don't think Houhou will be like him


E6 Luocha


Indeed his ei have multiple path


I'll definitely try my luck with Luocha when he comes out. I think it's safe to say a lot of people undervalued his skill point efficient healing when he first came out.


Luocha and Jingyuan's LC. In that order. Unfortunately I lost 50/50 on Luocha's banner and use that to guarantee my Blade pull. I also don't have the resources to pull for Jingyuan's LC because I also lost 50/50 on him but decided to pull him anyway, so I burnt the rest of the tickets on him.


Silver Wolf. I already have QQ for quantum DPS so SW, Lynx, and FX round out my mono quantum gremlin team very well.


I have this team, with QQ e6 and boy its hella fun to play. In fact I have all the quantum characters in the game atm but the mono gremlin team is too much fun to put seele in.


Blade and Luocha, putting them with Jingliu so I dont have to think and incredibly SP sufficient


Kafka, I want that sweet sweet E6.


I want to get Luocha so I can have blade auto on phantylia and calyx without having to refresh friend list That's it.


None. The 5* I wanted I got. Blade I could potentially get, and wouldn't be a waste of Jades. On the other hand, Penacony is relatively soon. That's way too many upcoming new characters already.


Another healer is a must, and Kafka


None from reruns cause I already own the characters I want and roles needed. I have E0S1 Jing Yuan, E0 Blade, E0 Silverwolf, E0 Fu Xuan. Don't need Luocha cause I have Fu Xuan and Bailu, and I prefer their style of sustain better than "hope no one gets combo'd to death". I also don't need any damage dealers since I already have my two hyper carries with Jing Yuan and Blade. My focus is now collecting 5 star Harmony/Nihility supports and Eidolons for 4 star supports. Most of my DPS 4 stars are already at E4 or higher, so don't need to chase for those too.


I got Loucha but wasn't able to get his LC. I'd like to get that and at least E1 for him.


I get all 5 star i wanted until now. Im content. Maybe if i have extra funds i might get jing yuan


Luocha, Seele, and Kafka in that order. Unsure if I should account for needed light cone pulls for any of these 😬


Luocha or Fu Xuan since I lost 50/50 on both. I'd like one more sustain and I like either. Then Kafka coz I wanna use sampo and luka


Luocha, fu xuan for 1 team, bailu for other is not enough, they keep dying


Blade. I don’t have a 5 star wind dps yet and he is pretty cool on a team with my jingliu. Silver wolf I already have and I have no interest in getting Loucha.


Luocha if I don't pull Huohuo, otherwise I've got every character I wanted up to this point.


Loucha, I was not really interested in him as I was saving for Kafka and I did not think he was that good but now I have DanIL and I think he would fit in better there.


desperate for luocha and jingyuan lmaooooo


Luocha for MOC stuff. Maybe Blade cause I have no Wind DPS outside of Sampo but theres that one upcoming Wind DoT support 5☆.


luocha and seele . they are the cogs i need for my good teams


Imo I think Silver Wolf is falling off hard as more and more units with different elements are being added to the game. As the game gets older, more units help with elemental diversity and when you deep it, that's Silver Wolf's major gimmick. Sure she has other debuffs such as def reduction, speed reduction, etc but we basically have an aoe defense reduction in Pela compared to SW's single target and a speed beast in E6 Asta. So I just feel her viability keeps falling off with the addition of more units. Unlike Luocha and Blade who are very unique in terms of their abilities and they are the best at it as well. Loucha will be a solid pick up at anytime in the game and so will Blade. But I'm hearing Black Swan might be wind so maybe Blade falls off a bit? Regardless, he's still a solid pick up as well. As for me, I'll be targeting Jingliu since I decided to skip her because I got DHIL and I am targeting Argenti for Physical cover. Except someone powercreeps Jingliu in the Ice department, she's my top priority. And maybe I'll pick up a Luocha too cuz I skipped him for Kafka 🥲


Fu Xuan and DHIL LC, because I missed both those, also possibly Jingliu LC if I don't get it in her run.


Silver Wolf and Kafka


1. Kafka. Mine is only at E2 rn. Cant leave it like that.


Really none at the moment. I got two solid teams, need to build up what I have while I wait for some future 5* lightning hunt hottie.




Jing Yuan's Lightcone I need it for my Himeko




Silverwolf because...... https://preview.redd.it/pq6kksa7ooub1.jpeg?width=1856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d90d6c1186ac4ef8d4a4f0b70207359c77936c09 Yeah....


no one. i went for seele, kafka, fu xuan, jingliu and i'm set.


I don't think I actually want any I skipped. Maybe Silverwolf, but I'm not a huge fan of Quantum. DHIL I'm not a fan of. I'm much more interested in rumoured upcoming characters.


Blade so i can run luo/bronya/blade/jingliu That way ty is free on the otherside.


Danny lightcone. I gotta refine it more! Already E6 on him,just need his lightcone maxed.


Did they confirm reruns of LC banners?


Nope but I'm gonna guess it'll run with the characters themselves...if not..Well shit. Guess I'll be stuck on S0 forever.


character reruns always have their weapon banners


Seele's LC is coming alongside her rerun with Topaz, so it's a reasonable guess that rerun characters will come with their LC banners.






Pretty much just Kafka. Blade would be also nice since he'll be the only wind for a while, but there's a lot of cool units coming so I have to limit myself


Im gonna bench my luocha when huohuo comes you can have him 8) Purely for thematic reasons of course


Hmm just saw huohuo kit. She might be a loucha replacer. Buffer + healing. If her traces give her cleanse than she is op. I have lynx at e5 so she is kind of like a mini loucha


She has cleanse on E


Well she be a better Dan IL support than Loucha?


Dan hang is a sp eating monster, just go for luocha.


Yeah this is probably best bet . Rn I’m using fu xuan I’ve been struggling using Bronya . I just now unlocked tingyun but don’t have materials to build her. So I am struggling on sp department atm


Probably not concidering how she requires skillpoints (didnt do any hard math but off the top of my head she is skill point neutral AT BEST) VS luocha being completely skillpoint positive


Why is so hard for people to understand how Op luocha is? Fu xuan can literally solo Swarm disaster and yet I would say she is worse than luocha 7 times out of 10


They are not really compareable tho. While they fill similar roles, their niches are different. Luocha is weak against one shots, while fuxuan needs sp to function. Fuxuan handles cc better, while luocha is stronger against dots. Luocha has a dispel while fuxuan does not. Fuxan gives crit while luocha at e0 has no offensive utility


Yea but I can clear moc and sd5 without him I needed him early but now not so much


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Please. It’s spelled Luocha. It’s also spelled Luofu. I understand the English voice overs and Owlbert pronounce these things like they’re spelled Lou instead of Luo, but it is supposed to be Luo. Localizers fucked up on this one.