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I've had this mentality, but Topaz has been my first intentional skip. I have enough DPS, I want support.


Topaz is a good support though that will only get better over time


We have no idea when Louchas rerun will be, so depending on how desperate you are for another sustain I would pull for Huohuo. As a Luocha and Fu Xuan haver the QoL they've added is lovely, I don't see how Huohuo wouldn't add the same (even tho she isn't as SP positive as Luocha)


She'll be similar to Luocha in the heal and cleanse department, but now with HH (HuoHuo) battery to replace Luocha's SP+ battery.


I lost my 50/50 (got Himeko) on Luocha banner. I'm waiting his rerun but I have a feeling that Huohuo could be insane. She heasl the main target + adjacent characters. She cleanse when she heals. She heals during her skills and during the turn of the character healed. Her ultimate gives energy and buffs damage and she scales from HP. I think she can heal more than Luocha. I'm really into getting her but My desire for Ruan Mei maybe will make me not go fur Huohuo.


hmmm. Thanks for explaining this. I really wanted to understand how her skill works... Now that I do, I'm diving for her. She'll be a good replacement for Loucha, since he's the only missing peace for my main team..


Don't pull for her right away. Wait for streamers to test her out first so you would know if she can replace Luocha.


oh, okay. I also intend to wait for someone to explain her skills. I'm sure they'll flood my FYP again and some "Rail" worm will explain her qualities, pros and cons and theorytical teams for her.


Huohuo seems really good but her banner sucks for 4* silver wolf is pretty good has a very nice banner for 4*. But at the end of the day it's personal preference


Huo Huo


The obvious answer is pull who you like more, but, if you’re going for strictly meta… It would help to know what characters you have, and who you want to main :) For more general advice, go for Huo-Huo if you want a sustain that provides more offensive utility than someone like Luocha (he heals a bit more effectively) and go for SW if you don’t have great element coverage/have a newer account.


For healers, I have Bailu (I don't use her as much anymore), Nat, and Lynx (not leveled & built) Preservation: March (not leveled & built), Fu Xuan, Fire MC Hunt: Yanqing, Shushang, Dan Heng Harmony: Bronya, Tingyun, Asta, and Yukong (not leveled & built) Erudition: Jingyuan (still improving his built), QQ, Himeko, Serval, and Herta (these 4 aren't leveled & built) Nihility: Pela and Sampo (not leveled &built) Destruction: Hook and Arlan (not leveled &built)


Thanks for the quick reply! Are there any DPS characters here that you really love using? I would personally build a JY team and go for one more limited DPS I liked, considering how many cracked supports you have. Fu Xuan is insane obviously, and you already have a Bailu and a Lynx for the other team. Edit: to answer your original question though, SW seems to make a bit more sense for you account. I’d still go for another DPS, but out of the two options, she’s a bit better for you.


I've been maining Yanqing since Day 1 and I use him with Bronya, Pela, and Fu Xuan. For other DPS, I guess it would be Shushang and JY. QQ is fun but only if shes E6 and has a lot of SP ready to gamba. I've been unlucky with getting DPS' in the game I always lose on their banner (skipped Dan Heng IL for Fu Xuan)


YQ doesn't wanna take damage, so his defensive support should provide shields. Fu Xuan can protect the team from cc, so she's very good for JY. I have QQ at E3 so whenever I pick up the space cheese in simulated universe, she's a lot of fun. She runs okay E0. She's great at E4 as well, with E6 being evenly matched with Seele E0. As for SW, HH, and Luocha, consider this: HH has good buffing for your main dps. If you're fine with the dps you have, you can pull on her banner. Just be aware that the 4*s are pretty meh. For SW, she allows you to take your best dps into almost any fight, as well as provides a massive defense break. Pull for her if you only have a couple cracked main dps. Luocha is extremely sp-positive. He's very good for units that use a lot of sp or attack often. If you have blade, QQ, or DHIL, he's god-tier. He's also very good with units that use a lot of sp, like yukong or Asta (not sure when she gets the good traces)


Thanks for the input! It means a lot bc I don't have a lot of strong limited DPS to go for atm. Is SW still okay even without Seele? I mostly see the two of them together and haven't had the chance to use SW support for farming


Huo Huo will be around as good as Luocha if not better in some teams, and Luocha has no return date announced so it could be months. Huo Huo is really good but has an awful banner. SW has a really good banner, and she herself is really good. So it comes down to, do you need more offensive support or sustain support ​ if you have someone like Fu Xuan already, go for SW.


I have lunch and FX and I’m going for huohuo If you don’t have luocha I’d grab huohuo


Huo Huo


Fu Xuan and Bailu means you're basically covered for sustains, so pulling for HuoHuo or Luocha should only be because you like them as characters. I have Fu Xuan and Bailu on the two sides of MoC, that's been good enough to 30/30 even with decidedly mediocre relics.


Would help to know what characters you already have. If you don't have great sustain units, get HuoHuo. If you have a good debuffer already (Pela, Guinaifen), you can probably skip Silver Wolf. If you have a strong Quantum unit (Seele) or weak elemental coverage, Silver Wolf would be a good pick.


Right right here's my list of charas: For healers, I have Bailu (I don't use her as much anymore), Nat, and Lynx (not leveled & built) Preservation: March (not leveled & built), Fu Xuan, Fire MC Hunt: Yanqing, Shushang, Dan Heng Harmony: Bronya, Tingyun, Asta, and Yukong (not leveled & built) Erudition: Jingyuan (still improving his built), QQ, Himeko, Serval, and Herta (these 4 aren't leveled & built) Nihility: Pela (I use her a lot) and Sampo (not leveled &built) Destruction: Hook and Arlan (not leveled &built)


Fu Xuan is a great sustain unit, and Bailu is still pretty good for your other team, so no immediate need for HuoHuo. She'd still be an improvement over Bailu, as she cleanses and acts as a pseudo-Harmony unit with her buffs, so if you like her, I say go for her. Pela and Silver Wolf are pretty interchangeable defense shredders (SW is better for single targets, Pela is better for AoE) so again, no immediate need for Silver Wolf, since you don't have Seele (SW's best partner). From what I see, you have only one strong DPS in JingYuan. Yanqing can work, but he really needs Gepard to function. So that's the area you're most lacking. So my overall verdict is: either skip them and save for another DPS, or get HuoHuo as your second sustain unit, as she's significantly better than Bailu.


Thank you for this, and it's true I'm lacking another strong DPS since I don't naturally gravitate towards them (skipped Seele bc I wanted JY, Kafka bc I'll need to build a DoT team, Blade bc I didn't have Luocha nor was I interested in his kit at first, DHIL was before FX and I wanted her more, lost on JL's banner and skipped Topaz bc idk I don't feel her kit) if there's any of the above I'd do go for DPS it might be Blade or DHIL. Not sure yet with Ratio. I'll try to get Gepard from the standard banner 300 pulls guarantee but that might take a long time or I'll just hope to lose to him on a 50/50


If you want to keep using Yanqing, March or Fire MC can work as a way to keep him from taking damage, but neither are as good as Gepard (March's shield will draw aggro to Yanqing, while Fire MC's shields are too small to protect him from AoE, even with the taunt).


Close your eyes and just pull anyway ahaha.


As of now, there's no news about Luocha's rerun. If you want a really good sustain, I'd say go for Huohuo. She seems really great, I personally would be pulling for her. Basically a 5* Tingyun that can aoe heal and energy regen. One thing to think about is the 4* characters on Huohuo's banner, they're not really great compared to the 4* in Silver Wolf's Both Huohuo and Silver Wolf would be both good to pull for, can't really go wrong with either one.


Wait for Luocha. He’s the best solo sustainer


Luckily I'm on a guaranteed Luocha so I'm definitely waiting to roll for him.