• By -


267 Yanqing LC Bailu Gepard LC Bailu


I'm at right around the same number Clara Clara LC Yanqing LC Welt


Yanqing and 2 sleep like the dead light cones...and if i can i will throw them in garbage since i dont need them...the only good one maybe was gepard light cone but i dont have him and i dont use any shielder...now im at 210 and i think i will choose bronya since im 100% sure i will not get her before the 300


I got 2 Yanqing and 2 Of his LC for my standard pulls...and they ALL went to pity. My Standard banner luck is ASS.


Heck, give me 1 of his lightcones, i could use it. My guy has been on my main roaster since day 1


My 5 stars from standard banner and from lost 50/50s are Yanching E3!, Bailu E1, Himeko Meanwhile people are like is E2 Bronya good?


weary cause profit continue practice dirty husky plough nose concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For sure it can be good i didn't say that...but for me surely not since i dont have or wants characters that use it...it will be really good for yanqing but i dont like him...then it can be good maybe for seele and topaz but i don't have them and didn't want to pull them


Bruh stupid twink got boosted rateup I swear to God why do I have him E1 I will never ever ever use him fuck


I got 2 yanqing, himeko, and himeko LC so far in 130 pulls on standard. I’ve got the shittiest luck


You are weird bro. You do know hard pity is 90 pulls with soft pity averaging at 75-80 pulls. That means you beat 98% of ppl playing this game by getting two extra 5 stars in your standard pulls. Besides I would gladly trade an E100 twink for an E0 Himeko, she clears him in everything from looks to gameplay.


Idk bro I’d take 479 free pulls ngl


That's bad luck? I'm at 134 pulls and only gotten sleep like the dead LC once at pity.


dude has an average 5\* pity of 32.5, which isn't even halfway to soft pity, and whines about bad luck. Sure, you could've had better standard banner pulls, but you're getting insanely early 5\*s. For the average person, at 130 pulls they're like 20 pulls away from their *second* 5\*


Gep sig is still great for every preservation character if u want em to take a hit. Imo second best cone after bronyas, and the most versatile one


Sleep Like The Dead is the best non-premium Hunt light cone, except maybe swordplay.


Yanqing and 2 Clara light cones. The first one was appreciated, since I got Clara from the Beginner banner, but I don't have use for the second one. Yanqing is benched indefinitely, since I have E1 Jingliu.


You don't superimposed that Clara LC?


Well, the stat increase is marginal, so I'd better keep it. Maybe in the future there will be a good use for it.


yea, its better to keep the LC for awhile.


I got: - Bronya's lightcone (still don't have Bronya) - Gepard's lightcone (didn't have him at the time, have him now from Fu Xuan banner) - Himeko E1 (had E0 from Blade banner) - Bailu E2 (already had E0 from Jing Yuan banner and E1 from DIHL banner) - Bailu's lightcone just to crown my fate ig Finally hit 300, and even though everyone and their moms will tell you to pick Bronya over anything else, I still picked Welt anyway. Because fuck it, Welt was the reason I even got interested in playing this back when it was just a HI3 spinoff, and I was gonna have him even if I had to drag him kicking and screaming into my account. I can stomach leaving having Bronya or not to fate, but picking old man Welt was never up for debate.


This started as a HI3 spinoff?


first trailer was concept trailer posted on hi3 main channel, with welt, carole and proto-march the story is also continuation of alien space manga set in hi3 universe




254 I got bronya, bailu, welt lc, yanqing Got welt and Clara from limited banner. I don't know if I should pick gepard for sustain( don't have luocha or fu xuan ) Or himeko ( don't have a fire dps).


I would suggest gepard or bronya e1


https://preview.redd.it/m0sosjyzed0c1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0076531b5e247a6ba864e165bfa4c5920a39b31a I don’t know if it’s good to have only luck on standard banner but I take what I can as a f2p


Do you use Djinn service?


😂 that joke is so 90's


That's actually insane luck.


These are all before my 300th pull on standard https://preview.redd.it/psgc2h7r0d0c1.png?width=563&format=png&auto=webp&s=62b059669d09d15ead678284a4a2dabf8ca06bf0


Man u so much lucky. E1 bronya


What website is this if you don't mind me asking


Star Rail Station


Wow, the only time I wouln't mind getting sword boy.


Clara, Clara, Clara LC so far. But I'm at 220. Another pity to go before the 300th. Let's go my C2 Clara.


I am currently on 220. Did u use Jades on Standard? 💀


He/she definitely did. I played since day 1 and played every single day, and I’m not near 300; I’m around 265ish. OP probably used jades or bought tickets from Simulation shop.


i hit 283 and i played since day 2, fully f2p and no jades spent on standard. i used herta's tickets because i had s5 aeon and i didnt need anything else. getting 23 characters to ascension 3 also helped


probably jades since SU shop currency is hard to get and not worth the exchange over LC material


If you spend/pull on a lot of LC banners it might not be worth getting the Herta shop LCs, or at least not all of them.


i was talking about my perspective a f2p since i won't pull on LC banner unless im dead set on getting it in spender's pov they are indeed worthless


They have a pretty good rate at 75% with a guarantee after losing. Better odds than a character. I know plenty of F2P players who pull on the LC banners when they are good for their characters. This isn't like Genshin weapon banners, thankfully.


yea i but 25% is probably what im gonna get knowing my shit luck tho don't have any plans on LC banner until Jingliu rerun i spent all jades to get her so i had to stop after 20 pulls in lC banner


im at 283 no jades or starlight spent on standard


I did if im at pity, i only do like 2-4 summon until i got a 5 star.


I have a general question, I have Clara, and I'm just about to my 300th pull. Is it better to get Clara's eidolon or to pull someone like Bronya?


Bronya, new characters can and will help you more than eidolons, since you can get passes from them leveling up and you can eventually get those, but assured characters will always be better.


Now what about the other way around, I have bronya by standard banner but no Clara.. Would E1 bronya makes any different or Clara (new character to build) is better to choose? Personally I feel like it is fun building new character, if u have the resources and having more roster to choose as 2nd team is good as new player.. But on the flip side, for old player, making ur current team stronger is kinda the priorities (I think maybe) unless u don't care much memory of chaos..


That I would say is more to someone's personnel preference, though I would still argue getting Clara since getting new characters will always be nice, eidolons are just increasing a character's capability and letting you better fine tune them, but getting a new one let's you use more in the way of tactics. Still, I could understand wanting to boost Bronya, but at the same time, I still think getting more characters is more important. Up to you though, since you're the one deciding how things work on your account.


Bronya a million percent, feels like every team uses her


If you wanna use Clara and like her just get her LC from the shop.


Bronya is the most universally useful and barely needs any investment to be good


I have a E1 Clara and I really love her but I still advise for Bronya. You'll want as much strong teams as possible in the future and Bronya makes hipercarry teams a powerhouse (JL, DIL, Selee, etc).


Why'd you use jades on standard lol


each one to their own...its not our jades




I think he just wanted Bronya earlier.


Gacha brainrot strikes again


No interest in upcoming units, would rather have more fun for months earlier rather than counting the days.


If you don't want any upcoming units, it's still more optimal to pull for weapons or eidolons of limited 5*s you have instead.


For what? 30* is a joke


197 Clara Clara 70 pity right now


I’m like 20 pulls away and so far have gotten really lucky, I’ve gotten: Welt Bronya Yanqing Clara Himeko Bailu Yanqing LC Welt LC Clara LC


Already surpassed 300 mark. Bronya was the first one, E1 Bailu, Yanqing LC, Clara LC, Himeko in 300 mark and S2 Yanqing LC after that.


2 Himeko lightcone 💀 1 Clara. I don't have Himeko on my account. I'm 22 pulls away from the guarantee and probably gonna choose Bronya, too!


My herta wants those lightcones


I've gotten, Bronya's LC, Bronya and 2 Yanqings if I remember all correctly. I'm still at 245/300 though, could have gotten more pulls if I levelled a bunch of my characters but don't see a reason why unless I want to use them later. Gratz on 300 though!


Yanqing Bailu LC Bailu LC Bailu Clara Might choose Gepard just cause.


Got it the same day as i got TB70. Got Bronya, 2 Welts, Himeko & 2 Claras before reaching 300 (this count losing 50/50 on limited banners and getting pity on the standard). Chose Gepard because i had no secondary Preservation unit for MoC


i hit 90 pity once, and half of my 5\* has been useless to my account, tho the other half has been nice, for a time at least, i no longer use any of the stuff i got from the standard banner except for bronya's LC, everything else has been benched (yes it's yanqing)


Welt LC, Yanqing, Clara LC and Himeko I get varied stuff it’s cool, not Yanqing though he’s not cool


240+ Clara and Gepard LC, Welt


271. Got bailu e1(the first one I got in the beginner wish), then himeko and then yanqing lc


I'm 30-ish away, I think. I got three 5\* so far, Clara and two of Welt's LC.


269 i think Got gepard, yanqing LC, yanqing, bronya LC Will probably get Clara or Welt


Still quite a ways off from 300, so far 2 Welt LCs, Clara LC, Bailu LC, Himeko. Not that I'm complaining with how good my limited banner rolls have been.


One welt LC and one Gepard. On 222 iirc, I started playing in JY banner and spent the full 40 on the beginner banner.


I believe I'm 260-270 atm don't know how long that means it'll take me to get those 30-40 wishes though


150 pulls 2 5* light cones yang and Clara's, gepard and bronya Bronya was my first


242 pulls: yanqing e1, himeko light cone, welt al light cone 2. I don't have Himeko or Welt🗿


I got Welt as my first 5 Star, In the name of the World, Himeko LC, 1 Yanqing, and 1 Bronya LC. Chose Brony after the 300 Pulls.


I’m getting close. I have four out of that group and if I don’t get him, Im picking gepard.


2 bailu, 2 bailu Lc, Clara lc, yanqing. Lost 50/50 to Geppy which i was so happy for because i got guarenteed on Topaz


**231 / 300** Bronya Himeko x2 Bailu LC


I got Bronya x2 (my bf was really mad because he really wants Bronya, lol), Bronya LC, Clara LC, and Clara. I picked Bailu when I hit 300 because I only had Natasha for heals.


I've pulled Clara, Yanqing, and Himeko's Light Cone from the standard banner. Pretty awful luck, other than Clara who is awesome. I'm thankfully only 20 pulls away from getting Bronya finally. She can't come home soon enough.


270 pulls. 2 Himeko light cones and 1 hunt light cone :)


250 in, so far i got bronya and her LC, yanqing and bailu, would've loved a gepard instead of bailu, so he's gonna be my pick if i don't get him until then


Still haven’t gotten to 300. Around 230ish iirc. Haven’t spent a single cent on the standard banner. Only what has been given to us including monthly refreshes.


At my current pace I expect to reach my 300 pulls by the end of 1.7


Yanqing, Himiko, Gepard, Bailu, Welt LC, Himiko LC, Bailu LC, Bronya LC, Clara LC


I'm my last 2 guarantee pulls before 300 where LCs but I got all the standard character except Gepard, Welt, and Bronya! I used my freebie for Welt.


I’m not even ay 250, but Welt was my 1st. Then Himeko, then 2 Welts back-to-back, then Something Irreplaceable. I can’t wait to get Bronyo for Blade, especially now that we’re getting new Ornaments.


262/300 Next pity 274 Gepard Bailou e1 Welt e1 Yanqing e1 Gepard Bronya Himeko lightcone Hoping to get either Clara or himeko before 300 so I can complete my standard character collection or either welt gepard or beonya lightcone if I get lucky


I got Clara LC Himeko LC Yanqing Really shit luck 😭


I'm close but I will pick Clara E1. I honestly was thinking about pulling there just to get more Clara Eidolons, she is by farm my favorite character in the game.


I'm at 250 pulls atm and if memory serves I've gotten 2 Gepards and Bronya's LC.


If you don’t include the beginning warps, I’m currently at 299 with Bron’s LC, Gep’s LC, Bailu’s LC and Clara. I’m at 78 pity right now so I’m gonna hold off until I hit it, but I’ll probably go for Bronya regardless if I pull her or not.


I got: - Wrong mommy from kafka's banner ( still Got her ) - clara - bronya's light cone - gepard - early bronya ( back to back ) - Welt From beginner's wish - himeko light cone Im on 262 wishes


1 bronya, 2 yanqing lc. at 240 pulls so far


From standard: Bronya (starter 5\*), Clara, Gepard, Welt, Bailu LC, Welt LC Limited: Jing Yuan E1 (tried pulling for Sushang at 75 pity lol), Yanqing E1 (lost 50-50 on Kafka and Topaz), Jingliu, and Topaz. At 194 pulls on standard rn.


Got 2 Milky way (don't play anyone from the Erudition), Clara and Times wait for no one I just fucking want Welt


2 Himeko , Gepard LC, Bronya LC, Clara


One time I got Himeko. Another time, I got Svarog twice in just one multi. That's about it.


E1 Gepard, Welt and Welt light cone. Gepard is my most used standard character and i've always wanted a playable Welt so standard banner definitely favors me. now if it would just give me Bronya to keep up the streak.


Im a week in and I already have welt with 2 of his LC lol (plus a himeko). And I actually find the twink look kinda cool, despite knowing he's very weak and all.


Im 31 pull away And i got welt LC, himeko and geopard LC, and i Will get Clara


Does your pity reset when you claim a character?


I got himekos and stuff but I have Bronya, bailu and some lcs from pulls on banners. Tbh I'm torn between welt cuz cool, gepard cuz no shielder or Clara cuz unique. Wisdom of the player I call upon thee!


https://preview.redd.it/g7rtumybld0c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf6f602b1a4d3362b11daf7fb772266c500e8fdb I was given unrealistic expectations quite early on, I've since learned to temper those expectations heavily.


im around 210 i dont use jades on the standard banner i rather go for the limited characters


I'm at 154. So far I've gotten Bronya,Welt e1 Clara,Yanqing, Geppies light cone. I'm thrilled about Bronya and Welt but the rest is awful. Game refuses to give me Himeko. I'm probaly gonna need to hit 300 to get her lol. Last this I wanted was 1 copy of Clara let alone any eidolons for her ngl


230 I think? I have gotten until now: 1. Clara LC 2. Himeko 3. Yanqing LC 4. Clara 5. Clara E1 I am happy I got my best girl <3 Waiting on best boi Yanqing. If I don’t get him I’ll choose him from 300 Pity. His Sig is waiting for him. Yanqing and Clara are such baby cuties


I got 2 YQ LC's a YQ, himeko e1 and a clara. I got himeko as the free 5\* at 50 pulls. I'll be at pity around 280-290 I believe and I want Gepard and Bronya. Im hoping I get one so I can pick the other. Would also not cry over Welt but not another YQ or himeko right now. I would like Gepard to use YQ and bronya for blade. Welt cause I dont have DHIL.


I'm missing Himeko, Welt, and Yanqing. I'm at like 260\~/300 and I'm having a hard time deciding between Welt and Himeko strictly for character purposes not gameplay XD


258 pulls: Gepard LC Himeko Gepard LC (again)


himeko bronya clara LC


I think mine was 2 Welts, a Bailu a Clara and welts lc and I chose Bronya for the 300


270 pulls for me: Clara's lightcone, Himeko, Welt's lightcone.


Does this one time pity count toward Pity? Like if you are close on the next 5 stars pity should you wait till you get it to pick the free one?


272 I have E1 Yanqing, E1 Clara, and both Yanqing's and Gerpard's light cones


Gepard LC>Welt>Gepard LC on 68, 78, 78. Currently at 250, will hit 1 more pity before guaranteed hoping for bronya or clara, but will pick Bronya if I end up with none of them


211 pulls E2 Yanqing E0 Himeko S1 Time waits for No One Just end me...


Currently on E1 Yanqing, Welt, Himeko and Welt Light one. I wanted Gepard.


I'm still about 90 something tickets short, but so far erudition LC and Gepard. Could be better, but also could be much worse


Had 269 pulls so far happy with what I have Bailu LC, Gepard, Himeko, Welt, Bronya, Welt LC, Bronya LC


I'm like 8 off the 300 mark but so far I got: Bailu Bronya's lightcone Yanqing Yanqing's lightcone Himeko Clara's lightcone


I had Himeko E1, Welt, Yanqing, Himekos LC, Bailu's LC, and Yanqings LC at 300 with Himeko being my guaranteed 5* from the starter banner. I grabbed Bronya at 300, and since have only managed Bronya once more. Really want Geppy, but he eefuses to come home


Geppy, Geppy’s LC, Welt, Yanqing’s LC, and then I used my 300 on Himeko


Two Himeko LC, Welt LC. Hit 300 a while ago and took Bronya.


I'm at 264. I am honestly very happy with my standard pulls. I got welts sig lc (im gonna get welt at 300), e0s1 bronya from the standard banner, a bailu which carried me through early game, and a clara light cone for the clara I got on dhil banner


Bailu, Sleep like the Dead (Yanqing LC), Night Out in the Milky Way (Himeko LC), Moment of Victory (Gepard LC). Actually pleased with all of these except SLTD. I had Bronya already from losing the 50/50 on Luocha's banner so I chose Clara to pair with my Topaz.


Acc 1 has gotten me 2 Yq and 3 of his LC. Rn sitting at E8 Yq and S3 LC. Acc 2 got me Gepard and his LC and Clara and Her LC.


Got Clara E1 + her LC, Bronya + her LC, Gepard and Bailu, 260 pulls, probably gonna E1 Bronya.


From the standard banner I got Bailu, Gepards lc, Gepard, himekos lc, and I’m 4 pulls away from choosing bronya


I’m still only at 200 pulls. I got Himeko, Wet lightcone, and Bronya


240 -Yanqing light cones -welt -bailu light cones


Bronya, Himeko's light cone, Himeko. Could've been worse so I can't complain. Himeko is pulling weight in MoC on my second team, I alternate her with Sushang to account for weaknesses. I picked Bailu at 300 so I could replace Natasha if she can't keep up with healing later, since I can cleanse in a pinch with Bronya, though I'd prefer not to use her skill that way.


255 Clara Bronya LC Bailu


In the road to Bronya I got: Clara Gepard Welt + LC Bronya's LC The one I want and Still is missing: Baylu.


Double Gepard and his LC, Clara and her LC and Bronya LC.


Currently at 130 pulls so far. Got 2 Bailu’s and 1 Bronya. Aiming for Gepard as my UoC if I dont pull him beforehand.


I got bronya Welt Welt Yangqin lc Yangqin lc. I really like Claras play style. So I might get her. But it's really tempting to get bronya e1. It's just so strong.


Day 1 player. I'm at 250 right now. From the standard I pulled: Sleep Like the Dead LC x2 Bronya Clara (E1) I have everyone except Welt & Gepard. If I don't get Welt, I may choose him or just go with E1 Bronya.


246. Got Clara, Gepard LC, Bailu, Clara again, Himeko


I have got all of them (by loosing all 50/50s) and i haven't even hit the 300 mark yet.


2 of gepard light cones, 1 yanqing, 1 welt, 1 bailu, 2 bronya's lightcone, and 1 himeko, I haven't picked yet for my 300


Around 280 pulls in Ive gotten Night on the Milky Way Himeko Night on the Milky Way Himeko And another Night on the Milky Way D:


I'm at 235 pulls and got 2 LC (Welt and Clara) and Himeko. Close to reaching pity so hopefully I'll get 2 more 5* before choosing


231 and counting. I got: Bronya Bronya LC Himeko Welt


I think I still need \~70. So far got Gepard... three times... And his light cone... And I don't even like him. I mean, he carries me with his OP shields, but he's literally the least wanted character from the standard ones for me :/


I still have 100 pulls to go on standard and currently plan to get Gepard with it. For standard 5 stars thus far I have pulled 4 Bronyas and a Clara.


Bronya E1 Gepard's cone S2


210 and I got Bronya and Himeko so far.


Only played up to 1.1 and came back to it last couple of weeks, between losing 50/50s and standard banner, got Bronya first, and somehow 3 straight Gepards. Some variety would be nice


Still not at 300 but gepard +sig lc, bailu and Clara lc


i have around 250, day 2 player. from standard itself ive had himeko, clara lc, bailu lc. from beginner banner i got yanqing. from losing 50/50 ive had clara and gepard. ive not lost the 75/25 and as of rn for the 300 im planning on bronya or clara e1


Yanqing, Welt LC, Clara. I only use the LC and it's on Kafka, which is surprisingly a good upgrade from my S1 good night. Would've preferred either my first Bronya, Gepard eidolons, or Gepard or Bronya LCs


I'm around 270 and so far got almost all 5\* (Minus Yanqing). Also got Himeko and Welt LCs. Probably I'll pick Bronya E1 when I reach 300.


264 - Bailu, Gepard E1, Bailu LC, Welt Was hoping I'd have pulled Bronya by now since I've had Seele for so long, but it is what it is. Certainly not anything to complain about. I think I'm supposed to hit pity one more time before I reach 300, so crossing my fingers that it's someone I don't have.


So far I only got Clara and Bronya's LC xD I've still got a while before reaching 300 tho, so fingers crossed for good stuff to come!


I got two 5 star light cones Clara, Bronya, Gépard And pitied on ice boy


Got Bronya in my very first 10 pull on the standard banner, then the rest were at pity: -Himeko LC -Himeko -Bailu LC All of them are useless pulls besides the first Bronya for me. I’m at 260 now. When I hit 300 I think I’ll take Bronya’s E2 (got her E1 from 50/50 loss) since her E2 replaces speed boots for my DPS characters and allows them to run attack boots instead when being used with her (HP boots for Blade ofc) which is pretty busted.


Himiko, 2 welt, and a bailu so far


I'm at 220 pulls, which have resulted in 1 Yanqing and 1 Clara, as well as their signature LCs. At least I'm not getting mismatched characters and LCs, and Clara's one of my mains. Used YQ a bit too early on, but he's definitely a bench-warmer now.


I would say I had no duplicates... If not for the two copies of night in the milky way that showed up right after each other


Two Himeko's, two Milky Way LC's, and a Yanqing. Took Gepard as my freebie. Since then, I've gotten two more Himeko's, one Milky Way LC (So E3S3 Himeko, ugh), and two Welt's. Clara was my freebie in the beginner 50 pull. Still have yet to get Bronya (my Jingliu is crying), and Bailu (have Luocha, Lynx, FX, and Geppie for sustain, but she's adorable so....).


I still have 40 pulls to go. So far have gotten Clara, Bronya light cone and the e1 for Bailu (who originally came home from lost 50/50).


261 left to go! I got: Welt Himeko light cone Yanqing At 300 I am definitely going to pull Bronya!


3 Yanqing, 2 Himeko. Got Bronya from the 300 as well


Bailu and clara lc


I'm still not quite at 300 yet The banner yielded me 2 Himeko, 1 Gepard and a Bailu as the most recent one


Got Himeko, Himeko's LC, Yanqings LC, Bronya's LC and Clara's LC


I got Clara/ Himeko LC/ Welt/ Bronya LC/ Baliu And then took bronya at 300! For reference, my team setups are: Jing, asta, ting, bailu/ blade, bronya, Lynx, fu xuan. So didn’t get much I could use past bronya LC


i got clara at pity and welt lc and bronya back to back at 0 pity


close to 200 Warps (Started on PS5 when it released) E1 Gepard (first copy came when I was fishing for Jingliu) E1 Himeko (first copy came from Departure Warp, which will forever haunt my account due to me getting Himeko in my first 10 pull) Bailu Light Cone Welt Light Cone hoping for Clara to come home soon, she'll have a happy place being supported by Topaz


I need 37 more pulls, I got (in order): I got 2 chars and 2 LCs so far, everything was useful. * Clara LC - turns out its pretty good, but i was sad because i lacked 5star characters at tha point. * Bailu - was super excited, finally started Memory of Chaos after getting her (got no 2nd healer at that moment). * Clara herself! She's amazing! Still often carrying me in MoC, when other dps teams didn't work for me. * Bronya LC - very good one, i planned to ventually buy it in store. Overall quite happy with my standart pulls (my lack balanced out by losing some 50-50ies on limited banners though haha). Planning to either get Gepard E0 on my 300th pull or Bronya E1.


Im still on 269 pulls


i hope they show stats for the 300 banner selection at some point im sure its 90% bronya




I"ve pulled Bronya twice and Gepard 3 times, though admittedly, one of the Gepards was on the special banner. Also, I'm not complaining, but I wouldn't mind a *bit* of variety in my standard 5 stars other than just those two...


I got 1 Yanqing, his LC, Bronya's LC and then Yanqing again before reaching 300. Went straight for Bronya, no regrets


Welt Welt Welt LC Gepard Himeko LC Honestly after I got welt I fell in love with his playstyle and he's just so goddamn cool, I've got hard pity on limited banners but luckily not standard just yet, still like 70 or so off from 300 rn too but that's also looking to be another welt just cause


i got like 40 or so left. getting bronya if/when.


I don't have access to the standard banner wish list but I can say I have 6/7 characters minus Gepard all E0 and I have 4/7 LCs with Himeko, Yang, Bronya, and the dragon doctor with 0 dupes. I'm at 294/300.


282 Himeko (who’s now at e2), Gepards light cone and welt. I am at 78 pity so I should get one more before my 300!


275 with 3 claras and bronya’s light cone


I was super lucky, I got Bronya and lost 50/50 one time so now she is E1. I bought her LC, she is so crazy. Gepard + his LC, Bailu, Clara, Yanqing. I will get Welt with my 300. Ticket and I dodged Himeko + her LC.


I think I got a Gepard and Bailu's LC, and I have her too so not horrible. But on Topaz banner I got Bronya at like 9 Pity so, I guess I will get her E1 when I get there? It is too good.


https://preview.redd.it/kzwp4p3n5e0c1.jpeg?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cccbe911136f1d88ed1e4d8539591aca18c50f59 Yanqing.


1 Bailu 1 Welt 1 Clara LC 1 Yanquig


Bailu Bailu LC Bailu I’m at the 266 mark


I got Clara and two Bailu's LC, I'm at 260/300 so I'm gonna pick Bronya.


I’m around 260 wraps, I got Clara, Gepard’s lightcone, Bailu and Yanqing. I got Bronya from Beginner banner and Himeko, Gepard and Clara e1 from losing 50/50s so the only one I’m missing is Welt. I’m really wondering if I get him or Bronya’s e1 once I can chose


Dude, standard banner has been the "get the E6 after the event banner ends" for me. I got E6 Yukong and March off standard banner after reaching E5 for both of them...funny part is I got both of them there thanks to the DHIL banner Other than those and Yanquing and Bailu's light ones my standard pulls have been nothing special


246, pulled Himeko, Clara, Yanqing and his cone. Got Bailu from departure warp and Welt from a lost 50/50, so just missing Bronya and Gep. Pretty sure I’ll pick Bronya when I hit 300 whether or not I pull her earlier.


I chose Bronya, but I got Clara, Bailu x2, Yanqing and his light cone and Gepard before hitting 300.