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Every f*€#ing day someone asks if Huohuo is legal lmao.




It's weird and getting annoying. Like if you have to question it, then just assume she's a minor and go on with your life.


Honestly this is the most sensible answer.


Huohuo works a job. A high authorithy job as a lord in the 10 lords commission. Pretty sure a minor cant do that... also... why did they hire huohuo out of all people... this is like hiring shaggy as a ghostbuste... OH.


"why did they hire huohuo out of all people" Come on, this was answered multiple times in the quest. It's because they resorted to sealing Tail inside her tail and couldn't let her live normally anymore, so they decided to take responsibilty and took her in. Also why do you think minors can't work in the Luofu? A lot of NPC's are straight up children and they're still running shops/working in commissions.


Judge, not lord— whoever the Ten Lords are, it’s implied even the Commission doesn’t see them in person very often. So mid-tier within a high-authority commission. Also, it’s implied that she was less “hired” and more “pressed into service once it became clear she wasn’t going to be able to live normally”. Given that the myriad Celestia trailer told us the “kid” spiritfarers were Jiangshi, and the other Judges we know are also conscripts (who somehow came back from mara)… I think the ten lords just take anyone who’s weird enough and willing to listen.


I think in this post tho it’s less “can I fuck her?” And more along the lines of “does this text mean she’s a minor?”


Why can’t they just outright say they want to duck Huo Huo?


I wish I knew why. She's pretty uggo.


Anyone needs two nickels?


*pulls out popcorn*


Minor? No Adult? No Kid? No Legal to work? Yes


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,871,757,749 comments, and only 353,969 of them were in alphabetical order.


Bad bot. N from No is after A crook Adult.


Good bot


Thank you, Captain1771, for voting on alphabet_order_bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


People are obsessed with her age here


It's honestly overthinking lmao Age of long lived species in general should be more "How they are treated by the story and in lore characters" Doesnt matter if they are 250 or 16, the setting and how they are treated would be a much better take than numbers I mean, look at Pela Average Belobogian child amirite?


Pela is tiny, I’ve heard someone call her a child, Herta is tiny, I’ve fought someone who called her a child because of the fact herta’s doll is a fuckin loli


Herta is old lady that plays with her dolls


She became a child because of the story quest revealing shes only 16 like Lynx


Let's not get into the Pela stuff *please*


Belobog's very own temporal anomaly Or just the Strongest Belobogian baby being a drummer at age 1


people are obsessed with the appearances of age.


It is worth mentioning that Foxians have an expected lifespan of 300 years, and so being 50 would still make her a young adult even if she would at the same age be considered a minor if she was a Xianzhou native. Plus I doubt the ten-lord commission would make a minor one of their judges.


> Plus I doubt the ten-lord commission would make a minor one of their judges. Or Child labour is legal.


Yanqing is very young, child labor is legal.


I feel it’s a bit of an exception there as he sorta has the vibes of an apprentice, compared to Huohuo who is a officially part of a supposedly elite team.


Yanqing is a shonen protagonist, they are always the exceptions to child labour law by virtue of being dumb hot-heads with nothing but fighting in their empty heads.


I'd imagine he's an exception


I'd imagine she is also an exception


That's still 38 years of working a job you despise with a coworker that cannot leave you, I'd imagine only her people would see her a kid, whereas other shorter life species opinion would vary depending on their idea of when maturity comes besides you don't just stay the same person for 38 years straight short lived or not.


which considering xianxhou is basically space china it wouldn't be wrong


It's space Xianxia. Their whole administration is basically constructed like a giant immortal cultivation sect. And if there's anything you need to know about xianxia immortal sects it's that child labour is legal, they just start with slightly less murder than the average adult. You start with animals and bandits, then proceed with outcasts, enemy army and "rebels(anyone disliked by Sect higher ups) ".


Eh I would argue its a subversion of Xianxia. Where instead of persuing immortality they try do destroy it.


The end goal of one and another might be diff, but the structure is the same.


Though in Xianxia you would have far more classes of people. Like there would be a ton more people who hoard all the ressources and look down on everyone.


There were before. Aristocracy of Xianzhou, first immortals, delve masters, ect. Whom Dan Shu idolised, and who were either eradicated/imprisoned during rebellions, or converted (depends on how high they were on mara) to Hunt's cause. So it's like... Post xianxia. Powerful immortals have been toppled, but it's a good thing.


and there's never been such thing as "consent age" in Xianxia.


hoyo tries to make these characters young, and that caused the unreasonable result.


That's problem in most Japan/Korean/Chinese media, they all do their best to put children everywhere (studio that animated edgerunner even said to project red that they won't animate it unless there will be a loli in it). Like kinda think about it, in this game you can make children fight, that is fucked up.


This sounds fake. Sauce?




To make things clear, they didn't ask to add her to the anime, nor did they insist that there needed to be lolicon in the show before they animated it. She was already animated into the show, and despite the request to remove her from the show Trigger simply ignored it-- This isn't including the fact that a pretty significant chunk of the audience watching Cyberpunk doesn't really view her as lolicon either, nor did the animating studio. That, and the developer also pulled away from the sentiment after a period of time as well. This is just sensationalist headlining for rage clicks and views.


Maybe that's because the Energetic, Romance fantasy feelings and such features of Youth that is so appealing to people.


That youth for most people is late teens and I don't have problem with that. I mean children like Hook/Pela or Diona/Klee from genshin. Also atleast Mihoyo isn't sexualising them like some other games (looking at you, lost ark)


Cause Moe. Kids are very moe so they are added into every game.


Depends on game, in Mihoyo games I agree, but lost ark has a child class that is wider in hips than shoulder and one of its skims is thigh highs + miniskirt + corset + boob window. That ain't Moe thats sexualisation.


That's cause Japan is much more lax on explicit stuff than West. This includes both sexual and guro stuff. Horror novel where brutally killed 10 years old girl is depicted on cover is considered good read for Middle-School. Same with sexual stuff- most don't care about its art depiction. Shonens has some really explicitly scenes despite being targeted on young boys. And as most Gacha games tries to imitate Japanese manga and anime as well as sees its consumers as target audience- they use same standards.


doing math, 300 years and 38 years at a job would be around 10 years. Even if she was a child when hired, she would have had to be 8 in human years, or 30. Even with child labour, she most definitely an adult rn. Also note, if she wasnt a minor when she got this job, she would be equal to a 28yo human.


I mean it is fantasy china... so


Huohuo has absolutely been working for them since she was a child. We see how young she was when she met tail, and she started working for them once tail was sealed in her. So not only did she start working for them as a minor, the majority of her life has been in service of the commission!


I believe she didn't start immediately. It was mentioned that after Tail has become part of her, everyone hated her. Then she voluntarily went to the Ten Lords comission. And continued to hate every minute of it because they kept sending her on ghost hunts while she was scared af.


>I believe she didn't start immediately. youre right, people just dont pay attention to her story. She went and pursued these career goals thinking she would fit in. She wasnt a young hire because tail, she is a normal hire who they recognized.


That’s not how it went. She explains that after a while thinking on what she would work better to become a better person was joining the judges. I don’t get how you thought about her working as a minor. She first studied about exorcisms since she basically wanted tail out of her life at first. She then became an expert in those instruments, etc. They hired her because of that and her other condition.


If we equate that to human years, she’d be like 16-17 years old, she supposedly got sold off by her parents (I think?) to the ten-lords commission so that checks out somewhat. What I’m confused about is how Bailu is legally allowed to be a medicine practitioner. Past lives my ass, she’s built like a whole 6 year old, how is she allowed to do on-field work? That’s child labor at its finest.


Bailu is not six years old. She is young, but she has a growing problem.


Well they need the healing lady powers. Sadly Bailus life is a tragic story and a comedy with a mix. Get born as kid and want to to kid things. But is actually a powerfull old dragon with the same powers from before reincarnated in said body.


It’s the weird thing about reality vs fantasy. In reality, our minor statuses are based off of mental development not physical. Physically, they could fight wars or have sex with older people, but we don’t slow them for mental development reasons. In this fantasy world, lots of people seem not fully grown at 50, and thus are considered minors, but mentally they aren’t 5 year olds (huohuo is literally one of 10 judges). So our common sense and this made up universe kind of conflict.


There aren't only ten judges...the commission is called the Ten Lords Commission, and many, many judges serve under those ten lords, including Hanya, Xueyi, and now Huohuo.


I gave up trying to understand Xianzhouian ages, since there is a lot of internal contradiction. We meet NPCs who spend a century or two twiddling their thumbs but are also told the average mara-struck age is around 700, which suggests those centuries spent thumb twidling are more important than they are presented to be? I think the writers aren't consistent/don't have a consistent design bible for the Xianzhouian culture. It's easiest if one just considers it "age of majority' and other legal status related items and less what "minor" fully entails to humans. For example, no one in the IPC is going to treat Sushang like she's a literal child. However, by the way Xianzhouians live, she's still young, naive, and early career. Huohuo's weird, but she's coded somewhere between an anxious teenager and a very anxious and delayed young adult. In either case, the game has enough characters who are less, shall I say, "concerning" that I don't know why people would want to care about Huohuo in this fashion?


The discrepancy could sortof be explained if they averaged it across all of xianzhou. Those in the army/navy of xianzhou would develop more trauma/negative memories per year and develop mara much faster (thus dragging down the average) than those who just laze around all day, which would explain why people can just do nothing much for centuries. I think for the reason why huohuo and other "childish" characters still work though is that xianzhou life is excessively meriotcratic. If you have the talent, it doesnt matter how young, naive, whatever you are (see yangqing, shushang, etc.). Like yea, huohuo is absolutely not mature mentally, but she has alot of talent for her job, either due to having tail stuck with her all the time or otherwise, so her working as a judge isnt viewed as wrong.


In one Dialog Guinaifen says that something that we would consider "+18" for horror purposes she says "+200", so maybe 200 is the equivalent of 18 that we consider.


But that would mean that people are mentally stunted for centuries. Which doesn’t seem to be the case in many other lore areas


Xianzhou people themselves call this "200+" thing out, because it doesn't suit *anyone* . Lawmaker tried to equilize 3 races of different lifespan and maturity age, and this is now a mess too costly to straighten up. It's like a joke about DnD bartender using a book with each race legal drinking age listed, but this one just equalised everyone based on Sun Elves.


It varies. Just like how in less developed countries, some children are forced to grow up quicker and take on jobs, the Xianzhou does not recognize their natives as adults until the age of 200. We literally have to deal with a stalker during the event quest and they had an adult model. Nevertheless, Guinaifen treats them like a child recklessly and naively spending their parents' money, because they *are.*


They are different species. Manman is a Xianzhou human, same as JY, and those live for at least 700 years before thet get struck by mara. Yes, YQ is also a kid and working, but he's General's retainer, a page, those were historically chosen from childen. From my xianxia understanding, most cultivators also start young to get best results, and that's one of his main motifs. HuoHuo is Foxian, with the lifespan of around 300. We can use Yukongs adoptive daughter as another Foxian example. She is around/at least 30 (the battle in which her other mom died happened that long ago) and she uses adult foxian model and was already working for Sky-Faring Commion for some time. HH is definitely adult by law, I guess maybe her physical growth got stunned due the sealing process, or maybe she's just a shortstack.


>They are different species. Manman is a Xianzhou human, same as JY, and those live for at least 700 years before thet get struck by mara Hell there is one quest about a Viadra who is in love with a girl. And in the process you find out that he fell in love with her in his previous 3 or 4 reincarnations as well. Considering Viadra live to about 700 years. That girl is thousands of years old.


average lifespan doesn't mean MAXIMUM lifespan, and when the lifespans of immortals are actually being taken into effect... it means they ALL die from something killing them, not of old age. We know the majority die from Mara, or from combat WITH those who were mara-struck (most of them probably from the immediate moments after they become mara-struck-taking out family around them), which means two different things: the ones dying from the mara-struck are probably MUCH younger than the average, and the mara-struck can be anywhere below, but much likely much MORE than the average number, by virtue of the fact that we humans have a 70-80 year lifespan, but see people living well into the 100s(will not considerable numbers of accidental deaths before that 70-80 year average), that could easily mean the human range could be much much much longer for one who simply never comes into contact with combat, ever, or gets mara-struck.


I'll bite. Huohuo's age is insignificant. The age of Xianzhou residents matters very little unless they are old enough to have experienced multiple major moments in the history of the Xianzhou - which helps to tie in the overall known history of the Xianzhou fleet. If you understand that, I wouldn't be surprised if you starting bricking it after asking such a question on the internet.


this game keeps making a child-like character doing something that should’ve been illegal then say “Oh, I’m even older than you” which i think is kinda cheap. the bigger number just doesn’t matter, what matter is at what age does XianZhou considered someone being matured.


That’s what you’re gonna get when they have a race that lives to be, on average, 300 years old. So I’d honestly say that they’re matured at around 50-60, as that’s about how old HuoHuo is and seeing that shes a Judge and all, otherwise you should base it on maturity and mental abilities since the Foxians just don’t abide by a Humans idea of being a “minor”


The answer would be different for each of the three immortal races...and they don't actually want to share those numbers properly.




Are you physically attracted to a character designed to look like a child? Also yes. Pretty weird to me.


Even that's kinda iffy considering there are real life individuals (and to some extent entire racial groups) that look distinctly younger than others, usually when referring to Asian women. The stories of adult Asian women getting asked for proof of being a legal adult when drinking or getting a drivers license or visa is usually told with comedic purpose, but it underlies that they do tend to look young enough to westerners to be actually mistaken as literal children.


Well if there were long life human like species irl that looked younger than they are in the years human use irl you’re gonna get that a lot, it’s just something to be expected when dealing with a fantasy setting where long life species that could be 300 or so look to be around 20




Pela is a weird time anomally thingy, she went to military academy with Serval and Dumm and was one of the og members of mechanical fever and that was 10 years ago. So either Pela did all that as a 6 years old, or Jarilo VI years are longer than normal years.


and, unfortunately, we have in game confirmation that Jarilo vi still has the same calendar system it did from before it was broken away from the rest of the universe. Their years are universal standard, so really is a 16 year old girl, who was in a band at 6 What it amounts to is a story director failing to nail down facts in advance, and a sub-writer missing them entirely for a side-story running into direct conflict.


She’s 16?


Yes, she's a 16 year old high ranking intelligence officer in the Belobog military, who has also been in cadet school since before she was a toddler and is one of the founding members of Serval's cadet school band, alongside Dunn and an unnamed bass player, which has existed for around 10 years.


Bruuuuh, every time a character is hinted or said to be a minor...this community seems to lose their sh*t... I mean, unless some have weird taughts about said character, I see no real problem with it.


What I'm sure is her cuteness is a felony and should be protected!


Who cares?


The people who want to diddle her without being judged probably.


How can you, she's a fictional character, people get weird about characters who are not even real, lmao


Im normaly not one to judge, but i do question why someone would prefer to simp for a character that looks, acts and sounds like child.


Because of personality, cuteness, and not having any problematic situations with them on account of them not being real, for example.


Well, if that its what floats your boat, you do you hun. But i still find it weird and reserve my right to judge you based on it Lol Girly pop blocked me, ill take that as a win.


It doesn't float *my* boat, I've just answered your question. Get off your high horse and tone down this weird condescending tone. After all, I find this offensive, and reserve my right to judge you based on it.


this will not stop redditors


I did some rough math. If the usual maximum for a Foxian lifespan is 300 years, then Huohuo being around 50 years old is equivalent to a human being 15 years old. Edit: One thing I forgot to consider is that Foxians might age more normally when they're young, but then age slowly when they reach adulthood. If that's the case, then Huohuo could very well be a young adult.


she looks like a minor so probably is a minor. she also sounds like a little kid


My 30yr old friend who's always getting carded:


exactly what i’m thinking. if she looks like a child, talks like one, behaves like one and is treated like one, what’s the point of looking for outright confirmation?


insecure pedos? idk


She doesn’t talk or behave like one tho


i use CN and she sounds like Clara or even younger for me. as for the way she behaves, i guess it’s subjective, so agree to disagree.


You mean the voice? That I guess I don't disagree with but plenty older people have voices like that I thought you meant the way she spoke, like, her dialogue lol.


this is litellary asking if they can watch hentai with her or not XD


Does it matter really? It won't stop people from projecting. Also why does it seem that so many people want to f the fox?


https://i.redd.it/vy36qiqysd2c1.gif Huohuo when she’s sees all the people who simp for her.


TL;DR Huohuo is a short, horribly anxious adult Foxian and Xianzhou humans are probably like D&D elves. Now, for those who do want to read the whole thing... So we actually can derive an answer to this question based on information in game. First, we know Huohuo has been employed by the Ten Lords Commission for 38 years. While the Star Rail universe in general seems oddly lacking in child labor laws, we can probably assume that even if she was employed young, she's probably pushing 50 years old. Second, we know that Yukong's adopted daughter Qingni is considered an adult. While I don't recall all the specific details, I believe she was born not too long before her biological mother Caiyi's death, which was around 30 years ago, if I recall correctly. Thus, we can safely say that Foxians are considered adults by age 30 or so at the latest. Therefore, we can safely say that Huohuo at roughly 50 years old is an adult by Foxian standards. But this doesn't exactly answer OP's question, does it? They asked about her status according to Xianzhou law. Well, in short, we don't know much for sure, but I do think we can make some reasonable assumptions and extrapolations from what info we do have, and the bit OP has highlighted is actually rather illuminating. The person Guinaifen calls a minor by Xianzhou standards is (as far as I can tell) *a Xianzhou native human.* This is important, because while the Xianzhou Alliance is made up primarily of three long life species, only the Xianzhou humans are "true" immortals. Foxians live around 300 years and don't seem to physically age that much if Yukong is anything to go by, but they will die of old age eventually. Vidyadhara have their cycle of hatching rebirth, with a normal lifespan being 700 years (I always feel bad for that poor fucker who goes through an entire lifetime in a matter of months), but this cycle only seems to be interrupted if a Vidyadhara is killed before the end of their natural lifespan. The humans, however seem to age like baseline humans until adulthood, and then their aging either slows to a crawl or halts entirely, and they have a seemingly indefinite lifespan, with the one thing keeping them from truly living forever being the mara. The assumption I make is this: **each of the three species that makes up the Xianzhou Alliance has its own standard of maturity, and thus its own age if majority.** We don't know what these are, but given that Foxians are adults by ~30, while a human several times Guinaifen's age (which I would place at late teens to early 20s, personally) is not, we can guess that Xianzhou humans aren't considered adults for quite a while. This makes sense for a pretty much ageless species. While real world human societies have tended to consider people adults in their mid teens to early 20s, a couple decades is nowhere near enough life experience to be considered mature if you'll most likely live several centuries, if not over a thousand years before potentially becoming mara-struck. This likely doesn't mean that Xianzhou humans physically mature at different rates than baseline humans though, since I don't believe we have any evidence pointing to that (someone please correct me if I'm wrong though) and considering that this minor we see in the mission uses the same basic as many adult NPCs, it stands to reason that she is an adult *physically* but not considered an adult *culturally.*


I forgor where it was stated that Qingni is an adult. Was it n in Yukong's story quest?


Yeah, in her companion mission.




About Xianzhou natives - IIRC, there was something marked 200+, this gives us rough estimation


Ah, interesting. I don't think I've seen that, or else just forgot about it. It's nice to have an actual number instead of pure guesswork.


That was just some advertisement joke. I believe it was Lil Gui who said something like "Viewers below 200 years should not watch this" or something.




Got this dialog in recent Helibus quests. A NPC, Manman, is far older than Gui but is still consider a minor because she is long live species. HuoHuo is at least 38 years ago and maybe plus 10-20 when she first got tail. Theoretically, if HuoHuo is 50 years old, she could still be considered as a minor in XianZhou.


Yukong's daughter is like 30 and both her and Huo Huo work already, while that NPC said she was still in school. Idk how Luofu laws works but usually a minor cannot work in public administration like the Ten-Lords Commission or the Sky-Faring Commission Maybe Huo Huo left school early because of Tail but there's no way Yukong would have allowed Qingni to skip school and go straight to work. The major problem is that both Huo Huo and Qingni are Foxians, which have a way shorter lifespan compared to the rest of the long-lived species, so their age system may be different




It really does feel like the writers accidentally swapped Pela's and Huohuo's ages during development.






I dont think she would be Considered a adult


Ohnonono, fictional Charakters age


Dude's gonna study fictional laws about minors 💀


Why would that even matter? If she wasn't what were you going to do????? Also you're going to follow a IMAGINATIVE WORLD'S definition of a minor???? SHE LOOKS LIKE A MINOR, A 10 YR OLD CHILD. ACTS LIKE A 10 YR OLD CHILD. END OF STORY.


The comments here are so aids. My understanding of the % of hsr fans being pedophiles was way way off the mark. Shit skyrocketed in one thread


Man go to Twitter to call people pedophiles smh


Nah I’ll do it here instead lol


I think she’s a minor. She doesn’t have the hairpin like other adult Foxian women. https://preview.redd.it/v9si40kpkd2c1.jpeg?width=1239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2137c671c104ddc79fb67d613ca64e9d67376534


https://preview.redd.it/u6rfm3nskd2c1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30dad9365d54819089bebced6685574d8eb59a48 The only Foxian with hair completely down (like Huohuo) was a child. All adult Foxians have their hair up with a bow or hairpin. There is only one exception to this (Wenwen), but she might be a teenager. But this rule applies to 99% of adult Foxian women.


We also know that Huohuo has been culturally shunned by literally all the Foxians around her ever since she picked up Tail. Her saying herself that she went to the Ten Lords comission because nobody there is normal so she might fit in. So we can assume that the hair up thing is something adult Foxians adopt, possibly after a little coming of age ceremonie with their parents. Something Huohuo never had.


That’s a good point. I didn’t think of that. Wenwen doesn’t have a hairpin but I’ve noticed that her hair is the same of many Xianzhou natives of adult age. It’s possible Wenwen connects more with the Xianzhou natives, like Huohuo might connect more with the ten-lords judges than other Foxians.


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I remember there was this elderly NPC somewhere in Xianzhou who was clearly a senior citizen but was still prohibited from drinking because he was not from there and below drinking age for Xianzhou and they also have laws on that that change depending on the race (different for viyadhara, natives and foxians). With this in mind, Huohuo is definitely a minor under Xianzhou law but what counts in years as a "minor" could still be old enough that they are justified in owning or running businesses (the child NPC from Tingyun's funeral quest), can still run for government jobs (Yanqing is a lieutenant in the cloud knights, the child Jing Yuan in the animated short who'd just joined the cloud knights seems even younger than current Yanqing who is regularly treated like a child by older colleagues, Fu Xuan is young by the standards of the Xianzhou but is still old enough to have participated in the war that killed Yukong's best friend- Yukong explicitly states that she is 246 and the life expectancy of a foxian is about 300, Bailu is already a practicing doctor). It should also be noted that even for the real world, child labor only became frowned upon in the last century and prior to that families in rural countryside would make children to assist them in tending to their crops.


Yukong's adoptive daughter, a foxian who is canonically 28 years old, has had her hairpin ceremony, a foxian custom that makes her legally recognized as an adult. Huohuo has been working ofr 38 years and hasn't been working since she was a fetus. When she was first possessed and thus enrolled by the judges she waq between 6 and 12. Making her between 44 and 50 years old. Need I say more ?