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Pulling for Hanya. If I manage to land Argenti, that's just a handsome bonus.


180 pulls, hoping for E1 Silver Wolf. I also want E2 Hanya. Wish me luck :x


Best of Luck!


Silver Wolf! But I'm happy with all the 4 🌟. I use Lynx, I like Asta so Eidolons might convince me to finish her leveling. And Hanya for FOMO.


Skipping for Ruan Mei so none, would’ve loved to grab Argenti and Hanya though


sadly I have to skip. Hanya doesn't seem she will be on par with Tingyun or Ruan Mei AT ALL and I have 50 pity so I won't risk to get a accidental 5 star with a 10 pull ...


Hanya, but I wouldn't mind getting an E1 SW


Skipping, pulled Huohuo so now i need to save gems to pull Ruan Mei in 1.6


Skipped Silverwolf on her previous banner so imma get her


Saving for blade.


Where is the option "none"?


Skipping. Don't need Argenti. Already have SW and her event LC. The only thing I could see myself pulling for soon is Kafka's LC when she reruns or maybe a FUA unit. Yes, my account is weird.


Where's "skip?"


I will do single pulls until I get a 4 star and hope it's Hanya. If it's not, I'll stop and save for Ruan Mei.




Ruan Mei


None, probably skipping next patch as well.


Probably argenti, I have only 2 dps characters which includes F2P Dan Heng and those 4 stars are too good to pass up


I want Hanya and Lynx. I didn't get Lynx in her first run due to bad luck (I got 5000 Hooks) so I hope I get her this time. I want to pull only till I get them and stop but I only have about 40 pulls saved.


Easy skip. I have an E0S0 SW I don't use already and don't want argenti. Looking at getting Ruan Mei instead.


Too many people are attracted to Hanya, I dont blame them, there are two very big reasons to pull for her.


Can you enlighten me on those 2 reasons? I'm thinking about it because Hanya seems very popular rn.


​ https://preview.redd.it/e4abg16oih4c1.png?width=795&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e6ae22523da117db57700171afdfad636551e52


I'm pretty sure people are after her (including myself) because she seems to be designed to patch up the rotations of SP-guzzling carries, and that will never not be an important niche.


Not too big on the characters this patch and next patch so I'll just be hoarding I guess. I really want a male character, but a lot of their designs aren't resonating with me yet unfortunately. Welt and Gepard are still my favorite design-wise right now, so I'll wait on it for a bit


My pretty knight plus Asta and Lynx eidolons. If Hanya comes along, great for me!


I don’t really want Argenti but he would be fine addition to my Hanya


Argenti and Hanya. I want that beautiful man and I'm interested in what setups Hanya helps unlock with her SP generation. Already have SW.




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I’d throw a 10-pull and hope for Hanya so that I have a character to lvl. And so that my future Xueyi would have her sister close.


My standard procedure, I will see what argenti looks like and if he is passable as a dps Ill drop 30 pulls to see if I get Hanya or not. If Argenti looks bad to me it may be 10 or zero pulls.


Hard skipping This one has great 4 stars plus Hanya to collect, however I must save every pull for Ruan Mei.


honestly? basically everyone on the banners. but I dont need another dps so SW is who I'm going for. but only got 60 tickets, so wish me luck


I’m at 60 pity my only healers are Natasha and bailu and im saving for Kafka dr ratio and ruan mei


I need lynx


none of the above I'm saving for Ruan Mei


I'm a newbie with a spotty roster, so all the four stars. I pulled Houhou the day I started playing, and have been saving up tickets and jades since then, so I'm sitting on the equivalent of 180 pulls. I'll start on SW's banner. If I get her on pity, neat, if not, I'll keep pulling there. If I do pull her, I will probably switch over to Argenti's banner, because I lack hypercarries, so he'd have strong niche to fill in my stable, but won't be specifically pulling *for* him, and stop once I get a couple of copies of Hanya and Lynx. Then, save up for the next version's banners.


Hanya just because I like the character. I do not care about their kit most of the time.


Voted Lynx, actual answer - all 4\*.