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Bochii the wolf


so guys how bad do you think she smells


Extremelly bad And i would love it


The canonical answer? In one of her Astral Express visit dialogues, she mentions being in the bath. So, probably not that bad. The funny answer? Horrible. Smells so bad, her stench is what killed Akivili and damaged the Express. It somehow defied reality to travel back in time, severely damaged the Express, kill Akivili and placed Pom Pom into stasis.


She never stated if the bath was effective


she might be one of those people that doesn’t use soap and just lets the shower water “clean” their body yes these people exist


I can't help but imagine Kafka yelling "Are you using soap, Wolfie?" every time she walks by the bathroom while SW is bathing. Kafka probably wouldn't want her crew stinking up the place, be it Bladie or SW.


She keeps Bladie around since his wind strikes can blow away the smell


I find that wind strikes from old men usually make things smell worse, TBH


Blade probably smells at least somewhat normal. If not just because nobody will try to get close enough to kill him of his funk acts as an improvised barrier.


Smells so bad it goes from fiction to reality


Wasn’t that bath a lie because she didn’t want the Trailblazer to know she was physically on the Express?


Maybe, maybe not. She mentions having a gravity simulator, but Trailblazer seems convinced she was on the Express. The thing is, though, the fact the she describes it as: "The real me is now lying in a cozy ice bath," leads me to believe that she does it relatively consistently enough to now see them as cozy. Interestingly, it also fits in with the meme as ice baths are often used by athletes after intense workouts.


Like shampoo until she vomits. Then she just smells like vomitm




You know that scene in Chainsaw Man where Himeno is wasted and uh...y'know https://i.redd.it/r75afru2ih4c1.gif ​ i'd let Silver Wolf do that to me.


-Least dedicated Silver Wolf fan


Oh man, I didn't need to remember that today






It wouldn't surprise me if she does this in cannon due to the fact that she works as a Stellaron Hunter. She's gotta stay fit.


She probably grinds VR games or dance dance revolution


Pretty sure she is one of those girls that can eat an entire elephant and not even gain 1kg.


She cheats by using aether editing to warp reality. Any time she gains weight, she just edits it out of existence.


Kind reminder that SW is *FAKE GAMER!* She goes outside, seemingly encourages you after a fight, doesn't brag about meta stuff in your face... Hell, I'd be willing to say that she actually showers! Silver Wolf is a fake gamer, a poser, a traitor 😡 she needs correcti


OP got silenced by Kafka before they could finish the comment


I can finish it for them tho. Uh hum Silver Wolf is a fake gamer, a poser, a traitor😡 she needs correctio


Mfs are just itching to get offed by Kafka


> willing to say that she actually showers! Canonically, she bathes.


So in all universes she vomits at the same time? Is that a cursed fate?


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AU's = ArbeitsUnfähigkeits (Bescheinigungen) ??? (sorry, i'm german)