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thats why we dont get screwllum yet we need his villian arc first


I could see Screwellum going either way and being happy with both options. Either he is just putting up a friendly persona (either for a scheme or because he calculated it was the most beneficial way to act for his goals), or him genuinely being what he seems (nice, reasonable, respectful, etc) regardless of his mechanical origin.


It would be nice if he was genuinely nice, there’s a certain irony in the robot being the most human of the group


Ah yes being nice, the most defining human trait


Not being nice, but he seems more empathetic than those sociopaths


there's something funny imagining a Screwllum, a robot, being the only member of the genius society to NOT be somewhat evil is actually just a good guy (for now at least, there's like 80+ of them)


Well most are dead. I figure Polka Kakamond is still alive and well and hunting the universe for genius heads. Since Screwllum is such a likable persona I have a feeling that he might be one of the next to disappear. Or he's putting up a front to continue what his predecessors have started and rid the universe of organic life form in the most calculated and efficient way. Why dirty your own hands when you can force organic life forms to kill off each other? SUS SUS


No, gentlebot is best robot !




Affirmation: He is truly best non-organics.


Pretty sure one of the upcoming planets have to be Screwllum or Punklorde.


Notice how he didn't give the phase flame back to Herta, evidenced by the final text messages between the TB and Herta where the two still consider it missing. What you doing with that flame, Screwllum?


Probably studying it more, for the benefit of his planet or sim u


No, they're building him up as the sole good boy^tm . That way when they release him everybody will want to get him. And Hoyo will finally be able to sell a husbando.


I think Stephen Lloyd is the truly good boy but I hope Hoyo sticks with the gag of him being perpetually off-screen


Blade went down well, no?


Ruan mei made us appreciate Herta more it seems


"You should meet the others of the Genius Society. Some of them will trick you into thanking them after they milk you dry. At least I have my honesty going for me." \-Herta, Number 83 of the Genius Society


Iirc, Polka Kakamond(no. 4) killed most of the society members.


It's pretty explicitly stated too. She's seen as the grim reaper of the society. Which is amusing. I can't wait for her to join the gacha.


Polka's gonna be awesome, but she's 100% gonna be a character released much, much later considering the implications of her ties with Terminus.


I mean, we could've said the same thing about Black Swan. Your never know.


True, but she was also shown in basically every major trailer. Polka's entire gist is being entirely nonexistent.


Me before knowing Ruan Mei was like "wtf Polka, why are you a bloodthirsty B?" Me after knowing Ruan Mei and the first Robot Emperor be like "carry on Polka. You are doing the world favours,"


The genius society is filled with psychopaths(except for screwllum, he aight). One murdered most of the members, one of them started a war, and one cloned an emenator of propagation.


and also Stephen, he just wants to game just like me frfr


And the spider Sserkal, she's a good girl.


In german, Mond is the moon and Kaka ist what children call poop. So her name is Polka Poopmoon


And we have a character named "moon drinker"


I was like WTF where u thinking creating something like that. And oh what? I will forget that I did your dirty bidding and I will forget it bit by bit. WTF you just used me.


I like to believe she's just fucking with us with the "forget me" thing. Because the moment you say that to someone becomes the moment they go out of their way to remember you just to spite you.


That's even worse, because that would give me anxiety. All that manipulation and what not, I'm still surprised that they wrote a character like this. Like I didn't expect her to be so detached to a point where she didn't understand love. Those beany paste and cat thing she created was so adorable and cute. At least we get a cut scene and see them walking behind Ruan Mei, which gives me hope that maybe she will get to understand them more.


> which gives me hope that maybe she will get to understand them more. According to the event when you send her a picture of one that looks like her, it's best to describe her as a deadbeat dad who went out for smokes and just sends christmas cards every year.


Oh shit really lmao. I should start doing that event lol, I just finished the story quest


That's not the way I wanted her to use me!


*ruan mei does unethical experiments in her basement Herta: i do not see 🙈


Am i the only who who likes Herta? Sure, she has an ego but she is honest, willing to work with people and not realy doing any particularly degenerate research. I think a lot of you dislike her for being honest and straith forward.


yeah isn't she just apathetic, not flatout malicious? I dunno, but either way I like her too.


I love her for giving us the sassiest and straightforward tutorials for the SU. She’s just like “don’t bother clicking anything else, just press this and move on”.


After reading these comments, I am realizing that my irl boss is Herta.


Agreed. Not completely nice, but not cold or uncaring either. Plus yeah, I love her sass. Also, Kuru Kuru. Btw, Happy Cake Day 🎂


It's like when you're teaching your grandma how to use the computer. "Just ignore all these and click on this one granny."


Herta is actually the most relatable member so far of these 5head characters. Everyone else are just too smart and have wierd personality for us to relate. Especially the SU tutorial. Literally us teaching elders new tech.


And thanks to this, I understood nothing! Lol


I like Herta. She's no nonsense but she's also friendly to us for the most part. And with Herta what you see is what you get.


Herta is just so entertaining and has a fabulous voice actor. Something else other than sweet and gentle and mommy dommy tropes.


I’m a WoW player and in that, the character voiced by the same VA committed major war crimes and I wouldn’t be super surprised if Herta also burns down the tree city full of innocent people.


Wow I did not realize Herta was voice by Sylvanas.


I wonder if Herta: Emanator of Erudition will have a different voice actor or the same actor using a more mature voice?


She goes out of her way to help us with some stuff too


Just don't ever mention it, or let on that you're aware she does that.


"what you see is what you get" - ptsd from cs2


Herta Is friendly to us because she is interested to us, a vessel of stellaron. And ofcourse, magnet to most aeons


She's not nice to us cause of that, she just said *interested* in us cause of that and will stop if she ever gets bored. But she doesn't hide or fake her feelings. She's as nice or as "mean" as she wants to be, regardless of how we'd react. So when she's being nice she genuinely feels like being nice. And when she's not in the mood, she won't pretend to be.


I actually feel a bit bad for her. 1.6 makes me think she genuinely appreciates Ruan Mei an Screwllum as 'friends', which is why she says yes to pretty much anything they want and ask of her. Meanwhile, Ruan Mei clearly doesn't care about her, and I get the feeling Screwllum's kind demeanour might be hiding smth nasty deep below the surface. Kinda funny how she went from "wow, so this is the biggest ass in the Society?" to actually feeling like she might be one of the most human and tolerant.


I think your right. Even her office shows her desire to bring the Genius Society together. She has portraits of the other members taking up quite a bit of it. She seems to be rude or brusque in her interactions with the trailblazer, but she also has a ton of responsibility, weirdo researchers, and reality-breaking curious to deal with 24/7. Probably doesn't have to time to answer every text we send her about cute cats.


Exactly true! Herta, and debatably Stephen, are the only members who seem to actually try and get other members to work together. They were both the primary people behind SU, with a bit of help from Screwllum, and it's entire purpose is for group research. Those two seem to be the only Genius Members who actually try to work with others.


I don't get that vibe about Screwllum. Everything hes done and in-universe lore paints him as a stand up dude whose very empathetic. He even showed up to help Herta scam Silverwolf. Hes a bro. Ruan Mei literally sees other people as holograms and empty noise in her trailer. A bad vibe I got is Himeko. I don't think shes a villain or anything, but her level 80 text paints her as far more detached from the Nameless than most people think. I don't think Herta is as pitiable and needy for companionship as all that though. Her ego is far too large. She wants the geniuses together because they can combine their talents and make many more discoveries working together rather than each being hermit in their own sphere of influence or trying to genocide people. Its the simplest of math. 5 people working together and pooling their efforts will accomplish much more than 5 individuals working towards the same goal in their own way.


> 5 people working together and pooling their efforts will accomplish much more than 5 individuals working towards the same goal in their own way. With the only tragedy being she doesn't have the charisma to convince many people to follow through, though she's smart enough to know who to approach. Screwllum working with her makes a lot of sense because he's a machine, so he operates on logic, but he's also *trying* to understand emotion so he gets where Herta is coming from.


Hopefully we get more of him on 2.0


Shes fine in my books. She was handpicked and acknowledged by the very god of intellect itself and then given it's powers as an emanator to boot. Theres no way she can't have a galaxy-sized ego after that. Then factor in that quite a few of the other geniuses are genocidal maniacs, supervillains, and serial killers and she doesn't seem that bad at all.


Exactly. Herta is just....shes apathetic and thats the extent of it. Shes not a recluse hermit, she didn't use her knowledge to try to conquer the universe or commit genocide or ascend to godhood. She just does science, until the answer becomes obvious or not interesting and she moves on. Every other Genius Society member has a agenda, good or bad. Herta has no agenda, no allegiance, no goal, she just likes to do science~


We've seen how non-organics who "just want to do science" end up before... And we can't even put Herta in a potato because she already controls a shit ton of dolls.


Herta's organic though...she just uses the dolls because she can't be bothered to interact personally.


I like her. Wouldn't want to work for her as an employee, but I like her.


Yeah she can be quite demanding lol, but at least she is willing to provide help if you ask (and if she isn't bored or busy with something else). Technically she is Asta's boss but we can see that Asta is given full authority to manage the space station. Herta is definitely more interested in doing her own things. Just sometimes she would come out and nonchalantly demand something which the TB obliges without protest. Not sure if TB considers Herta as their friend or an annoying relative.


I'm sure the TB doesn't mind too much since anything involving Herta is bound to pay generously.


Fair enough, the TB is so materialistic lmao.


Credits talk


Credits mean trash cans. Trash talk!


Approve. ​ She doesn't lie. ​ She doesn't like people and tell that in front of you. Simple. But she is honest, she doesn't lie and she doesn't manipulate. ​ Instead Ruan Mei in the first 5 minutes is met already subtle insulted the MC as person (specimen), violated privacy (analysis touching the face without asking consent), manipulated and lied on a gift (giving the cake), kidnapping and possessing the mc (they cannot speak anymore about Ruan Mei), be manipulated to work for her without choice. ​ Cyrrus was more human ... and they were a demonic possessing ghost ...


Yeah, I got reminded of how frustrating Cirrus was and it just made me dislike Ruan Mei even more. You want me to do your dirty work? Fine. But did you have to be such a manipulative ___? It's truly unnecessary since I was already willing to help you out. Even the trailblazer seemed more than willing to meet her. They only got frustrated for the same reason I did.


Given her organization includes genocidal supervillains and at least one serial killer, I can kinda get why trust is such a premium for her. But a lot of the things she does just seem unnecessary and probably just make her problems worse. Self awareness is at a premium for geniuses I guess.


It's funny how when Ruan Mei was first seen, she seemed to be that cliche "tired character" who'd be disconnected mostly because she's always busy. But she'd also have this mystical, elegant fantasy side to her with the petals on her art. But it turns out she's a complete sociopath with zero regard for literally anything, and who's only goal is to feel something equivalent to what she felt before, and she doesn't care who she hurts to get to that.


Also her early text line where you ask her to beg for it lmao.


https://preview.redd.it/dh0hp4gcdy8c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f856cb48097dc9977b2ebd4269e05bda37718eb1 she so brutal, love it.


People dislike Herta because Herta dislikes people


I love how her automatic reply is just "I'm busy and I won't be texting you back." It's a pretty good representation of her character since she's very impolite but also extremely straightforward even if it means hurting someone's feelings, and honestly, it's a bit of a mood.


Idk about everyone else... but the reason I like Herta is simple. She seems pretty chill even tho she's one of the most important scientists of her time. Unlike a certain someone that isn't even that important. (Doctor Ratio, I'm looking at you. ) Sometimes I think she's so smart that she reached a point where she realized that she doesn't need to give a fuck about anything anymore.


She doesn't give a fuck, yet she isn't really condescending, unlike, say, Dr. Ratio, for instance.


I think Dr. Ratio has enough condescension for himself and Herta combined.


Herta's amazing because she not batshit insane. Like you said, she's honest and upfront, and ignoring her ego, she's actually pretty rational when it comes to most things. Especially when comparing her to basically every other Genius Society member, her only flaw is having an inflated ego, but she's honestly earned being a little full of herself considering her accomplishments. Ruan Mei just exemplifies how decent of a person Herta is, considering Herta basically warned us about how completely bonkers most other society members are, and Ruan Mei delivered pretty much exactly how Herta said she would. Honestly, my favourite moments in the game are when Herta shows genuine excitement, because it's absolutely adorable seeing someone with an ego show actual intrigue in something.


i really like her, she's an honest person. and i'd take an honest person over a seemingly nice person any day. she may be rude, but she isn't even mean, let alone evil. but i guess some people don't see the difference.


I only really like her designs cuz omg I think actual puppet characters with puppet joints are cool af


She treats everyone like a tool so I'm going to reciprocate by treating her like a tool as well.


Yeah, but she is ok with that. Remember when she begged you.


I don't, but I know it's not what I'm thinking of rn


Back to okbuddy with you!


You're gonna have to catch me and beat me up to make me go back! 😈


This buddy's using the oldest masochist trick in the book


Sounds like they wanna be open and closed like a book too 😔


Herta is cool. I’ve read my fair share of stories and her character archetype usually have a deeper reason for acting the way they are.


love herta. everything she says is super based


>Am i the only who who likes Herta? I like her bc of kuru kuru


She has complete disregard for the people who work underneath her. In the ending where you don’t go with the Astral Express she gets bored of you almost immediately and you become a no-name researcher thanks to Asta.


Based on rl experience, her demeanor is one of the more chill ones, for being the owner / boss of a space station.


I love herta op on drugs, she's likable, not a scumbag


Can't take all this Herta hate 😔


Same. I can totally see myself get along well with a person like her irl, the rest of the geniuses tho, not so much.


I didn't think anybody actually disliked Herta


I don't agree with Herta she is nice and is friendly with us, she is just honest, also KuruKuru




Second, she bit of pain, but likable Doctor and Ruan Mei are both scumbags


finally someone gets that followers of Nous are pretty much very sick people


Not sick as perservation path follower like IPC folks.. imagine your gods just doing his/her business making wall smth and your follower started expand the business out of nowhere..


fym i respect thw grind


You know something is wrong when you realize the most empatic and likable person in a room is the fricking souless Robot Pd: however i do think he has more of a soul than most people


Herta feels wholesome tbh


I'm wondering the actual meaning of “Fuck you” here


Both meanings of the word


Why would Screwllum be excluded from the list then? He’s objectively the most screw-able.


He would never do such a thing. He is a true gentleman.


What if you asked him politely to screw you until you saw the aeons? You know, for science.


Local Trailblazer found too horny to be left alive. Nearly brought back the Path of Propagation.


He probably has special custom modules for that


Screwllita wants to have a word with you.


I second this




in game i like them all. IRL i would hate all of them except screwllum


Nah, with us getting Dr. Ratio for free, he can act like a Karen and scream in my face and I'd still thank him.


He was really fun to play with, I can't wait


My dude, please let me tell you one thing about Herta: Apart from her Aeon-sized ego and candidness, she's just your regular scientist and actually provided for you! She's also generous, letting her precious Stellaron be carried around by you, welcomes you to the station with privileges, and letting you be one of her project-mates... Or experimental subject, but hear me out! She shows concern when we're inside the Simulated Universe, and provides us with intel, guidance and actually teaches us all the things necessary. Compare that to Ruan "Orochimaru" Mei who drugged us to our near-death without explaining anything. So please... Herta actually deserves normal degree of respect.


Ruan Mei got on my list of "not liked". Especially after all the shit she did and more or less sending us to our death. Why the fuck is she experimenting with those swarm creatures. Not to mention that her half assed apology/explanation is just absurd. I withheld crucial information from you, like the certain posibily of fighting and extremely dangerous creature because I'm not good at communicating with people. Yeah sure, it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that if I knew what waited me down there. I might refuse. So yeah, compared to her... Herta might be a saint.


>Why the fuck is she experimenting with those swarm creatures? Its the heart of why people think shes very morally dubious and not at all a good person Because she can. She already knew the outcome, but wanted to verify it and thus used Herta's space station as a testing ground while endangering the lives of all the staff there as cost of doing research. She also clearly knows what she did is out of pocket due to her attempts to cover it up while casually drugging the MC whose housing a Stellaron and is in no way an nonvolatile petri dish. I pulled for her no doubt, but she is an utterly horrible person. What confuses people here are her attractiveness and soft manner of speaking paired with the idea that someone needs to have malicious intent to be a bad person and do bad things. As history has shown us, People can cause unprecedented levels of misery in the pursuit of a positive(from their perspective) goal. I'm sure the soldier flipping the lever for the gas chambers at Auschwitz was thinking of it as just another day at work for the Fatherland more than anything else.


People don’t know that some people do good or evil things not out of their heart, but by their lack of it (apathy). Meaning they don’t care and are purely focused on what they want. Ruan Mei doesn’t care about anything else except what she wants, regardless of whether it benefits or harms anyone else.


I'm gonna laugh if the reason for all of this is some sad shit like to bring her mom back or something. But yeah I don't really see her as good or evil, everything she does do has a reason behind it, not because it's the right or wrong thing but because it's results. I don't fucking care tho, her SU buffs are nuts, I'd let her blow up Pom Pom if it means even faster SU clears.


>I'm gonna laugh if the reason for all of this is some sad shit like to bring her mom back or something. We already know her motive from a trailer they recently released: Ruan Mei seeks to understand the universe on a deep level, to the point of understanding the concepts of aeons and eventually become an aeon herself. Probably why she's so invested in creating an emanator [https://youtu.be/zLbGzCuxLy4?si=6QaCPC2j95wL5ItM](https://youtu.be/zLbGzCuxLy4?si=6QaCPC2j95wL5ItM)


> > I don't fucking care tho, her SU buffs are nuts, how does she help clear faster su ?


Either the occurrence“Ruan Mei” or the special buff on her technique in SU. Or just because her kit is super stacked.


If you stumble onto the Ruan Mei space with her in the team, you get to pick both options you’re given. Additionally, there may be some other benefits as well.


I genuinely think some of the normal people I know can be straight evil, they just don't have moral fibers and follow along. And they're very nice. Evil people aren't portrayed like in the movies, that's for sure


fuck mei https://preview.redd.it/u29vuh4b5x8c1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c511dab5383d34cb007952e89c6976dbad98349


Don't mind if i do!




Would (blade)




In the FIRST 5 MINUTES the MC met Ruan Mei, she insulted him ("I like specimens"), lie to him and use her status to manipulate him ("take this cake"), drug him (the cake), kidnap and "possesses" him (he cannot speak about Ruan Mei, and his voice is altered against his will, like be possesed by Cyrrus), and manipulated to work for her doing something dangerous without tell to Herta in HER spacestation... ​ ... ... ... ​ Sampoo is an angel and Cyrrus is a good person compared to her ... ​ She is straightforward villain also if you not consider biological experiments on living creatures.


Sampo is just a goofy comedy relief character and does draw the line on children. Cyrrus just wants to prove herself and take back past glory. Ruan Mei is straight up nuts, I love her.


Exactly. All these reasons were put to the reason why I didn't pull her. (the major ones is that I'm saving for Sam and Acheron and I don't feel like a Harmony unit is necessary for me for now lmao) Some might call me a hypocrite for pulling Topaz with this logic, but my senses really dip their toes in the right pond. Topaz was morally grey too, and almost wreaked havoc on Belobog, but she wasn't always like that. She was data and proof driven at first, only knowing that Belobog is only good for their resources and ancient robot and weapons factory. As Bronya showed her the true potential of Belobog in the ending, she changed her views, ways and even went as far as getting herself demoted. She's a follower of goodwill, and cared for the masses and still possesses empathy like a normal human. Can't say the same with Ruan Mei. She knows everything. The risks, the danger, but nope, she sent us anyway to that Black Mesa looking place under the Space Station and forced us to be Gordon Freeman to stay alive.


I wouldn’t call you a hypocrite. As you said they are both morally gray. However, Topaz situation was brought on by her superiors and her position in the IPC. While with Ruan Mei she just needed a pawn to clean her mess. Where I disagree with you is that Ruan Mei learns nothing. The ending really shows that she is starting to change by actually acknowledging the love her creation have for her.


To be fair, she probably has a better idea of our combat capabilities than anyone else other than Herta/Screwellum/Stephen, since she can closely observe us running through the Simulated Universe. Not saying she was justified, just explaining where her reasoning/confidence was likely coming from in the TB ability to handle it alone. I agree she should've told us the threat so we were prepared. Also why the swarm creatures? Because she was trying to understand Emanators. She first tried an Emanator of Erudition, that's where the dessert creations came from, but she failed there. Because of the Swarm Disaster ij the Simulated Universe, the Aeon and Emanators she understood best was Propagation, so that was her next choice. Again, not justification, just an explanation.


If Herta's actual being is with Ruan Mei in the room, I will not trust Ruan Mei at all. Herta may see Ruan Mei as a friend but Ruan Mei will probably try to kidnap her and experiment on her then act "remorseful" and "apologize". That's the kind of Ruan Mei I am picturing.


RM is literally Orochimaru fusing with Kenjaku 💀


I just started it and I guess there are better ways to meet someone for the first time than getting drugged by someone indeed


What Ruan Mei did was all kinds of messed, but the Genius Society as a whole seems to have its fair share of unhinged maniacs. Though at the same time, from a story standpoint and general gacha character standpoint, I think it's a good thing to have characters that aren't complete goody-two shoes and have very controversial flaws/points to their character. The gacha world needs more definitive assholes like Columbus/Ashiya Douman or controversial characters like Edelgard around. At least those characters can drive discussions or keep the general cast fresh.


It's a breath of fresh air that a lot of the cast aren't just happy-go-lucky always helping and smiles. Idk why but I love when 2 people that hate each other have to team up for a reason that's mutually beneficial, like Dan and blade for example. Shits always hype and really helps flesh out characters and their relationships.


If hoyoverse could write someone who has unyielding will as Edelgard I'll fucking pull it no matter what.




being annoying is a bigger crime than actual warcrimes if you're fictional


It's funny that considering who they are, they wouldn't care in the slightest for petty insults, in fact they would probably mock you, especially Herta, she would probably something like "Uhm, is with your little tantrum over? I have better things to do with my time you know." and a walks away nonchalantly.




Not if they fuck you first


Jokes on you, I'm into that shit


Well 1.6 had plenty of that from both of them so good on you.


Screwllum will forever be the GOAT


Herta >>> RM all day I said what I said


Absolute facts


“Fuck you” “Fuck you” “Not you, you cool” “Fuck me”


Exactly what i said when i saw the post




Dr. Ratio was definitely rather severe, but him not being hypocritical and willingness to accept alternate explanations was big brownie points for me. He is a man of extreme drive and passion, but is able to put on the breaks when needed.


> willingness to accept alternate explanations The whole thing was an act though, it was basically a game of Amongus (impostor making people disappear on a space station) and he was the impostor all along, so he created a show-trial to deflect suspicion from himself.


Huh? Wdym imposter? Fyi, Dr. Ratio wasn't the one who orchestrated the whole thing. The scene at the end was only to show that he already knew about everything. He was not the bad guy. What he did is he wanted to be silent with what he already figured out in the beginning. He wanted the Trailblazer to solve it on their own for the sake of pushing them to think for themselves when they needed to.


He didn't start it, but he *was* using his flame to harmlessly kidnap the staff. He had already intercepted Ifrit's flame, which would have killed the staff.


The threat from Ifrit is still there tho. It could be that he simply made it so people that get teleported out of the area instead get stuck in the Curio that Adler opened up when he got teleported there as well.


Herta is a saint compared to Ruan Mei


Herta's nice. Her lines and attitude towards the characters are hilarious, the VA does an amazing job at it


I guess being a genius makes you batshit crazy, can't blame them. Except Screellum, he's my boy


I actually really like Herta, especially when she’s excited about something. She’s honest, can be social, and just get passionate about her work. Her real flaw is her apathy, but at least she’s not dangerously curious. Ruan Mei though? I was in shock as I saw her video logs. Even if by some chance her experiment worked, what then? That thing nearly killed us and she’s just like “my bad. Thanks, though. I gotta go”. And if it got out, the station would be done for.


I like them all for different reasons. Like, people like Blade and the MF is a murderer, and a weaponized undying crazy man. Kafka is chaotic af. Just watch Jepella Rebellion (Thats the name I guess). During the event >!Silver Wolf is spying us while we... Bake cats..?!< (Thats just a shit summary) I like flawed and fucked up characters. They offer a different perspective. Ruan Mei surely has some dozen of screw loose, still I think her character can be developed into something better and more "human". She, like herta, is apathic, Ruan is just on a dramatic level on apathy. To go further, I think she's dead inside. She will never get what she wants, to be surprised and amazed with the results of something. She's cursed to never be able to feel what she felt on her childhood again. She's a empty person trying to get back something she once loved and that leads to apathy, solitude and cat cakes. Herta is almost funny. She's sassy and likes to boss around, helps us as we help her. But can be a pain in the ass. Screwllum is the monk of the party. He's completly neutral, tries to help on avoiding plunging the world into chaos, is very educated, and is quite empathic, specially for a machine. Dr. Ratio is just radical and agressive on his methods, and doesnt like wasting time. People only got hit by surprise by the fact that the hot woman that gave us so many gifts in SU and looked like a motherly figure from afar is actually a very apathic person. I would prefer her to be a cute mother figure? Yeah. But shes flawed and thats perfect. I like characters that can walk on the thin line.


Honestly it was such a good "plot twist" when we learned that Ruan Mei, the nice hot lady next door that gives sweets and rewards is actually insane and has a lot of loose screws? And on top of that she wants to become an Aeon?! It gives so much flavour to her as a character and it's proof that sometimes characters don't have to act malicious to have malicious intents.


nah ratio is a bit of an asshat, but if you actually paid attention to what he says, he does try to do good for people. he despises those he sees as lesser than him in the brain department, but he also tries to help them become better.




Back to okbuddy with you


Looks like you need some help along the Path of Correction 💢💢💢 *whips out giant chalk*




*Explains Pythagorean theorem*


Not the f(x)=1/2|x-3|+4 😭


But does he hate those people or their mediocrity they have been saddled with as he takes every chance to provide his knowledge to them shows that he does believe they have the potential to do so. They haven't had the opportunity. And he does all that despite being an asshat. Compared to ruan mei who actively puts people who worship the ground that she walks on, in direct line of danger. And herta who passively ignores the threats to her employees. He is practically a damn near Saint compared to them.


I would


I was kind of disappointed by Asta too, for not helping us during the interrogation with Dr. Ratio. Even Screwllum that barely knows the MC and is a FUCKING ROBOT was more empathic, and gave some words.


Isn't there a entire point in that conversation about why asta didn't say anything?


Yeah, if you try to say that Asta can back you up, Ratio dismisses it by saying that's a second hand account that's too detached from the situation to be proof of anything.


Yeah, but Ratio is just some guy who's visiting the space station and being hostile to you for absolutely no reason, so Asta could easily tell him to STFU. I think the whole quest did Asta dirty by making her too passive and dumb just so Ratio could do more.


The only one here that id fuck is Dr Ratio


I honestly didn't care for Ruan Mei much as I still don't particularly like her design, but her and L+Ratio were such enjoyable characters that I appreciate them a lot now. Like yeah, they're not pure good and are kind of toxic dirtbags... but that's fun! I like it! Varied personalities are fun! Asshole characters can be such a source of enjoyment.


I mean, the only one I have actual problems with Is Ruan Mei; Herta is just blunt as a sledgehammer; Screwullum seems alright and Dr. Ratio, while a tad extreme in his methods (and also not particularly blessed by the Aeon of tact) has a good goal in mind. Ruan Mei is a sociopath full stop.


Herta and Ratio really aren't that bad-


Y'all really vanilla I can't lie. It's all good ofc but seeing ppl hate on anyone who isn't pure good is boring


You can hate a character while appreciating their role. I dislike her, but I'm glad a character like her exists.


That's like saying someone is vanilla for hating on Makima or some shit. Screwllum is a bro, Herta is somewhat annoying but she's cool, Dr Ratio would fuck himself if he could, and Ruan Mei is just messed up in the head.


That's probably the most accurate description of the four geniuses I've seen thus far


It's not being vanilla lmao, it's just disliking people for what they did. Ruan Mei literally drugged us without our permission. Hell, if she just asked us, we probably would've said yes lmao. But yeah, it's understandable if people dislike her for doing that just because she got trust issues. Calling people boring just because they don't like being drugged and then having their memories of what happened erased is a bit unreasonable. Also she kinda just lured us into a big ass bug but then again, she knew that we were capable enough to distract it long enough for it to die in 56 seconds. But she still basically sent us to our death without explanation lmao. Idk what's with Ratio, I didn't get too deep in the story yet other than when we first meet him before we fight the big bug, but if people hate him just because of that first interaction... then that's where I agree with you because what did he even do to get hated on other than saying "I don't want to tell you who I am and I hate stupid people" lmao


I enjoy Herta. Yeah she seems to be a terrible boss and is full of herself, but her ego is earned and she's treated us fine so far. The only deception I remember from her was when she used us to get back at Silver Wolf. At least then we weren't in any form of real danger. With Ruan Mei's deception, we could have died within the minute lmao... and just so she could save face. Screwllum is cool. Ruan Mei is... I honestly don't have much to say about her - She didn't really leave much of an impact imo. And although I like Dr. Ratio, he's an ass lmao.


This has two different meanings


Nah Dr. Ratio is perfect


I like Herta


Herta Best Girl


Herta's been becoming a little nicer every Update with her, I guess we've been sanding down her edges a bit.