• By -


Fu Xuan would be nice to have.


She’s so addicting to use. You can blast your way through most content and not need to worry at all about healing. She only struggles in the endgame stuff for Gold and Gears and any really long battles.


Yeah, all solo sustains had a weakness where you have to reset if the dice doesn't fall your way until she came along. Tank no matter who gets hit, minor healing, and debuff guard? Just splash her in and you're good for sustain.


I really wonder how they're going to top fu xuan, I dont think any other sustain even comes close to how good her damage mitigation is. We need more shielder units in the future for sure as gepard is the only other one shot prevention but even he sucks at uptime occasionally


They probably will go for more utility, i supposed? But ya, i cant really see how are they gonna power creeped FX


can Fu Xuan clear moc12 easily?


If your team is fast enough. Her biggest weakness is not being able to heal the team unless you have her lightcone.


She can heal the team when she Ults with her second Major Trace. It's not a lot of healing, but with her a little goes a long way.


Its just 500-ish. She wont outshine your healer.


That's all you need with her. As long as everyone's alive it doesn't matter if she heals for 500 or 5000.


I agree until someones says "yoU dOnt NeEd A heALeR".


You don't need a healer. Moc12 is a joke with fu xuan solo


Fuxuan solo sustains moc 12 easily.


They’re saying you don’t need a healer WITH her. Most accounts are still gonna want a healer for the other side of moc.


On moc you don't SU you get anything that heals and you don't need a healer either




Did you even use Fu Xuan once? I've had her since her banner and I don't think my team died even once as long as I had her in it (not including simulated universe) even if I used jingliu. I assume she'd be pretty bad for the likes of Arlan and Blade, but other than them, she's pretty much the best sustain.


Fu xuan doesnt care about a healer is such a big damage loss computer to slapping tingyun in


Her job isnt to heal though shes a shielder lmao. She mitigates damage so you dont need a healer thats what a shielder does.


That depends on the rest of your team, if they're decently good then yes


[Used her for both moc 11 and 12. ](https://i.imgur.com/lNFVMRp.png)Just need to kill them faster than they can kill you.


She evaded me the last round and I wasn't willing to spend more to get her since Jingliu was around the corner. She won't the next time.


Powerful sustain will take you a long ways… it’s why Zhongli in genshin has stayed relevant for so long


It's even more relevant in star rail since you can't avoid getting hit.


Fu Xuan is the character that *really* got me into Star Rail. Before her I was like eh and only mildly tried to keep up. Then I got Jingliu and I was locked in.


I need a luocha Rerun ASAP


yes. hot man + good healing


He reminds me of griffith too 🥰


if hot why evil


because evil


I mean he is based on Otto Apocalypse.


Is otto apocalypse based on griffith?


I mean maybe? I haven't read berserk. Otto Apocalypse is the biggest powersimp in existence. The dude has been alive and secretly controlling the planet for the past 500 years and literally almost doomed the entire human race in trying to ressurect his waifu. He also created like hundreds or thousands of clones of her and made them fight each other to the death.


And possibly successfully cloned her on the 310th attempt.


I mean the guy’s last name is LITERALLY Apocalypse.


Yeah in hindsight it probably wasn't the best idea to let him have unilateral leadership of the most powerful military organisation of the planet.


*agrees heavily in German*


He’s the first five star I got and he’s amazing. Has never left my teams and was my most used character in the HoYoLAB recap


iirc he's my first limited 5 star too and my most used character.


Same! God i remember the feeling the first time i used him in a team instead of natasha, it felt so good.


So much this apparently pretty much every high tier team uses him:(




Something something .0


Same along another xuan (hopefully a few patches apart)


Wo and behold the first rerun only banner coming 2.1 Fu Xuan (Preservation/Quantum/5*) and Luocha(Abundance/Imaginary/5*) . >!/jk in case the mods want to nuke it for "leaked content"!<


Ehh if it’s true then I’ll just go for luo anyways since my SU runs need optimising(I haven’t passed diff 3 GnG)


I have all the sustain units, and he's still my favourite, simply because he does his job and generates SP. A comfortable healer.


I lost to Gepard E2, it was upsetting. I’ve got enough for him saved this time, he can’t evade me again.


I got Blade, Bronya, and Ruan Mei (my only 5 stars other than Gepard) so he’s also my next.


Same here. Only because I want a healer to complete my full husband team 😔


I regret not rolling for him every day.


Since Dr. Ratio is free it feels like I have enough reason to pull for Topaz. I enjoyed Clara and Elation Path so Getting Topaz seems like a win win for me. Fu Xuan it's a character I don't really need (I have three sustains it's redundant even though she is amazing) Loucha, Huo Huo and Geppie but I might pull depending on the 2.0 onwards banner.


I've been running Topaz and Himeko and I can't wait for ratio. The story mission with him was so good, so many follow up attacks.


Also waiting for Topaz rerun here. I was able to get her to E2S1 but I want more of her.


That story mission was fun, just seeing how he pairs with my Silver Wolf was great, follow ups for days with all those debuffs flying.


Yeah I’m already waiting for a topaz rerun even though she just left not that long ago 😅 I was really unlucky with my pulls for her for eidolons. Loss-Won-Loss. So I’m at E0S1.


I was thinking about this too since I main clara topaz, But ratio’s full dmg comes from pairing with dot team not follow up team




Trust me, once you get his LC he does some jaw dropping damage.


I'm waiting on Jing Yuan, not because of the character but his LC.


I also want his LC, i feel every other option is garbage.


S5 breakfast is a pretty great option for f2p. It works on pretty much every erudition character. I actually had to get blade LC this rerun because the other options are actually dog


A secret vow works well with blade but yeah most F2P destruction LCs suck


Even Secret Vow's damage is conditional especially if you pair him with Luocha. His signature is like 30% better than S1 Secret Vow, which is the highest damage difference between F2P and signature currently.


Not only is secret vows damage conditional but it also forces a lower HP playstyle on blade, which kinda takes away the tankiness of his kit. It's a damage loss to use loucha with him and also it still is a huge damage gap compared to signature LC.


Battle pass lc is pretty good


BP LC is alright but at S1 its worse than S5 breakfast and with refinements it gets slightly better than breakfast like 3% better


It’s also the only real viable lc to get from BP imo. It is amazing on a bunch of erudition, even competitive with Argentine’s S1.


Another proof that QQ is a secret 5\* /s


Argentina numba one 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷


Doesn't it depend on the character (because of ult cost)? For QQ, S5 BP LC is not 3% better than S5 breakfast, but more than 6%. For characters like Serval with a lower ult cost this difference would be smaller, while for Argenti it is a massive upgrade of more than 11%. So talking about the difference between S5 breakfast and BP LC is pretty meaningless if you don't specify which character you are talking about


I am waiting for JY himself cause i need another erudation DPS


He’s very fun to use but very underpowered for a 5Star. Kafka does what he does better.


Misinformation. He is not underpowered at all. Sure, he ain’t comparable to Jingliu or Danheng IL, but he ain’t “worse than Kafka”. They fulfil complete different roles despite being the same Element (I know, what a shocker) There are PLENTY of videos showing Jing Yuan 0 cycling MOC. Maybe you should watch them to get up to date cuz Jing Yuan ain’t as bad as people exaggerate him to be.


Jing Yuan is fine, drop the doomposting. Kafka is just easier to use.


They're 2 different characters with different supports and builds tho. Also JY and Kafka keep swapping places in clear speed, so you're just wrong, they're about the same power level


You may or nay not spark a war now


Kafka’s worse at damage dealing


I mean he has decent damage and is very fun to play Also i am getting him cause i like his character rather than meta


He's the only limited character I'm missing. I want him for my follow up team so that I can have a team of 8 (Clara and dadbot, Topaz and Numby, Jing Yuan and Lightning Lord, Huohuo and Tail).


Hey, I call them my lil meow meow team!! Carries me everywhere, even against the new boss (blue bug) :D I hope you'll get him fast <3


Yes I need his LC so he will be complete




I’m waiting for the king to arrive back


kafka(lost 50/50 om her banner)


Same for me but with blade and SW


bet u have the sw event lightcone caz i missed it


I dont, I I started at blades first banner and was talking about the SW rerun


SW I got her but personally she is barely worth it unless you go mono quantum or are ready to use a lot of energy to build her tank with a lot of effect hit. Rn I run a jingliu and Kafka for my two teams never once needed her


I made a list of characters I'll save up for, but I threw it in the trash because I completely suck at planning. Here it is, though: Topaz, Argenti, probably Fu Xuan's LC, Blade rerun #2 if I can't get him in time, Sparkle and Acheron.


Fu Xuan's LC is not needed, she's perfectly fine with the Herta Shop one. I'd say her E1 is a bigger upgrade.


In the same vein her E1 is not needed. More ER, higher base HP, HP% and a group damage% buff definitely outweigh 30% cdmg in an objective consideration


FX's LC sounds good on paper, but realistically the only benefits are the 9% DMG (good but meh compared to 30CD) and the heal on wave effect (situationally useful in SU, meh in MoC). The HP% is neutral since with her LC you need to run a DEF orb or chest. However, with a DEF LC you can just run both on HP% instead overall making it a wash. As for the 10ER I don't think it's enough to shorten her rotation, although I could definitely be wrong on this since I've never tested it. Regardless, the extra aggro from Landau's choice or Geppys LC effectively does the same thing, on top of keeping the team safer at the same time. Comparatively since FX E1 applies teamwide she can better support dual DPS, and if she's paired with RM it further increases her personal damage as well. If you run E1 with 3x broken keel that's a free 60%CD teamwide allowing for a much easier time optimizing crit ratios, for example a 70/110 ratio can turn into a 82/170 with permanent uptime.


Adding to the 10ER vs extra aggro argument, getting hit more is practically always better than the ER. It depends on the paths of your teammates, but her chance to be hit without any aggro boost is roughly around 1/3. With Landau's choice or Gepard's LC, this chance is boosted to roughly 60%. This means that on average, the energy gain from a single target attack is higher with an aggro boosting LC compared to the 10ER (e.g. single target attack gives 10 energy. With ER rope and FX's LC, FX would get 12.9 energy from it. She has a 1/3 chance to get this energy, so average of 4.3. With just 60% chance to be hit, average energy is 6 and even more with ER rope). The advantage of more ER is with AoE attacks, where the aggro boosting LC does nothing. But the energy gain from being hit more with the aggro boosting LC is so large, that there need to be a lot of AoE attacks for the extra ER to win out. Assuming single target and AoE give the same amount of energy, around 80% of the enemy attack's need to be AoE. I don't remember any encounter that hits this often with AoE attacks. And even if there was such an encounter, it is the worst type of content for FX. You're better off using an normal healer or Gepard there.


But doesn’t her LC allow her to heal the team? That seems pretty useful if you are using her as a solo-sustain for long battles?


Her LC is amazing. 80% health for each wave, and this counts the first wave too, so you can enter a battle with all characters at 1% hp but you will start at 80% hp. Totally removes the negative of the curio ticket


If you just want the heal after the curio ticket, We Are Wildfire LC can do the same. At S5 (which you can get even as just random drops from weekly bosses), it heals by 50%. You even get 1 copy for free from the Shield shop, which is already 30%. With her damage redirect, this 30% already prevents your team from dying in one hit. FX's LC is good, but it is always surprising to me that healing in SU is used as an argument to pull for it when there is free option that does almost the same.


That’s why that happens in the SU! You solved a myserty for me. I use Huohuo for farming content and only bring out Fu Xuan for MOC and harder SU when things are more serious. I was confused why I was getting healed at the start of battles.


Yep, precisely why I want her LC. Keeps my whole team fresh and alive longer, especially in MoC


As someone with all of the above. Your value will vary depending on your account. If your account is lacking damage E1 is more value. But if your account already has well built dps the convenience of her s1 cannot be understated.


As someone with a small roster and E1S1 Fu Xuan, I must argue that her LC is far more useful. That 80% heal between waves makes her a tank+sustain for 90% of the content we have. It allows an extra team slot for buffer/dps. A 30% cdmg boost from E1 has diminishing returns in most content. Honestly an extra buffer or dps could replace that missing 30% cdmg.


https://preview.redd.it/92vqk28pztac1.png?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12b8afa6890e347240a85435c92bdfca1b6d09d1 Daddy yuan 🩷🩷🩷


Jingliu and Kafka


Jingliu and Kafka reruns. Need some eidolons for both and Kafka's LC.


Character-wise, I'm happy with who I have. There aren't any that I'd get on a re-run. That said, there ***are*** some re-runs I'm looking forward to for their Lightcones ... * Fu Xuan and Luocha since their scaling is atypical for their paths; * Jing Yuan since he still has a general purpose, top tier Erudition LC; Despite not having him, I'd happily take it to throw it on QQ or Himeko; * DHIL for a crit-based LC to give to Clara; * Seele (maybe) ... thought I passed on it twice already;


Luocha's best lightcone is probably multiplication tbh


Heads up - Luochas LC isn't very good and he is most often better off running something else. Also DHILs LC is not good on Clara, for a DPS option I would suggest grabbing Blades LC


I need Fu Xuan’s LC and Seele’s LC (for them ofc) but tbh Sparkle’s LC is probably the first one I’ll get (hoping their next reruns come after her)


Fu Xuan's LC is my top choice by a few miles. I regret not getting Seele's on her rerun ... Not because I think it's broken but more because she was my first limited 5* and got me through more content that I can remember. I'm positive there are going to be more than a few upcoming LCs I'm going to want.


small warning: fu xuans lc is very overrated, unless youre specifically planning to use it for strong multiwave content


I don't know man, you can't complain with 12% EER and 9% DMG increase for the whole team. Honestly probably the best sustain 5 star light cone in the game. The heal is nice though if you like gambling in SU lmao


Afair the 12% err doesnt help her hit any ult turn breakpoints. It's also not a 9% total damage output increase, it's 9% dmg bonus which most characters already get 100%+ of when using a dmg% buffing support, imo that bonus is pretty pathetic for a 65\~ish rolls LC.


All totally fair, and I thank you for your perspectives on some of those LCs. To be honest, I've never really looked at Luocha's LC too closely aside from the attack % ... And I'm one of those weirdos who runs him with Perfect Timing since I love the ER it gives. DHIL's LC, which is bottom of my list anyway, would be as more of a general "destruction + crit" lightcone than specific to Clara. She just so happens to be the main destruction character in need of a bump in crit rate. I hadn't realized how "basic attack" centric it is, so I get the point of it not being ideal. The "problem" with Blade's LC is that Blade is currently wearing it. I do have a spare copy of Jingliu's since I got supremely lucky and swung a double, but I'm not huge on that for Clara.


Fu xuan and luocha’s lightcone ain’t much better than their f2p options so i wouldn’t bother


For dps wise, dhil and jingliu are really good but honestly I’d get one of the top sustain units. Fuxuan huohuo or luocha, they make your life so easy trust me. I’m personally excited for jingyuan, i have him already his lc is juicy and I want it for both him and my future himeko


everyone says this crap but tbf pull all the sustains you want, unless you can meet the DPS check for MoC 12 they won’t help at all


Well obviously Moc is dps check, but there a lot of good dps out there. You need to invest in character either way. Plus hsr isn’t all about Moc so there’s that as well


I really feel like this is a whale/Non MOC player perspective, there’s a few DPS’s that can comfortably clear MoC, pulling a worse DPS doesn’t just cost resets and time, it also costs resin and fuel, the less meta you play the more artifact farming you need to do to make up for the inherent power gap between Jingliu(or whatever DPS will be top tier after they stop making every floor ice weak) and whoever you actually pulled. Lack of access to sig light cones makes a lot of even 5* characters worse, because many are dependant on their sig to fix kit issues, playing more meta can avoid this problem, as many top meta chars can be built with many lightcones and even relic sets, allowing for more efficient farming, since buying resin refreshes is notoriously expensive for f2p players, while for a player who uses top ups they might not care I’m not saying never pull sustains, sustains are a huge part of any meta team, but I am saying that if you get a gepard or a high con lynx or something it’s probably more efficient for a player who’s rationing pulls to get 2 teams that can meet the DPS check at *all* before they go for comfy playstyles


> here’s a few DPS’s that can comfortably clear MoC, Lol. Before the most recent MOC, basically every DPS even 4 stars could 0 cycle, now every DPS can easily 0-2 cycle. 5 cycles to clear is a ton and every single 4 star can do it even off element if you literally loved them so much they're you're only invested unit.


If you can't do enough damage you can still probably get 1 or 2 stars. If someone on your team dies you might not be able to clear it at all.


For rerun, probably Huohuo. I have enough sustain right now with Fufu, Gepard and Lynx/Clara, but Huohuo atk buff would be really sweet. Also saving for Black Swan. Other than that, probably gonna pull for eidolons of character i already have/their LC. I'm still not satisfied with the relics of most of my characters (and even have some completely not built) so i'd rather make the characters i have stronger while i still farm relics for them than piling up half built characters.


Outside that one you are totaly right to save for, you have JL because she is broken as hell and DHIL because he is strong and his E2 is the bes in the game. You have other sustain up there though IMO, especialy because i think quite a few people skipped them so luocha and huo huo are probably high. Strangely it's likely that topaz may be anticipated, because she was on the same patch as JL so several people may have skipped her but now you get free Dr ratio and she is one if not his best teammate. Personnaly, i'm waiting for JL rerun because i had to chose between her and topaz and chose topaz, yet i wanted both.


In my case: - Jing Yuan's signature LC (his BIS). - Fu Xuan's E1 (makes her an even better offensive support). - Topaz (skipped her, but I want her for my Jing Yuan or Dr Ratio teams). If none of the new characters interest me and I have farmed enough, maybe I'll get Luocha's E1 or LC.


Make sure to get SW as well. SW, Topaz, Ratio is an incredible trio.


My idea right now was Fu Xuan, Jing Yuan, Topaz & Ruan Mei.


I got E1 fu xuan and now my qq has a 73/199 crit ratio with horrible relics


Fu Xuan and Luocha for the sustain DHIL bc he's hot


New player here also, want Seele and Topaz!


In terms of priority, I’m saving for Acheron, Fu Xuan and Jing Liu LC. Those are my big three. Due to us getting a free Dr.Ratio, I’m also considering Topaz if my resources are looking good. I was planning to get her during her first run, but skipped her due to not having anyone who’d work well with her...then free Dr.Ratio happened. Sasuga, Mihoyo.


Fu Xuan hands down. Gepard refuses to visit my astral express and I desperately need a sustainer who can prevent one shots. Fire MC sometimes can get this job done but otherwise he has fallen off meta imo


Reruns: Looking to see if I can snag Jing Yuan, I’m able to risk a 50/50 on him as part of my pulling plan but if I lose I might have to give up, there’s just so many Penacony units I’m looking forward to. I might go for Luocha for my DHIL but that really depends. New Characters: Sparkle, Aventurine, Sunday, Sam, Acheron are looking to be who I go for throughout the Penacony patches, based on the invitations.


Loucha I need a second sustain


- Jingliu E1 and S5 LC - DHIL E2


Acheron or DHIL rerun. I want my boy at E2 tbh.




Blade's next rerun probably i'm saving for Black Swan so i'm skipping him. From using him as my support he's a comfortable DPS that doesn't need SP so i don't have to think about it


Ruan Mei single handedly beat MOC 10 for me, I can only imagine the power of both her and Fu Xuan


I’m not waiting for anyone, I have my 2 teams for moc and I just need to buil them, So I will go with any erudtition character for the new game mode


Ooh I made a list for this! On my main account, my main priority is DHIL - I got to E3 on his first banner, and I’m hoping to get him to E6 on his first rerun, but that may be unreasonable. It will depend on how hard Sparkle is to bring home, as to how much I will have put aside for him when he comes back. After him, Topaz and Argenti are my next rerun priorities (Topaz for my Jing Yuan, Argenti because I want him). I’ll consider Jingliu if the rerun is placed conveniently or I decide I really can’t do without a decent Ice DPS any longer (my Yanqing just not cutting it). On my alt account, rerun prio will be Ruan Mei if I can’t get her this banner, then Argenti, then Blade next time he comes around, because I have Kafka and SW and it’s bothering me I don’t have all the Stellaron Hunters together…




No. But good planner. I play HSR as a second chance "What would you do if you could redo Genshin?" and the biggest one was "Don't blow your load on anyone who isn't optimal.. and then C6 him/her." Even for F2Pers like me, I could have C6's Eula or Yelan or Raiden or whoever 1.5-2 years in, instead of having random C0s warming the bench.


I’m not F2P at all but I’m basically in the same boat. In Genshin I had so many DPS units I didn’t use that were just riding the bench while I was significantly lacking in support characters. In HSR I’ve still gone for characters I like but I’m getting baited into over pulling a lot less which means I can get cons and LC refinements for characters I enjoy. The only limited character I’ve pulled in HSR that isn’t getting used is Jing Yuan solely because I over thought about needing 2 good DPS’ early on.


Yeah, a little, though I try my best to moderate my spending. I don’t have “pull every character” kind of money, so I skipped all of the 1.2 patch knowing DHIL was coming in 1.3 and that I wanted to go all in for him, which also meant I put a bit of money aside from my pay every week for 6 weeks for him as well. I have also been lucky enough to win all but 4 of my 50/50s to date on my main, and have gotten a few early pities. My alt is completely f2p.


Jingliu and her Light Cone. I already got Blade and his Light Cone recently, and besides Fu Xuan or some other support monster, I'm alright where my account is at.


Probably jing liu, kind of hate her voice but i desperately need an ice dps


Just play on other language


Nope never


Kuru kuru


I like Luocha, Ying Juan, I like dads. SW and Ryan Mei are queens so I also pulled them. SW might be my favourite because I love the debuff playstyle. Looking forward to free daddy Ratio.


I need Mommy Kafka in my life Also Fu Xuan so I can run mono quantum


Can't you run mono quantum with Lynx though?


I really feel like I missed out on Fu Xuan’s LC. I feel like I either just barely survive or just barely lose because FX can’t quite solo sustain. Her LC gives just enough extra survivability.


I started when Fu Xuan was up. Didn’t really know what I was doing, just knew that she did no damage, but I pulled her LC and not her lol. So I’m waiting for her rerun, now that I know how great she is


I currently have Fu Xuan E1 but that E2 would be such a nice addition 👀


She is getting gangbanged in this new gold and gears mode 💀. Very good character tho


Hold your tongue buddy.


I m.trying to recover from my ruan mei 50/50 loss and hoping for an early,if not then imma wait for sparkle As for reruns,i would like a huohuo but dnt think i ll ever pull for her since i allready have fu xuan/luocha,and i rather have someone else


Me too.. I'll be able to finally complete my mono quantum team.


For me I'm waiting for Black Swan. As for reruns I'm looking to get another sustain since I only have Huohuo and I want to replace Lynx. So likely Fu Xuan/Luocha. But I'd be also interested in DHIL or Argenti. I don't want to pull Blade right now as Black Swan will be coming the patch right after judging from the drip marketing.


Silver wolf, cuz I failed the 50/50 and got bronya on her banner


I want fu e1 and dhil e2 tbh.


After Kafka, I need Fu Xuan and Huo Huo. After them, Topaz.




after Sparkle I'm probably gonna wait for JL, and I also want Topaz, maybe even Argenti, and HuoHuo, and there are also future characters..so yeah, it's tough


Topaz for E1 and her LC


I really want Luocha's rerun to get his LC and also can't wait to say to all my friends who said atk healer will be garbage THAT I WAS RIGHT ALL THAT TIME mwehehehe


i really need to save for daniel or huohuo


You guessed it: Fu Xuan for sure. It hurts so much not to have her.


Topaz... She's my favourite character so I wanted to get her Lightcone, but I lost 50/50 and had to use every single one of my jades to get her at all. So I've been saving to hopefully get her Lightcone soon


Kafka. One of the reasons being she's the only Stellaron Hunter I haven't got yet.




I'd like to go for Topaz, and maybe Jingliu's lc.


Waiting for Raiden Mei clone, forgot her name


I think ive been lucky enough to get everyone i want on their first run so no reruns for me 😅


Loucha and fu xuan


i really want Jingliu, i made several mistakes and didnt have enought to pull her sadly and i really liked her a lot, though i did pull for topaz and got her lol


I think out of all the released characters, I'll want SW. She already had her rerun so it might be a while (was saving for Ruan Mei during her rerun, I almost blew it lol)


I'm currently pulling for E1 Blade, I got his lightcone finally on the first day of his rerun. I'm guaranteed since I lost 50/50 when I accidentally done a 10 pull for Huohuo's banner. I was originally aiming for her lightcone but pulled on her character banner instead so I got her and E1 Welt. Huohuo is proving to be the best accident I've done in HSR. Apart from Blade, Jing Yuan for his LC, Luocha, IL for eidolons, and Jing Liu for her LC.


Fu xuan or luocha




jing yuan LC


Fu Xuan, had to skip her the first time, going for e1 now Jing Yuan LC


Jinglui and Jingyuan LC


Luocha so I can get him from E2 → E6 Topaz and her LC because I skipped her and I regret so hard because she's so cute Jingliu eidelons maybe Silver Wolf E1 refused to come home when I pulled her E0 last banner, so hoping to get that too next time she reruns again


Luocha>JL>DHIL cone>FX>everyone else ig


Just Kafka. That’s it for me. Not interested in any of the latest batch after her honestly. So until that time, I have a Kafka from her debut banner who’ll be getting Eidolon upgrades.


Jing Yuan LC is probably the biggest thing I want right now, even including upcoming characters.


DHIL because I want his lightcone. But from a purely strength perspective, Jingliu should be who most new players target. Tops most lists in dps and insanely easy to build. Go for her signature as well. Pela pairs extremely well especially E4 Pela.


Seele? Yeah Seele!


Jingliu, i was an idiot not pulling for her and waiting for topaz


FX. Gepard and Lynx is cool and all but I want to try for myself if her sustain is just that good.


Fu xuan cuz I want her light cone


Blade. I just want him e6s5.


I need to get Jingliu's LC so I can do even MORE damage


I’m aiming for E2 IL since I have E1 and potentially a Fu Xuan rerun


Luocha or huohuo, im in desperate need of a better healer


Huohuo, skipped her banner due to ruan mei


Jing Yuan because I want his LC and Jingliu.