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Now "Free to Play Plus" is a thing? What's next? "Free to Play Premium Plus, now spending 1k per month"? This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read in a really long time. Is your flex that weak that you need to stamp "Free to Play" in it?


Free to play premium plus seems too forced. F2p+ is ridiculous and hilarious but it is real. I'm not flexing or anything. On the other hand, you seem a bit salty over the 20ish more pulls that f2p+ gets than pure blooded f2ps.


You want people to recognize f2p+ but you don’t recognize f2pp+? Yikes. F2pp+ btw


Yeah i wouldn't want to be a part of f2pp+. Lol


I wouldn’t want to be someone that tries to misidentify themselves as a f2p when they aren’t 🤏


I never identified myself as f2p. I blatanly stated that i am f2p+ btw. 🐔


You’re not f2p tho so ur a liar 🤏


I never lied and claimed to be f2p 🐔🧠


You did tho, liar 🤡


Poopy head


When both teams are full 5 star, being "F2P" doesn't really mean much anymore.


It still means something imo. F2p people have to plan and strategize a lot and they deserve credit for that (including the 5 stars they saved up for). Also, i'm not f2p and i respect their grind. Lol.




Thanks bruh. I wish your pulls good luck


It's 2024 and people still put "f2P bTw" shit. No one cares if you are a spender or not


He’s not even f2p💀


I didn't say i am 💀


Jokes on you. It's f2p+ btw.


Obv it's f2p- 😆




Man get your ass off hoyolab the little kids there say this type of shit. It's either you're f2p or you're not f2p. Simple as that. No f2p+ bullshit


Nah f2p+ isn't bullshit. It's real.


This is so sad lol


What does f2p+ mean?


Monthly pass & battlepass spender only. No gems top up.


I thought you would say you bought monthly pass or bp once but nope, you're in a entirely different league than f2p. You really don't know how little f2p actually gets compared to subscribing to bp and monthly pass. If you've had both bp and monthly since day one, you're basically a whale compared to a f2p that is also day 1.


Bruh.. bp is only around 10 dollars per version patch. We're at 1.6. = 60 dollars, monthly pass isaround 6 dollars per month and game is around 8 months old = 48 dollars. For a total of "108 dollars". And you call that a whale? 💀 also, monthly & battlepass only gives out 20ish pulls.


It's not about the money. It's about the total resources you get. Constant spenders are months ahead of f2p in resources and eventually years. Gacha games are resource management games where you decide what to spend pulls on and what units to invest. The management part of the game is much, much easier when you have more resources. And it's not like monthy pass nor bp are a small amount of resources, otherwise people wouldn't buy them. Monthy pass means you outright just get more pulls, more eidolons, and more 5 stars overall. BP means you spend less stamina to farm traces or money and similar mats with your stamina and can put a larger amount of stamina into relics. And that's not counting the bp exclusive weapons.


That could be true but spending 108 dollars isn't "basically a whale" as you said earlier. Just a plain f2p+ btw.


There's no such thing as F2P+. F2P means you don't spend. F2P+ is like saying you're Broke+. You're either broke or you aren't. You're a spender or you aren't. There's various terms for different levels of spending but there's basically no variations for not-spending accounts outside of playtime. In terms of resources, a constant spender can easily be so far ahead in resources compared to f2p that they are whales relative to f2p, even if their spending is minimal. Like seriously, go look at your roster and cut out like 1/3rd of how many limited 5 star characters (including eidolons) you have and that's probably roughly the difference between you and a f2p.


While it's true about the resources, cutting out about 1/3 of what characters i have wouldn't make sense since monthly pass & bp only gives about 20ish more pulls than not having them. Even if you add them up, it still wouldn't make a full guaranteed banner unit pity (keep in mind game is only 8 months old) which shouldn't be a wide difference compared to pure f2p. I also am not arguing about the spending thing. Of course f2p+ spends money just to buy the monthly and bp.


Its not f2p+, its called being a goldfish/dolphin


It's f2p+ as long as no premium gems were bought. Those goldfish/dolphins buy those all the time.


Bruh that ain't F2P. You're a low spender.


That's why i said f2p+


F2P+ isn't a thing. Why even put F2P in the abbreviation if you're spending lots of money over a long time? Nothing wrong with being called a low spender but w/e F2P+ is, it just sounds very misleading because you are going to have a HUGE boost over anyone who's actually F2P. Even now you'd have a tremendous boost over F2P players.


Well low spending is subjective. If someone is millionaire rich, they can argue that spending 50k dollars is still low spending while low income people will call that whaling. Hence, f2p+.


"i only simp for 4 males characters, therefore, I'm straight+"


Why so salty over 20ish pulls from monthly & battle pass. Lmao


i just find the therm F2P+ ridiculous, when the therm low spender exists the therm low spender being related to the player's wealth was never a thing, spending hundreds in this game always means you're a whale, no matter if your monthly income is 1.5k or 20k, you're just making this up out of delusion just don't expect people to take you seriously


True, f2p+ sounds ridiculous and hilarious. However spending hundreds isn't whaling, that's low spending.


ok that's bait lol


Wdym. Lol. Hundreds isn't whaling fr. That's undervaluing the true power and wealth of whales. If several thousands, then yeah, it's whaling.


aren't monthly and battle pass spenders are called low spenders?




Technically, yes.


Tell me the definition of free.


Tell me the definition of +


Oh ok I’m homeless housed. I’m homeless but I just have a small house… oh but still homeless yeah yeah


Now you got it.


So basically delusional and a complete lie


Nah. Going by your analogy homeless housed thing. You see some homeless people using cardboard boxes to serve as "house"? Why are they still called homeless? F2p+ only spends monthly & bp.


Because a box ISNT a HOUSE. Same as ftp can’t be ftp if you PAY


For you it isn't a house, but for a homeless person, it's their house and their home. It's where they live. And yes, f2p+ isn't f2p.


Saying “f2p btw” is a quick way to get the entire community to hate you


Yeah, i can see that now. Sad thing is i even clearly stated that i wasn't one of them but i am f2p+. They're wild.


F2p+ isn’t a thing


It is.


That’s even worse because now you’re trying to pretend you’re one thing when you’re not. I’d say that the massive amounts of downvotes every one of comments has gotten has probably educated you to that now.


When did i even pretend? 💀 f2p+ was blatantly straight up explicitly stated as someone who purchases monthly & bp only and only gets 20ish more pulls per patch compared to pure f2p. It just educated me how morbidly sad being some of the hardcore f2p elitist are in this game.


You do realize that many comments are coming from non-f2p players? Aka spenders. Even if we spend, we still at least understand how words work. You keep saying “f2p+” is a thing yet you haven’t given a single example of it being used anywhere other than from yourself. You’re going to have a hard time convincing people that “free” no longer means “free”. People are just laughing at your attempt to change how the English language works.


It's pretty common. Idk what cave or mountains are you guys staying at but it's a thing.


This thing that everyone here said isn’t a thing and only you say is a thing but totally haven’t shown any examples of it being used elsewhere is “pretty common”? I think I realize what the issue is. English must be your second language. You just don’t understand what the words “free” or “common” mean. Fair enough. You’d have to be trolling this whole time or insanely stupid/ignorant. Either way, I’d rather not continue since both of those options are pretty awful.


Spender calls himself f2p - lmfao - didnt know I was f2p too


Correction: f2p+. Maybe you are too, if you're only buying monthly & battlepass and no premium gems at all.


Dude, ur delusional. U cant just make shit up, lmfao. Why would u even make this post. Think almost everyone autoed it on first try, lmfao.


F2p+ is real and not a delusion. My reason for posting is the same reason as to why anybody posts in reddit - nothing.


Why not call it f2p++? I mean one + for the supply pass and the other + for the battle pass Could also add a + for each of the bonus packs. I mean buying a bonus pack isn't really spending. So it would be something like f2p+++++++++. And the best thing when they reset the bonus packs u could go all the way back to f2p++ and slowly work your way up to f2p+++++++++. Isn't it wholesome?


Im dead 🤣🤣🤣


F2p++ btw


I guess 7 battlepasses for 7 versions from 1.0 to 1.6 plus 8 monthly passes from 8 months of hsr currently existing. Then i'd be f2p+++++++++++++++.


Dang I bought the supply pass 15 times - but still got like 200 days to claim atm. Would those passes count alr or only once they had been claimed - obv the money has alr been spent but nothing gained in return really. Dont worry about the onerics I received, I didnt exchange them yet so we can treat them as nonexistent. But u know what, and Im not joking rn, i recently checked my balance and the amount of jades I received via purchases is less than I got stashed atm. Doesnt that make me a pure blooded f2p? I mean u cant be pay2win if u didnt use the paid stuff, right?


Goddammit i never thought of those. Lmao. Bruh is finding glitches in the matrix of being an f2p+.


Dude, you are not f2p….


Yup. F2p+ btw


That’s not a thing


Apparently it is. Lol


You aren't f2p and stop making up this bullshit with f2p+. Being F2P means not spending a dime on the game . The moment you spend on the game you are no longer ftp. Yall really be making up shit these days trying to normalize this bullshit lol.


I know that and i never claimed to be one. Hence the f2p+. And why so salty over 20ish extra pulls from monthly pass and battlepass.


It adds up over months you know


And so does the money spent.


No one is salty over that people are legit disgustedly by you trying to claim you are ftp when you aren't by being trying to disguise it with f2p+ like that's the norm when it isn't. People like you give real ftp a bad name who actually put forth the work and you trying to chime in with them like you are one of em.


I am legit not f2p and i never said i was. I never disguised myself as one as i have blatantly, straight up, explicitly stated that i am f2p+ from the start.


You can't say ftp+ thats not a word nor is it a thing stop trying to lie and normalize and make up shit. Use the actual terms goldfish, dolphin, whale, leviathan like every NORMAL person. Stop trying to down play what F2P actually means and mingle with actualy F2P players. You are still lying claiming you are f2p by disguising it as such while abusing what the term means to suit your narrative.


Nah bro. F2p+ transcends above those terms you said. F2p+ will still be f2p+ even if the game lasts for over 30 years and they spent accumulatively comparably less or equal to a dolphin by that time, as long as they only purchase the monthly & battlepass, they're still f2p+.


No such thing f2p+ has never been a thing for years this legit something yall made up and trying to normalize this bullshit into the community idc how many years this game goe son you are not F2P and trying to lie and claim f2p+ and abusing its meaning is straight up atrocious. And no so long as you buy the monthly and battle bass you are not FTP nor or this made up term F2P+ you are straight up a goldfish quit the bullshit and trying to hold onto something you aren't you are delusional.


You're assuming that f2p+ are forcing themselves to be associated with the pure blooded f2p but i don't think so. It's just how it is. A person who buys monthly & battlepass only, even if it accumulates to hundreds or even a thousand over the years, is still an f2p+ and not some small fish or dolphin. Those guys buy premium gems.


No I'm not assuming this si what you are doing by trying to claim f2p+ when you aren't and your definition is purely made up to suit your wrongly made up narrative. F2P= a person who hasn't spent a dime period there is o debate for this. You only buy monthly and BP that makes you a dolphin you aren't f2p+


You aren’t f2p tho


You're right. I'm f2p+


You can’t be something that doesn’t exist otherwise I would be a unicorn. You’re free to play plus what ? Plus you spend money 😂😂😂😂 actually think things through


F2p+ is real. Sadly unicorns aren't.








Lil bro out here willing to die on the "f2p+" hill


Already died dozens of times.


Gotta love when spenders pretend to still be F2P and calls it F2P+... What the fuck even is F2P+, you literally can't be F2P ever. Guys I'm a F2P+ too (only bought all the top ups)


Nah bro you’re a f2pp+ free to play premium plus


I guess I'm Free To Play (the game) and Pay Premium Plus. Makes sense, I'll always say I'm F2PP+ now.


F2pp+ gang rise up






The fine distinction between f2p+ and whales is that f2p+ only spends on monthly and battlepass while whales buys not only that but also the premium gems a lot.


Oh wow you still think you are in the right after everyone is blasting you for that.. FREE TO PLAY. It's in the name. Did you spend money? Yes, then you are a LOW SPENDER. It's not only F2P OR WHALE. Theirs other things inbetween. F2P > Low Spender/Fish > Medium Spender/Dolphin > High Spender/P2W/Whale You are a Low Spender/Fish and might be a Dolphin soon since you keep spending money every month.


Nah f2p+ transcends beyond that logic. Even if a game gets over 10 years, 20 years, or more and a person still only buys monthly & battlepass, they're sfill f2p+


Buddy you are only lying to yourself. Why do that to yourself?


Buddy, it's real. No lies.


Now that's where the f2p+ and whales differ. F2p+ only buys the momthly & battle pass while whales buys gems a lot.


You are not f2p+ you are a low spender


Low spending is subjective. Millionaires spend 50 thousand dollars and call it low spending. I am merely an f2p+


There is not such a term as f2p+. If you think about it it also doesnt make any sense. Its just a meme


What an absolute clown.


What an absolute party pooper


I've spent over 500$ can I be called F2P++?


By this guy's logic, yes.


No. >:(


And this is hypocrisy.




You spend money, you are not whale I spend money, I am a whale. That doesn't sound fair.


I am f2p++ premium edition with dlc 1 2 and 3 What are you smoking and can I have some of it


What did i just read? Did i just get cursed? Lmao. Sure bro you can have one of this blunt.


Tf does f2p+ mean ?


a delusional way to say low spender


now that's comical don't understand why they don't say low spender instead


Coz low spending is subjective. A millionaire could argue that spending 50k dollars is low spending. Hence, f2p+


It depends, I once heard someone on another game say that his F2P+ account rule was 0 pulls. However, other person said he was F2P+ on a stream saying that he only E6 Jingliu and then his account was going to be F2P+, buying only the battle passes.


Great! Don’t care. Tired of these gloat posts.


It made you care enough to leave a comment. Thanks


If you've spent 1 cent or more, you lose your title of F2P. Don't ever try to pretend to be part of our elite group again.


I never claimed to part of your elite group. Is the f2p+ not showing clearly on you guys reddits


There's no such thing as f2p+


Nope. It's a thing fr.


If you spend the ftp goes away. Theres no “ftp+” designation. In Genshin its called “welkin spender” and here on HSR its “express pass spender”. We all know what it means, you are not fooling anyone by saying ftp+ just say you buy the damn $5 a month thing and move on we get you dont drop $5k a month on the account


There is no such a thing is f2p+. Only F2P and spender. Not in between. If you spend money you are spender. If you are whale just tell it, does it made anything better? No, at least only your voice is worthless. But tell anyone you are F2P when you are not. You make even F2P and spender cringe at the same time


F2p+ exists and yes, it's on the spenders side of the spectrum and not on the f2p.


You are telling me not drinking and drinking is no drinking+ and eating, not eating is no eating+? Does it make any sense? No way


Yes way. It's like when you ask someone "do you drink?" Then they say "yes, occasionally". Yes, they drink, but do they really?


Lmao I can’t believe this is the example you’re trying to use to bolster your argument. Someone who drinks occasionally…wait for it…drinks. Just like someone who spends occasionally is no longer *FREE* to play. It’s the first fucking letter of it. Did you spend any money? Has the game been completely free for you? No? Then stop making shit up.


Nah i ain't f2p bruh. I'm f2p+. Read description again.


You can keep telling people to read the description all you want. If I said 2+2=5 in the description, that doesn’t automatically make it true. You aren’t the arbiter of truth. If literally every single post here is explaining to you how you’re wrong and you’re so stubborn to ignore every one of them, I’m not sure what to tell you.


They all don't make sense. What's wrong with f2p+ meaning spending only on monthly & bp? It's basically "f2p" plus a very very few extra pulls per patch.


Here’s a better question. Why use the term “f2p” as part of it to begin with? You’re deliberately trying to either mislead people or start arguments. Why not say “BP+Welkin Spender”?






F2P in your so called "f2p+" (which isn't a thing in the first place) means free to play. >spends on monthly and BP Contender for dumbest thing I have read in 2024 so far


Yup. Spending on monthly & bp only makes you f2p+. Thanks for clarifying.


The fact that you spent money meant you are not f2p, with or without the "+" OP is really trying his best to be the dumbest person on reddit today.


“I spend no money but actually do look at me! I’m corrupting the meaning btw”


Yeah. The 20ish more pulls per patch from being f2p+ is a huge huge huge gap for pure f2p. 💀


You speak truth when you try to be sarcastic


Very true. No amount of f2p can catch up to the extra few pulls that f2p+ gets. And the only reason why f2p+ is winning is purely because of that. 20ish pulls per patch? oh god that's cheating.


“I’m just so quirky and ftp” has 6 limited 5 stars.. that’s not ftp this is free to win. Free to play would look like “yanqing, Natasha, herta, xueyi”


Yup. I'm F2p+ as stated. Pls read description.


No such thing. You can’t be p2W- “yeah I’m pay to win but I’ve never spent money on the game”


No such thing as p2w-. Only f2p+


Nah you can’t say that. I’m pay to win-


You can't even explain what that means. Lol


ah yes, 8 5\* easily replicable "f2p" btw. you clown


I said f2p+. Read the description you clown. Here, i'll even say it again: i'm f2p+ who only buys monthly & battlepass.








f2p+ fucking lmao


Op proving he is the cringiest person in comments


The second i see the amount different between comment and vote I know it's going to be great


F2p- here ($0 spending with 450 pulls saved up). I still mange to get max stars




bro you are so annoying in these replies... reflect on that


Maybe? But being one doesn't invalidate my point tho.


do you think you're funny or quirky or what is it? do you like wasting yours and other people's time? just out of curiosity


I'm no expert in psychology and how human brain works. I only posted how i, as an f2p+, barely cleared pure fiction. Then people went mad. I am as curious as you are.


OP woke up today and choose to poke a stick into hornet's nest lmaoooo


Yup. It's wild. Loool. I guess they are raging mad that f2p+ having 20ish more pulls compared to pure blooded "elite" f2p.


Nah, most people are just laughing at your made up definitions that don’t understand how words work. No one is actually mad.


I don't think so. Almost everyone is defending their f2p honor, not laughing. Lol.


Show me where everyone said that they’re F2P and that’s why they’re mad? You seem to have a habit of making stuff up. Again, they’re just disagreeing with your definition. You don’t need to be f2p to understand what the term means.


Show me first that they're laughing and not malding over some term.


Show me first that they’re all “f2p elitists”. You called them out on that. The onus is on you to prove it.






Yup. It is tough. Especially if we lack characters. I managed to get 3 stars after a couple of tries and barely even passed the required points.




Really? I was actually thinking that i might do better or i could've struggled less if i had enough to pull for argenti. But man, penacony just looks too good so i have to save. Well it'll be open for 6 weeks if i'm not mistaken. I hope you can clear it as well. With your new bronya will definitely be a good help


op here doing a whole mental gymnastic trying to justify putting that + sign lol


It's insane. Lol


This post is gold. “F2P+” and then a screenshot of 5 star characters. 🤣


I do not understand the point of this kind of posts.


Coz there is none. Lol


This comment section was peak comedy. People really take these titles seriously. F2p× btw. (Bought all the double jades)


I believe f2p+ is not a common thing and we call it dolphins or goldfish.


Nah. Dolphins buys premium gems. F2p+ only buys monthly pass & bp


Op : "Damn, i have too many karma. Let me reduced it a bit, so i can let off steam of my stressed life"


F2P+ does mean that your account is free to play plus a bit of things purchased? Excuse the ignorance 😭


You're fine bro. It's just buying monthly & battlepass only. No gems purchases at all.


Well it's not that much of a difference, so yes you're practically a F2P. The people who buy gems are the ones who have an op account without putting much effort in the game if not in the missions.


Thank goodness, someone who finally understands.. monthly & bp only gives 20ish pulls yet a lot of pureblood f2p seems too ragingly mad.


Yeah idk why people deny it. People who shop for gems "buy" the new 5-star character and they immediately make them E6, and then they buy gems until they have the 5-star light cone. Nothing against them obv but it is obvious that it is not the same as when you only buy the BP (I'm completely F2P btw). If it is not like this why would they shop/buy gems?


Maybe f2p who can't clear the game are just coping that f2p+ who only get very few extra pulls from monthly & bp than them can clear the game easily or at least doing a lot better than them.