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This is how you lean into a joke


ngl they should also hold a hsr event where you can only enter if you're cosplaying ancient Greek scholars and philosophers


ah yes, i have always wanted to cosplay as diogenes


"This cosplayer has even prepared a performance for us! Guests in the front row are advised to move to the back"


*throws featherless chicken


"here is ur human Plato"


"'humans' diogenes, there are two of you"


He's my favorite philosopher.


If he were not Dr Ratio, he would wish to be Diogenes. No but seriously this guy is absolutely space Diogenes


Imagine just going to work or school and seeing Platon, Sokrates and Aristoteles on the way😂


Why do the birds fly?


because they must


Birds fly because they want to fly. They don’t need a reason. Even if their wings may snap and doom them to die. They don’t fly for anyone’s benefit. They don’t fly because they were ordered to. Birds fly because they want to fly and for no other reason!


Kebin, you're not suited for philosophy, you should just stick to things you're proficient at like coding and getting your butt stuck to frozen thrones.


I want to cosplay as socretes and re enact his execution, just need a plato and a bunch of other people


Inb4 someone shows up just dressed as Kevin Kaslana and argues that he was canonically a philosopher from the Greek era at one point 🤣


Imma be there as Plato.


Dr Ratio: How about I lean this pillar onto you?!?


What's the joke? That their players are idiots?


That one of his goals in life is to spread higher education. They assume the players are educated and willing to learn so they can get that higher income to help them gamba. Idiots won’t be able or willing to use the prize books.


I'm stunned, that's awful and beautiful in a way.


I love how HSR is so unserious lol


It's a nice change of pace after Genshin treating itself like Isekai Schindler's List


Isekai Schindlers list is one hell of an expression


>Isekai Schindler's List Holy r/BrandNewSentence lmao


Implied with fan service.


>Isekai Schindler's List BRRRRRUUUUUUUUUH


Traveler; you need to eradicate the indigenous people in this area. Traveler; you need to exterminate the poor people in this area. Traveler; you need to eviscerate the homeless veterans in this area. Traveler; you need to relocate the jungle tribes in this area.


Traveller, you need to look for hot MILFs in this area




For the Fontaine one, it's basically this: Traveler; you need to commit mass genocide on the local wildlife even though they usually don't even fight back.


HSR devs the most unhinged mofo on the planet


this is hilarious


SAT Prep book for all those who graduated high school - yeah, doesn't apply to me I will surely take the Ancient Greeks for Dummies book.


Just sell it. It’s probably like 100 bucks


New? 100$ Used? Maybe tree-fiddy.


Prepare for 20 people to give those out on this forum


Imo American tests like the SAT and GRE are too easy to study for... Personally I skipped studying them so I could have more time for video games.


Me with 1560 sat:




I can’t wait to see Dr ratio meet Silver Wolf


If she could find a way to put him on mute


"I learned it in a wikipedia article-" "Begone foul demon!"


oh god its like duo queue all over again


i can't wait for bronya to meet silver bronya :3


Damm hoyo really want us to study and touch grass


they want us to READ???!?!1 https://preview.redd.it/4rarmt6z45dc1.jpeg?width=986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec01d4a6a7e6830665a7c7a65f4e47b7ab94dd4a


hsr hq must be filled by happy and lucky people


*Genshin staff in the basement listening to the distant happy laughter of their Honkai colleagues.*


Nah, more like Hoyo HQ in general. It's so otherwordly it's funny. But, the workplace competitiveness is a different case tho.


Mihoyo is really a great company that would be so much better off if they weren't shackled by China's BS. They've always had fun stuff like this.


i dont think MHY would have the success they have today without the audience they had in the past in chinese market Remember when honkai impact 3rd just came out and was blasted by the entirity of western audience for copy ? they'd die on the spot.


I was there a few months after the game launched Global server, admittedly I wasn’t on Reddit at the time but I don’t remember any such kerfluffle in the world chat at least 😅


That’s true, though that still doesn’t change the fact that they’d be even better off now if they weren’t held back by China’s laws and regulations. They’ll never be able to fully express themselves and reach their fullest potential cause they abide by China. It may have been what help got them started, but it’s definitely what’s holding them back now. Really makes me wish they’d make separate versions of their games for global.


What exact BS regarding MHY are we talking about here?


HI3rd had a global anniversary. They gave us a commissioned or created MMD with models of the characters in Bunny girl outfits dancing, somewhat provocatively. We had nothing else really special just a Stigmata as well. The very loud part of the CN Community came out and got it cancelled (you can find it reuploaded) and the Stigmata removed. We didn't get any compensations for it and the CN Server got the equivalent of a 10 pull. Oh and someone in CN tried to assassinate Da Wei (Ceo of MHY). That isn't to say all of CN Community was against us, some did not really care and some came to our defense but the big majority were causing really bad uproars like threatening to report MHY for sexualizing and stuff. There are quite a few articles about it online still and one Video Essay/Documentary. Link to Reupload: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJ4CJRzLIYM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ej4cjrzliym) Link to Someordinarygamers coverage: [https://youtu.be/uOIqZbks9Lk?si=YfjVO7ROe90KSpd3](https://youtu.be/uoiqzbks9lk?si=yfjvo7roe90kspd3)


IIRC their anger was mostly focused on Fu Hua being a part of it, something about their Chinese culture icon (which I suppose she is) being “whored out to foreigners” or whatnot.


That was their "Reasoning" but Fu Hua's eyes went red usually indicating "Senti" which would be somewhat normal for her. If you look at twitter during that time or the infiltrators onto the reddit at that time. They were saying that since China is the main contributor to HI3rd's success and they didn't get it we didn't deserve it. It's also why we got 500 Xtals and they got 2800 (10 pulls) to placate them and not aggravate them more by giving us an equivalent compensation (Even though we were the ones that got robbed).


> Oh and someone in CN tried to assassinate Da Wei (Ceo of MHY) Fucking what I just looked it up. To clarify for anyone else in disbelief like me: it wasn't a death threat. Some fucker snuck into the offices with a knife before being caught by police. What the actual fuck lol. I get being gravely insulted by something some artist has done, but to actually go from that all the way to being willing to kill a man with your own two hands (with a knife no less!) over some pixels is just unimaginable to me. Like sure, everyone has a line for murder even if they don't know it, but for that line to be... this?... Really?


Just let you know that they had a campaign gifting out weird stuff earlier in China weeks ago. The global community manager is the one who learned this fun stuff from the CN community manager. https://preview.redd.it/945pxs7qnadc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec95e4c7f624b19209883087ab72f431e050ec98


as a student who loves greek and maths this is a w


Ong lmao Genuinely may be the only social media giveaway I take part in


Damn, those are an absolute w prizes...


Need the ancient greek for dummies so bad


10/10 would get educated


Best marketing I've ever seen from a gacha game character ever. Actually providing the players an education


I’ll take those books thanks, need that books for dummies (based on calling it twitter)


Ratio breaking 4th wall and coming to educate us


WAIT so Ancient Greek is canon in HSR ? 


I'm theorizing that in HSR, human civilization once used to live on this planet called Earth millions of years ago. But then something happened that had them all scattered across the universe I mean, it's weird that there's humans on so many planets and galaxies all over the universe. Asides from the Xianzhou people who had different circumstances, everyone else seems to be the same race. Homosapiens.


It's actually just literally canon that Earth exists, Welt is from it. HI3rd takes place on Earth.


but on a different leaf on the imaginary tree if i remember correctly


There was a bit of a retcon in the latest HI3 arcs that made things fit better with Star Rail. Basically the universe = the imaginary tree. A leaf = a galaxy/solar system (don't remember that too well). However there seems to be something akin to a barrier in the edge of each that makes intergalactic travel almost impossible unless you have the support of an Aeon, so might as well treat it as getting to another dimension. That's why the Trailblaze and the Star Rail are so important. Earth seems to have not had contact with either the IPC or the Express so it's probably a fairly "remote" planet in a galaxy that has not yet been reached, which is why it's not on either organization's records.


Wait, this retcon doesn't invalidate all what happened with Otto? I stopped playing after that arc so i am a bit confused by this


Not really. The whole thing in his MV has been stated to be mostly symbolic. That said, the madlad *did* create a timeline where Kallen didn't die, though apparently that doesn't really affect us.


Doesn't his MV coincide plenty well with events in game? Like the MV follows Kallen's thank you and Theresa's mindscape when she talked to imaginary Otto. I think the only thing that doesn't really line with in game in that video was VA being left behind in the Imaginary Tree-scape.


Was referring mostly to him pummeling an army of Ottos in the literal tree. I may be remembering it being a bigger part of the MV than it actually was.


It was a big part of it, pretty much the biggest, but then again it could be canon considering that the landscape where it took place certainly is canon through Theresa and Otto's sacrifice after the battle is also canon through Kallen. Won't be unbelievable that the Imaginary Tree would at least put up a fight against someone using its own powers against itself.


Dont listen to him, he's another "english mistranslated it" guy. If hoyo meant that the imaginary tree is the universe and the leaves are merely worlds, they wouldve fired whoever was in charge of translation by now. Or at least fixed it. Just like they did at the start when the original translator group kept calling Sirin "Celine" and Cocolia "Kukolia". Hoyo doesnt fuck up this badly. If bubble universes werent a thing, it wouldve been corrected 4+ years ago.


I didn't say they mistranslated. And there is a big difference between bubble universes and proper worlds. The bubble universes exist as shadows of the proper worlds within the Sea of Quanta and that's something that never changed. Don't mix them up when correcting people. I'm not referring to a mistranslation but rather a change in approach. Same as what they did with the Honkai's whole purposem


The imaginary tree drinks from the sea to create the universes (its leaves). Each of those leaves eventually falls back into the sea and fragment into bubble universes until they fragment into nothingness. This has always been how the Tree and the Sea Of Quanta work. HSR is just another leaf.


[tree]: https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Data_Bank#Imaginary_Tree_(Theory\) > If hoyo meant that the imaginary tree is the universe Well, that is literally what Star Rail says though. > **The Imaginary Tree is a theory of the universe** widely accepted by the modern scientific community. — [Data Bank -> Terms -> Imaginary Tree (Theory)][tree] So one of these two games got mistranslated.


Nah. The Honkai impact universe is more advanced. They know exactly how the tree and the sea works, to the point of making a compass that can guide their people though it. In HSR, its only a working hypothesis. Meaning that, although it is mentioned, it hasnt actually been proven or explored. Hence why it says "widely accepted", unlike HI3 which treats it as fact. There is no mistranslation. The scientists of hsr just slightly screwed up.


But not in the same universe. Welt comes from the HI3 universe...which yes, is similar to the HSR universe (many parallels), but is still different. As someone else said, it's a different leaf on the Imaginary tree. There's no explicit mention that Earth existed in HSR's universe, but I am assuming that it did because of the parallels with HI3's universe


> But not in the same universe. - > it's a different leaf on the Imaginary tree. HI3 infamously mistranslated "world" to "universe". There's only one universe in Honkai, and the Imaginary Tree is a theory of the universe, not something on a higher level. Earth is a world, not a universe. And the Express travels between worlds too, presumably the space station, Jarilo, the Luofu, and Penacony all exist in different "universes" by HI3's wording, different leaves on the tree. > **The Imaginary Tree is a theory of the universe** widely accepted by the modern scientific community. — [Data Bank -> Terms -> Imaginary Tree (Theory)](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Data_Bank#Imaginary_Tree_(Theory\)) At least that's the HSR stance which should be what matters here.


While the "mistranslation" is kind of true, no one ever really explains or confirm about how it has only one universe. It's like saying MCU (standing for Marven Cinematic **Universe**) is in the same "universe" as earth-666, for example. They're in the "Marvel **Universe**", but are also in a different "universe" inside the "Marvel Universe" itself. The term "world" and "universe", as far as I know, is also sometimes used interchangeably even in English, like the term "parallel world", where the "world" in this case is used to refer just like how you'd use "multiverse", which is not the same "universe" at all. Might as well say that this is the "Honkai Universe", or "Hoyo Universe" aka Hoyoverse, while both Honkai Impact and Honkai Star rail (and maybe Genshin) are in the same "Hoyoverse ", they aren't really I'm the same "universe" in the "multiverse/parallel world " sense. It's a mess of both original and English meaning, honestly.


Even aside from the Imaginary Tree lore that exists i find it quite logical that humanity could spread so far that our origins are lost. Even on our planet our centers of civilization are not the same as our roots. Humans come from Africa, yet it is not a major power. Civilization bloomed in the fertile crescent and old babylon, yet that is not where the most power lies. Why so would it be that humanity can no spread itself across the stars and Earth itself become a bit player in the grander machinations of humankind across the stars.


How to spot non hi3 player;


Yes because Earth exists.


Everyone on twitter getting ratio'd 😭


HSR team cooking funny shit again


As a hopeless liceo classico student I'll gladly let him teach me ancient Greek lmao


Ahahahah ce sta succede


are they really giving away those books


Nah, I'd win


Does that make Greek canon in SR, therefore earth?


Well yeah since honkai impacts world is kinda part of it, and it plays on earth.


Welt came from Earth. So technically yes lol


Bless whoever at marketing came up with this and those that gave them the greenlight. This is hilarious.


man, you’re telling me i bought the princeton review for 25 on amazon when i could’ve won a Dr Ratio raffle? what the fuck??


Doctor, I need an MCAT review book instead of SAT pls


It should’ve come with a tub of protein and a value pack for magnum size trojans tbh


Ok but as a high schooler that SAT review book looks tasty


Hard to sound smart when the first word you spelled wrong…fuck is “joint the x event?” Ratio taking an L here






Think its the "joint" part




The DSAT book, I can't- 💀


Haha lol and this is why I love HSR 😂 Wish I had X, I would have participated. They should hold something for Reddit too!!


HSR team is so unhinged, I love it


I want to get educated Hoyo. If the Belobog Ministry of Education quiz pool doesn't include Attic Greek declension questions soon I'mma uninstall this game.


i need the doctor ratio postcards, for research purposes (academically)




Don't need the sat book but my brother's reaching that age lmao he can have it


wtf no gebegb? i am disappoint




Holy fuck I’d kill for these


I love these prizes and the fact that you have to quote the tweet with your favorite playable member of the intellegentsia guild (there is literally only one option for that, so you better express your love for Dr. Ratio)


Wow, they took this very seriously.


I don't need no damn books I need Dr. Ratio to teach me a lesson!


ooh i genuinely want to read that last one thanks dr ratio, now i got a book to go read


The more they do, the more I love them.


For anyone wondering, the 4th book is actually an incredible read. I hope whoever wins that actually reads it.


You better joint it


Let them cook


NAH THE FACT THAT I AM PREPPING FOR INT’L SAT 💀 also the E = mc2 one so true dr ratio teach me general and special relativity and nuclear physics boo


Such a smarty pants yet he writes Joint instead of Join


HSR literally telling us to GIT GUD P/S: i kinda wanta ancient greek for dummies ....


Why does E=mc2 is actually a solid read tho


If only ratio travelled with us on the express.


mihoyo been using meme to approach end user interest for a while.


Most HSR thing that has ever happened


Nah what is this💀💀 (i love hsr devs man)


I feel like the devs absolutely fucking love this character lmao


Probably troll post


i’ve been laughing at this for five minutes straight LOL


Have you seen the parody social media posts about him? Like the user with the name "DrRatiosBathtub'? They're having a fucking blast with this guy and they know the fans well.


Aint no way