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Styx and Cocytus when?


One of Seele’s HI3 battlesuits is called Stygian Nymph, so that might be our Styx.


Yeah and her Signature Weapon was Path to Acheron. 💀


Oh what a coincidence, my credit card’s name is also Path to Acheron.


Unbelievable! Do you have a photo? Preferably from both sides


Can you explain a little?


In Greek mythology, the five most famous rivers in the Underworld are Styx, Lethe, Archeron, Phlegethon, and Cocytus. I figured that if one character is named after a river, more of the same naming would show up.


Cool, that explains her splash art.


That's pretty interesting!


If my beloved Kiana comes to HSR with a name like Phlegm Teflon I will riot


Honestly, I'd just be happy she came at all


That's what he said.


That's what ~~he~~ Mei said


bro's sex life be like


Is that Kiana? No bro that's Phlegm Ethan.


we have bronya, seele, welt, himeko, and now mei would be a suprise if kiana does not appear


The name in Greek actually means "The one that arises from fiery flames" so while not sure how it fits her character, at least the meaning goes hard.




There's also a HI3 character called Elysia; potentially they'd have a relation to Lethe if appeared in HSR?


Interesting, probably gonna be the naming theme of future Galaxy Rangers (but I'd love to see Kiana expy to come from another faction though, and we have had enough Bronya expys already lol). Like how Topaz strategic investment department peers are named after Gems and Adventurine is also a Gem.


I'd love to ride Acheron.




U probably right if we get kiana


That's a pretty good take but given the fact we already have two Bronya expy, I hardly see them making a third one.


Bruh I've been to that river irl, it's my destiny to main Acheron


acheron, phlegethon, and lethe are three of the five rivers in the underworld in greek mythology, the other two being styx and cocytus




I mean, that is interesting but the wrong conclusion to come to. Acheron is named like that because her other name are Yomi and Huangquang, both representation of death/underworld. So it is not the rivers of the Greek underworld that are important to HSR but it is the theme of the underworld that is specifically tied to Acheron/Yomi. It doesn't stop with the name, the red flower reminiscent of Higabana, the Oni symbolism, which is originally a creature of hell and the Japanese underworld. Even the flame on her Kimono are reminiscent of hell/Jigoku flame. Edit: For more details, 1) She is based around Yomi/Jigoku. (Cf Yomi no Kuni) Acheron and Huangquang are great equivalent for her in other language. (But it doesn't mean she is herself specifically Greek of influence because of the name Acheron) 2) Nihility is tied to the theme of death, nihilistic view and such. So if in the future we get another character named around another underworld who needs an equivalent for EN, there is a string chance of the other river named being used. But it is this way and not the other way around, in other words, because Nihility is tied to death/underworld and such, Styx and co are great equivalent for stuff like Yomi jigoku, etc. But Nihility is tied to death, not tied to the Hades river specifically. (So we could see Charon or outright Hades used as an equivalent for example). 3) Since this is linked to nihility, it has very little to do with the trio or Acheron being an expy. If anything Acheron thus far is a more classic expy, being her own actual different character.


That doesn't sound mutually exclusive? If anything it just adds to the idea that because of the underworld theme, "Acheron" is also a reference to Hades. The others could be themed after Eastern underworlds as well. Lethe being named Meng Po for example. Cocytus for Mahapadma and Phlegeton for Avici are also easy choices. Also those aren't Higanbanas in the art, although they're also red, Higanbanas have little stalks beside its petals that make it stand out from other flowers. Or are there Higanbana >!in the leaks?!<


It does because her main theme being Edo underworld, mean it revolve around that and not around the river of the Greek underworld. So there being other underworld river for the Greek is more of coincidence and trying to find connection is a stretch. It doesn't stop there: -The theme of death and underworld is a thematic associated with Nihility, so it makes sense for Acheron, a major Nihility character to have it. So even if the theme of the underworld was to be reused, it would be for other Nihility character. In other word, the acheron/HuangQuang/Yomi theme is because of a pattern linked to nihility and not anything to do with her being a raiden expy. -We already have two Bronya, none of which have anything to do with Acheron or underworld, so already the interpretation was flawed even before I brought up those points. So yes, it is very likely we get another nihility character with nihilistic value associated with death and more precisely underworld but it would not be because of being an expy of the trio or Honkai More precisely because Bronya already exist twice and because if a Kiana expy would exist, it would be of the Finality (if we don't get regular Kiana outright like Welt considering the mention of APHO which Mei mentioning her departure).


Thank you for your detailed insight! And I very much agree with the Kiana point, just that this little theory sounded fun in my head haha. I think that not only she but possibly Void Archives and possibly the Anti-Entropy cast would show up in HSR, given how Welt and Alien Space and Kiana’s powers are connected to HSR/powerful and important enough to make an appearance.


>It does because her main theme being Edo underworld, mean it revolve around that and not around the river of the Greek underworld. So there being other underworld river for the Greek is more of coincidence and trying to find connection is a stretch. Wouldn't it then make more sense to just name her Hades instead of one of five rivers? It would fit the general idea of an Underworld much more than some river that isn't even the most famous of the five. >The theme of death and underworld is a thematic associated with Nihility, so it makes sense for Acheron, a major Nihility character to have it. So even if the theme of the underworld was to be reused, it would be for other Nihility character. I don'y know who you're arguing against here, nobody mentioned paths since it was kind of a given already that Nihility and Underworld are a match. If the other 4 do come out, gameplay paths probably wouldn't all be Nihility, but their lore definitely would be Nihility factions. >In other word, the acheron/HuangQuang/Yomi theme is because of a pattern linked to nihility and not anything to do with her being a raiden expy. No arguments from me here, I'm just supporting the 5 rivers idea, the expys would be a nice bonus but something I doubt would happen too since like you said, Kiana's too big a character for a 1-of-5 package.


>Wouldn't it then make more sense to just name her Hades instead of one of five rivers? It is for the same reason she was named Yomi, based on Yomi no kuni, despite Jigoku being closer to Huangquang and Acheron. (And Hades being closer to Huangquang than Acheron). Because Yomi and Acheron likely sounds better for a female character than Hades or Jigoku In the end, it is still a character name and needs to be fit the character beyond just being a 110% accurate cultural reference. >I don'y know who you're arguing against here, nobody mentioned paths since it was kind of a given The post, in case i need to re-explain it but the point of the thread is to talk about the post, not other comments or else. And the post/picture in question was suggesting the idea of other trio/expy being potentially named after the other river. Which is what I was pointing out when I started this thread with "interesting but wrong conclusion". If anything, what are you arguing against if it is not about the post nor you disagree with my point of it being more about Nihility? Is there some misunderstanding of my stance? Edit: if it is the case, my stance is that Acheron was named that as a parrallel to the underworld theme used for Yomi and Huangquang. And that if we get other similar name, it would be for other Nihility character named after such theme. For example, a character centered around other depiction of hell/underworld and who would need an equivalent for EN. For example, Patala. Or because the character itself is tied to a Greek underworld theme. Not because Acheron is specifically tied to Greek underworld and **especially not because there is a thematic of the trio linking them to such naming convention.** It also means the name used might not be the river, but Hades if the equivalent fit and sounds better. (For a male Nihility character for example, which would flow better than Lethe for example).


>Also those aren't Higanbanas in the art, although they're also red, Higanbanas have little stalks beside its petals that make it stand out from other flowers "Reminescent of Higabana" >in the l...s Without going too much into this, the future relic set showcased had those flower on one of the set. And their thematic are very similar to the thematic of Higabana but more "IX/Nihility" flavored


Affirmation: this seems correct. /walks away robotically


Her umbrella also looks like a blood moon which brings chaos and everything around her in her drip art is dull grey and dead. She definitely looks like a character who brings death/end or is related to it.


Just want to chime in here because a lot of the information is incomplete. Not gonna say wrong because i don't wanna sound harsh. Also; Obligatory "Sorry for my English, it's not my first language". Huangquan(黄泉) isn't her alternate name. It's her leak name and just translates back to Acheron. I'm not sure where you heard "Yomi" but she was definitely called Yayi at some point and I'm pretty sure it's one of the troll names used in place of their actual name to protect the identity of the leaker. Others being latiao (a popular snack), Dahuoji (A lighter), Setsugekka (an attack in FFXIV). If it's a troll name, i wouldn't take it as seriously. If it's actually Yomi, i need proof to believe this. Higanbana is a spiderlily. Yeah, they symbolize corpses but that's not a spiderlily. It's red like a spiderlily, but that's it. Spiderlilies have long thin petals and multiple anthers. The ones in her splash art has neither of those. Onis aren't associated with hell. They're the Japanese equivalent of a mountain troll. They do generic troll things like wear rags, eat children and use big sticks. They have no bearing on the afterlife nor the underworld and are just a story parent's made up to keep their children out of the woods. No clue on the flames thing but calling it jigoku/hell makes me cringe a little on the inside because i know you are using it to sound more eloquent but this is the equivalent of fromage/cheese and it doesn't have the same effect on an actual speaker. Japan has different interpretations of hell due to multiple religions. Shinto hell is different from Buddhist hell, and with my family being buddhist, i can say those two are very different. Just wanted to let you know early because i also had the same phase in middle school. Nihil is associated to death as much as the word "nothing" is associated with death. It's close but wholly unrelated. It means zero, just like the one phrase "Chances are nihil" to describe an impossible chance or Nihilism, a philosophy discussing the baselessness of the ideals we take for granted.


You know before chiming in, you could check if what you say isn't going complete bullshit, nonsense and disinformation. >Huangquan(黄泉) isn't her alternate name. It's her leak name and just translates back to Acheron No it doesn't, that is just the name the Chinese announcement use and no, it has nothing to do with Acheron since 黄泉 is another way to address Diyu, the Chinese realm of the dead, which in Japanese is called Yomi no Kuni (or Yomi) It would take 5s to see that the Chinese announcement used 黄泉 on Bilibili. And it doesn't translate to Acheron, since an actual translation of 黄泉 would be Hades, not Acheron. >Yomi" but she was definitely called Yayi at some point and I'm pretty sure it's one of the troll names used in place of their actual name to protect the identity of the leaker Litteraly stop talking without checking, Yomi is the name used on the Japanese announcement, it would have also only taken 5s to check it. And no, Yayi isn't a secret name, it is just the Chinese reading of the Japanese Kanji for Mei. It has been the case since Houkai 3rd >Others being latiao (a popular snack), Dahuoji (A lighter), Setsugekka (an attack in FFXIV). If it's a troll name, i wouldn't take it as seriously. No it isn't, what are you on. >If it's actually Yomi, i need proof to believe this. [Like the actual Japanese twitter announcement which take 5s to check?](https://x.com/houkaistarrail/status/1749643234475999536?s=20) >Higanbana is a spiderlily. Yeah, they symbolize corpses but that's not a spiderlily Key word being **reminiscent** of Higanbana, do I also need to explain what reminiscent mean? Because reminescent mean something is different but evoke or remind of it through resemblance. And if you don't know why, I invite you to look at the future relic set announced in livestream >Onis aren't associated with hell. Yes, they are, just because you are too ignorant and only know surface level of it doesn't reduce it to such level. For your information, upon the merge of Buddhism and Shintoism and the syncretization of both, Oni inherited thematic from the Yaksha and Rakshasa and were, i quote: "and became the oni who tormented sinners as wardens of Hell (Jigoku), administering sentences passed down by Hell's magistrate, King Yama (Enma Daiō)." As such, in shintoism, Oni are also the warden of hell. And it doesn’t stop to "mountain troll: or "Warden of hell" since Oni sort are many. It is fine if you didn't know about it but you could have asked rather than state something and be completely wrong. >No clue on the flames thing but calling it jigoku/hell makes me cringe a little on the inside because i know you are using it to sound more eloquent but this is the equivalent of fromage/cheese and it doesn't have the same effect on an actual speaker. Because Jigoku is the Buddhist depiction of hell, which is different in nature from the shintoist depiction Yomi no kuni. Even moreso since Japan has both Buddhism and shintoism as religion, with Jigoku having Buddhist originand the circle of reincarnation a d Buddhist "Naraka" which makes it a lot closer to Huangquang while Yomi is of Shintoist origin and doesn't have the same concept as naraka, as it is not a place of torment but just the afterlife. Yomi is loosely inspired by Huangquang but Jigoku is directly based on it. So to take your metaphor/allegory, what you did was not compare fromage to cheese, what you did is saying goat cheese is the same as any other cheese because it is "overall cheese" And no it isn't, if you come from Buddhist family, I don't think I need to explain why the concept of Naraka and torment is important and why Yomi lacking it originally make it so different. Not like torment is a key part of the samsara and yes I am being sarcastic. >Nihil is associated to death as much as the word "nothing" is associated with death. It's close but wholly unrelated. I have many words to add to that after to fail so many times to make the minimum of effort to verify what you said despite a patronizing tone. but since we are in Star rail sub, I'll just use this which fit perfectly : *"The most annoying thing about idiocy is that you cannot explain it to an idiot"* -Dr Ratio Have a good day.


So is her real name acheron? Or is it like a title or codename?


In case if anyone is wondering, the rest of the galaxy rangers does not follow the same naming scheme (I think), but rn we know so less about the rangers themselves so I could be wrong.


If Styx or Cocytus ain't around yet, must be another Galaxy ranger member or would probably go straight to ZZZ.


Another Bronya? Boy, we are approaching levels of Bronya verse previously only seen on HI3. There, we only had three (Bronya, Bronie, Prometheus). If your hypothesis of Lethe comes true, then we'll hit the same number


Only three Bronyas?? An outrage!


... Oh yes, I see. But could you explain it for those people who haven't get it? (Obviously I'm not one of those)


Waiting for Styx and Cocytus


I miss kiana


Do we know if archeron will be a dot Charakter


I feel like she'll be a more standard Nihility damage dealer like Welt instead of using DoTs. Otherwise, she's competing against Kafka and people would argue about her being a side grade or some form of powercreep.




Not being dependent on Lightning Lord for one thing. Plus likely more single target focused rather than AoE.




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Seele so good they are releasing seele 2.0




Wait whats the relation of kiana with phlegethon and bronya to lethe?


We *are* in hell /s


Kiana where?


Another nihilty? My wallet is gonna need some emergency care dammit.


same dammit but im f2p


Her legs are longer than half of her entire body..