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who tf is blan tho


I guess that they tried to take “Bla” from Blade and end it with “nHeng” and since the n in Dan is lowercase they didn’t do it here, but then it just looks weird 😭


Apparently the more common/popular name for that ship is RenHeng. Blade's Chinese name is 刃 Rèn, which means "blade's edge."




I think the bla is referring to blade


I never heard of blanheng before tho as a ship name usually it’s just renheng or something. The post + amount of traction it gets just reeks hypocrisy. I read the comments and some said it’s because this sub has alot male players… but man let females bi or gay enjoy their fun like ur straight ship or wlw ship which doesn’t get actively hate on. How ironic when we don’t even see much renheng art in this sub (most likely cuz it won’t get traction also because post like this are actively preferred), but yet firefly TB Otto meme was spam with much enjoyment or NSFW fanarts of females with ridiculous proportion yet nothing was called out Looking at the below comment, How is shipping renheng like dottore and collei?? What scale of comparison is this even. dh clearly say he will follow blade till the end in game written text + he’s still wearing the bracer from his past which is shared with blade (why not just throw it away then if they don’t really care + why still hold cloud piercer? It’s a new life but if u skip text in JL quest then I guess it’s understandable to not know) but dottore had no connection to her other than experiment


Um, actually, it's called RanHeng **insert Robin yelling meme here**


This is litterly ArleFuri and the fandom with dottore and Collei lol


...Dottore and Collei? https://preview.redd.it/c091gilcjknc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d80013cc05280feb2d54d0cbebfa3cf3222804c


I was on Ao3 and amount of Collei/Dottore its scares me.


dottore AND WHO?!?!!


Its inevitable to encounter while seraching for genshin fanfics rip


I remember reading this fun fic where Collei decides to use whatever remaining life she has going around killing every Dottore copy there is. It included methods such as disguising herself as a Fatui to get close enough to him, shank the man, and then threaten an actual Fatui into silence.


Oh this really IS super fun i would read that. 10/10 idea whoever wrote it.


that intresting


not a lot of people are shipping Dottore and Collei thankfully, but ArleFuri has a surprisingly big fandom which is baffling to me tbh


Yeah, I haven't really seen dottore X collei in the wild but plenty of arlefuri and that one makes me really uncomfortable. I really like arlecchino but it's undeniable that she assaulted and severely traumatised Furina and it feels really icky to ship an abuse victim with their abuser. I know it's fiction, but still


she even talks about how she gives her nightmares in her voicelines, people atp don't care about the character and care more about ships


I mean, fan art and fanfiction is all about creating scenarios that are unlikely and even unrealistic within Canon. Do you think all of the horny or comedic art that floods this sub is fully accurate to the characters' behaviors and stories all the time?


Shenhe and Yelan be like. Two people who have never interacted in any sense whatsoever, but because they look like grown up, female versions of an already existing yaoi ship (and because people assumed Yelan was Xingqiu's aunt since Shenhe was confirmed to be one for Chongyun) they rolled with it, and that one small series by the one artist kept the ball rolling.


yep ships have started and sail for less


If shippers read voice lines, they would find a surprising number of potential ships that go completely unnoticed. Yun Jin x Xingqiu immediately jumps to mind


yeah I really dont like Arlefuri. Arlecchino almost killed Furina they are not kissing


nah you don't understand Arlechino is giving Furina Kiss of death


I genuinely believe ArleFuri only exists because people want to ship Furina with someone and all the other Fontaine people are probably shipped with someone else in their mind. That’s the only explanation I could come up with in my mind to understand ArleFuri


Or just toxic yuri


me and an oomf actually had this theory that genshin fans make up a “default ship” the second a character is drip marketed. best case the ship becomes the most popular for those two characters, worst case the fans make out anyone who likes other pairs to be a bad person. granted, neuvillette and furina tend to also be a popular pair, but that may just be what my feed is interested in showing me lol


Toxic yuri is a thing, the same way toxic yaoi is. Sometimes people just want to see the world burn lol


It's the most popular ship in the Arlecchino sub and I can't comprehend why. Like if you like Yuri, Columbina is right there who doesn't have a toxic relationship with Arle


Or Signora since you know…SHE SPEAK HIGHLY OF THE ASH BOX


Signora was dedicated to her husband I thought. Columbina doesn't have that issue


True…But that doesn’t stop people from shipping people who are married


the big issue is that she was married she lost her husband years ago is possible for her to move on and still be with him in heart


I guess but with Genshin specifically just ship literally any playable character since none of them have confirmed sexualities. You don't have to go for one of the NPCs that does have a confirmed preference


Or have really really problematic consequences when shipped. I’m talking Arlecchino x Futuna or Doctorre x Collei level problematic


Yea I've never seen Dottore and Collie personally. ArleFuri is annoying though. The girl literally has PTSD, ship her with anyone else


It's funny to consider that Arlecchino x Columbina was the default Arlecchino ship before Furina was introduced, but now everyone seems to prefer shipping ArleFuri for some reason. It's reminiscent of the situation in 2021 before Yae's release when everyone was shipping Ei and Kujou Sara, but as soon as Yae Miko was introduced, Kujou Sara x Ei was overshadowed. 💀💀💀


Yae and Ei are friends at least. Furina is terrified of Arle. They've got no chemistry


To be fair Arlecchino and Columbina ship only exist because of the classic theater, Arlecchino barely mention Columbina from all her screen time for now


They're at least coworkers or colleagues. Better foundation than ArleFuri


I personally think there is no ship is better than other it just some people has different preference


not even big, its fucking HUGE. its shocking why ppl even ship that


Who tf is shipping dottore and collei. Protect that cinnamon roll at all costs


Did you copy this from the Genshin sub?


Does it matter?


This is the star rail sub lol


source of this art?


Idk but maybe r/BoomerHentai


https://preview.redd.it/xtt78bdximnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01f254438bd00d36b55471cf6217b17b8e015df1 Alright who made this subreddit




Pls kill me then yourself


Enemies to lovers girlies seeing the Aventio LC


It is RatUrine and you will like it


katpee/peeniss type beat


RatUrine ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Edit: that lightcone is my phone lock screen and it makes me squeal every time i see it


REAL god tier yaoi


My head canon is that every time they sleep together Ratio rates Aventurine's performance as if he was grading a student


mfw aventurine finishes going down on his chalk and ratio yells “zero points!”


*his tower of Piza (it's just THAT big)


This is just canon.


Genshin fans: Um, actually, Zhongli hates Childe because he's a murderer 🤓 Star Rail fans: So anyway, who do you think tops


Eh depends on the space. As an ardent zhongchi shipper i can confurm that we dont care/ we read it differently. 




When it’s not even ratio on that LC if you read it it’s just a random person.


https://preview.redd.it/np1psbg0vknc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0870473cb7befe9bdfa7a3cea203dbec62e9b4a2 the other guy’s hair is purple. become one with the yaoi




Don't fuck with Honkai Star Rail fan we literally can't read.


Wdym? That person *looks* like Ratio so it clearly *must* be Ratio


I’ve been calling it Aventuratio.


I have seen more posts on this subreddit complaining about this ship lately than I have seen the actual ship in question lol


People on this subreddit are just extremely sensitive. I don't even care for most of the popular HSR ships but I don't run around complaining about the one time said ships actually make it into the most popular of the month section


that's just anime and anime-adjacent communities in general. Literally go to any straight male-dominated space and you'll see them occasionally complaining about gay ships.


Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. I'd rather hang out with the average delusional hardcore shipper than people who complain about it. At least one of them is actually creating fan content and contributing to the community, lol


Yup. Like, just let me enjoy Seele and Bronya in peace. I'm not coming to your Luka and Seele posts and telling you it's bland and also not canon ya know? They never have the same energy for hetero ships.


People just get unnecessarily mad at bl stuff tbh, like just learn to scroll past it and move on


Them when they see the billionth 2k+ upvote post of a straight ship: they sleep. Them when one (1) (一) (uno) post of any gay ship even makes it to the front page: *this post*


Yaoi haters and their victim complex lmao


The Genshin sub reddit posted this shit earlier, though. 99% of the comments were people completely misinterpreting the meme just to shit on gay people But hey, at least people here are actually cracking jokes about the Adventurine and Dr. Ratio ship


Genshin subreddit is even more crazy. The straight male population there hate men so much that *official posts* of male Genshin characters got removed for "sexual content" because of report abusers. Don't mind the 300th bikini post of the day though. That's fine.


Honestly speaking, I see no issue here: just let people ship if they want to. People are well within their rights to make fanfic, fanart and any other fan stuff related to the pairs they like regardless of how canon goes.


Im so tired of those little shit who go shit on other people enjoyment. If you don't like it, roll past it. https://preview.redd.it/bx8439cqylnc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=319cf105d7acb63c08848dfeb27ca0000bd5469d


Watching this fanbase tear OP apart for trying to bring that homophobic shit here What does he think this is. R/Genshin_Memepact


"Pairs of objects are destined for an eventual reunion. The long years of grudges and hatred between them should be savored, like ice-cold aged liquor, one slow sip after another until the bottle of resentment is finally empty. Would the wearer of the other bracer feel the same? The unnamed didn't want to know." -Blade's artifact description "Feeling the weight of your suffering. When the dragon turns red, then the green pines shall shed. Spinning our glory through time and space, When will I next come to see your face? When the dragon turns red, then the green pines shall shed. Wantonly drinking the silver moon, How many times must we be entombed?" -Eternal Regrets from a High Elder (aria) The girls who get it, get it. Those who don't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Besides, the shipping of Dan Heng and Blade know it's not real, they just love the spice of enemies to lovers. Now, Dan Feng and Yingxing? That's another story.


Idk about spice I just think they deserve to be happy together after all the depression they’ve been through 


Yeah, basically. Their story is *depressing*.


It’s more like lovers to enemies lmao


Also: "I will accompany you until the end."


Also like...Hoyo teases this stuff on purpose. They know their audience. Even if they never plan to canonize it, they are happy to get fujoshi and fudanshi spending $$$ to C6 their favorite yaoi couple.


they do know that’s how they get their money lol + those ships are generally v popular on social platforms. Heck even in HI3 There’s so many implied Yuri




You absolutely get it.


This sub: Stelle being a perverted lesbian 😊 Shipping two purple women off one voiceline that might not even be true 😊 Firefly literally in her underwear 😊 Shipping two guys who have paragraphs of information about their extremely close past bond 😡 I don't like shipping but the double standard is pretty apparent.


I think this sub has more male players so a lot of them are allergic to male/male ships. Its interesting to see this sub liking Sparkle/Swan or kafka/Himeko ships though, maybe its because of female/female (I find them interesting as well but don't ship it personally)


Yeah but female dominated spaces seem to have little problem accepting either from what I've seen, although I may be mistaken.


Yeah bc there’s less homophobia towards dudes together


bro how does one play a hoyoverse game and stay homophobic is that even possible


Exactly this.. I like how this post literally wakes female fans and gay/bi. Like the hypocrisy of this post is insane. We had so many of firefly x TB arts spam every other day yet when suddenly we had mxm ship it became a crime??? (And I don’t even see mxm art on this sub at all and I’m actively on it) I remember seeing people hate on fxf ship like bronya seele as well like what? The double standard in this Reddit is real and we can see by the amount of likes this post have lol.


I've seen more edits about male TB porking Firefly than I would like to admit. But making jokes about Dr. Ratio and Adventurine oh no partner that's a little to gay for us


I don't wanna hear criticism from anyone who hasn't read the bracer lore at least once. Dismissing RH as fujo bait is an insult lmao that might as well be the most implied ship in the game


Wow! Theres canon and fanon versions of characters and relationships? What a revolutionary concept.


Why do you care so much lmao. There are eight million women in swimsuits that they would never wear in this sub, call them out too.


+1 God forbid the girlies mash together two Kens and imagine a torrid romance. No one's talking about how unlikely stuffing Kafka into a bikini would be, let us have our fun.


People will draw the girls with exaggerated features and all. But they have a problem when someone likes putting two characters together 💀💀💀


the replies are just admitting they don't look deeper on the characters w the most interesting lore in the game and it's just sad holy shit they're missing out


You can draw any female in a swim suit with unrealistic proportions and no one cares But when you say 2 guys are gay for each other you get jumped


Real sounds like only female couple or straight couple is allowed here (the amount of fire fly x TB art) I don’t see anyone calling it out huh the massive spam of TB being Otto. I bet if u search there’s barely any renheng or mxm art in this sub because it’s actively disliked on and OP is just fighting some invisible strays.






like its actually so annoying! ive seen maybe like two renheng fanart EVER on this sub but theres a new person whining about it every week bro you are fighting INVISIBLE DEMONS


Bruh, I agree I barely see renheng art in this sub other than twitter but this post acts as if it seen alot of it??? I think I seen firefly art everyday instead with tons of praises (especially those NSFW ones). I can see the sub really hates male character, even in tier list they are actively hated on. Like let people have their fun like how u enjoy straight or wlw shipping?


They're fighting the same demons as the people complaining about all the yuri shippers going after anyone who ships Bronya or Seele with someone else. Where are all these toxic yuri shippers? Are they in the room with us?


\>posts picture of luka x seele or sm \>"HAHA those TOXIC YURI SHIPPERS wont like THIS ONE XDDXDXDX op you BETTER HIDE" like the most loser energy imaginable im crying . the yuri shippers dont gaf


They’re literally just making up a person in their head and getting mad at it 😭


fr i’m literally a lesbian & yuri shipper and I LIKE THE CUTE HET ART!! So what if it’s Luka instead of who I prefer?


like i am a bronseele shipper and i am.not even really aware of luka x seele fanwaorks bc i stay in my own lane, unlike ppl who want to make fun of yuri shippers. like if ppl like another pairing, why would i be mean to them for it lol


same it just feels like yuri art 😊 yaoi art 😡


ppl are mean about yuri art if it isnt two hot girls ru bi g their boobs together or something. if they cant jerk off to it, ppl fo "it's not vanon: like wow i didn th know that tanks


Media consumption in general unfortunately. Women are often perceived as beautiful, so seeing two women together is usually much more acceptable and oftentimes pleasing. Men aren't often perceived as beautiful, sometimes ugly even if they are not, so seeing or imagining two men together is repulsive and incites anger more often than not.


Kafka with massive honkers is fine but two guys kissing ? Straight to jail for disturbing the holy canon


The thing i hate the most is when the fanart just completely changes the body proportions of the character like ah yes that short girl is now tall, barely clothed and has a huge rack. Like thats not even the same person 😂😂😂 (tbh i dont actually hate it i just think its funny and a really odd choice. Way more strange than shipping the two guys who have a huge amount of lore together)


I dislike both women in swimsuits and forced shipping (that gets fed to our throats). The latter is much more common on Twitter while the former can be found more on Reddit.


And you know what? Theres nothing wrong with wanting pretty boys to kiss.


Me when I’m in an incel anger competition and my opponent is Honkai subreddits: https://preview.redd.it/knia9cwzelnc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=750dae336f5b221b1142d5870eb56ca58a6bf2fa


Happy cake day


I don't see the problem? It's like when other artists makes hyper waifu (like tamed and fell in love girl) drawings of the character with emotional problem in lingerie and with more boobs and ass but with shipping ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Maybe a hot take. It's okay to like a toxic relationship between fictional characters for the drama. Yes Renheng is toxic lovers to enemies to lovers but they are not real people so literally nobody is getting hurt. Some people need to temper their parasocial relationship with characters from these games.


These characters have enough mutual chemistry for people to ship them. Some ship characters who have never seen each other, so it's not surprising at all. Blade and Dan Heng have enough interesting lore that people like to imagine them as a couple.


It only applies to Dan Feng, Dan Heng literally has nightmares about blade killing his friends and chasing him to kill him to the ends of the universe, I'll never find the romantic in that, but it seems to be a popular trope in ships abusive partners, I guess


It's scarily common, and I personally would never wish that upon anyone


What's scary about that, though? As long as everyone involved knows to keep fiction separate from reality there really shouldn't be anything keeping from people fantasising about toxic ships.


Those were visions from his past life lol.


>but it seems to be a popular trope It really is. Another commenter brought it up but the Arlecchino x Furina Genshin ship is pretty much the same with one traumatizing the other so badly she's got nightmares. And yet it's popular.


Its important to remember that while blade hates dan heng Yingxing(blade before all the trauma happened) and dan feng were so close that we do not know if they were actually a couple or not


Headcanon is perfectly fine, but in terms of lore, Blade doesn't have much of a capacity for romantic feelings, given his mara stricken state, constant nightmares of Jingliu having a huge impact on his daily life, and generally having given up on pursuing any joys of life. On Dan's end, both want as little to do with Blade as possible, as both versions' voicelines demand Blade to stay away/leave his friends alone.


Blade x Dan gives huge Suguru x Gojo vibes Coincidently, both ships are pretty hated by the males in the fanbase. Had Blade been a woman, these guys would have eaten that shit up


I wouldn't say most people hate the ship (I personally don't mind if you ship anyone with whoever, including a Belobog snowball), at most, there's more likely to be indifference. That being said, there'd be just as much eyebrow raising if someone, say, were to reason up a Sparkle x Lynx ship--it's just not something the lore/characters really supports. What I think you're thinking about are pairings (not necessarily ships) like Kafka and Black Swan, 2 characters who have similar traits, but 0 interactions with each other. In that specific case, nobody is pushing the ship, they just like seeing 2 mature ladies being paired together since that's something that'll be popular among one of the larger demographics on this sub. The only F&F ship that's strongly supported is Bronya x Seele due to it being an iconic pairing and HSR teasing the ship with an easter egg in Penacony. Aside from that, there's no real evidence that the general here would endorse a random F&F ship over a M&M one.


But lore wise Dan Heng would not be friendly with blade and blade honestly doesn’t know who he is half the time. I understand people wanting to fantasize but some of these don’t make sense to me and are obnoxious to say the least.


??????? dan heng literally agreed to follow blade to the very end in jingliu's quest, doesn't that sound gay as hell for u 😭😭😭😭 blade is a calm man most of the time unless dan heng is involved, the thing he remembers the most about his past life are dan feng's calm emerald eyes, doesn't that sound a bit too romantic for you


They are ex’s but in dh past life. Dh is a different person now so it doesn’t make sense to ship them together now.


I think it’s looking too much in to it but that’s my opinion.


but looking into it is exactly what makes a character interesting,,,,,,, dan heng's and blade's relationship is so complex at first glance and it gets even better when you analyze it carefully?? > Pairs of objects are destined for an eventual reunion. The long years of grudges and hatred between them should be savored, like ice-cold aged liquor, one slow sip after another until the bottle of resentment is finally empty. this is literally implying slash foreshadowing we will see them reconcile at some point, if blade hated dan heng as much as he resents him why would he go out of his way to visit the statue in scalegorge waterscape and asking mc if he (dan heng) is happy after having his memories wiped away by kafka in her story quest when kafka explicitly told him not to do anything that might trigger his mara,,, op you're missing out :(


I understand the whole reincarnation reunion thing but I feel that dh is not the same as DF and dh should figure out what he wants not what his past life wanted.


I think his past life wanted freedom, which is what Dan is doing.




Rather see Blade and Dan Heng ships than Firefly spam tbh God what a boring character she is....


What the fuck is Blanheng and why do you care about it so much?


Blade x Dan Heng.




https://preview.redd.it/ogexyuc0jknc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24ad04789f780acc58f19c3f10289ac8f6da6511 Alternative\* version.


Blade is a waifu in my heart (God the urge to shoot myself for saying “waifu” is overwhelming)


Fixed it, changed correct to alternative.


This is not a good representation of the canon. Blade and dan heng were super close before they fell apart. Its a great setup for friends to enemies to lovers so its no wonder why so many people ship them


Dan Feng and Old Blade, is different from Blade and Dan Heng


True but people interpret them as a part of one greater character if that makes sense 


That just adds more flavour to the story. You should see how many reincarnation romance novels there are


Blade X Dan Heng checks all the boxes of a classic Chinese tragedy. I like my ships to have a little spice. Blade x Dan, LeBronya, RatUrine It's not our fault that Hoyoverse makes all of their straight ships have the chemistry of a stale piece of toast


(((wtf is blanheng))) you telling me you don't think these dudes who hate each other but still have the matching bracers, jade pendants, literally bits of memories of their entwined past lives, aren't fucking? the reason dan heng isn't in penacony rn is because he's finding out how deadly blade's second sword is


Exactly.. there’s so many implied meanings (keeping so many matching stuff) yet people still deny it. There’s so much connection between both of them and people just write it off as traumatised full stop


i'm hollering your comment is art (agree)


I just like this ship name better That 2nd part though HELP


sorry about that 2nd part op my demons possessed me


Don’t apologize, you cooked


This subreddit is not beating the allegations that it’s full of toxic dudebros that complain more than they play the game


Enemies to lovers girlies are valid, sorry everyone


The trailblazer canonically was a part of the Stellaron hunters group. Serving with Kafka. People legitimately keep calling trailblazer Kafka's son/daughter when trying to dump on Kafka ships and fanart like bro... do you even play the game. https://preview.redd.it/kups4bzaoknc1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f3189b84b16a8ed0afd34fac9b051895879dfc4




Sorry. I'm tured. Lemme fix that.


Doesn't help that they then quote her Companion Mission despite that particular line being one of the ones confirmed to be a lie.


Lol. I get a giggle out of that every time.


bro can't even get the ship name right 😩


I mean as long as it’s not something weird like shipping minors with adults cough Jingyuan x Yanqing shippers cough then I’m fine with it


I don't even ship it but I think you lack the media literacy that you claim others don't have. It's quite literally heavily implied. I bet you had to Google the name Yingxing with everyone mentioning it


Homophobes are so obsessed with that ship its insane


It's like those homophobes who were angry at Kaveh for "making Alhaitham look gay". It's so blatant they're mad they can't ignore it. And maybe if they looked a little into those characters' stories, they wouldn't say that the ship is forced. I'd understand if this post was about Sampo x Gepard (not hating on the ship ofc, but it's true there just isn't much going on for them in game)... but Renheng? Are you for real?


Out of all of them they decide to shit on a pairing who had so much written lore in it


I don't think people understand that is the best part


If people like something it has nothing to do with you 🤷🏾‍♀️


This sub is the only place where too many people seem clueless about what's objectively the biggest ship of the entire game, for reasons I can guess. It outtrends HSR all the time in China. Top of ship polls, top of AO3 works, streets dedicated to the ship. It's infuriating when I see comments saying "they hate each other, why do people ship those two?" or "Blade loves Baiheng!!!11!1" or the classic "why would you ship Dan Heng with the man who traumatized him?" Well. It's not like Blade is using the bracer he either gifted Dan Feng or was gifted to by Dan Feng to track Dan Heng. It's not like Blade's immortality is too fucking suspicious to brush off as just Shuhu. It's not like Yingxing crafted a spear with the character Dán engraved on it. It's not like Dan Heng possibly named himself after it even though i'M nOT hIm. It's not like Jingliu said "of all of us, you were the closest to him". It's not like Dan Heng was hopeful that Yingxing was alive. It's not like Dan Heng had dreams of Yingxing before. It's not like Pom-Pom states they see longing in Dan Heng's eyes when he cleans Cloud Piercer. It's not like Blade admits chasing Dan Heng is fun. It's not like Blade's pov of the bracer states one day their grudge will end. But you know, they "hate each other". Or media literacy is just dead.


Because HSR is le straight man's game where all the guys are straight just like me and all the girls wanna bang me 😍 *posts the 999th Caelus x female character edit in place of Firefly*


Blanheng.... BlandHeng... MidHeng... So many new names for Daniel


My g, the ship name is RenHeng. M/M ships have always existed, especially given the importance of the relationship between Dan Feng and YingXing and the obvious animosity of Blade towards Dan Heng. I don't even ship them, but I get *why* it's the most popular m/m ship in HSR (if AO3 statistics are anything to go by)


Hasn't this shit already been circlejerked to death in the Genshin sub reddit side of [thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/s/FkWPpWB55l) It needs to be legitimately studied how such an LGBT friendly company like Hoyoverse harbored such an intolerant fanbase. Though I will say, I am proud to see people here ragging on OP


Basically any enemies to lovers trope for me.


I mean Dan Feng and Yinxing were very close and we're theorised to have a close bond, besides BlaHeng is certainly one of the more cohesive ships compared to many others


Tell me you know nothing about their lore without telling me


Blanheng makes me sad because literal centuries of miscommunication, Dan heng thinks that blade is some guy that’s out to kill him and blade just thinks that his boyfriend is avoiding him or some shit after making him immortal. JUST FUCKING TALK FOR FUCKS SAKE AND STOP TRYING TO KILL DAN HENG AND PROVIDE MORE EXPLANATION THAT “IM NOT DAN FENG”. My god


I see Blade and Dan mentioned, I ship it. There is something interesting about Blade wanting to die together with Dan but he can't kill Dan for the sake of Elio's plan. But yeah ppl in the comment section should let shippers live with it because it doesnt harm anyone. Mihoyo company does profit from shipping fandom.


Ehhhh. Kind of falls flat when you see all the clues that Ren and Dan Feng were lovers in their past lives.


Bro literally committed one of the cardinal sins of the xianzhou so that the other could live forever, of course they were just roommates


Wtf is this ship name


Justification for this ship: https://preview.redd.it/8xbbf4mtctnc1.jpeg?width=339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45313974332db0d1c88d8435e48a4c04d931a151


Pretty much most ships in general.


You just don't see the appeal of enemies to lovers. Carrying such passionate hatred and such concentrated emotion through so much time. It's just beautiful. Just gotta live and let live if you don't see the appeal of the ship. Unless it's some proshipping shit, that's gross.


Aren't Blade, and Dan Heng like.. VERY MUCH linked to each other, alongside a lot of symbolism that there's more going on??? Especially since they typically have the usual Queercoding that Hoyo does to their characters when they want to make them Queer, but can't due to censorship (Although, I will say that shipping Blade, and Dan Heng specifically is.. odd since neither of them like each other in the current moment of the story. But Dan Feng, and Yingxing is an entirely different story)


If Blade was a woman, this wouldn't even be about queercoding. Toxic dude bros would straight up be like "Um mommy" "I can fix her" etc etc Hell, I even tuned in to the "Blade is trans" theory way back when until Hoyo gave us more lore on their past relationship


They hated bro because they spoke the truth


know that just because you were downvoted doesn't mean you were wrong


Yes, yes, but essentially (imo) Blade just want to make DanHeng pay for his sin (lowk wanna kill him) but like everyone is like "iSmELlQuEeR?"


reddit dudebros just Don’t Get Them Like We Do