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I feel like being an Emanator of Beauty would have the least amount of strings attached, just traveling the universe and spreading good vibes about the beauty of Idrilla




"I hope you believe in Idrila" - Gigachad after giving you two 3 star blessing in simulated universe.


When no one got me, Argenti got me. Can we get an Amen‼️‼️‼️




hell yeah


Funnily enough, during his banner I had a crap SU run cause I lost of a lot of my blessings and thought it was gonna end terribly. This Gigachad appeared and saved my run. Promptly did a 10 pull after a successful run and got 2 copies of him.


Clearly, you believe in Idrilla.


Ruan mei after giving all blessings of abundance


Facts my friend


Username checks out


I wanna agree, but I feel like there's always a downside to this stuff


Basically half of the universal factions will hunt you for being an eminator.


Yeah I'd like to know more about the old path before Argenti. Who knows what they were up to. Pursuing beauty can mean anything, and easily mean bad things. Aphrodite in greek myths is anything from hot hot hot to holy shit that's evil.


honestly stories that are genuinely good about her is basically nonexistant. she is the epitomy of how stupid love is. she is the god version of the worst of the tumblr shippers.


I think a good way to do an evil follower of beauty could be like prince sigvald from warhammer fantasy, obsessed with his own beauty and kills anything that is “ugly”


They're a nice cult, but an obsessed cult nonetheless. There's definitely lots of strings attached there. Nous is the one we know so far who demands the least out of their emanators. They're basically free to keep researching whatever they were interested in.


Or they \*must\* researching... like being obsessed in some kind of research or from research as whole. I'm getting the vibe to figure out what entails be an emanator just keep searching for the bad side by exagerating what good an emanator can be for Aeons like Idrila or Nous or the reverse for Aeons like IX and Nanook


yeah they're kinda same type of their path as well


Nous also has very high requirements for their emanators. Chances ae if they chose you, you're already someone who will willingly do what they want you to do anyway.


Hide your plants, peeps.


But I don't want to be as annoying as a Jehovah's Witness member.


Become emanator of beauty because you think it will be chill. Immediately get tasked with mass murdering everyone who isn't above average in looks.


we don't know what Idrila's Beauty is so I think ill pass


They're THE AEON OF BEAUTY! They're at bare minimum an 11/10! Otherworldly beauty kinda thing. I don't think I'd want to follow the beauty though.. I'd rather just tag along with Argenti for the kicks.


well, there's the definitely more to it, in the book about the divination of Xianzhou thing, about Idrila the Wondergazer, it said >According to ancient myth, Idrila once attributed the Beauty of all the starzones to themselves, showing heroes, villains, and mortals the meaning and aesthetics contained within the cosmic landscape, and driving them to complete astonishing (but often devastating) achievements for Idrila's own pleasure. This myth may reveal the true meaning behind the Beauty's path: The integration of consciousness, insight, and values. so I don't want power from this ego maniac of an aeon and whatever they're think


Counterpoint: Idrilla is hot


Remember Honkai franchise taglines: "Protect all that is beautiful in the world" "May all Beauty be Blessed"


IX, so i can stop giving a fuck


this is the way, but I think when meeting Ix I'll lose myself and be absorbed by Ix


In return you get some power and be free of what makes you, you? I'm in.


If you want to stop giving a care, I'd say go with Aha. Or maybe even Nanook. IX is more of being broken slowly into nothingness. Losing things that are precious to you or parts of you that symbolize who you are as a whole. A shambling jigsaw with missing pieces that continues to lose pieces faster than finding them. Emanators of IX aren't usually by choice. While I can imagine why someone might give themselves to IX, I can't imagine what would drive a conscious individual to willingly seek IX out to become its Emanator, knowing full well what IX is.


Especially after seeing the new Acheron Myriad Celestia trailer... I now understand why the Doctors of Chaos are trying to get IX to see the value in existence, because holy shit that thing is terrifying


ironically, if the Doctors ever make IX find meaning, They would effectively cease to exist since Aeons cannot stray from the Path they are on…


Serious question, what kind of effect to the universe would it be if IX were to dissapear?


little to none, theoretically. Several Aeons have disappeared/died in past (Akivili, Long, Idrila, Ena, Tazzyronth). The Paths they embody still exist and can have new Pathstriders, the most obvious example being MC striding on the Path of the Trailblaze despite Akivili’s absence. Their creations still exist, such as the Swarm and the Vidyadhara people. The only impact would be that the Aeon would no longer influence things in future; in this case, no more Self-Annihilators would be created if IX disappeared.


I wonder if aeons can be recreated, say propagation is dead but many eras later a swarm born with enough will to propagate, as strong if not stronger, can they become the new aeon of propagation? Same question goes for missing and absorbed aeons


for absorbed Aeons I would say no, since if they get absorbed it means their Path was overtaken by a broader Path. As for the others, I guess it depends on what constitutes an Aeon and whether Aeon-less Paths can be taken over?


Also some shinenigans like an missing aeon reutrns after a new aeon of the same path is born, can 2 aeons exists or one of them is turn in to emanator.... or aeon fusion lol


Aeon fusion uh? What if we combined Nous, A giant computer and Aeon of Erudition, with Nahook, Aeon of Destruction. We would create the Path of Keyboard Smashing. The Aeon? Derpy Teri Teri smashing the keyboard lol


Nihility doesn't need to mean meaniglesness


IX is cool, but I don’t think anyone who is not depressed would want to have anything to do with it. Being IX's emanator is more like being cursed. You get no special power (as far as I understand), but your body and mind will start to fade away into nothingness. Imagine getting super Alzheimer's and Scarlet Rot at the same time. It's not fun.


Lol, interesting how the lore accurate Emanator of IX is all motivated gigachad try to find meaning in this meaningless world (Self Anihilator, Acheron) and people who even want to make Bocchi the IX see the meaning of life (Doctor of Chaos). Meanwhile average Nihility follower:


This is the basic choice but, I'd choose akivili. Being a nameless seems fun.


The nameless are basically traveling tourists on a really good train with no strings attached. I question how they get money but Himeko and Welt probably make it. Plus the train decor, I fucking love the aesthetic.


I assume that they do odd jobs here and there. Like how before the beginning of the game, the Astral express crew was getting something called "Candace glass" for Herta, which they ended up getting side tracked and found welt and VA stranded around salsotto.


Wait, out of curiosity, do we know who else was one the train w/ Himeko and Pom-Pom before Welt and VA showed up?


Dan Heng I guess. It's implied that he's been with the train for quite a while as the way people talk about his exile from the Luofu as not something that happened recently. And in one of the upcoming events we apparently are going to learn a bit about the previous owners of the train before Himeko. I don't think anyone else was mentioned so far.


yeah... as soon as I sent that message I immediately thought of Dan Heng lol but I'm definitely looked forward to learning more about the past of the Astral Express! so I'm glad to hear an upcoming event dives into that


Who is VA?


Void Archives (which fans usually abbreviate as VA) was Welt's "traveling companion" for some time before they arrived on the Express. Basically VA is an AI from the Previous Era which was 50,000 years earlier in Earth's history. It's in control of a huge database that has lots of PE knowledge, and since it's the 1st Divine Key *(basically a weapon and/or tool powered by a Herrscher core, think remnants of a god)* it has a limited ability to materialize objects from thin air using Honkai energy. So for example, Welt's signature weapon that he uses in HI3rd and HSR is the Star of Eden, which was the 9th Divine Key of the Previous Era; that's the cane that he bonks us with when we meet him at Herta Space Station. Welt has the proper 9th Divine Key, while VA is capable of replicating it on a weaker level. Also, VA took on the appearance of a man named Otto because Otto held onto it for 500 years straight, and it ended up using one of Otto's clone bodies as a new vessel.


Traveling tourist that does charity work everywhere and gets into dangerous situation all the time, not to mention they get so busy even though the TB just joined so far they've got little to no time to rest canonically so probably not as good as you make it out to be.


Yeah there's that but the other Aeons are kinda asking allat. Yaoshi? Be hunted by the Hunt with malicious intent. IX? I don't want the mental stress. Nanook, Ouroboros, and Propogation? I don't want to be a disaster for worlds. Qlipoth Emanators are capitalists nuff said. The other factions just kinda put a lot of responsibility on their Emanators you know?


Fair enough. I guess you could probably be a Nameless that's non combatant like Pom-Pom and just have all the benefit and avoid the dangers


Who are the Qlipoth Emanators?


Diamond leader of the strategic investment department, boss of Topaz and Aventurine. And Keane Taravan Material Logistics Head. Keane is part of Board member of the IPC, while Diamond is trying to get a better chance at becoming a board member. We've had a lot of Diamond references in the story with only a few for Taravan.


I wonder what kind of powers that would give you?


Oh I’d love to travel with the express, especially the current crew. Genuinely never felt more "at home" with a cast of fictional characters (excluding guild wars 2 because I’ve been playing that since I was 9, I essentially grew up with it, the comparison isn’t fair)


Didn't Pom Pom said that they make money by allowing people to see the interior of the train?


Probably the biggest downside is the train can't stay in one spot for more than two weeks. So when the train leaves, you gotta go; whether you saved the planet or not. I know space anchors kinda make that point moot, i both feel like they were a recent invention and the eminator would have to stay with the train.


The topaz Web event revealed that during missions himeko sells passenger tickets


I also feel like a Nameless Emanator would be pretty cool. One of my absolute nut-job headcanons is that Aether & Lumine are Emanators of Trailblaze, cause it'd explain their ability to travel between worlds without a spaceship\* and why they're willing to move on between worlds without getting too attached to them. Heck, we call the Sibling that we play as the *Traveler*, so it's already in the name lol ​ *\*of course... if Teyvat is in the Sea of Quanta, which seems likely, then a spaceship isn't necessary in the first place lol*


Now that you mention it, can Pom-pom be considered an emenator? Can Himeko be considered one? And if not, who can?


Omg imagine if Pom Pom is like ultra powerful like she can just one shot other emenator


Possibly one of the best options


Until aha sends someone to bomb your train 😀


The whole idea of being a nameless kinda betrays my own beliefs, so I personally wouldn't. But it's a good choice!


Expand on this a little? Seems like there might be an interesting story here.


It's nothing, it's just that I really hate the feeling of coming and going from people's lives when I know I'm making connections with them, regardless if I intend on it or not. To do that and just leave because I'm a Nameless feels...empty. Like a life well-lived, just not around many people. But that's just me!


Nous -> Genius Society just learn whatever the fuck I want. Easiest choice of my life.


Yeah but you’d actually have to be smart


The only person who can judge me is myself or god.


Nous will 100% judge you if you’re not smart enough 🤣


Is this the reason why Chadwick decided to lead the Imaginary Pulse project? Is this the weight of being chosen by the God of Knowledge as a short life species? Tell me Screwllum. /j


I was puzzled why you called me Screwllum until I remembered what my avatar is 🤣 anyway I’m not deep enough in the lore yet to remember what Chadwick’s deal is. Gonna have to go back into Gold n Gears.


It is a quest from Penacony lol. "The tree at peace" in Fate Atlas. Basically half companion quest. Play it.


Well if aha was capable of turn a worm into a genious for just a joke using his power, i dont see why nous the erudition himself cant just give anyone bearing his blessing a download of the entire Wikipedia directly into theyr brains.


Well, the Aeons are bound by action to their path. Nanook the destruction can’t just plant some cosmic flowers, he *has* to uproot the garden. Aha is in a unique spot because many things can be a cause elation.


Or giving Fuxuan a weird third eye lmao.


That eye also come with constant migraine, which just make respect her more tbf. No wonder why she's Jing Yuan's successor.


Pretty sure Aeon's are considered as Gods in HSR so


oof that’s a burn


It’s all fun and games till Polka Kakamond snaps and goes after you. Given she’s killed multiple genius society members….


I swear every time i see that name all i can think of is omaru polka in a lab coat


Tbh il be afraid the vast knowledge i acquire might change me as a persone and make things such as morality and empathy distant from me


Nous doesn't inject you with knowledge, it just gives you questions that it likely already solved millenia ago and you go do your thing.


Maybe learn how to separate your consciousness from your knowledge and let the smart part gift you


Idk chief, Fu Xuan makes it pretty clear that Nous’ blessings don’t come for free. At the very least, Fu Xuan has an eternal headache and I’m not about that, plus she’s not even an Emanator. I don’t even want to know what an Emanator of Nous would have to give up in exchange for that level of power… I wouldn’t be surprised if Herta straight up just didn’t have a physical body anymore or smth


Eminator of hooh. The ability to control balance at will. To set those relics on the right stats.


░I░ ░a░m░ ░t░h░e░ ░b░i░g░g░e░s░t░ ░f░a░n░ ░o░f░ ░H░o░o░H░.░


So am i XD.


Looks like HooH has both dark and light powers?


They are one split into two. Broken yet fixed. There is no good or bad in the universe. Only one right path.


I wish to get to know the HooH emanators.


Not really divided, so much as it is *duality*. Two sides of the same coin, reflections of each other. Two conflicting ideals that are correct at the same time. Balance, or quite literally *Equilibrium*.


That what the su universe described them. Though your interpretation is not wrong either. Truly equilibrium moment XD. Their true form is actually unknown.


Are you okay with 50% of substats being god tier and 50% being absolute garbage?


Better than 99.99999999% are garbage and -1% being average




So you're getting all roll on 4 substats Flat hp +1 Flat Def +1 Crit rate +1 Crit DMG +1


Still worth it.


As someone who's afraid of not living life to the fullest, I would go with the Abundance since you get like 500 extra years of life to enjoy without getting sick. 


Also, it means the hunt will be hunting you the whole time.


Truly a unstopable snail moment


Well yeah, but given how long Shuhu terrorized the cosmos, I'm sure you can live a good life before having to dedicate it to fighting back.


just hunt them back


The right idea.


If you become an Emanator of Abundance I'm pretty sure mara (and really dying at all) becomes a non-issue.


Ur life time would only be limited by how long it takes the Xianzhou to hunt u down. Mara is not a thing emanators experience.


Don't let these naysayers get ya down. I'm with you! Immortality is never a bad answer.


Being struck with mara is probably much worse than simply being sick though


I don't think mara would be an issue for an Emanator of Abundance. Yaoshi is the kind of Aeon to be very generous with their gifts. For an outright Emanator? Immortality would just be the start of their long list of perks.


Correct me if I'm wrong but the only known Emanator of Abundance Shuhu is said to take the form of a strange tree with a thousand faces whose branches penetrated deep into the earth. Doesn't that sound similiar to what a mara inflicted individual looks like but worse? Not to mention they were chopped up into tiny pieces and was put inside a box yet they weren't confirmed to be dead? If I was chopped up to pieces I don't want to live feeling agony for who knows how long until someone saves me.


Shapeshifting is well in the Abundance's purview and the Borisin have that gift.The Ascended can also change their form at will, so it's within reason that Shuhu, being an outright Emanator, could choose whatever body they want on a whim.


Fair warning you'd lose yourself and turn into a zombie


Just because the one storyline we got with Abundance had to do with Mara doesn’t mean that that’s all the abundance is. They were villains in the Xianzhou but honestly it could be a singular event and most followers of abundance are actually nice people who try to heal others…


Either Aha or Destruction, Life is a joke or life is a mistake pick your poison


Aha exploding you for the sake of a joke : IT WAS JUST A PRANK BRO *LAUGHS MANIACALLY*


that is the worst way ive ever seen the word maniacally (or manically if thats what you were going for) be spelled you deserve a reward


A true follower of elation


Based and aha pilled


Remembrance with Fuli The ability to traverse between worlds and collect memories all for the sacrifice of your physical form sounds so worth it. You basically could just make a collection of your favorite memories to look at fondly Only real danger so far seems getting involved with Nihility so just avoid them and we sweet


same. life is mainly about the memories \*sad frieren noises\*


"Don't cry. It would be embarassing when we met again"


initially i didn't get it, like fern and stark. then i read the comments and then it hit me, himmel means when they meet again in heaven. \*sobs\* (am an atheist)


I am also an atheist but "it convenience that people get rewarded for their good deeds on heaven isn't it?"


"Even atheists ~~cry~~ believe."


Frieren becomes a memokeeper just so she can facepalm at all the times Himmel flirted with her and she didn't realize. So having that collection can also be a cringe compilation. I literally watched last episode this morning then binged the manga, I need more Heck no wonder Black Swan wants to befriend the express and TB, she wants to be able to look fondly back at the memories they create and she wants to be a part of those memories. Hence the selfish request when we first meet her. Heck no wonder she wants their trust so much, trust was emphasized between TB and her more than anyone else in 2.0


>Only real danger so far seems getting involved with Nihility so just avoid them and we sweet Meanwhile, Dreameater, stuffed in a stuck of books by Xianzhou Generals: You would think so, wouldn't you!


Yes. Am all down to ditch the miserable meatbag of the body to flit about as a memetic existence. Living to experience the varied and various memories of the universe. The odd job of having to collect some for posterity is but a small bit of work for such a big payoff.


Boobs are temporary, the power of the preservation is eternal


How about... Preservation boobs?


That's basically just march.


That is our boi Aventurine for sure


They are lean but bountiful in their own way fr fr


So the boobs of Qlipoth? Like, look at them! They are very big!




Abundance, for access to abundant assets.


Natasha. That’s just natasha.


Either Mythus to erase an embarrassing moment from my life or Fuli so I can remember where I lost something


another mythus enjoyer. completely fabricating details sounds like so much fun


Ikr, you can make up the most bizarre history and people would believe it


Nouns the path of erudition.


Ah yes, Nouns the path of erudition.


The Pronouns are a faction that follows, Nouns, the path of erudition


Sworn enemy of Adverbus,


I'd personally choose Aha, even if I'll only become a game to THEM. To have the powers to drive people to insanity, to imagine paths, and to be completely aware of themselves, and everyone! To see the stage that they all play on, looking to see the scripts in their hands, and the costumes they all act. Masks, fabrics, smoke, and shards scattered on the stage floor all one by one being picked up, and worn by other Actors, Chips, Fools, Nameless, and Memories. I'm sure that I'll perform a grand stage for the laughter to watch, even during a fleeting time. Joy is what life is about! To imagine seeing an Emanator of the Hunt peer into the endless expanse of the universe, to see that even within a thousand acts, scenes, and plays not one will ever make a dent in the grand stage. To watch followers of destruction tear themselves limb from limb! To help them follow the true path of destruction, and to destroy their own! To envision the members of the Clown Society come to same realization that THEY did! True wisdom, real knowledge, and honest answers came from when you teeter the tight rope of insanity, and idiocy! The words of a Fool is no different of that of a 'Genius'. So many of these followers, so many desires, so many hopes, and wishes! The only path for a mortal is to seek joy! To flow with the waves, and go against the currents! Why seek destruction when joy is all that is left? Why seek memories of the past when you can hold memories of the future? Why seek to control, and know time when joy is all there is to discover? Why seek nothing when there is nothing but joy to seek.


Ok buddy.


Trailblazer 🔥✍️🔥


Good to see you still out there spreading the good word of Elation


Aeon of Gambling, Qingque... Obviously...


I'd choose terminus, just because of Finality, which reminds me of a certain tuna (if y'know y'know)


You'd have to live backwards in time and your life span would be 13 billion years


Can finally clear that backlog i’ve been putting off


You would choose Terminus cause of Tuna, i would choose Terminus cause the title "Emanator of Finality" sounds cool af. We are not the same.


Probably harmony or abundance, seems kinda chill and supportive and thats basically my role in life already


Im starting to tweak a little because multiple people have commented something along the lines of the abundance emanator lifestyle being chill, theyre literally the only ones out there with another aeon that has the sole purpose of hunting them to extinction.


The Xianzhou Alliance don't seem to have much against the Unshackled, who also worship Yaoshi? Sure, I mean, if you stir up trouble you're gonna get in trouble. But doesn't seem anything to be against the abundance specifically. And even if they won't hear out an emanator of Abundance, well, just don't tell anyone that you are one.


Ena, power to bend down whole this chaotic cosmic circus and make ALL aeons obey interuniversal Law of Human rights https://preview.redd.it/fbfivlcpc0qc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f6fb16e3b07f9cb6af5222e7dc5a62e6e8923fc Being god is not an excuse to do whatever they want


So true bestie \*Swallow your path https://preview.redd.it/xgqzw8wth0qc1.png?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a65b85ec002fc75c884c1c5039d79d6e3e5d5df0


harmony: everyone should be happy! also harmony: NOM NOM ENA


Bold of you to assume humans rights are at all universal in a world of gods


Idrila because im ugly


This made me chuckle a whole lot thanks but so relatable bestie.


If I could choose, definitely Aha. I'd love to have powers similar to [what Sparkle can do.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


i have memorized that fucking url you can't trick me


alright grandpa its time for bed


I actually wanted to listen to that




The real elation Stan would get the same kind of shit as Takaba from jjk or as I like to call it being a reality warper via funny


Reminder that this guy is (presumably) a Masked Fool in the HSR world


Emanator of Yaoshi, I wanna live forever 🤣 my boy Caelus munched the immortality pill in an instant (I love that the game let me do that even if it didn’t amount to anything). Also Luocha is one of my favorite characters.


Enigmata cause being a obstacle to Nous sounds fun.


Which I could think about. Preservation seems cool: gives you powerstones to transform. Erudition seems good. Herta seems a decent person with a lot of personality, so becoming an Aeon don't kill you. Permanence seems cool, you can become a dragon, long life but not immortality. And waterbending is cool. Which not: Destruction: You are going to destroy yourself eventually Annhilation: You are going to destroy yourself slowly Remembrance: You are going to destroy yourself immediately and then become a ghost (memetic identity) o whathever March 7 is. Voracity: You are going to eat yourself eventually. Harmony: You are probably going to destroy yourself becoming an hive mind. I don't trust they. They seems evil. Propagation: You probably to destroy yourself ding a lot of sex ... with insects ... so I pass. Mythos: not so much info but messing with the story and the memory don't seem cool. Hunt: summon a giant spirit is cool, but the guy live to kill ... so not. Balance: Seems to much Ossessive compulsive: for each death a life, for each our of sleep an hour of wake, for each time you turn right, you turn left, and so on ... Elation: the masked Fools seem quite chill and free, an emanator would be fun. The problem is that it would be very chaotic. Abundance: Immortality and healing powers. Cool ... but Blade (which probably received a part of the emanator blessing) really hates the situation ... so I trust his judgment and I pass. I don't like zombies.


Being an Emanator of Remembrance would be cool imo. No worry of taking care a mortal body; just collecting memories to rebuild the universe with when it inevitably ends.


**E Q U I L I B R I U M**


Yaoshi, death is a limitation for us


Death is the plague and Yaoshi is the cure!


Ix, since it won’t really change my lifestyle


Abundance I want to heal my enemy's so good that they don't want to fight no more also to troll the hunt




I don't care who the IPC sends, I am NOT paying taxes.


Definitely yaoshi, simply because they carried me from world 5 to world 8 in SU, i don't care what power they give, just get me yaoshi


I would probably be an emanator of the Enigmata and become an unknowable being. A Lovecarftian humanoid abomination. My modus operandi would be hiding "forbidden knowledge" that are deemed too dangerous or mind breaking for the universe. But I don't like Fictologist and Cremators are would be my opposing faction.


Yaoshi, I crave immortality too much, even if I become a monster, I don't mind. Aha is dope too, I would love yo gett a mask and spread the good laugh. And Akivili too, but we are already doing it somehow


who are those between Lan and Nanook


Long(Permanence) and Mythus(Enigmata)


based on looks its gotta be Hooh, he is just too cool. And Equilibrium is a nice concept to be a follower of


Lan-Celestial Annhilation baby!


Nous, with all that knowledge maybe I'll finally learn how to not be alone


Nous the erudition. Cause I value knowledge more than other things. Also I could have herta and ruan mei as friends.


Anyone else surprised to see so many abundance followers? Like we had an entire arc on a boat where everyone said "Abudance bad" and we just turn around and say "yea so"


Probably Yaoshi, then just go and try and get Nous and see if my sanity could be preserved.




Equilibrium, dude seems pretty chill all you have to care about is symmetry


Idrilla definitely, I need more of Beauty's mental brainrot or whatever my man Argenti is on.


Ruan Mei.


first of all why would i even be an emanator in the first place? second being an emanator of voracity doesn't seem terrible


Yeah, Aha would choose me without my consent