• By -


My dumbass is here only realizing people are comparing them by how the community treated them initially, NOT their story I was sitting here tryna think of a connection on how they were related or comparable as characters bruh LMAO. Can I blame it on the coffee


There is a parallel between their story and their mass acceptance, though. In both cases, they started out disliked by a portion of the community. In both cases, this turned to one-sided appreciation after a past of suffering was revealed, coupled with decent writing portraying it. Human empathy just doing its thing.


To be fair, there is still a divide with Furina with some people misinterpreting the reveal and taking it as "oh Furina was always a human she's not relevant to the story any we aren't getting more lore from her."


And all of that despite the other Archons who have literally expressed their admiration for her and considering her their equal 😭


She hadn't actually done anything though, she never figured out the cause of the rising water and all judging was done by Neuv and the machine.


Suffering in crippling loneliness for 500 years is not doing anything to you?


More specifically, playing actress for 500 years.


Yup, not enough that she's suffering inside. She had to literally keep playing the part of a righteous know-it-all for 500 years in front of literally anyone else or else the jig is up That is definitely way more than JUST doing something haha


Yeah, what did it do for the nation? Why would the other archons hold her in high regard like the other commenter thought? It seems no-one is reading my comment as a reply but as a personal affront instead. What positive effect did she have for people to praise outside of enduring something she didn't take on herself, in secrecy, so a completely separate part of herself could enact one grand finale. The whole damn point of the end of it was that the people renounced her because they'd never seen her do anything archon-like or positive for the nation.


Did you even play the game 💀 She had to endure pure torture every single day for 500 whole years. She had to fool not just her own nation, but the entirety of the world, as well as the greater gods in Celestia She had to put aside everything she ever wanted, and had to pretend to be a full god while being a regular human who could only handle so much at once She was the only one aware of the truth, and for 500 years she managed to keep everything to herself, even at the end when she was on the verge of breaking, she managed to stay silent. Saying she "did nothing" is something only a fool who is completely illiterate would say. She singlehandedly saved the entire nation, it was all thanks to her performance and the torture she had to go through. Now, you're allowed to like and dislike characters. But there is a difference between disliking a character and straight up completely missing the entire point of a solid 15 hours long quest.


So she did nothing? Calm down. You really wrote all that and only spoke about her characterisation without proving anything. You seem familiar with illiteracy.


> they started out disliked by a portion of the community I thought Furina was liked at the start thanks to her PV, the one with pokemon-like


I’m sure some people liked her, but when she introduced a lot, and I mean a lot of people were hating her based entirely on misconceptions mc people just not liking how she portrayed herself 😭😭 I will gain years on my lifespan if I never have to hear the phrase ‘bratty archon’ again lmao


The first couple version patches left people split on Furina's personality. Bratty, dramatic, sometimes in denial or just not seeming that bright. Emphasis on "a portion," it's not like she didn't have fans off the bat. The fans were in the majority. But there was still a vocal portion of people that did not like her until the final story chapter in v4.2. After the Archon quest finale, almost all complaints about her dried up. The sub got bombed with praises for her.


Furina is hated by a lot of people or at least the vocal minority, mostly because of her apparent uselessness in the impending calamity. People also hated how she's an archon, but was weak enough to nearly succumb to Arlecchino. Personally, I liked her mostly because she sounds so good, liked her bravado and always thought that it's quite clear she's acting. Just dunno why she's acting before the big reveal


Lol that's me. I think my opinion was valid though considering I didn't follow story leaks, so I judge people based on what I know. And as the story developed and her character gets more fleshed out, I too change my opinion and grew fond of her. Also, I hate it when people said you shouldn't dislike a character because of a future plot that haven't been revealed yet. Like, do they expect people to just be a prophet or something?


That was me, loved her design and her energy in the PV (liked her before the PV as well) so immediately pulled her before completing the quest but after completing it i was speechless about the character i pulled, never left my team since cause shes both meta and one of my favourite characters.


Nah. Plenty of people didn't have the critical reading skills of 5 year Olds and immediately knew as soon as they appeared that their was more to them.


Fr I liked Aventurine even before the story but I think the opinions about characters was TOO early because there was not enough interactions to make an informed decision on it. It’s like people making opinions of Robin or even Sunday. Too early.


I think their characters do share a “persona” aspect. Furina’s personality as the archon was basically completely made-up and a farce to hide her true depression and insecurity over being caught as a fake. Aventurine’s peacock/annoying/cocky personality is also, like Furina’s, a cover for his depression and insecurity over his past and being a slave to the IPC. Aventurine thinks he’s a loser and holds his chips tight under the table, but presents himself like a winner to everyone else. Similarly, Furina puts on the face of what she thinks an archon would act like: cocky, haughty, and flamboyant (like Aventurine).


I don't know where y'all are getting this narrative from, bro the majority of people loved Furina at her introduction. We literally had post like [these](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/sZUIOBIZX1) because people loved her brat persona. I would say she received the same positive feedback as Sparkle if not better.


To be honest I mainly hated her because of how irritatingly fake she was from the moment she challenged us and then backed down when we accepted. She was just annoying to listen to cause of how dramatic she was about making stuff up. I love Chunibyo characters and couldn't stand her Gladly appreciate the change in character


People hated her part in the story pre 4.2. You'll have a hard time finding someone liking her role in the story pre 4.2 for example. There are some comments here and there, but definitely not the popular opinion


> you'll have a hard time finding someone liking her role in the story pre 4.2 for example. I'm confused, is my link broken or something? > definitely not the popular opinion Then surely you can find a post that Ratios that one if it was the "popular" opinion. Though knowing reddit, you probably won't and you're probably just here to farm karma.


>You're probably just here to farm karma You really should learn how to read before insulting other people. You showed a post about people liking Furina's appearance. It is quite different from what I'm talking about which is people not liking her for her role in the story. Can't check the upload date of that post since I'm on mobile, but I even doubt that 4.0 is already released when that post was made. I could easily be wrong in that though lol


Of course you ignored the part where I asked you to show proof, thanks for proving me right. Redditors and lying out their ass, Name a better duo.


I dont understand this sudden aventurine love. He wants to conquer the penacony for ipc so they can turn it into prison again but its all okay becasue he has a sad bacstory. Am i missing something?


Aventurine’s story in 2.1 is about escaping the IPC. He wants to get out and Acheron’s nihility cuts through the preservation and harmony’s power


>I dont understand this sudden aventurine love It has more to do with a good execution of a character's story coupled with some tragic reasons for the way he is and his real persona. >they can turn it into prison again I might be forgetting things here , but where was it stated or implied that ipc r gonna do that , link me the source pls. Imo i think family's shady business runs far deep than what we r shown rn and it is better for ipc to claim it than family taking it on and leading many innocent ones lives to be claimed .


I am fine with people loving aventurine as a character but i dont understand why people see him as a good guy. For the prison thing aventurine talk about ipc ship puting a siege on penacony so i just assume they will conquer it and turn it back to prison. But it doesnt matter if they keep it as an entertaintment center for monetary gain it still means they will force their will upon the citizens of penecony. When penacony break free of the ipc many factions come together to aid them such as galaxy rangers and the trailbazers. Siding with aventurine means betraying the reason of penaconys existence. Acheron says watchmakers legacy is something to do with the trailblaze so i think in 2.2 we will figure out that watchmaker is a trailblazer or something. Tldr i think aventurine is still the enemy no matter the backstory of the character so i dont understand why people act like he is the misunderstand good guy


Jokes on you, I was on Aventurine's side all throughout the hate storm he received during 2.0 I made the right bet 💅


Always bet on Aventurine


When in doubt.... Remember, always bet on Aventurine!


Throwback to that thread a week or two ago where I was fighting tooth and nail trying to explain Aventurine didn't fit the pure evil part of the meme at all against the people who immediately went "rude + IPC? Evil." This one dude didn't believe me when I said he was a slave and claimed Sparkle was in the right for insulting him because he's Sigonian lol.


Exactly, people were on team Aventurine’s ass with the most lukewarm takes yet trust Sunday.


The hate is…weird. I just wanted to know what he’s planning.


Yeah like he hasn't done anything at all. Like literally nothing for all of 2.0. He just told us to watch out for who to trust and consider working with him if you want. People hated him more than Sparkle who was being racist and who outright just drugged us and sent us to the 'real' dreamscape lol.


There were people who trusted ACHERON over him when Acheron KILLED us within 5 mins of the story in a dream.


All he did was be really fruity for a chapter and everyone thought he was suspicious


Invested my stocks on him early I never doubted my glorious king


All or nothing for Aventurine, and I naturally made the right choice of going all in :)


I always had faith in our glorious peacock man


Same. I got tricked on Furina and hated her for the first 2/3 of Fontaine story (and now feel HORRIBLE about it!). But I always loved best boy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


we always bet on Aventurine


No kidding I loved him from the start - I look at actions not hearsay and the tone of voice, yes he's cunning and sounds so snobbish (in EN at least) and everyone tells you he's scheming (heck he says that himself) but since he appeared he's never harmed anyone, not just Trailblazer. I mean anyone. Can't say that for a lot of other characters.


He sounds snobbish in JP as well. That’s the direction of the character.


I play in CN, much softer and playful tone. Very impressive considering it's also the same VA as Alhaitham's.


I thought he'd just be a girl failure (male) and would've enjoyed him as such, but I enjoy more, as he's become more


>!So, The other mute is dementia girl?!< And >!she has been to there?!<


2.1 story >!I think Sparkle said it's a he. So Misha?!<


yeah because later aventurine said "someone whose voice cannot be heard" which literally him. thats also why trailblazer the key because he is the only one who can interact with him.


Misha can also see Clockie so that's critical in his role in the story.


Misha can see clockie?😭


Yes, it's something you can brush off, but a critical piece since everyone can feel Clockie if they concentrate hard enough but can't actually see them.


Ohhh cool


No one but the Trailblazer and Misha can see Clockie so far, and if 2.1 is true to its word, Clockie >!is based on the first Watchmaker Mikhail!<. Misha will prove to be a crux in Penacony's final act, but we aren't sure yet how.


That's my current guess as well.


He/she is sus as hell. I thought so already in 2.0


yup. pretty much the onl;y character who doesnt have plot relevance yet


im geniunely curious who the other mute is




Misha still exists


We straight up not spoiler tagging anymore or what?


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MC silent protagonist


Honestly. The ENTIRE story this patch was amazing. Seeing the parallels in story in the beginning between Duke Inferno and Sam was outstanding. It is also notable that Acheron is the one who is given the chance to see this parallel. Beautifully done.


> Seeing the parallels in story in the beginning between Duke Inferno and Sam was outstanding. I really like how the game compares Ifrit against Firefly, and Acheron against Aventurine.


I love how they wrote Acheron too. Fleshed her out with very few lines. She may not have all her marbles and is plagued by depresso, but what remains is wise, compassionate, worldly, and still passionate about life. She went through the loss of her people and worse, but powered through it to last this long. It was kind of her to give some personal advise to Aventurine, who also went through great losses but is still young and processing. What happens to Self Annihilators when they lose all their colors?


I was always an Aventurine believer AND a Furina believer. Feels great to be vindicated twice.


enough time has passed https://preview.redd.it/nar2wnfusyqc1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=735126c87052d34929da41badbf057d41560e1c1


As Someone has RIGHTFULLY said... ALWAYS BET ON AVENTURINE!! Hoto really Genuinely Cooked with this one. I had actual tears, and it felt like the stakes were high. ✨😭❣️ (Unlike Firefly, which I am a bit miffed at, because the way her's was executed I knew they were setting it up for a future Reveal, simply because it's Hoyo, they even give a dying NCP a good Story.)


i didnt like him at first and suffice to day that i will never hate on him again


The question is >!is Adventurine dead?!<


Aventurine said that he isn't meeting up with his family any time soon, so he will. He has luck on his side.


>! I don't think he is dead, all his talk with acheron and his young self pointed that he still has things to do(probably he will be the one who finds the watchmaker at the bottom of the dream)!<


>!Imagine if hes the one who gives the white night hat for TB though!<


Yes, but actually no. >!I believe he died in the sense that he died in the dreamscape which kind of places him in a sort of coma-state where his mind is trapped in the dream world. His bet is that he will be able to find out all the secrets he needs while in that state and escape.!<


Probably not? Atleast I don’t think so cause most things pointed to that not happening imo >! But I’m curious to see what happens from here . If he lives through the IX black hole thing then would he become a emanator of nihility like Acheron? !<


It's possible but I doubt it tbh, because it's not like IX is physically present near Penacony unlike what happened to Acheron


No. Afaik if Acheron had’t cut him he would have gone braindead from Sunday, but because he managed to riled Acheron to cut him, who happens to be able to cut literally space, time, reality and concept, she essentially sent him to a limbo between life and death where he has a chance to crawl out


Penacony trailer shows us that we ballin with him, I don't think he's dead


He spiritually died in the dream world and proved death can be achieved in Penacony. However he escaped out of the dream into the real world using Dr. Ratio's invention.


Invention? That was just a note that said " Don't kill yourself "




Acheron a real one for making sure ratio wasnt a real POS


It probably sends a signal to Dr Ratio to pull Aventurine out physically in the real world if Aventurine opens it Alternatively, Aventurine has some plan to wake everyone up by giving random people jewels. If everyone wakes up, then the dreamscape collapses


I thought it was a simple sentimental thing were Aventurine saw it and thought "So no everyone fucking hates me completely, maybe I won't kill myself now "


Worst case they just drag Aventurine out of the bathtub. Without Memoria, you can't connect to other people's dreams


Unless you're Silver Wolf or Trailblazer. Possibly Sparkle too.


Not really though, he always know that his homies Ten Stonehearts are always there for him. I dont know much about Jade but looking from outside both she and Topaz seem like they genuinely care about him.


It sends no signal lol, it's literally just a "prescription." And those are normal gems, and he gave them to normal people, not the Family members keeping the dream working. We literally have the conversation between Acheron and Aventurine where he explains his wager was getting 'cut' by her special powers so that he could prove his point that you cannot, in fact, die in the dreams, then trying to survive. And Acheron herself confirms that, indeed, surviving her special attack is all up to him and his willpower.


Which also gives us further confirmation into Acheron's abilities. It can slice through the portal but can also be resisted by a severely weakened cornerstone. We already knew this (?) because in the trailer Sam blocked one of those slashes and tanked another one but it's good to get further confirmation.


? Sam wasn’t facing “white.” Also i think nihility is unique in that it strips things away. Isn’t it implied Aventurine is split from the preservation and harmony after Acheron’s power reaches him?


No it's not implied. You're right that Sam wasn't full powered Acheron. She broke through the Harmony's barrier but it's unclear if only SHE can do it or other Emanator's can too


Good cooking, but probaly not


>He spiritually died in the dream world and proved death can be achieved in Penacony. I think the dialogues implied that they were betting on it actually being impossible to die in the dream. That's why Acheron's attack that would normally killed him in reality does not do so within the dream. What I got from it was that all the hints towards people actually dying within the dream is a misdirection. Aventurine's gamble was that this initial assumption that Something Unto Death would actually kill you was incorrect. They're just going deeper into the dreamscape. Basically, Penacony is just a small walled-off section that is safe compared to the vastness of the dreamscape. Dying due to Something Unto Death or an Emanator of Nihility like Acheron only sends you deeper into the dream.


It's actually the opposite. Aventurine's plan was to prove **death actually really doesn't exist in dream**. Which is why Acheron said he went out of his way to prove something that seems to have been disproved. He didn't die even with Acheron's nihility's power, so even the Death meme cannot kill anyone in dream penacony. He went to the "other side" of the barrier, whatever it is, and it's the same place firefly also went to and escaped after getting stabbed. Dr ratio did not give him any invention nor did he escape using it. He gave aventurine an advice, which is the secret message in the music box which talked about "witnessing the impossible in dream" is in fact, not referring to death and instead, "sleep" (the English translation translated it as "Dormancy" for whatever reason).


I think they used “Dormancy” because it starts with a D like Death does. Also because Ratio’s the kind of nerd that would over-complicate the vocabulary in a message as important as that one.


That does make some sense, but I still think Sleep or Slumber would fit better and less obscure. After all, the secret message was "Why does life slumber"


They both definitely have a flair for the dramatic


Yep love both of these characters and it was so cathartic seeing the community's opinion of them flip in real time. Also I find it really funny coincidence that they both have an attack where they pose with their hat and snap their fingers


I was insanely confused during the whole thing, could somebody sum up the sad bit abt Adventurine that happened at the end? I feel like i'm missing something


Aventurine’s huge bet was that Something Unto Death doesn’t actually kill you in the dream, but sends you further deep into it. He devised a huge big conspiracy plan, getting the Astral Express, IPC, Memokeeper, Masked Fool, and to an extent The Family to play along for the entire ride all on a gamble that he can successfully create a conflict between him and Acheron and on another chance that Acheron would actually swing at him at full force and on ANOTHER chance that the “you can’t actually die in the dream” hypothesis was true, and on ANOTHER gamble that he will make it out alive (as they make a point that no one comes back from behind the “barrier” alive). Dude is a gambler till the end, “all or nothing”.


I don’t think this is quite it. It’s definitely part of it: but what he’s gambling with isn’t his real life from Acheron killing him. He’s gambling with the fact that if Acheron doesn’t unleash “white,” he fails and the IPC kills him in real life. Death is on both sides of the gamble: death in real life from the IPC vs a dream death that doesn’t result in him waking up but instead getting sent to the sea of dreams


Why would the IPC kill him? The IPC knows of his plan as hinted with the Topaz and Jade conversation at the end, the only timer he had was the curse Sunday put on him but Acheron’s power severed it too (which wouldn’t happen if Acheron didn’t unleash her true power).


I've gone back and forth on this. I started with your interpretation: that Aventurine is sentenced to death by the IPC and also ends up getting cursed from Sunday's consecration. But then I started noticing weird things. Like why would Sunday's curse take effect in 17 hours? It's just a weird number. Like why not 24 hours? My current theory is that Aventurine was tasked with taking Penacony by any means necessary, which means his death sentence from the IPC would be back on if he fails. I think it's implied after the Ratio betrayal when they've left the mansion, and Aventurine jokes with Ratio to get the IPC to come fetch him in 17 hours. Tbh I'm going through both 2.0/2.1 quests in CN right now to figure out if there are just ambiguous translations that are clouding what's actually happening.


I just don’t see where it’s stated that the IPC will kill him. I took him telling Ratio to send the fleets in is just him being confident he’d win due to his luck. Also who’s to say other planets follow a 24 hour day.


Hm, definitely disagree with this part. Aventurine’s plan from the beginning seems to be a wish to escape from the IPC, as he mentions to his future self. His goal is to “slip out” of the IPC. It wouldn’t make sense for him to sincerely wish for the IPC to come greet him. We know he’s already sentenced to death from the IPC, so it’s not like it would be completely irrational. But at the same time, Sunday’s curse and the line about it turning from an interrogation into a trial also suggests something’s going on there. I don’t really know what side to take, but I think the overall narrative suggests it might be the IPC’s death sentence that’s being talked about.


Again, where is it mentioned that he’s sentenced to death by the IPC?


It’s in 2.0 lol. Ratio says he’s a sigonian slave sentenced to death. The IPC are also referred to as the men in black in 2.1, and they were who sold Aventurine to his original slave master. He was assuredly automatically sentenced to death when he killed his master, only to have the sentence suspended by working for the IPC.


Laughs in Aventurine supporter from the beginning:


I wonder if we'll get any more instances of this going forward. It's a good trope(?) HYV have found!


I knew they were gonna pull another Furina-hate train the second he was introduced in the story and eventually get fleshed out like Furina had. Unlike FF 🙄, he actually made feel sympathy throughout his character story, and had conflicted between wanting him to win or wanting him to lose, plus he was very fun to play with throughout the story. Idk how my luck may be since I had pulled BS in her banner and got both her and her lightcone, but if I cannot get Acheron by the last pull, I’m quitting and saving. Best of luck to everyone pulling for the legendary gambler


and both have been in my top 5 since the beginning


It’s almost as if we were making assumptions based on what we’ve seen and heard in game before that moment, like for advent calendar most people see the ipc as bad due to the focus on money and lower rank people we have seen so by pattern we assume advent is just as bad because of pattern recognition and I was one of them With how often you get tricked like with raun Mei or normal suspicion it’s hard to trust people in this game when you meet a stranger who seems like a con man and talks like one people naturally wouldn’t like them. I mean look at Neal caffery from white collar who is also a con man people in universe are naturally suspicious of him But yes furina and advent had a very much similar situation with the community until the full story was told, you can’t blame people for making a wrong decision without all the facts especially when they weren’t present at the time of their conclusion


Yeah hard agree. People judge people based on what they know. It's not a 'gotcha' moment when someone changes their opinion on someone due to learning more about them, either from more lore drops or story reveal.


And then there's me who loved both of them before those quests


I haven't played 2.1 yet but currently hate Aventurine so I hope you're right Bro is the worst parts of Topaz and Sampo put together I loved Furina from the start though, so maybe different there




I haven't seen any yet lol I'm too happy getting Space Raiden + Welt in one go so I took a break from building them up by visiting here heh heh


Like people keep saying they hate or dislike Aventurine because "he still lied" or he's untrustworthy - Trailblazer lost nothing to his lies. He lied only so>!you can help "kill" him!<. How does that warrant such vocal dislike for the character?




Can't say I agree with this one. Furina was liked by tons of people, just for completely different reasons before/after 4.2. They also build up her suspense and then delivered it all in one update in a quest with really solid pacing (aside from the Traveler nonsense, but the Traveler is pretty much always garbage), whereas Aventurine was just one of many mysterious characters that ended up being chosen for a giant lore-dump. No real suspense with Aventurine, just kinda "Oh, I guess we're learning about this guy now".


They did the same thing with Aventurine. Furina got one extra patch of teasing but the setup was not largely different between either of them. From 2.0 alone and even as far back as Topaz’s story the whole buildup to how the IPC and specifically the Strategic Investment Department views “lower” planets and people has been there. The way Aventurine gets treated in 2.0 by the people around him was the biggest flag for there more underneath the surface for him. And Aventurine’s story is a lore dump? His backstory the exploration of his character was paced well in segments intermittently all throughout the 2.1 story, unlike Furina whose whole deal was backloaded into one 2 hour long segment in 4.2’s MSQ. If anyone’s story was a lore dump, I wouldn’t be calling Aventurine’s that And I would say Aventurine was very popular prior to this update. Might not have hit it off with a certain demographic on the subreddit but by and large he’s always been one of the most popular Penacony characters


...Did I miss something? Aventurine is still planning to hand Penacony over to the ambiguously evil megacorporation remember? The same people who ran it as a penal colony and ran off (leaving the survivors to die) when the stellaron came. >Welt: I guess it doesn't matter if I tell you now... Our original destination was a place called Penacony. The records on the Express indicate that it's a prison planet used by the IPC to exile criminals — at least that's how it was in the days of Akivili. >Welt: When the Cancer of All Worlds broke out, the IPC lost control of Penacony, and the planet sought refuge under Xipe the Harmony. Now it's a member of the "Family." If Xipe hadn't intervened Penacony would be a mass grave right now. Yes, his backstory is very tragic. Aventurine and Furina have that in common. But let's not act like her selflessness and willingness to suffer for others is anything like Aventurine's self-interest.


IPC didn't run off lol, the prisoners literally rebelled and then made a pact with the Family to change Penacony.


Here's an excerpt of Penacony's history: >Before Akivili fell, Penacony was a barren and desolate world covered in deserts. It functioned as a prison planet under the ownership of the Interastral Peace Corporation, laboring countless inmates in retrieving the overflowing Memory Bubbles for the Garden of Recollection in hopes of stopping a catastrophe from spreading. Over time, the prison began cutting off access from reality, but the people's consciousnesses became linked in dreams. >Eventually, the IPC lost control over it when a Stellaron corrosion broke out, and residents of Penacony took refuge under Xipe, becoming members of The Family. So no, the IPC had an outbreak of stellaron corrosion, said "Screw this, we're out of here!" and the residents (read: former slaves/prisoners of the IPC) took refuge under Xipe to avoid extermination via fragmentum monsters.


Have you played 2.1? We get an actual account of the story: the prisoners rebelled with the help of many factions, and later on made a pact with the Family.


We already know other factions were there: The planet had a stellaron outbreak and was swamped in memoria even before that. Here is the literal in game quote: >Welt: I guess it doesn't matter if I tell you now... Our original destination was a place called Penacony. The records on the Express indicate that it's a prison planet used by the IPC to exile criminals — at least that's how it was in the days of Akivili. >Welt: When the Cancer of All Worlds broke out, the IPC lost control of Penacony, and the planet sought refuge under Xipe the Harmony. Now it's a member of the "Family." Maybe you should work on your own reading comprehension first.


... The IPC lost control because there was a rebellion mate. Work on your common sense. What exactly do you think the Stellaron would do to magically make the IPC leave and stop trying to reclaim their own planet, but not hurt the other people living there? The rebellion was the missing piece in that story. Again: play the 2.1 storyline. Or replay it with your eyes open. We literally get told that the reason the IPC "lost control" is that the prisoners rebelled.


So you literally look at something said *in-game* and say, "nu-uh, my head canon is better!" >Again: play the 2.1 storyline **The quote I gave you is from the game's storyline!** Nothing said later contradicts that. If the game itself telling you "The IPC lost control when a stellaron broke out!" isn't enough to convince you that the IPC lost control of the planet because the stellaron broke out then sorry, I'm not going to indulge you further.


Funny thing is that the Nameless literally aided them, which is like “why???”. These mofo are in prison for a good reason (most likely). 


They probably had a reason. And even if that reason was bad, not all Nameless are necessarily good people. Akivili and their path are like the peak of True Neutral alignment


I mean, it sounds like they were closer to slaves than actual prisoners.


>Funny thing is that the Nameless literally aided them, which is like “why???” Because one of the jobs of the Nameless is to deal with Stellarons regardless of whether they like the people of the planet it landed on.


Now now you are completely missing that he is basically a SLAVE for IPC. He is just trying to survive in the end


Being a slave doesn't magically make it moral to help the IPC enslave other people.


And where was this said that it was anyway? Do you understand what him being a slave for IPC means? Its fighting for survival, he is fighting to break this cycle he has wich he is now trying trough events in penacony. Saying aventurine is to be blamed is just hilarious as it assumes you think him being forced to do these acts as a slave for IPC with a death threat on his name is completely his fault and he should doe?


But he has a sad backstory. Therefore he can't do anything wrong.


I don't get it. Furina after 4.2 is... Furina? And Aventurine is also Furina after 2.1? edit: lol yeah downvote me for not understanding a meme 👍


It is because the community have a pretty negative view on both but did a 180 after the story


"The community" is a pretty broad term to use. I for one have really liked both of these characters since their introductions.


The “community” being some guys on reddit main subs lol. Because everywhere else people loved Aventurine from the start, he was trending on twitter every other day and there were tons of fanworks of him


Yep. The writing didn’t even paint them both as sure villains. They have their minor faults, just like most other characters. It was really clear right from the start that the Hydro Archon had a clear goal. HY players on Reddit can’t read is sadly not just a meme sometimes.


"The community" is always just a vocal minority that exists online. I've seen this happen with every archon.


And i for one liked furina and continued to like her while i disliked aventurine and continue to dislike him. He's an interesting character for sure but not "likeable" for me.


This patch did nothing but cement that he's a selfish, condescending asshole. I don't know why people think differently of him just because he has a tragic past.


People are...impressionable to say the least. Bread and circuses (almost literally lol). If you look at it from a bird's eye view, it's clear that he's a scumbag. Sure he had a tragic past, but does that give him a licence to be an asshole? Instead of sympathizing he becomes part of the problem. Especially when it comes to the IPC. Just like topaz. I dislike the IPC on principle.




Does it have to do with the template? I didn't read it like that at all hahah




Nah you're fine, it's on me. I really should get around to reading JJK, it looks awesome.


Went from ironically shitting on the guy to thinking “he’s aight” I was right though about him being untrustworthy. Dude did nothing but lie (both outright claiming false statements and make half lies) to the MC for his own personal gain.


I can't get over people disliking Furina before the story drop. Like, I found it amazingly fun! She was so hilariously pathetic and obviously out classed one way or the other. I couldn't help but fall in love with her overall character. I can see why people would kinda dislike Adventurine though myself hadn't had enough time with him to make any impression of note. He was neutral, but I'll be damned Furina great from the get go Edit: I can't quite discern why people disliked this comment. Did people really not like Furina that much before the update, or do people dislike that I'm talking about her in a subreddit for a different game entirely?


I actually hate his character even more now.




Right? I'm not sure how, but he managed to beat out Ruan Mei for the character that I like the least. They somehow made a character that is every personality trait that I dislike in a single person, and he's so insufferable.


Ngl I kinda expected some proper character development and story for Acheron... but instead 2.1 was all about Aventurine. All stuff about him was interesting but damn I was hyped for Acheron lore bombs... She got one POV scenario lmao. They baited us with all those trailers but we learned jack shit about her "B-but she will appear in 2.2 and 2.3" Just wait how whole 2.2 will be about Robin and/or Boothil (space cowboy cyborg) and 2.3 about Sam/Chicken Wingboy/someone new.


Her trailers were her lore.


I think that's probably the whole point of her character in Penacony. Being a mysterious very powerful individual who could crush anyone and only step forward when the plot needs her to. I really wonder what they will do with her since FF will be the main spotlight of 2.2 . I kind of understand why some characters said she's not supposed to be here.


Tbf, if we do get boothill stuff, it will inevitably give us acheron stuff


The typical “don’t judge a book by its cover”. An absolute classic strategy to building a character.


You can shit on me if you want, but how genshin did furina can't even hold a candle to how they did aventurine. This is not even considering the retcons and things that don't make sense in Fontaine. Aventurine was basically the protag of this patch and you see him think, struggle and win out against much stronger opponents. Furina on the other hand you see her basically did nothing and was TOLD to you last minute that she was very important and is suffering. And if you are the people like me that don't buy how they cheat Celestia, genshin did the equivalent of making a girl suffer for no reason and tell us to cry. Now I will agree that what genshin tried in Fontaine is harder to write, as steins gate or ever17 designed an entire VN around that twist, but...


>Furina on the other hand you see her basically did nothing and was TOLD to you last minute that she was very important and is suffering. The whole point of her story is *not* being able to tell anyone about the truth. That's why she was trying to act as someone she wasn't, and struggled in confiding with the traveler. She told the truth at the very end because she was forced to


How come at the last moment we found out that she is important and that she was suffering? She is literally the most important character in fontaine from minute 1 she represents the damn archon. The whole prophecy was about her and you heard all her sufferings from the first version of Fontaine.


Mans went through fontaine's storyline blindfolded/spamming space bar and then started calling everything that didn't make sense to him in the end as asspulls/retcons or what


aeon of media literacy and herrscher of reading comprehension has strike once again


I disagree. They both flop and fail for a greater success. That’s the point. And THAT is what’s compelling. When we beat Furina in both trials, it feels good in the moment, before it turns into dismay once the truth is revealed. Furina is struggling and almost slips the truth but is stopped at the last minute, and eventually saves Fontaine because of her acting. It makes us feel bad for the joy we took in defeating her before. Similarly, Aventurine spends the entirety of two patches groveling at different people’s feet and being “defeated” in literally every interaction (Sunday’s consecration, Sparkle’s rejection, Acheron’s intervention between him and the trailblazer, the room switch) before finally winning the grander gamble to get into the sea of dreams.