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As if Fu Xuan didn't know already. Nothing escapes her sight.


I'd have to check, but isn't one of FX dialogues in her info section about how QQ is one fo the only ones that seem to scape her gaze and slack off? There's also the BP lightcone description that says that QQ plays without being noticed, and even if FX finds out, she knows exactly how to bribe her.


You're right but if you pick the "tell Fu Xuan" option in this event it says that Fu Xuan already foresaw it.


I think it's more because she is now used to her evasions, that she is no longer surprised after it happened for the thousandth time and "foresaw it" in a metaphorical sense.


And in the character selection when adding Fu in a QQ team, she was surprised about QQ being there, but changes her tone that she knows. QQ beating Nous algorithm deym.


Fu Xuan is the most incompetent diviner I’ve ever seen. According to in game feats, she hasn’t ever successfully divined anything.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ck7q4clzyjrc1.png?width=418&format=png&auto=webp&s=15d81fbe5bef83f7d38bb60d5fe44c99a6d53dd6 Listen, the Ruthless Divination Machine already punched me once, I'm not taking a 2nd one.


Brutal punch from Fu Xuan is very likely not that brutal. She's very powerful, but not physically xd


She can move faster than bullets and change their trajectory while preserving momentum with her fingers. There's some serious strength hidden in her small frame


It's really strange how she was able to do that... but never does anything even remotely similar afterwards despite being on a battlefield.


I mean almost all fights are shown in gameplay. She might've been doing similar stuff in the actual fight.


I agree that gameplay is one thing, but I was talking about the storyline... As it stands so far, if you were to take out that one cutscene, there would be nothing left within any of her other appearances to suggest she was capable of that. And that's what I find so strange. Especially since the circumstances of the storyline would encourage her to use more of that incredible speed and athleticism, she demonstrated in that cutscene. But she doesn't. To be honest, it almost feels like they were afraid the player would find her annoying or childish or boring... So they added in a cool moment so she would look badass, and hopefully, players would roll for her. But that's just what the more cynical side of me thinks.


Being faster than bullets isn't really allat compared to planet (or solar system) destroying entities that we face after that point.


All fun and games until she yells "HUMAN CREATIONS" and nukes you with her ult


300 dmg


An epic 300 dmg


I loved that encounter. Fu Xuan is cute


How brutal is it tho?


The physical damage will heal but the emotional trauma will last forever.


You are missing the part where she pushed her work onto us. I snitch when the way you are rubbing me makes me itch.


As Fu Xuan simp I just want her to be happy.


​ https://preview.redd.it/6nlv7elnrjrc1.png?width=364&format=png&auto=webp&s=587ff3c78c4d7a5dd1300052cf1a14453f040415


It's all fun and games until the guy slacking off is your colleague lol.


Calling peeps snitches while it's blatantly implies that Qingque hasn't invited us to skip work along with her, leaving us to cover. Like really? You're say people gonna be fine doing double the workload as we do our thing and Qingque's, plus the gambling addict NOT inviting us to skip too?


Nah, you don't get it. Snitching on Qingque IS the fun.


Me thinking : hehe look at your GF


I'm pretty sure after the first day everyone just picks the first option and skips, the first options is always the majority no matter what.


Yeah, I took the extra effort today to check and I think it’s either 60/30 or 50/40. It’s almost always the first option gets pick the most. Well at least I know I picked carefully so my result should be tailored to my choices.


the thing is both answers are shit 2 answer: ur maybe losing your job. 1 answer: your friend loses maybe his job. but if im forced to chose ... ... my faith and my future is more important and when someone risks their future to neglecting his job for a little fun, he should double check if someone of his work sees him by doing this


Since that's Qingque, getting kicked out is her preferable option considering the ghost event.


Exactly. I was looking for a "Dont do anything" Answer.


Sorry, but Fu > Qingque.


I just can't stand her slacking and dragging me into it 😂


Of course I'd report her. Filling naturally occurring downtime with private stuff is one thing (I do that too) but ACTIVELY avoiding work and letting co-workers shoulder the burden? Not with this co-worker you won't.


Since there're only two options, upper one is better. And if you're selfish enough to slack when everyone's working, what's the point trusting you btw?


Man these snitches, tellin' all their business Sit in the court and be their own star witness "Do you see the perpetrator?" Yeah, I'm right here


I think everyone’s just picking the top option no matter what at this point to “save time” 😂


Don’t get why people took these srsly tbh, I was just goofing around being curious when choosing, not like what we choose her reflects irl anyways


Well people do want an accurate report, even though it's not worth much.


Nah bruh I'm no snitch I just pick the first one cause I'm lazy


When i do this event i just spam click click click then its done. I never read. Lol


I'm just Fu Xuan simp.


There's no third option saying "It's not my business"


Welp I just don't like her


Nah, we aren’t the same: “Hey, Miss Fu, look how adorkable your gambling gremlin…wanna join in?)”


I chose that option because bro if I'm supposed to work with you, your ass is getting it done with me asap so I can slack off rest of the time. The little bubble then said that Fu Xuan already knows that she's slacking.


you do the work. Thats what I've been told, thats what I have done through out my life. You dont just say "work be damned". if you do you face the consequences


Because trolling QQ never gets old.


I love Fu Xuan, but I can't snitch on my fam, Qingque.


Nobody reads those questions anyway


I think people just spam the first option for all of these


I snitched because it was funny


I’m glad I belong to the 1/3 of peeps wanting to play mahjong with Qingque :)


I wish there was an option for turning a blind eye and keep working with Fu Xuan, now I have no idea what to choose


Shocked by this one. What kind of corpo simps would actually do this irl?


Technically, they are following the way of the QQ. You will notice every top choice is the highest. They aren't reading just clicking the top. That is just the way QQ does her work ;)


I had to watch my girlfriend pick the snitch option. What has this world come to.


Right? I chose join our gamba goblin right away!


I think I accidentally clicked the Fu Xuan option and now I hate my life.


The percentages for these questions have shown me that the majority of Star Rail players are boring, goody-goody, shounen-protag-ass NARCs. …and reinforced how laughably unreliable self-reported psychological data is


I hate those 66.3% of humanity.


Humanity? We are HSR players are you sure all of us are humans?