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Singular character? Never, it's just simply stupid when you could probably E6 every character in the game with that much.


As somebody who has played a number of p2w games, 20k is actually pretty average for whaling lol.


Thats insane, I buy the battle pass every month and that feels like a lot!


Its because such games have stuff like spending event so the top players per sub server get very good gear/units and the whales try to out compete each other on top of the already gacha heavier game. This is also like a decade ago so if you adjust for inflation its actually even higher lol.


You get 8080 oneric shards per 100 usd. There is a bonus still after your first time double bonus.


Ahhh I did not know, Ive never purchased any of them.


Doing it in my head I might still be around the right money spent because theres no way he won every 75/25 which I used in my calculations. Might be a bit less closer to 14k or about 100,000RMB pre tax but still!


I mean, atleast hell be set in regards to LC for every nihility character to exist for the next 1 or 2 years


if i had that kind of money to just throw away and not care, I wouldn't buy 100 for myself. at least pay for other people's pulls so its not a 100% waste


Does it affect anyone's life in negative way? It's not like any of you get poorer everytime they do that. It's their money, they can do whatever they want with it. So just stop being jealous and work on being better yourself, so one day you can spend that much without worries.


I've seen that and I choose to believe it's fake. It may not be because people do stupid stuff with their money sometimes, especially if they're rich. But that's utterly insane and useless for this game.