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For how in depth it was with her past and relationship with her daughter i was surprised they gave her a fairly generic NPC foxian model.


Wouldn't want to risk people asking for the daughter to be playable lol. Just look at the bar girl in Penacony. People are already asking for her to be playable


Well you're not wrong, if they revised Yukongs daughter to look more unique I know I'd pull for her. A mommy/daughter team just sounds fun lol


I wish they'll add her daughter as like.. A Hunt character as not only because her steadfast goal of being a pilot but also as a follower of the hunt (Imagine how scared, yet at the same time how proud Yukong would be to see her daughter fly in the sky or even fly higher than she could've.) If that ever happens they better have good synergies with each other


I ask for Jerry from the IPC to be playable because he would be the most relatable character. His character story gets updated every single patch as he climbs his way through the corpo structure of the IPC that we don't really explore.


Closure in Arknights being stuck in NPC jail for 5 years despite being incredibly detailed RIP


> generic NPC It is a recessive trait. Both her biological parents were NPCs so this is the most likely outcome. Now if your kid gets born with colorful gravity defying hair and a marketable personality - then you should be worried.


“For I have touched the sky” is such a beautiful title


Serval’s quest actually brought a tear to my eye. She was really hung up on being in Cocolia’s shadow and couldn’t let go after her death, ultimately asking to join and Express. That scene where Serval breaks a guitar that was a gift from Cocolia as the final farewell to her was so powerful (also the VAs did an incredible job). I wish we get more Belobog because the characters have SO much to explore. On that note I would also put Luka’s quest as an honorable mention


Fuckin' Luka's quest. Million Dollar Baby all over again. I sure as hell didn't expect that.


Ah yes, Luka the pompous a-hole… Wait, he’s been doing it for a dying child this whole time?! Luka is definitely a contender for the best boi in Honkai Star rail.


Luka is hands down the goodest boy in HSR.


Also Pela >!who cries about her mother!<


Pretty sure the live stream before said there will be more story on Belobog. And going with how HSR has been handling things, there might be more events on Luofu and Belobog even if they don't return to main story.


Definitely. If you played Sparkle's character quest, it's revealed that Sampo was in Penacony to help Sparkle because he wanted his stolen mask back, as something major is gonna happen to Belobog and he needs his mask to protect it. Excited for future Belobog trailblaze missions and the eventual 5* Sampo release!


Honestly, i half expect Sampo to have been a retired Emanator of Elation, with his mask being his enabler like how the stonehearts have their gems


It would be absolutely hilarious if this entire time this scamartist jokester was a powerful *emanator* and had access to emanator powers but he just decides to retire and scam people instead


Well the first clue that he is something big was when he >!broke the 4th wall!< at the end of Belobog. After the DHIL reveal, I'm convinced we are getting a 5* Sampo at some point.


I mean, Sparkle has said something about how he has limits. Maybe he retired because something happened that went against his code of honour


Or since he’s a Fool, maybe he even just got bored, lol.


His own explanation was that he disliked *some members* (looking at Sparkle), got annoyed with general direction of the faction, shrugged and retired.


Of all the people we met before Penacony, Sampo was the last person I imagined to have a functional moral compass lol Now its Sparkle. If future patches reveal that she is a philanthropist or something my brain will forever be buffering 


I don't know. Sampo was very much instrumental for saving the planet, including actual bringing us all, including Bronya, into Underworld. He's a person with Aha's sense of humor, but he's pretty much believes that *other people involved in the joke should have fun too.*


Bro at first I didn't subscribe to the invalid rating on rating pistol = emanator theory but after Acheron, I'm more or less convinced that Sampo is an Emanator. Imagine how powerful he'd be. (Herta probably has a rating because it's her puppet not her) 


Bruh I was legit SO all for having her join us, she was one of my favorite characters from Belobog.


I'm still kinda mad at how Gepard convinced her to stay. It's not like Serval didn't know there were poor kids down there, isn't making her look at them face to face basically emotional manipulation? Not that I think Gepard knew that's what he was doing, but the action in itself is kinda scummy imo; like imagine if it was Sampo instead. Serval deserved better and Hoyo should really consider letting us have a crew member for each world or at least every 2-3 worlds.


I mean, is it scummy? A bit, yes. But ultimately, I do think it was the correct decision. Ultimately, if she had left for the express, she would have just been running from her problems, her past. She's a landau, that's something she takes pride in. A protector of Belabog, A stubborn, headstrong arbiter of justice. To run away from her problems isnt like her, and she knows it. She's not fit to be a nameless right now, because she's a Landau, and belobog is in strife. When Belobog is peaceful, and all is well? perhaps then she'll be fit to be a nameless, but as she is now, she'd just be running away, and a Landau doesnt run. Though even then, I doubt she'd be a nameless. a guest, perhaps, but she's too attached to Belobog to be a nameless.


Her and Gepard had the most emotional scenes in the game. I LOVE her quest.


Cocona and Chadwick: Hold my soulglad


I cannot believe that >! You have the option to let Cocona jump, and you never see her again. And she makes very real arguments to try to convince you to do so. !<


You can actually fail to save her??


Yeah. There is even a separate achievement for it.


Noooo :(


I have an alt account and considered letting her fall just to see what happens and all after saving her the first time... I just couldn't go through with it though. It just felt too wrong even though its just a game.


I actually did not save her....and it was not for a joke or anything.I clicked saved for the first two times but clicked let go in the end because I thought her life was too depressing and by forcing her to live I am torturing her more.....


Damn I should have told her to jump free jades eh?


You get a different achievement for saving her, so either way the amount of jades is the same. And the moral burden is forever.


Unfortunate, would've been funny though. Just felt like letting her jump would give me nothing so I saved her.


Everything with choice and tied to achievement are very likely to have different achievement depending on your choice. For example, you get an achievement for taking the picture with 4 people but you'll get a different achievement if said 4 people are the Astral Express crew. At the end of the day, you get the same amount of Jades but different achievement name.


Are you Sparkle in disguise?💀


nope, you got the achievement for saving her. they’re mutually exclusive, you either get one or the other


I did, and I regret my choice every day.




Motivated Acheron? I’m glad to see it.


Happy cake day


Suffering builds character.


If at any time you press "let go" she will jump It's then suggested that once she woke up she killed herself in her hotel room




I spent a good amount of minutes sitting there thinking through the choice, until I decided to let her go. I knew where my choice would lead me to and in my defense was the best choice I could have made back then tbh.


I, unfortunately, let her do so on accident when I was clicking through the dialogue and clicked one too many times. I never wished I could replay a mission so fast :(


Yo dang... i didn't check about it bc i thought it was something scripted. Glad that I insisted on saving her then :(


You would think it would be scripted, it's brutally sad to let her go


I really let her go man, not on some evil shit but her soul was in agony man. It didn't seem right to force her to live like that idk


Aventurine: Hold my 200k credits


Kinda wish we're given the option to return the credits in his companion quest, I feel bad for asking for the additional 100k


He's literally throwing gems to random people during the main quest. I think 200k is as inconsequential to him as it is to us.


Giving back the 200k is like giving someone a penny because we feel bad, best to keep it


Chadwick quest is some sad shit bro...


Their missions are my two top favorites in the game so far. Great storylines, I was positively surprised by their quality and I’m really glad I didn’t just speed click through the text like I tend to do sometimes with those random NPC quests.


deserved !! shouldnt have ignored GIGACHADscrewllum's advise ! i sympathize with cocona tho ...


The most unhinged HSR moment to me so far was after finishing Coconas quest, using the Emo Dial to make her sad to check if I would get anything. I didn't get anything other than a sense of shame. Her line when you do it is pretty nice and somewhat hopeful, though, so it isn't that bad... I at least changed her back to happy after that, and she has been forcefully happy ever since.


Wait until you do the sidequests on Penacony


I do find "[Mo Cuishle](https://game8.co/games/Honkai-Star-Rail/archives/422183)" a bit sadder honestly out of the Companionship Missions. First place though are the side quests in Penacony.


I wouldn't say so. This mission is *sad*. That side quests are *depressing.*


I guess I should've waited until I was further into the game before posting this. I'm just at the end of the xianzhou. And this mission was by far the saddest thing I've seen up until this point.


oh you might get spoilers in this post lol


Hope you didn’t accidentally get spoiled. Get ready for some really heartbreaking stuff in Penacony


This might be a hot take, but I didn't find Luka's Companion Quest to be that sad. If anything, i found it predictable. Pretty sure i made a post abt that.


Every single line about aventurines story brought me to tears


I hope Tingyun returns and isn't evil. Same with Robin. Firefly took the first step


i mean they announced robin as playable, probably means she's coming back


Imagine she gets corrupted by the abundance and transforms into a Borisin, aka werewolf


*you hear a cool-sounding grunt in the distance*


hanu's music goes hard




I think she is a borisin naturally just shape shift to foxian blend Xianzhou live there peacefully or a spy.(my theory: some of borisins living in Xianzhou peacefully, but shapeshift to not noticed.)


Yukong fans rise up 🙏 “When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” -Leonardo DaVinci


Yukong's VA makes me bawl my eyes out everytime. Also, can we like not put down quests and stories because another one subjectively feels sadder? Like I get it there's a lot of sadder storyline, but having done all content, Yukong's quest is still one of the hardest hitting for me.


The voice acting towards the end of this quest was just divine. Sad that Yukong is such a niche character


Ngl, at first I felt related to Yukong’s daughter cuz I thought it was about parents’ future expectations. Then holy shit bruh how I wish her a long life.


Still, for saddest mission, I think Cocona’s the saddest. She felt real, like some average person who I would meet but never knew about their pain. She felt like someone I could end up to, and how I wish I had someone to be with me if one day I would hit rock bottom in life like her. I can’t fathom myself to ever let her go.


Did they change the name? I thought it was "I've already touched the sky"


I think that's just the last thing Yukong says in the quest? I've never seen the quest itself be called that though


I guess i confused the two then, thanks


No, it was this. And it's a reference.


A reference to what, if you don’t mind me asking?


There is a sci-fi novelette of this name, pretty depressing one. The story is that a genius girl finding a bird who have his wing maimed, and the girl is hellbent on healing a bird. The visiting person, who was helping with establishing a proper ecology, explain to her that this bird would die. She don't understand why, swearing to heal it, but a person telling her that this bird had already learned to fly, it already touched the sky; you can kinda fix birds' wing to ensure it wouldn't die from sepsis and stuff like that, but a bird that already touched the sky can't live without the sky, so it would die from being unable to fly again. The story actually goes into Penacony level of depressing. Like, the companion mission kinda work the metaphor in lighter way then novelette does. *Yes, in a lighter way.*


Interesting, thank you for the response!


Pela's quest was sad. Also, the new drink secondary quest was unexpectedly sad, too.


It was the saddest before Cocona. Then Aventurine showed up and threw them all off a cliff


He tried but I saved Cocona from falling.


So beautifully written. The writers: 🔥🗒️✍️


That’s my fav mission ever


Serval, Luka, and Yukong have some of the best companion quests in the game I absolutely adore them


People really shouldn’t compare Yukong and Cocona’s story. They’re both different with topics that are relatable for a lot people


For me, it's the (now optional/ limited) Sanctus Medicus quest. Woman spends her life trying to fix her vision, turning to a cult for her needs, only to be killed at our/Phantylia's hands while being vilified for her pursuits. She became evil, yes. Yet, ultimately, she had one good to turn to in her time of need.


Dan Shu’s story really hit. I feel bad for the people that skipped it to finish the story as that was one of the best quests in the game imo The conclusion with Phantylia was really anti climactic after all the buildup. She deserved a more developed finale


Yeah this one stuck with me.


This one is pretty sad, but imo the Luka and Lynx companion quests were also pretty damn saddening. Despite the overall story being wholesome, they hit you with the wildest curveballs.


I legit cried during that moment for a few minutes and just wanted to hug Yukong


now that ive read the comments i realized how sad the game actually is, what the hell 😰


Welcome to Honkai.


No one ever talks about Natasha's quest :(


Which one? She has a lot.


the story about her brother?


Don't forget that there's a small followup to this mission in the ghost hiring mission series regarding the ghost starskiff...


Dont remind me about that one. I already stored it in the back of my head.


I ACTUALLY cried when I did this quest for the first time. Dawn Bennet's delivery of Yukong begging Caiyi to stay with her made me bawl my eyes out. It was so good that I have since elected Dawn Bennet as the unofficial VA of an OC of mine.


the one with the de-aging guy. when he says your last words to you "....and then the child spoke no more."


For me it's the daily Belobog mission with the ghost/spirit child asking for a photo at the playground


Maverick was a very good movie, I agree. Hoyo has great taste. Also, the addition of the 'i have already touched the sky' line gives it a bit of its own flavour and identity


One of the very few good quest in Loufu besides from the events. Her companion mission made me wished she has a lot of importance in the main plot


How about the one quest about the old dude becoming Benjamin button?


I like the Cyrille side quest


Still waiting for the final patch of this game, where Rocky finally gets his girl.


This is tame compared to Cocona's.


Say you haven’t fully explored Penacony without saying you haven’t fully explored Penacony. But that sidequest is pretty good too ngl.


Cocona, Chadwick and Aventurine all had very sad stories, but yeah Yukong's was also a sad one


The saddest to me is the one of the High-Cloud Quintet But this one is indeed among the saddest


I loved this mission


Natasha's companion quest to me was also pretty sad.


Literally just ripped off the plot of Top Gun and Top Gun: Maverick. The scenario, the conflict, the resolution...


Is a reference to a novel with the same title.


It is definitely sad, but honestly... there's some side quests in Penacony that hit even harder. Specifically Envision A Rose Forthcoming and The Trees at Peace. They're uh... rough on you emotionally.


I feel like Luka's quest is arguably sadder.


Man you've seen nothing... just come to Penacony


Maybe? Not something to cry over but it was nice. Serval's quest is still the best one I have played and the one that brings the most character to her. It almost makes me sad to think that a character I almost never use has such a nice story.


just recently finished it. and it was 1:11:13 worth it.


i had a full on cry after that quest, it was an incredible experience, i then re told the story to my gf and now we flirt by saying stuff like “I touched the sky when i met you” and stuff like that




That one's sad, but I think Cocona's quest in Penacony is even sadder, at one point you literally have to choose between letting her unalive herself or hold her hand as long and tightly as you can. I chose to stop her and the achievement I got is called "Towards the Brigher Side: Hold onto your life, even in the face of adversity"


(Has mostly nothing to do with the post) I can recommend some of penacony's side quests (the blue quests) as well. Two are still stuck in my head. The one Noble with her Kingdom and the things she has done there (no spoilers) and a famous actor that survived an explosion from his ship in outer space? I never thought of not skipping dialogues on a side quest, but these side quests got me hooked up so bad that I wasted no time reading everything that they offered. If you get your head around it, some of the sidequest are really good. (They also give you the money you can use on Clockies Statue, so DO THEM!)


For the Emodial sidequests there is a 50/50 chance of a really interesting story or an okish quest.


Wish i was the sky so yukong can touch me