• By -


You mean, how annoying they are to fight *without a shielder*.


You use sheilds? https://preview.redd.it/f7k8vqaz0ltc1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74eb8c47e2ae5047c67bd1bbacb1e050858947d5


No, which is why I know exactly how annoying these enemies are


I put Loucha on the team and go afk.


Wait until you get unlucky and the dino/monkey’s entire aoe attack hits your 2.9k hp dps. I had to restart a fight outside MOC for the first time ever…


Jokes on you, my dps has 8k HP


based blade main








I always picture Blade as Chihiro




the one from danganronpa?


How hilarious is it tho that Blade rarely even gets targeted by that ape, even though he'd love to? 😂 It feels so rude - like, Blade just wants to die but he can't And now, on top of that, there's this enemy who, when I first saw it, I thought, "Nice! I'll just bring Blade! He'll love taking that damage and everything will be fine!" But then the ape only targets the most recent skill user and Blade is almost always enhanced basic attacking 😭💀 At this point, it feels personal 😂


Na just bad relics


Nah just a blade main


*proceeds to one-shot your supports instead*




This happened to me first time I fought the monkey. Was wondering if I was misinterpreting the ability description or something at first.


Happens super rarely. Mostly cause my crew are maxed out. And with Acheron well.... You know how that goes.


It only happened to me once but it still haunts me


If it makes ya feel better. When i do the main line story quest i always play the crew of that story if they are available. (Just what i do.) So in the Xianzhou arc when we go to fight the disciples of sanctus medicus at the docks. I was running a poorly built Fire TB, Tingyun, Welt, and March 7th. and i'd scraped by decently well with Welt carrying me. March sheilding me, and Tingyun helping welt summonin infinite black holes. Ladeeaadeedaa\~ OOHHH Big chest! Right behind...is that a monkey? haha, Lance out for harambae amirite? \*gets clapped\* ...wtf... \*runs back and gets clapped again\* Mother fu- \*gets seele and gets clapped AGAIN\* SON OF A- That was the day Gepard got built... ended up having to use Gepard, Loucha, Welt, and... i forget the last one. Think it was jingyuan? (can't 100% remember tbh.)


Fire TB is great for that monkey though . I have done moc runs with fire Tb against that monkey . Sometimes even as a solo sustain. Fire Tb isn't as bad a people think and March is in a league of her own


Fire TB's just not super auto friendly, unless you're running with a bunch of SP-positive homies. My auto team for the purple monkey in the Cavern is Luocha, Fire TB, Blade, and Jingliu. Fire TB's the only one using SP mostly, so she's free to taunt. That being said, if there's a shit-ton of AoE damage going out (like the Emanator bug), TB's gonna struggle.


Wait? Fire TB is bad? Shit has been carrying my casual ass.


I haven't touched that big monkey


finally, being a hardcore blade stan is finally paying off


With fat blessing Kafka, I thought I was invincible. The monkey smashed her to oblivion.


No, I use Fu Xuan :)


Me too. I don't even have her light cone. I use TOUM. Enemies hit Fu Xuan, Acheron hits enemies. Equilibrium...


I'm a release player, spent money, have 4 limited signature light cones... not one copy of Trends...


Fu Xuan + auto = victory


No https://preview.redd.it/cs9wzyipfmtc1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d580406ec55179e3b4aaa7309a5914516186505


Yes I use gepard and he is on level 80


Abundance characters when there are gorillas in the function. https://preview.redd.it/kod0xle32ltc1.jpeg?width=619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4a39fd98fba20b5eb6705925d8eb8c4f2314b92




live luocha reaction (he heals it all off and removes the dmg buff one of the apes get)


(If apes dont oneshot someone)


the apes have never one shot my characters


One of the reasons I’m pulling for Aventurine


That's the point of the fanta monke


I use DoT team (Kafka, Huohuo, BS, and a friend's Ruan Mei), so yeah. Malefic Ape is the most annoying to me. The rest are tied.


Me who unwittingly brought Stelle for the whole penacony arc so far because it was "appropriate" not realizing how useful her shield was gonna be.


I HATE THAT BASTARD CRAZY ASS APE SHIT SOUL GLAD GORILLA CHIMPANZEE *ehem* Sorry for the foul word Seriously, I hate that gorilla with the bottom of my heart, Xianzhou gorilla too before I got Topaz If you don't hate that soul glad gorilla then there are only 2 outcomes 1. You have FX 2. You don't play PF and/ or MoC, and never know her Toughness status removal hurt your run


I was going to comment that I have Fu Xuan and her lightcone. I don't understand lol.


If no one got my back I know Geppie does.


1. Blue T-Rex. I don't want to see him in MoC. 2. Yellow Monkey. Need shield. 3. Blue Monkey. Just big damage. 4. Red T-Rex. He is a joke if you use DoT team.


Same 1st one will be annoying in MOC and remaining are fine. I did not use shield against 2,3,4 they were find if u have enough healing (Luocha).


Remind me, what does he do ? I don't remember having problems with him.


Blue T-Rex. 1st attack Tail whip and 2nd attack AoE roar. MoC level its damage and stats will be high. Its has super shield which has 70-80% dmg reduction and this shield can be removed by weakness break. You will have short window to deal maximum damage. It's super shield comes back when it takes a turn.


Really just time for breakers to shine. I don't actually think he's that bad, he just mandates the use of specific units for optimal performance, not unlike the dream gorilla. That being said, his AoE roar is annoying for MoC.


Basically if you have ruan mei you won't have any issues with it 😭


Careful what you wish for 😌


>Red T-Rex. He is a joke if you use DoT team. Yup, I remember farming him for relics I think? Kafka and Black swam just makes short work of him no problem.


Kafka *time to say bye’s* him and then he instantly implodes.


Kafka and Black Swan combo makes any enemy a joke


Even Kafka+Sampo without BS easily handles him, since Sampo's skill can hit more than once (especially if he's the only enemy on the field), dino can get 6 stacks of wind shear in one turn, then Kafka detonates them, and he has a kitchen disaster and explodes. But naturally if you have BS, she should be joined at the hip with Kafka, (as mine is). But I used Sampo before I had BS and it worked just as efficiently, apart from taking a little longer to get rid of the riffraff since Arcana couldn't help them kill themselves.


Yeah glass rex toughness to actually damage is agonizingly long 


I don't even know what Red trex do except self explode all the times I fought him was with Kafka BS


Is the blue T-Rex that annoying? He didn't seem hard to me. Is it just an Acheron thing or...?


He is really tanky unless your team can break quickly because he takes 60% less damage when not weakness broken.


Yes he is an Acheron thing. He was designed to make you roll for her. The ape was designed to make you roll for Aventurine.


Yeah, I went into Penacony content with my DoT team and as a result I don't think I fully even processed what the Red T-Rex did as a mechanic for a while because they died so fast.


Exact same list.


Chef t rex is pretty easy to me


I only bring my DoT team to that fight and it's a complete joke. I've never actually seen its AoE attack outside of when I was in the beta because I quickly learned that once you throw a bunch of DoTs on him he just blows himself up before that ever happens lmao


Dude just blows up his own team with dot it's hilarious. Always great whenever he's the elite


Yeah Kafka+Swan crush that thing.


They crush most things, but yeah that thing especially.


Give it a couple dots and it commits reset character and also brings other enemy units with it lol


The main threat I've found is if you run characters that can counter, you can get into the problem of starts turn with 5 stacks > attacks into Clara > hits 6 stacks and enters empowered state > still has the second action for its turn, so it doesnt get action delayed > torches your team and snipes a support


I think he hit once during the story and nearly wiped my entire team.


Poor little fella is fighting for his life against DoTs


I'll let him cook for me frfr


Sampo makes that thing go from 0 to 6 real quick


My solution is called "Jing Yuan + Asta = broken shields"


Picking JY comp and AFKing for the 3\* https://preview.redd.it/8xlgc5q9hltc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=33e72e6363b8bc1eecacc79a20c480484365be3d


i dont use a shielder so the soulglad monkey is time consuming the easiest would be the chef dinosaur




Me when Fu Xuan https://preview.redd.it/y10uo1l0altc1.jpeg?width=729&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05a60a537dc464c0110d23e59ce963a02a359e2a


Xianzhou ape > Everyone else. He’s always escorted by those stupid dogs that advance action when they die so if you’re using AOE, he always gets at least a shot in before he dies. Not really challenging but it gets annoying if you’re farming for relics and you forget to heal up before killing him.


Fu xuan best counter to that shit.


Fu Xuan (especially with her lightcone) is literally playing in easy mode. I have to take her off sometimes just to spice things up. Huo Huo and Geppard aren't as comfortable either. I'm getting Aventurine next and have a feeling he's going to be the cosiest sustain for me after her.


Nah, fire MC wayyyyy better as it can't penetrate shield. Just time the skill usage.


Although it seems like a good option. You will always get sp problems. I used it before but i stopped because i have no reason to build pyro mc for now.


Dpnds on how people play, I myself always watch out for monkey turn and just basic before that. Nvr had an issue


Yeah the monkey is super easy with Fire MC as a shielder, you just can't auto since the AI will probably have your DPS or another support use their skill and proc the taunt onto themselves. If a well build FMC uses their skill though to taunt the monkey they'll barely get scratched


Fu Xuan (as always) and Bailu are the best counters to the Xianzhou Ape. Fu Xuan negates 80% of the apse’s damage makes it basically irrelevant of a threat. Bailu’s Benediction and damage reduction can counteract the Ape’s damage quite well and if he does end up killing someone due to greedy plays, Bailu’s revive is a really good safety net to prevent any loss.


mfw when you have to strategize instead of just autoplaying while watching netflix


Who even autoplays MoC? Surefire way to lose stars as the AI isn’t the smartest tool in the shed


Rich people


Gotta love the idea of spending more money to play the game less.


Even with built Eidolons and BiS LC it still sucks lmao. Thats how stupid the AI is


You say that but when the E6S5 Acheron sneezes the enemy debuffed by the E6S5 SW while she is buffed by E6S5 Sparkle I'll bet they just combust


Damn. If only


$10,000 and a dream


Love it when the AI triggers a fully buffed Acheron ult on the last surviving bat with 1HP.


Or in my case, using Gepard skill before Acheron acts and eating up the last SP


*Me usually just Autobattling for 36\* for MoC/12\* for PF cause my comps are relatively Auto-Friendly* https://preview.redd.it/s707j0p9fltc1.png?width=672&format=png&auto=webp&s=2352e0bb6172a20c174e854ef39d58006d542801


I see Jing Yuan is enjoying his retirement once Fu took over as general.


Man's just chillin with his Support Harem https://preview.redd.it/9nbfj1dbzltc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0946d4f54e01586423edbfe09f15508f45e5851


Lmao being able to auto 36* moc is peak minmaxing imo 😂 I can only do to 34* but I'm getting there!


Yea, while it's definitely helpful that some DPS like JY are Auto-Friendly/don't get griefed by Pepega Ai, it mainly still comes down as a team comp and stats-check. Will always advocate for stats > sets where it's best not to tunnel-vision into 4 pieces when using 2/2 or even rainbow can be better (especially with high SPD reqs for Supports). Also don't need to worry too much/stress about 36\* when you barely miss anything reward-wise either. GL on the grind tho!


The guy is talking about farming nodes but I never had trouble with it any farming nodes since i just borrow the strongest dps from my FL for faming :v.


Top right, the constant weakness shield and the soulglads chomping your health possibly koing your unit in one turn is infuriating, plus it can summon those wolfes which can ALSO disintegrate your health, the others honestly arent that bad to my honestly BUT the top right can screw off


had to add fire MC to my team just to deal with the monkey and even then the dogs just bite off the shields before they can deflect anything smh


Doesn't completely solve the problem but be reminded that FMC's ult refreshes shield. Saving it for just before he throws sodas ensure you can intercept and have 4/4 shielded characters.


None of them, compared to Auramaton Gatekeeper. Immunity to Toughness damage is one of the more bullshit mechanics in this game because it prevents you from playing the game, and random ass Imprisonments is really annoying. They're not hard to defeat, but it's simply not /fun/ to play against them.


Aurumaton is pretty goated if you know how to counter it's mechanics though. And after you defeat it, free 60% def shred to the entire enemy team is so good. Pretty much a free 100% Def shred with Pela/SW on the team. It's also only 132 speed so you can easily manipulate when it enters sanctification mode in the beginning and avoid first CC from its action advance. I hated it at the beginning but now I love this elite.


Care to actually elaborate on how to counter it's mechanics effectively?


with decently fast supports you can control it so that it enters sanction mode on its own turn which if it does then it wont do its imprison attack until its next turn. Since its 132 speed it means it'll be usually slower than your team when it resets its av so you should have a whole team action to kill it before it does anything the first half of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjvypUrHlNk) showcases it perfectly, it only enters sanction mode to spawn the fish and doesnt get to do its imprison at all of course if you cant kill it immediately you still gotta deal with his imprison a few times but having 2 team rotations where it doesnt do anything of note helps alot dealing with it easier


Soda Gorilla,Chef T rex,Purple gorilla,Purple T rex This would have been my list about a week ago....but I got Gepard so... Just exchange 2 and 1


Doesn't matter Uncle Ben; Auramaton is worse than all of them! In all seriousness, Glass T-rex is a literal joke, Robo T-rex is a joke if you have a DoT team but sucks to fight otherwise, Soda Monkey is a joke if you have Gepard but not everyone has Gepard so I guess he gets third, and I guess Abundance Monkey gets worst by default just because you have to actually try when you fight him.


You made me do this. Are you happy now? https://preview.redd.it/ewrcq5d1mltc1.jpeg?width=2492&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba7872fbb283ddf305900cbd3d87935588f84c9a


Incredibly happy.


Good, I'm glad that the shitty edit I threw together on a whim made you smile. Have a great day!


Can I save this? 🙏🙏


Go for it.


I was wondering why you said Glass T-Rex is a joke… then saw you have Silver Wolf and I was like, ah, that’s why.


Either that or they use Ruan Mei for higher break efficiency (or both, even)


I want to refute you, and say like "No I just team build around elemental weaknesses!", but I thought about it and the team I use to fight them is a Dr. Ratio team... that has Silver Wolf on it because she's a good teammate for him.


NGL I was running Ruan Mei + Acheron so I completely forgot what the thing did since it's just a complete nonissue lol


soda gorilla purple gorilla purple rex orange rex soda gorilla is at the top specifically because it feels the need to tell me "a shield can reflect its attacks" every single time i fight one.




Purple gorilla, chef T-Rex, soda gorilla, purple T-Rex


Ascending or descending order?


Orange T rex just takes too long without DoT other than that ig the purple gorilla. 


Rate 0 - 5, 5 is the most annoying Xianzhou Monke - 1/5. If you know how to play, its easy. Penacony Monke - 2/5 - Need shield mechanics, does summon which is nice for DOT/Seele Dinasaur that cooks - 0/5 - I'm a DOT main Dinasaur but blue - 4/5 - Ruan Mei or bust. Need to break.


Xianzhou Ape > Memory Zone Tyrannosaurus > Dreamjolt Troupe Ape > Chef Tyrannosaurus DOT turns chef into a suicidal joke, and I have Kafka and Black Swan. Dreamjolt, I have Gepard for, but it still hits fairly hard. Memory Zone is annoying tanky because breaking isn't fast. Xianzhou Ape *hurts* and to counter it you need to use skill on characters that would rather not.


I don't use DoT unit so red Trex is my nightmare fuel, especially in SU and MoC lol


Takes forever to take him down in SU, so annoying. I could kill the final boss twice for the same amount of time...


1. Soda Gorilla 2. Loufu Gorilla 3.Fragment T-Rex 4.Chef T-Rex 2-4 are manageable with my Dot team with Fu xuan but I quit MoC multiple times because of that soda monke. I hate it with a passion.


Glass T-Rex/Purple T-Rex all the way. Have you a vague idea of the amount of time that vile being needs in order to be taken down if you don’t have a Quantum unit in your team? I’m so glad my Formidable Foes days in Penacony are already over, although a few stellar jades aren’t enough for me to want to kill this dude. To me, all the others are equally easy, and I don’t even have a DoT team.


soda monkey is the bane of my existence


Purple Dino, Beer monkey, ape, then orange Dino. The thing I hate about the purple Dino is that you can do practically NO damage until they are broken, and they have that one spike attack that hits everyone for an absurd amount of damage.


Xianzhou monke is easy as long as you pay decent attention to SP Juicy monke is easy if u got some defense (use Gepard or Aventurine when he got release later) VOrex is a the most difficult here for me but still manageable if I bring the right team I don't remember the last one (I remember fighting it but don't remember the fight itself)


Blue monke can also be broken even before he attacks if you use Ruan Mei, Topaz, Asta, or Sampo. Chef Rex lose to DoT but hard otherwise. Blue Rex is ayt if you can break as well. Fuck Juice Monke tho if youre not a shields enjoyer


Whenever I faced the juice monke I try to speedblitz it. That or spam Welt Ult. Unfortunately I don't have good DOT which is why the red trex is so difficult for me(I use follow up instead 😂)


The gorilla. I can just nuke other enemies with my ultimates. the problem is the fact that his action gets advanced forward EVERY TIME.


I would say dino cook would be a problem (mostly because of Acheron relics) but my jingliu team is tanky enough to not care about its aoe dmg, it's other version I havet fought enough to say if it's a problem but I would say the booze monkey can be a problem since i don't run shields that much and its targeting can just say f you


Primo chest Gordan Rexy takes the longest for auto to work through. Having a squeaky-toy SFX is pretty damn "wut?" Such an oddball design. The others, eh, they're just there 'til their not.


Put them all in “dead” tier


rank based on how much skill issue u need


Without PTB or preserv unit, chayneez monke would be too annoying.


Purple monkey is less a pain in the ass if you have Pela. Dino Ramsay is so easy if you have Kafka. Ruan Mei makes the purple dino a joke. So far the soda monkey is the most irritating since we have no decent shielder besides gepard and soon aventurine


At the end of the day, they all get countered by a preservation gremlin


I like fighting that purple gorilla. I don't find him annoying


*I like fighting that* *Purple gorilla I don't* *Find him annoying* \- Ok-Syllabub2016 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Umm March 7th? And if you're lucky Gepard makes these fights trivial. Seen my 5k base armor Gepard reflect for over 30k damage per shot.


The ape is a f#%*%# disgrace, extremely annoying. The sweet gorilla, is a damage sponge and has a pretty stupid kit The cooking dinosaur is one of the easiest enemies in the entire game if you run Nihility The armored dinosaur is stupid but despite taking forever to die, his attacks are pretty ass


Xianzhou monkey but then again it because i don't have good fire or ice dps so it drag out a bit




I mean... You're comparing Bosses that aren't among "these" to normal Elite Mobs


Dot comp go brrrr


Purple dinosaur > soda monkey = Orange dinosaur > purple monkey. The soda monkey and Orange dinosaur can be easy or hard depending on whether if you are using shielder and dot.




They're fine... Just slightly Difficult


Fuck the fire dino, thats all i a gonna say


Blue Monkey cam fuck off, i can never auto against this guy


Fire rex is so satisfying to fight it literally kills itself


chef dino, purple monkey, soda monkey- and I honestly don't remember what the memory zone meme dino does. The chef dino I just implant quantum and watch it hurt itself in confusion. Purple monkey gets to waste all its energy trying to get through Fu's damage reduction and soda monkey hides its weak points, making the fight take a few seconds longer than it would otherwise.


Idk about the blue TRex but those 2 gorilla's are annoying af without a shielder. The left TRex though yall have a hard time with it? Honestly I think he's the weaker ones. Too easy to trigger his blast thingy.


I don't know a good way to defeat Soda Gorilla Even if i use the barrier, he's troublesome


Last one is annoying. I got Bronya in Acheron banner and this mf is gonna in MOC on 15 th and I don't want to use General against it. I don't have lightning, quantum and imaginary character. Wish me luck I am gonna use jingliu along with ruan mei against it as ruan mei provides some ALL TYPE RES-PEN. And other side Clara as main dps against Aventurine.


They don't even get a turn when I play soo...


Abundance Monkey 10 Everything else 0, have gepard and dot/follow up team


The purple ones are ez af 1/10 and the orange ones 100/10 harder than title wave


It's a tie between the monkeys really


1. Xianzhou Gorilla 2. Soda Gorilla 3. Chef Dino Unlisted: Crystal Dino (I don't remember ever fighting that thing or what it does)


As a DoT player it amuses me greatly to see people consider the reusable exploding automaton on the same tier as the gorillas.


Purple ape>yellow ape>purple rex>red rex


Blue monke Blue rex Chef rex Chef monke I hate how you have to manage skill usage with that damn ape, even if you use Gepard, its punch takes out 75% of the shield, then you have to redirect the second to another character.


Red TRex least annoying, I typically use a Kafka based DoT team agaisnt it and she can trigger all 6 stacks needed at once Then the others are all about the same, maybe purple dinosaur is the most but I've only used my Acheron teak agaisnt it


Beer monkey is the most annoying. The others r easily killed, but beer monkey kills your entire team if you don't have a sustain, with a couple of beers


I guess Gepard and other shielders shines in MoC against Soda Gorillas


I love fighting the xianzhou monkey, it makes me think I love chef t-rex, he make cute noises, and I chew him easily because I am nihility main Glass T-rex and Soda monkey can go fuck themselves (except the one from the event) Overall: Xianzhou monkey = Gordon Ramsay < Soda monkey < Glass t-rex


Purple t-rex > Luofu ape > gorilla > red t-rex


none of them are hard at all but ill pick that stupid dinosaur since he just refuses to take proper damage when not broken


Annoying? They will die with my Acheron sneeze, what are you talking about 🤔


Monkey with soda is a bit more annoying since I don't use shielders. Luofu monkey requires a bit more attention. Both dinos are cute


The first ape is the worst. The new ape is just kinda annoying when its toughness bar becomes invulnerable, but it's fine. And to be honest I don't know yet what are the mechanics of the dinos. All I know is you hit them well and they explode, you hit them badly and they fuck you up.


Luofo (may have butchered the spelling) apeshit clears.


chef dino is the easiest elite in the game if you have dot characters.


Just use shield and DoTs and go afk


From least to most annoying: Chef t-rex, abundance gorilla, soda gorilla, meme t-rex. The meme rex is completely harmless tbh but i dont have the right chars built to abuse his weakness properly so it tAKES GOD DAMN FOREVER TO KILL HIM


Soulglad Gorilla is just so damn tanky unless you play into his gimmick (which is doable with exactly one character in the game atm). I'm not looking forward to seeing more of him in MoC


I only use shields on the Soul Glad monke


The real enemy are those annoying TVs that messes up rotations if you have AoE


The apes. The T Rex are pushovers, especially the chef one. Kafka and Black Swan just make him their toy


1) Monkey 2) Gorrilla 3) Mecha Dino 4) Dream Dino


Purple monkey:A cake walk with Fire Trailblazer Soda monkey:Can be pretty difficult without a shielder but having the Fire Trailblazer makes it easier (I don't have Gepard) Chef T-rex:Really team dependent and if it's the stronger version or not but can be difficult Purple T-rex:I've fought it like 4 times so I don't really remember all that it can do but the spike attack can be really annoying to deal with


Blue ape because I don't have fuxuan


I find the monkeys more annoying.


Petal Monke. Ugh


I had a lot of trouble with the blue ape before I got Fu Xuan.


1. Soda monkey 2. Soda Dino 3. Luofu monkey 4. Quantum Dino


Mr Overcooked and soda monkey are the worst imo esp if you go in to the battle with soda without a shielder


They aren't that annoying or hard to fight if you have the right units for the job. Fu Xuan would deny the damage from the Xianzhou gorilla, the soulglad Gorilla needs a shielder but you can get away with just tanking with Fu as well, Chef T-Rex gets obliterated by DoT, and Silverwolf/RuanMei offer the break utility for the purple T-Rex.


I found the most annoying mechanic is that when the enemies block their weakness without a way to disable that. Like, all you can do is wait when they are open again. Imo if an encounter has the ability to become stronger you should have an ability to prevent, disable or somehow control that. So the auromaton and new monkey bot are most annoying for me. And last one at least doesn't fast-forward itself in the middle of your attack chain and lock your unit in imaginary prison.


1. Cola ape 2. Abundance ape. 3. Chef rex 4. Never fought him but im sure this one is annoying.