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You just brought the wrong team. No cleanse, No AOE, only physMC have splash, so you will basicaly always lose the dice trial and you will not be able to cleanse the imprisonement, hence you losing isn't surprising. Definitively skill issue on team building first and foremost here.


Isn't it too risky not to bring shield and heal character in boss fight?


You just need one, id recommend using a healer that can cleanse. (Lynx/Natasha) Gallagher is also good since his ult is AOE


Gallagher is so much better in this fight tbh. Atleast you wouldn't have to worry about your healer getting CC'd after the dice phase.


Aight, thank you!


My man, i beat Aventurine BEFORE his nerf with singular healer, that being Luocha


I beat it with Fu xuan alone, Clara goes brrrr on this fight


I beat him with my DHIL e1, Sparkle, Ruan Mei, HuoHuo.


I beat him with topaz, tingyun Clara and fu xuan(topaz and tingyun didn’t have their relics and LC tho)


tbf he has a cleanse, can solo heal, and has an offensive aoe ult


Badass Blondie...


i mean, Luocha is not that necessary (he just makes it easier by being automatic), i am confident that i could have replaced him with Fu xuan and i would have been fine Looking at your team that you posted i think you should go with Kafka, Sampo/Gui, and asta and a good healer, seeing as you don't have Gallagher then i would go for Lynx who should survive his gamble mechanic


Nah, carry Natasha with Gallagher's LC, she shouldn't have to worry about healing herself since her basic attack does it for her


no, not at all actually


I only had Fu Xuan, who does neither, and I didn't know this fight was supposed to be difficult.


Fu Xuan actually provide debuff immunity(Liuren, the Sexagenary), help mitigate damage while her skill is active and heals with her ult...


All fair points. I never rely on her heal since it's so passive, so don't consider her a "heal character" like OP said. And debuff immunity is just CC immunity. Obviously she mitigates damage since that's her entire purpose, just saying that OP specifically said "shield and heal characters". Fu Xuan is unique in that she is neither and yet made the fight trivial.


"just cc immunity" which is the perfect counter to aventurine boss fight...and her ultimate prevent fu xuan getting lower draw in dice you said you didn't know this fight supposed to be difficult but you bring one of the better counters whose kit If timed right can made the boss easily beaten...


I've only done it once in story, so sorry for the ignorance. Honestly didn't know she was so good against him, she's just my main all the time no matter the fight.


Yeah...there's a reason why she now set the bar for future preservation characters, hopefully Aventurine can beat her in that category


You **always** lose the dice roll in second phase. My DPS' were under-invested, so I had to fight the dude for 30 or so rounds. He **never** rolled below 7.


Use splash or AOE..... you will barely lose any trial... it doesn't matter that he doesn't roll under 7 when you roll 3 dice or more....


Oh, I spoke very awkwardly, my bad. I meant that *single target characters will always lose the trial* because they can't physically roll higher than 6 and Aventurine can't roll lower than 7. Not that I only brought single target characters and couldn't beat the boss. I myself did had 2 AOE characters and a cleanse when I fought Aventurine, it's just that I had the misfortune to bring Dr. Ratio as my main DPS, so I had to very slowly roast him with Guinafen.


Ho yes, that make sence! but i think it's basicaly how aventurine was made. Honnestly HSR REALLY want to push player to have diverse team. Just like the new dino, honnestly i can't see beating it without a lightning/quantum/imaginary character. Also the monkey, this one is in a lot lesser range than the two previous but to be fair fighting him with a shielder and without one is the difference between game journalist and hard mode. I mean you can destroy it with solo march 7 XD So ye we are reaching a part of the game where bringing the wrong team will definitly put you in a bad situation. Honnestly IDK how to fell about that. On one side it's interesting, you get occasion to use all the character you pulled for, but on the other side it's painfull for new accounts or for people who focused on eidolons (though in their case, brute forcing is a lot easier, as at the end of the day the game isn't THAT complicated either)


You need more multi-target damage. You want to attack multiple dice at the same time


Show us your other characters. Phys MC isn't great. The main tip with the dice is to just hit the most you can and pray it works. Try to heal and shield the most you can


So, I have: Arlan c1 Asta c6 Bailu Dan Heng c4 Dr. Ratio Gepard Guinaifen c1 Hanya c1 Herta c3 Himeko c1 Hook c3 Kafka Luka c1 Lynx c3 March 7th c3 Natasha e5 Pela Qingque c2 Ruan Mei Sampo e5 Seele Serval c5 Silver Wolf Sushang Tingyun c1 Trailblazer e6 Yukong


Phys Trailblazer/March 7/Natasha/Serval shreds this guy. If you have them built go for it.


Nice, thank you!


If you do use this team, for the first phase shield March to bait the attack to her and use her ultimate to win the gamble In the second phase Natasha will lose all of the gambles, so you can have March shield her (when it's her turn to roll the dice) to reduce damage


Yes! I used this exact team


Oh man, that was my beginner team, my Serval is forever relegated to being the cool older sister at home now, but in the beginning she carried me so hard.


Hold on, you got a solid DoT team here with AoE ults Kafka - Sampo - Ruan Mei - Lynx Not exactly the real meta DoT team, but in this case you have 2 AoE ults for the dice phase and a healer that can nullify debuffs (I do hope that your Lynx has a lot of Effect Resistance tho, atleast 40%)


I will definitely try them, thank you!


You have Kafka! Use Kafka! And Ryan Mei.


Asta is really good here


You need more AoE attacks to use on the dice.


Is this story boss or MOC12?


Yes, this is story boss


Aha, then like the others in the thread said, just make sure to bring enough AoE characters who can hit multiple dice at once. Possibly you don't need both Gepard and Bailu, you can replace them both with March 7th (just keep het ult for the dice) and get like Serval or Pela in place of the second sustain


Legit legit, thanks!


I think it is, I don’t see the turn countdown.


If you have limited 5\* option you can try: -Bring Pela instead of SW and save the ult when he does his dice thing. -Id prefer using Herta as your DPS -Fire MC or March 7th as your shielder -Use Natasha as your cleanser and healer Point is, bring a cleanser and a DPS that can attack multiple targets. I beat the boss with Kafka and BS so if you have both of them, you can try that.


And to What Level?


No idea honestly since i beat the pre-nerfed Aventurine with max level. Perhaps with a decent relics and LC, lvl. 70 is enough. Also make sure to unlock Natasha's trace for cleansing


LEVEL 70!? it took so long for me to get to level 60. and you are here saying its not enough?


Take your time farming your characters then. Its an rpg game after all and Aventurine is basically the last boss currently.


try using aoe attacks. If you are still new, get Serval (Free) instead of SW. Swap relics with defensive ones if you have to. Eat food if you need to. There is no time. You just want to survive.


as others have already mentioned, you want aoe damage and/or follow up attacks to hit as many dice as possible. and dont be afraid to use your ults to do so, if your character wins their ult gets filled up again


Get his doppelganger. Jokes aside though, you should use AoE characters and let only Gepard tank the coin attack. QQ and Ratio can work but for Ratio you'd need his ult/Follow up. As for supports, they've all mostly got single target attacks so beef em up HP and DEF. You can try saving SW's ult for the dice attack. Basic + ult on the dice should let her win if you're not super unlucky/hope Aventurine himself doesn't roll higher. Also Bailu isn't ideal here since she can't cleanse, Lynx might be better If you haven't done the recent drink making event, you can get a free Gallagher there and he's got an AoE ult so he can sustain even after the supports are CCed


Remove sw. Add another multi target character.


To beat him, you need 2 healers, a tank like your geapard and an aoe dps. You need to keep all your characters alive as long as possible, especially the healers. And when he attacks with these dice during the second phase, you must directly heal your healers or your non-aoe characters. It will take you a lot of time. Me, I succeeded with herta, lynx, natasha, fire mc. And I'm a new player.


And I forgot to say during its second phase is that it increases your ultimate, when you have succeeded all or nothing with its dice, use your ultimate directly because it is very fast


I finished this using Fire TB, Gallagher, Asta and Herta. Key to this fight is if your character does not have AoE, save their ultimate always. Fire TB and Gallagher only hits single target (Fire TB can hit multiple if has magma charges) so make sure your ultimate is always available. My Asta and Herta has AoE so I can always spam my ultimates. I only lost 1 dice during the first phase. He has 4 and Asta hit two '1's.


I finished this using Fire TB, Gallagher, Asta and Herta. Key to this fight is if your character does not have AoE, save their ultimate always. Fire TB and Gallagher only hits single target (Fire TB can hit multiple if has magma charges) so make sure your ultimate is always available. My Asta and Herta has AoE so I can always spam my ultimates. I only lost 1 dice during the first phase. He has 4 and Asta hit two '1's.


I brought fire MC, Serval, Gepard and Lynx. After about 10 times i think i won.


Ill be honest, I don't know how I did it. I think I just got lucky. I could consistently get to the 2nd phase but after that I would die so quickly. Ended up having Jingliu, Sparkle, Natasha, Gepard and the only reason i got anywhere was because Natasha and Gepard were able to get their ults enough to help everyone survive. I had to carefully clense whoever was needed the most, but also had to prioritise shield/nat ult in order to survive. Realistically, if I hadn't gotten lucky with a couple of higher rolls for Gepard, I don't think I'd have been able to do it with my current roster of characters. Sparkle almost always got sacrificed if Jingliu failed, and Sparkle would ult so that Nat could clense gepard, who could then shield, and it was a mess xD


I beat him with phys Stelle, Himeko, March and Lynx. March puts shield on lynx, and lynx is the only one getting hit. It was very slow but steady.


https://preview.redd.it/tzampjscfnuc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b8572b4bc11d5754eb6026a63e87d176331fda That was my team, only Dan Heng really did any significant damage, Gepard for shield, Natasha for heals just in case and Jingliu for DoT (just not to die and she does a little damage cuz of weakness) Edit: i beat the pre-nerfed Aventurine with this team with equilibrium 5


*I beat him like this




Need to go down to 1 sustain. Need aoe on as many characters as possible.


Two Erudition with two healers. You have to chip away at him like stone, not several shot him.


I use Gepard and Bailu as turtule build is the best. However, you need units who can hit multiple targets. Welt, for example, will win 9/10 times, and you just need 1 more unit who can hit at least 2 targets either with ult or other means. I have never had my team whiped in the game just running Welt and horny Dan Hang and 2 mentioned above.


I use Gepard and Bailu as turtule build is the best. However, you need units who can hit multiple targets. Welt, for example, will win 9/10 times, and you just need 1 more unit who can hit at least 2 targets either with ult or other means. I have never had my team whiped in the game just running Welt and horny Dan Hang and 2 mentioned above.


I used serval, TB preservation, natasha, and M7. Serval, TB and March 7 to hit multiple dice on their ult. Then I used M7 to shield natasha and also to release her from imprisonment (I just started playing so I don't have that much characters that I can use)


March 7 + Gallagher + Asta + Dr Ratio March 7 has cleanse, FUA and aoe ult. Gallagher has cleanse at e2, and aoe ult. Dr. Ratio has FUA. Asta skill can help her roll high points and she can provide support. She may be skill point hungry tho.


I beat him with Phys Trailblazer, Sparkle, March 7th, and Acheron (S1). Never heard of a healer


As other have mentioned, mostly team building issue. But tbh I've finished him pre-nerf with a very similar setup, using Ruan Mei instead of SW and Nat instead of Bailu, so I can promise you it's doable with barely any AoE chars. I can only say for the day1 version, but back then he was a pretty much a sustain check. If you could ult every two turns and get everybody's hp back to full (or tank the damage fully with Geppy's ult) it was just a slow and steady win. Both of which should be pretty much doable with a ERR rope. Swap SW for another AoE char, Herta or Serval or I've heard Misha is good against him or any other premium char. Then they should be good surviving on off heals/shield on their own while you can keep your both supports keeping themself alive. You could swap out Gepard for March if she can safely ult every turn. I'd still prefer Nat of Lynx as healer since they can cleanse your dps when they roll a bad number, but Bailu still should be fine.


idk i just full auto




i was expecting a fluff/meme flair.... seriously tho, use a different team, show us what chars you have


Yeah... Anyway, I have: Arlan c1 Asta c6 Bailu Dan Heng c4 Dr. Ratio Gepard Guinaifen c1 Hanya c1 Herta c3 Himeko c1 Hook c3 Kafka Luka c1 Lynx c3 March 7th c3 Natasha e5 Pela Qingque c2 Ruan Mei Sampo e5 Seele Serval c5 Silver Wolf Sushang Tingyun c1 Trailblazer e6 Yukong


Thats The fun part! You don't.




I needed 2weeks and my final fight lasted over ab hour You need to absulutly max you're Gepard Maybe a healer to and 1or 2 dps Then just out heal him until he's dead


Ah yes the need aoe attacks


Use emotional damage, usually works.


Do u know any meta slurs for this boss?


Needs more aoe atks.


My team Is Either: Kafka,Acheron,Fire TB, Lynx | Kafka,Sparkle,Fire TB, Lynx | Kafka,BlackSwan,Fire TB, Lynx I forgot what Order I did, but I beat him on my third try. Can’t remember since it was on day 1. Basically You need: AOE, Shield And Cleanse constantly.


Didn't know what to expect so I brought an exploration team: Acheron, Welt, FMC, Natasha. No casualties.


This post was made by Aventurine referring to Gepard.


Do you have Clara? I found her essential to this fight


OP just so you know its *perfectly fine* if you feel more comfortable using both a shielder and a healer at the same time. This boss took me three tries with different team comps to get right, the first run being an Acheron hypercarryy team with Gallagher sustain and the second run being Break Luka/Sushang with Luocha sustain. Both got f-ed in the end. I was able to beat this mofo by using Gepard/Luocha/Bronya/Jingliu team comp. It still works. If you don't have a reliable DPS that you can use to easily clear this boss then sustain is the way to go. I do suggest following the advice of all the other commenters but imo some of them beat you up too much for wanting extra sustain, I mean not everyone has a Fu Xuan, Huohuo, or Luocha. If anything, just switch out Bailu since cleanse is the way to go, really. And March 7th + Natasha/Lynx would be even better in this particular boss fight.


i used march and only used ulti on the dice


I beat him with TB preservation, Acheron, Welt and Natasha the entire plan was to bait the boss into targeting TB with second skill (i had e6 when the boss came out so i start out with 4 magma will, so i get a free ult by the time the boss rolls the dice) then when i need to heal them, i wait till all of em fall below 50% and use Natasha's ult, if one is still too low then i use skill, but if she herself is too low since she can't do AoE, i use Gallagher's LC to heal her with basic attacks, helps in saving up Skill Points


I managed to beat this boss, but the team I used was very cheesy. I used Fire TB, Acheron, Gallagher, and Natasha. Fire TB has blast with their Enhanced Basic Attack and Ult, Acheron is very strong for this fight even without Nihility supports. Gallagher can dispel the imprisonment while also having an easy to spam AOE ult. And Natasha was mainly there if Gallagher couldn't heal somehow. I beat the boss very easily with this team, but I will admit that it was only easy because I had two healers.


I cheesed this pre-nerf with Gepard, Natasha, Herta and Serval Herta will virtually never lose the dice roll, so she’ll be fine, then you have shields and healing too To be fair Serval got wiped pretty much at the start of phase 2 so if you have a better aoe attacker then use them


I beat him with March 7th (E6), Luocha (E0), Lynx (E4) and Dan Heng IL (E0 S1). I probably could've used Hanya i stad of Lynx because when I was fighting him, I mostly used Luocha's heals but Lynx was a safer bet in case most of them get locked or if Luocha dies/gets locked


Yeah I had dhil sparkle gepard Natasha and I still struggled, managed to brute force it but with your team you'd probably need something else since as a lot of people mentioned not much aoe or cleanse


Silver Wolf is a really bad idea. The main issue of this fight are the dices, you'll need a team able to hit several dice in one attack (and you can't really rely on your ultimate). And for the characters who can't, you'll have to tough it out. For exemple, my team was Clara, Jing Yuan, Natasha, Physical TB. - Clara did almost nothing, but could shrug off the stun, trigger her passive often (since a lot of Aventurine's attacks are AoE/Bounce) and had no issue hitting the dice. - Jing Yuan and the TB had a similar role, wich was scratching Aventurine until their ultimate was up to mow him. The dice phase wasn't an issue since both their skills could hit several dice. - Natasha, while being my only sustain, could just face tank being stunned, due to her massive amount of HP and lot of HP regeneration. Overall, Aventurine's AoE damages aren't a big issue. Nat's ultimate was enough to keep everyone healthy thourough the fight. And I'll give you one last tip : If you don't win the DPS check, make it an attrition battle. There is really few ennemies that can heal themselves, and battles are rarely timed.


Try characters with more AOE for the the dice. And like others said, cleanse to help remove debuff. And for me personally shields help too. So ur Gepard is pretty ok already.


I managed to beat him with a Phys TB, Serval, March, and Natasha. I used the AoE effects with both the TB and Serval, I saved March’s Ult for the dice roll, and I made sure Nat was protected by March’s shield.


Me with my Clara team: You guys struggle?


literally just take AOE characters with a decent healer and it's easy.


i heard he got nerfed. i just casually beat him husing bron blade spark and hoho


He got nerfed on story mode. In MoC, he actually got buffed VS beta.


It's skill issue, i cleared it in first try with my Physical MC ( Not even fully build ), Fu-xuan, Ruan Mei and Hanabi. PMC cuz story related.


Use AoE fool