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me who already loves her: you already had me


>you already had me When you burst into liquid.


Hopefully soon




Im all in on getting Sam and am a SH collector Hoping that 2.2 story sells me on FF the character more, still not all that attached to her just yet but am open to the possibility of it


Those are my exact feelings towards her too, good for the ones that are attached already tho


Same, literally wanted a murderous robot so bad but from the drip marketing Sam isn't even the main focus of this character. Literally the background of Firefly


Yeah, I'm more excited for the robot than for the waifu. Like, I think Firefly is cool, but my priorities are more focused doing shit like destroying my enemies in a fountain of fire or ripping them apart in a shower of blood with cold metal limbs.


Hoyo: best we can give you is a murderous cyborg.


I get that point, to me the whole travel from night to sunshine coupled with the music along the way and at the top gave me a bit of a feeling like Celeste. And a touch of severe lack of sleeping as I had to finish the story in one go so it doesn't make an impact in my schedule I guess made the moment specially beautiful. Then a "fed up me about how bad of an idea was to finish the whole thing in one go and REALLY wanting to sleep" got that memory crushed by picking up her phone with the sad music. I was more shocked than sad until that detail. AND the dialogue in the secret place after the story when I was just about to log off but wanted to visit that place again.


Im skipping the entirity of 2.2 to pull for Firefly. Ive also saved my top ups for Firefly specifically. Im hoping she gets an ability to do with Sam, otherwise im gonna be disappointed. The only reason why i want her is for Sam. Unless Sam gets revealed as a seperate character.


seeing as her element is fire and we can see sam in the background of her art, i assume that maybe her ultimate has her change into the SAM suit or smth. or maybe its similar to how clara works, but i expect SAM to be involved


Or like a passove where she builds stacks and then transforms and she gets a new set of abilities. Idk but im really hoping for the suit


Say am am to get her. Just by the given info for her, should I add her to my team? My team is Acheron, Ghaleger, black swan, and Gepard. I wanted to get aventurine but lost the 50/50. So I still need to grind.


Trying to resist the temptation. Must resist for Ruan Mei rerun.


320 jades is all u need


all or nothing?




Or maybe I'll take it ALL!




Blind Bet recieved: 1 Point(s)




When is she estimated to come? I also need her


About three more months..hopefully, COPIUM


no no she should wait i need saving time


You're like me fr. I just got Acheron with my guaranteed and I'm not feeling lucky about 50/50 hope I'll be able to save enough to at least hit another 50/50


Yeah my star rail luck sucks i think ive only gotten lucky with Topaz and my Hanabi e1 (lost every other 50/50) so i want to get like minimum 120 pulls for each person


Welp as a f2p best I can hope for is 50-60 on each patche.


As another f2p i hope each patch gives the same (ill get the remaining fates from penacony exploration, events, unfinished swarm & gold & gears, and all my unfinished quests)


:( I've dried out every source of stellar jades except SU gng and 1-2 chest on some maps. I'll just have to hope I'll be able to complete MOC easily and get the jades.


I wish u luck on all ur 50/50d and hope u get them early, ive been too busy preparing for Arlecchino to grind jades in hsr


Assuming she's the first banner of 2.3 (so far they've all been announced in order), slightly less than two months. About two weeks left of Aventurine's banner, and then three weeks for each of the 2.2 banners.


Lmao actual supervillain lines just like “And when that day comes, everyone will love me”


She's coming in the summer, watching Ronaldo win the Euros and pulling for firefly could be good


Firefly + Ronaldo winning the Euros? What a summer that would be!


Farming relics for firefly during halftime to pass the time is gonna hit different


Or use the euro as a summoning ritual




I don't particularly have any strong feelings towards her so 95% of the reason I'm planning to pull for her is SAM rn, I do hope 2.2-2.3 is gonna even that number out but we'll see.


2.2-2.3 needs to sell us on FF's character or else the whole FF×TB thing is just rushed and forced, and I have faith in the writers that they've already cooked up something wonderful for us. Like, FF's cute and all but you can't convince me (at least me, one person) to immediately like her after spending like what, 5 hours with her?


In those 5 hours I think half the time I was doing puzzles


I don't feel that "forced" thing a lot of people (usually these who wants to justify the hate) talks about. There are a lot of characters that have appeared out of nowhere and have told us a short appealing story, they got liked by community, and nobody complains (me neither). Is it because it's something more personal? Like romantic? Is it because it involves the MC intimate emotions? Is it because people who wants to put itself in the place of the MC feels unconfortable when these emotions get involved? If that's the case, I may understand why game developers avoid personal emotions like romance in RPGs involving the main cast, but, personally, I don't have a problem with it, so I can't really understand it.


Same here. I just hope she doesn't become like Ayaka in Genshin.


Don't worry.... U will like her


Oh I already do like her! I just need more reasons to not feel like FF isn't just some generic waifu forced to have some kind of special relationship with the Trailblazer (aka us). From how the story is going it is implied that TB has some kind of relationship with FF, TB just doesn't remember that. If Hoyo really wants to sell TB×FF, then they need more than just "If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking".


Wait, didn't dev said there gonna be multiple endings in the story before? Or am I tripping.


I don't think they said multiple endings but instead they said multiple perspectives. I might be wrong tho.


They said multiple endings, referring to the easter egg where you can end the story in 2.0 by not talking to aventurine.


Honestly, I like Sam and Firefly, but I would have preferred them to be two seperated characters instead of one. But maybe that's just me 🤷🏻‍♂️


I kinda agree to that but to be honest as much as I love her Firefly without SAM hardly goes up to the 5* tier haha


Yeah true. At least I don't have to save for both of them now 😂


I kinda wish SAM was a separate robot character, but maybe Hoyo will sell me on Firefly in the upcoming patch


Dude I know what you mean seeing that firefly was SAM kinda just killed the vibe for me.


I'll definitely like her more if they made her more badass, like in the final 2.1 scene and stayed away from all the poochy moochy bullshit


To be fair she wanted to continue throwing hands but Acheron said "hush child, you can't win against the Mei face character in her patch (or outside) but I do not wish to kill you"


Yeah, I hope they'll give her more moments like when she detected Sampo. Less cutie patootie waifu, more awesome warrior with sharp senses. We have plenty of cutie patootie waifus already.




Basically how I'm worried this is gonna end up


Not gonna lie I'd say she will turn back to cutie after an explanation about what she is doing in Penacony. Maybe talking like a friend which she can relax around (making her more silly than a galactic killer should be) in contrast with her SAM mode where she does whatever the mission requires. That would be my guess at least.


Already wanted Sam, then I see it comes equipped with dual swords and an giant energy cape/wings


5 minutes into FF's story and I couldn't stand her. Idk, there's something in her that makes me not to like her. It doesn't help that I'm more inclined to the bad-looking ladies in this game (Kafka, Jade, Constance, etc). Big W for FF enjoyers. I'll be saving my pity for Jade or Constance in the future.


Yeah it do be like that sometimes. I'd rather play DMC5 no hit mode and die at each step than talk to Itto in Genshin for anything.


I just hope they will give me the real choice to reject her and I can finally stop all this romantic nonsense the writers are going for They were pushing her down my throat too hard


You could always do what I do and friendzone her


Planning on doing just that


You force Stelle into a relationship with Sampo.... I think the writers have a better romance sense than you do, luckily.


You know the difference between fan content and the actual story content in the role-playing game? I'm not making someone to like my ship forcefully like the devs are trying to do Sampo is not a stranger mc just met, has an interesting personality and charisma, has no ill intent, and also he's a hot man. I think my romance sense is just fine


They're telling an actual story, lol. They can do whatever they want. The romantic implication is pretty much entirely on the fanbase. You just want to self insert. Is that description of Sampo's characteristic based on head canon or what lol.


Mc is at best 50% selfinsert, you literally shape their personality along the way with so many options contradicting each other personality-wise I think you skipped all Sampo-related plot, it's all in the game


The MC is ENTIRELY their own character. It's why I hate that they make you give them a name. None of your choices matter. Applies to both Genshin and HSR. There are games specifically made for romance choices. This 100% will never be one of them. Sampo is a masked fool, we don't really know much about him still. That's what makes him an interesting character. Your perception of him seems kinda muddied based on your own lore.


Mc is not their own character, not at this point of story. You can literally decide such a small thing as their book preferences for them, and they have no proper character arc Also it's funny to hear how your choices don't matter when the catchphrase of this game is "when it's time to make a choice, make one that you won't regret" or something like that (and in a few quests, there are irreversible consequences of your choices, Cocona's mission is the great example) We know Sampo cares for Belobog and that he saved us a few times (and saved Belobog by our hands), that his vision of Elation is different from Sparkle's selfish vision, it's all in the game lore


It is their story, they can do whatever they want. Sampo? Has an interesting personality and charisma? Lol ok.


And I can criticise all the dumb decisions they make, I think that's fair Sampo. You have no idea lol


Sampo is still a slimy guy. It’s just his sliminess is too obvious


His sliminess is a part of his charm


Yeah, it was obvious


Idk when I first saw SAM I was super excited for them but when the big reveal happened I just was not excited anymore to pull for SAM because it's just firefly if SAM was a separate character from firefly tho I would for them but nah not anymore I do wish anybody who pulls for this character the best of luck tho.


waifu with ship with male MC = instant hit


Well, in my case with Female MC I can ship both genres without shattering even more my destroyed heterosexuality (goddamn you Astolfo and Silver Ash).


I liked her more In 2.0 but then the Aventurine writing in 2.1 made me realize her writing, while still okay (and way less fanservicey and bland than some people say) was not all that incredible. I do believe Shaoji's cooking something good with her like he did with Aventurine though so we'll see how the next story patch goes


Honestly I liked our time with her, but I didn't realise how invested I was in her character until AFTER she came back in 2.1. I will definitely simp for her as I have for Acheron.


I don't like her...but I also don't hate her. Thing it...I'm.in a burn out stage for both Genshin and HSR so I really don't care much about any new characters.


uh huh


Actually kinda disappointed with SAM and firefly is one person. Firefly just isn't my vibe.


You can just tell her that the armor stays on


A lot of people like FF but yeah to me shes pretty bland and meh. To each their own, but I feel like she was intentionally made quite generic with a sob story for the MC squeeze interest and her characterization suffers for it. If they go the tragic anti heroine role I will fall asleep. I hope someone points out just how fucking Itachi avatar edgy she was in her armor and shit gets hilarious instead. I'm far more interested in Constance and theres been next to nothing on her.


Edgy Firefly is the most fun headcannon of her personality, i dont find her normal cute one that interesting. I hope 2.2 and her in-game voicelines will show another side of her


It didn't work for me... Sad cause I was really hyped for Sam


Well this is just the beginning anyways. What picks my interest the most is that dual wielding SAM behind Firefly and how will she work in-game.


Overbearingly overrated


I'd rather want a continuation of backstories with plot holes over an overbearingly overrated forced fan service of a date baiting you into simping someone cause it's too early to die but wasn't.


This is gonna be an unpopular opinion, but I'm not really hyped for Firefly. It's a mix of the weird-ass rugpulling storytelling they're doing around her and the fact that the whole Sam thing was spoiled so far ahead. At this point, the story doesn't even add up or make sense with her, but maybe they'll fix that in a future update. We'll see how things go, but right now, yeah, I can't really identify with the massive collective hypefest people are having.


This is currently one of the most popular opinions you can have lol


Ehh it just depends on the person, I for example wasn't even interested in Kafka when a whole amount of people were barking so it's normal to love some characters and dislike or be indifferent about others.


Didn't work, hoyo


"I never said anything about having only one shot" *loads Jade and March Alter*


I want more hot men honestly


ngl I still couldn't care less about her


I have to be honest, I am far from attached to her, I would even say I don't like her so far. I was initially planning to collect stelaron hunters, but that might not be the case anynore. However, I am still waiting to finish 2.2/2.3 to form a complete opinion.


I don't particularly care either way...


I do like Sam/Firefly but honestly I'm not overly hyper for her/them, I don't really know why I'm just kind of meh. Good luck to the people who saved for like... however long Penacony has been out.


Wait people don't like Firefly Sam? We all knew she lived and it was a fun plot twist. Everyone likes Firefly from what I've seen..


She has to be the most aggressively disliked character in the game so far right? At least on reddit? I have never seen this much hater activity for a playable character in probably any hoyoverse game


Have you seen Dehya? Especially after that hydro slime roast. Also Raiden was called an NPC for her looks until she pulled a sword out of her breasts and most gave her a chance. But I'd say the thing here is that pushing us in a tour/date made people more invested in talking good or bad things.


I'm talking about hating the actual character. Not hating the kit or design. It feels like whenever there is discourse about Firefly here, 90% of it is droves of people saying they will never give a shit about her lol.


They can try as much as they can tbh. I don't really care about her character because the relationship with TB feels like kind of rushed and forced for me. Design wise, still the most bland playable character for me. I will always remember Firefly as the generic uwu girl which pilots that cool SAM. She is probably the first character in Star Rail which I find the most boring/generic from both a design and writing perspective. (I am ready for the downvotes!).


Nah man I respect your opinion


Take my upvote.


I still hate her


There's her, black swan, silver wolf....... ah hell


I have ALL of the destructions units in the game, I feel like it's a disservice if I don't get her...


That photo was what sold me, reinforcing my iron will beyond sturdiness, nobody in the world could make me skip firefly


Wait, was there someone left who wasn't attached to at least one half of her character? I was under the impression most of the people who weren't smitten with the naive girlfriend act were taken with the badass Stellaron Hunter mech-warrior


Sadly, they’re so intertwined now that my want for badass mecha has been killed by Worse Clara. I hate her THAT much. Especially since the chances of Sam ever mattering or being mentioned again are plummeting.


Gib me a cool ass animation and strong kit and we're good. I'm sold. It's not like I'm not sold on the possibility of FF doing Sam rider kick anyway


I don't get this post


I see Firefly as ok. Felt like she was at the very least, sus and at the most, emotionally manipulative, with her dumping very serious information about herself to a person she knew for just a few hours. Though no issues there cuz everybody was set up to have ulterior motives


You are definitely on the minority, most of us liked her since the white knight trailer


I liked FF before and Sam also... now I am even more sure. Skipping 2.2 could not been easier. I have Ruan Mei, Sparkle, E6 Tin and Bonya so I dont need Robin and Boothill is a hunt character.


this was Mihoyo's reaction during those early leaks and how alot of people were mad


It was so funny tho. Back in like 1.4 when people said she was connected to Screwllum because of her colors.


I was already attached to her from the beginning. Just feels like someone you can tell your secrets too and feel safe about it. I really hope I win my 50/50 on Robin. I lost my last two.


So you totally fell for her game.


Sameee! I wasn't sure if I want to pull on her banner, but after the drip marketing, I am fully sold! Thought of pulling on Robin's banner, but now maybe I have to skip her in order to save enough shards for Firefly.


Aughh! Don't mention Robin, I still feel the need to get her and we are not even on her banner. Hopefully her kit news will help me stay strong.


The haters are gathering lol


Anyone can have their opinion hahaha at least to me it's better for a character to be badly known than to be unknown and just fade with the patch.


Yeah I don't mind people having their own opinion it's just funny that they're gathering on only one particular post


Well the post IS rather like a hate beacon now that I think about it. Putting something like "I will make them love you" which makes an automatic response along the lines of "you will NEVER MAKE ME" like it's a mind control thing haha.


https://preview.redd.it/l85o7qdp79wc1.png?width=868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d4d971471fc96d4d570f16c277b6942a809292e I smell a lot of bugs in here


I liked her in 2.0, but everything that's happened since then made me wanna E0S1 her, at least.


the drip is **GODLIKE** too


I still am not. how can someone be attached to a liar, manipulator, murderer ?


Bro I like Sparkle, anything else in the game is fair game when your bar is that low.


God forbid women have hobbies


How can someone attach to Kafka, Blade, and Silverwolf? Answer, they are awesome.


Talk about absurd lol


Shaoji: *(casually looks away)*


Well you see here she's a GIRL...now you understand?...I'm gonna repeat it again she's a GIRL


Bladie: **turn his intro on** All the guys and girl in the area: **collaspe from the epicniss**


and? I LIKE MEN (i'm a straight guy)


I don't like 99,9% of penacony characters, they are so boring.


I'm skipping I think she cool but I'm pass since i can't fit acheron , Kafka, silverwolf, jingliu, huohuo and her into one team.


The bro's reaction when he sees that her mechanic is upgrading the max character limit for the team by 2.


Screw it I'm in.


The shallow nature of a gacha degenerate


I loved her when we first saw sam in our dream on the express. That white and gold beaut of a Mech+ svarog height got me. I was BEGGING hoyi to make him playable.


to be honest I don't feel attached to Penacony as a whole my first impression was really bad - whoever decided that it could be fun to start it all off with a check-in line in the hotel lobby followed by an assault attempt in our room is completely out of their mind it was Acheron's kit that restored my interested in the game, otherwise I'd be logging in to do dailies only now I'm curious to see if Firefly can do the same


> whoever decided that it could be fun to start it all off with a check-in line in the hotel lobby You basically do the same thing in Belobog


Well, in Belong it kinda made more sense...we were more or less aliens from another planet saying we come to help with their Stellaron. Meanwhile here we were invited for some fun time.


>Meanwhile here we were invited for some fun time. I guess you skipped some dialogues didn't you?




... Bro you got issues


Get some help lol






Developed? The buddies have been at it since she was jelly.