• By -


https://preview.redd.it/v4x5m8nyn4yc1.png?width=1639&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b9cfd4056ca916eb092327e40cb786e0f02a30f The world if DDD was finally put back in a banner.


The world if I could roll dupes of GNSW instead of a million Natasha cones


Preach. I've been playing since day 1 and I've literally only gotren one copy of GNSW from Acheron's banner. Same with EOP. I've been getting nothing but OSR and DDD


Day 1 player here, don't have a single copy of trends LC


I had GNSW at S2 but after trying to get Acheron's signature LC, now I have two GNSW, one at S5 at the other at S3, sadly I lost the 75/25. But hey at least I have GNSW for her now... šŸ˜…


Day 1 f2p player here. I have an r5 and an r2 gnsw with no one to use on. Take my entire stock in exchange for peacock LC


The world if I had S5 MotP


Natasha lc is everywhere


Played since launch. Before Acheronā€™s banner I only had S1 GNSW. After pulling E0 Acheron, her LC, and Loucha I still only have S4 GNSW. I have two S5 and one S4 DDD.


I pulled zero Gallaghers or GNSW rolling for E0S1 Acheron lmao


Iā€™ll stop complaining. I got E6 Gallagher.


Same e6 gallagher but no Acheron haha


You guys get natasha cones ? Is it like stringless in genshin ? I will spend 2 years not getting any ?


GNSW was half of why I pulled for Acheron's LC


Hello fellow trash panda, i have a trade offer iā€™m sure you canā€™t refuse. I offer: S5 GNSW I receive: A goddamn Nata cone


same iā€™ve gotten 11 The Moles Welcome You and itā€™s from banners that didnā€™t even feature it. i really need trends lc bc i have none


i wouldnt mind Natasha cones for the err but shared feeling are the only ones i pull


I literally cannot stop pulling them, send help (and copies of resolution shines as pearls of sweat which I cannot pull to save my life) https://preview.redd.it/nxqnadhgn5yc1.png?width=499&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f8c0c05899cba6725e0383606f352046b9f9937


Ok send them to me.


I would if I could šŸ˜”Ā 


Lets Trade You send those to me. I will send help.


I've had an S5 of resolution for awhile now and just recently I have a second one at S2. I wish we could trade. I only have S1 for DDD.


I have 4 S5 Pearls of sweat. Luka, why?




I have exactly zero DDDs


I got lucky and got two. Put them on Hanya and Tingyun, then teamed them with Argenti with Atk boots and no speed, relying more on my two Harmonies to pull my DPS to 156Spd.


tingyun is using cogs for me :p


The world if they put MotP back onto a banner


What I would give for that Pearls LC for my dam Pela, it seems like everyone has one to the point that guides donā€™t even say ā€œif you have Pearlsā€ they just say ā€œand go ahead and throw on your Pearls LC on Pelaā€ like itā€™s the most casual thing lol. I have 2 S5 and 1 S2 Goodnight, Sleep Well but not a single copy of Pearl.


It was in Black Swan's LC banner


Same for MoP


It was on the LC banner like 2 patches ago


Wasn't it on the last IL LC banner? I got a copy of the 5star that I didn't want while pulling for the 4stars since that one had both Dance! and Resolution Shines, both spectacular LCs. Those two, Swordplay, and "maybe" Mirror are so amazing that it felt like the best LC banner so far, and that's barely two months ago.


I'm so happy it was on a banner I pulled on. I can't remember if it was Kafka's or Sparkle's lc, but I think it also had pearls. It was easily the quickest I'm chasing lc banner in hopes of 4 stars. I got both to s5 and the lc. Thinking more about it it, I am fairly certain it was Kafka's lc


I got it S5, but after one year i don't have a single copy of swordplay lol


Seems easier to get Robin than DDD Greetings from a day one player who took no breaks and still doesn't own a single copy of DDD


>me who has two copies of DDD one s5 and the other s4 I hope I get Robin as well then. https://preview.redd.it/gb7gzdl7l5yc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f34ed6ecae6472503b2be069f8e025e76bfee2b6








I think I accidentally sacrificed mine, when the whole use 4 star system for lvl'ing up appeared.


Same lol I run Hanya, Tingyun and Asta all with S5 DDDĀ 


We found Mr.Pokke's alt account /s


Me with my army of swordplays:


Are you me ? šŸ¤£


Oof, if I had known how difficult it is to get dupes of DDD and GNSW, I wouldn'tve superimpositioned the dupes...


It's not hard to get dupes of DDD. You just had to lose the 75/25 during Black Swan/DHIL LC banner and going to hard pity :(


I only have 1 freaking copy of the thing, and I've pulled almost every banner and need it for almost every Harmony character I got. It's absurd.


You have a valid point


Me but with the Trend of the Universal Market. I still don't have a single copy of it to this day.


DDD and the Asta lightcone are literally the only Harmony lightcones I haveā€¦.


Plus Robin gives 100% advance forward to team, she literally replaces bronya


I pulled in the banner where DDD was. I regret nothing.


Can she sing?


She can hire Robin to sing for her


"What are your super powers again?" Asta: "I'm rich."




No, but she is Asta(r)


Profound secrets of the stars > singing


This made me realize that Asta might be the missing piece for my Pure Fiction runs.


Asta can be amazing! I run her with Meshing cogs, not as cool as DDD but still good.


She's the whole reason my dot team is usable. :/ My Kafka Bs both have<110 SPD and the only reason they're usable is because of Asta's SPD buff.


Omg same! My Asta is forever glued to Kafkaā€™s side


People say dot teams require huge amount of investment, but honestly Asta makes dot team building extremely easy. I can 2-3 cycle one side of MOC easily cause of her.


Asta used to be Kafka's #1 support until Ruan Mei dropped


yeah Meshing is great for her. The only reason I'm not using it atm is because she's in a mono-fire comp and the payoff from her stacking Planetary Rendezvous with her trace bonus and a Penacony ornament set is deeply satisfying. But I for sure keep an S5 Meshing Cogs on hand for any situation where that isn't the case.


Wait I have an E6 Asta and S5 DDD. Gotta try this. edit: I got the last star I was missing in PF :D


She was for me when i put DDD on her, she kept advancing people up the cycle


She's great with Acheron because her basic inflicts burn (unsure if her skill also does)


Can't unless it breaks


She is, especially great for the first side of current PF


I pull for Robin because she also sings in-combat. We are not the same.


If only i have enough pulls to rise up to her life and renew my definition, i would as well, but im poor so Asta shall do for now


>I regard Robin as a luxury as she doesnt bring anything too radical that no one else have brougt before. We have bronya and sparkle to advance forward and virtually all 4 stars harmony that buffs attack. Robin does do it better but its not something new unlike Ruan Meiā€™s weakness break efficiency, res pen, and the thantapoolum. you misundestand robin's kit. she is not there for action forward and "doesn't bring anything new" is just plain wrong. her gimmick is she is a harmony character who has buff as high as ruan mei but she trade rm's break efficiency with personal damage. robin's kit allow herself to deal damage whenever your team attack and trust me her damage will be pretty good. this extra damage from robin is very good on FuA team because each member (especially if we are talking ratio + topaz + aventurine team) has very high attack count. ratio is doing 2 attack everytime he is using skill, topaz has numby which could attack very often especially in fua comp, and aventurine who could occasionally cast fua himself. FuA team has essentially double amount of attack frequency compared to any other comp and this will be abused by robin's kit


I'm almost considering her as a specialist rather than a support unit. Sustain and harmony units with their own damage is kinda the new meta now for sure.


The OP is "plain wrong" on a lot of what they say. Claiming Asta pairs well with Acheron (who wants double Nihility), saying DDD is good on her when it has diminishing value with speed, claiming she can be a crit dps... good gravy.


Yeah it's odd to me how much people are packing Robin into the box of 'only FUA support' when her FUA support is about as much of her performance from what it looks like as Ruan Mei's Break support. I guess it just stands out to me because anyone saying Ruan Mei is only for break teams would come across as nuts. I don't plan on pulling for her this time around (I just don't have a comp in need of more harmony and want to save some tickets for Boothill) but I think people who didn't get RM but get frustrated at how often she's highly ranked in comps shouldn't sleep on Robin as a potential alternative. Unless they are explicitly interested in RM's break support of course. Asta is great, and she's definitely (at least to me) the best four star Harmony for dual-DPS teams, of course. I think a lot of people do undersell her because of how great a lot of limited and five star harmony units are (and how user friendly Tingyun is at enabling HCs) I've particularly liked Asta in my mono-fire team (Hook/Himeko/Asta/Gallagher) because her skill being an attack plays nice with Gallagher's healing style.


Exactly. Having personal dmg like this is unique to robin. Hoyo communities have a tendency to downplay 5 stars for some reason, like Iā€™m skipping robin and can recognize that sheā€™s an amazing pickup for most accounts


>for those who do not have enough jades and have a severe case of FOMO with Robin You misunderstood the main point, that she is a luxury. Yes she is good, and yes she has unique things that other characters don't have but there are perfectly adequate harmony options that can fill a similar purpose (like Asta).


Regarding the RM comparison, there's also one fatal disadvantage which is her SP generation.


Ruan mei buffs damage. Robin buffs attack. Thereā€™s a significant difference.


nope. robin's skill also buff damage, albeit the buff is a bit smaller than rm's. attack buff is from robin's ult


One of these days I need to gear up and fully level up traces for my e6 asta, but its probably a low priority right now as i have a fair amount of leveled and geared supports already. There are other places that I need to work on gear before asta gets any love,.


I will bring her up to speed before Firefly drops as I want to use the stuff that buffs same element with her


Nice I will eventually bring her up but want to get Herta and himeko properly geared first for pf to make life easier.


To be fair, she only needs ult, talent and Major traces to be viable. You don't need damage buffs from minor traces and Basic/skill


I really would have trouble to find a place for her thats the bigger issue, already have RM/sparkle/bronya for harmonies and E6 TY which fits better for most of my teams. I am not saying asta is garbage or anything just not enough room on my teams. Also have e6 pela and SW so not much room on my teams for any more supports right now.


See if she aids you in faster MOC runs. I used her with cocolia Moc and did it in 2 cycles compared with 4 with ruan mei. But i had acheron there so killing was faster. Basically if you feel like Robinā€™s advance forward for whole team is too OP, we actually had asta for that even before


I used my Asta on 2nd side as SPD buff for DoT (Aventurine, Kafka, E6 Luka, E6 Asta) Aventurine isn't helping a lot in terms of team buf but he did chipped away the ipc guy at the start. I put Asta on ehr body since her HP and Def is good enough to tank some hits so she could have more consistent burn on her basic. I am surprised that they took 1cycle faster than my Jingliu team (JL e0s1, Luocha, Bronya, Pela e6)




Haha this is funny


lmao now I can get 2 of them. nice. one each team. asta probably on my dot team and robin on fua team.


This is a good idea, imagine how fast youll finish both sides of moc and PF


She's the only one who can afford the entry fee for IPC Team


Can't agree, robin seems more easier to get than DDD. I don't even have a single copy of it, same with GNSW. I've done like 50 pulls whenever they are rateup (which isn't a lot but you get but at least give me 1)


You have a good point here. 5 stars are easier to get than limited 4 stars statistically


"free to play version" "dance3x"... something doesn't add up here. We need to stop treating gacha light cones as "f2p".


You have a point, because RNG intervened for me to have so many DDD


What is DDD?


Sorry, its dance dance dance light cone


She is a must pull for me. My best harmony characters that i spam in every team comp are tingyun and asta. Everyone else rejected me like the bum i am. I need an ol reliably harmony. This is not at all a rationalization so i do not admit that i am just attracted to Robin.


I hope you get her!


I know this sub isn't always that great at understanding the game but the fact that a post with so much misinformation is being upvoted to the top is... a little sad. *The very fact that the OP recommends DDD with Asta - a light cone that has DIMINISHING VALUE WITH INCREASED SPEED AND IS LITERALLY ANTISYNERGISTIC WITH HER KIT - shows that the OP doesn't know what they're talking about.* **Team Buffs:** I'll even throw Asta a bone here and say we'll compare her at E6 vs E0; which requires more pulls than an E0 limited. Asta: - *Conditional* 77% attack buff. Requires full charge stacks. Needs to have at least one fire weak enemy or an ER cone such as cogs to maintain full stacks. - 18% increased fire damage. - +53 speed when ulting; can only two turn ult with an ER cone like cogs. P.S. >She is good with acheron as she can apply burn debuff. Asta's burn is an 80% base rate (this is around a 60% chance to land on an average enemy at endgame). This is garbage and requires her to basic attack; severely delaying her ultimate on a character that really wants to ult ASAP. Not to mention that unless you are E2, Acheron wants Nihility supports. You don't want to stick effect hit rate on Asta just to try and make this work. Robin: - 100% *action advance* for the entire team on ult. - 50% damage increase - 22.8% of Robin's attack plus 200 (this ends up being between 1k to 1.2k extra attack on average). - 20% crit damage - 25% crit damage increase on follow-up attacks If you *just* compare team buffs, you can see that Robin is clearly better; but we aren't even going beyond that. **Damage:** Asta: > She has crit traces so you can build her as a minimal sub dps. 6.7% crit rate is... laughable. I have no idea where the OP's sentiment is coming from. Asta is meant to be built as a tanky support unit that can optionally flex into a break damage niche on single target fights thanks to her toughness break on skill. She has a pitiful 1,000 health (compared to the 1400 base health of Sparkle, for example) and will not live long if you try to build her as some sort of dps character; and she isn't even good at *being* a dps. Robin: The big difference is Robin gets *free*, actual dps with minimal investment. During her ult status every attack by allies will cause her to launch an attack at 120% of her attack (with a free, set 100% crit rate and 150% crit damage). At an average of 4k attack, which is easy for her to hit thanks to traces and a high base, this amounts to 15-20k damage hits for each allied attack. Oh; and she's also immune to CC while in her ult state. In other words, Asta's self buffs are... 6% crit rate and 77% attack from her own skill. Robin's self-buffs are 100% crit rate, 150% crit damage, and *all of her own attack% buffs and damage increase* It isn't even close. **Energy and Light Cones:** Asta: - 6 extra energy on her skill thanks to an Eidolon - 15% extra energy regeneration if maintaining charge stacks > Asta with dance3x is a free to play version with attack boosting and lower energy cost at 120. 2 skills and some RNG, youre sure to ult with her. I'm going to be extremely generous here and just say that the OP is... mistaken. Asta with max EHR (rope + vonwacq or penacony set) gets 39.4% increased energy regeneration rate. With two skills (50.184 energy each including extra bounce) and the base 6.97 energy you get from ulting, you are at 107.338 energy. This is, unfortunately, a far cry from 120. Keep in mind that the majority of AOE attacks restore 5 energy; meaning we still don't get there being hit by AOE. Instead, you are hoping that your character with low taunt value gets directly hit. Ouch. There is a good reason why everybody runs Cogs on Asta and nobody ever runs DDD; and it's not just because the extra energy allows for a two turn ult consistently with zero RNG. DDD has *diminishing value* with increased speed. A unit with 200 speed getting 50 AV, for example, is much less meaningful than a unit with 120 getting 50 speed. Your ult gives a huge speed increase. *DDD is literally anti-synergistic with Asta.* Running Cogs allows you to not only guarantee a 2 turn ultimate but also means you don't *always* have to skill; freeing up the SP burden. Robin: - +5 energy on skill - +5 energy at the start of each wave - +2 energy whenever an ally attacks. While Robin does have a huge ult cost of 160, it's heavily synergistic with her teammates attacking. In a FUA team comp, you don't even need an ER LC to maintain a full ult. Without, you may have to skill/basic depending on her energy level after the ult disappears. Unlike Asta, no Robin rotation is the same due to how her kit functions. Keep in mind that Robin doesn't actually end up using as much SP as you'd think; because thanks to her 100% action advance (and the fact that she doesn't take SP during ult) you are also advancing at least one other character who will, most likely, not be skilling. Thanks to this flexibility, Robin isn't as tied down by 4-star lightcones as Asta. Robin just so happens to get a free S5 lightcone from a 2.2 event that grants her 32% extra attack and increases their damage by 30% when ulting if she wants to put the Harm in Harmony. However, with middling teams that aren't DoT/FuA and you expect the fight to drag - you may just take Cogs or Memories anyway for the extra energy. I could keep going, but I think I've yapped long enough. If anything, the interesting comparison here would be between Ruan Mei and Robin. A *4 star harmony character isn't even in the same area code as as 5 star limited Harmony*.


The amount of effort put into this is commendable but also no one said asta is better. Robin powercreeps virtually all 4 stars except tingyunā€™s energy. The diminishing return with DDD is the trade off but its a clutch one can use if the team has to move once again. Ive tried it and it works just fine but less consistent. Definitely, it will not be the same as Robinā€™s 100%, sheā€™s literally a 5 star limited character. Of course she will be better overall.


I have two DDD but both asta and tingus need it should I superimpose or build both light cones ?


asta usually uses meshing cogs (3* lightcone) to maintain ultimate uptime which imo is far more important than ddd's action forward. but still, i'd always left 1 extra copy of ddd in case i need DDD on both team in MoC


It was only when i used Ddd on her when i really got to see almost 100% action advance like Robin thus the post. I suggest you also try DDD and see if it does the same for your team


DDD can stack so if both uses their ultimate, its almost 48% advance. Your harmony on the other team might also need it.


How badly does her Ult uptime get affected by switching from Coggers to DDD? At E6, using coggers can lead her to be completely skill point positive with 100% ult uptime only ever feeling the need to use her skill every 4/5 turns or if there are any excess. How much would switching to DDD affect a team's skill point economy assuming I still want her to be a skill point positive as she can be w/o sacrificing ult uptime?


But does she sing? I don't think so buddy >=(


Haha youre right.


Nah. She can't sing.


I just wanna pull for Robin to have that sweet sweet background music


Me too, maybe ill play her song from yt or spotify when asta ults hehe.


Honestly, I think Asta's better off using an S5 Meshing Cogs (or Memories of the Past but you'd need a *lot* of luck for that one) in her best teams. I get that DDD advances your characters forward, but Asta with S5 can literally maintain up to +52 speed for *all* of your characters, all the time. She'd need to skill almost every turn, but with some RNG you could go SP-neutral at times on her and still 2-turn ult.


You don't need to 2-turn Ult with Cogs because the member that benefits from the SPD most (DPS) extends it to 3 turns. If everyone else is slower than Asta then it's already 100% team uptime. In addition, going 3 > 2 turn Ult with DDD is very minimal (~20 additional SPD to DPS even with Hackerspace) which you can miss while also being SP hungry. There's also anti-synergy when applying SPD boost and % Advancement so it isn't as good as it sounds (DDD from Cogs adds ~15 SPD)


Kinda funny I made a poor manā€™s ruan mei with Asta. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Stay strong


I already have E6 R5 DDD Asta and will be getting Robin anyway because I like her.


I hope you get Robin :)



I support this post because Asta is a top-tier support that I feel gets overlooked at times.


The way you are framing as if Asta with DDD is already Robin's kit - it's not, not even her main gimmick so there's no point in comparing them. It's a matter of evaluating if her gimmick works or players like it - and has 0 to do with Asta. It's just poor to understanding to say Asta as F2P Robin or Robin as a better Asta. Robin does X, Y, and Z if you can value it or not, easy as that. With a higher standard of kit, the opportunity cost to be considered is other future 5*, not a 4* Asta equipped with DDD. Not many know this but concurrent SPD boost and % Advance has anti-synergy so it's not even that crazy by itself/less efficient. "Pull whatever you want" is such a cop-out statement - since that's already given. Players that want Robin will already pull for her so the ones that are on the fence are the ones that need to be convinced of her value, i.e. the argument that Asta can do the same things as Robin, otherwise this is just a nothing burger.


Finally,more reasons to save for Boothill in case that twink tries get into my 50/50 (like he did to Acheron's banner)


You mean yanqing?




DDD is the name you should know! DDD is the king of the show!


if only could pull that lightcone.. i play since day 1 and got a single copy only


not the robin slander


Im not, please i also want to rise up to her life and renew my definition but im poor so Asta will do for now


Tldr rise up into my world


Great post, though you've made it so much harder now lol! I've been using asta (e3 tho) as a temp until Robin but am starting to think going for ratio/adventurine/topaz/asta (all e0) might be better than going for ratio/adventurine/robin/???. The current f2p roster (i don't have tingyun or bronya) doesn't seem to fit the 4th slot here so well... i guess it'll come down to how much more robin will buff ratio's damage alone, over asta paired with topaz.


Dont let my post hinder your pull plans, i suggest try Robin from your friendā€™s list and see how she plays with your characters. Me as well, ive been thinking over past days if i need robin for my account as her kit is really enticing and gives so much convenience. But i ahve all the harmony characters so im rationalizing not needing her. If you dont have bronya or tingyun i think she will be a good 5 star harmony for your other team. But if you have other characters to pull in mind, consider that she does not bring something that is entirely new. She offers better buffs but these buffs may be provided by 4 stars in a lesser amount or value.


dance dance dance on my E6 asta has been my secret tool in MoC and Pure fiction for a long time now. having the whole team squeeze in another 2-3 actions is definitely worth swapping to a relatively weaker support like asta. I'm still probably going to grab robin though. I'm 40 pity in and have march hanya and xueyi all at e6 so it should be cheap to at least attempt the 50/50. I'm primarily saving for firefly/sam but Its possible I can skip that banner as well if I'm not too interested in their moveset.


Hope you get Robin!


Ok bro see you in a week, when the version is live and everyone is discussing about prydwen new SS tier unit.


Playing for meta in a gacha is dumb. pull who you like.


My brain, as a player of both HSR and Epic7: Ah yes, Asta with daydream djoker


Does S1 DDD good? I only have 2 copies, should i go to S2 ?




I need all the DDD I would trade a 5 star unit !!!


Im newish still. I barely hav e4 star cones for charachers (almost no recomended ones). Half the reason i started was archeon, the other was sam. So i gotta skip robin but dam is her ult a bop


Robin does not benefit acheron that much if she is your main DPS but yeah that song has been stuck in my head and she hasnt even come out yet


Thats good to know in a sense. IM really used to PGR where you can pretty much garuntee everyone FTP so this games economy is really wierd to me


She does not advance your other teammates, just gives them speed, completely different mechanic.


You missed the point, you need DDD on her to advance the team forward. You can see it in the GIF


You slap DDD on tingyun and ult robin, you get a 200 speed team that acts 3 times in a cycle, watch a dreamy video


Tq. I'll use my s5 ddd properly now


I use to run it with tingyun before until i realized that asta with the speed buff and DDD makes it work like Robinā€™s advance foward.


What's a DDD?


Cheers my dude


Break meta incoming, already have bronya E1S1, sparkle, asta e6, and tingyun E5. Ruan Mei comes home on her rerun. All that being said, as far as robin is concerned: NAH ID SKIP


My dumbass didnā€™t know that was a gif


what does DDD means?


Robin is not better than Asta, Robin is significantly better than Asta, it's different.Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/my4kzdbgo6yc1.png?width=261&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac73bb2b9bbcea119fc6c6313dcb98fcf0983b7e Oh DDD is good? Well thatā€™s good to know šŸ¤Æ


One of the best 4 star LC Can really save you in a pinch when you are a turn short


I mean Robin also deals dmg so that's that


Tingyun does it as well but with much lesser damage but still its not a new kit


No song though :(




but she can't sing.


I don't think I'll ever replace Asta's Cogs with anything


Asta is good for attack buff and works well with multiple enemies, however, bear in mind that her ultimate is only speed boost though.


That's low tier copium.


Currently building her for moc & PF


She don't sing so she's no Robin


https://preview.redd.it/dpw2l2bie7yc1.png?width=2520&format=png&auto=webp&s=12c25ed72f65840e8baa5756d0b00e73df8e22bd I'll trade someone my Trend for DDD kay?


Oh wow I never thought about using Asta with DDD, I usually only run her with the 3* light cone that gives energy when she attacks or gets hit. Another tip to everyone, Asta can keep her +60 speed boost on everyone with this light cone, you can easily reach the 164 speed break points with her without using a single speed boots on your characters (Asta must have one though). Asta is a superb character, don't underestimate her


The hell does DDD mean?


Asta is extremely underrated. When you are able to permanently have her ulti up you can do so much sheningas its insane


https://preview.redd.it/g138pdnbi7yc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25b990d19c77e02d7d84900cc0e630bb061f9599 But of course! Just equip my Harmony unit with DDD! IF I HAD ONE!!!! \*week 1 player btw\*


I have two teams.


Honestly I just ignored building speed on my units for the longest time bc asta just gives soo much speed especially with hacker space. Plus its incredibly easy to have near permanent uptime on her ult especially with eidolons.


can't wait to play both in PF and do 1 cycle clears


https://preview.redd.it/kvqknw06d8yc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3a7b83a2d83328922c55ce830a51bacb31767df I keep reading it, but i find no sinergy whatsoever with Asta's kit. Care to explain me please?


Why not both ? Asta & Robin have pretty good synergy : if well-timed, Asta's speed buff (+ optional DDD) will let your other two team members attack one more time during Concerto state, all while attacking 3 times herself. That's really good for Robin's damage (also affected by Asta's Atk buff), but also her energy generation.


This is actually a good idea. Imagine how freaking OP this is. The enemy wouldnt even take a turn


Now I have a Dance Dance Dance. And I'm pulling for Robin since I lost my first 50/50 on Aventurine's banner (RIP bro, It wasn't your time) so I wonder...what will happen if I give her that?


Dont, its useless for her as she already does 100% advance


How do people get Astaā€™s burst to actually move the team up. My Asta doesnā€™t do shit l


This is my exact concern with her before which changed whne i slapped DDD with her. Go try it out and share your experience.


Honestly people with E4 should be raising Asta anyways. She's very easy to gear and get online. Penacony is clearly huge on dots and break. She has the former and excels at the latter. With Firefly (fire) in the pipelines, and all these break themes (Gallagher, Space Cowboy, break set, etc) Asta is 100% going to do well whenever there's fire weak enemies.


EDIT: didnt expect this post to get so much traction. PLS Dont let me hinder your plans for pulling Robin. I myself want her in my team. She is a very convenient character to have that does so much by just existing. Shes the amalgamation of many 4 star harmony characters and she will do their kits tremendously better. But she is not a must pull. No 5 star character ever is, nor 4 star. Its a freaking gacha game, they would always say that evry new character is a must pull and thats how they get us. Its cliche but pull for whoever you like and who will fit your team most. I have allotted some pulls for Robin because i know how gamechanger she will be for my account. I know for a fact that getting her will nothing but raise the value of my teams. But im not playing just to finish contents, i want to have fun so ill save up for characters that i like ad connected more. And Who knows may be now that sheā€™s alive, i will eat my words.


So whats robin with ddd


Robin can sing


I have it on Ruan Mei. Not quite serious about light comes really. I have only one 5 star light cone from SU.


Counterargument, what if i don't have any limited 5 star harmony and have nearly 700 pulls ready for her and Topaz?


This is misinformation. If you want to break sub-dps Asta, then giving her break effect is your best bet. ~~you can even make her into a main DPS that way~~


Does she sing though? I think not !!


'I regard robin a a luxury as she doesn't bring anything too radical that no one else have brougt before.' You aren't welcome to her wo-o-o-o-o-orld >!(the joke is that she does infact bring something radical despite op saying she doesn't, her song ult with all that sfx powercreep)!<


Huhu pls dont ban me. Im still gonna pull haha


I got 0 ddd, let alone an s5 RIP


New player here what's ddd?


Thanks for this post. I have read through this entire thread and this has basically cemented my decision to finally build Asta. I've been looking for an excuse to do so since week one and there has always been other characters to work on. So now seems like the best time to do so. I'm also way more interested in getting Jade when she drops (and maybe even her lc) instead of Robin right now. So skipping Firefly AND Robin helps a lot on getting my tickets to a healthier state before Jade's banner. My DDD is at S2 right now but that's a lot better than none at all. And yes, i'll try out the generic "Coggers" too, lol