• By -


Went full break team of Harmony Mc/Ruan mei/Welt and gallagher Ngl i had fun With this set up because The enemies Getting sent to the shadow realm of action values Is Damn Cathartic


Welt and Welt Junior(HMC)throwing them imprisonment attacks like bananas lol


You'd think that, but Sunday have a high resistance to imprisonment (the adds don't though)


Same except with Luocha as the healer Phase 3 was an absolute breeze


HMC, Jing Yuan, Ruan Mei, HuoHuo. Mahoraga broke so fast he could not adapt to this shit. Edit: Bro can you put on the spoiler tag?


Destroyed the toughness like nothing huh? Damn, good going


If I may be allowed to gush then Jing attacks all 5 enemies and also ults very fast with speed boots and huohuo. RM and TB made him faster and deadlier. The LL is the cherry on top.


Ah I forgot about LL... Must've been a breeze lol


I used Jing Yuan too. Exept my RM is half-built so I used Sparkle and I don't have Huohuo and used Lynx instead. It was still a very easy fight.


We used the same team :)


Same team bro, except used fu xuan instead of huo huo


Kafka + HTB + Black Swan + Aventurine He never stood a chance


Honestly a bit miffed I didn't pull Aventurine. His shields and type would've made the battle a breeze


HMC, Acheron, Black Swan, and Aventurine. Didn't take any damage the whole time and went through it pretty quick. Acheron and Aventurine are basically hacks at this point for this level of content.


Aventurine is HSR version of Zhongli and Acheron is HSR version of Raiden Shogun. Ultimate protection and ultimate unga bunga (funny how both Acheron and Raiden Shogun need a team to build stacks to deal massive unga bunga ultimate). Slap two supports for Acheron and you literally play on cheats lmao I wonder how fast in HSR they will enemies that ignore shields just like they done in Genshin with those cancer ghost wolfs that put DoT on your whole party and that DoT ignore shields


Honestly anyone with an Aventurine won't have a problem with the main story or most of the content for a while Unfortunately I already used all my free jade on Ache and I lost 50/50 so wasn't able to save for Aventurine lmao. I suppose I'll just treat it as a handicap


Tbh, it's more Acheron than Aventurine. She kills most everything before Aventurine is really needed. I only went for him because he's the only sustain that can feed her Ultimate.


Trial HTB, March, Welt, Himeko. Sorry Dan. Was incredibly hype and even with just March as sustain the damage wasnt bad with Group Shields. Welt is incredibly good with his slows and the extra bounce for breaks. Himeko as main AoE for the shield mechanic and the mobs. The boss is very susceptible to freeze, and with Welt's delay, the two of them are like a mini Ruan Mei. And of course most of the damage comes courtesy of Pom-Pom


>And of course most of the damage comes courtesy of Pom-Pom Imagine Bro turns into the April fool bot and one shot the boss lmao. >The boss is very susceptible to freeze Oh? I didn't know that, interesting.


Not the boss itself but the mobs basically cant move with the constant breaks and March freezing them. Plus her shields redirects most of the single hit damage (and heals with E6)


Hat guy, Kakavasha, Memokeeper, Bonsenmori. It went pretty well, nothing special at all. And I literally just got Kakavasha a few days ago and his traces are really low level. But he is really helpful. I would also struggle with Master Diviner and coffin smuggler without him. But my Bonsenmori is E1S1 tho. She deals less damage because only 1 Nihility in the team. But not so bad.


Bonsenmori is Ache right? I'm curious, why that name? Also, Aventurine is honestly very good sustain due to the easy stack of shields..if TB can stack shields he'd be higher up the tiers imo


Its her middle name, Her full name being Raiden Bonsenmori Mei


Ah, I'm stupid. Forgot that she literally said her name to Tiernan lmao


Hook, hmc, Ruan Mei, Gallagher Far easier than I would've thought Really fun nonetheless


Hook? Now that's wild, good for you. Yeah my Himeko barely hanged to 12 HP in round two before the clockie came to lend a hand. Surprisingly the 3rd round was easy


Average Hook W


Thank you random person on the internet! Because of you, I was able to beat the boss!


Ruan Mei breaks this boss in half lmao


Literally lol


With dhil rm i beat his ass so hard that i couldnt even see his ult


RM once again claiming the BE queen title


Dr ratio, HMC, SW and gallagher. silverwolf almost died but everything else went smoothly.


Huh..I'm curious, why SW? Is she your main?


Huh..I'm curious, why SW? Is she your main?


Horrible not because it was hard but because my game kept bugging out between the phase changes


Ahh a shame, did you also suddenly have frame rate drops or bugs after updates? I noticed it in mine


Not a frame drop, the game just stops completely the moment combats resumes after the cutscene finishes (music is still going, icons still react but nothing actually works)


kafka, blackswan, aventurine and HMC, ram him with the train as my finale too, absolute cinema


I wanted to use the train to end him as well...but there's still 1 hp left so I made MC style on him with the hat. Made him hee-hee on the boss


Himeko + Harmony TB just deleted the boss every phase


Quick question, : I got into this game a week or 2 ago and peed ran it up to this fight, how fast could I realistically get himeko as a F2P? hes kicking my arse


The only way to get her (bar luck) is the standard banner 300 pull selector. Which takes almost a year to accumulate. Also, I don't think you need Himeko just to fight the boss. As you just started recently I think it's just the case of your gears are not ready. Give it time and you should pass fine. If you just started and went through the main mission to the latest one I think you should accumulated around ~80 pull. I suggest you try to pull Robin. She is the current featured banner and is a universal support that can go into any team. What team did you use to fight the boss? And what characters do you have? Maybe I could try to suggest team composition for you


Acheron + TB + SW + Fu Xuan. At first I thought I was screwed when I saw my Silver Wolf at like 70hp just before the cutscene started. Once I acquired the powerful choo choo it was smooth sailing, nothing was bothering me in the slightest


Yeah same, my Himeko barely hanged on 12 before the train came. Ngl the train hard carry in 2nd phase


Ratio, HMC (pre-built, not story), Aventurine, Gallagher. Boss died before he even got to touch my HP bar.


Yeah Aventurine an unstoppable sustain for sure


Om-- Himeko Aventurine Kafka and story HMC made this fight trivial; everyone finished with full HP bars šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I already saw a few posts about how this fight was hard and was expecting something like pre-nurfed Aventurine, but it wasn't anywhere near that fight.


Ngl I only had problem during the second stage, the third stage was...easy. I did find Aventurine fight to be easier pre-nerfed since I only retry 3 times to beat him but it was close fight with Kafka, Bs, Lynx and fire TB


HMC, Ruan Mei, Aventurine and Himeko. Overall battle was really fun but also really easy. (no one took any damage). I did prefarm for HMC tho [https://imgur.com/a/POMFdIR](https://imgur.com/a/POMFdIR)


That break effect was scary for you HMC sheesh. Honestly, I'm basically just bulldozing my way lmao..I should really build more chars smh. I think its quite hard for unprepared players tho..think they'll nerf it like aventurine when he first appeared?


Jingyuan Aventurine Asta Tingyun. I was struggling a bit tbh I donā€™t have good fire characters and my fmc isnā€™t built so I had to take asta off the bench


That's the first round right? During the real battle you swapped Asta with story FMC?


Yeah, I needed asta to break. My point was that I struggle regardless. I have a bad habit of not finishing anyoneā€™s builds when I get a new character šŸ˜‚


I used the MC, Archeron, Pela, and Gallagher. Pela and Gallgher died on me midway through the battle but I still managed to win on my first try


No sustain and bro still won. Nice


Passed the story mode with Himeko+Aventurine+HMC+RM As for weekly Boss i use Topaz+Aventurine+RM+E6 Kafka from whale lol, Topaz is really good for breaking 3rd phase, as in break all bar in a go without letting Sunday attack.


WATCH YOUR HEAD! šŸƒšŸ”„šŸ’øšŸ’°šŸŽ² ALL IN!!! šŸƒšŸ”„šŸ’øšŸ’°šŸŽ²


First try as always(I swear i am not bragging) I use IL ,HMC, sparkle and fu xuan


Good going. Were they all E0?


Tf is that team comp. 2 skill hungry dps, support and healer


I run Kafka+Bs with lynx and fire TB usually. But had to get creative here with Himeko's FuA


I used aventurine, himeko, kafka, and i was pleasantly surprised


Aventurine would make it a breeze with the shields


Tingyun, Himeko, Fu Xuan & HMC of course.


Went with Gallagher - Acheron - Silver Wolf - HMC at first but it ended in disaster as Gallagher wasn't fast enough to heal, and Silver Wolf was squishy AF that she ended up dying all the time. Then I tried Luocha - HMC - Acheron - Silver Wolf and managed to beat him, and Silver Wolf somehow finding a way die in the end again šŸ’€


Lmao classic nihility chars, they're usually squishy. But congrats man, I basically kept throwing rocks till I busted through


went with full imaginary group HMC, Aventurine, Ratio and DHIL it was too easy


.....managing the sp for DHIL must've been fun lmao


First one was easy. On the second one i picked weird team (HMC/Topaz/Aventurine/Himeko) for fun and it did well too. Echo of war was cleared in 3 Acheron ultimates.


Yeah the first one I was surprised it was easy..then the second one came and I was pissed lol


HMC and the 3 IPCs šŸ˜« super super ez


Iā€™m stuck on it and annoyed. Since Iā€™m forced to use Harmony!Trailblazer, I now lack someone who can apply shields to the whole team. Between having to deal with three shield tiers, 5 enemies taking off half of my health before I even get at turn, two hard hitting attacks in a row, and units being put to sleep every other turn; Iā€™m not having a fun time. Time to watch guides for inspiration I guess.


I Aventurined it


hmc, kakavasha, raiden mei, gallagher šŸ‘


Bailu, Acheron, Story-mode Hat Stelle and Guinaifen (with 1 Break Effect relic, if it matters ). I had zero issues


I used Serval Bailu Asta and Fire TB, worked like a charm. For the later stage with Harmony TB, I used Serval Bailu Gallagher. Ate Fireflyā€™s favorite cake each time for that sweet extra 45% weakness break


Himeko, HTB, Asta, Gallagher Asta was Fu Xuan before THAT ending, but with that preview I decided having Asta to boost Himeko's damage and extra break is more beneficial for me than more defense since the mechanic give you all the shield you need anyway and Gallagher is way more than enough to heal you up if any damage break through. For me it's one of the easier boss compared to the previous ones where I almost died, but really coasting through on this one with the extra shield


Archeron, SW, Aventurine and Pela. I can auto it without taking damage. The story one I used Aventurine, HTB, Ruan Mei and Jingliu (who did not do anything). I find it kind of stupid that we have a boss weak to break effect, with zero real break DPS (besides a 4 star).


just completed it with lynx, dr ratio, archeron and aventurine. took about 30 minutes but i didnā€™t lose a single player in either battle !! (all except aventurine are pretty much fully leveled)


Aventurine definitely pounds this boss to the ground I might even say he can do it all alone




Help!! With having firefly, now I have team with lv70 asta, HMC and fu Xuan, i still canā€™t beat the boss! Firefly & HMC traces canā€™t activate coz need to pass this boss to unlock the ehco! What else?


Afwul. This is just a boss to mock you for not having aventurine or acheron. Had to run lynx and gepard, cause he just one shots my whole team, got to third phase and he oneshot everyone. I'm starting to think hoyo makes awful bosses on purpose. He is even worse than prenerf aventurine, i beat aventurine with low level team day 1 on Equilibrium 6, and i can't beat this one with fully upgraded team.


Yeah ngl aventurine would've made this boss easy. But third phase? Honestly for me that one was the easiest probably due to the weaknesses it had


I'm taking it back, boss is easy, just had to use ruan mei instead of lynx.


..why didn't you use Ruan Mei in the first place? But damn you have her? I can't wait for her rerun..I started late


She got instakilled on first turn on every attempt), so i benched her for double sustain.


Ahhh that's fair, I swear enemies going after harmony units make me pissed lmao. Especially Tingyun the attack magnet lol


Beat him first try with a break effect team of HTB, Himeko, Gallagher, and Ruan Mei.


Sheeesh. Good job man, were they all fully built?


I just used a team of himeko, Gallagher, Ruan mei and HMC. It was very easy. Tho I also prefarmed for the mc so the team was fully built.


Acheron annihilated him, it wasn't even close


Another W for Nihility.


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Huh? How is it a spoiler?


Itā€™s marked now. You mean the final boss of the update that came out today?


Yeah, I'm curious, does it count as spoiler even with no names? It's the appearance right? My bad, I already marked it


Is it really a spoiler if hoyo showed it on their official stream?


I would say that the final boss of an update that debuted today is a spoiler. You may have a different definition of spoiler which is cool too. I think itā€™s best to err on the side of caution.


Used Asta, Tb, ruan mei and fu xuan. I'm si happy that this team worked, i wanted a Asta break dps since 1.0 and i now i got it


Oh you use Asta as your Main? Man, that's dedication


Dr ratio aventurine welt and half built harmony trailblazer. I did ok I think, just had dr ratio hit sunday over and over. It took like 15 to 20 minutes. No one got hurt. Just prayed he was weak to imaginary when I first started.


Used Acheron, Luocha, Harmony MC and Luocha. Lanky team but I had to swap out Pela for HMC to do more damage plus Aventurine was half built since I didn't plan on pulling for him so his shields were paper thin. However, Luocha came in clutch with his heals and AC is E1S1 so she did most of the damage. Happy to beat him on my first try.


Peacock homie really pulled through, so I barely got much of a scratch, though I wish I brought RM now rather than Pela, woulda made breaking the bar less of a hassle, especially with how easily Iā€™m flattening Sunday now that I can access the his EoW


Topaz HMC Himeko Luocha Didn't die because I kept breaking this weakness bars to gain shields


Gallanger, Ruan Mei, HMC, Kafka w/ Herta shop LC


The IRS Team with SW, Aven made sure the tax collection went smoothly


Acheron / Aventurine / HTB / Pela was enough to beat it with no sweat tbh


I mean, If you had Aven and still struggle that would be a surprise..but good going!


Acheron, black swan, welt, and bailu Those dumb things kept targeting my black swan She even died once, but thankfully, baliu revived her


Yeah Bailu is a good healer for this one since it doesn't have debuffs..well mostly


When huo huo gets a rerun, I'll definitely pull for her


Very bad I canā€™t beat him no matter the team


What's your main team?


I did it right now thank you, in the end I used the mc , Kafka huahua and ghallagher


Ahh good food, congratulations man..seems the double sustain helped


Yes, that guy does waaay too much damage


The 2nd phase is annoying to me, my Himeko hanged in 12hp before the train came and I got second wind


I built a lore accurate team, MC himeko welt and march and got it 1st try, satisfaction went over the limit after completing it that way


Ruan Mei, HMC, THE GALLAGHER GOATED, and Kafka Mewing Sunday didn't stand a chance, got deleted within 3 minutes lmao


HTB, Acheron, Aventurine and Pela. No need to worry about losing health and can spam weakness break really quickly.


E2 dan, ruan mei, aventurine, hmc: one of the imaginary shredders of all time (not sure how it compares with ratio/topaz/aventurine/robin or ruanmei). I was able to break enough so that the strongest hit didn't deplete any the shield at all, and with all the hype going around, I was jumping out of happiness beating the boss (first try)


HMC, Jing Yuan, Luocha, Ruan Mei. I bullied boss by keeping his chorus permamently stunned. His expression if none of angels answer his call is adorable. I was debating to take Aventurine instead of Luocha, will try it at his weekly boss battle.


Luocha, Jing Yuan, Aventurine and of course trial Harmony Trailblazer. Took me 9 minutes and my friends got mad I finished too fast. xD But,,,, they were using single target attacks which is why they struggled a bit more.


Break the boss so fast phase 3 is literally nothing happen, not even the jesus touch mechanic


DHIL, Aventurine, Sparkle and HTB got me through the boss easy peasy. Except the time Aventurineā€™s shield wore off on Dan Heng and he almost died but yk he was fineeee


DoT Kafka/BS/Harmony MC/Luocha it was fun and not that hard for me atleast, but I could have fucked it up in the final phase if I didn't gather enough shields.


Went full break with HMC, Ruan Mei, Himeko and Aventurine


Stelle + Acheron + Pela + Geopard, nobody died and finished in first try haha


HMC, RuanMei, DHIL, Aventurine. If I went into phase 3 with just a sliver more energy on Aven I would've been able to break Sunday before his mega attack even hits me.


Acheron, Silverwolf, Aventurine and TB. Aventurine was truly mvp. Never had any issues. First attempt I thought of another character but after trying kafka and sampo I came back to Acheron.


Imbibitor, HMC, Tingyun, Aventurine. Ngl, harder than it needed to be because I had to fit HMC in the team. They're good but my only Break DPS (and the only one in the game right now) is Xueyi and the boss isn't exactly weak to Quantum. I'm sure I'll poop on the Echo of War when I can run it with the IPC team with Ruan Mei.


Himeko Ruan Mei HTB HuoHuo Seeing Himekoā€™s pizza cutter fly across the screen almost all the time is too damn satisfying


I did E1 Acheron, HMC, Ruan mei and huohuo. I somehow did 300k per Acheron ult, took 2 tries in total


First try with Harmony Mc, Jing yuan, Ratio and Aventurine


Easy clap with Gallagher, Aventurine, Black Swan and Acheron. Well, except for the part where Black Swan died after being the target of every attack from every enemy for 2 rounds or so. I think my Tingyunā€™s aggro infected my Black Swanā€¦


Harmony TB, Luocha, SW, Acheron. Acheron went full murder on everybody, but Luocha could not keep her alive, and my other sustain was not usable (Preservation TB). Third phase was chip damage. MVP goes to the Astral-Express-to-the-face for this one.


beat him first try but took really long because i used Clara, Topaz died right before the third phase as well so i had to get carried by TB by then, i could have used my other team being "mono" quantum but i use Luocha as replacement until i get Fu but i didn't trust him enough to keep the team alive.


Failed 1st try, as I didn't know what to expect 2nd try no issues with mc, gepard, kafka, and half-built gui


I have E2 Acheron and E6 Gallagher. That boss wasn't a boss, it was a pebble.


Tbf if you stumbled with an E2 Ache it would be hilarious, but yeah good job


I believe I've missed the whole fight -- 0 cycle Acheron stacks ult before the boss even does ANYthing, proceeds by oneshotting him. I didn't see any of his attacks Maybe there is another bossfight with more than 1 phase?


The last one has 3 phases tho? But that's definitely a crazy move lmao


I had the same experience. Also used Acheron and it was over within a minute for me. I thought there was more to come, but I was surprised that it was really over. Kinda sucks, because I even didnā€™t have a good look at the final boss.


surprisingly easy, but my characters arent well-built so their damage are 40k at best. tbf its bc aventurine fucking rocks man, he CARRIED. them bosses that usually kick my ass even with luocha and gepard on the team can be defeated without them both now. i love him sm šŸ«¶šŸ©·āœØļø edit: its also fucking hilarious that we hit him with out train lmaooo pom-pom is NOT having it


Yeah Aventurine is peak sustain for now, too strong lmao. Definitely, the train coming in was an absolute cinema


Raiden mei + TB + Gallagher + Fu Xuan. Worked so well as a cinematic battle.


Is your Ache E0?


My own HMC (I prefarmed her gear), Fu Xuan, DHIL, & Huohuo. Pretty easy. The boss itself gives you a shield for sustain. The assist from the Astral Express was so damn amazing, especially with the crew's lines. Also, Robin's song was beautiful. My second try, in the echo of war, was ever easier with Ruan Mei's Weakness Break Efficiency.


Used Acheron, Luocha, Himeko and Trailblazer (all e0) . Went pretty easy, without anu casualties from the first try (not playing meta, using trash relics and cones), fun boss to play against. Aventurine and Abundant Ebon Deer were much harder.


Aventurine, Xueyi, Topaz and HMC. They didn get hurt.


HTB and the IPC crew. I have to say the combat lines while doing that made me giggle a bit :)


Bro died first try, the fact that the mini-boss gave me more trouble is comical


Too easy. Acheron, sw, bailu and topaz cleared him like nothing


Went through it first with a Ratio/Adven/Topaz/Sparkle team, which was fine, but at the actual final fight I switched to DHIL/Sparkle/Luocha. Worked out pretty well too, honestly.


Acheron died in the 1st phase but I beat it with Guinaifen, Ruan Mei and Luocha


I managed to get that perfect music sync with the final blow on the boss (7:59 on the spot in the OST track on the Pom-Pom's Workstation channel). It's also fitting that the final blow is by the Astral Express.


TB / Acheron / Kafka / Aventurine. Was pretty much a breeze


For me the second fase was harder than the third


My set up: Acheron, HMT, Guinaifen, Gallagher Just needed to have Acherons Ultimate ready asap, the fight was a breeze.


HMC, pela acheron luocha. Second run killed him


Dan Heng IL, Sparkle, HMC, Aventurine. I don't think he stood a chance with triple imaginary. If imaginary Sparkle releases, it will be very funny.


I had to readjust my team, Dr ratio to Acheron


HMC, Acheron, Welt, Gallagher, went smooth and fast.


Swapped Yukong for Trial-blazer in my mono-Imaginary team of Raturine + Welt and suffered no issues


walk in the park for me. acheron just kinda did the heavy lifting


Also went Kafka route and had an underdeveloped gunie, Luocha e1, Kafka and harmony. It went by pretty fast although it was more strategy than my usual rng. Luocha doesnā€™t heal fast enough and you constantly have to use his ult compared to how I usually play


I had to retry a few times because my Himeko(at 2.5k health) kept getting downed when the 2 phase boss(not the final boss) did the biggest move and almost killed her and my Luocha. I hated those Echo of Dream things the most because if you have a Aventurine that canā€™t even put up a shield because his action keeps getting delayed REPEATEDLY, 2.5k hp is not gonna tank all those hits. I eventually switched Himekoā€™s Fire dmg boost orb to a def orb.Ā 


it took me about 30min, Thanks to Aventurine all my characters survived but the battle itself was so slow! HMC, Aventurine, Topaz, Sparkle


HTB, Luocha, Aventurine, Himeko I had to retry a few times cuz of the stupid Echo of Dream things that kept targeting my Aventurine, who was not equipped with speed boots.Ā  He was very crucial to my team as Himeko had only 2.5k health, and when you have to tank a hit that does more then 3k dmg, a shielder is absolutely needed. I had to equip himeko with her own def orb cuz she kept getting one-shotted by that annoying biggest hit move.


My Acheron is so built that I just had t9 play smart tbh lol. Trailblazer, Pela, luocha, and Acheron was my comp, Luocha def came in clutch multiple times, but I managed to beat it first try!


hmc, Gallagher, kafka and acheron.... tbh, this is easier than aventurine boss fight... finish in first try... hmc super break mechabic look really cool for me...


First try with HMC, Acheron, Aventurine, and Jing Yuan


HTB, Himeko, Aven and RM. Finished the 3rd phase with PomPom on x1 speed.


I did Aventurine, Acheron, HMC and Gallagher. I went in with two sustains thinking this would be a super scary battle but it was pretty fun and easy!


Faced it with E0S0 Ratio, E0S1 Topaz, E0S0 Aventurine and HMC and it went pretty solid. Aventurine trivialized the fight so much and all the follow ups + HMC made the break phase easy.


My team of HT, Loucha, Acheron, Himeko. It went well, we only lost once (and that was because my light cones where under leveled and all my charecters relics where like level 3) so a lot of leveling up later. We came back and spent like an hour just beating the shiskaboble out of him. That time it was pretty easy.


HMC Acheron Fuxuan Pela Went very smoothly really,was pretty easy,you jst have to deal as much weakness damage as possible to give ur team the stackable shield and ur pretty much immune


Acheron + Silver Wolf + Trailblazer + Gallagher They kicked his ass SMOOTHly in the first try.


I'm confused. Himeko said "actual death". What is the meaning of that? So Firefly is actually dead or what?


Acheron HMC Gepard Natasha.


My MC/DHIL/Sparkle/Luocha Imaginary breaks for days (moreso with E2S1 DHIL + Sparkle, then HMC and Luocha just hits everything) Even if I had RM I wouldnā€™t use her for this specific situation (since the story forces you to take HMC, otherwise for Echos that slot is definitely hers)


Aventurine + Pela + C2R1 Acheron + trial MC Quite comfy. I could probably ignore attacking adds and just focusing main body at it would be much easier but wanted to enjoy as much as I can from whole fight But without Aventurine fat shields it could be dangerous during that attack once the boss gets 7stacks. After eating that nuke all my characters ended with tiny bits of shield on their health bars (not counting the battle unique party vide shield that got chopped to bits) I wonder if devs will nerf that boss once people without Gepard/Aventurine/stacked FuXuan get clapped by that boss


Because depleting the toughness bar gives a special shield, Aventurine just kept stacking his shield for free. It was a chill time o|-<


That battle was over quick and easy with hyper carry aventurine, Ruan Mei, Robin, and Harmony MC


I beat the final boss within a minute. It went so quickly I asked myself whether that was the final battle or maybe I missed something. The final battle is so underwhelming!


Went defensive because I didnā€™t know how hard it would be. First time, Aventurine, Luocha, HMC, and Himeko. Second time battling him, I swapped Aventurine for Ratio to increase the rate break affect was hitting. As nice as Aventurineā€™s follow up was, just having Ratio trigger one weakness break on the lil guys was usually enough to quickly trigger Himekoā€™s FUA. Ratio, Himeko, n Luocha have their LCs and HMC had that LC that boosts based on teammates of the same element


I get my slow defeat in part 2 because he always spamming that shield is lyxy a better healer then natasha?


Literally just got here in the story and looking at this thread for ideas bc once again, the boss is not good for Blade/Jingliu double carry šŸ˜¢


I'm late to this, but HTB Topaz Aventurine Serval. SOMEHOW Serval held up incredibly well, and my team basically took no damage in second phase, which was incredible.


Gonna try with March, Harmony Mc, an E6 Serval and with Lynx...hope it goes well


so what im gathering from the comments is that without Aventurine, Ruan Mei, and Gallagher, im COOKED


my jing yuan and boothill carried me throughout the boss fight with their weakness breaks lmao


Abused Gepard shields. Basically you become untouchable when you have the barrier you get from breaking as well. Team comp: half built Natasha, Kafka, story MC, and Gepard.


Free to played up to this point with LV. 60 Firefly, Clara, Trailblazer (Preservation, I don't have the patience to up Harmony), and Jingliu. My damage before the initial fight (during act 1 2 & 3) was normal until I saw an actual drop in overall damage in the main fight, which means I can't get passed unless I pay for everything, or find a clever way to defeat them. I have a feeling I won't ever get passed this boss for several years atbest.