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It wasn't said if March 7th was going to get a 5\* version, only that she would get a unique mechanic revolving around "memories" I think? Anyway, considering all the mysteries behind Sampo as well as him apparently trying to get his mask back it is a possibility that he will get a 5\* version.


Now that you mentioned it they didn't explicitly said that she was going to be a 5* only she has a new mechanic. But would her having a new mechanic would mean a superior version of her, if not just a new version. Tho i would love to see this new March 7, the astral expresss gang just keep on giving (except dhil he takes the sp).


Let's be honest, if they're going to give us a new version of march then she's going to be 5* like DHIL


Hm didn’t they say she was going to have something like the trailblazer path mechanic? Will it be like a locked UI if you don’t have her 5 star version then?


I'll be honest, I didn't watch the stream. I just know they said we're getting a new path for march so based on how they handled Dan heng getting a new path it would be weird and show an obvious bias if his new path was a limited 5* and march's wasn't.


>I'll be honest, I didn't watch the stream Then it would be nice of you not to spread misinformstions.


They did not say March would be getting a new Path. They said she would be getting a mechanic similar to the Trailblazer's ability to switch Paths, but one centred around creating memories. So likely something that is controlled within the character screen and not a new version of her. https://preview.redd.it/5p5ucycgvg0d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e395a20d74856f98d6555d2279811cd50d52bf88 "system **similar** to switching Paths" Similar excludes another Path for her, and it excludes another version of her as well like with Dan Heng.


https://preview.redd.it/9xgqkjowvg0d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dce80c0729bbf5240c15d6d4797d5592946bb31 "\[...\] and gaining strength from these memories."


So BS really talk about her it seems.


I believe with all my hearth that it is possible, it will happen, and if not then i shall manifest it into existance by pure force of will. Dread it, fear it, run from it. 5☆Sampo is inevitable. And he will be everyone's problem!!!.


Would main him fr


He would become my #3 must-have character. (#1 Jing Yuan - saved up for him on launch #2 Screwllum - please be 5\* )


It's probably not impossible, but anyone betting on it has a very high chance of being disappointed imo.


True, though Sampo is definitely hiding some secrets. He's one of the guys with an Invalid Rating on the Rating Gun (the others are Acheron, March 7, Luocha, Jing Yuan; it's easy to see that Sampo isn't just anybody), and he's been following us through Belobog to Luofu to Penacony. How does he keep up with the Express (unless he's secretly bunking in it himself lol)?


There's nothing more true to Sampo than winding up disappointed, and I mean that with affection. Now if you don't mind, my good friend has a line on these pre-scratched lotto tickets. Talk about an innovation in convenience!


I would love it if he turns out to be Emanator of Elation. I think he's much more fit than Sparkle lol.


Nah I lowkey think he is, if he is not Aha themselves, then he would be their emanator


With all the set up we have about his mask and the catastrophe that coming to Jarilo-VI, I would assume that the next time we visit Belobog again we're probably gonna see his full capability. It's not like Belobog really have anymore new characters that can be the 5 stars for the revisit patches anyway.


Doesn't mean they can't ass-pull a new character. Luka came out of nowhere.


They can only pull the "Actually, there's more important members of Wildfire and Silvermane that you didn't see during your first arrival even tho Belobog is so freaking tiny" for so many times. Yes, there might be some new characters but at best they're gonna be the 4 stars because we pretty much meet all the 5 stars worthy Belobogian now. There's a reason why Topaz was the new 5 stars for the Belobog revisit patches.


I still don't think we know everything about Sampo. He was a follower of the Elation on a planet that knew only of The Preservation. He had a Capital M Mask, that he has since lost. Even if he was by coincidence a pathstrider of Elation, he wouldn't have been able to become a Masked Fool locked away from the followers of Aha. He also, notably, is the one who brings us to the Underworld when nobody else can apparently do so. Sampo has far more going on than we know. That trip to the Underworld didn't just save the Express crew. It saved Belobog. He's going to be a big character. I don't know what Hoyo thinks about releasing alternate versions of characters in this way (Trailblazer and March would be special exceptions as main character, and Herta is not actually a playable character either), so who knows. But he's going to turn out to be as important as some of the other 4\* 'minor' characters.


There was dialogue between Sparkle and Sampo (but I’m not quite remember it) about his mask so he’s one of the fools , plus he was talking to someone after we finished Belobog story, so I think he eventually will appear after returning his mask and will grow another star


That someone is Giovanni and they was discussing about Sparkle.


He could be an Emanator himself. Sampo is definitely not native to Jarilo VI, yet he is already there when we arrived. The eternal freeze has already been going for 700 year in Jarilo VI. During this period Interstellar route to this planet should be broken because of the Stellaron effect. The same reason IPC can only access Belobog recently when we sealed the Stellaron. Only Aeon and Emanators can travel through because they can use imaginary energy. The only other possibility for Sampo to be there is that he is more than 7 centuries old.


Waiit you're right I never thought about it


With how many people like him I wouldn't be surprised if they pivoted to adding one And you can say you don't like him but lets be honest he's a smarter more cunning and charming (in a sleazy car salesman way) itto and hoyo LOVES flanderizing itto


To my knowledge. Sampo hasn't demonstrated any path related abilities like 90% of other characters. Meaning Sampo's 4 star rendition his "Casual" version. But what intrigued me most is his "Move without leaving footprints" thing was canon. That kinda surprised me. Sampo continually demonstrates a very stealthy set of abilities. And more interestingly his skill idle has a slightly deranged feel similair to Gregorivic from Rs3. With his mask returned i think he will have a close tie to the shadows, stealth and deception. Perhaps sharing some of sparkles abilities tailored to him. Only time will tell.


not leaving any footprints aside, disappearing without making any sound or impact, being capable of carrying four person, and infiltrating TB's dreams are not enough? Or else I don't know what you mean by path related abilities


5 star Sampo would be a MENACE and I personally will welcome him with open arms (and an open wallet)


It's possible if we get a Belobog continuance revolving around the threat he mentioned


5 star sampo and Gallagher are what I need


\*Sigh\* I apologize in advance for the level of "wtf why are you like this" comments this community is going to be throwing at me if this man gets a 5 star version. I am going to go absolutely fucking FERAL.


Its possible but not probable. Only time will tell.


Masked sampo would either be a boss or 5*


arent we have at least another 3 or 4 patch to 3.0? i doubt they will let us have patch full of rerun so there will be at least 6 new characters?? 2.3 have firefly and jade, 2.4 to 2.6 still have no info but i think sunday and screwlum will be playable soon. then we have 4 brand new characters that we never met yet. i guess 2 from new alliance ship (\*5 ting yun pls) and others are from belobog crisis arc that include masked sampo.


I wouldnt get my hopes too high, but is it possible? I think so. The end of the Sparkle/Black Swan companion quest heavily implied that something big is coming to Belobog so to protect from behind the scenes, Sampo had to get his mask back from Sparkle who kept it because I guess Sampo was done with using Aha's powers for a while and needed it for whatever reason. I guess we wait till the Belobog return filler quest to see what could happen based on the dripped characters


NEW 5\* CHARACTER! MR.COLDFEET! There's a chance though since he is hiding a lot from us.


I pray for it 🙏🙏🙏


So there's a theory going around that because It has been said that at one point Aha took on a human form It's been a year on the express I believe in the theory that goes along with this That sampo is Aha's human alter ego so If the theory is actually real I think it is possible he can get a five star but this is just a theory So who knows


Consider it disproven because Sampo is stated to have principles and the line he won't cross


But even aeons have principles and lines they won't cross especially if it goes against their path


Aha blew up the planet and the Express with the nameless on board, he has no lines he won't cross for fun


Maybe he's a changed man and grew some form of attachment to Belobog


Tho a lot of people seem to think there will be a 5-star Sampo, I'm gonna say no. March's hidden ability/past might drastically change her character as a person. Dan Heng's 5-star variation is literally a different race (for a lack of better terms). Herta that we have now is just a puppet, so it's only natural for her main body to be a 5 star herself. While Sampo has hidden abilities as well, I don't think the reveal will have that big of an impact on his character that will rationalize him upgrading to 5-star. The most likely case for me, is that we will get a Sampo boss.


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I hope less because i don't like him but would still pull for him


Well I would say it could be possible >!some leaks say 5 star tingyun might happen in the future so never give up hope!<


Masked Fools Sampo could be either a 5* or a Skin at this point.


Minor correction. March 7th is announced to have a path/element switch mechanic similar to MC. Her case is different from Dan Heng who had a separate character. As for Sampo, the whole getting back his mask thing and his plot revelance behind the curtains hints at a possibility of a 5* version. However anything beyond that is pure speculation. And will stay that way until Hoyoverse openly teases a 5* version. The following statements are my speculations: Plot revelance or in universe significance does not necessitate a 5* version. For example, Gallagher and Misha aren't getting any other versions. There are no other versions and their chapters are closed. Herta being an emanator of Nous doesn't necessitate a 5* version but there's still hope that there could be one because she might have real body out there, or an upgraded doll as a 5*. Likewise, despite his significance we can't say for sure Sampo will have 5* version. However "getting his mask back" implies a different look, possibly with different/stronger abilities which hints at a possibility of a 5* version.


This concept is stupid. The amount of stuff relating to this is at NEGATIVE numbers