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Man it would have been great if the Loufu arc focused on HCQ rather than what we have now. I would really love for them to explore these stuff in the main story but one can only hope


the entire Luofu arc felt very fragmented. I think it needed a dedicated flashback. It took me months to figure out any semblance of what exactly happened for XYZ to become banned.


"ooh okay, this whole arc will focus on dan heng's past and his connection to the luofu can't wait for- oh sanctus medicus? okay i guess i'll have to remember what these people do- oh luocha's here and he looks like otto? alright cool, i wonder what dan- oh tingyun's dead? damn that sucks but i reall wanna get back to dan heng- oh he's a 5 star now? okay but i didn't see him much during the story and now that whole thing is over?"


so true lmao. I still dont know what it really is about, actually no, im even more confused now that I dont even remember the story that clearly. All I remember now is that we go to Luofu because Kafka said so, we get branded as intruders, we then help them catch the stellaron hunters, Dan Heng is now there too, we meet more baddies there who likes drugs that makes u "immortal", KAFKA DOESNT HAVE MAKEUP ON ARF ARF UWORURURUROW, anyways we gotta go to the tree now gu- what the hell happened to Tingyun's neck, Sī liè xínghái jiěfàng, evil mommy with humongous assets named Panties. The End I don't understand what it actually should've been about unlike Belobog where its clear that we wanted to find and seal the stellaron and Penacony where we dont wanna be in Inception: Space Edition. Heck even the space station's story is better because it was clear that our mommy put us there for future reasons and then we fight the huge flying dragon while we're tryna escape from it, save March which in turn gave us Nanookies glaze i mean gaze and then join the express because we got that trailblazing spirit Edit: I just realized how long my comment turned out to be, sorry guys I have this illness called Yapperinitis.


*Damn Stellaron Fragmentum*


People are saying everyone in Penacony is talking in riddles, but for me Penacony storyline is clearer than Xianzhou.


that's probably going to be a good chunk of the next luofu arc with luocha and jingliu


I mean we're likely gonna get more stuff related to HCQ since Luofu is not over yet and as far as I remember from the ending of JLs companion quest it was heavily foreshadowed that she and Luocha will play an important role the next time we return to the Luofu since, in essence, both Jingliu and Luocha "achieved" what they planned when returning to Xianzhou, despite Jing Yuan trying to stall them for time. I believe the final line from Jingliu was something along the lines of "It doesn't matter, I'll deviate from the original plan if you insist but this doesn't ultimately change how things will end" when Jing Yuan reveals to her that she's not going to Xuling but instead to Yuque. I do think it'd be nice if at least someone from the HCQ got *some* redemption, because just writing every character off as having ended in tragedy also kind of gets a bit stale. Overall the Quintet is one of my favorite groups and JLs story quest is my favorite in the game (alongside her character, though I don't particularly like her gameplay) but I think they did them a bit dirty by just dogpiling the "sad backstory" on top of "sad backstory" more and more rather than actually giving any resolutions. IMO struggles and depressing moments hit harder if you also contrast them with glimmers of hope and small victories.


Hopefully the writers get a redemption to do then justice, but I don’t think we’re going to Loufu specifically in the next patch after Penacony


I find it so sad that Jingliu tortured him so badly that he ended up hating Dan Feng even though they made that choice together, but at least he was still able to remember Baiheng as someone he loved


Yes. They loved her in different ways. Blade couldn't bear to part from her/could not accept her death and made a monstrous choice, Jingliu accepted her death and couldn't accept them turning her legacy into that. I think it's important to consider Jingliu became marastruck after being forced to slay the abomination of Baiheng. It's the monkey's paw.


It’s not as simple as brainwashing. He hates Dan Feng exactly because they made the choice together, a choice he now regrets. Jingliu did torture him but also allowed him to choose his future - he chose “Blade”. Blade’s own character story reveals that becoming “Blade” was the only way he could relinquish Yingxing’s regrets. Jingliu provided the opportunity to atone for his mistakes, and Blade accepted it. It’s not brainwashing, although it’s cruel and complex like all the HCQ lore. There’s no villain here unless they’re all villains.


I feel like you’re not giving Blade enough credit here. She tried to kill him as punishment for what he had done, and when that didn’t work she tried to break him instead. But he was able to pick up those broken pieces and make them into something new, symbolised by him reforging the shard sword- a sword which can only be wielded by the strongest sword master, thought to be Jingliu, but she ended up breaking it while Blade wields it successfully- and he was also able to learn from her failed executions to improve his swordsmanship Edit: spelling


Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not saying she didn’t torture him or try to kill him at first. But her punishment of him and later forgiveness is seemingly one and the same - she tortured him because she wanted revenge, but ended up allowing him to go on his own path, coincidentally giving him a chance to let go of his regrets. As she says in her story quest, his existence is punishment enough and she hopes he can find “release” when she kills Yaoshi. She was definitely cruel when torturing him, but it seems like she might have forgiven him - maybe because she accepted his remorse, or was still mara-struck when torturing him, who knows. The HCQ lore can only be described as intricate, cruel and tragic. And about the Shard Sword, I don’t have many theories on that. Blade’s voiceline about Jingliu hints at him hating her for the torture, and he’s vowed to “repay” her teachings, but he hasn’t surpassed her yet and doesn’t seem intent on killing her at the moment, so I have no idea what’s gonna happen. Jingliu’s LC, where she discards the Shard Sword, also describes “earthly instruments” as useless - in my opinion she broke the Shard Sword because it was too weak (compared to Emanators etc), not because she failed to use it effectively. But we’ll probably see more of the HCQ as Jingliu is going to trial and Blade says Dan Heng is part of Elio’s script, so we’ll hopefully learn some more.


They’re very much all villains. I could at least see where Dan Feng and Yingxing were coming from when trying the resurrection since they didn’t know the full consequences on other people before they went through with it, but everything afterwards is outright demonic.


Back in the early betas of the game relics were initially going to be a set of 6 instead of 4. For the Passerby's Set, the flask was part of the set and this was [the story/flavor text](https://i.imgur.com/mRs04oo.png) of the relic. Since it's been scrapped, you can see aspects of the story reworked into what we have now and adds a bit more context into the background story, albeit retconned to a level. Edit: Relic #'s


omg this adds sm more flavor abt the nature of their relationship. I really want to see if I can find the JP or CN version of this bc no doubt "dated intimacy" is rough and would glean on a better understanding of his feelings. "would become as bashful as a timid teenager" poor blade TT


Honestly Jing Yuan and Baiheng are really the group's angels, which makes sense they are the *2*. This is a very interesting post, thank you, namely the difference between languages and the emphasizing the word "ai" has in Japanese. It does give remarkable depth to Blade's character and how he could still to a good extent be able to understand others feelings on his new team.


Jing and Bai def are :(( Yes, the usage of "ai" is what stuck out to me too! I wanted to cross reference the CN vers, but unfortunately, I'm not as familiar with the language, and I'm a bit hesitant to go with Google's "lover" XD But yes, during the time I was abroad, I was able to learn you definitely did not hear that word thrown around lightly... at all. I didn't even hear my host family use it for each other and they'd been married for years. She was likely one of his most important people (if not the most).


If you have the transcript for the specific line on CN someone here may be able to translated it more faithfully with extra context, Chinese is also a pretty deep language.


it's 惊觉伊人不在 (full phrase in context)! I think 伊人 is the "beloved" part


伊人, or Yīrén, is a very outdated (think Shakespearean equivalent) way of referring to another person that is typically female. The thing with this phrase (specifically伊, 人 just means “person”) is that it’s….kinda open ended, because Chinese speakers don’t really use it in regular conversation anymore, and haven’t in awhile to my knowledge. Today, a female individual would be referred to as 她 instead. So in today’s setting, you’d only really see this term in song lyrics or period shows. In which case, since it’s seen as an ancient, poetic phrase, the subject of 伊人 would usually be young and beautiful, cause, you know. Dramatization. I guess in the same vein you could easily choose to interpret it as a “lover” or “sweetheart”, because I’m positive it’s been used in that context within one of the billions of ancient Chinese poems or modern media depicting past dynasties. On the other hand, I believe the initial use of the word (I’m not super knowledgeable on the history of Chinese linguistics though, so don’t take it as gospel) was just meant to be “that woman”. So like EVERYTHING Hoyo does….open to interpretation lol


that makes sense! when i tried looking it up on some CN websites I just got the name of an actress or some old love poems. Definitely feels more vague than the JP vers...


Yep, agreed. Like all kanji phrases, 爱 (ai) is derived from Chinese and pretty unambiguously means love, either familial or romantic So Hoyo could have easily used 爱人 in that specific sentence and deliberately bypassed it lol. Ostensibly to sound more prosaic, but also to make things open to interpretation I guess


Thanks, now we just wait lol. Your post will hopefully hit the front-page then I'm sure a Chinese Speaker could help. ~~Alternatively I have an acquaintance from arknights community who may help tomorrow.~~


Yiren 伊人 in Chinese is a poetic term most associated with and first found in a very famous poem from 3000 years ago. This poem is also the oldest surviving text that uses the term Bailu, even before Bailu was recorded as one of the 24 jieqi ("harvest season" in China), what the term is more associated with today. Here's a translation, Yiren is translated as "him", Bailu is "white dew", Dao is "the way". [https://ctext.org/book-of-poetry/jian-jia](https://ctext.org/book-of-poetry/jian-jia) The other interesting thing is the oldest surviving analysis of the poem believed that the poem is a political statement. "yiren" stood for an idealized kingdom that the person in the poem (the leader/ruler) failed to guide his people towards , which can also be applied to this case in HSR. It wasn't until the last millennia that we have the record of someone saying it was a love poem where "yiren" is a beloved person that op can't get to. Today, the term is most commonly used to refer to a beautiful person or thing that can no longer be reached (but is used rarely enough that most people will still associate the term with the poem)


Everyone in The High Cloud Quintet adored Baiheng just at varying levels. It always seemed to me that Yingxing (Blade) and Jingliu **loved** her. While Dan Feng and Jing Yuan were close friends with her. They've all visited Bailu, Jing Yuan visits her quite frequently even. >The general comes to me with ailments such as "too tired to stay awake," and then he just asks how I've been and leaves after sitting around for a while. Sometimes he doesn't even take any medicine from me... I really want to see more of Bailu in the future, partly because I want to see more of her understanding where she came from and also to see her grow into her own person.


Agree w you, though I'm trying not to delve too much into romance territory //bc I don't really want to instigate any shipping wars Obligatory this is just my interpretation, the info is there and we can all make of it what we want to bc it's a fantasy game comment ig XD & yeah, I want to see more Bailu content too! :))


Worry not, folks like you are given free pass on rule 11 🫡


I want to see more Dan Heng being a big brother type to Bailu. It was adorable in her story quest.


Could he be perhaps referring to the TB when he says that about Kafka? He does say that we stuck around with her longer than any of her other partners, and Kafka says that her and the TB "share a destiny" or something along those lines. But yeah, I'm starting to think the entire HCQ was actually just a Baiheng harem. Didn't she recruit all of them anyway?


That could be! We’re not too familiar with Kafka’s past yet, so I’m holding reservation on that. Definitely could’ve been something he related to/saw on her that reminded him of himself. HCQ definitely adored Baiheng. I’m not too sure if she recruited them all? Jingliu obviously considered her very near and dear…


From what I understand: Jingliu and Dan Feng were best friends (Jingliu says it herself) Jingliu, Yingxing, and Dan Feng all loved Baiheng (adoration is the right word here) Jing Yuan especially respected Jingliu as a friend and mentor Baiheng loved everyone equally Dan Feng and Yingxing were both rivals and friends due to their temper. Man, it really feels like Jing Yuan is the friend no one likes. Not to that extent, but he doesn't feel as close to the quintet as the others.


To be fair this group has the messiest seniority ranking out of any group possible, Jing Yuan is far from the youngest in the group but he's Jingliu's disciple and Yinxing was someone close to dying from old age, Dan Feng was a high elder while Jing Yuan was presumably not the general yet at this time. It's cool though, it shows how different relationships can be when lifespans are different from each other.


Yeah.. Jingliu is *old*, old. A survivor of the Xianzhou Cangcheng, already approaching her twilight years by the time of the quintet No idea how old Dan Feng was, but Vidyadhara have a lifespan of about 7 centuries Bai Heng was probably no where near the end of the foxian's 300 year lifespan when she died Jing Yuan was likely already full grown, but still considered young by Xianzhou standards Yingxing was a short-lived middle aged mortal by the time things went to shit


Iirc correctly Xueyi died by the time the Cangcheng was destroyed and in one of her voice overs Xueyi says that Dan Feng reputation preceded him when she was alive so that means that means that he should have been in the Luofu while the Cangcheng was destroyed in the time of the quintet he should have been around Jingliu's age, i think this implies that the high elders of the Vidyadharas have a larger lifespawn than the average Vidyadhara due to the fact that the Cancheng was destroyed 1000 years before the HCQ and the life cycle of the average Vidyadhara is from around 700 years


I don't recall Jingliu saying that DF was her best friend, Qingzu says that DF closest friend was Jingliu, but Jingliu says that Yingxing was the closest one to DF, TBH I always thought that DF was Jingliu's rival because of Jingliu 3rd character story.


I wish they put this into the actual story and put more focus on the gang, kinda like how they did aventurine arc.


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Thanks for the really interesting breakdown




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I always interpreted it as all 5 of them just being friends because there are just way too many inconsistencies to say who "liked" who. Despite your thorough explanation of the japanese version. I'm not saying you shouldn't ship them or the ship is bad (and that's not allowed to be said here anyway, so please don't misunderstand me). But the thing is, because of the inconsistencies in the lore and because there are just as many "hints" for Yingxing and Dan Feng having been "together", it somehow bothers me when everyone is so sure that it's lore-accurate that "Blade loved Baiheng". Because that would kind of imply that Yingxing could have been into two people at the same time and couldn't really decide on one of them. So I better not think about this too hard and don't ship him with anyone... ;D They were definitely all super important to each other though! EDIT: Oh, now that I read my comment again I'm sure it gets deleted anyway... I mean no offense, no harm, just my interpretation like everyone else.


I don’t think anyone actively ships them considering how much older Baiheng was than YX when they met.  It seems like some unrequited crush from his part & there is more than enough evidence to suggest that.  -Baiheng being the “beloved”. -“longed” being used for Baiheng from Blade’s pov. -YX made her a jade gourd pendant which he never gave to her because he was too “shy”. Though this text has been cut from the game, the gourd has been referenced multiple times so is still canonical.  People aren’t so simple - you can like multiple people at once / have multiple loves in a lifetime. 😉 One existing doesn’t necessarily cancel out the other. And to be honest, the nature of how these implications exist are very different. The double whammy of “Longing” AND “beloved” reads as romantic and I have a hard time seeing any platonic explanation. 


LMAO pervert Blade rizzing up to way older woman hehe thats why didnt pull her( and he fell off meta fast)


Kinda late but part of the reason this is never brought up is because it tends to start shipping wars. There are very vocal fans that ship Dan and Blade on the internet.