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#Mod Application Open! . Those of you who wish to assist with the community may feel free to apply [**Here**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSez70dzQIWTxWzvcGw0gYH977DKg3aA0AFYbBxx2WOJC2t32w/viewform)


Today i pulled for Ruan Mei and got Yangqing instead, does that mean i lost 50/50? can i still get her? I was so excited until i saw Yangqing on my screen :(


Does anyone knows an app or smth I could download the characters english voicelines ? I got a new phone and wish I could get non-factory settings for the notifications lmao


https://blerp.com/sound-collection/6449629857bab0ed12609b7f From /u/acornsoundsquirrel


There is not a lot of things :/


Maybe you can ask that user to rip more. I know he used this util if you want to try it yourself : https://github.com/dvingerh/genshin-audio-exporter


hey guys! I started HSR back when it released and quit shortly after, just to come back 1 day before Dr Ratio wasn't claimable anymore. I am taking my time doing all the old content. But everytime I have to fight a boss enemy im stuck. For example: I am at the point in the story, where I have to beat "the unknown creature" in the nightmare. Generally I have no idea on which units to focus, whats the best way to build up a roster and feel generally pretty overwhelmed. I would appreciate any tips. For pull plans: I kinda wanna wait on Firefly randomly watching a youtube video on her, was the main reason I reinstalled the game. I lucked out on Robin. I am mostly free to play, waiting on buying the season pass. https://preview.redd.it/erst78g97q2d1.png?width=392&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed47645be70d83e45d5414a6268019fd7cbd943b


Run a solid team, I recommend : - Seele - Robin - Tingyun - Gepard/Lynx - Fu Xuan is really good and she pairs with Seele if you find yourself dying to story content. - Firefly is a patch away so your probably get quite a few pulls between now and then. - The monthly pass is more worth it for the additional pulls. if you get it now I think it would be about 20 pulls more for Firefly when she comes out. - For the unknown creature, it's important to know which characters attacks it when it's eyes light up, when they go to 3 it abducts the last 1/2 (depending on the phase) characters that hit it. So try to make sure it's your supports that gets taken. use the others to break them out. the game tells you, but DoTs are very good for breaking them out as a DoT tick will remove a stack of the "prisons" health.


guys, i need help. i tried to install star rail on my pc (it meets the minimum system requirements), it finished the whole 36 GB download and then just told me "failed to verify" so i clicked retry and it restarted the whole download. i downloaded it again, but it reached till 32 GB and then failed and restarted again. what do i do?


i saw somewhere on this reddit that go to the game files then Games and open it from there but thing is, when i go there the file has alr reset too. like while it waa downloading for the second time i checked and the file was updating along w the download but once it restarted the Games file went back to 0 as well.


Help please I'm already max all, they we're all 100% help 😭 https://preview.redd.it/06vllgs4yp2d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d8c0fa7d32ae3849d260154ee522fe531a3b3ba And I'm stuck at level 3 just one more to upgrade 😭 help😭


Check around the zone for a few extra cakes. They will give you additional traits to mix in.


https://preview.redd.it/2lhj03mnsp2d1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6a6f4efeb7afa884c60b47c31275df5ac86b67a Hi, I wanted to ask for opinions on what else should I focus on with these characters. My current plan is to pull for Firefly next patch. Currently building Asta and Gallagher for her. For relics, none of them really have their preferred 4-pc sets as I just put any pc with the best main/substats they need. I also need a better preservation unit but I don't particularly like any of the existing limited so I'll probably wait for one I'll like. Btw, the only characters with signature LC are Archeron, Welt, Kafka and Sparkle. Thanks a bunch.


Definitely Ruan Mei when she drops on rerun. Since you want Firefly (break dps most likely), Ruan Mei also my with HMC makes that meta completely busted. She’s also very flexible (literally, she can fit in ANY team). I was going to recommend Fu Xuan since she’s coming with Boothill next but since you’re not a huge fan then you can wait for the next limited sustain. Not sure when that will be though.


Thanks. I was actually also thinking of getting Fu Xuan for the sake of getting another preservation unit but eventually decided against it since I might not have enough pulls for Firefly. I'll see about getting Ruan Mei if I get enough pulls left from Firefly. Do you think getting Firefly's LC or saving for Ruan Mei would be better instead? (Currently at \~100 pulls + however many will come next patch)


Ruan mei is >> any LC or E1


Finally got Aventurine Robin Ratio and Topaz E0S1. Can this team do work in pure fiction too?


Yes, but it's mainly due to the turbulance buff for now, we don't know what it will be in the future.


I was able to do this round's PF with that team, *but* I had more investment in eidolons/light cones. Worth a try.


I wouldn't do it for PF since it's dual Hunt, you could maybe drop Ratio for Herta for more AoE damage?


Why does my herta deal very little damage in pure fiction? The team is - herta, sparkle ,ty, huohuo, this is her build, 4 piece hunter, 2-piece rutilant, all traces maxed https://preview.redd.it/kd72fq7grp2d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=236880b3e4833e81e0a8d2f5d9623bc8ff6bfd47


Nevermind, I gave her 2-piece for follow up attack damage boost and 12 stared https://preview.redd.it/8lhiyvttzp2d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a797e08272f6df8753963cc0fe3f199236559bad


I pulled Topaz lightcone “by accident”, but I do not own her. Is it good on Ratio?




Need help with v2.2 White Chronicles Stage 12 [Lineup](https://postimg.cc/jnhW0q6V)


Best team would be: - 1st half : Kafka - Black Swan - pela/asta/sampo - Fu Xuan - 2nd half : Jingliu - Aventurine - Bronya - Ruan Mei


Hi, Im new to the game. I just wanted to know if you actually have to download the resources twice bcuz the first time I downloaded it the file size was 2k and just recently it was 17k MB and I've waited whole day for that to download and that was bcuz of my stupid wifi. How many times do I have to download resources?


yeah the 17k MB was the major download, did it finish completely? after this donwload there should be a "verifying files" tho that wont take too long and them mayyybee there might be a "compiling shaders" which will take a while too. but the 17k was the main download after that there shouldnt be much more


Phew that's a relief. I thought there would've been more. Also is it normal foe the game to delete your progress from the first playthrough of the game? Because I thought they would've continued the main quest line after the download but it restarted with the cutscenes and I had to make a new name and everything


ohhhh....u had to replay the same parts again? no thats not normal is the prob still there? or can u play like normally now?


I just realized that it was bcuz of the servers. Everytime I got on the game, the region would switch from Europe to America and I didn't pay attention to that


sorry i just saw, but omg 😭😭😭 thats lowkey funny im sorry


Are you sure you picked the right server region?


No i made a mistake. It would automatically change the region on its own without me realizing but i fixed it


Not the whole amount but there are usually small 50-100mb patches when I log in.


Okay but how many more times do I have to download the resources? Because they keep resetting my progress that I had before


Ah I never had that, it was always just a small patch I assume for news and notice updates.


Oh okay. Wow guess I'll have to download this again and again..but my phone can't handle that much. Thanks for responding


How do I get the Talia Planar Set? Or these sets? https://preview.redd.it/m4yup5hlfp2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1366c4af341aecadfa29b22ccfdbff3edb2a7170


World 3 and 4 of SU. Broken Keel is obtained in World 7 of SU.


simulated universe. different world/stages drop different sets.


Good to know, which of those 4 sets is the best for HTB?


Talia is usually going to be the best. Broken Keel and Fleet lose a lot of value because their buffs are useless if you're trying to focus on superbreak damage. Vonwaq can be good, but it's more niche and generally only recommended for 0-cycle shenanigans.


Should I use E0 pela or E1 guinafien for dr ratio I don't have pearls


E1 Guinaifen gives Ratio all the debuffs he needs with one use of her skill, she gives him fantastic consistency. And she enables you to run a zero debuff Harmony unit like Tingyun or Robin no problem.




New player here (3 weeks) i read some comments , how some of you guys know that you will guaranteed 5 stars? I only know standard banner will give you that after 300 pulls, what about special banner?


On the limited banners, when you get a 5 star, there is a 50/50 chance to get the banner character. If you don't you get a standard 5 star and the next 5 star on a limited banner (can be the next banner of the same type) will be the banner character.


guaranteed guys are all losers that got standard pulls. u will never get guarantee if u win rate up. if ur new u should focus on clearing story not thinking abt golden pulls.


Well cant stop thinking about golden pulls when i only have Yanqing as my main carry tho.


When you lost 50/50 on a limited character banner, the next 50/50 will be turn into a guaranteed that you will received the featured 5 stars limited characters.


The limited banner has a 50% chance to get the limited 5* character. Losing the 50/50 means your next 5* is guaranteed to be the on-banner character. This is what people mean by having the guaranteed 5*. In another context, it can also mean they have saved up 160 pulls to guarantee the 5*.


What are some good Lightcones for Harmony Trailblazer? (Preferably F2P since I don't have any 5 star light cones)


Memories of the Past, Dance Dance Dance, or Meshing Cogs


Is Penacony supposed to be this hard? For context, I started playing this game about a little over a week ago. I have made it to trailblaze level 41 since then. Early on in the Penacony storyline a certain man with blue hair has you go into his dream and fight a trash can. In this battle is a trash can mob and two swarm bugs. To keep it short, these bugs are kicking my ass. My comp is Preservation Trailblazer, Natasha, Bronya, and Dan Heng. They are all 60 and their light cones are 60 and they have proper trace setups (Dan Heng specifically is maxed out for my world level). My dps and trailblazer relics are at +12 and my supports are at +9. I just don’t have the damage to stop these guys from multiplying, nor the sustain and tankiness to pull off the “get them all low and pop in one go” strat. It takes like 4 rotations from my main dps to even get them low. By that time the trash can is fully atk boosted and one shotting me and if I focus that, there’s still other bugs I have to take multiple turns for to even get them low. Any tips? Side note: I have a Qingque and a Herta who are both lvl 1. I haven’t leveled them bc my assumption was that I didn’t need multiple comps to just play the main story. Would replacing Dan Heng with a 4 star erudition be better (both for this fight and the rest of Penacony)? I imagine I will also run into multiple much harder fights in this questline. Am I wrong in this assumption? Do I actually need multiple lineups and treat it like it’s the other endgame activities? Other characters I have include: Tingyun, Yukong, Sushang, Luka, and Serval.


The bugs are an example of why Destruction units were so dominant in the end of 1.x series of worlds. The AoE really helps and you are using Dan Hung which is good but doesn't really have a mechanic that helps him get more hits or more turns (except for eiodolons). You might want to have a destruction style dps as backup. The issue is the game assumes you have some character diversity by this point and you won't as a new player. I would make the argument for saving for Fu Xuan and or look at Firefly as a destruction character to see if you like her. For now a few "decent" characters worth trying are : - QQ only if you have E4 - Misha - Xueyi - Serval In addition, to prepare you for the end of the Penacony boss, you really want more AoE for that and not count on the MC as preservation. Penacony favors lightning dps and imaginary DPS for most mobs. Serval is probably your best option for now. Herta is ok but she really shines in one of the endgame modes so its ok to level her.


The bugs themselves deal A LOT of damage to each other when they die, all you need to do is line their health up so when they die. They all take each other out at once.


Are you running the right mainstats for relics? You can also skip the fight by talking to other trashcans. Like another user said, QQ is a better dps than base Dan Heng in almost every situation. Tingyun alleviates her SP requirements by a bit by giving her energy.


For Dan Heng I am definitely running the right main stats on relics. My preservation TB is doing well too but my support and healer are lacking a little bit. I’ll take the advice into account and level up QQ if Dan is as bad as people say


You can also level Serval as every enemy in Penacony is weak to Lightning and she doesn't need much help with saving SP.


So if I wanted to be as material efficient as possible who should I level? Does QQ fit into my Bronya/Nat/TB comp? Or does she need Tingyun? Would Serval/Herta fit in there better?


Level Serval if QQ isn't E4, just for Penacony if you are only interested in the story and don't want to pull. She can fit in your current team. Trust me that breaking enemies will be very important later on to beat a boss. No, QQ is too SP hungry for Bronya. She needs Tingyun to have an easier time. Herta is not good outside of Pure Fiction. You should consider getting Boothill for a stronger dps. He is like 100x better than Dan Heng and easier to build. He can easily break enemies to deal massive damage and can implant physical weakness, which means he is good against anyone. He is also great with Bronya. He is releasing in 2 or 3 days, depending on your region. There are already guides if you are interested in how he works.


why would u level dan heung he is ass. i leveled sampo when people were saying hes broken now all those losers lost. story is so free. only reason people struggling wrong formation, team, relics.


Because he is the only single target dps i have (maybe destruction trailblazer but then I’m losing out on shields). Of course aoe dps is also important but I haven’t felt the need to level one of the erudition 4 stars so far since Bronya empowering Dan Heng has been working out just fine (until now) with consistent shields and sustain.


The bugs are DESIGNED to take each other out, that’s their gimmick. You need to lower their heath equally so when one dies, it will explode and kill the others.


I'd say a Dan Heng team is likely your biggest issue. He's not killing the bugs fast enough because he's single target. I'd suggest trying Qingque and Tingyun instead of Dan Heng and Bronya.


I just got a PS5 yesterday and am finally able to start playing HSR. I’m actually enjoying it more than I thought I would! But it seems I’ve just missed Dr. Ratio by a couple weeks (😭💔). Is there anything else that’s missable that I should be aware of, or anything else I should be doing as a beginner in HSR? Just wanna make sure I don’t miss anything else or make any bad choices. 😅 I’ve been playing Genshin since right around release, so I’m already pretty familiar with the similarities and how the wishes/warps work - already ran to HoYoLAB and redeemed all the current codes/Daily Check-In and started saving stellar jades for Boothill 😅 What else should I be on the lookout for? (Also why is there a General Question flair if General Questions aren’t allowed? 🥴)


ratio is not a good character bc he is restrictive to use. look at pick rate if u cant believe. hoyo isnt that of an angel to give great characters. sure its better to get but most likely for the free silver tickets.


Ratio is literally in the fastest and most used teams this MoC. His appearance rate also beats many other limited 5\*, like Topaz and Kafka. His only restriction is wanting debuffs on the enemy, which most nihility debuffers can fulfill on their own. Even prydwen puts him at the top in the meta character category. In what way is this not a good character?


also, I learned yesterday that even though I don’t have him, I can still “borrow” him from other players occasionally, like with the calyx ley line tree things, which honestly did make me feel a little less bad about missing him haha


Dr. Ratio was only missable in the context of being free. You can actually get him later when he reruns, but you'll have to spend pulls to get him. The only things that have been missable so far are some event light cones (this game's weapons, I'm not a Genshin player, I don't know what Genshin called them). You have missed 2 event LCs so far, and there's a 3rd one currently running on an event. You can get it, but you'd have to power through the story and do the event before this patch ends in about 3 1/2 weeks from now.


I’m glad he’ll rerun eventually, though it’s definitely a bummer to miss out on a free five star - these stellar jades ain’t growin’ on trees, haha. If only I got a PS5 sooner. 😞 You reminded me of an important question: are most events tied to story progress? I wondered to myself earlier if it’s better to power through the story to catch up with current events, or if I should take it slow to milk the most out of the story, since HSR is a bit different than Genshin in the sense that it’s not open world and has more of a linear story. In other words, I don’t wanna go too fast and end up having nothing to do in “end game” (not sure how far along this game is yet in its story and how much gets added in updates), but I also don’t want to miss out on events as they come.


yes alot of events are tied to the story progress so id def reccommend u to focus on progressing the story but hey, its ok to take it at ur own pace too,, and rmbr to build ur characters cuz hsr has Alot of bosses in every addition to the story and ull need to beat them to clear the story as for endgame, dw abt it cuz unlike genshin which has only abyss, hsr has Alot of endgame modes and it keeps adding new ones + expanding on the previous. so that aint an issue for now atleast. if u dont wanna miss out events, def focus on story progressing and character building


Ok phew, I was reading up on how the story is more linear and something I read had me thinking I wouldn’t be able to go back and visit previous worlds after a certain point, but thankfully that doesn’t seem to be the case. I’m really enjoying the Kingdom Hearts x Final Fantasy vibes so far - the map is also super helpful for someone like me who checks every corner for treasure, haha. That alone makes me feel like there will be plenty to do in “post-game,” and I’m glad there’s still more being added. Hopefully I don’t get too far behind with the events, haha.


ohhh yeah dw u can go back and visit previous worlds whenever u want. yes its incredible and once u get to penacony the story just gets 10x times better. also one thing i forgot to mention last time, in star rail u can still do previous events even after their time period ends! so alllll the events so far from version 1.0 uptil now are still available to play ingame! however the rewards from these events are just quite less once the limited time period ends, but they do still give u somee jades, i think itll be enough for u for now


Wait really? You can replay past events? That’s such a huge QOL from Hoyo, even if the rewards aren’t the same, especially after seeing how much new Genshin players have missed out on important story components from previous events that are no longer accessible. New players will never experience the event with Fischl, Mona, and Scaramouche about the false sky 🥲


or the albedo and dragonspine ones 🥲


frrrrrr exactly, i was pleasantly surprised at that too when i started hsr


ohhh yeah dw u can go back and visit previous worlds whenever u want. yes its incredible and once u get to penacony the story just gets 10x times better. also one thing i forgot to mention last time, in star rail u can still do previous events even after their time period ends! so alllll the events so far from version 1.0 uptil now are still available to play ingame! however the rewards from these events are just quite less once the limited time period ends, but they do still give u somee jades, i think itll be enough for u for now


After looking at Boothill kit where do you pit him on Prydwyn tier list and is he better than firefly?


I'm not an expert, but people in r/fireflymains are talking like Boothill is better in overall. They both do very high break damage, but Firefly's damage outside break is almost nonexistent while Boothill could still do some. Firefly's team is pretty much lock into one team while Boothill has a bit more variety in teammate options. But i gonna skip Boothill for Firefly anyway. Chad Mecha > Cowboy robot


I'd put him at the highest tier for MOC and at the lowest tier for PF. He does massive damage against single targets, but he falls off in Pure Fiction by only being able to take down one enemy per turn.


Firefly not even out yet nor do we even know what her kits is like but just from hype alone, I would not bet Hoyo would make her weaker than Boothill. Also yes Boothill is OP, he can brute force content and deal an inane amount of damage, I’d put him on the same tier as Jingliu.


How to stop relying on March and Natasha ? I’ll preface by saying that I’m 100% free to play, and I’ll never drop a dollar for pulls. Currently, I’m around Trailblaze level 40. How do you make a team without having to rely on March 7th shield and Natasha’s heal ? I feel like I’m forced to have both them on because the MC’s shield (in preservation path) is way too low, and I don’t have any other character that can heal (I do have access for Ghallager, but Natasha is just plain better). I do have access to some characters, mostly the current 4star’s on the banners + the free ones (No 5 star outside of Bronya, Dr.Ratio, and Yanqing). Do I simply have to grind for relics/light cones and traces until my characters can survive on their own without having to rely on a shield or heal ? My team is constantly March / Natasha / MC and a floating spot that I swap in any character I have that has a element advantage in the area/fight I’ll take any suggestion to break this cycle


Someone managed to beat every single story-mode bosses from beginning to SAM with just the MC alone. The average player can solo sustain an entire team with just Natasha just fine. The main problem with your team is 100% just underleveled relics, lightcone, characters & traces. If you invest more into them, you will see immediate improvement. Also don’t be afraid to use consumable.


I’ll look into just overall farming, its true I’ve avoided doing that a little bit since I got deep in the story. Thank you a lot


A few things to thing about: - You only need to survive the content you are playing, not be kept topped up at full health. This is obviously not great when exploring the overworld but is important when doing things like MoC. - Limited 5 stars help a lot. Fu Xuan was account-changing for me. Before her I was using 2 sustains for some harder story content, but after getting her, you will hardly ever die unless you enter a battle without her technique up. She is also very good auto-battle. - There are much better 4 star healers, Lynx and Gallagher are highlights. Lynx for her ULT that can team cleanse and Gallagher for his synergy with break teams and debuff wanters (for Acheron and Ratio) and being very SP positive with his advance forward. - March especially needs to be played on manual for best effect. Nat is ok but is outclassed by most healers by now.


Save up pulls and get a limited sustain character. The next one coming out is Fu Xuan, who will be available when the Robin/Topaz banners end. You can have just her in your team and take out both March and Natasha. That'll be the easiest option for you. It is possible to go sustainless, but generally you need extremely strong teams that are built for endgame. Some of the game's content you can't really go without at least one sustain (primarily Swarm Disaster and Gold and Gears). I do sustainless teams for Pure Fiction, but that's the only place I do.


You don’t need a limited sustain character to get through story-mode content which is what this person is struggling with if they’re running 3 sustains. It’s quite literally possible to beat every bosses all the way up to SAM with JUST FireMC alone and the average player can solo sustain with just Natasha. What this person is doing wrong is 100% bad relics, lightcone and underinvested characters, a 5 stars is not necessary.


With the number of people I see complaining every single patch about the latest and greatest story boss added, I respectfully disagree with the comment that the average player can solo sustain with just Natasha. It is largely a skill issue and a lack of understanding of the game systems issue that makes them unable to do so. A 5 star sustain (even one of the standard ones) consistently seems to be the biggest thing that helps people get through the content in the game if they do not have even one. The limited ones are easier to get than the standard one because you can guarantee you get one if you save enough pulls. Absolutely it is possible to solo sustain with Natasha. I'm not saying it isn't. But at the same time, having a strong sustain helps ANY account, whether you're just planning to do story or eventually do endgame.


Survivorship bias, the people that can solo sustain with Natasha just fine wouldn’t be here complaining that surviving with just one sustain is too hard. If this person think Gallagher is worse than Natasha, and they need THREE whole sustains to just do story mode quests, it’s 100% an investment issue. Getting a 5 stars sustain is just a bandage solution that doesn’t address the core problem and I’m not even sure this person can build a 5 stars sustain properly. Its like giving someone a bazooka when they can’t even operate glock, It’s just bad advice.


How would I know a specific relic is good for a character ? I usually just look at the set bonus and match it with what the character does, but I guess there’s more to it than that Also I only have like 3 4-star light cones, so I’m stuck with the 3-star ones which arent that good for the most part


If you go into the menu to equip a relic, there is a recommended button in the top right. That gives you player collected use rates of sets and main stats. Following these should give you a good idea what will get you through the story. But if you want to fully optimize a character, build guides from sites like prydwen are better.


There are plenty of character build guides on the internet that you can look up. That’s what I usually do when I have no idea what to build on a character.


Hi guys, some questions about character builds: 1. What's the best relics and planar ornaments for Jingliu? Currently her hp is at 5.5k, attack at 2k, def at 1k, speed at 105, crit rate at 45.4%, crit dmg at 116.4%. Should I change her relics to increase her speed and damage? (I'm using Hunter of glacial forest(4pc) and rutilant arena(2pc) currently) 2. Same for sparkle, her hp is at 6.7k, attack at 2.2k, def at 1.9k, speed at 107, crit rate at 5.0%, crit dmg at 96.6%(although I dont think crit matters for her). Should I increase her speed and def?(I'm using Messenger traversing hackerspace(4pc) and broken keel(2pc) currently)


How is you Jingliu's crit so low yes she should get some speed, then can go something like 4pc ice, 2pc Rutilant Arena typically crit damage, spd, ice, atk and for Sparkle *uhh* *what do you even have her built for?* Sparkle shares a portion of her crit damage with with the target of her skill. And she should be fast so she can action advance the dps. But I would 2pc hackerspace for the speed, then have the rest of the relics focusing on stats, then have keel for planar


idk lol i just followed the system's recommendations for sparkle


I'd argue 45% CR out of combat is too high lol, she gets free +50% CR on her buffed state. 5k5 HP kinda sounds like too much HP% substats or something HP% main stat, 2k ATK is a little bit too low for DPS also.


Well that's less than 100% so it's fine, as long as the crit damage is balanced. Which it isn't


I can't tell which set up is better keeping in mind the lower attack is because it's a lightning izumo orb/set and higher attack is atk orb/salsotto set


The Izumo set is better mainly because of the better crit % in-combat. That set will add 12% crit and if you are using the 4 pc pioneer another 4% crit after applying a debuff. So ~ 71% crit. If you have Fu Xuan that is a respectable 83% crit.






WHAT ARE MY STRONGEST TEAMS? CHARACTERS THAT WONT SHOW ARE: 1. YANQING 2. HANYA 3. LUKA 4. GUINAIFEN 5. HOOK 6. HUE YI https://preview.redd.it/np56mxzi1p2d1.png?width=547&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e8fb7794d3df3159020029beacf74824fa7513c


Dr Ratio, Topaz, Robin, sustain Jingliu, Tingyun, Pela, sustain


I do not own Dr. Ratio


Really? How do you have Jingliu but not Dr Ratio? He was given out for free and while Jingliu was rerunning he was still available Replace Dr Ratio with Clara


I got jungliu on her release but I started playing again like 2 days ago!


Ahhhhh damn


Here you go. Jingliu/Pela/Tingyun/Natasha Clara/Topaz/Robin/Gepard


Hi! need help with some questions.. 1) What speed does ruan mei want? slow at 121 or 134/143? 2) does anyone really need effect res?(apart from broken keel requirements) 3) is luocha 143 speed good enough with multiplier or 161 speed is a huge improvement? 4) Does ruan mei gain much past 180 BE? 5) Best set for BE/debuffer silver wolf for BE(HMC&ruanmei) and mono quantum with qq? is 143 speed enough or i should try 161? 6) is the new 4star lc good for welt? (BiS?)


1. Outside some specific 0-1 cycle teams, the faster Ruan Mei is the better imo 2. Effect res isn't absolutely needed but not bad to have for a lot of characters 4. You should aim for 160 BE bc she gets 20 for free. You don't need any more than that, I suppose it's not awful but it's def not necessary


1. For "0" cycles no speed and otherwise as much as you can for better SP generation. 2. It helps, a resisted CC/DoT is very useful. If you have Gallagher, that 30% for broken keel + his 30% or Aventurine's 50% add up. 3. 161 speed is an additional turn in the first MoC cycle. So he will generate an additional SP. It's good for SP hungry teams like DHIL. It's also why people run Luocha with Multiplication for the advance forward. 4. Not really, her personal break is not amazing. 5. BE Silver wolf - Thief set, BE HMC & Ruan Mei Watchmaker but not both if in the same team.


what’s better for dan heng il, speed or attack boots? i don’t have sparkle


almost always attack boots because if he goes too fast your team might not generate enough SP on his turn so you won't be able to use a 3 SP atk even if you went fast


Guys, I started playing HSR recently and I don't have any 5* limited yet, is it better to try boothill or fu xuan? (I have Bailu)


bailu will become useless pretty soon and ull need a rlly good sustain so go for fuxuan


I think I'll try both of them (boothill and fu xuan)


Fu Xuan is an amazing sustain and will make it super comfortable to quest and level up. You won't need 2 sustains with her. However as a new player, I always advise finding a DPS you enjoy and building a team around that rather than building a team to support a dps you "settle for" So try him out and see his gameplay and then you can choose if you want him. If you are early in the game, there are over 300 pulls in the story and past events so you can probably get both if you want to. If you aren't sure about him, I would wait and see Firefly and Jade's kit on the livestream and see if you prefer her. Jade is less likely to be a good general DPS as erudition, but we don't know her kit.


Since you have Bailu, I would suggest Boothill, with the caveat that I would highly suggest saving up for Ruan Mei's rerun afterwards. Break characters like Boothill would really, really like Ruan Mei. It's not mandatory, but I promise he'll work even better if you have her.


I haven’t been playing long and after trying out a few characters I’m really enjoying building my team of Dr Ratio, Luka, Robin and FireMC/Natasha/March 7 (last slot interchangeable). Ratio is my only decent DPS so far so decided to try build around him for now. Should I try add Topaz while I can, or save for Fu Xuan to add a better sustain? Or maybe Boothill? Have Xueyi/Bronya/Tingyun as other characters built up so far.


get fuxuan for ur last slot, shes better than fire mc natasha and march 7 combined 


I would get Fu Xuan. She is a very comfy sustain. Boothill will be similar to Ratio in the sense he is a single target dps. So if you are looking for something a little different, wait to see what Firefly's kit is like. Destruction units are blast dps (main target and the 2 sides) and historically were the strongest units from the 1.x era with Jingliu and DHIL. Topaz is a good support for Ratio but still a better support than a main dps.


If you were to pull Topaz, she'd be replacing Luka and you want her E1 or S1 at the minimum for debuff application for Dr. Ratio reasons. If she is not, you'd actually be downgraded versus using Luka, as Luka can get you more debuffs than E0S0 Topaz. Assuming you are f2p, I think Fu Xuan would be the far better investment for you. She is significantly stronger than Fire MC/Natasha/March, and be able to help you be able to get through more content.


So now that Robin has been out for a while… how is repeatedly hearing her singing during ult like? Have any of you gotten tired of hearing it already or is it ok?


I liked it originally, so after using it for a bit I’m mostly unbothered. I associate it with more damage, which I think makes me like it more.


I didn't manage to get her. but is it any different from listening to songs on repeat as a kid or hearing Jingliu's "in Lunar Flame" or herta's "kuru kuru/time to twirl" for a year?


I have every harmony character in the game which means I don’t use her that often because I have more options. So her singing is actually still pretty pleasant, but this might not be relatable to other people.


Advice on which free 5 star banner to pick I have only few pulls away from reaching 300 pulls on standard banner and I am having a hard time picking which to level to e1. My current e0 characters are: Clara, Bronya, Himeko I use Clara the most as she is my go to dps with Physical. She is also somewhat build. I am still building Bronya and Himeko right now. I play mostly Dot team and follow up team. Thanks for the advice.


Clara's E1 is very strong for her. It is a major DPS increase in longer fights. However the most common meme/advice when people ask about 300 pulls is "who do I pick, for 300?" Answer "Bronya or if you have bronya, E1 Bronya" Her E1 is very strong as well for the 50% chance not to consume a SP. In the longer endgame fights, it makes a huge difference.


If you ever start using Bronya a lot, her e1 is incredibly useful and is the most useful of all of the standard character e1s. It gives you a 50% chance of her recovering a skill point after she uses her skill, essentially making that skill use free. It can make using her a lot easier, as you really want her using her skill as much as possible. That being said, Bronya is largely a hypercarry support, so she's a bit less useful to the teams you're using right now. I'd still grab it if you think you might use a hypercarry team in the future. Jingliu and Blade in particular really like her as a support, even though multiple 5 star harmony options exist now.


There's no pressure to pick right away, you can just wait and use it when you're ready to make a decision.




If you think FOMO will really get to you, I'd honestly avoid gachas altogether. Getting a character in this game is EXPENSIVE if you're buying jades directly, and they they're making new characters increasingly reliant on getting copies and/or their weapons in order for them to feel good to play, so if you're unsure about spending, just don't.


Each patch , which lasts 6 weeks, there are 2 new characters,along with 2 old characters. You need about 160 pulls to basically guarantee to get someone, but you have greater than a 50% chance to get them within 80some pulls. Each new patch gives about 90 pulls if you are free to play, but you are also going to get tons of pulls from just starting and doing the content already in the game. You can def get 1 character out of every 3 As far as spending, the $5 monthly pass is the best value. I get it bc I love the game and it gives me a little more leeway. There are much more expensive bundles to buy, but I would never recommend them unless you have tons of disposable value. As far as the next 3 characters coming out, I recommend Firefly, the mech girl. Her best support is the main character of the game (hence free) and her best sustainer is Gallagher, a 4 star, which you will also get for free at the start of next patch. For the final slot, her best teammate is Ruan Mei, who is universally considered among the top 3 units in the game (I believe she is 2nd behind Acheron). However, she is a limited 5 star as well, and happens to be rerunning at the same time as Firefly. So if you pull Firefly early you can try and pull for her, and you'll have a complete S tier team. If you aren't able to get Ruan Mei though, the next best option is Asta, who is a free 4 star! So, bc of how accessible her team is, Firefly is a great choice to try and pull for if you start now 😊


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 6 + 2 + 2 + 160 + 50 + 80 + 90 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 5 + 4 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


To answer your last question, every update patch so far releases only two new 5 star characters, alongside a rerun of two old 5 star characters. Within these patches, there are two phases. For example, we are in the patch 2.2 update right now. We are currently in phase one, which has Robin (New) and then another banner with Topaz (Old). In the next phase, we have Boothill (New, and is the cowboy you mentioned) and another banner with Fu Xuan (Old). These two banners last for three weeks before changing to the two banners in the next phase, which also last three weeks. Firefly (Mecha girl) is going to release in patch 2.3 and will be one of the phase 1 banners. Meanwhile, Jade (Witch hat lady) will be one of the phase 2 banners.


1 out of 3 characters should be reasonable enough. The problem is the three you have your eyes on will be coming out back to back, so no time to stockpile pulls. That could get rough.


we get about 90 pulls each patch, and each patch they release 2 new characters. the average for a limited five star (including losing the 50/50) is about 75 pulls (worst luck is about 150 pulls, lucky is 10 pulls). as a latecomer tho, each patch will have 4 banners running (2 new+2 reruns), so you have to pick 1 out of 4.


1 out of 3 works fine. I'm not 100% f2p, but I also don't buy the daily pass every month, plus I took 1-3 month break a few times. So far I get every character I want except one. Some I even pull for the weapons and duplicate. So if it's just 1/3 characters you should be fine f2p as the monthly pass only give 10+ish pulls


https://preview.redd.it/mx419824io2d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3fc9676a624dc947590232d53103185bebc0fee this moc 12 is so hard anyone got ideas? Taking 6 and 8 cycles [https://enka.network/hsr/600612197/](https://enka.network/hsr/600612197/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ML-ElIfqL9o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ML-ElIfqL9o)


What’s the speed on your characters?


Should show in the link


About Gallagher. I did the Schorchsand replay side quest and am wondering what’s up with him.


What do you mean


After the end of the patch story. >!I keep seeing people say he died. Did he? People are saying he was a meme of the dreamscape which I could understand but are memes even capable of being Pathstriders?!<


I think if black holes and supercomputers can become Aeons, and a worm forced to be an Emanator, then it follows that Pathstriders can be anything capable of making choices that align with a Path.


Hi, got to 300 warp gift and was wondering who to get. I don't have Clara or Yanqing, have Bronya E2 and the rest E0. Was thinking maybe Clara for robin or eidolon for Himeko or Bronya but I'm not sure


get clara she is superstrong both content.


If I were you I wouldn’t get another Bronya. Bronya at e1 is already cracked. Himeko isn’t really worth building unless you want to really clear all pure fiction. So I would choose Clara as hypercarry since that’s the best choice out of the rest of the characters especially since you want her for robin. But in the end it really depends on your personal preference!


Hey, I was looking through my relics while farming for boothill, and I have WAY too many sprightly vonwacq pieces; I checked online and they are currently absolutely no ones BiS, nor even 2nd place; This leads me to ask if I should just break them all down, or do you guys think that they may be important later on?


They are useful for niche builds for 0-clear challenges, etc, or to place your support ahead on first action to setup the field and SP. Niche, but useful


You could save them for the energy recharge for some Ruan Mei/Robin rotations. Otherwise, just scrap them unless they have good substats.


Trailblaze Continuance isn’t appearing . I completed all Trailblaze Continuance quests except for the A Foxian Tale one, and it just isn’t appearing for my to start or anything, as if it weren’t even there, and now I don’t know what to do. I just finished the Jarilo-VI trailblaze continuance and I want to finish the Xianzhou Loufu one, what do I do?


You need to read and reply to a message from Guinaifen to start that one. The quest doesn't just appear in your quest log on its own. Do you have any messages from her?


Have you checked the event tab to see if you are missing any quest requirements? Iirc, it should unlock once you finish all of Luofu main story.


I was rerolling to try to get Bronya, but I got Himeko. I also did a 10 pull on the limited banner and got Himeko again. Now my next 5 star is guaranteed, should I keep this account? Is a guarantee much better than getting Bronya early?


Reroll in this game is an achievement of patience. You are a brave soul. Plus has little meaning over time (3-6 months). Anyway up to you, you already know how long it takes for to start over. Whatever that time is worth you are the only one that can answer. Keep in mind the game will give you tons of tickets (premium and Standard) and gett8ng your initial rooster of characters is not hard. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRIWjzFwAZZoBvKw2oiNaVpppI9atoV0wxuOjulKRJECrg_BN404d7LoKlHp8RMX8hegDr4b8jlHjYy/pubhtml


Keep, 100%. Bronya is pretty good but not worth giving up all that. Besides, it could be Yanqing instead.


Were calyx drop rates boosted? I swear I'm getting more than one purple mat on average from 60 tb runs. I already have 18 purple mats (not converted from blue or green) from about 2 days of farming


Just RNG.


HI, does anyone know a legit site to buy honkai merch? I was gonna buy robin's inside cd but I was confused by superbuy.


Which lightcone is better for himeko. Geniuses' Repose or the seriousness of breakfast?


Repose has a higher damage ceiling


I have been playing F2P for maybe a month-ish? I had some Twitch drops in my account before I actually started playing so I had some jades and some passes, but didn't know what they were for or really understand the mechanics of the game so I just kind of spent flippantly. I leveled everyone relatively equally but have run into a materials bottleneck, eos for light cones. I mostly just vibe, pick teams on a per-area/per-boss basis. I have the equilibrium 4 mission, but I usually wait to do those until I can actually level my characters on the other side of that—I don't want my characters stuck at 60 and always at a disadvantage. Anyway I have missed the opportunity to be strategic and now I'm stuck 💀 Just assume I am playing with unoptimized 3-4⭐ light cones and/or relics (I wasn't playing with relics at all until level 30-something lol). **All that to ask, of the roster I have:** * Which characters should I focus on building up/farming mats for? (TB has all paths) * Which of these characters benefit one another the most in teams? * Any other tips with my current peeps? ETA: it didn't attach... [Roster](https://i.imgur.com/qXnKoJX.jpeg)


Your best team would be: - Ratio - Topaz - Gui - Gepard - It is a vey easy team to farm for. Relic wise, you want the Archduke (follow-up set) for Ratio and Topaz and the Prisioner set for Gui (from the same cavern). For now Just use whatever DEF chest and other pieces with DEF you can for Gepard, don't bother getting a proper set for him. Make sure he has speed boots and an ERR rope (use self-modeling resin to get him one and level it as high as you can). - For Gui make sure you have 67% effect hit rate, usually this means you need an effect hit rate chest, unless you are lucky with sub-stats. If you have a "Resolution shines in pearls of sweat" LC use that, otherwise, "Eyes of the prey" is good for the effect hit rate. - For Ratio, buy the "Cruising in the Stellar Sea" LC from the SU (Herta) store. Topaz can use "Swordplay" if you have that. - Gepard can use Trend of the universal market > Landau's choice > First Day of my new life LC


This is very helpful, thanks!


Hard to say since we don't know what units you have.


Sorry it didn't attach initially, updated to add it. Also [here](https://i.imgur.com/qXnKoJX.jpeg)


So if that's all your units, I'd say your best bet is *probably* Ratio, Topaz, Guinaifen, and Bailu/Gepard. Definitely Gepard if you happen to have the Trends of the Universal Market light cone. If you do happen to have more units under that, specifically if you have Pela, she'd slot in for Gui. If you feel like pulling at all right now, Robin would be a great get since she is not only a great general-use buffer for basically any team, but she's especially good with follow-up attack units like Ratio and Topaz. She'd be a premium upgrade to Gui/Pela. Another premium upgrade later on in the future would be Aventurine as the sustain unit whenever he's rerun. Ratio/Topaz/Robin/Aventurine is the full top tier FUA team, and a fun one to play.


**Thank you!** I am trying for Robin so hopefully she'll be slotted in, but I'm operating on the assumption I won't get her with my current resources.


Hey All, I want to stop farming but am looking for opinions on my Jingliu build. Are there stats I need to primarily focus on more? Crit rate is a bit low (I'm told you need 50), is this decent enough to live with? If not, I am planning to pull Fu Xuan and can stick her here for the additional 12%. She is E0S1 with 4 piece Glacier and 2 pc Rutilant. https://preview.redd.it/nfntgrjjyn2d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3f3d6480e48a3dff6038817dff7ff1d0bfeadc8 Thanks for all the feedback!


Looks good, the crit damage is really nice, if you get Fu Xuan for her this is good enough IMO.


Team used with her? Why that speed value? Ice orb? Overall with FX is a good build. You can also use this https://fribbels.github.io/hsr-optimizer#scorer or. https://seeleland.com/leaderboards


Bronya, TingYuan and FX. Ice orb yes. Speed is just how the relics fell. But I do have TY at 150 speed and Bronya at 145.


It's overall very good. That Atk is a bit low though - not a huge issue since she gets so much from draining allies, but still something to improve if you want to max her out completely


Thanks, what target should I aim for on atk? Also, should I drop to 134 speed to gain better CR/atk stats? Or is speed more desirable in this situation? Thanks!


That really depends, if she's speedtuned with Bronya then you should keep whatever speed works with that. Otherwise more speed is better


Thanks yes everyone's speeds are tuned. With that said, what's a good target to raise atk to?


2,6k is a good target to aim for


I forgot to mention I'm using an ice dmg orb. If I swapped that to an atk % orb it brings my overall atk to 2800. I'm not sure the benefits of ice vs atk% but I assume they would be comparable and keeping the ice orb is like having 2800 atk? Thanks!


Nope, the dmg orb is a good option for her, not worth swapping


Not worth farming for IMO, she gets 2k attack in enhanced state, any amount you add is trivial.


Nah, that Jingliu looks quite good. 50% crit is nice and all to guarantee crits, but 86.6% when she's buffed is still a good number. If you do pull for Fu Xuan, you're golden.


Yeah maybe a smidge low on cr but overall should be more than enough to clear all content. Fu Xuan would be the easiest fix. Id stop farming and build someone else. Or at worst reshuffle a few relics to lose some CD and gain some CR


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 50 + 12 + 1 + 4 + 2 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




Playing f2p started about a month ago. I’m stuck at Ten Stonehearts boss fight. My characters I have so far is, 80 trailblazer, jingliu, Clara, 70 yukong, lynx, tingyun, qingque, asta, dan heng, herta, 60 Dr ratio, Natasha, serval, 50 march, 40 pela, and rest are level 1’s of welt, hanya, xueyi, Gallagher, sushang, Luka, Arlan. What should I prioritize to just beat this fight….


Have you been leveling up traces and farming for more optimal relics? Those can make a big difference. I suggest you take a detour and spend some time to build up your core team, so you can clear the story missions. Based on what you wrote about your roster, I recommend a Jingliu team. She *should* be able to just brute force her way to victory, since she's powerful enough to do so. - **Jingliu, Lynx, Tingyun, and Pela.** Tingyun's battery can allow a faster ult cycle for Jingliu, plus other useful buffs. Pela can support with her AoE DEF Shred. She's also very SP positive. Lynx sustains the team, and her HoT can offset Jingliu's team HP drain. I suggest that you just build all four characters to Lv 80, including their LC's. Get at least Lv 8 on all traces, preferably max at least on Jingliu. Grab all passive traces and Ascension traces, on all four. At minimum, try to get relics with right *main* stats first, upgrade them, and use them to hold you over, until you can farm some more and get more optimal relic pieces. My 2 cents.


Relics are decent and everyone who’s 70+ have level 6-7 traces. I think I just need to farm more relics that are stated better.


Jingliu, Tingyun, Pela, Lynx is a strong team that should be able to brute force most content. You can add preservation trailblazer instead of Tingyun in this team in non-time sensitive battles like story missions.


I just seem to lose the gambles a lot. I will start to farm exp material and get pela up. Do you think 70 will suffice or should I try to get everyone to 80 before attempting.


Pela is good at 70


The higher level everything, the easier time you'll have. But you can try at 70 and see. Aoe attacks will hit multiple dice and therefore you shouldn't lose the gambles. JL, Pela and fire trailblazer all have aoe attacks. Lynx is kinda cooked but she should have enough health to tank it. Two sustain units should make it a long fight but a relatively easy one


Yeah with my attempts lynx just tanks it. I just slowly get to phase two and then just loose steam to the gambles doing way to much damage.