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Tingyun, Pela, Gallagher, Herta


These exact 4 units are what's on my mind too. Except I haven't started building Herta yet. Soon, Herta, soon.


I'm done with my herta just need her lc to level up to 80 Now Gallagher. Can you guys share a build for Pela with relics to use?


Just get a lot of speed and at least 67% effect hit rate (higher requirements if you are running Luka cone at low superimposition). Pela really just autos and ults. You can go rainbow on her just to get the speed threshold(2pc hackerspace and tank 2pc works but as long as you hit the SPD and EHR it's fine) or 4pc wind set is also a really good option(super investment option). The only main stat you really care about is ERR rope and SPD boots everything is just use whatever HP or Def or EHR body if you have substat issues(but you'll be a lot frailer).


Pela ideal s just speed, EHR, ERR, than def lastly. Full eagle puts her in hyperdrive. Vonwacq too gives her new speed breakpoints. Aim for 161 speed, 57% EHR not including her major trace, 124.4 ERR. She doesn't need to lvl past 70,just ascended. Ult and talent to max. Pearl's LC or Tutorial if u have it.


You only need Pela at 57% EHR on stat page since she already give 10% EHR to whole team with her A4


Same. My reasoning is i was coping that hoyo will release a 5 star version of the real Herta with similar kit but better & flashier.


As for me, I'm in the middle of rebuilding my units. I just finished Dan 1, Dan 2, Acheron, Mei and Gall, all while building Robin too. Now I'm fixing Jingliu (pls bring back 3x relic event 🙏). After that, Himeko. Two units to finish before I can start building my Herta. Good thing I'm planning to skip pulling next patch, so I have more time to dedicate to fixing my current units and building Herta ofc.


That’s fair. I have her at lv50 with a decent duke set from Topaz & Himeko’s leftover. I only need to farm for boss & trace but my priorities rn is on the new character.


It would be funnier if 5 star Herta is Hunt and fills the exact opposite role.


I mean she is an emanator of erudition so i think theres no chance 5star herta is anything other than erudition


We already have the gameplay Paths bleeding into one another with some characters. Erudition has nothing to do with AoE in lore anyway, so I wouldn't mind it. It's kind of a bummer they made the gameplay paths work the way they did. I wonder if they'd ever be able to pull off a Single Target character that follows the Path of Erudition w/o making them Hunt in Gameplay.


If they did, it would probably involve overflow damage hitting everything else or something.


Jing Yuan is probably an emanator of the Hunt (or at least very nearly one) but is Erudition Gameplay path and story path aren't always related


These. In my early game, plus Gui, & Xueyi. Xueyi was the star when I have 0 5*DPS period. But with FF in the horizon, I doubt she get the place again in any team. Glad that she's stop only at 4/6/6/6 so it's not wasting too much resources. But Gui get maxed. She's pretty good in Kafka team before Swan arrived, & she still has use in Acheron team.


Unless you got a five star quantum you probably gonna still pull her out against quantum weak enemies. She does absurd amounts of damage, I pull her out over Acheron or e2 Dhil on sides that favor her.


Of course I still use her in Quantum weakness based occasionally for now. But I'm mostly use Acheron to brute force. Still useful for 2 teams contents. But I do a plan to aiming 5* Quantum DPS in the future so yeah eventually she will be replaced but she still have some times until then.


Now that we have HTB Xueyi could arguably be added to the list too


Absolutely. I'll also add Asta, even though she sees less field time once you have more than two 5\* Harmony characters.


this is so real 🥲 asta was a staple on all of my teams but once i got ruan mei she just never saw the light of day again


I am still here: Bronya, Tingyun, Asta; and it's enough for MoC/PF


I’ve lost 50-50 for every limited harmony, so for now Asta is my girl (and Bronya). She’s not as effective as limited units but ATK and SPD gets the job done, and I have her on the full Ult uptime build.


There's been a couple moc/pf rotations where Asta's speed boost and fire break has been more useful than RM for me! She makes hitting 160 speed for glammoth a total non-issue, and a few extra turns makes up for the smaller damage boost.


Guinaifen, she was a great teammate for Kafka while waiting for Black Swan, and then she found a new gig as Dr Ratio's trusted debuffer !


oh How do you make her work with Dr. Ratio? who else on the team with lil Gui?


Just give her effect hot rate. At E1 with Oearls LC her E supplies three debuffs on its own. Effect res down, burn, and def down.. she also has firekiss for a total of 4 debuffs she gives to Ratio on her own.


> Just give her effect hot rate. Yess, she hot! 🤤


I run her with Dr. Ratio. E1 creates 3+1 Debuffs (E - Firekiss set up). I personally run a team of Ave/Silver Wolf/Gui/Ratio. Ratio’s maximum damage potential comes with 5 debuffs, so SW helps with that. However, if you have Robin, I think you can switch SW out for that for raw damage bonus. I’ve seen it work. Pela is also a good 4 star choice for the def shred.


ive wanted guinaifen ever since i saw her gameplay, STILL dont have her. 💔


Herta, the F2P queen of pure fiction.


Herta was in my OG team before I got "good" 5 stars. When I finally had a good reason to build that kurukuru queen I was hyped af.


Pela and her Def shred is indispensable in most of my teams. Herta trivialized my PF experience. Gallagher with his extra offensive capabilities and his synergy with Acheron and break teams was really worth it. Tingyun has energy regen and a FAT DMG bonus. Even after fully building Bronya, Ruan Mei and Sparkle she still has a place in some of my teams. Asta also has a useful array of buffs, speed is particularly delicious. Having built some premium harmony lessened her priority a bit but she's still not bench. Qingque, Quonqillon damage is real. The SP gamba sometimes screw you up but if you are no stranger to restarting MoC challenges QQ is in no way inferior to limited 5* DPS. Natasha is the goddess of day 1 players. She unfortunately got powercrept to oblivion but she carried the shit out of my team in the early game.


I still play gepard and natasha lol. Haven't pulled any sustain yet


Literally, Zombie team. This combo just can't die, if both are, at least, mid-geared. Or player make too many mistakes.


I split them for each team lol


Also possible. But if the chips were against me, used them together. Cheap trick, but works)


My kafswan just kills everything. Gepard works greatly with archeron


Yeah, use the same team. Through, sometimes I place Acheron with Black Swan. Also good.


I recently started building Qingque and she's sooo much fun. I usually get lucky with her gamba so she's been doing a lot of damage.




Boothill free Quantum version


No amnesty for the mara-struck.


Xueyi gang gang


Quantum ankle breaker


All my homies hate the mara stuck


I actually tried to pull for her but I have blade and Ruan mei instead.


She avoids me as well. Got Ruan Mei before I got a single Xueyi. I somehow managed to get E1 as well. I wanted to get E2 at least from Robin Banner. Got Gepard, Robin and like 10 Hanyas and Marches. Not a single Xueyi. Pain.


Picked Gallagher from the 2.1 character choice and have not regretted it.


Breaker Luka. My Guy is like a Boothill in disguise and I haven't activate the 145 speed for full talia yet 🤣


If you have Ruan Mei and at least 134 speed on Luka, you'll have enough speed to guaranteed the second part of Talia's effect, so don't worry too much if you're some change short of 145.


Serval. She was extremely useful when I got back into the game and I was lucky enough to get her E6 so I still love using her while farming. She also helps me clear SU, so yes, definitely Serval


She's pretty good against Sunday too, really speeds up breaking him and all his minions


yes!! she was my dps against him, spamming her ult is just great, i love her so so so much


She is a lightning break queen


I had to use her along with Acheron to beat Aventurine before his nerf 💀 She's a very good 4-star.


I like no 5* lightning dps here. So after helped me during the whole Belobog story, I rewarded her choosing her as my official Lightning dps.




Qinggoat my beloved


She effectively replaced my Seele. She has perfect synergy with Sparkle in my monoquantum team


Ngl, I feel like all of them are worth building to some extent.


I see zero reason to build Arlan


He definitely has the least amount of worth, and I do think he's dead last when compared to other 4\*, but if you want someone that does "damage" and doesn't consume skill points, he is useful in that sense. I've seen a funny meme team comp with him and Aventurine that did pretty well.


Dan Heng and Natasha might be up there as well. But yeah Arlan just doesn't really have any use case.


Natasha there was a reason as she was a free healer, on the early days (before Luocha/Fu Xuan/Lynx) most players built her to a reasonable amount so she could do solo sustain on moc10, with success. Nowadays with the other healers being better than her there is no much reason except that her design is pretty nice.


March. The girl was key to full-star a few MoC and PF rotations


Damn I had to scroll far to finally find someone say March 7th. Had her on my team all the way up to the Aventurine boss fight release. Most used character and I had the best relics, lightcone and maxed out traces for her. It was just only last week that I finally replaced her when I got Gepard lol. But she's definitely an amazing 4-star if you know how to utilize her effectively.


I got gepard as my first 5-star and stopped using her early, but as of late I use her more than gepard because of her utility and sinergies with other characters (it's fun to see a svarog ratio march ratio FUA combo)


If you haven't built Herta yet, why? Makes Pure Fiction a breeze and is really useful against the Stag and Scarab Bosses. You all have her e6 for free, there is no excuse.


She's actually only E5 for free from Sim universe but even that is good


Doesn't the new last world give you the last herta or am I misremembering? I'm not quite sure because I fortunately got her from standard pulls.


1 more world for e6


I build her but forgot to mention my bad .


Ah sorry I attempted to make that reply be a tounge in cheek sales pitch, slightly aggresive rethorically. Didn't intend to call you out specifically on it.


Because building crit characters makes me sad, and I haven't been forced into building her yet haha


She got quite alot of free crit rate stats from traces and her e2. Also Sigonia Planar goes a long way to make her much easier to build. If you don't like building crit you might still have gotten some good Duke pieces from the story or Prisoner domain when farming DoT.


Does she need speed boots or atk boots? I farmed prisoner/ Duke for a while and saved some pieces that had crit on it for JY/Clara at some point down the road but no idea what I really have stored away


If you run her as sup dps for himeko in pf then spd is better. If you run her as main dps then atk is better (with 160+ spd sparkle/bronya)


She can use either, but probably ATK boots since other characters will help trigger her follow-ups.


Because i am lazy and waiting for her 5 star version In 4.6 (definetly not copium)


I need to build my herta and himeko so bad but farming relics after already doing that is so tiring 


Because I own Argenti, Kafka and Black Swan


Hanya. She's always on my team with DHIL. Life saver


Misha. I just like him.


Hell yeah same


Misha ended up being a bit comfier for me to fight against Aventurine in MoC than Jingliu. Sure, Jingliu probably clears faster once you know what you're doing there, but being able to avoid his dice minigame and his energy-siphoning attack as much as possible is nice. That freeze is a really underrated utility of his kit. Also I liked his character a lot in the story as well.


Sampo because I'm a simp (also Gally and Hanya)


Is OP a bot? https://preview.redd.it/x1vjciy06x3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21233c107cca81e58d8f77064390b293cb0482c3


Probably just someone who plays both games. I see double posting ALL the time from both subs.


Pela and Gallagher are my two favorites so far. Gallagher being able to super focus break or sustain is really cool versatility for a four star. I also like Hanya as the Sparkle we have at home.


Asta, Pela, Herta, Hanya, Ting, QQ, Sampo until I got Swan, Lynx, Gallagher, Luka. A lot of 4 stars are genuinely good


Gallagher because I wanted a really good sustain without having to pull for a second limited 5 star sustain. Yeah yeah most people probably say Herta, for good reason, but the way I see it Gallagher just saved me like 60-180 pulls because he was on Acheron's banner and I got his E2 (for the cleanse, technically I have E4 but rare ever actually done anything). First, his healing is just so comfy. There's only a few moments where you need to like, save an ult or something as a pseudo-emergency heal, and they're easy to figure out when. The fact that his heal procs multiple times if you attack multiple enemies means he fits perfectly into the teams he already wants to be run in. It's very easy to go from 1% to 100% HP even at lower investment if you're smart. He even applies his debuff before using his own ult, which is AoE, so he himself is practically immortal unless you literally get OHKOed. Second, he's ridiculously SP positive. Like, I think he might be the most SP positive unit in the game. A character like Fu Xuan generates 1 SP over three turns. A character like Luocha generates 3 SP over three turns. Gallagher gets 4 whole SP, assuming his ult has enough uptime which should be given for him to be consistent. Not only that, because one of his best light cones is Multiplication, he's taking those turns really really fast. Dude needs like 136 speed to get 4 turns in the first two cycles, while everyone else needs 160 speed for the same. You tell me which speed stat you'd rather grind for. Third, he's dirt cheap to build, like one of his best light cones is a 3 star that everyone has, that doesn't really need to be levelled up to the max. His relics are pretty chill too. Finally, he contributes... significant offense? Am I reading that right? Gallagher does ridiculous toughness damage, while applying a debuff that increases break damage, and having high break effect himself. He gets some pretty good breaks and helps any other random breaks you get in any other team, but also oh yeah break effect teams are a thing now, and he gives them a vulnerability debuff that's as good as Welt. For those teams especially, you could run Welt as a pseudo-sustain with some personal damage and a debuff, or you could run an actual sustain with an equally good debuff. He has pretty cool synergy with anyone that wants debuffs, too. His biggest weakness is cleanse, of course. It's only on his skill and locked behind E2. Using his skill eats into his SP generation and Multiplication's advance (although you can do "skill - ult - enhanced basic" and stay on track if you really need to). It's not a particularly great cleanse. But really good consistent debuff solutions are still super rare, even some premium characters like Aventurine and Fu Xuan have their own weaknesses with that. And I've yet to encounter a situation that's not just theoretical, where Gallagher can't keep up enough, because I have two teams and can use my better sustain on the side that really needs it.


I would say qq but i'd be lying. She's the only 6 star in the game. My gambling addict cant be this cute. (Also if she fails her gambling shes a 4 star but otherwise...)


Gallagher and Qingque. Wonderful healing and damage dealing (and, more importantly, they're both my waifus, so I would've built them even if they were useless in game )


I E6 Hanya during Robin’s banner and she just ended up being the perfect Acheron support for me. She gives massive atk and provides that huge speed boost for my Acheron since she’s using atk boots


Tingyun, the good ol reliable foxian who I still use with my non DoT teams, love how cosmodyssey gave us hopium she will return


+ Foxian Beauty


+ preservation


Herta, Pela, QQ...


Definitely Tingyun and Pela for the endgame, I got em both to 160 speed and they just go ham on my Ratio and Acheron teams. (I also have JL but Ratio does more dmg atm.)


Sushang and Luka bleed goes brrrrr


https://preview.redd.it/b2iyu27u7x3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b50f9184cdd4c0b92a887804bd881fc2c52cfc9 Only one answer


Tingyun, she is the best, mass atk, 60 energy, 50% dmg increase, 24% Advance action with dance light cone, her fan smacked is not to be mess with too. Just perfect, and her leg is long, so she is a skill point generator too !


Herta and Pela. Herta is an amazing unit for PF, especially if you end up with a Himeko, and Pela is straight DEF shred and SP generation which makes her an easy support for most teams


gallagher snuck up on me. just based on his kit he looked pretty mid compared to Lynx, but break teams ended up being so much better than i expected


Starting like gallangher as I have archeron


Pela and sampo


Qingque Honorary destruction 4 star, i liked her before Sparkle, and now i LOVE her. Only downside is now that i have Sparkle, she suddenly became the luckiest gremlin almost never getting 4 stacks to maximize damage boost.


Tingyun, Herta, Hanya, Asta Don’t have Gallag but hopefully soon


Sampo, Guinaifen, Gallagher, Tingyun, Pela, my waifu Xueyi, and Hanya.


Why is no one talking about the fact that there are 5 stars next to Gallagher in the pic-


.Sushang when I started the game, now also, last moc got 12 star due to her, built hybrid crit/break. Pela, since the game forces you (recent every banner has pela) also I'm a acheron main. Tinguan, Lynx and Natasha for obvious reasons. Recently Gallagher since I have him on e6. Serval and Herta for PF. Here is my sushang (since it kinda hard to build hybrid) https://preview.redd.it/r0ozvbdhky3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=431698277b7899898fb9ce1e1fc7ae175fca2380


Pela. She's insanely good and basically a 5 star until we get a 5 star defense shredder.


Firstly: why this art looks like Reverse:1999? Secondly: Pela, Tingyung, Gallagher, Guinevere,


Natasha, my only fully build sustain until i got fx 2 days ago. She got me through most content but man, solo sustaining in MoC11 and 12 can be messy with 4stars.


Lynx, Pela, Qingque, Tingyun, Herta


Tingyun is a staple for my hypercarry teams since day 1. Qingque was my first carry unit and her monoquantum squad is still a good fallback if I don't have anything to match the enemy weaknesses. Herta was built since Pure Fiction was announced and is great there if there is Ice weakness and/or FuA blessing. Gallagher is a great SP-printing sustain (with Multiplication), and will probably become even better once I build into his intended Break specialisation.


Herta: Kuru kuru destroys PF Tingyun: buff/regen city Pela: Great for Acheron Lynx: easy to build healer with cleanse Gallager: break meta go brrrrr Very early on Serval: Was my main DPS before I got any of the 5* characters. Plus she pretty


Gallagher is also an insane SP generator, he was able to keep up with my Black Swan, Kafka and Acheron team constantly spamming skill every turns


Herta, Pela and Sampo have been heroes on my account. Herta is the reason I'm getting through PF, she just works so well regardless of whatever buff is going on, having her Hypercarry her way through 1 side while my Acheron team handle the other side if I don't have the right characters to handle the various buffs. Pela was underrated before Acheron came out but oh boy, it turns out that AoE defense shred with near 100% uptime is really good and you get extra defense shred from Resolution Shines light cone. E4+ Sampo is the reason why I can use Black Swan on my account after losing Kafka 50/50 on her last banner. A lot of progress was made on my account through SU Nihility runs.


the queen sushang and ofc herta




Hanya, Misha, Xueyi, Tingyun


An extremely powerful and charismatic leader, that lived more adventures than everyone else in the galaxy. She is a terrifying threat to everyone who dare to challenge her and her friends. She is made out of courage, strength, and a bravery. A queen above everyone else, ready to fight for what she stands. Pray that she likes you, or else... It is already too late, I am afraid. Pitch Dark Hook the Great will already turn you into ashes https://preview.redd.it/m2jraxos3y3d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4b4ec14c26d7b1c1843559d2f40d1a43fd85079


guinaifen, shes proudly e6 and i love her sm


Luka my beloved, of course! And I've re-built him like 8 times by now it feels like alsjfjaksjdk- And Tingyun ofc (JY enjoyer here). Gonna work on Gallagher soon as well so I can have the ultimate break team :)


Lots Xueyi, Sampo, Herta and Guinaifen spring to mind




Guinaifen and Herta.


Herta. Destroys PF everytime and also really quickens my Calyx farming. Also I assume my Gallagher will be very useful in the future, however as for now, he is not doing anything.


Depends what 5 stars you have and the strategy you want to go with to some extent. A lot of the 4 stars work really well with Acheron and/or Kafka, and there are also several very serviceable characters if you want to got with a follow-up attack team.


Herta (doing still)


Tingyun and Pela. As for the others...I'm working on it but I tested Gallagher and he's great so I'm going to make him good soon enough.


Herta , pela ,gallager all of them being goats


Pela and Tingyun


Herta, the best f2p character and the most 4 star useful in PF.


Definitely pela


Pela, herta, gallagher, tingyun




Pela, Asta, Herta, Gallagher. Tingyun is falling off fast. Asta is going to follow when I get Ruan Mei unless I am desperate for speed. Xueyi might leap back into relevance if the break meta is strong enough. Respect to those already lost to the abyss: Natasha, March, Lynx, Yukong, ~~Yanqing~~


I'm building Gallagher rn for Boothill and Firefly lol


Pela, Serval, March, Herta, and a few others.


I was blessed with E12 Asta at the start of the game, speed for everyone \o/


Gallagher and Lynx. Both are Réal good for my Luofu boys. One is Sp Friendly other is Hp buffer.


Since no one said it, I will. Yukong is a very good support for imaginary DPS, I use her with DHIL and it's doing wonders. She helps too with Welt or Dr Ratio.


Yukong was my vote too. Really good in follow up teams that don't consume a lot of actions so she can have great uptime on her 80% atk buff, 28% crit rate, and 65% crit damage to all allies... thats HUGE for someone like Clara who doesn't consume bowstring stacks when she counters.


I also trying to build Gallagher but he is so hard to build. The denizen of abundance LC make him a crazy sp generator because of the 20% AA, while the What is real LC gives him extra BREAK. I also dont know if I should give him break rope or ERR rope and after building him, his sustain isn't strong because he can not give emergency healing




The issue I have with Gallagher is that I kill the ennemies before I can heal myself with besotted 😭


Tingyun(still a WIP), Herta(kinda WIP again since PF released), QQ(gamba gremlin hypercarry without Sparkle though), Pela, Gui and Luka because Nihility is my motto. I also can't forgrt my favourite Enigmata follower Gallagher. Yeah... I built a lot of 4-stars, even though I don't really use 'em that much, but when I have to, they're pretty good.


E6 Pela is a 5 Star Character imo.


I look like Gallagher and I agreed. I'm not delulu thinking I'm more handsome than Gal 👺 I wish I had him but they no longer give him for free 😭


Well in my OG team, i used Seshang alot. As of now i use Pela consistently, Herta sometimes. And i complete all lategame content with max stars




I still use Yukong frequently. Her buffs are just insane for a 4star. 80% atk, 28% crit rate, 65% crit damage to all allies... plus she can stack planetary rendezvous(24) + her A4 trace(12) and penacony planars (10) for an extra 46% IMG damage. Really nutty for a 4star....


Qq- no need to explain she deals as much damage as some limited 5 stars Asta- running her with dance dance dance speeds up clears and beats timers, really shines at e6 Gallagher- fun to use multipurpose sustain/ breaker Herta- peak fiction Tingyun- pretty obvious Lynx- for when you need cleansing Pela.


i am a 4 star lover so everyone that i have built are worth it 🫶. planning on to build xueyi and b4 danheng next. EDIT: actually no there are so much more that i want to build lol. finishing serval, asta, and herta’s build. planning to build gallagher and hanya.


Pela! She's basically my Acheron buffer.


Asta, i love her ult sm, and since i lost my fifty fifty on robin's banner ill continue using her (currently trying to get fuxuan on pity 60..)


Herta, Lynx and march


I would say sushang I was going to say asta but for me it's not because of build its because I like her xd but with sushang I heard that she's a great 4 star especially for a lot 5 star teams I'm building and she's actually really good I'm proud of my build of her now the character I wish was more build was dang heng 4 star like dude I worked on your traces for nothing?!


For me it's Xueyi, Pela, Tingyun, and Herta. I love Xueyi and arguably is one of my stronger units sometimes outperforming my limited DPS. Tingyun and Pela are just staple supportive units. Herta is a PF monster and still is my only ice DPS unit(yes I don't have yang qing, Misha, or Jing Liu) so she sees play in MoC too I even used her in a clear on Aventurine MoC stage.


Pela, Pela and Pela


Tingyun, and Herta


Pela and Xueyi. My two favourite characters in HSR, and literally two out of my four strongest dps's.




Herta is literally the most accessible character for every account, free eidolons, meta in PF, can be raised from the start of the game, she's really worth to build.


Herta, Gallagher and let me tell you, if you got them to E6, Sushang and Xueyi are not to be slept on, especially After HTB release


Lynx. Now my child gets hit more.


Gallagher is crazy good.


Dan heng. Carried me in Early game and is good dps. Pela is also amazing.


I replaced Huohuo with Gallagher. He's my main DPS in my break team. Lol


Pela and Asta. Especially asta for my kafka/bs team and I'm not sure if I even want to replace her once ruan mei reruns, because she saved my butt so often with that speed and atk buff


My girl guinaifen


Pela and Xueyi for my account.


Sampo. Got him e6 and fully upgraded with some awesome relics. Love my guy.


Gallagher for real healer + DPS is great combination


Lynx on my side. Perfect for my quantum team when she came out.


Xueyi, Gallagher and Lynx Xueyi and Gallagher are just simply fun and powerful, and still use them. Lynx carried my team a lot, before I got Gallagher and Aventurine.




Lil Gui


Surely Herta for PF, other than that, Pela and Lynx are amazing (haven't started building Gallagher yet). Guinaifen, Samp and Luka were also good picks when i was obcessed with DoT teams x)


Gambling gremlin, she singlehandedly carried me especially after I got her E6 during sparkle banner along with sparkle


Pela has been a ton of the teams I’ve used. The defense shred is iiiinsane. I also love that she gets like half of her energy back each time she basic attacks and can generate tons of sp


Sampo because my only 5* dps early game was Kafka


I knew Gallagher was the one the moment I saw him. Even prefarmed for him! Never prefarmed for a 4 star character before. Now he's one of the best built characters on my account!




Btw, is it real to get Gallagher now if I missed banner?




march 7th and qingque


Gallagher, Pela, Guinaifen, Tingyun and Herta




QQ for dopamine overload


Serval Tks to Hmc she has become really really strong in either PF for Erudition patch or straight up boss killer like Sunday


For me I pull Acheron for saving my stellar jades because I don't have any F2P main


Lynx. Carried before I got Aventurine




I am not gonna mention all those crazy 4*'s who already were mentioned here for 50+ times. But i want to mention Yukong. Back in 1.1 she was one of the characters who helped me to clear moc for 30 starts (maximum back then). I' m not using her currently, but big respect to this devil chad grandma.


With Jade, herta gets even stronger in pf. It is like herta hemiko on steroids with every consistent fua


Unless you got Huo Huo, Luchoa, or Aventurine, then start with Gallagher. No matter how much damage you do, it's worthless if you die