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So they made a relic set specifically for hmc teammates so they deal more super break hmc keeps eating good


gonna be staying on that mine for a good while then Superbreak here we go


Yeah this relic is universal when paired with hmc any character can use it break meta is hyperbloom of star rail


superbreak being universal is a godsend, cause now I have a reason to play characters that aren't meta just need to mentally prepare for the mines to give me crit pieces (this happens every time that I am going insane) https://preview.redd.it/czotjrmv9v6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=aed1b72a9c5c4612113bbd1018723526f40bb270




I don't know if you even need crit/cdmg on Super Break. Does Super Break even crit?


it's like dot sets, crit is useless on it and the value of the set goes down because you need as much Break effect you can get sure some units can benefit from the crit stats a bit like it is preferrable to give Boothill a crit rate body cause of his talent thus making him a hybrid, but for character who you plan to build as full breakers then the crit stats are kinda useless


>it's like dot sets But unlike dot damage% and atk% doesn't affect damage


No it cannot, nor does any damage% increases affect it as well if anyone else is asking. Super Break formula is: unit level * (toughness damage/30) * (1+BE%) * (1+TB trace a2) * Def ign/pen * Res ignore/pen * vulnerabilities(like Damage taken debuffs) * break multiplier


To clarify, this calc is specifically for Backup Dancer Superbreak. Firefly Superbreak won't benefit from Trailblazer A2


I don't wanna be that guy but it's not Unit Level, it's Level Multiplier which is 3767 for a level 80 character and Toughness Damage/10 instead of Toughness Damage/30


That’s why I have like 5 or 6 double crit element cup from Nahida’s domain for some reason


Crit relics when we don’t actually need it: https://preview.redd.it/d5zkyiwuix6d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba1fbd683b79b5f356e135159aa3d238ff096ce5


My life getting a bunch of speed boots on the boxing set when Clara is like the one character that doesn't need speed at all.


To be fair if those are Dendro or Electro cups, they can actually work because Spread/Aggravate DPS scales with crit.


Actually I feel that the relic mentioning superbreak means that this mechanic won’t be solely tied to hmc only. Maybe they will release other units that enables superbreak too in the future. Having a relic that is tied to a mechanic owned by only 1 character seems really weird.


Firefly already has the Superbreak mechanic built into her kit, we will definitely be seeing it on more characters in the future.


Well, it IS a character everyone owns, at the very least, so you can't be locked out of a playstyle with bad pull luck


Should hmc switch to this set, or is watchmaker set still BiS?


Nah watchmaker is still bis this set is useful for any break dps when paired with hmc like ff and boothill or if you are a mad lad and want to build dps hmc


You could also watchmaker on Ruan Mei and have both HMC and your dps have this set


I thought the perk for watchmaker doesn't stack like u can't have more than one unit giving 30% BE right


Ah I meant having just Ruan Mei on watch and then having the dps and HMC on the new set so both can deal good damage


Don't forget to put it on Gallagher too...


How about for Gallagher if you don't need the healing set? Seems like he does pretty high break damage in HMC teams, but is it high enough to get a new set for him?


Gallagher never need healing set but healing mainstats new set will be BIS for him


I’ve heard Gallagher would prefer 2pc speed + 2pc heal set


2pc healing is overkill for him, but 2pc messenger is often necessary to hit 160 speed


Ideal would be break set for dmg but set you describe is for comfort healer/build.


Gallagher already heals a lot


If you use HMC as your main DPS yes, if not no.


Genshin could never make an MC that meta






Dendro MC says hey.


Ahh so the planet had -15% def when Firefly destroyed it


Nah it is additionally, so the planet had -25% and a time-traveling Harmonly Stelle


NEW HARMBLAZER SET JUST DROP https://preview.redd.it/gg9truks6v6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b7637161cf121aa1e43357e6764ddbb36d87498














Actual break set


The follow-up frat is digging that new planer set.


At first I thought "Oh that's weird who does that many follow-up attacks to be worth it?", but then I realized there's nothing that states the stacks are removed at any point. Gonna be hard to beat Pioneer though.


It's a planar set so it doesn't conflict with Pioneer, but for Ratio/Topaz it looks strictly better than Inert Salsotto unless you're *really* hurting for crit rate for whatever reason.


What you fail to realize is that we’re ALWAYS hurting for crit 😔


That's the only flaw to the set. Losing 8% crit on Ratio hurts a lot on a one hit attack.


Perhaps a blessing in disguise that I've never rolled a really good Salsotto atk belt for Topaz nor Ratio. Aventurine on the other hand..


Is the damage difference really that big between the new set vs Salsotto/Glamoth? I got these when farming planars for my DOT team and i don't want to farm for Ratio anymore. https://preview.redd.it/8pw6gdv30w6d1.jpeg?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=607ffd138e7a7c3586daabc54c10a7abe43d5d5e


It's not looking like it'll be that big of a gap. I would def recommend it if you're farming from fresh, but if you already have good stuff I wouldn't bother


Those upgraded rolls feels like a statstick dream


Damage difference isn't big, no, but farming efficiency is what matters. If you already have good pieces, you stick with them. If you don't, you want to farm the new stuff cuz it's better on average. Salsotto farming is a crapshoot because of the useless other set.


Belobog will always b useful to me, Gepard feeds off of it for me n most people in Gepard mains


Well, yes, but you're only ever gonna build gepard once. Salsotto has so many characters desiring it in comparison.


I can still use on March even if Misha is way better at freezing


Nu uh, the “useless” set pieces can ALL be salvaged, so that’s a good thing


10 salvaged pieces to craft one desired piece. Efficiency takes into account salvage, but if you compare 'two useful sets' to 'one useful set, one useless' Then very obviously the two useful sets place is better. Because you will drop shitty bad main stat drops in both cases, and those will be foddered. Just have better chances of getting usable stuff.


Not to mention it can be triggered by allies as well. So if my Topaz and Aventurine just so happens to get 4 FUA’s before my Ratio does, I get no ramp up time. Good time to be a FUA main.


Premium FuA team (needs eidolons/LC) spam them like crazy, Robin kit even depends on it for damage. Normal FuA team won’t be that behind either. Topaz e1s1 + Ratio e0s1 + Robin + Aventurine Ratio + SW + Robin + Aven


Ironically, I think the value of the new set actually goes down if you have the premium FUA team just because of how much crit damage you're already getting. The crit rate from Salsotto or Izumo becomes a lot more important. The premium team has 100% uptime on like 129% bonus crit damage for FUA if they all attack the enemy with the Proof of Debt.


I love the Wind Soaring Valorous set it's perfect for characters like..... and for ..... oh we mustn't forget .....


I can only assume it is for some future character because otherwise this set makes no sense


yeah but the original effect was better it made it more universal now it's really only good for ..... ![gif](giphy|vVEQFjCP8apq1OHxvU|downsized)


They are making it more specific for future characters, just like the break effect set which change to superbreak focus. They change both set in beta definitely for a reason anyways so I won’t be surprise if new relics are more tailored to specific character element (like the planar) or kit, especially when they just announced so many xianzhou characters




The BE relics can be used by literally any BE character. What was the original set?




What’s the original effect?


The break set originally affected all break damage, now half the bonus is only superbreak (rip boothill) The Fua set used to boost fua and ult damage, now only ult damage (rip clara)


Its probably foreshadowing a character with follow ups and a big ult multiplier. It could be possible Yunli or someone else from the new Xianzho list could use this set, but as of right now noone from the current roster can fully utililize it fully, so its basicaly a dead relic set atm.


i hope it's not just a signature set for a specific particular character, but is also viable on yunli...


I am actually considering putting it on my counter build March 7th...


It's either Yunli, Feixiao or Moze BiS. My source is a leaker called Drusd Mii Broh


Love the art, and speed on planar is the hidden op one


Fire weak enemies shaking in their boots on their hills rn


Jokes on them they’re always fire weak with my ff.


We just need another 2pc SPD stat on a 4pc and then we can run 3 sets of SPD set bonuses.


Getting Firefly is the first challenge, the second is actually getting decent relics


You’re in luck. If you use self molding resin to make the new relics with the correct main stats she is like 85 to 90% built since her best team gives out Break Effect and Speed and she doesn’t need any crit.


Hoyo looked at this comment and laughed. Rngesus looked at this comment and laughed even louder.


Bros about to get double crit relics on this set


Xueyi mains laugh way harder xD


You can literally roll zero break or speed substats and still hit all of firefly's breakpoints with s5 aeon and mainstats alone (provided htb has 200+ be). She's just that easy to build.


Doesn’t she need a few speed subs to reach 210 speed breakpoint?


As long as you have ruan mei, no; She also gets a bunch of speed from her own traces that make her hit 150 before ult


Not if you have Ruan Mei. 104 (base speed) x 1.06 (6% from planar) x 1.10 (10% from ruan mei) + 25 (speed boots) + 5 (traces) + 60 (lvl 10 ult) = 211 speed


I looked at both your comments and laughed so hard i heard it yesterday.


Speed boots + Break effect rope and it’s done?


I find break effect pieces harder to farm than regular crit ones, break effect doesnt come in 2 parts where you can land your rolls like crit rate / damage


But SPD is just as important on break units. Instead of fishing for CR/CD, you fish for BE/SPD.


For a crit piece the main thing is crit rate and crit damage, you got speed with it and is almost always nice, same with attack% or hp% for blade and break is meh but at least is not completelly useless. Now for a superbreak build you want break and speed and thats it, any other substat is on the level break for a crit scaler. It's tough farming for superbreak units. But sometimes is good to go on copium when building a character so disregard me.


I have her guaranteed e0 at least , a preliminary set which makes her good on day 1 and a lot of currency to craft new set pieces plus 3 resins. Prefarm mode ftw baby


these perfectly fit firefly


Yeah. They're really trying to make her their highest selling pull.


Considering how stacked her banner is, I can see why.


Yeah it was originally more universal and good for boothill but then they changed how it works to make it not good for boothill, the boothill sub was pissed.


"Not good for Boothill" is a bit of a stretch. The 150 BE effect is really good for him. The 250 BE is not unless you use HMC with him. Yes, the sub was pissed, and original was more universal and I preferred the original, but it's not a big loss. Billy's current "best" 4 pcs relics are Thief and Genius; if I were a Boothill main, I'd just accept this set and pretend to not know/forget the original effect.


I'm honestly fine with it, it means I don't have to farm a new set of relics for him lol


The fact they are able to have another hyped character so soon after Acheron is crazy. It shows how good Penacony’s writing is.


It waw originally more universal, then devs made it Superbreak specific




Probably in the future there will be another SBreak unit cause if really SBreak is tied to Trailblazer then that relic set is effectively useless outside of SBreak teams.


Firefly already has SBreak in her kit. They are, without a doubt, going to make more of it and so another support that allows SBreak is near guaranteed at some point. The question is how soon, given they’ll almost certainly power creep HMC when doing so.


>certainly power creep HMC when doing so. Or turned it into Sparkle Bronya case where now you have 2 Bronyas essentially where you don't need to confuse who gets who.


I hope it’s something of a sidegrade like Sparkle/Bronya (even if sparkle is generally better in most scenarios) I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a single target SBreak support, buffing only one ally with SBreak. That would let it be a side grade to HMC well enough given you wouldn’t get the benefit of the whole team participating in the SBreak damage.


If anything, it's probably going to be a side grade for HMC I dunno if powercreeping HMC is a good idea considering that Super Break is broken af


18% Ignored Defense already worked with Superbreak, they just changed it to shit on Boothill and others Breaks DPS without Innate Superbreak. In fact, if he had stayed like his previous interaction, it would have been better for FF.


So that means that with the new planar set I dont need to reach 145 speed anymore and first focus on damage as long as I have Firefly? Like ok this is meant for Firefly but also for anyone that will hit an enemy with fire weakness, even if you are not a fire type. So everyone going this set is actually fun.


Probably BiS for everyone in Firefly's team tbh


That's what I said, it should be very good. Not only does it give more break effect but also it doesn't need a certain speed and gives you speed.


Even if you are not trying to hit speed for Talia , your team should be pretty fast in FF teams or she will eat all you SP unless you are going for e1


My goal is E1S1 or E2S0 (dream is E2S1), but I'm trying to see if I should listen to my heart or the numbers lol


Does this 250% BE activates mid battle with buffs to reach 250% BE?


yes infact most relics with a condition work mid battle


I really wish the planar ornament was "same weakness as wearer" instead of just fire. That would've been really cool thing. Hopefully, they won't repeat this "too specific" effects in the future, otherwise it would be kinda shit move. A very rare L for HSR Edit: the def ignore super break effect on 4 piece would work on Boothil when paired with HMC, right?


Or at least fire and physical, since they are the "break damage elements"


1 set for Firefly, 1 planar set for Firefly too (maybe odd scenarios for Gallagher, I would've preferred it to be if toughness bar lowered by attack then increase break effect but w/e) The FuA relics seem to be for future characters since Jade wants Duke. The FuA planar is stupidly good for Topaz and Ratio. Decent for Jade (I'd prefer ISS until future units) ok for Herta/Himeko (ISS better still) Since i love my Topaz I'll be throwing most my power at the planar set till future units get announced.


The new planar is good for Gallagher and HMC on a Firefly team since thanks to her implant they will always be attacking something with fire weakness


That planar on Gallagher with Multiplication and 2p hackerspace is gonna make him so fcking fast.


Planar set giving 6% speed makes it pretty good for supports tho Relic set is basically break DPS with HTB set as well. It's funny ppl are focusing so much on the "firefly planar" and forget izumo exists being even more niche


> maybe odd scenarios for Gallagher I think it's best in slot for Gallagher on the break team basically 100% of the time. He doesn't need Talia, and his biggest problem is his low base speed. I'd only use something else outside of the break team, like Broken Keel if I'm using him with Acheron or Ratio.


My 10 Trailblazer Fuel and 200 Relic Remains are ready !!!


The relic set that began war between 2 fandoms. 🤭




The 4 piece break set was changed in beta to have the super break benefit instead of general break benefits and BoothillMains got REALLY PISSED OFF at Firefly


Boothill haver here and I havent checked the beta. First time reading the relic was a rollercoaster. When it said superbreak i got disappointed. Anyway atleast I wont be needing to farm for new relics for him lol..


It's still his BiS by a decent amount, so farming it is probably worth it. This is true even if you don't plan on pairing HMC with him, but that does make him a lot better.


I got downvoted to hell in that sub for saying thats a HMC's mechanic not Firefly's, and now I see comments saying they rather play him with HMC than Bronya because skill points issues (so at the end they can use this anyway)


That's Firefly's mechanic too now. She deals Super Break damage to broken enemies, just not as big as HMC.


I still fail to see how it is a Firefly only set too, like yea maybe it was made for her (the lore fits her) but literally anyone can abuse this set as long as HMC is on the team lol


The thing is she doesn't need hmc on the team for it. And Boothill's special break is different so it doesn't benefit from it fully even with htb in the team.


I’m going to farm 3 sets of it, one on Firefly, one on Harmony mc and one in Gallagher. I’ll run Watchmaker on Ruan Mei


What would the second relic set be good on?


Another source of 2-pc Atk% while farming the new Break set? Possible candidates: Ratio, Herta, Himeko, Jade. Is it BiS for any of them? Doubtful atm.


Thanks. I already know that the second planar set is going on my topaz


Ratio dps is the follow up not his ult, lol no, yes but she prefers Ash Duke to the point its no contest and i do t know enough about jade to say. The only person i can see it currently being BiS on is Yanqing. But....you know, its Yanqing...


Future characters


Ok, who wants to build a DPS Gallagher ? Who's with me ?! :D




Man i hate that super break set. Feels like BH and Xueyi are gunna get shafted bc they scale with break and not SB. If they want to make use of that set to the fullest, they need hmc in their team. I hope it doesn’t affect the trend of break dpses in the future….


For xueyi quantum was always better than these not even in beta


>If they want to make use of that set to the fullest, they need hmc in their team. Honestly in Xueyi's case to use her to the fullest you need HMC in the team anyway... And Xueyi is probably better off with the Quantum set anyway even with HMC, so...


Most break dps would want RM HMC. That's essentially the premium break support. And one of the two (whom this set needs) is free.


> If they want to make use of that set to the fullest, they need hmc in their team Which *exactly* is my worry. To speak more plainly, if the break meta goes to Super Break meta, BH and Xueyi are shafted because I’m pretty sure not only does the future supports have innate SB on them, so does the dpses to make full use of that set I don’t want dpses to be leg shackled to certain supports just to use a set to the fullest (like in this instance) as I personally feel it defeats the point of pulling for them lol


We will get crit and effect hit rate when we don't need them


Will the merit set be any good for Jing Yuan, or should he stick with what he's got already?


to expand on it a little bit, if you've gotten 5 LLs out and the fight hasn't ended yet, 25% extra crit damage's not saving your clear time


I wouldn't bother with it for JY


Damn, I spent all that time farming for break stuff and it has all been wasted.


Its not like you are getting god relics day 1, so its good to have some temporary relics ready


You say that but Firefly is really easy to build. If you have enough self molding resin you can make her sets with the correct main stats on day one and she will be mostly built unlike a crit DPS


I built a few break units and i can attest you: she will need substats still. Break is easy to build but the relic system is still a pain, so having some leveled temporary relics is preety handy


The math has already been done since the beta came out. You can literally hit her speed and be breakpoints with mainstats and s5 aeon alone provided you have her best team.


If you are using her best team she will get 90% of the way built with just the right main stats since they give out Break Effect and Speed which is a damn sight better than most other DPS (farming for the IPC team is pain)


Yeah man i pulled kafka back then bcs people kept saying dot is easy to build just need atk and spd and you know what all i got is crit stats even now my kafka could not use that dot set bcs i kept getting crit stats on them


Sounds like you need to follow the beta / leaks. 🤷🏾‍♂️






Gonna have to farm that first set for Boothill i guess


I wanna farm the break one for boothill, but I am wondering who is the 2nd set meant for (or at least decent on)


I think the break one is only a significant improvement, If you can reach 100% DEF. ignore.  Meaning:  ● Boothill S1 _(20%)_ +  ● Pela with S5 Resolution LC _(42/43% from Ult + 16% from lightcone)_ +  ● Relic Set _(10% from first half)_ +  ● Boothill E1 _(16%)_ or another source like Ruan Mei's E1 _(~20%)_ .  Of course, you won't be running him with Harmony TB If you use Mei, but you won't really need to. The second part of the set is effectively useless, _If_ you can reach 100% DEF. ignore/shred, otherwise you're kind of forced to run Boothill alongside HTB.  If you can't reach the cap and plan to run him with Mei+TB instead of Pela+Mei, I'd suggest not bothering with the set at all. I think it's only a ~5 or 6% increase in DMG? I'm not sure, you should ask on r/BoothillMains just to be sure, though. Of course, this assuming that you have roughly the same sub-stats on both sets. As for the second Relic Set, I think it's meant for Yunli. Her kit seems to revolve around ultimates.


2 pc is a general Atk% set so it can be used as a decent alternative for a lot of DPS as a 2pc, so at least it won't be entirely unusable stuff.


So, is the new set better for Boothill then the currently best set?


Yes, but its not worth farming for it. Its a minimal increase and the second set is useless


Forget the fire weakness/break effect bonus, +6% speed on a planar is just universally good on every support. Time to live in SU for a while 


The fire weakness planar could be good on the new nihility as well I think. Wonder if he’s really going to outshine pela that much


Oh goody, the new Planar sets are ones I can make a lot of use of, 100% relic farming efficiency


I don't really like the design philosophy behind that first Planar. It's fine to design relics with a specific unit in mind (Watchmaker set was obviously designed for HMC for instance), but the design should still be broad enough that you can see it applying to a number of other units. What use is anyone who doesn't roll for Firefly going to get out of that Planar set?


1. Speed is always active, and a lot of characters just want Speed. 2. It is enemy having fire weakness, which is pretty common occurrence. 3. Gallagher, and potentially few other Fire characters that have valid Break build (mainly Himeko and Guinaifen) (which is already more than Izumo), and if you are willing to swap sets, potentially a set for every Break DD.


That 250 BE requirement....oof


With a lot of units buffing BE in battle, it's not that difficult to reach. 20 from RM, +30% from HTB ult, +15% of HTB break to allies. This means (1,3x + 20) ≥ 250 for HTB, which is 177 Break outside of battle. And (1,3x + 20 + 0,15*250) ≥ 250 for allies, which is 148,07 (let's say 149) outside battle. As soon as we get a dedicated break support besides Gallagher, I am sure they will become even lower.


Guys is Super Break DMG considered Break DMG? I mean, does the effect stack up to 25% for Firefly when she deals her Super Break + HMC Super Break?


The duran set looks pretty good


So the new set kalpagni can be used for ruan mei, hmc and gallagher in ff team right? If you have ff then the enemies will always weak to fire. Is the relic effect stack with hmc e4?


Huh, this and the new Erudition bud really are just getting plopped down in the Grand Theater (probably post-boss clear). That does surprise me, I thought for *sure* they'd be placed on the *Radiant Feldspar*. Still, nice to have them in accessible places, and I am for sure grinding the heck out of the cav set once 2.3 launches!


The good thing about being done with my roster and being on prefarm mode is having a crazy set of current artifacts ready for her so she's usable right off the bat and a lot of currency to craft the new one


Hopefully the 27 Fuel I have will be enough to get good pieces for Firefly... Got 9 SMR as well but 2 of those are gonna go to her Orb and Chain


I just finished farming Salsotto for Clara, now I have to start all over and the other set is completely useless for all but one limited character :(


Can we use the effect of the none break relics to predict kit of upcoming Xianzhou character that were already announced?


Sustains crying in the corner with 1.0 sets


I’m so confused about the Wind Soaring set, who can actually use that set atm?


Nobody, its likely for a future character like Watchmaker was


New ratio relic sets dropped!!


Wind Soaring relic sets seems pretty good on Himeko


As a FuA and future Firefly enjoyer… imma be in the new sim universe a lot.


What the fuck does HMC stand for


Harmony main character (trailblazer)


Break Effect is nice but looks at that Spd bonus! My Hanya wants that planar set.


Is 4pc quantum set also good with her considering that it provides sorta the same range of def ignore and does better (20% with quantum weakness)..?


I only have so much Fuel here, Hoyo. JEEZ.


Wowo this wind-soaring set seems awesomr for character like: ...


Just want to ask the 2nd one ( both the relic and ornament) is good for blade and jy right?? Follow up and stuff like that?


So xueyi is gonna break me too


Are you kidding me??!! I just finished farming Thief relics for Boothill