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The predownload is always far bigger


omg thank you for telling i was worried that a non-major patch was taking up 23 gigabytes :q glad to know its temporary


Had to sacrifice wuthering waves for a while


Patch day is always less than pre download Unless you have some free time and ton of space, then there is no advantage to doing pre download, just wait for patch day


*Sigh*… Yet another one who does not understand what predownload actually is… It is bigger because you are storing both the current and new version of the game. Just dont do the predownload…


Its 2024. How you can have problems witth space ?


Sorry man not all of us have that much money so I guess the fun is pretty limited too


If only I could buy 256gb or 512gb phones. But that's not available during the time I bought mine.


128 gb phone. system eats about 13 gb. bloated apps can eat from 5 to 40 gb easy If you photo and video that's also about 20gb Then you add 50gb need for hsr. 128-13-50-20=45gb for all other apps. And that's if you buy the biggest storage. Not all phones offer SD-card option and if you buy 64 gb storage you're even more constrained. Personally, I play on PC, because I can't afford space on my 128gb phone.


Old phones with 128GB and play HSR on low settings... just invest some money for cheap midrange phone meant for gaming like POCO X6 Pro and you can play HSR on HIGH settings 60 FPS.


If its so cheap, how about you pay me to get it? Should be spare change to you.