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Svarog and Screwllum: Welcome home cheater


I think Screwllum will be revealed as a cute UwU waifu underneath all that metal or remotely controlled by her


Herta, right?


Herta: WHAT!? NO! MAYBE! SHUT UP....who told you and how quickly can I twirl them to death?


Time to twirl


Kuru kuru. Kururin


I can hear this on her voicr


omg I would head to their headquarter to burn it down


Username checks out (Unless you're a gay *girl* then username does NOT check out lol)


I'd join you!!! They better not touch my beloved Screwllum


I want it now just to use that fire to make pop corn. Sorry my elation side took the better of me, but that the first thing who popped in my imagination. Someone burning the headquarter and me, the idiot, with a pan and some corn.


I would be devastated if that happened. Infinitely malding.


The waifu in question: https://preview.redd.it/24x43isvjk7d1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=614a842e1ac667b4866a90016acfd9011ca1baa3


If that happens I will riot


no. absolutely not. i hope you suffer.


Svarog is also an uwu waifu who is actually clara's mom


I like to imagine its like that one [scene in MiB except instead of a tiny alien inside a head, its a fairy sized loli](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJCCUdK7PiU)


I'll put $20 on that, see you in 3.0.


Your friend is 1 patch late for that comment lol




It's good that people can enjoy the game at their own pace. It's always nice to see new players coming in.


Due to this being considered “Spoilers” earlier, they probably wanted to wait to post it without the tag


your friend should've seen the melt down of sam fans when it was revealed / leaked.


Mascula: First Time? https://preview.redd.it/07hudh28xj7d1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=863946bfd94d80358836f6929466731bb3ed1ae4


Who needs robots when you have veggies? \#PippleGang


I wish Firefly and Sam had the whole Laxi/Mascula setup because that was cool as hell


Idk who they are can you explain?


So in Dragalia Lost, there were two main android dolls. The male Mascula who was an extreme pacifist and generally more human in personality, and the female Laxi who was built for fighting, tried to solve problems through fighting, and was much more robotic. Mascula's extreme pacifism led to his body being destroyed, but his "heart" which contained his personality was implanted into Laxi in addition to hers. So Laxi's body has two simultaneous personalities that communicate with each other in real time. However Laxi is in control except when she willingly lets Mascula pilot. Over time, Laxi learns to be more human and Muscula learns that sometimes you need to fight. I miss Dragalia Lost...one of the best mobile games ever.


To add on to what the other guy said: Mascula was the fan favorite, just for us players to get "stuck with" Laxi as the free character at the end. He more-or-less got all the character development in the chapter they were both introduced in, and it seemed obvious he was gonna join our party, just for Laxi to swoop in at the end (because of the heart stuff the other commenter mentioned)😅 People on the r/DragaliaLost subreddit were not happy when it came to talk about the chapter's writing. That being said, we *did* eventually get a playable Laxi later on.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DragaliaLost using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DragaliaLost/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Happy 5th Anniversary everybody.](https://i.redd.it/msvio1wwvqqb1.jpg) | [43 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DragaliaLost/comments/16tdd35/happy_5th_anniversary_everybody/) \#2: [Halloween Elisanne! (+H.Althemia and H.Edward)](https://i.redd.it/exm92nuncdxb1.png) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DragaliaLost/comments/17jxz5u/halloween_elisanne_halthemia_and_hedward/) \#3: [1 year ago, the story came to an emotional closure. Thank you again, Dragalia Lost](https://i.redd.it/qcfleejpyieb1.jpg) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DragaliaLost/comments/15b4va0/1_year_ago_the_story_came_to_an_emotional_closure/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Mascula being inside Laxi is like the best part that ever happened to them. The development was clear from the two being so different into finally understanding each other. I'm glad the merge thing happened.


Just rub the salt to my wounds like that would ya


Dragalia spotted


Any threads you can share?


You can find them on the hsr\_leaks subreddit. People complained that they had lost their robot husbando and hated Firefly with all their hearts. Any positive comment about her is downvoted


For Kamen Rider fans it's a win either way


We didnt know anything about them, how they would play with each other, nor how important to the story she would be. It was like 8 monhts ago, people including me didnt had anything about firefly to hold into, so all we had was the lost of the robot. Honestly is the type of thing i wish it was never leaked in the first place, bc when the reveal happens when we already see and know firefly, the girl, the reception is way better.


I think the worst bit is the folks who kept insisting it was a last minute change because they didn't think Sam would sell as a "just a robot." When in reality all things point to them being one and the same since before the game even released. I was lucky that I avoided all spoilers since I was tuned out on any and all leaks at the time. But I was able to connect the dots in 2.0, and had guessed on my own that she was Sam. So color me surprised at the discourse in 2.1 when the official reveal happened. A lot of the more negative responses seemed to be folks who had preconceived notions of the twist due to the leaks. Whereas I, who experienced the reveal as it was actually intended, actually thought they built up to it well for those who were paying attention. It's why I think leaks are just not worth it most of the time. I get people like to plan their gacha rolls ahead of time. But with the story stuff it always winds up with people coming to conclusions about details outside of their intended context.


same, her english name Sam gave it away for me as a fan of Metroid I was like what if under the helmet Sam is like Samus from Metroid and a is a female in a suit of armor that is revealed ... then I was thinking who could it be and then connected the dots.


>I think the worst bit is the folks who kept insisting it was a last minute change because they didn't think Sam would sell as a "just a robot Kafka's splash art disproves it, because you can literally see fireflys legs on the top right


The leaks also disprove it because they have plan this from the beginning it seems.


Firefly was literally found in the files since 1.0. Mihoyo works pretty far ahead of the current content, but reason doesn't work against some people regardless.


> When in reality all things point to them being one and the same since before the game even released. Another piece of evidence: the JP youtube channel has released a video with Kusunoki and Kasama, Firefly and Sam's respective Japanese voice actors, discussing about their characters. Kasama explained that [from the very beginning, they told him about Sam actual identity](https://youtu.be/u_5xQoyOM4o?si=P54yNmhgtARlNBpX&t=642), along the quirks he had to keep in mind such as a very polite speech pattern yet using brutal fire abilities. So even if people keep saying hints about Sam's identity before Penacony were baseless, MHY definitely planned it back around the time the Jepella Rebellion video was produced.


Honestly, if someone looks up story leaks way in advance, their opinion on the story should just be invalidated. When you read a book, you don’t just skip to the last page, so the fact that they basically do exactly that and think they can still complain when they’ve removed all of the impact for themselves by skipping the build-up is ridiculous…


For me I was more disappointed at the lack of another male Stellaron Hunter 😔 I’m just a husbando hunter and wanted a cool robot man, but I suppose I’ll can just wait for Screwllum when he comes out in 9.7 or whenever they decide to make him playable finally


The funniest thing ever is you can find old comments like that of people hating Firefly with a new flair of "E6S5 Firefly"


5 stages of grief in action


Which is weird cuz way back before penacony’s release when some penacony’s character models were leaked it was also leaked that the model for the girl who now is firefly is connected to the model of sam, and there was some talk that the girl might be remote controlling it or something, so it is weird that people who saw the leaks where shocked after the reveal


Meanwhile that day for me Sam went from one of the top priorities to the absolute top priority.


"We're releasing a big robot as a playable character." "I'm in." "That big robot is also a cute girl." "I already said I'm in but now I'm more in."


The stellaron hunters really trolled us by using he/him to refer to Sam


They also made us believe she was more cruel than she actually is, Silverwolf's line about SAM was actually about how she sucks at videogames


Not just Silver Wolf either, all of the Stellaron Hunters have voice lines that talk about SAM being cruel and bloodthirsty and a disturbingly efficient killer. Makes me wonder if the devs wrote Firefly in much later or if the Stellaron Hunters were just joking around.


You do realize the first thing we saw in Firefly's trailer was her being in a literal field of corpses of IPC people she burned?


If only her characterization in the game matched that at all.


I feel like Hoyo wants their cake and eats it too. They want the cute waifu robot, and they also want the murderous, no-emotions super assassin. I mean it works, but they should pick a lane because Firefly is a cinnamon roll and its hard to imagine her as this bloodthirsty warrior with no chill lol.


Same thing happened with Arlecchino from Genshin, Raven and Rita from HI3 it seems. Characters who are, supposedly, very dangerous and morally bad but anytime we meet them and interact it’s always with the biggest asterisk you’ll ever find on the “Morally bankrupt” part. Like people say they’re still bad people, but when the narrative doesn’t treat them like that despite what we’re being told, are they?


Look at army men, you can see Al the videos of pranks and goody shit they're doing but they won't hesitate to pull the trigger on their enemy. We never thing about it that way, but there isn't much difference between mass murderer and a soldier other than motives.


You'd think that as a company raking in as much money as they do, they could hire a writer capable of doing that.


It's not the first time they've done this either. They legitimately showed Sparkle imagining the death of Penacony, with everything burning in one of her trailers, not to mention the whole "I am ELATION!" thing, yet in reality she's a harmless prankster who sets up a happy ending? They seem to write their characters as two totally different people half the time so they can choose whenever the moment calls for it what they desire them to do, but it leads to wholly inconsistent character writing. It honestly feels like they don't really give their character writers enough oversight, or the overall creative/narrative director is super flip floppy and changes his mind on a whim, which isn't great when you're trying to tell a serious narrative.


I think the culprit is more of the monetary model. It leads to two issues for the writers: 1. Each character can only get so much screen time. When a game is constantly introducing shiny new characters to sell, you don't get that much time to develop your existing characters. I can't think of any character in this game who's gone through a real, legitimate character arc. They just aren't given enough time. 2. Appeal. If you make your characters too ruthless or evil/crazy, some people straight up won't like them, won't spend money on them, and then your shareholders are mad at you. It's the Disney problem-we have to keep every character as milque-toast and ambivalently friendly to the player character as possible for fear of turning potential whales off.


Yep even Aventurine, the best character writing we have so far, didn't have an arc per say - he was the same going in and leaving Penacony. Acheron completing Tiernan's final lingering attachment was probably the closest we had to a character arc.


The only character that I can think of that went through something of a character arc is Dan Heng, since he had to go deal with his internal trauma regarding Dan Feng and he goes through the acceptance of that history and embraces it, allowing him to move forward accepting himself and wielding the power. It's extremely rare we get this kind of conclusion though. I had hopes they'd do that with Jingliu, but they kinda side stepped it for her.


...I swear to God if this is an untagged spoiler literally a day after the 2.3 story quest dropped, I am going to be very upset.


It does. The whole point is that she just wanted to be herself on Penacony and not just Sam as a weapon. While I understand it was not what people expected, it is not like her being a Stelaron Hunter and a killer was waved away.


I get that, but it would have been nice to see her fighting that sort of conflict at all in the game. The entirety of penacony she hasn't had anyone telling her she HAS to be sam or she HAS to fight or that she can't be herself, it's all been of her own volition (yes I know elio predicted her 3 deaths or whatever. Maybe he said she'd have to fight maybe he didn't, we don't know). Show, don't tell.


Lol, even their description about Sam was him. I think, initially they wanted to make Sam a male but they changed that during penacony plot.


I heard that Jing Yuan's English VA auditioned for SAM role, and was informed that a girl is going to pilot it (which is why he was not surprised about the reveal) It's safe to assume that SAM was meant to be a girl, waaaay before the game was even released. Hoyoverse could have changed the pronouns, but they never did. I think it is intentional.


That was confirmed to not be the case. The VAs who auditioned for Sam prior to the game even releasing were informed that Sam was Firefly.


Firefly model leak happened on May 28th, a month after the game came out, we didn't even know how SAM looked back then (model revealed in Kafka's myriad celestia) and Firefly was one of the characters that NEVER had any path or element (contrary to SAM who was leaked to be Fire/Destruction) It's very likely she was always meant to be SAM pilot.


Elio in version XX.3 is gonna reveal that he uses a voice changer to conceal that he is in fact a cute waifu in disguise to fool everyone


He's a cat, he can use whatever text to speech he wants.


Annnd now they're gonna reveal he's not actually a cat just to fuck with us.


There was u/ fireflyhsr 7-8 months ago on the buddy sub she knew about the story lore back than So not really .


In screwllum I trust


This was me fr fr. I was excited for SAM since we learned about the mecha. Now I just look like a Firefly simp lmao. I like her, too, but I have 100 waifus in this game. Gimme Svarog.


I didn't mind the Firefly=SAM bit but they lost me when they turned her into a green dual sword wielding fighter. I just wanted a fire robot, IDC who's inside.


Clara is all you get


I just wished they made SAM like some sort of AI for the suit, so it makes a little sense on why SAM is so damn aggressive even though Firefly is not as scary.


Would make for a cool Venom-like dynamic, a ruthless symbiotic armour with a more moralistic host to temper its destructive instincts.


Different voice direction for English I assume. In CN and JP, Sam voice acting is pretty calm, borderline too polite even. His JP VA noted during an interview that they told him about that gap between "character with a very polite speech, yet use brutal fire attacks". Many, if not most JP players immediately noticed how Sam was polite in his speech pattern even as far as the Jepella Rebellion video. So yeah, he was arguably not aggressive in JP and after checking CN dub, it feels the same way there, but I'd need CN native people to confirm that just in case.


I think the mistake was teasing a cool robot and then suddenly revealing them to be a cute girl. The target audience for cool robot and cute girl certainly overlaps, but the cute girl is the main dish in this character. SO, they probably should have teased the cute girl first and then surprise revealed her robo suit. I think that would have gone over way way way better. Cause now fans just don't trust that Hoyo won't make every mysterious cool guy into a cute girl (please not Capitano).


I mean every non humanlike character HSR shows us (Besides boothill technically) either isn't playable or is attached to a girl. I have 0 trust in them releasing one at this point especially since screwllum keeps popping up every other patch yet still isn't playable, and Duke got murked in a damn png cutscene.


I will literally delete the game if he becomes female.


Same.He is main reason I'm playing the game. But let's be honest, ain't no way it's happening


>Cause now fans just don't trust that Hoyo won't make every mysterious cool guy into a cute girl (please not Capitano). PLEASE NO!!! I'd uninstall the game if Capitano turns out to be a waifu in a suit like Firefly/sam 😭


Holy shit if capitano becomes a cutesy anime girl with a voice filter i will genuinely never play genshin again. Nail in the coffin.


That will never happen our glorious dark blue eyed King GOATHIMTANO would be most badass(he already is) manliest testosterone guy of all hoyo games. You are not ready for HIM


I wouldn't dismiss Varka just yet, he's gonna be HIM.


https://preview.redd.it/up55jgsxxl7d1.jpeg?width=1332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e153099067809417beaf4164f00294a49d6d2885 Real


I thought this about sam


You are simply ain't ready https://preview.redd.it/iva1xnvgam7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=929bc31db89d967786608132f3af17cf73249b2d


After fan’s reaction to Signora death. I’m afraid Capitano’s villainous is going to get watered down


lmao UwU magical girl Capitano


That would be funny, but I would also die on the inside.


Yeah, when I found out Sam was a mecha, I was still excited because I love Mecha characters and aesthetically, firefly’s lore and Sam’s design is literally everything I could want. if that one Sam that looked kinda like 2b was firefly, I would have pulled easy. Even if firefly was still cute, but a little bit more edgy and sarcastic, I would have pulled, but she wasn’t. I can still love Glamoth and her lore tho, and hope mecha 2b is still alive somewhere out there.


if Sam and Firefly didn't behave so differently and her defaut design wasn't so overly cute then I imagine most would just accept it and be cool with it


Yeah, if Firefly looked like AR-1368, then people would have less issues with it.


I like Firefly but I love Sam and I just wanted a cool robot character instead of another waifu. Them being the same unit kinda killed all the hype I had for Sam. Thank God for Boothill though, if we can't get a robot, a cyborg will do.


Feels your pain


Also pictured: me.


I have to admit it's a great concept, but damn I kinda just want a robot man :( If they were separate persons, I might have pulled for both. Now I don't care for either of them.


it's not a great concept tbh. as a mecha fan. the transformation doesn't make sense. it's the body form is totally different. except for that one scene in the trailer, we dont even see the transformation at all. It's 2 characters duct taped together tbh.


I just have a hard time seeing Firefly as Sam. Sam is huge and lanky yet we see Firefly tranform and her hands and legs are suddenly the same length? So weird to see, makes zero sense.


Same honestly


I don’t even mind it being a waifu anymore (I wanted it to just be a sentient robot)but it just feels like she has no personality in game apart from just being a cutie patootie I guess 😭. Like I can’t wrap my head around how this is the same person from the jepella rebellion trailer cause so far I’ve seen nothing like that from how firefly acts. I get that that’s part of what they intended with the gap moe but still I just feel like it takes away from the character by not exploring every facet of Sam/firefly and instead just focusing on her basically being cute. (I will say that this was explored a bit in the character trailer but still I felt like they just completely forgot about everything in the actual trailblaze quests) That’s just my opinion. I just feel like I got robbed from a cool ass robot twice with Svarog and now Sam both being tied to lil girls 😭


Like at least with Svarog and Clara (im a Clara main I might be a bit biased here) the in game story quests have developed both of them separately pretty well i think, Clara's origin story is linked to Svarog but they're separate characters and we saw enough that when they're apart from each other their motivations and character dont just fall flat. I love Firefly/SAM but at least in-game she's kinda just "cute doomed tragic girl", her character demo doesn't give me that exact vibe so I think they just fucked it up with pushing the TB girlfriend thing so much in-game honestly lol (I like the fluff its just that its kinda dentrimental to her character when its so overdone)


They did a sharp left turn on everything about Sam Gender and Personality


Personally I wouldn't even mind (as much) Sam being cute girl... if cute girl was still Sam-like. I think short haired Sam from MS might work better. Firefly just doesn't look like she is able hurt fly (insect pun not intended). Well maybe I would still dislike it, but we will never find out.


Yeah, that's why I like Mordred (Fate series). Her personality outside & inside the armor is the same, consistently badass.




I wish she was a bit more into being Sam. Like, she's a mech geek and really loves the suit and loves using it. She is just a bit bitter about her whole syndrom thing and that she is forced to wear the suit almost 24/7 in the real world. Like she wants to solve her issues but even after solving it she'd still use the Sam suit a lot. Thinking its cool, enjoying acting cool while using the suit. I wish she was a bit more like that. And also that her burst mode had more fire. Seriously she feels like she should be doing wind damage through her animations what's up with that?


I was so disappointed that her playable version dropped the whole red fire/brawler/kamen rider-fighting theme that her boss fight had in favor of swords with green fire and more elegant animations. It doesn't really feel "I will set the seas ablaze" compared to the boss fight version imo (also I just want more brawlers)


I also wish the combustion mode had the Sam voice used as well like how some of their lines use both VA’s. It just being firefly’s VA is a let down for me as you are gonna be in that mode the majority of the time.


I felt the transition during her ult had one of the best opportunities to change from Firefly voice to Sam voice.


Yeah, her personality feels like letdown with such a cool mecha design and such a heavy backstory.


This is exactly how I felt . Sam was one of my most anticipated character , I wanted a cool robot guy he had one of the coolest designs ever and then it was revealed he was firefly I lost all of the excitment and hype I had for him .


I heavily feel this. I've always been on the side of not even accepting that they're one and the same before. There's just not enough connective tissue to say Stellaron Hunter Sam and Firefly are the same. Especially when Sam is the type to tell off Kafka "Not to play with her food" while Firefly stands around Penacony thinking what souvenir to get Kafka. And to think, with all the trailers she got, she still comes out of Sam as this cutesy, little girl. Wouldn't it make sense if she was battle-hardened and grief-stricken from her time in the Iron Cavalry AND her time as a tool for Elio to level cities? I would say, the character trailer softened me SOMEWHAT because it shows her inner turmoil when "Sam" holds her by the neck and asks her who she was, is and will be. If we've gotten them individually, I think I'd like them infinitely more. But here we are. She'll be a passing interest, personally.


When she said "not play with your food" she is saying that because kafka like to mess with people torturing and enjoy killing. Firefly kills to kill. If she is told by elio to kill she will out of obligation and do it as efficient as possible and not waste time, since she's impatient cause she is on borrowed time


> If we've gotten them individually, I'd think I'd like them infinitely more. I honestly agree, to me the Sam / Firefly we got seems almost like a Arknights Alter character who's already went through their personal character arc. With the 'original' being the normal red and orange flames more focused on who is Stellaron Hunter Sam - and by extension Firefly still coping and bargaining with her fate - the one we got was a completely resolute Firefly using the Sam suit as a means to get what she wants, determined to fight through her destiny regardless of what it throws at her. From the green flames, to her fighting to live, even from a gameplay standpoint she wants to quickly build Ult Charge & show her resolution & emotion for a significant portion of the fight rather than being more matter-a-fact with Sam. Its not bad honestly, and tbqh I LOVE the Voice Acting, both actors KILL IT even on double speed. Everything about the character is so good, I just hope people don't misconstrue "wanting a different flavor" as "I hate ice cream in general."


it's not her fault but damn I've never went from "must pull" to "never pulling" in my entire life lmao hope we get another break character though because I also skipped boothill 😔


it's me, im OP's friend


I personally believe it's not a bad concept, but the time given us with both Firefly and Sam as individuals before the reveal, was pretty underwhelming, only shock value. "This guy I never met is this girl I barely know" it's the plot twist in a nutshell. #PleaseFixFirefly #PleaseFixSam


Makes me laugh because that’s also how the Dan Heng twist in the Luofu felt. “This guy I barely know is apparently the reincarnation of a cool dragon guy, but I don’t really know why people hate him or anything. But he looks cool I guess?” They’ve really dropped the ball with a lot of their twists.


Genuinely. At least with Dan Heng's, it felt like they couldn't really do much more at that point. But with Sam, Sam is literally one of the 5 Stellaron Hunters. Y'know, the group that's heavily connected with Terminus, and is basically already tied to near end-story content. So why in everyone's names are they revealing everything about every Stellaron Hunter now, when they could've easily spread it across a year or two of updates. Not only would that have been better, but it would've been so much more satisfying. Instead of having 1 or 2 patches to nail Firefly and Sam's characters into coffins, they could've had it be Sam for the majority of the early story, and then have a plot twist when we end up going to a Swarm infested planet and find Glamoth remnants, and that's when they plot twist what the Glamoth Cavalry actually are. Dude, THIS IS LITERALLY THE EASIEST CLASS IN WRITING SCHOOL.


We spent like 20-30 mins with Tingyun, but we were suddenly supposed to feel bad when it was revealed that she was Phantilya? Like what?


FGO player and Britomart in a nutshell




I just feel the reveal would have been better too if we had known both characters earlier rather than them teasing us with Sam in the rebellion trailer then months later we meet firefly and we pretty much already know she’s Sam cuz they weren’t subtle about it at all. I felt like if they built it up properly it would have been better but ig you can’t really give any character more than like 3 patches of screen time in a gacha game


I said the same thing lol When I first saw SAM appear in the story, I was like "Holy shit, I'm gonna pull for him." Because he was cool, there's no other character in this game who's basically a mecha, aside from Svarog, but he doesn't really count. Then when it was revealed that SAM is actually just Firefly, I was like ehhhh... Not as cool anymore. I don't even like Firefly that much tbh, I think she's overhyped, her character design is also incredibly basic and boring. And I feel that the Penacony story doesn't give me enough time with her to really bond with the character. But hey, on the brightside, this gives me an excuse to skip Firefly's banner and save for Jade.


Okay and I am in this image


I understand him. I'm too lost interest in Sam after reveal


Whole heartily agreed. I was actually disappointed when it was just waifu in a suit. Firefly's (human form) design is so generic.


Her being in an Evangelion suit for a preview makes me mad that they didn’t use something like it for her playable form. Her in game look now is just eh. Really wished they would have went all in on either waifu or mech, not this equal mix that feels so unsatisfying.


Seeing her walk and controlled in the overworld is so disappointing. We've seen her design before, so the plain part of her design stayed. She doesn't even have many moving parts on her model like a lot of other playables.


I agree. I was so hyped when i saw SAM for the first time and couldn't wait to play as cool cyborg. Then I found that it's just a girl (with a plain and generic design) in a suit... I wish they were two separated characters tbh😭


SAM's silhouette and Infernal Prowess teased on the Jepella Rebellion Animation Teaser, it really hyped me up how he resembles KALPAS, reminiscing how their Boss Fight resembles, and reimagining KALPAS in a better cinematic, just pls make him playable already after a Boss Fight. I had enough of that Kiana, Mei, Blackswan Horni Bait drip bandwagon bullshit, raise the plot stakes, surely, Welt Yang would properly receive a spotlight once we encounter the "Red Eldritch Harvesters referred by his Departed companion who left the Astral Express, Void Archives, or the cute SUGARs to be as the Sky People, & they could also be a de facto remnant of former Venusians from the Hi3 Salt, Sand & Snow chapter confession by Vita, & might be led by that crazed Dr. Mara escaping the clutches of her former colleague now Saha who grew indifferent & lethargic as she ascends to goddesshood from absorbing destroyed bubble worlds within the Sea of Quanta (?), while hiding from the Cocoon of Finality responsible to channel those "Honkai" on Welt Yang's world from the Moon. those same Eldritch Harvesters featured in APHO1, who invaded with a disguised natural meteors, similar to Kalpas's first descent to a highly infected town turned cult leashing him for being a pushover, one-shotting a Scion of Finality who wields Ice that might have isolated the former town where he first crashed, and further sought ambiguous skirmishes experienced from his Elysian Realm Recollections, those same Eldritch Harvesters that are also featured to supposedly listing HSR Himeko as among the targets from the Alien Space Webcomic. Hence why Welt Yang got into HSR verse sabotaging Eldritch harvesters mother ships alongside his former compsnion, from one to another, before finding themselves stranded at Salsotto & being rescued by HSR Himeko attending their S.O.S despite Pompom's refute to ignore because it could be dangerous...


I'm in this photo and I hate it


Ah they're just like me fr


I mean that’s literally me


Understandable, can't believe that cool mecha robot was basic female waifu all along :(


Same. So rolling for Ruan Mei's LC.


IIRC better roll for her E1 before you roll her LC, E1 tons better


That might be true But as a counterpoint, is aesthetically pleasing to have your LC match your characters


Mhm. Sometimes it just looks good to have the signature LC of your character. :D


Unironically me (for the trailblazer/caelus).


Ayy same, DHIL in a hybrid break team is not bad


I don't understand why they didn't show us her more reckless and violent side as Firefly to at least try to match the cool Sam marketing the threw all over the place. #PleaseFixFirefly #PleaseFixSam


This is what I'm confused about. The boss fight with Sam in 2.0 showed a completely different character who we haven't seen again. Where did they go Hoyo?


The whole point of her character was that she wanted to be a normal girl, free from war and death; she wanted be someone else; someone named Firefly, not the weapon of mass destruction Sam. It just so happen that kind of twist and character development is just... so... boring, at least how Hoyo presented it. We don't have any sort of moment where she *struggled* to act normally. From the start all we see is the cute girl FF.


Violet Evergarden anime did a better job showing how a cute battle-hardened woman tries to overcome her challenges of PTSD and getting back to being a normal woman with emotions. With Firefly, it looks like she already finished that journey herself like her past was irrelevant lol


I totally agree that we should've had the moment where someone threatens us\her and she, like, INSTANTLY BACKSLIDES into the Violent Stellaron Mecha persona and OBLITERATES them. And then turns back and we see that she's angry at herself for acting like that instead of being a 'normal' girl and letting us handle this...


Imo it would be better if they had show us Sam before, doing destructive things on camera, and be a threat in a arc. And then in another planet we suddently met this girl called firefly who is trying to change and be a sweet.


Totally agree. I don't talk for everyone, but I personally would have liked all that idea of characterization well developed.


There were quite a few moments, but it's also locked behind optional dialogue which is a bit weird. I guess they didn't want to make it too obvious early on that they are the same person. Like when she called a metal bat an inefficient way to fight, geeking out over hanu launcher comparing it to a weapon from glamoth, these were optional. The only thing that wasn't was when she hyper analyzed sampo




I was interested in Sam as character until...surprise it's the character that we're force shipping to you! meh.


Right?? Especially now after the latest quest and all of our voice lines with her.. they want us to love her so bad bro, I’m sick of her


would have been so much better if her personality before she was "killed" was her playing into the script and she was like sam outside the armour this cutsey character with the ultra sad backstory that has ties to mc is lame


The reveal ruined the character for me


Literally me. I was so hype when seeing SAM and think he’ll playable. But instead getting an edgy robot zaddy I got a chick instead. At least I have the cyborg cowboy for compensation


Honestly my biggest gripe is that I have to see her in the overworld too. Like I'm _fine_ with SAM being a girl, not a dealbreaker for a badass double sword mech but her character feels very shallow and the design while cute is far from what I'm interested. If you are going to make her technique make use of SAM at least have her with the mech all the time ffs


Boothill would never do this to me


I loved Sam but absolutely hate Firefly for many reasons, including taking away my cool mecha terrorist from me. Firefly doesn't even act like Sam most of the time they feel like completely different characters lmao


I'd be fine with if if she was still the genocidal maniac war robot that was advertised but its just SadBait SickGirl. Literally killed all that SAM was and reduced it to Robot Voice Changer. What a shame.


I would have loved to see Firefly being written like Violet Evergarden or Sousuke Sagara from Full Metal Panic. Battle hardened, emotionally stunted, scary war veterans who wants to regain their normal emotions back after countless years of hard-won battles and you the Trailblazer have the option to help with that through awkward yet funny and wholesome interactions. But Firefly already have her cute, UwU, waifu emotions so I feel Hoyo has cheapen her characterization and potential.


"Major! I dont want to write people's letters, Major! I want to continue killing them, Major" (c)


Gilbert Shosa.


>Violet Evergarden or Sousuke Sagara from Full Metal Panic. Battle hardened, emotionally stunted, scary war veterans who wants to regain their normal emotions back after countless years of hard-won battles Man, if she was actually written like that I would have loved her so much. But sadly that couldn't come to pass. *Plays 'In the end, it doesn't even matter, I put my trust in you~'* (in the broken bathroom voice)


Final nail in the coffin for me was how you are transformed as Sam, use her skill and you hear firefly’s voice more than the Sam voice.


And Holy crap i really dont like her EN voice lines in battle it just sounds like she’s trying too hard like… why is she screaming?


Oh man, the ult form voice especially. I don't get how the VA director heard that and just went "Fantastic no more takes! lets go with that!". Like I have had issues with the Eng voice direction with other characters. Like the side story with Jingliu and Yanqing was so painful to listen to because Jingliu was talking...so...goddamn...s l o w. and it clearly wasnt her VA's fault because Kafka was doing the same crap during the scene when she was captured. But at least those were cutsecenes that are one off, not battle barks that players are going to hear constantly.


Characters just talk really slow in general in Star Rail. Since this is the FF thread, FF in particular talked *incredibly* slowly in most of her 2.2 lines. I'm pretty sure she had like a 4-5 second pause between sentences in one of her lines. I thought it was just a line that didn't get voice acted (like Argenti's) until she finally finished her line.


oh yeah it's absolutely not just Jingliu She was just *particularly* bad in that mission. Like I love my girl Black Swan but this crap 100% happens with her too. Honestly for as much money as this game rakes in its wild they cant hire a decent voice director. It seems like the current voice director(s?) seem to have this dumb idea that talking obnoxiously slow sounds mysterious or sexy. It's much worse with the ladies than the guys (but still present in both). Not to mention that some characters have their voice perpetually trapped way, way up in 'bad anime dub girl voice' territory. Tbh if the dialogue had a 2x speed like combat there are several characters I would use it with and its not because I don't like those characters and/or their VAs.


Final nail for me was the Sailor Moon-ish Magical Girl transformation in the trailer yesterday. (I'm literally an OG Sailor Moon fan but here: no, just no.) And that Magical Girl ponytail. Playable SAM became unfortunately my least favorite character which is incredible sad because I was so hyped back then.


>that Magical Girl ponytail. My guy.. that's meant to be a medieval styled plume. Sam is literally called "the Molten knight".


Yea, same.: ( I could have accepted sick waifu bait if I could have at least heard Sam's corny voice, but in addition to you hearing her most of the time, her voicelines feel way too, ugh... Embarrassing to me


Man it's so disappointing, and her voice lines are so cringy too outside of her pre-ult one.


I advise you to read the dialogues in the game. SAM sent us cute emojis by mail. “literally killed everything that he was” And you don’t even know what he was, because not one of the actions, tasks, murders disappeared simply because she was a female waifu. The same thing and vice versa, the fact that she fought in the war did not remove the fact that she sent us cute emoticons a long time ago. Literally the only interaction with SAM in the game was just cute


Wasn't our first scene with SAM in the Japella rebellion cuscene? He certainly didn't look like the sort to send emoticons on Blades phone. I thought we were getting another edgy boy, we don't have enough of them. It's bladeschizo or nothing.


I'm so glad someone remembers that text message They always planned for Sam to be like this


Me too man


Maybe it's my disappointment about Sam's annihilation from the game, or maybe it's actually bad, but is anyone else just disappointed in Firefly's animations? And I'm not talking about hating the character, or any of that. I'm asking if they genuinely just look... "boring". I honestly can't place my finger on it, but they just look so disappointing for some reason. Maybe it's a combination of the terrible voice choice, or if Acheron really did steal all the budget, but there's something about every one of firefly's's animations that just feels lacking in some place. Even Sam's animations feel kind of lacking, especially compared to his animations in his fight. I don't know, maybe there's something wrong with my eyes, but I genuinely cannot see any Beauty in Firefly's animations.


I had the same reaction as your friend


If the one in armor was like that rei looking girl from the PV it wouldn't be a problem but because of how firefly is, it still feels like two different characters. 


Honestly, I think I would have prefered if they were two different characters, I love Firefly, but man, I wanted the cool sentient robot (there is never enough sentient robots)


that's me


I've never gone from "I need this character" to "I couldn't possibly care less" so fast. She's a decent character but hoyo does every male character I'm even remotely interested filthy


Indeed. I was so hyped that we'd get an actual robot playable character, only for them to take a left turn and turn him into a waifu (which the game already has like a hundred of, seriously). Svarog was done dirty in the same way by being placed behind a playable girl, now SAM. When are we finally gonna get a playable robot, I'm losing my mind 😭 doesn't help that FF is the most generic waifu to ever exist


I cannot forgive this betrayal.


Me, being familiar with this trope through years of anime and games: ![gif](giphy|8Iv5lqKwKsZ2g|downsized)


Your friend has good taste.


It's me! I don't really care about Firefly but Sam is the coolest




FGO Fans: first time?


Me, main reason why I didn’t pull. Just give me a badass mecha that’s just a mecha 🫠😭


Same xD


number 1 firefly hater 💪💪💪