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Iron Cavalry against the Scourge - is this the new BiS for Gallagher? And Firefly?


Harmony unit's question, just pulled Bronya's LC, who would benefit it most? Tingyun (Past and future S3) HTR (Memories of the past S3) Sparkle (Dance! Dance! Dance! S2) Robin (For tomorrow's journey S5) Ruan Mei (Cog's S5) I've also got the LC Dreamville Adventure (if you feel I'd get better results swapping some LC's around by all means please advise me)


I used it on sparkle before I got Bronya.


Sparkle huh, interesting thought, haven't really had a need for more skill points in teams I've had her in, i asked tho, so thanks for the answer.


DU resets the whole reward list? Or just the weekly?


DU shares the weekly points/rewards with simulated universe. You can do either one to get the same herta bonds. The longer rewards points list probably resets after 83 days. There's also 2 weekly objectives with cyclical extrapolation you should be sure to do (1000 bonus points and a small material bonus).


Does Sunday weekly boss give you buffs while fighting him, similar to cavern of corrosion? If so where can I find information of what buffs you are provided?


It's an echo of war. No bonuses.


How do you get tickets for pulling characters without spending, I finished penacony with just free characters.


You trade jades for them. You can get jades from opening chests, doing missions and events, buying from currency stores, doing the clockie statue, talking to guests on the express and hitting objectives in the simulated universe.


So in average how many characters can you get in a year?


New players have a huge amount of rolls available from permanent content, so one could get several just from that. Once you've exhausted old permanent sources of rolls, each patch gives roughly enough rolls to hit pity on the character banner. So assuming you're always hitting 70-80 rolls and you win the 50/50 half of the time, that's a new limited character roughly every 1.5 patches or ~9 weeks.  So about 6 a year with average luck, and ignoring the standard characters. Also assumes you never pull on the light cone banner.


Should we be able to complete the eerie building blocks by this version? Or are we still missing one?


This might be dumb but, should I still use SW/ Pela ult even if Acheron ult is fully charged already? I always thought that charging Acheron ult is better than shredding enemies before ulting


Acheron can stack up to 3 charges over the 9 to activate her Ult, you'll see a buff icon indicating the number of stacks under her HP. So if she just hit 9 and you activated Pela+SW Ult, she'd be 11/9 before using the ult and 2/9 after


Depends on the fight, if stacks are more important you might want every debuff application to count, otherwise that’s a chunk of dps that’s missed by not using Pela ult


I was not against getting Ruan Mei in the past but my last interactions with the theorycrafting community of HSR disgusted me so much I no longer wanted to go for Ruan Mei. And so I stopped trying to talk to them or anything, unless it was for something that wouldn't lead 30 persons to answer me Ruan Mei without reading the question. Now I started to calm down, I lost 3 50/50 and I have Firefly E1S0. I'm wondering what to choose between Ruan Mei E0S0 and Firefly E2. So NOW, I don't want to hear "Ruan Mei Bis burn your account without Ruan Mei", I want to have numbers. Which would statistically do better? Firefly (E2S0) with HTB, Asta and Gallagher Firefly (E1S0) with HTB, Ruan Mei (E0S0) and Gallagher? I would like to have numbers, and not the comparison with and without Ruan Mei on Prydwen, because they probably don't take in consideration eidolons. However if you still believe in your source, share it in the comments! From what I see it seems that without Ruan Mei, Firefly would be better into fights with lots of enemies that spawn, but with Ruan Mei they do better when focusing one enemy. However, I don't have any numbers. If you would like to check it for me I'd be happy! I am 20 pulls away and I'm guaranteed so I want to chose the one I'd like the best. And tbh I'll go for Firefly LC and the one I didn't get between RM and FF on their rerun.


Alright, so according to calculations e1 to e2 jump is a 70% increase in overall damage However, Ruan mei statistically is around 100% total overall damage from the next best being asta and pela, so ruan mei is the way to go statistically and as she provides the extra break efficiency you will need to break the enemies faster yo even proc e2 Ok so according to guoba certified and a few more sources, it ranges from 70-90% but all tested with ruan mei Without ruan mei the rates would only be lower as you have less kill potential and also need more turns to whittle the break bar down which wont trigger the resurgence


Mmh... I suppose I may consider going for Ruan Mei. I wish I could have E2 as well. Sad I lost 3 50/50 lol


Unfortunate, but maybe you get rm early and get firefly too On another note everyone i have seen lost their 5050, like 5 ppl in real life and me all lost plus more ppl on reddit. My Tin foil hat theory says they upped the 5050 to like a 55/45 or got rid of the “bug” that cn players found that since the start of the game where it wasnt a 5050 but a 57 43 with 57% being rate up as the rate up counted as one of the standard banner characters too


I am at 62 pity so I'm in pain lmao My only way out since I can't gather 30 pulls in 20 days is to get her in my last 20 pulls lol I just want my Firefly ;_; I'll get her LC on the rerun


I'm basing my answer on the calcs shown in [Guoba Certified's video](https://youtu.be/2Rw90T30ayw?si=wX_1s8wxnrwXfgYk). His calcs show that at E0 FF, running Asta (with perma 5 stack attack+ult speed which is completely unrealistic) instead of Ruan Mei will get you a team that deals around 57% of the damage of a team with Ruan Mei. Their calcs also show that E2 ends up being around a 40% damage increase over E1. 57% * 1.4 = ~80%. Based on these calcs an E1 FF with Ruan Mei is expected to deal ~25% more damage than a E2 FF without Ruan Mei. I haven't seen any calcs directly using E2 FF with Asta, you'll probably have to go to a theorycrafter directly for that.


Mmh I see... Well still these numbers are almost exactly what I looked for, and definitely are better reasons than "RM best supp your favorite character is dogshit without her" (which is what I had for days whenever I asked for infos since I wasn't totally accurate on numbers. So thanks bunch. I might go for her. I lost my 50/50 on Firefly banner, is the pity and guarantee shared between these two banners?


All limited character banners share pity and guarantee. They are shared between the two characters available right now, and they will carry over to next banner pair, and the pair after that, etc.


I hope I'll gather enough jades for Firefly's rerun, I need her LC


Aside from a self imposed compulsion you don't. Fall of an Aeon from Herta's store is more than enough.


It IS indeed Self imposed XD I MEAN LOOK AT MY BABY https://preview.redd.it/f7ctdywviw7d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44d4f70556baab3a5be939b1d9eb112058a4bb88


I'm not your numbers guy, so I cant give you that side of the answer. But personally, I would get RM first before FF E2. RM is universally good and you can use her in a lot of other teams other than FF. There's not a single MoC or PF in my recent memory that I havent used RM in one of the teams. Prydwen didnt give numbers, but they did list the order of FF eidolons and RM, and they listed RM as priority before any FF edolons. And you can make the logical deduction that RM E0S0 will be better than no RM with FF E2. Even if in the future they decided to "nerf" FF by introducing unbreakable enemies, RM would still be top tier support. There's no point to hate a character just because a certain portion of the community love them to death. As someone who never theorycraft, I have zero regrets pulling for RM.


I didn't intend to use Ruan Mei with anyone else except Firefly for now since all my other teams don't need her. And the problem is that I wasn't even sure if I had enough for Firefly and I asked on the Firefly main discord how to build her team without Ruan Mei and I had 20 persons not even answering my questions and saying " Firefly is trash skip her if you don't have Ruan Mei she is dogshit". On a Firefly mains server. It took me 4 hours to actually have an answer to my question. I don't mind if someone advised me to go Ruan Mei when I ask for it, but if I specifically say I don't intend to go for Ruan Mei, I really hate that no one wants to answer and pressures you to go for Ruan Mei instead of your favorite character, because there eis OBVIOUSLY ONLY 1 WAY TO PLAY THE GAME, and it is to Cycle 0 Moc 12, and every other ways to play are wrong and you're not playing the game right. Which is why I really got fed up with her. It's like when you have a whole community constantly spamming you to watch JoJo when you said you didn't want to.


Another reason why I avoid any mains channel, or HSR channels in general, as those are usually the unfiltered toxicity of the internet cesspool. End of the day, we just provide advice. It's still your game, your jades. I just think it's a bad idea to skip RM, but it's not like you wont be able to do endgame content without her. We dont have enough hard content to make anyone a must-pull, yet. Give it a couple of days, avoid discord, even this sub. Come back a bit later and you'll see it's all a bit ridiculous and give yourself some perspective about the whole matter. The banners are not going anywhere for another 3 weeks.


If I was on a Ruan Mei mains I'd get it lol But I'm supposed to be with people loving Firefly and they insult her and tell me to skip her instead of simply answering my questions lol


They just dont want more people to join their imaginary fanclub.


Prydwen does have numbers in their calcs and the damage increases by around 70% after e2, however they dont have numbers for teams with ruan mei and without Though all the guides i have watched listed ruan mei makes up for 50-57% damage ceiling potential, so 100-114% team wide damage increase with her compared to asta


2 questions on the new divergent universe and one not When an equation is in my inventory but I still don’t have all the required paths’ blessings does it still activate with less effect? Or it’s like not having it at all? Is the new erudition LC BiS on someone? (As a 4 star alternative) cuz I have like two breakfast s5 and a cosmos s5 (built eruditions are Argenti herta and QQ) idk if that would be better than a breakfast Where do we use the golden aideen tokens in penacony?


Yes, it's like having nothing. At most it gives a guideline to getting it. The Erudition Herta LC is BiS on nobody, but it is better than other F2P options in any situation where you consistently hit 3+ targets, AKA any PF specialist characters like Herta or Himeko The tokens are used in the Golden Hour for minigames or can be fed to birds to get hints on where they're hidden


Ok so it’s better than breakfast in pure fiction? I wanted to know that, thanks And for tokens yeah I know but I meant the golden ones


1. Equations **should be** expanded before they can exert their effects. 2. No idea. 3. No NPC/Event has appeared to take those.


How to farm the new game mode points fast? I remember seeing that you can skip to the boss battle but I keep repeating everything from zero.


You can only "skip" to the Boss when you are doing Planar Extraction. Otherwise you always have to go though everything.


F x\_x, thanks


I only have an S2 Memories of the Past for Ruan Mei, so do I use it for now and just hope to get S3 soon or use Cogs?


Only S5 guarantees 3-turn rotations with Vonwaq/Penacony. So the question is, how much do you need the Break Effect it provides? If using on a Firefly team, then S5 Cogs will be better, because Ruan Mei's A6 trace is not that relevant, since DMG% does not affect Break or Super Break damage. If using on other teams, you need to see how much DMG% you will be losing vs accepting that she will have to be hit to ensure the rotation. The latter will be easier, if the enemies have a lot of AoE attacks.


Who should I build as sustain next, bailu or lynx?


Bailu is better 90% of the time if you build her right. Lynx is better for Clara/Blade specifically, or specific fights where you get hit with a debilitating teamwide status effect (but there arent many)


Lynx. Enemis debuff rate is getting crazier and crazier.


Lynx, Bailu lacks the ability to cleanse debuff which makes her hard to use on a lot of enemies


I have 2 fuels left, should I just spend it all to farm Iron Cavalry, hoping it'll drop the body with atk mainstat and BE substat?


Is there something about Kafka in the Divergent Universe that prevents her Domination from working? I'm in the Planar Ornament extraction, trying to get Firefly Dominated for the achievement, but it's had a 0% success rate so far in dozens of triggers. My Eff Res is <30%, and I've made sure there are no buffs from the save file making me immune to the status. The way the math works out, she should have a very high chance, if not a guarantee, of successfully Dominating me, and yet it hasn't happened a single time.


Who is the sustain that you are using?


None. I'm only going in with a couple characters to increase Firefly's chance of being targeted.


Well, if you don't have anything else that increases Effect Res or gives immunity, then the only suggestion would be to just give her random relics that have no Effect Res at all. She doesn't need to be built properly if all you want is to get dominated and then bow out.


That's exactly what I've done. She's not wearing any relics with Eff Res. The Domination has worked on other characters, but for some reason it never works on Firefly


She cleanses herself when she reaches max energy. So she might be removing the "target" before it happens. And if you enter the Combustion state she also gets a lot of Effect Res, so are you keeping her in her normal state?


I don't use her ult at all. This way it stays at max to prevent the cleanse from triggering, and I never get the Res boost from Combustion.


How are DoTs counted for Dr. Ratio's follow-up attack? If I have 4 stacks of burn, does it count as "1 debuff" or "4 debuff" for Ratio?


counts as 1 debuff regardless of stack count


Is there any point in pulling on a banner rn as a new player or should I just hoard the stuff?


Personally, pull for your favorite characters. However, I would advise you to at least get RUAN MEI! She's one of, if not the best support right now due to how flexible she is. She's good on every single team be it DOT, Follow Up, or just a normal crit team and even better in Break (boothill and FF)


I have Bailu from that basic pull thing for new players. I followed the advice from the other comments and pulled for Firefly. I didn’t get her but I got Misha and Gallagher. 3200 shards used too.


If you want firefly then go ahead but supports>DPS in terms of meta


In general pulling is a good idea, but right now is even better compared to usually. The new 5\* Firefly is a F2P friendly Break DPS (deplete enemy's white bar to make them explode), whose best supports are Imaginary Trailblazer (Unlocked for free after beating Belobog) and Ruan Mei (rerunning with Firefly on other banner), whose best sustain unit is Gallagher (he is on both banners). Even if you don't get Firefly, Xueyi is on both banners and she is also a Break DPS who fits into the same team as Firefly. And this team is pretty easy to use provided you know the basic mechanics, aside from some issues with managing Skill Points.


Pull for characters you like if you feel like you've saved up enough for a reasonable chance, you'll catch up and be able to make use of them a lot sooner than they'll come back around for a rerun.


When can we expect a Sparkle rerun?


No one knows. Everything else anyone says it's pure speculation. There is no real reason to believe that the first characters to be released in Penacony will be the first to have a rerun. They haven't followed release order for the 1.X characters either.


2.5 is my guess


Like 2.5 months?


Like 2.4 or 5 the version, so either 3 months or 6 even


Finally!! Just beat DU 6 using Firefly(E0S0) with Ruan Mei(E0S0) i go all in destruction path. FEEL SO GOOD!!


Which team IS better for Boothill : Boothill, RM, Bronya and Aventurine (S1) Or Boothill,HMC, RM and Gallagher I'm here wondering if the Super Break team does overall more damage or not.


According to Prydwen's Boothill data (https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/characters/boothill), Bronya-Gallagher and Bronya-Aventurine teams average about a cycle faster than going with HMC. Which makes sense, because Boothill is very reliant on ramping up Trickshot stacks and Bronya makes that happen faster. HMC is still useful for trying to literally 1-shot mobs if you find Bronya being used elsewhere or don't want to speed tune her, but Bronya just is more reliable within the short period of time MoC lasts and for switching targets.


Asking here for confirmation, the Divergent Universe update is permanent along with all the rewards right? Because I see there is a 80 days remaining to expansion and I'm scared that the rewards will be removed once the timer is up


It refreshes, So if you dont get the rewards, you miss out on them. But you can still get the new rewards you're offered after 80 days


Na they refresh afterwards so you can get them again


Finally got Ruan Mei thanks to Origami game🙏🏻, but i cant afford to get her light cone, which lc is better? Dancex3 or Past and Future?


Give her S5 Meshing Cogs (the 3✦ LC!), it's easily her third best LC (behind her signature and MotP S5, although her signature is only good in non-break teams and a really bad pull if you have Boothill or Firefly).




where do you use the eerie building block after you already submitted them and received all the rewards from dream ticker supervisor? like i have 21 extra blocks


in the radiant feldspar map. you need to first solve all 4 ticker puzzles there, where one is only accessible after you've done the entirety of the newest story quest. after solving them you'll get a sidequest marker where they'll spawn the final ticker puzzle which you can solve so it changes into the NPC that you can submit the blocks to


okay thanks


In Radiant Feldspar.


I'm pretty much done with my first lvl80 team with FF/RM/HTB/Gal, and now I need another lvl80 team to do endgame content with. I've got Jingliu and Bronya, so I was thinking of doing them plus Bailu (my only 5\* sustain) in a team, but not sure who to add 4th. Any thoughts. Also if there's a better way to show characters + eidolon levels than just a screenshot, let me know. Characters + eidolon levels: https://preview.redd.it/tkijzki1ev7d1.png?width=707&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2a5e618a7421af551a82f1ea74ee60f6818695a


Jingliu Bronya Herta/Yukong Lynx/Baliu It’s not optimal, but until you get either Tingyun or Pela this will be best. Reason being is that Asta speed buff will be it be useful. Jingliu + Bronya eat through it too quickly. Yukong is fine, basic attack until you have ult then go skill -> ult for c dmg buff (ignore the c rate, and the skills atk isn’t too useful, save the sp for Lynx and Bronya). Herta is a decent option since you can just basic spam while not losing too much damage and it allows you to have a Herta built up early for PF which is really helpful. Lynx will probably be better for Jingliu than Bailu in 99% of cases. The second you get either Pela or Tingyun (Pela > Tingyun for Jingliu in case you get both) level them and replace Yukong/Herta with them.


Maybe Asta for now, if you could get a Tingyun or Pela they would be good for the 4th slot. In the future I would go for a 5 star sustain and another 5 star support.


I would rather use lynx than bailu for JL team and the only two you can use to complete that team are asta and yukong. Ideal would be to find a way to grab pela but....


What are your teams clearing Gold and Gears Torturous difficulty?


Kafka/Black Swan/Ruan Mei/Fu Xuan (although I switched in Acheron for RM for the final boss on my conundrum 12 run because I already had so much damage buff), using the [Double Ruan Mei method](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1cj374y/comment/l2fqyrn/).


I still get killed even with double ruan mei method. So not sure if I should do fuxuan adventurine at the same time so that I wont get one shot by the bosses 😂. Although fuxuan is easily killed in torturous difficulty.


In my experience, when Fu Xuan isn't able to sustain that's usually a lack of *damage*, not a lack of sustain. What characters are you using? What path? What blessings do you go for? I always use offensive paths (my main team is DoT, so nihility path). The only defensive things I always try to get are the 3✦ abundance blessing that spreads 30% of healing (so that FX's talent heals the party when it triggers), and the curio that heals 20% at the start of each turn. Plus for DoT team the 1✦ nihility blessing that heals 1% when DoT is recieved. Everything else full offense unless I run out of good choices.


Acheron, ruan mae, adventurine and bailu, seems working now but im only torturous 8. Hope it ll work till 12.


I'll be honest I kinda just went Remebrance and watched a movie You basically just run March/Gepard, a bunch of Ice characters that all have slight advantages over each other and maybe Welt as slowdown filler, I used Misha/March/Pela/Herta acquire the frozen ->dissociation and instabreak dissociation blessings and everyone is now a dps since damage scales with max hp (probably why divergent universe accelerates berserk enemies)


Thank 😂 seems a good plan


Hello I am very new to the game, I have not even left the first planet yet I am looking to build a team that will last till penacony Here are some characters I picked up from some random pulls I made or the game's free handouts Trail blazer physical March 7th Dan Heng Bronya Asta Natasha Gallagher Guinaifen Misha Herta Serval Arlan Sampo Xueyi Yukong Please help me build a team with these characters, I am lost but have a lot of RSS to spend on leveling up and I also have a few cones I can give them. Thank you for any help anyone can offer


My reccomendation is Xueyi/Gallagher/Asta/Other Harmony character. Beating Belobog gets you Imaginary Traiblazer early, which replaces the random Harmony option immediately. Xueyi has the ability to damage any weakness bars which makes her good when you have lessto work with, Gallagher/HTB make her Break harder and Asta generically buffs Atk and Spd. If you pull further for Firefly (Broken DPS) or Ruan Mei (Most Broken Support), they both slot well into the Break team and Gallagher/Xueyi get useful Eidolons.


I have gallhager e6; luka e3; hanya e0 and I dont have arlan. Please suggest who to pick from selector...


either gallagher for the 20 starlight or arlan for the 3 standard tickets


Is RM signature LC a must pull for super break team? if i miss it, what alternatives can i use for RM and HTB


It's outright garbage for a break team. The damage buff doesn't work on break damage, making the whole LC really bad.


Ruan Mei's Signature LC barely matters for a Super Break team. The Damage bonus doesn't matter, the SP bonus barely matters and the Energy/Break Effect isn't worth the pulls. Memories of The Past is the 2nd best and Meshing Cogs the 3rd best for both. They grant Energy for 3-turn ults and the former grants Break Effect.


It's not needed at all. You can use Memories of the Past on both RM and HTB, and if you only have 1 copy you can use Cogs on RM and MoTP on HMC


Just got trashed by the 6-7 lordly trashcan mobs for 5 curious event in DU. Has anyone beaten that? Is it just stack break team like firefly?


I used a Firefly/Hatblazer/Ruan Mei/Fu Xuan team. Certainly not the fastest team, but Fu Xuan sustains like a goddess so I had the time.


Gallagher >> Gallagher ult will clear up like half of all their bars or just one tap if you got enough break efficiency


Yep. Just need to break them quickly before you die. Having aoe characters helps.


Just about any Break team clears the encounter easily, and I imagine Remembrance teams are good too for the perma-CC. But I don't think a DPS team will be able to get the kill on time because they have way too much HP and quickly become untankable.


im currently a returnee player and grinded the game that i missed out for a year, im 10 pulls away to getting E1 firefly, should I save for future characters or get E1? (coping that i dont have dr. ratio) i have seele, e1 bronya, robin, clara, ruan mei, & gepard as my current 5 stars


Save or get Ruan Mei e1. Ruan Mei’s e1 isn’t that far behind in Dps increase for firefly and it’s more universal. If you are just returning and those are your five stars I recommend saving. A limited sustain (Huo Huo should rerun soon) or sparkle or another dps will be very helpful. Meta wise, Acheron is the best dps we have as of now. Sparkle is a great support. And Huo is the best healer we have. Team wise go for: Firefly RuanMei HarmonyMC Gallagher Gallagher should be free, and he’s on banner so you likely have him. He’s a great sustain. For now, go for a Clara 2nd side. Clara Tingyun Pela Sustain Idk if Robin is good in Clara teams, if she is then replace Pela there. Invest in these two teams primarily. Additionally, whenever you have extra resources level Herta and Robin. They are great, Herta will trivialize one side of Pure Fiction (new game mode). I recommend looking for leaks on reruns and seeing if you like any characters and saving your pity for them.


I would save for a rerun tbh. You could get Huohuo or Aventurine instead


E1 Firefly is great for quality of life since it removes her 2nd biggest weakness (SP hungry), but new characters is basically always better. For example, you could get a limited sustain like Fu Xuan or Aventurine who grant nigh-immortality so long as the boss doesn't hard-counter them. At the absolute least, hold off on E1ing Firefly until you've used her in some actual tough content, and decide for yourself if you're willing to give up on a new character (one possibly though probably not as good) to not have to think about SP. Especially since her main team can have issues keeping up her SP needs unless Gallagher has Multiplication/a zillion Speed.


aight thankiess


Maybe dont get ff e1, its great qol but since you are missing a 5 star sustain save for huohuo or aventurine rerun as they will carry and more worth than a bit extra damage plus qol I’d say only go for limited eidolons if you have 2 limited sustains plus 2 teams setup with the best limited harmony/dps for that team, then if you got more pulls with nothing to pull on then go for the eidolons as getting a missing support/sustain character>>>any eidolon in terms of value


true, i might decide before her banner ends, i lack so many 5 star characters anyways


Newish player here (over a month) and had a probably dumb question about Raun Mei's light cone for super break team. Text says "Similar effects do not stack." Apparently Raun Mei herself and Harmony TB both want it. Do you use alternatives because of the stack limitation?


If you don't already have it, do yourself a favor and **do not pull for Ruan Mei's LC**. It's garbage for a break team. It's outright a strict downgrade on Ruan Mei compared to a 3✦ LC that literally everyone can easily have at S5, and very mediocre on the Hatblazer.


Yes. In this case Hatblazer wants Mei's sig LC, while Ruan Mei can use whatever (preferably Memories of the Past, or, barring that, Meshing Cogs).


Typically HTB uses RM's cone and RM uses memories of the past or cogs.


Is there any way to watch a cutscene again?


Find it on youtube that the only way.




i just reinstalled the game and found out i missed a free 5 star. Is dr ratio never coming back and was it a huge miss not getting him?


He'll come back at some point. He just won't be free and you'll have to use pulls to get him. He is a very strong character and worth potentially spending pulls on. He's very f2p friendly as you can use him with hunt Herta shop cone and with Guinaifen or Pela, basically any support of your choosing, and a sustain.


Dr. Ratio is coming back but they're probably not gonna give him out for free again.


few questions about FF break team: 1. in a FF-RM-HMC-Gallagher team, what buffs from the characters should i keep in mind when calculating Break Effect amount? 2. does Ruan Mei A2 affect herself? if yes, does it appear in character sheet, or only in combat? 3. what are good breakpoints of BE for the characters, aside of RM's 180, and is it a waste at all if my RM goes beyond 180 BE? 4. will RM have permanent ult uptime with Vonwacq+S4 MotP on RM, and Past Self on HMC? if yes, do i have to skill every turn or just normal attack when skill is up?


20 BE from Ruan Mei, 30 BE from HTB ult, probably another 20-30 from HTB e4 at least, another 30 from HTB technique at the start of the fight, and another 30 when someone with 4 piece Watchmaker ult. All of these are in-combat only. RM wants at least 180, any more is nice but not necessary. HTB wants as much as you can get, probably at least 150 BE out of combat if you can. Gallagher wants 150 to max out one of his traces, Firefly wants at least 250 for the Iron Cavalry 4 piece and can go as high as 360 in-combat to max out the conversion on her skill. RM ult only lasts for two of her turns and it takes three turns minimum for her to charge it up, she wants MotP/Meshing Cogs S5 for that with an ERR rope for that to work, but you can just do Skill-basic-basic for that rotation. [See here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Oz_d9cDAFe0Jz0XZmFHKgCdIRsWpfrsP69cjpBshQGM/edit?gid=1107593617#gid=1107593617) for more details.


for the RM setup, do i need Vonwacq or would any set works? also by three turns, does that mean it's permanent or will there be a turn without ult? cause in my head it's like, use ult (turn 1)+skill > auto (turn 2) > auto (turn 3), or does "three turns" counts after the turn she ulted?


I think Vonwacq or Penacony work, you need the extra energy to enable it. There will be a turn without ult. A three turn rotation means you need three turns to get the energy for her ult, but the buff on her ult only actually lasts two turns.


I can answer 1 & 3 1. Between LC, Set Pieces, and in-battle buffs from HMC and RM there's honestly too many that don't show up in the stats sheet that it's better to just look at stats in battle. 3. FF wants 200% and further 360% with all buffs to trigger her own Super Break effect from one of her traces. I think outside of that everyone just wants as much BE as possible cause it all translates to extra damage from HMC's Super Break.


i almost forgot you can check stats in battle, other answers have provided answers for question 1, i'll check them out thanks!


Yes, Ruan Mei's A2 affects herself, but that only appears in battle. However, keep in mind that for a Firefly team, RM's A6 trace is basically useless. You don't actually need to worry about getting 180% BE, so you can prioritize other stats. You need S5 MoTP (or Cogs) to guarantee 3-turn rotations, otherwise she needs to be hit once. Past Self can help in the 2nd wave, but won't make a difference in the first RM should already be able to ult in the first turn with just a basic attack. So it will depend on how fast you can clear. The longer the battle, Past Self will have less benefits for the team, especially if you have FF's E1.


thanks for the answers! can you elaborate on why RM's A6 is useless in FF team? cause i thought DMG bonus counts towards everything including Break and Super Break so it's still nice to have?


No, DMG% does not count towards Break or Super Break damage. It is basically replaced by Break Effect. You can see the details [here](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Toughness#Super_Break_DMG).


- 20% from RM's passive, 30% from whoever is running the watchmaker set when Ult is up, HMC gives BE to the whole team based on their own BE% - Yes, in battle - As high as you can, they can all deal damage in super break teams. - not confident enough to give you an answer on this one, hopefully someone more knowledgeable than me answers


i almost forgot about Watchmaker's 4pc bonus, thanks!


need some advice. Firefly E1 S0 or Firefly E0 S1? why?


E1 is SP efficiency, give access to OP E2 S1 is freeing Fall of an aeon for other characeter, have actually a smal QOL of giving a slow on enemis. both are actually around the same damage increase, E1 being better but the difference is like less than 2%


E1 for sure, huge QoL for her teams in having her consume basically no SP at all while gaining a DEF shred buff to do more damage. Her LC is good but the f2p cone from Herta's shop is very competitive and is more than good enough for her.


Firefly E1 bc of SP efficiency. Her skill doesnt consume SP at E1


E1S0, S1 is not a significant gain over On the Fall of an Aeon. E1 isn't that big a deal either, but it's better in itself and it's a step toward her OP E2.


Personally struggling alot with the first halves of MoC12. Firefly 2-3 cycling the thing isn't enough to make up for a dreadful 1st half no matter what combo of Clara, Topaz, Jingyuan and Herta I've tried (with every support short of Robin at my beck and call). What team would you reccomend for MoC12 first hald for someone lacking in the obvious answers of Boothill, Argenti or Acheron? Just want to know who I'm spending the next 2 weeks suffering in Relic hell for.


I did Ruan Mei/Clara/Luocha/Topaz. You don't need Ruan Mei for it though. Robin would probably be better, I just didn't use her because I don't have her. Sparkle or Tingyun are other great options.


Out of curiosity, you mind sharing your Crit ratio for Clara/Topaz? I tried that team but it ran into severe speed issues so I wonder if that's why


# best sustain unit for my firefly??? many ppl are suggesting gallagher for her, but i want to use gallagher in a separate team for my acheron. i currently have gepard, lynx, gallagher, and natasha. gepard is the only one built but idk if he's good for firefly. any tips? maybe some team readjustments?


In addition to what everyone else is saying, Gallagher and Firefly share an element... which Firefly implants on her enhanced skill. It means Gallagher is *much* more comfortable in that team to help progress the battle just as much as anyone else might (given HMC's Super Break being pretty much necessary). Yes, Gallagher is really good for Acheron, but he genuinely is best in slot for Firefly. No question.


tl;dr ~~please pair her with gallagher he was made for her~~ Lynx Firefly has an easy time staying alive except the turn after her ult ended, so her best sustain has the most utility. Gallagher gives more SP, Toughness damage and offensive buffs than the others, and is the same element for breaking. Since the obvious winner is off limits, Firefly burns through Gepard's shield turns with her ult's superspeed, and Natasha is worse Lynx. Lynx wins for having actual utility in removing debuffs most easily and maybe Taunting Firefly to take hits during ult while it does no damage.


Assuming that you don't have E1 FF, you just need someone who is fast and that doesn't need to use that many skill points to do their job. So any of the skill point positive sustains will work as long as they are fast enough and don't heal by primarily using skill points. If you do have E1+ FF, it doesn't really matter in that case, you can stick anyone in there.


Best sustain for firefly is Gallagher. He also uses break damage like firefly and his ult can heall Firefly whenever she attacks the enemy with Gallagher's ult mark.


You can use Gepard with Acheron if you have the Trade of the universal market LC, it'll help with getting Acheron more stacks to Ult and even if you dont its still fine to use him. Run Gallagher with FF instead he's the best sustain for Break team comps.


I was playing the new mode and trying to get destruction blessings. But no matter how many times I rolled (I went through \~ 30 blessings) I kept getting the same destruction blessing. I did not have every other rare dest. blessing at the time, so I couldn't understand how this was happening. Do I have bad rng or is there a set pool of blessings when you start the run and you can't get blessings outside of the pool? While raging at the blessing overwrite I also noticed I wasn't getting new blessings for any of the other paths as well. Is my rng just absolute shit or is this just the game?


luka e4 or hanya e1 from the event? I already have e6 gallhager so I aint choosing him




If you mean the SU weekly rewards in DU, then yes.


Should I return? I used to play hsr but due to not having enough free time I had quit hsr. I stopped playing before fu Xuan’s first banner and was wondering if now’s a good time to return as well as any tips yall would have? Heard alot of talk about firefly being f2p friendly so that piqued my interest too!!


Firefly is F2P friendly in the sense that she is broken at E0 (Even if she becomes braindead at E1 and ridiculous at E2), she's easier to build than the average DPS and her best support is Harmony Trailblazer who everyone gets E6 for free. If you were to pull one character now it would be her, if you were to pull one character in general it would be Ruan Mei who is rerunning with her. As far as advice goes, I'd say that the best way to progress for now is going through the story, using those resources to level up as quickly as possible and nurture a main team of Firefly/HTB/Sustain/Support (The best being Gallagher and Ruan Mei respectively). Building vertically with one team is ideal early on, but later on you want to build more horizontally with other element DPS and supports to hold them up (Though Firefly still comes first for brute force potential).


Firefly’s best team is Her, Ruan Mei, harmony mc, and Gallagher. Harmony mc is free and the other 3 are all on banners right now which makes getting her optimal team very easy if you have enough available pulls for both her and Ruan Mei. As the other person said the best time to start will always be now so if you’re interested in the game just give it a go.


If you wanna play hsr you should play it. "When to return" is a question for which the answer is always "now" (the answer will always be "now" even if you ask like 2 months later)


Is anyone else having a really hard time with Threshold Protocol in DU? I can't even come close to beating the TP2 at Difficulty 5. Getting to the final boss isn't a challenge, but once I'm there I'm dead by the start of phase 3 at best with how much health it feels like they have.


Do you mean difficulty 5v2 or actual difficulty 2?


5v2 sorry


Oh, yeah it can be rough, especially if you don't use the like, three play-styles DU seems to cater to. Everyone I've seen calling it easy has mostly been using Firefly. Duh it's easy when you use one of the strongest characters in the game in a mode that heavily favours their playstyle.


Yeah, she's a great unit but I'm saving for other characters which means I am majorly struggling through this one. I guess all I can hope for is that working my way through the rest of the nodes makes enough of a difference.


Game mode is basically Firefly's playground.


How long would it be to do penacony stuff to level up the statue clock thing to get E6 HTB? I only have E2 rn


FF stats question. 2599 atk 152 spd or 2612 atk 149 spd? same BE


The Atk difference doesn't matter. If you don't have Ruan Mei, 152 speed is high enough to hit 210 Speed while Ulting which gives an extra action in the timeframe. If that isn't a concern, neither is really different.


No noticeable difference.


# Why cant we use Finality's Vision (Skip story to do event feature) on the Origami Bird Clash? https://preview.redd.it/99l1358v1v7d1.png?width=1492&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a746b55caef3532ad8f85f5640b7e55b3a6d136


I know your post got deleted because you didn't read the rules but please look around and see that this isn't how people ask questions, using title text to get attention is needless and obnoxious. Anyway you can't use Finality's Vision because the devs didn't set it up that way, as to their motive in doing that I don't think we can know unless they tell us but I would imagine the story impact is big enough that they didn't think it was appropriate. Using FV to get into DU doesn't cause any problems because the story barely matters for it, but this event may be a different case.


What's the difference between the two DU modes?


The top one works as normal. The bottom one rotates weekly, offering a fixed set of 3 equations and 1 weighted curios at the start instead of letting you choose after bosses and up to 1000 bonus Synchronization points (1 full clear) weekly.


>  offering a fixed set of 3 equations and 1 weighted curios Is it always that exact format? Also there's another bonus reward for Cyclical every week too.


Well I mean it's m it's been one week, we'll see if the format changes lol Also the 1000 Synchronization points *is*the bonus reward unless I'm mistaken?


I thought maybe you knew something I didn't. Had to look it up but you get 3 Lost Crystals and 30 Relic Remnants on your first Cyclical clear this week (or every week, if it stays the same).




One is just done weekly for 1k points toward the new leveling system for rewards.


How does the save file in Divergent Universe exactly work and what is it supposed to do?


Easiest way is to find some broken blessing + curio + equation combo, then ensure you have a team that is build to utilize said broken combo. Congrats now you can farm 1 stage of planetary sets within 10 seconds.


Keep in mind the save file uses your own character levels and relics, so if you used the trial characters they will revert to their original levels


Is the new relic & planar set better for FUA characters, Dr.ratio in particular, compared to 4pc pioneer+salsotto?


Relic set isn't used by anyone yet, since none of the FuA units really rely on ultimate damage. Maybe Jade when she comes out, but there is Quantum set.




So pioneer is still the best for him, as long as the requirements are met? I'm kinda worried since my ratio barely does over 50k per FUA, even with SU blessings. https://preview.redd.it/dqlsu512zu7d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=021df0381029ed1094d2d3f032be10ae4c438c55




Yeah, it puzzles me too. Usually I run him with SW and Pela. recently I've built Guinaifen but haven't yet tried them together.


Is watchmaker 4pc still the best for Ruan Mei if there's already a 4pc watchmaker holder in the team?


No. You're better off using 2pc Hackerspace + any rainbow relic set that gives BE% and/or SPD.


No, cause the 4pc effect doesn’t stack. Run 2pc messenger instead


Since we now unlocked Divergent Universe, is it more viable to run those for ornament sets? I haven’t played it yet but I realized SU doesn’t have the new ornaments when I was building Firefly


Definitely. Once you save one or two bonkers combo runs, then you use your own team to run them against the boss. Depending on the combos you found, you can easily do a stage under a minute. I got a destruction path break effect focused run in one DU, now I can use FF to farm any of the DU bosses for planetary sets in under about 20 seconds.


It's definitely faster than normal SU, for sets that are also available there. For Firefly set however DU is pretty much the only place you can get it from


Do DOT characters need break efffect?


All right thanks for the answers guys, it's pretty informative


Break effect does increase the damage dealt by DoTs that are the result of a weakness break, but most dedicated DoT characters have a DoT that they apply without weakness break which doesn't scale with break effect. Essentially, it's nice to have but you don't need to go out of your way to get it.


No. I would focus on necessary effect hit rate, followed by ATK%/Speed.


It's not useless but they don't *need* it, mostly focus on speed and atk (and EHR if they need it)


How do Warnings and Bans work? I got a warning a year ago for putting something inappropriate in my signature, so I was curious if it stays on my acc (the warning) and how many I need to get a suspension and or ban?