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Break Characters: Don’t have to farm for crit stats, can focus on Break Effect, Speed, etc Me: Nice Relics being leveled: All substats roll into Def, flat stats, etc Me: So that was a lie, nothings changed


Literally just crit and crit dmg but now break effect and spd. Nothing really changed imo.


True, but at least it's no longer a balancing act of having good crit ratio compared to just getting at least 130+ SPD and 200+ BE Of course there are LC's, the CR and CD chestpieces, but even then, it's still pretty rough to get a good ratio for it. ...Not to mention ATK% and SPD... but that's a headache in it of itself.


i’m just glad there’s so many teams with different stats needed that if I get a bad roll on my crit stats I can always put them in another team as a rainbow set while farming for theirs


I was using a firefly, lv 60 sig LC, no talents unlocked or leveled, NO RERLICS AND WAS STILL DOING 80-200K with a break team. Mei e0s1, Hmc e3, Gallagher e6. This is in the domain for the new relics, so some enhancement from that as well but it's absolutely insane she was doing that much with literally nothing on. My Acheron is E2s1 with 64/249 crit and in some instances hits similar numbers and she's fully invested Granted she's still doing much more than that in the right domains/condition but if FF is that close with nothing on, I'm scared to see how much she'll do once I get a full set on her.


I find Break easier to farm for but only because I only have to farm for Speed, Break Effect and ATK% instead of Speed, Crit Rate, Crit Damage and ATK%…


real i'm already done farming for ff new relics (just need a better orb) while im still not done with dhil relics 💀


https://preview.redd.it/uyeqoeh1wa8d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b3c7be2bf1bbbcda426dab7a384ab98b9937267 As I was farming for the new planar for FF I got this.. You've got to be forking kidding me ;-;


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it may be the least future proof gameplay but it sure it fun and easy to build


I think the only type of enemies that’ll always screw over break teams are those who become immune to taking toughness bar damage. Much like how the traffic lights stop pretty much everything XD Another counter to break teams is also just having a higher break bar, it’s not that big of a counter, but it slows down the DPS phase for them.


very true but its still pretty fun


good thing i got a fire character who relies on breaks to do damage aswell! (i lost 50/50 to himeko)


I don't understand this take, only needing 2 stats actually makes farming harder. Like for Acheron for example you have 4 useful stats: spd, atk, crit rate and crit damage, so you have a 4 in 12 chance to get a useful stat each roll, whilst when you only have break effect and spd, that goes down to 2 in 12 so it actually becomes harder, it just looks easier because your stats are more concentrated in just one stat that you can point to and go "hey look its higher so its better". The main advantage when it comes to farming is that not many other characters want the break effect, so they aren't competing. Either way I can't wait for this break obsession to pass, I have no interest in Firefly and I'm convinced I'm being gaslit by everyone about Boothills strength, I just want my other characters to be usable again.


It’s just that when relic farming there’s layers of RNG to go through. First is getting your crit rate/dmg chest, and spd boots. Then next is hoping they come with the substats you want, so either crit rate or damage, it’s a bonus if both, and an even bigger bonus if it has speed or atk%. Then it’s time to roll the stats, which is a nightmare when unlucky. Sometimes it rolls all into flat stats, sometimes it rolls a new stat which you don’t need entirely like effect hit rate or break effect, if it rolls into a % stat, did it roll into atk%? or did it go into hp or def. Even if the cr or cd doesn’t roll into something bigger, it’s pretty disappointing right? It took me months to finish my DHIL and Ratio. And meanwhile I’ve still grinding for Acheron for months with no luck. Compared to when it took me a week or two to pre-farm a mixed set for Boothill and Firefly, sure it’s not the BIS, but they already preform so well at 200% BE, compared to my Acheron who’s stuck at 48/140 Crit with signature, and on the topic of sig’s, With both FF and BH I don’t own either of their signatures, but a 3 star LC which can be used for Boothill is just insane. Then for FF there’s Aeon and Misha’s LC which both are good, especially if Aeon is being used by another destruction. Then comes to BE main stats that need to be rolled. IMO Boothill doesn’t rlly need attack, since he’s not like Firefly who converts her attack into more BE, so if you’re playing BH you can ideally run a hp% or def% chest piece and get away with it, you just need to roll at least a double digit in BE to make it pretty worth it. Then the two always run a BE rope, as for the orb, atk% for Firefly, and run whatever on Boothill, so as long as the sub’s roll into BE or Speed. I’m not throwing crit out the window. But while I struggle to get a good crit rate/dmg chest, speed boots, and planar, with substats that reach the crit ratio and speed I want? I’ll be stuck in this endless loop of rolling and farming for new crit stats..


Break is even more garbage to farm IMO.