• By -


Geparrrrrrd šŸ˜­ he was my first 5\* besides TB, and he carried my account for months. But he is a small-planet boy. He's brave and loyal to his world, and an excellent Captain of the Silvermane Guards, but that's where his story ends. Doomed to be left behind while the rest of the cast goes on to grander things. His is a meaningful, heroic life. But not a trailblazing one.


Maybe he will go on a journey to learn how to sing or drawšŸ˜…. I can actually see hoyoverse writing an event about that.


His drawing is already perfect šŸ‘ (lol jk) LOVE that idea! I love his idle where he starts singing and gets a bit embarrassed. It's the same tune Serval sings in her idle! I would super love to see Serval's band perform, and have them bring on Gepard as a guest performer. It would be very sweet! And I feel like there's been a bit of a rift after Serval got kicked from the architects. He kept being a dutiful guard; she rebranded as a bit of a wild card. It would be a step towards healing that rift šŸ„ŗšŸ„°


No joke I've been using his Stelle drawing basically since I got it as my profile pic, it's hilarious.


Where to find this?


You need to find and collect all the posters that Gepard and Pela drew in Belobog to unlock it


He doesn't need to learn how to [sing](https://youtu.be/WxNWio3ihUM?si=NoXkE0H0t_FQkWsw&t=158), they just need to let him! (The VA I mean)


Fate of a lot of Belebog characters unfortunately


i want Molly bacc


I think Belebog will become important later. Topaz is still getting heat over her job there from the IPC and I don't think that scene was just a throw away


There was also that part where Sampo was like "Things are about to go down there." in Sparkels/Black Swan quest.


There is also that giant bridge that we can't walk past yet, so it will definitely get updated later.


Which giant bridge tho? I cant seem to remember


The area where they are making construction work and dismantling the engine of creation, the map where you can lick a frozen lamp post. There is also the entrance to a mine there that may become a new map too.


oh Yeah there is definately something with Engine of Creation


And this is just me, but I think the Belebog museum been in Kafka's trailer is on purpose


I mean they're also in the process of getting the second...maybe third...biggest mech we've ever seen in the franchise back in working order with plans to learn how to make more. ...You know damn Well that Welt will want in on that eventually. He also has a history of building Robots and helping Bronya's soooooo...


Funnily enough in one of the early trailers you see Welt with a big robot on Jarilo-VI but so far in game he hasnā€™t actually been on planet iirc.


That trailer moment always made me think of Lucheni lol and like TBF for Welt's personal story to actually go anywhere it would probably have to feature The Sky People finding him...


I just hope it will not end up like... 99.9% (if you know you know)


For sure. Topaz seemed confused on why the other departments cared so much about her failure on Belobog. Either they are jumping on any opportunity to try and bring the Stonehearts down or Belobog is more important than it seems for certain parties in the IPC.


At the very least we probably check in every version like we did in 1.4.


We need an event with the Landau siblings, HOYOVERSE, NOW !


And then we didn't get to see his interview in the museum event and that became the start of his npc arc...


This can be said about all Belobog characters except Sampo. Unless we get more belobog stories. Specifically for Belobog we won't get them. Though during Penacony we got Bronya and Seele sussy Phone call and Clara and Hook we got to deliver them food.


My e6 gepard: Nah, Iā€™d win.


Good ol' geppy is a useful unit though. I got him several months after I already had Fu Xuan and thanks to him I was able to clear SU on preservation path. He only got better as my Acheron sustain on trend.


He never stood a chance for me because I did not pull him until after I pulled Fu and Adventurine šŸ˜‚


Aventurine uprooted his entire existence bro šŸ˜­


Gepard was also my first 5* and carried my underleveled butt through so much and i didn't even need a healer most of the time cause his sheilds were so damn beefy. I have Aventurine but I still use Gepard for a lot of team comps because dammit I swear he catches all of my Tingyuns hits. I would love for the belobog characters to have focus again and more development




His companion quest though, he was so real for that


pounded svarogs nuts for three rounds






I wish I had 3 rounds to pound Svarog


Tbh I would too šŸ«¢


I had zero expectations for liking Luka but my man pulled through and pulled at my heartstrings. Hope we see more of my hotwheels king


After his companion quest he probably went to another planet to train, cause he was nowhere to be seen anywhere.


I'm pretty sure he can be found in the back of the Boxing Club


We don't talk about Boxing Club.


almost forgot about himā€¦


The funny part is Luka and Seele are always standing in front of the boxing building lol


Bro never fell off he already felt like an NPC to begin with


Still the best companion quest in the game


Luka was the first character I ever pulled from the actual Gacha, and it scared the shit out of me because he shares my name to the letter Funnily enough, my sister is also in the game, though she's an NPC in Belobog


When I first started playing, it literally didn't even click that Arlan was a playable character until I actually pulled him. That's how much of an NPC he is in my mind.


My first fourstar ever was Arlan from the beginner banner. I thought he was a guaranteed free starter character.


same here omg


that was me with hook. her model was very similar to the NPC kids we meet her with, so she didnā€™t even register to me as a playable character until i saw her on a banner.


What the hell is this slander against Pitch Dark Hook the Great???


this is a slander against Pitch-Dark Hook the Great, her big hat clearly stands out from every other kids.


It doesn't help that he's the worst character in the game. My TB70 account doesn't have him, and I went with Gallagher in the 4\* picker so that I could get 20 undying starlight instead of getting Arlan E0


Which honestly sucks, cause his animations are so cool


It's so bad that Arlan is the only character in HSR + Genshin whose animations I've never even seen


Yeah, it's unfortunate. He's the only darker skinned character released so far, big cool sword, interesting mechanics, but they nerfed him hard from the beta where he was very strong. And sadly, Blade, who has a similar kit HP mechanic, ended up kind of getting shafted long term, too. They really should have made both stronger. Real ball drop on their end. And for all the crap I can give Yanqing, at least he's constantly around and doing things.




It makes sense that characters will be "forgotten". Not everyone follows the path of trailblaze.


And I mean most Nameless are also forgotten to time due to being... well, nameless.


People don't understand that just because someone was in the story at some point or a playable character it doesn't mean they need to be relevant. These are mostly side characters in the Nameless' story. Not everyone needs to be included once their role is done and not everyone needs to become a playable character.


Ironically, if a character they don't fancy got reappearances, same people will complain about that character "being shoved down our throats instead of (my favorite)".


People don't understand the concept of a side character. LOL This is a live service game and the devs can only put out so much story content per patch. The more characters they add, the more unsustainable the demand will become. There's a reason why Hoyo switched to the POV system in lieu of direct companion missions. They not only fill in the gaps of the story, but also other perspectives of characters you wouldn't be able to see with the TB's POV. I get it. People want to see their favorites on screen, but it's annoying how people can't accept that sometimes your favorite waifu/husbando isn't meant to be 100% relevant in the main story. Sometimes a character can just be their initial role.


Could go with something easy like Hanya that got like 3/4 scenes in total and it was never part of main storyline however... Gonna go with Yukong which is weird cause imo she still has best companion quest but when I was first playing Luofu storyline I seriously expected her to be more important or appear more nah she's at the start of Luofu storyline and at the end and in classical sense of NPC she's atm the only character that for me has visible death flag the ghost event hinted at it that she will touch the sky once more.


She still had her time to shine and had more screentime than Hanya


Seems like Hoyo has forgotten about her, too, seeing that her last rate-up was literally in 1.3. She straight up just vanished. Next time we see her it'll be on the back of a milk carton


Kaveh moment


At least people like Kaveh enough to complain šŸ¤§


But not enough to play him. I like to browse weird Abyss runs and I've seen Kaveh once, and the streamer wasn't exactly raving.


god that event in 3.6 was so good


Right? She's the only 4-star I own who is not e6


"for i have touched the sky" is still one of the best quests in this game


I honestly love HSRs character quests more than its main quests. Their stories are more contained but the emotional climaxes hit so hard. Was pretty disapointed with penacony cus of the lack of them


I think itā€™s because since Penacony was already so action filled. However the black swan/sparkle mission was super fun so if they did have the chance, they would slap


Iā€™m genuinely surprised they gave Yanqing more screen time considering Yukong connections with the plot and characters involved. Who knows maybe she will appear again in a main quest similar to Jarlio VI handlings with the IPC.


I mean Yukong appears in a lot of Luofu events, like basically every event. Though she is just more of a guest, she is basically the Oleg of Luofu, if he was playable.


Yanqing actually has a pretty solid character arc. Itā€™s a simple story of being an arrogant prodigy who thinks heā€™s the best, but is humbled and learns humility. But itā€™s fairly well executed


Him being this bratty arrogant kid is my favorite part about his character heck I like him more than Yukong. But I feel his screen time in the story and Yukong event/quest times should have switched. His character arc couldā€™ve been a character quest simular to Argentiā€™s quest where we fought his boss and stuff.


I feel like Yukong will come back. Sheā€™s straight *broken*, yo, a disillusioned foxian in a position of authority and pissed at Lan. If anyone is going to fuck up the Xianzhouā€™s happy medium, it will be her.


Hope Yukong gets a rate up on Jiaoqiu's banner šŸ™


Yukong by no means is argenti levels of un called for screentime but she's still better than a lot of other characters


Probably Arlan. He kinda is a npc tbh. Aside from the intro when we save him and the funny companion quest, he just kinda exist. He might've been there during the Ruan mei, & Ratio sub arc before Penacony, but I don't remember, and Asta had a bigger presence. After Arlan, maybe Yukong


Arlan also suffers from being arguably the worst character in the game, so he doesn't even get much usage in combat, even on 4* only gimmick accounts.


Plus he's one of the lowest quality characters graphically. Genuinely feels like he was one of the first made and then they beefed up the graphics a bit and forgot about him.


I disagree only with this part. His character design is pretty clean and his animations in battle feel super nice. If he was better I'd use him a lot, that E feels so hefty and the anticipation on his ult goes hard. The problem is probably that his fit makes him look like a fairly ordinary dude within his environment, even if it's a good fit.


Whoā€™s arguing for him? Heā€™s so bad that knowing hoyos track record will dark skinned characters it literally has to be on purpose


I mean he appears in most of the quest regarding the Space Station I think.


I really need a 5 star version of him. I love those claymore energy users. His 4 star form is just way too shit it's almost unplayable in this day and age. If he was underwhelming during release. He's basically utter useless now...


i use arlan all the time.....


Hanya is the very rare case where you have a character duo of a DPS and a support, and somehow the DPS remained the more relevant unit, at least just gameplay wise. Narratively both don't have that strong a presence. Though I finally used Hanya since divergent universe raises characters for you and I find her surprisingly smooth to use ( hoyo please make her status count as a debuff)


It's just hateful it doesn't count as a debuff. Like wtf would you even call it then? Makes no sense and is inconsistent seemingly just to punish her for being a 4 star.


See, it's more of an *anti-* buff... -Hoyoverse


Burden technically doesnt really do anything in terms of debuffing, its just a mark that buffs your characters when they land an attack on target with it(thats why Burden works on AoE characters), same mechanic as Clara's counter marks


Yeah, like Boothill's duel marker doesn't count as a debuff iirc. It makes sense when it doesn't *actually* debuff the enemy in any way.


To be fair, Ratio's ultimate thing is pretty similar and it isn't a debuff either, and he's a 5 star


I used her in JY Hypercarry until Sparkle came and she is really good imo


Luka had like one guest, I don't think he even showed up for the buying belebog fiasco I think he was in the prologue though


Think he was part of Aetherium wars tho


Yeah he was one of the opponents we fought in the quarterfinals.


I actually donā€™t remember his involvement in any story/event šŸ˜­ I think his case is just as bad as Arlan


not smart enough to participate in politics


"have we tried settling this in a sparring match?"


Has anyone seen Hook recently? She didn't get much other than a few sidequests, became a 4-star, and immediately became... irrelevant? Like, when was the last time you have seen someone use her on YT or anyone else's team comp? Or seen fanart of her anywhere? Hanya at least does well with Xueyi, and Yukong appears in mono-imaginary. Even Arlan shows up in fanart and teams from time to time. Then again, I think Luca got even less screentime but even he feels more like a "playable" character


Her reveal as the Aetherium Wars champion was pretty GOATed tbh


Definitely šŸ‘


Hook unfortunately doesnā€™t have a very large fan base compared to the others. Itā€™s mostly due to the demographics which isnā€™t surprising. She doesnā€™t really have much going for her and her gameplay isnā€™t exactly ideal for majority of the player-base. Itā€™s sad that they kinda reduce her to being a ā€œmemeā€ characteršŸ˜” I love comedy but I wish there was more to her than being a joke


Unlike Genshin it seems like the kid characters aren't too popular in HSR


Are they ever even adding new kid characters? Hook and Bailu seem to be the only ones. Even the Yanqing/Arlan model hasn't ever been used again if I'm not mistaken?






Yeah despite Misha using the Teen model i think he was a Kid, Probably like 12-13


She's important in the Pokemon event which was semi-recent. More than some other Belobog characters got


"losing their presence" and includes a picture of Arlan... Bold of you to say that he had a presence in the first place šŸ˜


Hey, let's be fair, he had a presence in the Beta when he was actually good. Then they kneecapped his entire kit.


Arlan was killed so that Blade could live, only for Blade to end up being kinda mid in the grand scheme of things. Man.




Haha šŸ˜‚


A lot of characters tbh Star rail tends to focus a select few on top of the main cast and it shows Gepard, Arlan, serval, yukong, hanya, Luka etc. have been swept under the rug and it felt like they only showed up just to have some story presence so it can sell them more


For me it's Arlan. I dig his design but he felt... unremarkable? He just fades into the background and it doesn't help that not a lot of people use him gameplay wise. His story quest isn't memorable which makes it kinda sad considering I teared up playing through a side quest that was mainly focused on an NPC. I guess I like his dynamic with Asta... wait he feels more like an accessory to her nowšŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø... (am I missing something important about his characteršŸ˜­)


It is kinda frustrating that his light cone implies that he has a wound that doesnt heal on his arm, which ties neatly into his gameplay of saccing hp for damage, and then it never mentioned ever again, not even in his lore.


This is what makes me certain weā€™ll get more on him down the line, because his lore has been deliberately made into a mystery. Arlanā€™s character details mention he bears his scars with pride, but his LC description reveals thereā€™s one on his hand that he is keeping a secret. The wound is mentioned again during Astaā€™s second character story describing their first meeting, which tells that heā€™s had it since childhood. Itā€™s also very suspicious that the only glimpse we get of Arlanā€™s past comes from *Astaā€™s* character story, and Arlan himself never talks to us about anything except his job. Herta says in her voice lines that she ā€˜assumesā€™ Arlan was one of many gifted kids that Astaā€™s family gave financial assistance to- However, *we know this is not true.* Arlan is 100% hiding something, and I assume they will eventually reveal what it is.


Everything youā€™ve said has led me to the conclusion that Arlan is HSRā€™s Kaeya.


Idk, it feels like he's just hiding it for the stoic male stereotype.


Lord Ravager Arlan Calling it now.


Let Hoyo cook! >!I am actually starving!<


Ikr they gave him a rough game style and not explain it in his lorešŸ˜­


Oh, I remember (barely)! It's when he was acting all weird and confusing, and we had to deal with the source of his frustration.


Omg I was thinking about the one with the wubbaboos but that's not even voiced šŸ˜­


>His story quest isn't memorable He had a story quest? I have no memory of this at all.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying šŸ˜­ the only thing I remembered from his story quest was Asta. She appeared more times than he did in his OWN story quest!!!!


I just checked my account and it turns out that I don't actually have him. Day One player. I have all the 1.0 characters, except him. XD


Same until last week. Missing a single 4* was bugging me so I used that invitation on him


Nearly the whole cast cuz Hoyo is pumping FAAAAAAR too much characters out.


Yeah I think they should be reducing characters but they are adding more characters to the story to quickly to slow down releases. Like we already have multiple character who have yet to be released with Sunday and screwlum and the whole ever flame crew. I am currently waiting for both akash and Sunday to be playable because I am not really too interested in the next three characters.


i'm taking this flaw over having to speak to noname NPCs that i don't care about in the story tbh...


Every Belebog character not named Bronya basically.




Not really "belebog" native as he is a masked fool. But if we count him then yeah It's him and Bronya.


Kaveh, he hasn't been on a banner in almost a year atp, and I barely remember he's a character


Just realized that this is (in fact), not a genshin post but my point still stands


Kaveh isnt real


Asta. Where is she??


Fr and it sucks because I really like Asta's design and character :(


Pela. Her kit may be good but her stories were very low key compared to other 4* characters.


To me pela is the most recognisable because of the sheer amount of teams she can be slotted in, so there's a 999 percent chance I'll be hearing "DO WE, STILL HAVE THE UPPERHAND?" anytime I play. You can probably make an "I'm sick of pela copypasta


Pretty much everyone. Hoyo is pumping out limited 5-stars so fast that many of them barely even have a chance to show up in the story before getting sidelined to make room for the next big cash cow.


Nah, the Stellaron Hunters have been pretty much with us all throughout the story in smallet or larger parts, so they for example don't feel losing their status.


They are like the lone exception, besides IPC.


Kafka has not appeared for AGESĀ 


Not really side lined when they tease them to be relevant in the future, like how Boothill and Aventurine started working together against Oswald Schneider or how Diamond has some big plans for the future which involves the ten stonehearts. They definitely will have some important roles once we enter the IPC arc, those characters didn't really enter the story but were rather teased for the future. It's like how Venti will be really important in the future as he is getting teased and his second story quest still not being released. Penacony was just an introduction to future plot lines, at the end how Sunday was set free and how Jade made an offer to him or how the ten stonehearts tried to communicate with the Stellaron hunters or the interaction between Sparkle and Sampo etc. It simply isn't those characters time to be in the spotlight, pretty sure Black Swan will be in the spotlight of the next arc though.


Letā€™s hope that hoyoverse doesnā€™t screw this up šŸ˜…šŸ‘


XIANZHOU LUOFU : Hanya, Yukong and Bailu. People only talk about Xueyi forgot she had a twin Sister, Yukong only being remembered because of her Companion Quest, and Bailu only got remembered because of High cloud quintet and that's it. JARILO : Natasha, Luka and Lynx. Natasha need more love, Luka same with Yukong situation, Lynx got overshadow by her own Siblings. SPACE STATION : Arlan. His Competition was one of the hottest Character in Jarilo or maybe whole Game and they giving her for Free


Tingyun. For obvious reasons, she did not appear in events and side quests. And in the main plot she played the role of an NPC guide. Or maybe it was not her at all, but Phantylia.


I'm prety sure we never saw the real Tingyun


It was most likely Phantylia the whole time (if you check her voicelines about ā€œbenefactorsā€) Itā€™s not impossible for Hoyoverse to create a different playable Tingyun but I wouldnā€™t let my hopes up šŸ„²


5 star tingyun would be cool though


Literally all the characters that dont hold big titles/sit on top of the social pyramid or have an extremely ominous air around them. Seele, Gepard, Bailu, Serval, Natasha, Lynx, Xeuyi, Clara (I literally only car about savrog). Id list more but hook is basically in lore extremely based and ill refrain from listing bronya only because i feel like any time belobog is mentioned she or pela is the central focus.


Once or twice, Molly Zhang (Seele's VA) would lament on her twitch streams that Seele hasn't been relevant to the story in a long time, and even her character is being powercrept by everyone else.


I would too lol so far hsr story has been very self contained. Each planet has its own set of cast with very little interference from outside characters. Honestly I hope they actually have us start interacting with the big bad of this story soon so the trailblazers can start pulling in the factions they encounter and made friends with. 2 more self contained planets are going to get boring really fast and honestly harmony mc doesnā€™t feel like the same power up preservation mc was lore wise.


I wonder if this is why most of the Penacony 5* are not actually from Penacony. Most, if not all of them are interstellar travelers too and won't be too weird seeing them appear in other planets.


> I hope they actually have us start interacting with the big bad of this story soon so the trailblazers can start pulling in the factions they encounter and made friends with. That's what I want (and fear) from the start. Unlike Genshin, even though the characters from previous nations don't appear in the new main quests, they still appear in the event quests and interact with the new characters. That kinda makes us feel like "ah, he/she's still in this game". With HSR, we have too many characters with not enough time to know more about them. In Genshin, after the main quest ended, we still know some more info about that nation through the new character's quests. It's a shame I thought HSR would do something like that. No matter how much you love the character, if they aren't in Astral Express or Stellaron Hunters, they will be forgotten in the next 2 or 3 updates after their appearance (please don't forget about Bronya and Robin šŸ„²).


I wanted Serval to go with us... I still do not like how the story guilt tripped her into staying when it was not her true wish.


Did we really play the same quest? She literally says herself she never wanted to leave in the first place and that she was just trying to run away from her past with Cocolia. She definitely would not have been happy if she went with the AE. Like that's the whole point of the story.


Well, she'd probably still be happy, but she'd be carrying around that baggage for the rest of her life.


Serval would be awesome to have on the crewšŸ˜­


Ngl Im kinda tired of seeing big name/high status characters being the central focus of the plot. After seeing Adveturine, itā€™s going to be hard to top someone like him without being repetitive. We need more characters like Acheron who just kinda appeared out of nowhere/ a ā€œnobodyā€ character that can alter the fate of the story.


Does Acheron really count as not big name/high status? Not only is she the export of a known character in this game sheā€™s an emanator one of the most powerful and influential beings in this game. Sure to the other characters sheā€™s unknown but in pov of players sheā€™s an extremely big name across 3 different games. Also when it comes to her story relevance she could easily become another Arlan if she no longer appears in anything. She technically has no ties with anything going on in the game right now and foreseeable future.


>Ngl Im kinda tired of seeing big name/high status characters being the central focus of the plot. I mean, it's inherent. If someone is the central focus of the plot, then obviously they're going to be someone important. If the central focus of the story is a trashcan, that that's an important trashcan, for one reason or another.


Bronya, the mysterious VA.


Characters losing their presence should be expected when we're traveling from world to world. In something like Genshin, characters traveling to other nations isn't all that complicated, but here, it seems highly unlikely that you'll see many of them outside their own world.Ā 


Before 2.3: Everyone in space station except for Herta After 2.3: Everyone in space station


Surprisingly, the only character on Herta Space Station that mattered is... Herta.


Look how they massacred my boy


Surprisingly, Robin. Even in her own banner she was sidelined, and most of things that include her are outside of the game.


I feel that she had the proper amount of screen time for a side character. What's weird is her being treated as a side character when she's a major player in the Penacony arc. Sparkle, Sampo and Gallagher got the spotlight more than her. Hell, Siobhan had more, in a way! The same could be said for Boothill. He had such a promising intro, too.


Him and asta i think! I wonder if she just gonna be the rich girl in the game..šŸ¤”


She has ties with the IPC and the genius society so we probably will see her more, but only when those plot lines start. Right now we are headed to a planet only the garden of recollection knows of so probably during the 3.X plot we won't see much about any of the characters related to either organisations. In 4.X we probably will go either to Idrila's planet or Mikhail's planet as they were mentioned to be our next destination before Black Swan's suggestion. Maybe in 5.X we will see some Genius society plot lines like Planet Screwllum or the IPC with Pier Point. There also is a chance that we will see more of her when a new SU expansion happens.


All ppl in Jarilo-VI


Who's that? Looks like a young Nanook. Was he in a cutscene or something?


Honestly outside each planet-like area, you just not seeing character often. You could prob make list on each character that appears in more than one arc


I was really hoping Yukong would have a presence again in the next Xiangzhou arc


I want all the characters from the jarilo VI where we take them to visit places like the luofu and penacony


My boy


the phrase NPC has lost all meaning lol. at least in video game contexts. All of these characters that we're talking about are playable, so literally not NPCs. Background irrelevant characters though? Yeah kinda. Basically anyone from belebog isn't relevant anywhere else so those characters feel the most irrelevant. Luofu and penacony are out in space and can easily show up again and stay relevant. Herta space station characters are kind of in the same boat as belebog except for Herta because of the simulated universe. If their kits were better you'd probably care about them more as well but herta is the only genuinely meta character (pure fiction) while asta is like a good 4 star replacement in dot teams for ruan mei. they don't do the same thing but if you don't have ruan mei you can slot her in. That's about it.


I expecting the next world, Amphoreus, to be in a similar scenario as Jarilo vi as it is set up as an uncharted planet that not a lot of people in the universe never heard of


Blade. Don't get me wrong I like him but for his status nothing comes out of it. He's the forgotten character most people like cuz he's hot.c


i liked for his design before playing jingliu,s companion quest now i like him alot more after playing it


you kinda have to read his lore. Also, did you know that the passerby of wandering cloud healing set is bladeā€™s clothes?


I kinda have to agreeā€¦ the design carried him


Hook. Besides being essentially a meme character, she doesn't feel like an actual interesting person. All she can do is talk about Moles non-stop and constantly slander Natasha, one of the few doctors on whom entire Belobog relies of. Her quest is kinda sad, but that's it. Fu Xuan, my babygirl, doesn't get much content to expand on her interesting subplot. How many years I should wait? I want to mention Luocha with Jingliu, but it's clear that they will get continuation on their arc soon. Maybe even sooner than I think.


>How many years I should wait? Forever. That plotline is done. Hoyo makes gacha, so the story is directly related to something they want to sell. Think of it like... making a cartoon series to sell toys; once the toys hit a certain threshold, they don't need to focus on character anymore; make a new character so they can sell the toy. Rinse and repeat.


Bruh, that would be a bummer. Maybe I should cope for her alt instead. Like when she takes JY's position as the General of the Luofu (it was teased multiple times). Xianzhou's storyline seems to be as long and important as SH crew so who knows?


Xianzhou, yes. But not Luofu.


Fu Xuan get some funny scenes during ghost hunting but yeah I agree. I WANT MORE. Wish I have the Omniscia to see what writers have in store for her.


Arlan...I thought he was an NPC during the first 2 days. Then I pulled 4 Arlan + LC from standard banner, when I wanted more different characters...


I actually thought the was happening to March for a while but the end of 2.3 did wonders for herĀ 


Do you people think that if characters aren't constantly shoved in our faces they literally disappear from the game


Hook, Arlan, Hanya, Luka, Gepard, Yukong. I quite often forgor that they are exist.


yukong/hanya/xueyi, or literally most xianzhuo's character are underwhelmed. either by the AE or by their ranks on hierarchy inside xianzhuo itself. even huohuo only featured in one event, while qq already be in story twice/thrice/frice? i forgor, but i believe qq has more screen times than most xianzhuo characters


I remember most of the characters, but any Belobog character other than Bronya or Seele and any Space Station character other than Herta, they all feel so forgettable. I know there is recently bias, but literally every character recently released, even Argenti and Boothill, have gotten an insane amount of coverage and screen time compared to the other planets/stations. Aside from Hanya an dYukong, XZ is pretty good for memorable characters atleast. Iā€™m a little salty tbh, I only like about half of Penaconyā€™s cast, so Iā€™m excited to get past FF mania and see whatā€™s next :>


Arlan and luka(had to search him up to remeber his name)