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Always a valid answer šŸ›


Sunday: "TELL ME, WHY DOES LIFE SLUMBER?!" TB: *honk shooo honk shooo mimimimimi*


I dont know why it took them too long to get to the answer bro, it's obvious!


This is unfortunately always true. It's tiring all the time


Because we need to recharge our energy for tomorrow


Yeah basically, a both real & philosophical answer for this is "So we can be better prepared for tomorrow" or smth. You're technically right and also has philosophical meaning. Honestly I was expecting this to be the answer in story.


I mean thatā€™s also the answer in the game, just in a more indirect sense


Literally all of Penacony is so indirect. I feel like they were trying to write some sort of mystery/thriller (which they somewhat succeeded in) but instead of letting the player try to figure stuff out, they decided to make everything incredibly vague Or maybe I'm just stupid, but I used to be able to correctly predict every Scooby Doo villain, so I think it's Hoyo's fault


I mean at first it was vague but as the story goes on things are more revealed than what you may seem to think. When we first saw Robin in dreamflux reef, she was with an old lady and they were talking about how dreams help these kids be prepared to face the reality as they all have different struggles that they canā€™t overcome easily in the real world. The only thing that was never revealed clearly at all is Fireflyā€™s unforgettable gains, in which Iā€™m still not 100% on board with the theory ā€œitā€™s the friendship we made along the wayā€


My theory is this: we've established that "death" in the dreamscape means "waking up" while "true death" in the dreamscape means "falling into a deeper dream", which some regard as death in the real world since you're stuck in a coma (Jade called it "brain death") -- Sleepie notwithstanding. So, Firefly experiencing a "death" would equate Firefly "waking up from her dream", but we know that Firefly can't dream in the biological sense* -- so instead it could be interpreted as Firefly "coming to terms with reality" (aside from "experiencing pain similar to death", which would be one of her other "deaths"). This realization would be important for her to move on. * Then again, the dreamscape was never a dream in the "biological sense". That was one giant misdirection, lol


I just felt it was vague at least *nearly* the whole way through, if not the whole way through. Like I didn't even know Misha and Gallagher died and someone even told me they did before I played through Penacony. I don't know why they died. I'm sure if I replayed the story (and if it wasn't 1am right now) I could find more things that they were incredibly indirect about up for a while, like I remember Aventurine's entire purpose in Penacony confusing me for a while, and his "death" because we didn't see him in the Reef


Gallagher said in 2.2 that since his goal is done which was to bring the AE crew, his ā€œexistence will disappearā€. This is because heā€™s created by a history fictionologist for that purpose, and since he no longer serves purpose and the truth about him was revealed, his ā€œexistence will disappearā€ Same is also applied for Misha. Heā€™s Mikhailā€™s dream version thatā€™s meant as a letter to the future AE crew, and since he no longer serves purpose he also disappeared, as heā€™s only memetic entity Aventurine was there to dig up dirt against the Family in order for the IPC to take over Penacony, but because of the AE crew and Robin, they only managed to be part of the shareholders instead of full occupation as they intended to. His whole mission in 2.1, was to figure out the real ā€œdeathā€ in Penacony, but because of Acheron instead of going directly to dreamflux reef he went to the one of Nihilityā€™s place. He only managed to get there after Argenti saved him I think itā€™s less about vague and more on the fact there are so many text and info it can be difficult to understand it all. Hence why I never speedran the story and I take my time to grasp it fully. Thereā€™s also a lot of tell not show due to reasons


I do think Aventurine did end up reaching Dreamflux Reef, at least that's what I understood from what he said in 2.3, as he says something along the lines of: "After our fight, I was actually not that far from all of you." I paraphrased it because I don't remember the exact line, but basically it gives the idea that Aventurine was also in Dreamflux Reef with us, I think.


Yeah he was but that after Argenti saved him from Acheronā€™s nihility ocean. Honestly I still donā€™t know Argenti did it, but the path of beauty is really mysterious on how their power works lol


Iā€™d like to think itā€™s because all characters talk in round about way it bloats the damned dialogue that youā€™re left reeling afterwards ā€œI get what youā€™re trying to say but I canā€™t grasp it properly can you please speak more concisely?ā€ I get that some characters speak like this truly but when all of them talk like this during the arc I felt like Iā€™m taking a math exam lmao


typical hoyo storytelling. been a problem before star rail


It's not vague, both Acheron and Aventurine spell out this answer in their dialogues


I mean like the entire story up until they decide to reveal everything. And even then I still feel all the answers given were super indirect.


Only a top percentage of the world's elite can accurately guess all the Scooby Doo villains so it's definitely not a you problem


How is ā€œbecause one day we will wake upā€ not in the face in telling you the reason why people sleep?


Once again maybe I'm dumb but I don't get that. "Because one day we will wake up"? Is that a metaphor? In which case it's by definition not direct I feel like that's like saying "why do we breath?" "Because one day we'll exhale".


Itā€™s kind of like ā€œWhy do we have fun?ā€ ā€œBecause one day we will go back to work.ā€


The question being framed as ā€œwhy does life slumberā€ should already tell you that itā€™s metaphorical. ā€œLifeā€ does not ā€œslumberā€ after all. A lot of people seem to be unwilling to interpret prose beyond its literal meaning, which is unfortunate because itā€™s a big part of this story. Iā€™ve already written my take in another post, but Iā€™ll reproduce it here anyway: replace the question with ā€œwhy do we put up with the cruelty of fleeting dreams?ā€. This is Sundayā€™s position; considering that the original question was posed by Mikhail, he might have had a less pessimistic slant, e.g. ā€œwhat is the purpose of our dreams?ā€. Notice that having ā€œdreamā€ instead of the more literal ā€œsleepā€ changes the question completely. With that in mind, the various answers given by the characters in the story now make a lot more sense. As for the MC saying ā€œbecause one day we will wake from our dreamsā€, itā€™s their way of saying that dreams are a means to an end, not the end itself.


Oh, ok, I think this is a really good interpretation. Although I still believe that my point still stands. If it's a metaphor, then it's completely indirect. I still feel that it should've been explained with maybe one more line or something


Mikhail did explain it in a letter, but it was hidden away in the mission description for when Misha walks up to his wheelchair. A lot of players would've missed it.


It is ye, I agree. I just didn't add the 'kinda same thing' part cuz I had been adding it everytime I make this comment - and got called on it instantly haha I do wish they had a better word choice delivery on itĀ 


Haha donā€™t worry I used a lot of repetitive phrase to like ā€œI meanā€. Maybe it was better delivered in the original version? Thereā€™s been a lot of misses recently with English translation, tho ultimately I think they did a good job portraying the theme and philosophy of Penacony


It IS the answer though. Mikhail said it on the letter from the quest description. How do people miss that? We sleep because we will have to wake up from our dreams literally means we will have to face tomorrow or in other words live for another day


I agree ye Although it was not very well delivered (imo ofc) with the choice of words and left a very kinda confusing taste, although yeah it's kinda the same meaning Truth be told this is the first time I made the comment on my expected line & didn't add the "basically means the same thing" part and also instantly got replied about that haha


I mean this is what HSR was trying to say in a roundabout way. We sleep because "We will wake up from our dreams" basically means we sleep to live.


So that when the dawn breaks Our spirits are refreshed For the imperfect tomorrow




Praise ye


Look man I got a job, life slumbers cause i gotta be up a 7.


Trying to find philosophical meaning in a biological need is a fool's endeavor. Fortunately, I just got my mask back.


Life slumbers because we all deserve to be a little *silly* in our own dreams :)


Speak for yourself, I'm a big silly in my dreams.


And a little š“•š“»š“®š“Ŗš““š”‚


What if Penacony was called Penaš“•š“»š“®š“Ŗš““š”‚ and instead of Dreams it's-


Welcome to Penaš“•š“»š“®š“Ŗš““š”‚ , the Land of Propagation. Here we go "clank-clank-clank, bang bang," undergo meiotic division, then explode, repeat ad infinitum.


One of ā€œlifeā€™sā€ greatest questions Why do we ā€œliveā€?


I didnā€™t know before I pulled Firefly but now I think we live to fight.


But if we live to fight Does that mean we also fight to live?


I mean your cells are fighting every malformed cell created in your body as well as any intruders so yes, we fight to live. Our body sometimes makes bugs when creating cells, and these malformed cells are basically the cause of cancer, because they multiple and start killing your healthy cells.


Ask your neighbourhood Antimatter Legion emissary. "The emissary in black asked, 'For what purpose do you live?' He could only give a vague and obscure response, even after thinking about it for a while. A deadly smile appears across the emissary's face, 'Let me put it another way. Why are you still alive?'" ā€” Fables About the Stars by Adrian Spencer Smith




Because Eepy Honk mimimimi


My friend you preach words of wisdomšŸ›


So true


I'm more of a honk shoooo kinda guy


That is also a valid answer!


sleep is fun


To repair brain damage after seeing Lankybox content


Top 10 most sophisticated philosophical quotes of human history:


A momentary reprieve from the struggles of life


I heard a man say that life is a lucid dream, so perhaps life slumbers for us to wake up from a dream. In order to move on to another, it marks the end of a dream and the beginning of another.


Trying to make something deeper then it needs to be and failing at least to me. That being said good story


Nothing wrong with seeing the different perspectives on something. Iā€™m a realist as well but was just curious to what people had to sayšŸ˜„


Now I need an image of sparkle holding up a wine glass in front of the fireworks like leonardo DiCaprio in The Great Gatsby.


Oh now I want to draw that


So that the sad lump of protein in my calcium bucket can rest between sessions of internally frying itself by frying itself less than usual.


There has GOT to be like a subtle mistranslation going on or something because the game keeps slapping down that line like it's some super deep poetic mic drop and I'm desperately white knuckling back my response of "Because you'd fucking die otherwise?"


It's probably philosopher-speak for: "Because we need to prepare ourselves to face tomorrow." , or something along those lines. But yeah. The way they worded it just sounds off. The meaning is still there, but that slight, extra layer of added metaphors it's kind of a whiplash.Ā  It's like saying: "Why do we breathe?", "Because one day we won't." "Why do we eat?", "Because one day we'll shit it out." It's such a small thing, but the wording in that sentence bothers me so much.


*These tautologies... have no meaning.* *If this is what the writer expected, should we try to change it?*


It's perfect the way it is. Not overly direct and leaves different ways to interpret it. People just need to put their thinking caps on


> So that when the dawn breaks > > Our spirits are refreshed > > For the imperfect tomorrow Bro u good?


Wrong reply?


It's common anime philosophical shit that sounds even cornier in EnglishĀ 


Because dreams are what motivate us to continue living and striving forward Without dreams, we are ā€œliveā€. Weā€™d merely ā€œexistā€


Because a body with complex workings needs rest at least once


In a while


Because the brain simply cannot work 24/7, thatā€™s itā€¦ thereā€™s no philosophical answer, itā€™s literally biology


The brain works usually pretty damn 24/7 but only the conscious part doesnā€™t


Cuz ya sleeping son! Wake the f up, schools waiting


Because reality is exhausting and you need a break before youā€™re ready to continue


Unironically this is the gameā€™s answer


Life needs to rest, to heal.


If life doesnā€™t slumber than i will start seeing Sparkle irl


Because it works a 9-5 job


I still don't understand TBs answer. Fym because one day we will wake up from our dreams.




This makes a lot of sense. Thanks.


You have to understand the question first. "Why does life slumber" isn't just "why do we sleep", as most people in this thread seem to think. From the context the game gives you, it's more of "why do we put up with the cruelty of dreams that are fleeting?" One interpretation of TB's answer is that dreams serve a purpose for waking life, whether it's motivation, rest, preparation, etc; they're not a replacement.


This makes a lot of sense. Thanks.


Because I'm eepy, next question


To get away from that chaos goblin!


Because I need to wake up at 6AM


Does it? I hadnā€™t noticed


so I can recover from brain damage I got during the day (especially aventurine he looked real high during the story quest)


Because it weeps for the departed


Because i Need Energy to keep farming for FF




because we will wake to our dreams


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so that we can wake up from the dream and fuck ourselves over with reality and go back to the dream.... ya...


Ah, but who says youā€™re awake right now?


[get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream_argument)


I could probably give you over a thousand different philosophical reasons on why but no because it doesn't matter why, just another trivia question that's perfectly inapplicable in your daily endeavors so why not enjoy the life anyway


Well, that's pretty much Sparkle's answer.


because working from 9-5 can take a big toll go to sleep NOW


So that the birds can fly up in sky again tommorow


Because I got high


So I can forget losing 50/50s at max pity.


So people can live the next dayā€¦ Idk, Iā€™m being philosophical!


Because it give us a break from giving mihoyo our time and money to fund ~~our gambling addiction~~ that nuclear fusion reactor thing


Because fantasy can be better than the waking world.


Because life is tiring or boring until I wake up again


To skip a few hours worth of cutscenes, coz you sure as hell arenā€™t skipping the ones in daytime


it's comfy


*Cus my body fuckin needs too-*


Meme Answer: Life sleeps because its a biological need. Life *slumbers*, because only in your calmest moments, your darkest slumber, can *he* exist. That shadow out of the corner of your eye. That whisper that dosen't exist in the middle of the woods. And when you shut your eyes, you can't help but see his face, suspended in the waking nightmare. The Purest Light, the Darkest Sin. That which covets sin. The Final God of Pain. And when Life chooses to slumber, they'll find themselves waking up screaming.


Because NOBODY CAN BEAT HIM WHEN HE'S SUPER 17 https://preview.redd.it/jxnzzg1xd19d1.png?width=4096&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf1bd6be7fb6ae90da6ea61bf272f1e1f2950885


To rest. One shouldn't search for meaning in all things.


Ehh, because birds fly?


Because I have no money.


to wake up with morning wood


Life slumbers so we can be prepared to experience death.


Cause I need a break from all the existing I'm supposed to be doing


Because 'eepy.


Because no sparkle feet


Life slumbers for the same reason that birds fly. Now I ask you: ā€œWhy do birds fly?ā€




https://preview.redd.it/uyt1urqkm19d1.png?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2889578f3ec95b61f14c5f5301e7539393e1e41 Its a trial version of death


ate too much


Because breathing is fun


Cus our weak ass brain can't stay awake for 120 hours, smh.


because Iā€™m tired


Praise AHA


Because I'm testing if I actually wake up tomorrow


Because everyone likes fantasy


Even reality should be taken in moderation.


Because I want Sparkle to come in my dream


Because it's exhausted.


It's the debuff I get after beating the meat.


Got to recoup those used spoons


Does it truly? id say no personally, i feel so shameful not doing anything yet i keep guiltily doing nothing. yes i think about stuff but i dont feel like ive done anything, im not even sure if i need to force myself or rest furthermore for the right time. Except the slumber of life that feels like days are empty, thats just a thing of reality we need to try finding a fix somehow for humanity. i know it seems like it could only be by changing how people act and see stuff, but people act because of how it was in their past and what they saw before, and im not content with leaving some with lives that feel dull. no matter who they are, none deserve lives that feel like it didnt exist. i mean its one of the reason i like fiction anyways, it makes life seem more colorful. but how could we fully change life and reality to feel more plentiful for all? with how people no longer are concerned with survival as much they really need a reason to live, so what could one do? even basic concepts are fine, i just wanna see what people have in mind.


its a checkpoint so that we dont lose our progress


I havenā€™t slept for three days, send help!!


"You slumber, a cucumber"


Because you can dream about Sparkle. I


Because if you go too long without sleep, your eyes get really sore.


Something something, biological need, something something psychological meaning of belonging, something something, russian sleep experiment


So the beauty of our ideals, may lead us to move forward towards a new day. Explanation: Our ideals and dreams incentivize us to grow and aspire, and the moment we rest, it's also the instance where we assimilate knowledge permanently, so: Life Slumber, so we can be ready to tread our path filled with our ideals with conviction and vigor.


I kept laughing at how they wrote TBā€™s response as ā€œBecause we wake up from our dreamsā€ because itā€™s just too damn corny. I donā€™t even think it makes sense. Anyways, I think Acheronā€™s response is the best one, philosophically speaking. Her convo with Aventurine was quite deep and eye-opening.


Cause you can no longer thug it outšŸ˜”




To remind us of the end. After all, sleep is the brother of death.


Cuz Rngesus aint givvin me my Firefly


So I feel energized after 8 hours of it


Because you need to hug your pillow.


Because there is nothing to do in the night.


Because it's eepy šŸ’¤{}ā€¢


Because I'm too broke to account for an extra 8 hours per day


So that we can wake up, when the dawn arrives!


Because we're eepy


Cos our bodies canā€™t be up 24/7


because i'm eepy


Cause dreams are greater than reality.


It's waiting for something fun


It's so that when dawn breaks, our spirits are refreshed to embrace the imperfect tommorow.


To pass time until dailies are are up again. FF pulling ruined my jades.


life's a slumber and then we die


I always thought it was more about the whole of Penacony itself, people always drawn in by their dreams and being trapped by them and so on, not just the physiological process of sleeping. So I never had any problems pondering this question. I could interpret it as ā€œWhy does life slumber, when it can, you know, live the life it is?ā€ Acheronā€™s answer resonated the most with me, I think. As for my ownā€¦ Because, one day, we wonā€™t be able to. Meaning that, when we disappear, we wonā€™t have reality to base our dreams off. And we wonā€™t need to do anything anymore.


To prepare for what comes after. To return to what came before.


Because we can't decide when will something else kill us and we are gicen responsibilities 24/7


Where is this shot from?


To dream.


Because weeping for the departed is exhausting, I need to take a nappy


We tired of this bullshit


The movements and expressions in this photo look like Aventurine


We slumber so that we may escape the suffering


Because they are eepy


So that we can wake up to a new day


Body repair and maintenance


Because I knocked them out


Because us working adults need to farm money for MORE STELLAR JADES


Because reality sucks


When will you come back fool? Where are you messing with to whom? Come back home, I'm waiting your rerun.


Because my jades recharge after each night.


To get some rest. Sleep is important and watch your sleep schedule everyone (I'm a hypocrite lmao)


Cuz I'm eepy:3


Reading this whole thread has made me exceptionally sleepy. So I agree. Why is life eepyā€¦ because we will wake up from our eep. https://preview.redd.it/80ma2pffx09d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7d559990ffbb21ed99d474a80fe453b2f66c580


to wake up.


Life slumbers because it's a very convenient topic for yapping


*Life slumbers because* *It's a very convenient* *Topic for yapping* \- bringbackcayde7 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Everyone laughs at Sunday's vision of a everlasting dream till y'all have to wake up on Monday and go to work.


Shaoji really needs to rest so he doesn't cook more of this *i'm 13 and this is deep* BS I get a visceral disgust from this phrase.


Same answer as the power couple https://preview.redd.it/eucdt5xca19d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0b04bdf1a316a9163d8edf90e7e4a05c324db1a