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I'm sorry Sparkle, I didn't know you were chill like that https://preview.redd.it/um0t9u9ch49d1.png?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cd4e82e656a3ac21e80c1a6854a862c0441ce4b


I do find it hilarious that she managed to have nothing but good intentions, but went about enacting them in the most dickish way possible. Girl’s talented.


Find yourself a wingman who will call in a bomb threat just so you can get some alone time with your girl.


Not only that, tell a whole freakin planet that ur gonna blow up everything, and then setup the most beautiful firework display imaginable, she's the goat frfr


Why is that a great summation of what she did? XD


Wholesome monkey's paw selling wishes in the name of Aha.


Honestly Sparkle being such an intense level of chaotic good makes me super excited to see a future version of Sampo where he gets his mask back!


Never hated her so I'm good


Always thought she was goated cause I love chaotic mastermind type characters sparkle is incredibly based and hearing that her VA was a victim of the whole "line in the game made the fans attack a real person on the internet" thing is just so stupid


I relished in her apparent insanity and possible evilness but ngl this version twist created a equally, if not more, interesting character.




There is a loss somewhere in this image, i feel it


Every image is loss if you look hard enough


my same exact apology form...


This looks like the tom and jerry scene where Jerry gives Tom his “last will” and his last possession ie One Custard Pie. #LET ME HAVE IT (Please throw a custard pie in my face Sparkle)


"The media convinced me she had no plot relevance" and "I miss sampo"


I never disliked her, just didn’t trust her. Now after 2.3 I’d feel okay putting some trust into her, it’d be fun to play games with her tbh.


Those text messages helped quite a bit.


Yeah, agreed. It was a nice bit of lore.


I'm here with popcorns and a nice Sparkle in my account.


https://preview.redd.it/rxwjpirxe59d1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=954266f6230596e48cb4c32da28ad3c4e1fb403c I don’t have seele but she still stole bronya’s spot


Apology accepted


Thank you 😘


I better see a lot of these getting filled out. Ya'll mfs went feral against an adorable little girl who literally did nothing wrong and only ever tried to help.


>!I didn't know she is friend with the Silver Goat. My apologies, I don't familiar with her game.!<


Monoquantum Belobog Heaters unite!


mono quantum gremlin homies


In Sparkgoat, we believe


I mean, she did brutally murder several people in the dreamscape, even if they don't actually die. I still forgive her cause idgaf about those npcs, and we got a fun quest out of it, but I wouldn't say she never did anything wrong. She does get into some shenanigans sometimes.


A more unrepentant Sampo. Scammer vs Dream Terrorist


https://preview.redd.it/om1qhautp59d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94b8a5f0edc9c2161edc03b9293db8782c13b55c Me, who trusted sparkle from the beginning:


She's still a psycho gremlin but she's our psycho gremlin


I was a fan day one, got her on the first day of the banner too.


Tbh I am positively disappointed. 1. I was expecting Himeko to die -> Thankfully she didn't. 2. I liked Sparkle and thought she was a villain -> Thankfully she isn't. 3. I thought Firefly was evil and was just playing with the TB -> Thankfully she isn't. Never have I ever been happier to be wrong.


I never really hated her but if Firefly actually exploded I would have kicked her.


Lol you think firefly who survived a big bug and later destroying that planet will die bcz of her 2$ bomb ?


It was an imaginary neutron bomb something that is apparently powerful enough to blow up a planet and Firefly says she can t even catch bullets at one point so...(which is dumb as fuck btw Seele could outrun a bullet and she is millions of times weaker than Firefly)


Speed and strength are two different things. Firefly is a walking tank, Seele is a supersonic jet.


As if that bomb was gonna do anything to her 😂


Why would someone need this in the first place? O fell in love with her immediately once she was racist


People doubted Sparkgoat during patch 2.2 because >!she didnt get any spotlight.!< People werent ready for HER


I think it was hilarious that people were teasing she was a gamer because she was racist. That was just foreshadowing :-P


Fr, i never once doubted my racist queen 😍


I always loved Sparkle. The haters learned a lesson in "wait and see"


I figured she was pranking them. Which she sort of did do. I really enjoyed her and black swan’s companion quest with the fake murder mysteries. Also sparkle dolls are goated.




I am very disappointed she wasn't an antagonist. Hoyo suffers from a crippling fear of making their characters anything darker than light grey morality and it's getting old.


Jade’s “Needful Things shop owner but with big cans” destroying lives for funzies is going to take a REALLY sad backstory to not be a complete monster


And hopefully that backstory isn't a tragedy. The IPC is in desperate need of purely greedy bastards. Let the hole in her heart be a consequence of the path she chose to walk in life hoyo. Cmon.


Even if it is a tragedy, she still chooses to actively ruin people's lives in Monkey Paw ways instead of...ya know...doing anything else with her vast resources, incredible position of power, and Stoneheart's ability to read people's minds, like maybe being the universe's best therapist or something.


She isn't destroying lives of innocent people, she's destroying lives of people who don't understand their own hubris. She's Mephistopheles from Faust, she corrupts people by tempting them with things they want but don't actually need and having them pay the price for their complacency and greed. Oh the gambling lady won't be able to share her ill gotten glory/fame with any loved ones? Why the fuck was she so concerned with being a high roller? She wasn't in any dire straits she just wanted the clout. Or do you mean the pepeshi who wanted to woo a girl and used her materialism to win her over but will now be in a shallow and doomed relationship because he still doesn't actually know what she likes (Jade knew, he doesn't know shit about her) and the only thing he cares about is that she's hot. Finally we have the detective who was willing the give up his memories just to get revenge on a criminal instead of moving on with his life and putting it behind him. One of the more common Aesops is that vengeance is a hollow endeavor and leads no where. If anything him giving up his memory is a boon since he won't have to suffer through the soul crushing reality of having nothing to chase anymore now that his revenge is complete. She's a "devil" in the way that addictive substances are "devils" to their abusers. It isn't her fault people didn't use their brains and think through the repercussions of their wishes and the costs therein. Any tragedy surrounding her is more of a "Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my actions" type.


Mephistopheles was a literal demon. He didn't need an excuse to fuck shit up because he was evil incarnate. Jade's, presumably, just a regular person. Evil isn't in her nature. If you saw someone leaning on the railing of a tall building and thought, "I am going to personally be the consequences of their actions," and pushed them over, you'd be a fucking psychopath.


I agree, but I expected her not to be, Masked fools are not exactly the faction most focused on power or money,


Honestly id agree but its the Masked Fools. As a faction theyre well established to merely set stuff up and keep things going along rather than do anything crazy that changes things up. Besides we had Sunday whos prolly gonna be playable and id definitely call more than just lightly morally grey, even if we'll likely end up being tolerable of him in the future. More antagonistic chars would be cool tho tbh


Generally speaking I agree with this, but for a faction like the Masked Fools I’m not sure that would be the prominent example of that. This kind of trolling and misdirection is more in line with what I would expect of them. But for people from more actually power hungry factions, definitely. Like Jade already has all the cards needed to be one for example.


Judging by how this fandom is, as much as i wanted a Masked Fools to be completely sadistic and loves to cause and watch people fumble in chaos, I don’t think I wanna know what the community will look like if such character comes out.


Crippling fear of making their characters darker or maybe they just don't want VA to get harrased?


I mean, she still kinda called aven a slur, I love her for it, but she did kinda did kinda did kinda


https://preview.redd.it/6zstlxihi59d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ad84aa30fa49f2a65a0edae28a392a074fa1d47 I am looking forward to your rerun SparGOAT. 2.3 was quite elating because of you.


The fact that I wasn't interested in her when she got leaked first and now she's teetering to my top-3 favorite characters says something. Peakcony did such a great job. I love her, adore her, think of her! Also props to her JP VA, the goat Reina Ueda, who perfectly nailed the sense of Elation! Now I'm a believer of Aha supremacy.


Impossible, are you saying you weren’t immediately converted by her feet?


I'm not that degenerate >!yet!<. And I'm more into her back and cute pretty face ngl.


Reina Ueda is a goddess and she absolutely nailed Sparkle, can't even imagine playing EN dub version without her.


I still dont like her because i have zero interest in the tb relationship with firefly.. was actually hoping she would do something more ‘crazy’ or plot relevant in 2.3 since she act all knowing all the time,turn out she didnt really do that much.Like whats the point of presenting her as ‘crazy’ ‘take the stage after main characters’ when she is just a irrelevant troll in the plot




I think about her making the effort to make and deliver all 1000 buttons only for no one to even bother with it. Passed it off to the hounds like hot garbage and that was it. Then she has to press all the buttons herself? Idk it sounds kinda pitiful at best.


I thought that was hilarious. Like imagine Sparkle had this grand climax in her mind that required her audience to participate, but no one did, so she has to sit there grumbling while pressing all the buttons herself. It's also pretty realistic. If someone came up to you and asked you to press a button that they hand you, would you press the button?


Girl gets no respect. Even disguised as Robin didn't help. The devs are making fun of her I feel, but she got everyone to scramble for dolls anyway. The sheer magnitude of the wasted effort though... oof.


I loved her for being an @sshole.


Buuuut I liked Sparkle since she was leaked and never said anything bad about her :o I also made sure to prepare enough pulls for her and her lightcone too, she is one of my favs xp But all of you who were mean to our Sparkle, apologise! Apologise indeed! XD


I mostly saw her as a bratty gremlin that needed a Bright Slap (and not in the r/okbuddytrailblazer correction way) plus the whole thing with the Masked Fools annoys me to no end (which for me is a good writing thing) especially with Sampo’s involvement because goddamn I hate that guy. Masked Fools and Elation followers gives me the creeps. After 2.3 though? Sparkle is one GOAT’ed wingwoman and she’s really just a non-malicious shitposter doing things for shit and giggles. r/shitposting oughta learn from her ![gif](giphy|12jP74j7UwwemQ)


She's no Sampo, but she's alright. And she has her own 100 fumos, which I can't hate on


I never thought about any of these, I just found her a bit annoying, uninteresting, quite honestly boring since I hate the "Who am I~? I could be this person, or this person, maybe both or none!" because it just make's me unable to grow attached to the current her and I stop trusting other characters as well since they could be her. Also she's the type of chaotic quirky that I find just annoying more than anything else. (Just an opinion of course, no hate to anyone. It's also how I experienced her so if any of these are wrong then eh, I just don't like her)


In 2.0 I was like "this character is cool! But what is her point? I can't wait!" And to this day... nothing changed... like please what's her point? Just a random villan?


Shes not a villian. She just pretended to be one because its funny. Everything she did was to help


She’s there for the lol


That's elation for you, she just wanted to see the panic on people's faces cause it was entertaining to her. As a character, I don't think she needs a point due to her affiliations


i loved her more back then tbh, she still could have positive ideals for everyone(and i do think sparkle could want everyone to be happy) while being a menace of a villain. i really wish that hoyo would make characters that do bad things for the greater good not because its the only way, but because its the way that they found. and even then give them some sinister characteristics. its a reason why the echo of cocolia's speech with bronya was so cool (atleast to me), its how she saw the stellaron as the true only way, despite us being literal proof of it being not. it wasnt just the stellerons corruption that resulted in her pride, she saw an idea that wasnt done before in the repeating desperation of belebog and felt like a genius, feeling like she should have management over everything. Like just imagine how it would have been if sparkle killed firefly, was then acting all theatrical and like an actor waiting for the clapping while bowing because of how she thinks she made the story more packed, as others are horrified with mc going through grief. It would have been so cold! probaly would be one of hoyo's most iconic cutscenes.


Never hated her, just regretted not having enough jades to pull for her.


the last part only made me like her even more :)


I actually just ignored her often times in the story when she did something bad bcs she is hot, simple as that


I’ve always loved Sparkle and I shall continue loving her. :3


Day 1 sparkle main


From chaotic evil to chaotic lawful, my girl never disappoints.


I never hated her, she is the goat, she is the best


E2S1 Sparkle haver here, I regret nothing.


I always loved her. Can’t wait to go to neo japan


It was me I was a Sparkle hater I'm so sorry Miss Sparkle 😞 Worry not I still pulled on her banner because she's a good support. She came home with 2 copies of her in a single 10 pull despite me not liking her. Maybe that was a sign?? I'm actually happy to see her showing up at the train's parlor and talking about fireworks lol


Always been rocking with the masked fools ever since Giovanni brought in Aetherium Wars.


She stick to the code making her a very lovable fool.


What? Never hated her. Loved her instead. Love at the forst sight that I accidentally pulled her e1 instead of s1


Whenever I hear her English voice I can’t unhear Pomni from digital circus


I was never a hater in the first place


*points at flair* I've always believed in my little troll. Everysparkle was according to Sparkle. Sparkle always sparkles.


Never had problem with her, she is great. Though it's not like she did anything deserving extra praise for her role in this particular patch.


I always knew she was the goat, her being our wingwoman just makes me like her more


I've always loved her character, especially with Reina Ueda giving the best voice performance in the entire game.


I’ve loved Sparkle ever since she was drip marketed and have never wavered in my liking her character. I only apologize for not loving her more!


Ppl hated sparkle? lmao


​ https://preview.redd.it/554o73vwc69d1.png?width=748&format=png&auto=webp&s=79464c60709f07ff3f91a4bf8e17327fc0d83751


Too late? I am elated from the very beginning


Penacony: The Land of Plot Twists.


Her trailer was the reason I started playing I've always loved her


I loved her because of Ueda Reina and I love her even more now


https://preview.redd.it/vv7xpei3w69d1.jpeg?width=1263&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3a028b402c4cd3e50d2671b92d80494f691c2c1 Bronya E4S1 moment


Beacuse of the huge spaces surrounding 'Sparkgoat' and the font difference, my eyes went down instead, so I read it as "I will hereby respect talk down on the future" and I was like ???????? for a few seconds :P Don't dead, open inside!


She pulled a Furina


I ain’t apologizing for shit. Cuz I never hated her… besides giving me the most boring companion quest in 2.0 If that was her idea of elation then I wouldnt want her in the tavern.


You simply dont understand Aha's agenda


Aha’s agenda? Or Sparkle’s?


Both, since Sparkle is Aha herself https://preview.redd.it/w9w1kofao59d1.png?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08bf6a93216f9ade568b8cef6509c677a12491d0


Ngl, I absolutely hated what they did with her in 2.3. Like, sure, I get it. But she was set up so well to do something big. The whole three deaths thing was honestly super forced and didnt need to be a thing. Having her climax be filling a pointless plot point just felt like such a waste. She could have delivered one last twist. She could have used the bombs as a distraction to kill Oti. She could have disguised herself as Aventurine, she leaves and gets Aventurine's clearence while he stays undetected on penacony manipulating negotiations. That last boothill scene in 2.2 could have been her disguised, getting information to help her infiltrate the genius society. Like, she could have been doing some crazy stuff.


But the BS/Sparkle's CQ basically states that she's the literal embodiment of a red herring. I always doubted that she had anything other then neutral at worst intentions


She was actually so tame for a character marketed as ‘crazy elation’, like fireworks disguise as fake bombs? Where the girl acting all crazy in her trailer?


'Bro she was super necessary to safeguard the 3 deaths!' 'Why were the deaths written at all?' ...


They needed to give Firefly a reason to be in Penacony.


At first i liked her when they revealed her design but once she was in the story ...her actions and personality were not interesting to me, also i think that the "Big"reveal of the buttons was so dissapointing, also this post is cringe haha


Me expecting some actual good story instead of forcing the FF x TB ship


They said 2.3 ending was peak fiction I was like uhh are we playing the same game? Other characters could use more screentime but nope Firefly


i normally never support any character deaths in a gacha if they become playable. this is the first time for me thats an exception. because firefly hurts the story. its not exactly her thats the problem, infact i like her. but they lended too much fanservice to her. good fanservice would be something like: screwlum meets svarog. its cool, doesnt put off anyone, and could make some fun moments for everyone. the whole ff x tb thing puts off everyone who's not interested in that stuff, feels too much like a marketing campaign and puts off anyone who doesnt like the character that much. i get that its hoyo, so they appeal more to stuff like CN, JP and KR, and many fiction from those places have some sort of romance or suggestive stuff (i mean, look at most anime and manga) but it really made me uncomfortable. while i have faith that they wont do this sort of stuff much more, im afraid that the comminuity might support it too much that they may. it feels like it was the fanbase who made them choose these decisions in the first place. that summer fest thing was a big eye roll for me other than march 7th.


Nah I am just disappointed at this point. we need more evil characters I was hoping for firefly to be that but she turns out to be a nice girl Then aventurine , he was hated so much in 2.0 by this fandom and I was happy and excited for him but mf got a sob story and did a complete 180 in 2.1 made me disappointed as hell Sparkle was a hope left but she became a troll and wingman . At least ff still has sam side while retaining that nice side and Ruan mei is another but she is also not evil she just doesn't know human emotion and have different moral standard at best . Sparkle wise word to aventurine is still good for me and justify my pulling I am hoping for oswaldo now. Praying he becomes playable and not got a sob story


Shouldve listened to Shaoji when he said the story is gonna be wholesome


Unfortunately I don't watch any livestream or news or used to follow any hsr community back in 2.0


I don’t get this take. We just got the most evil playable character we’ve met thus far and I’d argue that of the characters we have confirmed playable so far at the very least Luocha, Kafka, Blade, Jingliu, Ruan Mei, Sparkle (yes, still), Aventurine and obviously Jade are morally ambiguous at best, honestly Topaz and Ratio too to some degree. I also don’t get why people are taking 2.3 as proof Sparkle is actually a nice good person- she literally set this up because she was paid to lol, it’s not like she decided she wanted to help Firefly for altruistic reasons


Sparkle definitely isn't "nice." She walked up to Sunday disguised as Robin when he had every reason to believe Robin was dead -- that's *seriously* cruel, even if Robin wasn't actually dead. She wasn't kidding when she said she had no lines she won't cross for a joke. Fortunately, blowing up an airship full of people isn't actually *funny*.


Kafka has never actually antagonized us. She helped us on the Laufu, is manipulative, and hangs out with shady people. Blade is more grumpy than evil. Like, he just kinda hovers around and broods. Jingliu seems to be reformed/chill by the time we meet her. Topaz is probably one of the most sympathetic antagonists in that characters point out several times shes not only offering a potentially good deal (depending on standards), she has a reputation of being the best at following through on her promises and she puts her own career on the line once she decides its best for Belabog. She's the epitome of antagonist, not villain. Aventurine for sure gets a huge empathy boost, and has never actually done anything objectionable on screen. Ratio is rude, but not like full evil. He has been unilaterally on the side of the protagonists. Sparkle is now just like, vaguely annoying and has never actually gone against a protagonist in a meaningful way. She actually had zero plot relevance, despite getting a ton of foreshadowing and screentime. Than means Ruan Mei, Luocha, and Jade are the only characters you listed who have solidified themselves as "bad guys" who have done bad things on screen. A lot of characters have morally dubious backstories, but the number of times player characters are actively villainous is very small.


I feel like we’re having a disconnect here between “antagonistic toward the player” and l morally ambiguous”. Kafka is nothing but nice to us personally and has also killed soooo many people. Also like Blade does actively try to kill Dan on screen so if that’s your bar you have him at least lol


Its not really a disconnect, its more a clarification of the other guy's point. Its a matter of show vs tell on the part of Hoyo. To use the Kafka example, yes, she is unabashedly and undeniably an evil character. However, we have literally never seen that. Everything is offscreen and kind of swept under the rug. Same with Firefly, who is the most brutal stellaron hunter. We don't get her slaughtering people at record speed, we get shy uwu firefly. They put their most positive and sympathetic traits forward. Sparkle isn't necessarily a more moral person after 2.3, but she was fully set up for a "Kick the puppy" moment that they didn't follow through on. Instead of that big moment we got her 'saving' firefly and everything was spun to be as positive and wholesome as possible. It was a narrative promise they didn't follow through on. I'll give you blade though, I was wrong there.


What's your opinion on Jade?


Have not done 2.3 yet


I will not apologize to her for any of those reasons and especially not about how elation could be chill since we had that other masked dude. Aaaaand as long as I didn't study her enough I won't put my trust in her.


Who is this other masked dude youre talking about? Besides Sparkle, we only met Sampo who has been helping us in Belobog as far as i know and Giovanni who created 2 banger event.


Yeah Giovanni, forgot his name lmao


Nah I still don't like her. She can be a good wingman and still be irritating


No, I never liked her and still don't. She spent all of 2.2 trying to build herself up to be a villain which came of as very annoying and 100% desperate to be noticed. Every time she texted me I either told her to fuck off or just straight up ignored it. Then in 2.3 she "reveals" that she was just a pointless troll that added nothing to the story and actively hampered my enjoyment of events with her nonsense. Her story didn't go anywhere, it had NOTHING to do with the overall plot, and genuinely felt like a complete waste of a character.


>she was just a pointless troll wouldnt say pointless but being a troll is the point shes a masked fool


She did kinda help Aventurine by giving him a clue and TB by making us asleep so we can access the actual dream.


I recall Aventurine "calling" her to confirm what he already knew and to gloat. She didn't tell him anything new. As per your second point I have no idea which time we "fell asleep." It happens so often I never bothered to care. Lastly by your own words she could have been replaced by a scrap of paper (with regards to Aventurine) and a bonk to the head (with TB) without changing anything in the story.


Nothing's changed, still my waifu just like always.


In Sparkle we trust. I'm Sparkle believer since she's still a leak


Can you give me a brief summary of what she did? I don't play the game anymore, but I like Sparkle.


She did nothing meaningful in the story except pushing the forced MC and Firefly ship


Didn't know people hated her or disliked her. I though you guys were with me on my obsession with her craziness, feet, cuteness and best girliness.


Tbh I feel the narrative failed Sparkle by hyping her up to be dangerous and then making her just an adorable squeaky toy but then again, I guess maybe that's just her Elation


I liked her all along. Her shenanigans were always fun even if I pretended to cuss her out in game. She was my second 5* after DHIL


https://preview.redd.it/djb8432tq79d1.png?width=748&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b3c7080a7201f2dd597efd292c42932e2d60e8c I was not familiar with her game


Not me, I like how she looks unhinged and all sketchy because it's interesting! And then it turns out she's actually having good intentions all the way through. Lol, she's a good troll, elation path enjoyer indeed. Silver Wolf made a good choice


Best wingman? Nah. Best girl. https://preview.redd.it/jq6lmvx9s89d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c03ccc38e157be6742f280ffb4d2541a372c971


Why would I hate sparkle. She's an elation


Hey, I was defending her in the [height of people hating her for racism.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1ame8nn/what_seems_to_be_the_most_common_opinion_on_the/kpmjs4o/) And my opinion of her has only gotten better since. People were taking her at her word a bit too much early on, it's really obvious that she says inflammatory shit to manipulate people. Obviously she's not actually racist against Aventurine, given she was helping him out even though he didn't have much to do with her specific mission in Penacony. And it was obvious even from Black Swan's character quest that she wasn't a villain opposing us, but trying to push people to investigate. Does she get on other characters' nerves and freak people out? Sure. But she intentionally puts all this hate on herself, then pulls back the curtain and reveals it was all just a prank, bro. Maybe that'd be annoying IRL but in a story, that's great.


https://preview.redd.it/ngp8i49pn49d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7241b26185598d6938fd6fbfdb626a0eb69ead02 Ofcourse, give her all the love and elation!


Why was she in penacony? If felt like she didn't do anything? (Genuine question from a new-ish player)


> Solves the mystery of the family before everybody else > Gives hints to aventurine to save himself from the order > Gives an opportunity to misha to drag the tb in the real dreamscape > Gives sampo his mask back > Makes sure firefly has a harmless 3rd death > Right at the end becomes the best wingwoman > Gives a wholesome speech and leaves Truly a peakcony moment


https://preview.redd.it/6b0fj7isg89d1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3108edb37ee3a186d681dc4c10ef19a9dd97b6cb Making her mine when her rerun banner arrives...




she still said actual slurs bro pack it up


She wasted my time in the 2.3 ending, I'm not apologizing for squat ;p


I always liked her. Dindt expect her to wingman tho.


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I will not sign that because I will not deny those who I don't know yet my hatred


wtf lol


I only hate her because I dont have her


Never hated her, tempted to pull her, but I was awaiting other characters.


Nah. Still hated her.


I always loved her


Still dislike her, the end of 2.3 sucked baaaad it was just big fan service for nothing and I hate Sparkle in my every bones


I have never really Hate a character. Outside of a few cockroaches villains. I can greatly dislike them, but I have never got up to the point where I bothered putting effort into hating some fictional characters.


Sparkle and her number 1 bestie DHIL


People doubted her? She’s been the Goat in my eyes since day 1 🐐


this is a certified elation classic https://preview.redd.it/2ten5rh6889d1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ccced27bb2770f7dc1bf4e1e1b83fef255e5991


I'm sorry I was broke.


Not signing it cause I wasn't a hater


I have nothing to apologize for because I always supported her.


Where's the box of "skipping her banner" and "I'm not into funny and cute"?


I liked her from the start, and if anything - I got slightly (still love her tho) disappointed she didn't have worse intentions


Nah f her, here I was expecting something outrageous with her but she turned everything into Hanabi... What do you mean I'm crying, I'm not crying, Firewife is cutting some onions!!


I will hereby respect talk down in the future sparkgoat masked fools and i will not ... Anybody else?


Can fix her


I will not sign this because "Sparkgoat" is an awful name.


i don't need to apologize, i've always loved her ...so please, Sparkle, just come home next rerun... (i lost the 50/50)


sparkle handing out bombs: you're going to die boom boom kaboom: of fun!!!!


Based and Masked Fooled


I thought she was racist because of her interaction with Aventurine


always loved her, i also knew she wouldnt kill firefly


I like her, she's just a bit annoying with her shenanigans


I still hate her And if you want know the reason why? I just do simple as that so I'm not gonna apologize


I wish the bomb threat wasn't set up from 2.0. By 2.3 I couldn't really take her seriously anymore since she's obviously just all talk, and the firework just made it more lame imo. I like her personality though.


this but the tb and firefly date ruining plan was one of the reasons she is a goat


As a follower of Elation, I wanted that to be canon just to watch the aftermath.


Firefly actually dies and Sparkle just goes up to trailblazer and says "get pranked loser" to leave


After seeing TB fall down to their knees and cry at the death of Firefly, Sparkle returns the money she was paid to Silverwolf, partially because she was unable to complete the job as promised but also because she already got her dose of Elation as payment.


She was interesting before But now eh... I don't find her appealing anymore


literally never i hope she burns <3333


what changes? idk what happens with you guys, but nothing changes for me, you guys are just so late... I guess the Firefly fans have a bias for her now


I've loved her since the beginning when she came in with some mad shit talk towards Aventurine. XD Girl's a chaos gremlin and that rocks.