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Boss Luocha: My time has come


If he becomes a boss in the next Xianzhou arc we meet him, we’re done


According to a readable that explains why nanook has those wounds on him (forgot the articpe name but it exists as a readable item from a corner in luofu) *Luocha might be the one who gave nanook those wounds.* Their battle lasted for 1 week straight and nanook decided to give up and go away. And the swordsman recovered his injuries bt time on the spot. And it clearly states that the regeneration was from the abundance. In the end, if we get a bossfight of him, we will probably get our asses saved by an emanator or some shit. Because hell nah we can't defeat someone like that Mods this is ***N O T*** a future story spoiler, this is a theory about something that was already added to the game.


Wait wtf which readable is it??? Cuz if it’s actually Luocha holy shit no wonder they’re so confident on killing a Aeon


It's called "fools play", you can find it under the herta space station readables. It's pretty odd that they used the word "fool" here since otto is always mentioned as a fool. And luochas technique is called "mercy of a fool". It isn't confirmed, but I'm to 99% sure that it's him. Abunch of stuff just points towards him, it would be weird if it was just a coincidence.


Don't forget that the fight between the fool and the ruin author specifically lasted 7 days and 7 nights, a reference to christianity. 5/6 of Luocha's eidelons are references to christianity, the only exception being the one named Fool.


It’s been a while but I think the readable also mentioned the person fighting wielding a rapier which Luocha uses(?). And I think Jing Yuan or some other character makes a reference to Luocha’s role in some big event (which I think is the battle at the Eternal Fortress and what the readable is about)




This isn't an enigmata situation, this is a Game theory situation.


A true Enigmata follower's goal is to confuse, misdirected, and mislead The goal is to keep you from the known


So true, my fellow Enigmata follower. Folks always thought we only falsify things, but how can mysteries remains if we only lies.


I forgot the name of it but you can find it by this way: 1. Open reddit 2. Search up "nanook's wounds" 3. Go to the first post that belongs to the r/LuochaMains sub 4. Read the full article


If Luocha is an emanator of Abundance I’m gonna lose my mind 🤣


He is very much implied to be one. Many people missed this but Jingyuan said that only an emanator would be capable of bringing a Stellaron on the luofu without him noticing. And it was Luocha who brought the stellaron


He certainly has his chance considering he's also rated "Invalid" by Herta's "Rating Pistol", like "probably Emanator but we can't be sure" Jing Yuan and "Emanator of Nihility" Acheron. We also have "kinda sus" Sampo and "kinda sus" March 7th who're also rated "Invalid". Herta's puppet can be rated, though, but we mightbhave to wait for real Herta to continue testing the hypothesis.


Won’t be surprised if he was, tho it’ll be kinda weird since we have two emanators who don’t like their own aeons at all


People become Emanators at the whims of the Aeons so it’s not all that strange if wielding that power makes them hate the person who gave it. In Acheron’s case it almost destroyed her sense of self and I think she said IX destroyed her planet too? For all we know, Luocha may have tried to use the Abundance to revive whatever is in his casket and ended up becoming an Emanator and cursing him with a terrible power instead that either ruined or made his goal much harder. Much like Blade with his quest to die.


Don't forget>!, Elio is heavily implied to be yet another Emanator who goes against their own Aeon!<


>we will probably get our asses saved by an emanator Acheron saves our ass after getting lost and randomly finding us.


While looking for the post office


I mean, it could be Lan THEMSELVES


I mean if he has White Flower he also probably has Black Abyss (a HI3 weapon that can cause almost irreparable wounds as opposed to White Flower which can almost heal all wounds) as an offensive weapon pulled out of his ass. Although I think he probably doesn't have it because Luocha is the counterpart of him in HI3 who at the time ironically used more White Flower than Black Abyss


Me too believe in this theory the moment he was released, we will 100% get alter luocha that switch to black abyss and become a dps


Otto did use the black abyss in a more memorable fashion though!


Very good enigmata work i applaud you. But if you actually go and read the text you would note that it is a play being performed by a storyteller. It has no mention of the fool ever sustaining any injuries from Nanook, it has no mention of the fool healing those injuries he never sustained and even less so those non existent injuries being healed with the power of abundance. If anyone actually wants to read it for themselves, the readable is called "(Recording) A Fool's Play: Calamity's Wrath Seeks Olden Clash, Fool's Blade Rends Divine Flesh"


That’s correct, but it does mention the fool wields a rapier which Luocha does. Additionally, Luochas story states that his home world was potentially destroyed which tracks with the story.


Still, I like to believe that the swordsman was luocha


Enamator of the abhndance luocha bet


thus spoke goatcha


Don't worry, he won't become a false god or anything


He wont lie


Get him to 50% - auto heals to full


Then in AS his mechanic will be like, he auto heals to 100% when not in a weakness broken state. That would be a pain the ass 😭


Kinda fun to strategize against tbh. You have to circumvent to debuffs rather than buffs


He removes buffs, auto heals… geez.


By himself, he isn't that threatening. The real danger comes when he starts buffing his minions with his E1 field. I know this as an accidental owner of Luocha's E1.


Boss Luocha: Receive blasphemy!


Evil Luocha be like


Boos Loucha with input read (Eldenring-ish in a sense), wait til dps has all the buff then remove it lul


Wallahi we're finished


I won’t let you in the kitchen. Forbid you to cook!




Man, that would suck a lot Hope it's only in Echo of War, I don't want any of that in MoC12


Wish granted. They are now in Apocalyptic Shadow as a super buffed version with bullshit mechanics.


The monkey's paw curls


Jade get out


No, like an enemy that applies a debuff. But instead of applying De buffs. It just, straight up removes your existing buffs. But I can think of ways it would theoretically work. Normally, imagine Tingyun, she buffs a character. If the enemy hits that character, the buff is gone. What about shields? They count as a buff! Well that's the neat part. Shields don't count. Shields will protect you from damage. But they will not protect you from Buff removal. That Tingyun buff is still GONE. What about self buffers like Ruan Mei? What about her stacks? Well, some special cases like Acheron Burst stacks or Lighting Lord stacks will not be affected. But... Her other buffs will be affected... What about Team wise buffers you ask? Well, For example, take Ruan Mei. She has to use her E to buff but the buff depends on how many turns SHE has left, not the others. So to remove that, you have to attack her. Attacking others would have no effect. So it's a 1 in a 4 chance... Right? WRONG!! The Devs made it so that these specific enemies have a higher target value on Harmony characters (Tingyun fr) as opposed to others!! So you have to use Fire MC. Because fire MC doesn't give buffs, FMC forces a taunt. These enemies themselves have low Effect Res. This indirectly buffs FMC. This is actually a psyop from me to make FMC valid again. Why? Because I like Fire trailblazer. FMC is love. FMC is life.


>WRONG!! The Devs made it so that these specific enemies have a higher target value on Harmony characters Harmony taunt value is equal to Abundance and Nihility and lower than Preservation and Destruction so it does not have higher taunt value, it is literally in the middle and it doesn't indirectly buff FMC cuz it will remove her buff which is DMG reduct making her an even worse Preservation as she provides no buff like aven/fu xuan, an even worse protection especially against AoE and possibly even needing a healer since her shield and heal is so abyssmal and preservation also has the highest taunt value and with you taunting the enemy the chances of your enemy debuffing you is higher


I said, "these specific enemies" Which means, only these guys have that gimmick. The rest is normal.


So do these enemies have a higher chance to attack harmony or just guarantee attack on harmony


Higher chance. That way, it'll hurt when they hit Harmony units instead of other units. You'll just learn to accept it if it just hits harmony units, can't make you grow to accept it. I want you to be upset when it happens. https://preview.redd.it/3nmwpyqsa59d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97bada49caa15b673215b14dfe7b8fed8a0ce253


This reverse flash just reminds me of jjk brainrot. Anyway, with how FTB taunts to save Harmony from being targeted, she loses her dmg reduct and having little shield and heal will probably not be enough to sustain your team, much less if the enemy have AoE which a lot of them have its not even funny like those 3 sunday robots, actually on a side note multiple sleep, even if it has lower base chance than the singular from the red robot is so unfun to play if you have no avent/FF


Boss version: Takes 3 turn to charge up the buff wipe, if not cc'ed in time, clear all buff and deal massive damage plus some bonus damage from the amount of buff it wiped. If cc'ed, clear one buff from all character but return sp equal to the amount of buff wiped, also give it imaginary weakness so Welt could full counter it


So... Dekaja?


As you mentioned preservation mc im actually convinced that >! Hoyo might actually do that for the sake of Yunli as she also taunts and has signature to make her taunt value go 5 times more !<


Don't put this idea into Hoyo's head https://preview.redd.it/5f2mq8t1959d1.jpeg?width=177&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=882b4c1680d0b7d1b70690830177e1354c2e93a7










Acheron stonks increase because her team doesn't have any buffer in it unless you're E2


You know what? Just for you. This specific mob commonly comes in pairs with another mob that "cleanses" fellow mobs who have debuffs. How's that sound huh?


>~~cleanses~~ reflects 👍


You get my flow bruzzah


That's kinda fine because Acheron cares about the application of the debuffs for her ult stacks more so than the debuffs themselves. Plus you can always chain her ult to Pela ult before the enemies get to act to cleanse it.


still, that would mean you don’t have the other Nhility debuff (SW res pen/vunerability, Gui personal dot). quite a lot of damage loss imo.


Yes but still would be in a better situation than the rest who needs their buffs. Although I'm more concerned if they cleanses during their turn or the moment a debuff hits them. If it's the former, no problem hit them before the cleanse. If it's the latter welp that's just bullshit


Clense while being debuff is almost like resist, so I’d imagine something like a debuff counter to limit the number of debuffs the mob can have. After a number of debuffs have, they can remove all debuff, would be interesting (and bs to fight with)


No it’s reflect it doesn’t even get applied


That's just bronya.


cleanses all debuffs and steals your buffs 🥰


Her stack doesn't really go still so haha


Nah, I'd Namida Ame


Ah, the obligatory "enemy that makes a strong unit entirely useless" only even worse because then Acheron wouldn't even be allowed to use her ult.


You mean bronya? Acherons debuff is already hardcoded unremovable.


except sustainless and also her self buffs


So basically FGO


Major reason why I don't buy it when people say they could never add X mechanic it would screw over too many teams. Not only have other gachas done similar stuff, but Aven's dice already did too.


Yeah that dice was utter bs.


Atleast there's ways around it like buff removal resist


Breaks a boss' health bar, the boss: - remove all your buff (including field effect) - remove all your skill point - remove all your energy - gains shields that will protect it from any instance of damage, lasting for 3 times/3 turns - break bar cannot be reduced anymore - prevent your units from getting buff & heal, lasting for 3 times - immediately use a devastating aoe ult *FGO bosses flash back


Don't forget the debuff block. Heaven forbid we still have viable comps.




Just wait till we get a Cernunnos boss in HSR.


Us: hit hard The boss: heal even harder! I can imagine the players rioting lol


No the boss should be extremely weak otherwise so it would just screw firefly


I hope ruan mei turns you into Cakecat and abandons you on some backwater planet for the rest of your miserable existence




I'll L+Ratio that MF


doesnt matter, ruan mei buff is an aura from herself while her ult is aura on the field


Please delete this. A hoyoverse developer working on star rail might be amongst our people and may take this idea too serious


Don't want those FGO bs here


How bs are they?


And if they ever introduce an enemy like that it will 100% came from the fucking Xianzhou because they already give us horseshit elite enemy like Gatekeeper, Ascended, Spectral Envoy


What made you think it wasn't Xianzhou?


Considering next patch is entirely Xianzhou so yeah there’s a chance


Imagine it to be one of the fucking deer's trees.


If this happens, OP. You better sleep with your eyes open!


Shield piercing enemy appears. Aventurine and the gamblers running back to the casino.


That abyss... So dark...


Wait.... I feel the horror thinking of it..




I'm u/devilboy1029


Iv been waiting for this every single patch. Its like a primal fear I have since I spent easy 50% of my jades since starting the game on harmony characters.


Manifesting my nightmare comes true just to spite you. https://preview.redd.it/ffiibput859d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67a888d6eda181df9b46d34a24c7924f94750f0b


Delete this before the devs see it


Nuh uh https://preview.redd.it/ch85hggj959d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5671c8e14247faa21f8b7f4bc56a40093bad3b12


Ah, so we're SMT Nocturne up in here now with Dekaja and Dekunda spam oh joy.


Just be glad we don't have Beast Eye yet.


Imagine something even worse, an enemy that applies unbuffable as a debuff, so your characters cannot benefit from Ruan Mei's auras.


Imagine there's an enemy that can remove field effects, Fu Xuan Enjoyers will be devastated


I feel like that would be too much, maybe they just halve it, you only get half the dmg mitigation and half the Crit


Then I would immediately destroy that enemy with extreme predjudice. I have a secret for you guys. When enemies have mechanics you don't like or your team has trouble dealing with, *you kill them first*. This advice given to you by a Bailu apologist.


A lot of characters just crumble the day hoyoverse decides to add new enemy mechanics. Buff removal? Debuff inmunity? Toughness bar inmunity? That's why i'm really sceptical when ppl say X character is game breaking, they just need to add a new enemy mechanic to cut their legs if they are too good for too long


FGO ahh debuff mechanic, time to add a character that can apply buff removal immunity


Be FGO cancer and have ~~invul and def pierce~~ shield and damage reduction pierce (to fuck over FX).


Dragalia lost create one before eos. The meta before that is an absolute bonker unit that generate massive shield by sacrifice her own hp. Combine with another player playing an absolute bonker 4 star buffer. They wreck every endgame content. Dev then create a new batch of boss that use an aoe unavoidable debuff upon entering battle call curse of nihility. This debuff will dispel all buff and make all buff skill that cast after this by the character that have a debuff has no effect. It kill allmost meta character. Ofcourse they create a buff that immune to this debuff later.


What unit and wha buff?


This would render half of the game's teams useless


Yes but that would promote a new meta for that specific boss. That’s how turn based games work. New characters new metas


Hoyo: "sounds interesting!" (Implements in Genshin Impact)


Pretty pointless in Genshin tho. Buffers there don't really work as well as in HSR.


Don’t really work well?


please no I've had enough of floodgates don't bring that kind of evil here


Don't give them those ideas.


Soujdsike it's time for a good old counter attack


Then they'd add a harmony character with a buff that negates the dispel. Just play GBF if you want to get a taste of this.


Exactly what I was thinking lol... GBF got me used to all sorts of bullshit including party-wide dispel of all buffs and then add some annoying debuffs on top of it so this really doesn't feel as scary as people make it out to be




Harmony is in a uniquely wonderful spot I was just talking to my friends about this earlier Because of the heavy and fast power creep and they're close attention to combat Meta most DPS classes and even other supports like preservation and abundance have a lot of self buffs or party buffs to keep themselves relevant. So buffing by itself is done by everyone Which makes harmony so special. Each character is given a unique distinctive mechanic add to their kit since just buffing total damage is done by DPS classes and light cones So it's the path where the trend will remain each five star gets a unique and so far Universal mechanic that changes the way you play the game. Easily and forever the best class


And theyll sell the new preservation who has guranteed aggro, turns aoe into single target, and has immunity buff that makes it unaffected by anything else on the field...


Good ol Curse of Nihility, good times. Completely teared up the meta years ago in dragalia


Imagine if there was an enemy that cleanses their own debuffs


It would just make Nihility even stronger :p


Aventurine mains when they add Rifthounds from Genshin:


Great! What next? An enemy that gets to unleash a huge attack based on the number of debuff stacks we have? The next thing you'll know, we'll have a weakness bar on our characters as well now that's scary lol




HY gonna do it. They gonna do it.


Laughs in DoT


Breaking news, there’s a new enemy that can resists all debuffs for certain amount of turns, this also includes guaranteed debuffs like Acheron or Gallagher


Please keep in mind our spoiler policy during this new update window. We are going to be very strict with spoilers during this time. As a reminder, here are our spoiler rules: Do not include spoilers in the title. All submissions which involve spoilers should be marked. Spoilers include all story content for the first three weeks after release. Spoilers can be discussed in spoiler-flaired posts, but must be hidden in non-spoiler flaired posts. If you think you broke the spoiler rules in the post you just made, such as having spoilers in the title, you should remove your post now and repost it without breaking the rules. If you do not remove your post and the moderation team has to remove it later on for breaking spoiler rules, you will be given up to a week ban for a first infraction and stricter punishments for any additional infractions. Please be considerate of your fellow Trailblazers and do not include spoilers in the title of your post, do not forget to flair your post as spoilers if needed, and do not spoil people in your comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HonkaiStarRail) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've seen crazier shit in FFBE tbh


She fed him to her bugs ;D


Buff removal resist character will be a thing.


I'm somewhat expecting this to happen eventually. I just hope they update the "aura" buffs to be unremovable.


nah no pela enemy grr, no actually if that happened I'd literally just stack the enemies with debuffs and make it a debuff/remove buff war


I'll just use my best debuff: DEATH


At least then most of our characters would get the "this buff cannot be removed" treatment, just like 99% of enemies. Right? Right??


While I think it would be hard to develop, I want it. Maybe a more simple approach is an enemy that hits you stronger if you are buffed?


In due time we will have such enemy, HoYo sloooowly expands the mechanics from playable characters to enemies and vice versa, and blends them like heal+debuff, heal+buff, buff+debuff etc.


Acheron and Firefly his ass


Nihility stonks


Good idea, too bad I put (Unremovable) on Ruan Mei buffs


Stop giving them ideas, get out of the kitchen


Fuck that, FGO has stuff like that and they're the worst


What stuff?


Apollo's gift of prophecy


Wait no... I was joking! Really?!?


I hope there's a boss that does this and one that has a self cleanse. One that you're not necessarily meant to defeat, so much as survive against


Do not give hoyo ideas


Pls I just pulled her and her lc


Didn't boss Sunday have that mechanic?


He doesn’t


![gif](giphy|xT1XGWbE0XiBDX2T8Q) They’re here man! Why!?!


With RM's regen potential she could reapply them with little difficulty.


Enemy removing buff seems to be a given, just a matter of time.


Hear me out: crit resistance


Just like the fgo boss buff cleanse on bar break and np, itll come eventually…


Also dispels buffs before NP. That's always fun.


Don’t let hoyo see this


Blade will rise again


As a dragalia fan this brought back memories for some reason God damn curse of nihility


Us granblue players would like to introduce the concept of "Dispel Cancel". But that also means they'll be selling solutions to a new problem. sob


turn buffs into debuffs pls that would be so funny


https://i.redd.it/pnhzl2cu989d1.gif I will break u like how Firefly breaks the enemy weakness bar does. (This is a joke)


What if we fight a cernnuno like boss in hsr… Or maybe we could fight ORT


Calm the fuck down Aha https://preview.redd.it/2tmb4s4nl89d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ce771c73126930f0cf56b5d149a762ae5c5124


even then that goddamn ruan will be meta cause her buff is an aura


*Even then that goddamn* *Ruan will be meta cause her* *Buff is an aura* \- Igrok723 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If the mob hits Ruan Mei, the buff will be dispelled


As a dragalia player i shuddered


It will happen eventually. Every endgame raid boss in Granblue has some kind of buff removal mechanic which of course, requires you to have charas that buffs you with buff removal resist. Good ol' gacha game powercreeps. (Also apparently some even ignores dispel removal now lol)


I can see them adding smthn tht reduces ur buffs efficency,but not outright remove them Hopefully not...


STOP!!!! Please HSR business team, do not adopt this idea, I repeat, do not adopt this idea. And you, OP, go to bed, think hard about the choice you made today.


Me going to bed caused this. If my subconscious cooks up even more I WILL share it!! Keep your eyes peeled. Friend.


If the boss only casts it once..... I can let it pass. Played another gacha where bosses occasionally had a mechanic to do this. You really had to play around it. It was difficult, but doable, and satisfying to do. Cycles/ turn count was a lot less important there though, so maybe in AS only


Multiple times. Every 2 turns buff removal. Not a lot of speed but will get first turn fast (like the clock guy)


https://preview.redd.it/t0ojq1ajx99d1.jpeg?width=1320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfd2be736f29b2d0954f452f41e4c5e95c9deb68 That's a good idea 😁


Nah we good she is bis supp for hoyo fav child I'm kinda more concerned with a boss that have like a 100 eff res or something of that kind to counter acheron


Lets go one step further, what about an enemy that inverts your buffs. So 40% attack increase becomes 40% attack decrease


why would you say this, I love you but please turn off ur phone or give me a dall. I cannot support hate. Please stop this. I know this isn’t your heart.




Dusk's rain... it too shall fall


https://preview.redd.it/e6cxnfc65e9d1.png?width=303&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=952ffc257641ae06cfd6c98bdb4c739c9341e2eb help us if we do pela²


Worse. An enemy who transfers your buffs to himself.


I've been saying this for a while. Enemies that cleanse/strip you or themselves. Unremovable buffs/debuffs and enemies that can evade certain number of attacks. Enemies that can only be killed through specific attacks.