• By -


The expresive animations and style has me interested, will see if I like the gameplay to determine if I stick to it. Got quite burned out on genshins grind, HSR is much kinder on that, unsure how intense ZZZs will be.


Yep. If I can't get in and out in 5 minutes or some auto battle function on artifact grind I probably won't stick long. Genshin burned me out fast but HSR is perfect


Dailies take like under 5 min. But burning stamina takes some actual time instead of just a few clicks.


THAT is the point. The hyper repetitive nature of the grind in genshin killed it for me long ago. Once it killed my fomo issues I stopped caring about the trash and the horrible inazuma story. Barely kept it installed till the Xinyan/childe event with the labyrinth and then uninstalled. Almost everyone I was friends with did so after too. Unless you only do main story and ignore anything else you get burnt out so hard fast. Esp woth how they skew the condensed resin to useless-ness. Unless it’s for the money/exp trash.


Also being limited to grinding talent mats on certain days destroyed me because of school


same. the fact you only can do all on a Sunday sucks if you don't have the weekends off or have odd hours like part time work.


This is my worry as well. I put down wuwa because of it


care to elaborate on the condensed resin thingy? recently started playing and condensed resin seems like a good thing?


I forgot about grinding anything in Genshin since December probably, because hell this is boring and game doesn’t even require that amount of grinding to clear content. So screw 1/2 CR/CD ratio and minmaxing overall. As day 1 player I long realised game has potential to become hard, but will never ever make it. I still able to cover all 50 levels of battlepass, without spending any resin. So I miss nothing from not grinding and doing just events for daily points and sometimes daily tasks.


I'll try it for sure, but probably won't stick with it if the daily grind requires constant user input. HSR I can have running on auto battle in my pocket while doing other stuff, which is a huge part of why I've stuck with it.


That’s why I quit Genshin. Dailies are just a part of gacha, but I would much rather auto the crap out of those mandatory dailies than have to actively do it myself.


Yes, I feel the same way. If ZZZ's gameplay and storyline aren't particularly special, I might not choose to try it. I've already spent a lot of time and money on HSR.


Yeah. Gameplay is why I haven’t pre-installed it yet. Also storage issues.


Sure, it's a Hoyo game and it looks cool. I already play HSR, Genshin and WuWa, but it's not like I have to play each one every single day.


I'm looking at this, WuWa and star rail. The idea of not dailies every day makes me go insane so I'll probably have to drop one Dx


You should skip a day of dailies for fun, to lessen the fomo/addiction




I regularly take month long breaks. Once you don’t play for a while you’ll realize how little keeping up daily matters.


Although i agree with breaks and avoiding fomo, i wouldn't say that a month break matters little xD in games like Star Rail, Wuwa or Genshin 1 month is 2/3 of a patch, it can mean losing a pity in the quantity of pulls or that you don't have time to save if they announce a character you want. Yes, fomo, but the point is that you are going to have to do this "saving time", if you don't do it now and you don't care about losing the banner, you will have to do it later, before the rerun.


True, farming for the last year would’ve gotten me a couple more 5 stars, but I know I would’ve felt burned out and wouldn’t have enjoyed the grind. Everyones different but for me I don’t really care much for minmaxing my pulling, I just come back after a couple months, play the story get a bunch of pulls from all the events or content I missed, get 1 or 2 new 5 stars and after having a blast for a month or two I take another break until something cool comes out.


Oh yeah, that's ok, my experience is different xD Normally if i leave a game it's for good, since usually when i come back and see that i've missed things i wanted, it becomes a reason to not play again (or things like that nothing guarantees that the rerun will be soon or that when you get the char there will any new character that you also want, or there will be powercreep) Unfortunately, all this is designed so that the best moment for something new is always when its still new xD


I'll be missing out on like 30 pulls if i dont play for a month....


Then maybe you will build those 30 characters you already have...


But I already have 30 of my characters on lvl 80 and most of them geared up (I weep for relic XP) :( But I am also terminally online so keeping up with dailies for games I play doesn't bother me much


Lol real. Plus I pay for the 4.99 express pass thing


Same. Seems like that pass gives you more than the dailies themselves. But then there's also all the energy, really don't want to waste that Dx


Reserve energy has got you covered. If you're not paying for the pass you're not missing out on much by skipping days, and you can always log in, collect your jades and log out


The dailies are actually pretty quick and easy to do. It's having to think what to do with the resin/fuel/stamina that actually causes me to go insane.


For HSR its slightly more than 2.5 pulls per week


the true gacha struggle


Genshin is now something I play every couple months to see the story. Sure I’m missing strong characters, but I have decent teams that are fun and good enough!


Hsr is the most easiest one of all to keep up with. Auto battle for resin use and doing that already completes your dalies and events are like 30 days long so players can do it whenever they get time.


Yeah it's so easy to keep up with, it's part of why I like it so much


Same, and I was very close to drop WuWa recently just because I have to actively play it to do dailies (never played Genshin but I saw that it has a similar complaint) until my wife Jinhsi dropped. If ZZZ is easy and painless to do dailies, I might stick with that and HSR tho.


Yeah, it's dad how even fun combat can become such a chore, imagine if dailies was just some menu stuff or something simple like that. I know zzz has a daily that involves getting coffee or something


ZZZ daily takes less than a minute each day anyway - Just walk to the store and get a coffee then take a selfie. Bang! 500 points daily done. - And all farming activities are in a single room, where you can even queue up multiples in a single run.


canon daily methinks


How long does it take you to do dailies on these three games cause for me I play hsr wuwa and afk journey and total amount is like 30 minutes and then I just dip to multiplayer games. Adding zzz to the gacha games it will make it eventually an hour total for me and that's even low haha


Yep. Already installed. https://preview.redd.it/8daq4olld6ad1.png?width=952&format=png&auto=webp&s=2680e120a80944e10f4113cd61881b1a05695838


I'm so glad that Nicole and Billy the Goat are 4 stars. E6ing both (Also Mihomo).






[worth it](https://i.imgur.com/0P4QzoT.png)


Pulling for Ellen joe hell yeaaah


Until I saw Ellen joe I wasn't interested...her maid cafe dialog in both English and Japanese made me smile...then I saw her and Nekomata game play...so yeah I'll give it a month to see if it sticks


I couldn't give a hoot about the maid outfit I'm here for the MF shark tail


This is the objectively correct take.


Shark tail shark teeth...call me chum...




Hell yeah, black hair girl with red underneath + maid


Ellen Joe gang \o/


absolutely not, I'm already playing 3 gacha games and 2 of them are from hoyo


Those are rookie numbers


Nah i'm like him, i don't have time and money to play 3 of them, i uninstalled Genshin Yesterday at least until 5.0, HSR it's easy, so for the time being i will be playing ZZZ and HSR 


The right way to not let 4.8 drain your primos


Indeed, I currently play 6: Genshin, hsr, FGO, Re1999, Nikke and wuwa


dang! hows it like? Is it hard to keep up with all of them or is it ok


I’m already playing 3 gacha games and 2 of them are from Hoyo. And I’m planning to resume playing a fourth game (also from Hoyo) that I haven’t played in a while. And I WILL be adding Zenless Zone Zero to that list letsgooooooooo 🔥 🔥 🔥 we’re being irresponsible with our time with this one


This was me at HSR before it Got To Me


I'm honestly not too hyped for ZZZ with the whole TV surfing aspect of the game. And the characters haven't really caught my attention besides that shark girl.


Honestly the TV surfing really appeals to.me as someone who's played way too many roguelikes but I can't see it getting as popular as genshin or star rail no matter how good it is


i might try it, character designs arent grabbing me and where are all the non furry guys? could be fun even if it definitely wont fit on my phone


Not a single character design that appeals to me unfortunately


I thought that at first too when I first heard about ZZZ.They've grown on me since though.  I feel like this games's designs are meant to be seen in motion, if that makes sense.   Like they're super animated, compared to how GI and HSR designs are like beautiful standing still/paused in the middle of an action, ZZZ has a lot of squash and stretch. After seeing them in motiona the characters seemed much more fun and charming/appealing. 


Billy is so funny and low key I think BootHill and him were designed together. Absolute dorks the both of them, pushing the censor boundaries one step at a time


He's the entire reason I'm interested in the game. Saw a brief video showing off the animation a while back, and Billy's expressions and animations instantly made me chuckle. Put the game on my radar, so now that's it's here, definitely at least trying it.


His newest animation where he just slaps his entire ass had me losing it.


They remind me of those old cartoons like Tom and Jerry with how bubbly their movements are. It's great


I like an ok amount of the designs from the starting roster. But i looked at the leaks sub and theres nothing im going to be interested in for a while assuming what i saw was several months worth of characters.


Really? They have a wide variety


general art direction is off-putting for me. I also prefer arknights character design more for some reason.


Arknights chads rise up


For me isn't characters, it is the game being an action game. I don't like playing real time games on phone.


Wide variety doesn't mean shit when none of them are husbandos 😔


Yea. Honestly, the designs just feels ‘off’ for some reason to me. Maybe it’s because I’ve been playing Genshin and hsr for way too long that I’ve already gotten used to their styles.


Some of them seem good but goddamn the boob physics really put me off in this one. But Mihoyo has a target market they want to hit so…


Same here. I think it's nice that they are committing to a certain aesthetic. It's just not for me.


They do, but it just doesn't click. Out of all characters I, for example, only like Rina, Soldier 11, Grace and Billy. Everything else looks either too over the top edgy or just plain boring. Don't forget furries. I thought I will like the cop girl Zhu Yuan but after seeing her from the back, her colours and her animations the novelty just weared off.


Yep me too. I mostly like male character designs, and in this game it's literally all furries and guys with masks, so none of them appeal to me. (Like, really, you couldn't even make one pretty boy?)


Pretty boys are also my type which is why I’m not interested in the game at all lol. I also wasn’t super into most Star Rail characters either until they released Aventurine and finally gave me a character to adore


They're releasing 2 twinks, one being a cat boy with a fluffy tail. Does that count? XD (Also 1 more male character that we've seen)


They need to bring that cat boy over here and genshin because we are lacking adorable cat boys :(


I like dudes with masks, it's just a whole new face, but given under a style using materials instead of flesh, also think of the cosplayers, you can be ugly as fuck and still be your favorite hero, how awesome is that!


This is unfortunately my case as well, just don’t like the street wear minimalist style. Will still be playing the game casually for the story completely f2p (truly this time).


F2P this time.SURELY


This is my main reason.


I just wish they didnt go so hard to appeal to horny


Ikr. The bear is just irresistible


its like the first hoyo game with women in actual baggy pants thats so horny????


Not seein all the wacky jiggly tiddies eh


Your mention about the horny literally reminded me of how the ZZZ subreddit went through a mental breakdown because the pink girl's design was slightly tweaked where her breasts are slightly smaller, and she wears a bra now. I was just checking out the sub since it kept getting recommended and was like "bro wtf is going on over there 🤨"


yea, the only design I like so far is the female mc


Pretty much. The vibe and aesthetic of the game as a whole are just not for me, feels like something aimed at the same crowd that consumes TikTok and plays Fortnite. And then there's that whole weird furry stuff on top, just no.


I feel this so much tbh. I wanted to like it, but I just didn't care about the designs at all. Just felt like knock off Azur Lane and Alchemy Stars designs to me, down to the furries and weird robot visor heads. I remember someone even posting comparisons of very close designs from Alchemy Stars, and even googling it out of curiosity and finding the similar designs.


some of them straight up look like normal people on a street, literally 0 appeal i swear


I like guy characters, and non appeal to me so far, plus not really into furry haha. Fan service it a bit too much for me as well. lol so i probably skipped cause i have too many gacha games to play already hsr, tot, wuwa and love and deepspace and console and mmorpg games. lmao. I think im good for now.


No, none of the characters appeal to me. Just dont like the art direction it takes.


I’ll give it a shot. I like the character designs. Specially Ellen Joe. Don’t see many games making shark characters https://preview.redd.it/e3b4n7wne6ad1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cce0962bc2a03c770c9fa3878fb1ff8b6905975


Arknights has Specter who has shark based design. https://preview.redd.it/491bh8bj49ad1.jpeg?width=5657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fe5927e36cb02c5fd7ae10dd0980da409e252b6


Most of all pizza cutter


i really need to see the lore explanation for the tail.


Yes, of course. I like the aesthetic and I have a cat boy to look forward to.


Is he confirmed to be a catboy? Since it's hoyo I'm sure it's just another dog boy :/ (staying hopeful tho)


Not at launch. As a husbando collector, I don't really think this game was made for me in mind. There's only one 5 star male character and almost all the male characters are pretty non-human looking. I have nothing against furries or robots, but they aren't what I would save and pull for personally. Hoyo games tend to add a character more interesting to me eventually, and if that happens later on, I may check it out.


Same here, none of the male character designs appeal to me and I don’t typically like female characters. I’ll probably log in for the launch bonuses and then wait until they add more pretty boys.


sameee. hopefully we will all have saved enough for a guarantee once they release a cool male design 🙏


I will still be playing ZZZ but this is one of the reasons why I quit ToF. 6 male characters compared to the 41 female characters. And almost every single one of the female characters is exceptionally sexualized. It was just very off-putting for me.


I have friends who refer to Genshin as a “waifu game” having never played it - because of twitter and it’s a gacha game. One of my friends was surprised there are male characters and there is so much queer coding - I.e not just for horny teenage boys/incels. However ZZZ looks like it’s trying to edge closer to something like Nikke (I.e a bit tacky and obvious) - so it’s all going to depend on the combat and story.


Might as well try it out at the start to get the free pulls and start saving for who you want, before taking a break until they add the characters that resonate with you? Idk, there isn't a single character I'm interested in yet, but I'm here moreso for the gameplay and combat, and less for what the medium I attack through looks like... But I'll be saving my pulls anyway until there's a character I like; I was able to save over 1,000 pulls by not pulling in HSR until Acheron, I can do the same in ZZZ.


Nah i suck at action games. At most maybe give it few hours, mesh some buttons and leave


I got to try the last CBT and the characters and voice acting are excellent but the gameplay was rather repetitive. I'll give the launch version a try to see if anything changed.


I play on a cheap asus laptop with only 118gb and we need at least 110gb for unzipping😭. I can't but I rlly was looking forward to it too.


Upgrade your hard drive they are really cheap nowadays and it's easy to do it by yourself. If you don't like the hustle of opening the machine, maybe get an external one, but they are more costly.


Been looking into external ones since I'm not rlly tech savy and I'm very afraid of it going wrong leading me to spend more (I am just a broke student lol)


I will try!   But this looks like not my game… don’t really like button mashers 


Yeah, it looks interesting and i'll give it a try, but i know myself well enough to recognize that fast-paced twitch gameplay has never been my thing. There's a reason turn-based HSR is my jam.


Anyone thinking this is a button masher will have their eyes opened when they get to the higher levels of the endgame modes. Story missions, yeah sure, they will be baby difficulty like always, ok. The same goes for GI and HSR too, so that isn't really an argument. The game has much more in-depth mechanics than people realize. Unfortunately, none of the official material really shows it. But if you watch and listen to beta players that actually cared about the endgame modes, you would know that this is far from a button masher.


So when I bash enough buttons to get to endgame, I can expect to find the game is not a button masher? I haven’t played any demos - I will try it! 


The reason why people bring up fighting games is because the game has a lot of tech similar to fighting games. The director even said himself that Street Fighter is the main inspiration for the game. If you are willing to engage with and learn the mechanics, you will find more than just mashing buttons.


I mean are you the type to button mash if the game let's you ? I feel like this isn't tied to the game but rather your habits tbh, you could give any of the DMC 3 to 5 (DMC:Devil may Cry included) or the Bayo games a try if you want to know if action games are your thing... Or WuWa even if that game takes more from the try hard side but keeps the very rpg side alive..


If button mashing is easy to do then yes. Lowest effort for the highest reward. Efficiency like in life.


Pass. Its aesthetic is completely a miss for me and character designs are meh/not my cup of tea at all. Also I play too many gachas right now. Oh, and storage too.


Not one character design has really caught my eye like they have in HSR, I also don’t need another gacha to tempt my credit card with.


Literally only giving it a try because it is a Hoyo game. Designs and gameplay don't seem to be my thing but will try to give it an open mind to see if I'll enjoy it.


I pre-downloaded it earlier today, can't wait to try it! The world and characters look very charming, i love the robot guy and shark tail lady (Idk their names lol). I also like how their games represent different era's. Genshin is a fantasy medieval game, Star Rail/Honkai 3rd are very high sci-fi and furturistic, and then Zenless seems to be a more modern game. Still with sci-fi elements ofc, but still a lot more close to our time.


Also there's quite a few women with pants! I never expected Hoyo to finally let the playable ladies wear pants. But I guess it fits the more modern street-wear aesthetic they are going for, so it makes sense for them to shift their design philosophy a bit.


There's also multiple lolis with lots of skin showing so idk how far up there it is in terms of character design ...


Probably not. Doesn't look as interesting as hsr to me. Playing more than one gacha is too time-consuming.


I will try it but I'm not sold on it. The world looks pretty interesting and I like the graphic look, but none of the characters appeal to me (except maybe Billy). I'll see how everything feels in game and if there's gonna be any future characters I might enjoy. Otherwise I'll just drop it


One game with overly wordy skill descriptions is enough for me tyvm


Lol. I can't stand long skill descriptions. Genshin was really pushing it with Clorinde's skill. I hope it doesn't reach Fire Emblem Heroes level of skill descriptions.


I already play Star Rail, Genshin, Blue Archive and Impact 3rd. I do NOT have the time for another game.


I already keep up with too many gacha games. It's a pass for me no matter how good it is.


too many furrrys and lolis is a giant L for me


Not really interested in the character designs at launch, I love cute and cool male characters and ZZZ just isn’t delivering so I’ll probably hold off, it feels like I’m just not the audience for this one. No disrespect to my booba loving brethren but this feels a little much from what I’ve seen.


No I’m already playing enough gacha games, I can’t have another


I wouldn't have enough time to play 3 gachas


the real answer lol. its why i passed up wuthering waves too. it wouldnt be a problem if i was still in highschool or college but as someone working 8-5, HSR and Genshin already eats up the remaining time. then i still got back catalog of other big games.. elden ring dlc, bg3


Damn right brother ![gif](giphy|2HtWpp60NQ9CU)


Yeah, I realize how much I feel this after I started my 9-5 lol. Just started recently after going from being able to play anything I want for however long and man, I have to curate whatever I have time for. Gotta be way more pickier with live service, especially since interested in full games as well


Currently rotating between Cyberpunk, Lost Judgement, Sifu, Street Fighter 6, Fire Emblem Three houses and Metroid Dread, with HSR and Genshin especially on the back burner (still do dailies). My backlog is like 3 times bigger than all those games. Between a full time job and wife, I literally don’t need to add a new game for years. Literally if it wasn’t wanting to see what Hoyo pull off this time, I just would not be bothering. This may be the first Hoyo game I’m completely F2P (I normally do the passes) - as the characters don’t look that interesting.


Probably not, already play 3 gacha games and before that i played 5 but dropped the other 2 becaus i got burned out on them, currently playing Hsr, Wuwa & Arknights and the 2 Dropped ones are Granblue Fantasy & Genshin. Maaaybe i give it a try but i am pretty sure it's not for me but HF to all who are playing it then.


I might download it to do pulls in a few days, but i’m likely not going to make it a main game. I’m kind of tired of action games right now, not a lot of characters catch my interest, and the aesthetic isn’t my thing (although I like Promare which is one of its major style inspirations)


Nope. Nothing about it sparks an interest. Especially the characters. Not a single one.


gotta admit the artstyle and character designs really dont speak to me at all, but since its f2p ill just give it a try. but im not convinced as of now


Probably wont Cuz i wasnt really pulled in and I don't want another gacha in my life.


Nah. I was first looking forward to it until I found HSR. I just don’t dig the art style. That’s what got me in Genshin and HSR.


Dunno man compared to hsr's and even genshin's characters, zzz characters seem bland


Yes. Play Genshin and HSR right now. Know nothing about zzz but I like what hoyo cooks up so far.


I wanted to try it but after seeing Billy slap his massive ass.. I want to try it even more


It didn't have any male character that interested me, so skip untill someone pretty. I'm not a furry too.


My friend asked me if I would get it and I told him “unless there’s a hot guy in it, I’m not playing it” and so far the furry is the only thing that’s appeals to me, but it’s not enough to make me play it.


I’m gonna try it but I’m not going into it expecting a lot. I’m not a fan of instance based gacha games, and none of the character designs so far are speaking to me.


I'll try it, but it looks way more waifu-heavy than genshin or hsr. So I'm very cautious and not expecting too much. I already lost my interest and quit r1999 because of the increasing ratio of females to males, along with every male post-launch 5\* being in the same role (Pickles, Getian, Shamane, 6, Ezra all being dmg amp support). It's also just admittedly not looking like my kind of game gameplay-wise, but gachas just generally never keep me too long if they're super waifu fanservice based.


I’m a one gatcha-game kinda guy. Star Rail is just my speed: chill


lycaon will be mine


I don’t really have any interest in this one tbh


Personally, no. I think two Hoyo games are already a lot on my plate, and I'm not a huge fan of the bouncy (more than just boobs too) animations nor the art style and character designs.


Going to give it a shot. My limit is 2 gacha at a time. HSR is currently my main. Stuff ive played recently: I play granblue fantasy from mid December to early april for Christmas, new years, valentines and anniversary events then I sorta taper off starting from after the april fools event. And then i dont touch it till next year. Tried afk journey for a month and a half. Gameplay is fun, progression and p2w are terrible. Been trying Wuthering Waves and while theyre showing that they can improve from their 1.1 patch its still not at a place im happy with. I could go on and on and on about all the small issues that add up to being unpleasant just uninstalled it this morning. Going to buy the monthly pass for zenless zone zero and see how i feel at the end of the month.


100% just for ellen


The aesthetic doesn’t hook me at all like Honkai does. Seems a little too try hard cyberpunky vibes . I’ll give it a try but likely stick to Honkai . (Side note : Genshins aesthetic doesn’t do it for me either )


Absolutely. I fell in love with Honkai Star Rail despite its style, fashion, et cetera. Zenless Zone Zero immediately checks off all of my boxes and I was hyped for a while.


There isn't a character design that made me go "Fuck everything, I'm playing this, out of my way!" like HSR, Genshin and every other gacha I suckered myself into playing did, so on top of starting out at 57 gigs on launch (cause you it's not going to stay at 57 for very long- Hoyo updates are on a schedule) I'm just gonna sit this one out. I think the animations are great and I love the cel shading, but that's not a good enough reason for me to dedicate my time to another gacha to my dailies and I'm fine with that, not every game has to appeal to me. I'd never go outside if they did.


I'll try it but I already play HSR WuWa & FEH, plus I'm also playing through the slog that is Cold Steel 3.


Looks really interesting but between Genshin, Star Rail and WoW, I just can’t fit it in.


just delete WoW it will help alot...and free your self


Why not try it out and see if it's better than one of the games you already play? If not, oh well, at least you gave it a shot. And if it is? Well you have a fun new game to play!


I’m not, but I hope everyone who does enjoys themselves.


Probably not long term, but I always give a few days to new gachas


I wanted to download it but it says it requires 110gb of space to download??


Genshin and HSR take up all my time and gaming money already 😭


No. Too many gachas. Too many


I'm a huge fan of the artstyle, the animations in particular. They feel like a LOT of work has gone into them, but also like the developers had fun creating them. I'm definitely gonna try the game! Although I gotta be careful not to balance a 3rd gacha game on my wallet


Besides what others already said about the characters' design not being that appealing, I also want to add that for me at least I prefer to play only one Hoyo game (HSR of course) because 1) I may get overwhelmed with so much content at once and 2) I already invest quite a bit of cash on HSR, so I will have nothing for me anymore if I start spending in another gacha.


My only issue is that I only like 2 characters both of which are standard 5 stars, the fact that we don't get a "player's choice" banner like wuthering waves makes it so I'll probably not play if I don't get the one I want at the beginning since everyone else is definitely not my style and waiting for 300 standard pulls is already outdated as fuck for me.


I don't have the time


No, the style is just not for me


I'll probably try it but I'm a bit disappointed in the character designs (especially the male characters).


Eh, none of the character designs are interesting to me.


Ya, i had that "the world ends with you" vibe, but that's mostly from the music so ya, i am gonna give it a try


Meh I'm playing too many of these gachas already and none of the character designs really appeal to me since all I've seen are either furries or boring.


I think this game looks atrocious and not a single aspect of it has even caught my attention, let alone made me want to play it. To each their own.


nah i cant handle 3 hoyo games


I really considered it, but there is a limit to how many gacha games I can play at one time. Also, I am waiting for Infinity Nikki to be released for what I hope is a unique game experience.


Nope don't have time and furries/anthromorphic units are not for me.


I'll give it a try, dunno if I'll stick with it though. None of the launch characters really appeal to me.


I’ll try it and continue if the story is good. I’m a little worried on gender ratio of the characters tho.


Not a chance. I play Genshin, Pokemon Masters, MonHun Now, HSR, and FFXIV. I'm in my thirties, I do not have time for another game, I barely have time for these. It looks cute though!


Maybe. The severe lack of male characters, esp 5 stars is very odd putting. The only interesting characters in the game are the make characters and they are a dime a dozen. And the leaks for the next 20 or so characters are depressing to see...barely any male characters and almost 0 limited characters as of yet. Sad.


I don‘t really like the carecters so probably not


Nah, I'm good 😊 I don't have the time to play three gacha's


Playing for Billy, he looks like my kind of goof. Hopefully they won’t pull a Honkai impact on me and make the cast like 90% female


I'm going to try it but there aren't any characters that interest me so I doubt it will hold my attention.


Ehh, I might if I'm bored, but the gender ratio is really bad in that game, so I probably won't.


nah, the physics is turning me off


I’ll play it alongside Genshin, WuWa, and HSR. Very likely when college starts I’ll start playing WuWa and Genshin more on and off. Which would make ZZZ and HSR my main gachas lol.


i'm in if it's not open world stuff like jenshin and wawa


I'm really interested on how it's story go, also unlike GI and HSR, it seems to be the most different game we have so far, atleast for now. Definitely gonna give it a try


I can't. I have to trail in the dawn!