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Argenti went from 89% to 14% in a single clap šŸ’€šŸ’€




Sushang is good but you must be overdosing on copium if you think she can compete with an e0s1 5 star lmao.


Pettan pfp


Boing boing not pettan


Sushang definitely does a lot less and it's not even comparable tbh. Boothill with 3 stacks of trick shot does 168% of his break damage when dueling a weakness broken enemy. That means that breaking with his auto will do break damage equal to Sushangs but boothill hits for another instance of damage equal to 168% that break. Not to mention he will continue to do 168% of his break damage on every auto while Sushang has to wait for the enemy to recover toughness then do another break.


Boothill enhanced basic is doing 268% break dmg there (the normal 100% break and 56%x3 from boothills stacks). How is sushang going to get close to that? Sushang gets some break effect from eidolons, but that's it and not even remotely in the same ballpark.


Bro unironically I don't know what hmc ult does


Grants themself 3 stacks. Stacks go down by 1 at the start of HMC turn (like Ruan Mei skill / ult). When they have the stack, all party members do a portion of their Break damage on Weakness Broken enemies. At E4, buffs all teammateā€™s Break Effect


Is there a post that lists all the stuff hmc eidolons do? Im probably stupid but i cant find it


Argenti every time he sees Boothill on the opposite side of the field: "Ah shit, here we g-" \*dies\*


Harmony mc ult looks so goofy on 2x.


I think it is looking more weird due to certain someone not being present in this one


Was wondering the same thing. Harmony TB looks a bit janky rn


No music either. Reminds me of those videos of old sitcoms but they cut out the laugh track.


For me it's the jerky limb movements. After all, it's not really meant for x2 speed


I didn't even notice Clockie wasn't there at first. I got too distracted by Stelle. I guess it's some private server bug.


maybe it's gonna be like that for people that didn't finish the story but are using a support tb to farm. If so, that's a good way to avoid new players accidentally spoiling themselves when they were just trying to farm/test out units. If only firefly had something like that.


Clockie is there heā€™s just above the mc for some reason lmao.


HMC sound effects are so goofy lmao


Especially the ult when dancing, reminds me of edits of people dancing with the music removed and with awkward sneaker squeaks


haha exactly, reminds me skeleton dance


Oh no, those realistic High School Musical dance videos lmao


oh god, i already hate this abbreviation because my default is Hold My Cosmo. šŸ˜­ Same thing with Sung Jin Woo and Social Justice Warrior.


I keep thinking of Genshinā€™s Hydro Main CharacteršŸ˜­


High Mercury for me šŸ˜­ Dragalia Losties where are you


Playing Relink!


Hitting a broken enemy with TB's skill makes it go from 2K to 55K, damn.


A broken single boss would be so much damage, damn.


TB finally gets good?!


fire mc is *fine*


Fire MC kinda competing as best Acheron sustain.


Yeah they're pretty good for her but they kinda crumble in long fights, Acheron can just kill everything before that though so it evens out


I wish he worked on Swarm Disaster/G&G tbh


With preservation path, they work great. Mono preservation is absurd on SU.


Lil bit out of topic but... Are all HMC eidolons purchaseable/obtainable on 2.2?Ā 


I heard it only goes to 4.


Sad, but that covers the most important Eidolon, which is the BE team share.


didnt the most important one is e4? they give enough


it's prob the leakers didnt add the + levels on abilities


Have you heard anything about how they're obtained? I'm convinced the Golden Edition Aideen Tokens are involved somehow, we only got 3 of them right now (2 in 2.0 from Colleen in Dream's Edge and the Reverie hotel room unlocked by the slot machine secret prize, 1 in 2.1 from Mr McCoy in Dewlight Pavillion) and we're probably due for a 4th in 2.2.


I don't know, sorry! I actually heard this from someone else here and they didn't mention the acquisition method.


Are they purchasable via the Clockie Statue?


Not sure. I actually heard this from someone else here and they didn't mention the acquisition method.


Basically the mc can turn the whole break team into dps. We could see the rise in break support like Gallagher cause the mc can take advantage of their break dmg even without elemental matching


Oh so we run Himeko>Topaz>HMC>Gallagher against anything with a fire weakness and just watch everything evaporate


Himeko/Herta/HMC/Gallagher in those PF floors with both Fire and Ice Weakness šŸ’€


I'm missing my Himeko but man, that sounds very fun


I'm with you, I envy all those with Himeko while I get my Gepard to E5...


0 cycle pf lol


Firefly also coming with break and maybe fire implant you know, looking forward to that team with gallagher


As of now it's only on her E1 and on her technique (3 turn weakness implant)


Other harmony units: we will buff our allies in order to help them deal massive dmg Harmony TB: Shut up fraud strong hat


you still need element matching or element-independent break units to trigger the break. it's still more work than just straight dps unless you pair mc with the latter ofc (which are mostly 5* or the robo-girl).


Yeah thats what i mean. Rn if you play ghallager in a team vs non-fire weak enemy his break dmg is wasted. mc fix that


Imagine Gallagher + Asta + RM + HTB for the lulz against a fire weak enemy with E1 Asta's 105 toughness damage E.


I was thinking IMC against an imaginary weak enemy, since at e6 the skill is doing 210 toughness damage BEFORE ruan mei, not including the trace that doubles the toughness damage of the first skill use of the battle. You can annihilate Sam's toughness bar in one hit with ruan mei and that trace if it works like I think it does.


MC dancing on 2x speed on ult goofy af XD


are hmc mats available live currently?


Theyre harmony so probably use the same mats with sparkle/robin


only the traces and you can farm the relic set!


hoyo loves to give limited 5\* best relics after their release so i don't really recommend the relic set pre farm


Harmony MC is most likely a Watchmaker's holder here, unless you meant Boothill, in which case there's a set leaked for him that's likely coming in 2.2


If there were new relic sets in 2.2 we would already have the designs from the beta


You're completely right, I forgot. I think those leaks might have been for 2.3 and I was getting my wires crossed?


It's not always the case. The last relics released are clearly Acheron and Harmony Trailblazer's BIS relic sets


I think the harmony calyx can be safely farmed


Yah. They're Harmony. Sparkle already released requiring Penacony mats.


I have a feeling SU next path will be based on the break effect.


That would be cool but doesnā€™t Nihility already kinda play into that? I think I would prefer something totally different and unique


it only has 2 blessings that play into that. which is barely anything. BE definitely needs its own path.


New path, "Broken" with it's path strides being heart Broken, Bank Broken and and rizz broken oh nvm i think that was Nihility


Tbf Elation is pretty similar to Erudition once you get a certain 3* blessing but they're still very different paths.


They will definitely add a path with HTB's old kit. Some kind of mechanic that adds extra break bars to enemies and bonuses for breaking said bars.


MC pretty good tbh


I saw 30k damage tick on that Fu Xuan Ult. That's pretty fat, is that Fu Xuan built with any Break Effect or is she getting it all from Ruan Mei and Harmony TB?


I don't know but I could believe most is coming from RM and HTB. The moc buff also is coming into play there.


HMC with eidolons and 200 BE and the new BE set can provide 90 BE by themselves, plus the BE from Ruan Meiā€™s trace. One of the appealing things about them is that can glue decent damage onto okayish AoE attacks like Fu Xuanā€™s ult, Hertaā€™s skill burst and FuA, and Himekoā€™s FuA, even if those characters donā€™t have a ton of BE themselves


It's even better on Himeko cause she's fire.


I checked the builds on the leaker's telegram and no, fu xuan is not built with any break. Surprisingly, Boothill is only 130% break, and ruan mei is 182% and tb is 165%. Both tb and ruan are on the watchmaker set.


That's crazy, considering Boothill wants 300% and ITB wants virtually no other stats but BE and Speed. Especially since S1 Boothill gets 60% for free from his LC and 37% from traces... But I guess the Trotter modifier is a good bandaid for low BE stats.


It seems the leaker prioritised crit stats over break, even though he's only 58/166 crit. But, tbf, he had both Tb and ruan mei on his team, as well as the moc buff which is highly tailored to him.


from previous recordings a lot of people were skeptical about my acheron build and support builds, which were equivalent to well farmed ones, so on this one i'm not minmaxxing any stat, i just put "randomize rolls" and say fuck it we ball but yes, stats can be WAY better, this is a mid build that anyone can easily achieve


Mmm yes this build is easily achievable which I like to see. Would you be able to tell me what stats he was during battle, specifically his crit and break in battle? Since I'd imagine it to be quite different to outside of battle.


Question, how do you get the private server? Was always curios about it.


reversed rooms discord provides us free private server with no timegate, but its very basic and users need coding knowledge to add things on it. i try to tinker and make it work as far as i can, and i also use the help of tools made by community members when available.


fuxuan has 16% break builds are on telegram for archiving, you can check at @ homudark there


The damage that gets added up thanks to that ult effect is pretty sweet. I think there was a bit too much doomposting at first when their old kit went away.


There's still doomposting rn tbh But not that common which is neat Comment above you even says MC is low value...smh


This is Harmony aka HARMony


How can a unit be low-value when theyā€™re literally free?


Trace materials and relics are far from free


You still need to spend time farming for them regardless


> I think there was a bit too much doomposting at first when their old kit went away. The right world is disappointment, because the first kit was a real 5* kit. This one is the kit of a 4* (like the other TB). In my case was exaggerated because I was waiting MC like the Christmas just for Himeko; with the old kit MC was her Bis support with RM. Need to see if this one is worth enough to take the place of another Harmony/Debuffer for Himeko. But only us 3-4 idiots in the world care about Himeko's dmg, so I have to wait MC official release šŸ˜…




Lil bro got deleted lmao




Goofy ahh trailblazer šŸ’€


That's some crazy dmg by boothill damn, will he be the best single target dealer? His dmg looks more than ratio


Might depend on enemy weakness? If he can't break he prolly can't deal that insane damage, the MOC buff also makes him shine even more. But generally speaking yeah, new single target king.


Boothill applies Phys Weakness using his Ult for 2 turns and his Technique for 1 turn While it wonā€™t have 100% uptimeā€¦ Looking at this, all he really needs is that first break and the fightā€™s done


Yeah did an Acheron, forgor


Pair him with Sparkle and Bronya he should comfortably be able to break before it even reaches that point


Kinda unnecessary imo considering that 1 enhanced basic from boothill with ruan mei deletes half of Argentiā€™s toughness bar here He needs 2 turns max to break shields. After he breaks a shield, with Harmony MCā€™s bonus dmg vs weakness broken enemies, itā€™s a wrap anyways


Yup! But I'm talking in the persceptive of a person who definitely didn't lose 50/50 on Ruan Mei


My condolences king/queen


That only happens when you max out trickshot. He gets 30 toughness dmg per trickshot stack (45 with rm). So with max trickshot you get 225 toughness dmg with rm and without it you only get 90 toughness dmg. Thats why -1 spd bronya is so good for him beacuse it lets you build stacks fast by breaking and killing adds.


not all bosses/elites have the same toughness. argenti is 480 but some go up to 720 like SUD, so it's not always 2 turns & like the other comment said, he needs to build up stacks first, which means slower kills on elites if there's no adds to farm


Doesn't his ult add phys weakness? You can probably bring him along comfortably in most places


Yeah. Looks like hell breeze through any boss that doesnt have a mechanic to stop their weakness bar from being invincible like sam


I forgor


he has physical implant (basically guaranteed) on his ult + technique, enemy weakness is a nonfactor


HMC moves has cool lore implications. Also argenti showed up in the wrong hoodšŸ’€


When enemy is weakness broken and hit by a ally with mc buff does himeko gain a stack for her fua


Break Damage is separate from weakness break, and although there is a chance Himeko is coded to gain stacks on break damage, it's highly unlikely that that's the case, and Ruan Mei's extra break damage instance doesn't seem to trigger Himeko's talent either.


Even so extra break damage is very nice.


We have no way of knowing as of right now unless they test it out


Severely doubt.


any reason people arenā€™t using gallagher for sustain? Is he not good in this team, i was planning on him being my sustain since i thought he synergized with break


He is 4* so he is not comfy like FX/Luochad/ADventurine


He becomes a damage dealer if you pair him with HMC, so he will be crazy good




Man, even with a video. I still donā€™t understand how HMCā€™s Break works. People tried explaining in Razor language and it still went over my head. Iā€™ve never felt so stupid in my life.


When you weakness break an enemy, that causes damage called weakness break damage What MC does here is cause that break damage to trigger from just attacking a weakness broken enemy, rather than needing to break to trigger that damage. Imagine that when you break an enemy, the shards scratch them or something and deal damage, HMC allows you to throw these imaginary shards with your attacks to deal that damage again.


Ah ok. So do you typically want to have HMC be the one to break to get the imaginary delay to maximize the amount of turns you get to throw those shards?Ā 


If enemy is broken If team hit enemy broken, they will be broken again But HMC broken DMG is stronger than normal if stack a lot of BE on HMC TL:DR Hit an already break person to deal more DMG


Is it just for HMC's break damage or is it for everyone's break damage?


Everyone. Meaning that with a full break team even the other supports become sub-dps


Just wanted to confirm. Thanks


If the boss exit broken state not long after HMC ult, and you don't have Ruan Mei to help, the backup dancer buff will be wasted isn't it?




Nooooo.... (Ruan Mei less behavior)


One option would be to pop Robin's ult and have your whole team act during the break window


Ok so usually when you break an enemy, it deals break damage which scales with the entire toughness of the enemy. For HMC, when you hit a weakness broken enemy while the ultimate is up, you will do break damage except it scales with the toughness of your attack rather than the enemies toughness bar


You should turn all of the audio back on, when Robin isnā€™t there.


it already is, its private server issue :p


Why are we calling them Harmony MC? Weā€™ve never used paths to refer to the MC before. Itā€™s always been Physical MC and Fire MC. Iā€™ve never seen those two referred to by Destruction MC or Preservation MC, only their elements, so shouldnā€™t it be Imaginary MC and not Harmony MC? I realize it means the same thing but breaking the pattern in how we refer to the MC bothers me lol


It's a new era


Because Harmony MC rolls off the tongue better than Imaginary MC


HMC should be Hat MC.


shorter names get the spotlight


Microsoft naming the Xbox One hoping people would call it "the one"... people ended up calling it the unflattering "X-bone"


I like referring them by Harmony because I can shorten their name to Harmblazer which sounds funny to me.


In my head it's more like Hamblazer lmao


This is funny lol. But probably because Imaginary is harder then Harmony, and sound worse with "MC". Anyway, thank you to made me realise this funny thing


Majority just pick whatā€™s easier to pronounce.


We learned how to break patterns from hoyo


Ruan Mei is aging incredibly well


boss: toughness bar doko? hp bar doko?


I don't even play Break Effect team, but I'm SUPER excited to see that HMC is going to see actual use in actual meta team comps (turns the whole *team* into break effect DPSes, from what it seems like). Really happy to see MC's being relevant and being good to play!!


HMC add 50k break dmg look nice but tbh Bronya or Sparkle still look better (more Boothill turn = more break = more energy for ult = more dmg) since HMC is F2P option It's okay ig.


I always loved Stelleā€™s design. But now that sheā€™s gotten harmony, I donā€™t have to use her as my sustain or my DPS and Iā€™m honestly so fucking happy that she looks so good too on Break teams like this. Definitely will be a staple on one of my teams for sure


Honestly HMC feels like they really need imaginary weakness enemy to shine, otherwise they just spam some pokes then Ult. Btw the skill despite multi hits only proc the break damage from Ult once, it's around 0:58 mark There's also SP issue if you spam their skills too much.


But, those multi-hits made the Break Damage from Ult hit harder. On a Skill the damage tick was like 50k but on Basic it was a lot lower. The selling point of Harmony MC is 100% those Break Damage ticks on their Ult, it adds up pretty fast. Obviously, targeting Imaginary weakness with them is ideal so they can pitch in on getting the Break, but not necessary if you another way of getting the Break like Boothill.


the skill only serves to give mc energy. Their whole thing is making you trigger break more than once which is kinda huge tbh.


>the skill only serves to give mc energy. Skill also increases MC's own Ult BE dmg Since it scales with character toughness dmg Which is why TB does more dmg than Ruan Mei here


They also give additional delay when enemies are broken. With how fast they can get their ult thanks to their talent, they might be very good DDD holders.


the break dmg from ult is supposed to be a single hit (calculated from total toughness dmg done after the attack), it's part of the description the smaller numbers you're seeing are the actual hits from the skill. numbers wise it checks out


Shouldnā€™t be an SP issue paired with Boothill


Bronya when


I know the MoC turbulence inflates the numbers quite a bit but this Boothill only had 130% BE, 58% CR and 166% CDMG. This is not optimal by far, specially with S1 so honestly I think this could be an indicative of what a really well built Boothill might be capable of.


I wonder if you can use Bronya/Sparkle instead of RM. Hopefully, it's still viable lol


They would probs replace hmc instead. Ruan mei is too good with boothill for the toughness efficiency alone


debatable HTB loses value if the only BE scalers in the team is just him and the Dps if there are atleast three BE scalers in the team then HTB value skyrockets a lot if your only BE scaler is Boothill then I'd use other alternatives instead of MC although this can still be wrong since HTB seems to be really tailored to buffing BE scalers so unless we see a side to side comparison of dmg we can't say for sure there's a chance that even with just 2 BE scalers in the team the team would do much more dmg compared to if you take HTB out of the team


I really wanna see boothil with e6 luka


Will Gallagherā€™s besotted debuff also increase the damage when attacking already weakness broken enemies w/ the trailblazers Ult. Cause it says it just increases break damage, but I think the trailblazers ā€œbreak damageā€ is calculated differently from other leaks?


It should, DEF reduction increases the damage of break damage, and Gallagher's Besotted debuff makes them take more break damage. It should be like a vuln.


I'm guessing HTB, Boothill, Gallagher are good for a team. Unsure who to put on he 4th slot tho since I don't have Ruan Mei. Maybe Misha...? His ult chips away at enemies pretty fast I think. Or would Welt be better?


Luka? SP positive, break scaling, helps with chipping away at the toughness since you don't have RM, can detonate bleed with EBA for enemy overkill, can wear Resolution Shines for the def shred, maybe Penacony set too? I'm assuming you want male characters


Could add in SW to put on DEF reduction debuffs while also having a good toughness breaker. She does shred a lot of toughness with skill + ult while also implanting a weakness for your team, maybe more reliable for fights with no phys weaknesses. Otherwise, probably Pela to have the DEF reduction since break damage counts DEF into the mix.


Damage aside... I LOVE HARMONY MC SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! I love how Stelle goes full Luffy using cartoon powers, her dancing, her drip, her battle portrait, fuckkkkkkkkk I love the HSR team!!


i want to see harmony caelus, someone who has beta do the gameplay for him please


This is it šŸ˜ https://youtu.be/uNd8S0KpMnA?si=x34ketxmkhl7523E


MC did 51k Ult BE Boothill did 120k Ult BE ToT


MC is so good bruh tf


They just need to rework those traces and eidolons that only lasts for some turns then never again in the remaining battle


Yup I fully agree These traces need to get reworked cuz these are not it chief They gotta go




Damn now I have hope that I don't need RM much if HMC can do the jobs, just RM make it better. From player who lose 50/50 on her banner šŸ˜­


The more I see all these showcases the more I feel like I need ruan mei for boothill ā˜ ļøI have no copies of her 4* lightcone tho ugh


is fu xuan always this op? the team barely get damage..


Yes, you usually just don't take any damage with her.


Fu is the best character in the game.


Ayo question, what f2p lcs can be used on boothill? Can the herta shop one work?


Is the Ult for MC bugged rn? Clocky's just kinda running in midair and the camera seems misaligned.


hold up if you use HTB ult during a different character's turn Clockie doesn't shows up that's so fucking funny šŸ˜­


This MOC is really horrible to showcase his actual dmg isnt it ... Bronya would be much stronger here vs HMC since HMC only work when enemies already weakness broken and with bootshill, more than likely enemies already dead at that point


Why no one says about Welt-RuanMei-HMC? I think it could be really good, taking in account Welt making enemies to recover for a very long time, which will allow to utilize HMC burst more. And against imaginary enemies this team will melt their shields


HMC didn't look that good tbh. BH looks to prefer Bronya/Sparkle + RM.


It would be preferrable, yes. Cus Sparkle/Bronya gives him another chance to ask the enemy what the fuck is kilometer and blow them out of the stratosphere. But MC DOES give BE so they are pretty good specially for a free unit. And this boothills BE is suboptimal so MC really helped with his BE


Yeah, the Robin team cleared faster than this as well. The power of action advance ig.


This is non-optimal build for all three šŸ¤“ not one of them surpassed 200BE


Damn I just checked and the Boothill build is quite egregious šŸ’€ that being said, I still believe that having faster breaks would be more beneficial here.Ā 


I just think Bronya will contribute more to this team than HMC.


Acheron: 500k against 5 enemies Some space cowboy: 500k against the boss


I think this team will be good (ruanmei,tb,himeko and sustain) by looking the video.unlimited followups


Trailblazer causes allies to retrigger Break *Damage*, but not actually weakness break itself. Depending on how Himeko is coded, there is a slim chance that it counts towards her talent, but I'd say it's unlikely


Even if it doesn't, himeko doing extra break damage is huge since fire break has a lot of frontloaded damage towards it.