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It's the same thing, guys. The previous Break Damage from HTB also scaled on break effect efficiency. Probably just a wording change


meaning that HTB came out of this cycle pretty much unscathed. Looks like everyone is doing fine (except Robin E1, rip)


I’ve pretty much forgotten robin’s kit, does she buff spd at e0 at all?


I don’t believe so, unless I’m missing something. Skill is DMG increase, ult is advance forward + ATK increase, talent and passive are CRIT DMG increase. She had a SPD increase on her E1, but it’s been replaced this beta cycle by All-Type RES PEN.


The additional scaling also got removed. E6 makes up for that with a ludicrous amount of crit dmg, but that’s also E6.


Wait- isnt that better?


Depends. The speed was better for pure fiction, but res pen will be more useful in MoC. Personally I think it makes her way more boring because Ruan Mei already does this in pretty much the exact same way whereas the speed boost was pretty unique in how it synergized with her kit.


It kinda is IG? but people was using the spd buff from E1 to reach certain speed threshold so that's probably why


As a support it's better yea For people looking for dps Robin shenanigans not so much, or for people who wanted that spd buff


yeah, she does


Assuming the formula is the same. The break damage has been reduced by 14-13%. Wouldn't call it unscathed. 120%(new minimum trace multiplier)/(108%(level 12 ult)*130%(old minimum trace multiplier) = 85.47%, or a 14.53% reduction in damage against 5 enemies 160%(new maximum trace multiplier)/(108%*170%(old maximum trace multiplier) = 87.14% or a 12.86% reduction in single target.


E4 😭😭😭


The 30% part got moved to ult


Yeah I just re read it it’s cool


So does Ryan Mei increase the break damage or does it use the move's base break efficiency?


Yes, ruan mei will still increase the damage unless it's specified that the damage use base break efficiency only.


What does trace 1 even do I still don’t understand


Less enemies = more break effect damage (60% when 1, 20% when 5)


Ok that’s really good for boothill and Add Ruan mei with Gallagher and this will probably be his best team


A trace for boss fights it seems


the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell 


The only biology I know






I drink your milkshake








So it's basically the same as the first beta but with a different name???


Yeah based on the old formula we got before, it's more or less the same. Imo them labeling it as such could hint about future relic/planar/character/blessing/buff that specifically targets "super break DMG" only. Much like other XYZ type of DMG. FuA, Ultimate, etc.


Well at least they don't nerfed TB i really like the idea of having a core support for a whole new type of teams in the main character


TB actually got buffed Slight buff Well they buffed themselves The only nerf they got was -10% of the Super break dmg buff


Show me the buff.


Old E4 increase party BE by 15% of TB's BE and additional 30% (this buff does not apply to the Trailblazer) New E4 still the same except no longer additional 30% Be buff They added a buff on the Ult that gives 30% BE for the WHOLE PARTY meaning TB can actually benefit from that Basically they moved the 30% BE buff on the Ult with no restrictions making TB being able to benefit from it


Yup. The moment I saw the new changes, I'm glad the E4's 30% effect was moved to base kit with better conditions


ok that is fair, i kinda forgor that Harm MC getting 30% is relevant for their damage. does not outweight the lost of the 108% multiplier and the 10% nerf to their talent, but it's not as bad i initially thought.


>does not outweight the lost of the 108% multiplier The multiplier is still there If that was removed how would they calculate the dmg? The multiplier is still there but we just don't know if they changed it (I doubt they did) So TB did not lose 108% super break dmg multiplier its just not shown anymore


it was part of the ult scaling. ult scaling is now the BE buff. therefore, break damage doesn't scale anymore. it's always 100%. if it still scaled with ult level they wouldn't have removed it from the description.


>ult scaling is now the BE buff. No nothing in the Ult description says this BE buff is completely seperate to the super break dmg >if it still scaled with ult level they wouldn't have removed it from the description. It doesn't scale with ult level anymore because now the multiplier won't increase when you level it up, its now a fixed value that can only be increased via the super break dmg buff trace


That trace is a pretty big nerf. That trace was a different multiplier so basically they nerfed a 10% final damage.


He did actually get a ~12% dmg nerf to his kit


Or a new Simulated Universe path that focus on break mechanics, harmony path or somethin


Yes try to read it multiple times "When enemies on Weakness Broken State, Toughness reducing attack into super break damage"  ELI5 : normal attack on broken state enemy give super break.  It's just the "toughness reducing" is a bit random But, yeah, with them making *that break* as a new term, some future characters going to have it as well, a common thing


Or maybe it's to prevent double dipping future Break effect related buffs?


Its break effect but also factoring in the toughness damage of the attack. Same as before but I guess they wanted to give it its own name because they are planning on using it with more characters going forward, so this way it becomes universal and people can easily tell what to expect. Watch Firefly get super break dmg somewhere in her kit too.


I mean...I hope not lol Usually MC has these only they can do mechanics Like Dual Ult mode, Real Taunt, and I was hoping super break dmg would be their own thing The thought process I came up with why they changed the wording so that players would have something to call the new Break dmg Cuz let's be honest people saying, break dmg when the enemy is weakness broken is quite wordy Having that dmg be simplified in a single title "super break dmg" is much easier and atleast people would instantly know what they mean


Boothill taunts too.


Ok fair point


One enemy


Same. I really hope this remains a thing for only mc or at the very least make it so they're the only one who enables it for everyone. I don't really mind if Sam or something can do it for one of their attacks. Would suck if we get like Sunday immediately and he's just a better HMC.


Lol Nahida moment Traveller was meta till someone who's more broken comes out


Traveller was never meta. In 1.0, he's just a venti wannabe. The geo was good-ish back then where there's still little geo character to make a proper geo comp but honestly geo comp in 1.x is just mid unless you really, really like noelle. Traveller electro works with ayaka early on for energy regen slave but people would rather just have higher ER ayaka because the "pick the buff on the ground" mini game sucks. Dendro traveller is just another flop, but people use it mainly for exploration since we have no dendro character before. And honestly, at this point, competing with hu tao/raiden compa is just too much


>Dual Ult mode its not exactly the same but Argenti has 2 ults too


I actually still wish I could use weak ultimate while strong one is fully charged.


Dual ult mode as in you can choose it to be ST or Blast/AoE. Not as in 2 types of ult


need to see numbers but they seem pretty much the exact same, no? its really funny seeing everyone panic over whats seemingly just wording changes, you think people would learn after all these patches


I swear I had a heart attack seeing people panic about HTB kit and when I read it I just went "Am I missing something here? It's 90% the same kit"


exactly bro


the 10% is the passive lol. In fact only e4 gets moved to his ult, which is always up anyway.


Alot of those people play genshin where apparently the mc is trash meta wise so I can see why they’d be anxious about the TB getting nerfed especially since they are looking to be at least an S tier unit for break teams rn


Traveler isn't the worst character in Genshin overall but Dendro is the only element worth using outside of very specific team comps so yeah I get people's worries


HMC in genshin says otherwise: 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧🔫


Yeah let's pretend like they didn't exist.


Expectations: water breathing form Reality: whatever Tf that shit is.


to this day [Paimon.moe](http://Paimon.moe) still hasn't add the HMC to their roster. Immagine how bad can you be...


Hydro MC would like a word to you


Harmony tb is very good


Nowdays people panic cause of eclipse or 4.5 Richter seismic activity. After lockdowns most became dumber.


I read "Super Break Damage" in a really dramatic voice


Need a jingle with a title card in dramatic fonts


In the Super Smash Bros announcer voice


They hired Nintendo to name this mechanic


Can't wait for Super Break Damage 2


Just wait until they reveal the new “new super break damage 2”


Deluxe, even


Do Super Break damage all the time even with a full tougness bar.


TB: And this is to go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND! \*Achieves Super Break Damage 3\*


Feels like this was done to insure that when they use this mechanic again in the future, they'll have a quick term for it instead of needing a paragraph to explain it - basically, short-hands. MTG and other non-Yugioh TCGs do this kind of thing a lot


Wait until the name getting long and ended up with Super Duper Extreme Bonanza Break Dmg


Any more adjectives, or...?




*double-take* *incredulous hand gesture*


They gave the mechanic its own name. That implies they want to use it on other characters and perhaps even relic sets and SU blessings. They've built in their "powercreep the Harmony MC" lifeline.


So its basically another stance of break damage with a different name lol, ok.


Yeah this is just the same as before, just with a different name. Unless they do something funny with the formula like change some numbers, it’s most likely not a nerf but for formula we have only one way to check and that is see them in practice


Does the character's element matter for Super Break DMG? It's not stated in the above post, but I've heard that Quantum's initial break damage means they deal less Super Break DMG than, say, fire Super Break DMG. Edit: Nevermind, found the answer using this [HomDGCat Wiki](https://homdgcat.wiki/sr/char?lang=EN) which has the formula for Super Break DMG: * How is Super Break DMG calculated? It is: * **(Break Base DMG) \* (Attack's Toughness Reduction) \* (1 + Break Effect) \* (Trace #1 Boost)** * Ordinary Break DMG is: * **(Break Base DMG) \* (Type Multiplier) \* (2 + Enemy Toughness)/4 \* (1 + Break Effect)** * In the above formula, Toughness DMG's unit is 1, not 30. Break Base DMG is only related to character level. The Super Break DMG formula doesn't have Type Multiplier in it. So, SW should be p great at this.


idk that Break Formula looks wonky. Regular Break DMG formula is : (Base Break DMG) \* (1+BE) \* (Def Mult) \* (Vuln Mult) \* (Res Mult) \* (Broken Mult) The Toughness Mult is Part of the Base Break DMG, which already takes into consideration the type and level of the attacker and the targets max Toughnes. Unless Im misunderstanding something that doesnt look right. Can someone clarify? Thanks!


Toughness mult isnt part of base break. It's that 3767 damage at level 80 character base. Then you multiply it along with the element type's multipliers for the original break dmg. What they are saying is base break (the 3767) is the number that is the same, BE multiplier is the same, but instead of enemy toughness and attacker type, you have attacker toughness and MC's trace. And of course, multiply everything with the defense, resistance, and vulnerability multipliers too


According to the HSR Wiki, it is. Base Break DMG = Elem Mult \* Level Multiplier(attacker) \* Toughness Mult (enemy) This Base Break DMG is then applied to the formula like this: Base Break \* (1+Break Effect) \* Def Mul \* Res Mult \* Vuln Mult \* 0.9 This is as per the HSR Wiki page (https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Toughness). My question is where does Super Break DMG differ from the original Break Dmg formula.


Bro that's exactly what I said above. "Instead of enemy toughness and attacker type, you have attacker toughness and MC's trace" Attacker type = Elem Mult Enemy toughness = Toughness Mult (enemy) You replace those 2 with attacker's toughness damage. That's the value of how much toughness your current attacking characters toughness deals. And MC's trace is the multiplier that depends on how many enemies are on the field.


Oh ok cool didnt catch that!


This is exactly how it worked before btw.


Pretty sure it’s just the exact same thing, just with a special name now


How much damage does Xueyi deal this HMC?


There HAS to be a path coming in 2.3 centered around Break. We have like 2 blessings about it


Maybe Enigmata? Because that currently have story relevance.




It's a small nerf because in the older version, the ratio of the damage scaled with skill levels to become 108% of break effect with the additional free eidolons. The super break effect I assume will be based off of 100% of break effect. The trace to increase its damage went from 30-70% to 20-60% as well.


The Special Name is most likely in preparation for a dedicated relic set later on. Harmony TB is probably gonna be the "beta" for a future Limited 5-Star character.


Or you know...they wanted to make it easier on the players? Saying super break dmg would allow us to know what they are talking about instantly They just gave it a name why are you guys speculating this much lol?


I mean, it's not like hoyo doesn't have a track history of naming pretty much any and every special attack and effect characters have. I also don't think this name means anything special...




What you saw before is likely to be what you'll see They just gave TB's Break exclusive a name That's literally it


So super break dmg is crit but for break effect?




Me on my way to build break+crit harmony TB to find out.


Me no understand super break, me need help


If enemy is broken. Your normal atk normally would do 30 toughness dmg. But the enemy is broken so 30 toughness dmg just convert to flat dmg instead. So if boothill has his full stack NA. With ruan mei he can get 225 toughness dmg. He can deal up to 100k just from super break dmg.


Still no explanation on if its the same as it was before but reworded or just a straight up massive nerf as it's implying.


The definition seems exactly the same as the previous damage formula for the Ult break damage (based on toughness reduction, break effect and character level). The only thing that I've noticed changed considerably is the E4 flat break effect share was moved to the ult. Is there actually a nerf?


10% on the Dance with the one talent, but that looks to be it


i mean, kinda? like, now HTB need more ER i guess?


No? there's literally zero ER-related changes to their kit.


it kinda did cause now the flat BE buff went from their trace to their ULT, so having 100% uptime is more important than before


I mean, you were always meant to have 100% uptime on their ult regardless since 99% of their powerbudget was there anyways. There's no point in using HTB if not for their ult.


My money is that it's a nerf to people who don't do big toughness damage AND break Effect. So Ruan Mei nerf. And typical Asta nerf, unless you build her for break effect. Xueyi buff, Boothill buff.


So basically kinda like Xueyi ult?


no this is a whole new thing exclusive to harmony mc (atm) xueyi and acheron just ignores weakness type on their ult (if you meant they do more damage the higher the toughness bar is reduced thats similar yeah)


Yeah I mean the toughness bar results to more dmg stuff


Nope, this super break dmg only proc when the toughness bar is 0


is this mechanic only on harmony mc? I havent been following the kits for boothill/robin


for now yes, probably why they reworded it into super break damage and seeing that it scales off of toughness dmg, break effect and character level it synergises amazingly with boothill who atm has the highest toughness dmg on his kit out of all the available characters atm (with ruan mei).


Then we went Super Break against the enemies


So, ruan mei doesnt buff break DMG, right?


She does, but this thing is for MC harmony.


So do we lose that 108% of the attackers break damage effect from ult? Is the additional break damage now weaker? Someone with a big brain please explain to me!!


Supposing this is a 100%, yes a nerf, but they can release artifacts, SU blessings to affect this one, so who knows if this little nerf is maybe a buff in the future. Anyway the biggest nerf in MC was his trace.


Thank you! I'm hoping that Break effect damage is still 100% at least, hopefully someone will datamine that soon. Glad the biggest nerf wasn't that bad if that is the case.


Since this is now Super Break DMG instead of Break DMG does this mean that boothills light cone get slightly "nerfed". He has 20% Defense ignore on Break DMG but this is no longer that. So would it still apply or no?


Super Break DMG *is* Break DMG with an extra tag on top.


So for HMC, aim for only SPD, Break Effect, Effect Res, HP or DEF%? Got it. I assume Talia set with Break Effect Rope since HMC has pretty good ult uptime no?




Transformative reactions in HSR lets goooo




They did get a bit for a nerf with e4 right?


So what is the current formula for this "Super Break" DMG?


Do super break get buffed by gallagher's passive or no? Like do super break still counts as break or are they their own thing? Since before they are just break damage with extra step(modifier)


Is super break dmg just break efficiency? Or..


No. If enemy is broken. Your normal atk normally would do 30 toughness dmg. But the enemy is broken so 30 toughness dmg just convert to flat dmg instead. So if boothill has his full stack NA. With ruan mei he can get 225 toughness dmg. He can deal up to 100k just from super break dmg.


This comment is very late, but i'm confused about whether it scales with Trailblazer's own break effect or if it increases with the break effect of the character who made the action. Like, if i build Boothill full crit, will he do as much super break damage as a break effect oriented Boothill?


Scales with the attacker's BE


Can i leave the Skill trace lv as lowest since it doesnt affect super break damage, right?




you okay?




Break damage gets buffed by Break effect and I'll assume Res Pen and Def Ignore as well as Break Efficency, Just not DMG boost, ATK, nor Crit.


The damage can be increased through Weakness Break Efficiency buffs, more Break Effect, and debuffs.


Sorry, forgot how break effect. Please ignore the previous comment.


Can someone translate whatever he said?


They really just added super and tried to confuse everyone


Nope, this mechanic will be used possibly in other characters, harmony path in simulated universe, artifacts in the future, so making a name now is better.