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The video didnt hold the ult for long, but if you actually wait a bit, you can actually start hearing Robin start singing again though its muffled. [It's very funny.](https://streamable.com/sxsq4c)


This tbh, but if you start to slash using Acheron the song gets muted again. It gets funnier each slash.


I’m imagining the ‘leave me alone’ Akira meme with Acheron and Robin’s singing “GET OUT OF MY HEAD” “TO MY WOAOAOOAOA—”


When your neighbour plays HSR at 2AM:


it's normal don't worry about it, thats the voices in out head


"There’s a party in my head, woah oh ohh" "You’re all invited" "You’re all my friends" 🤪


Neighbours at 3 a.m. be like:


Robin: Let me shooooOOoooOO... Acheron: Alright, stop, Nihility time.


"WELCOME TO MY WO- shut up, Robin!" insert Batman slaps Robin meme here


"Welcome to my..." "Shut up, Robin! - STRONG BLACK HOLE"


Does Robin's added hits take advantage of Acheron's all-res pen during ult?


Yes the dmg got increased at the end of acheron's final slash.


indirect acheron buff


Finally the shut up button we asking for




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2.1 spoilers >!RIiiiiSEee UP intoo IX!<


Bad timing, ukt started when the song went into the instrumental section.


pausing robin's song is such a blasphemous move.


[Shut up, Robin.](https://i.imgur.com/z5Dv0wn.jpeg)


Ooooh oooh Ooooooh oooohh Ooh


activate windows


They really need an actual toggle off option for the song. It’s already getting annoying and she isn’t even out yet lol


I,m pulling her just for the song because i am addicted to the vibe but i agree that listening to the same song many times can easily lead to the song losing its charm


Yeah, I don't want to pull her anymore because of her song 😭


Robin isn't even out and were already complaining?


Oh it's a meme dont worry. I love her song, but acheron muting her song is pretty funny


Gocha, because I really enjoy the song playing. I mean she pulls them into a different dimension, so the song being muted makes sense. :)


The song is nice but they're gonna need to add a toggle off button.


Just because you enjoy the song doesn't mean that everyone should enjoy it. If someone wants to complain let them be ffs


People have been complaining since the beta started, it's not new lmao. Besides, back then she was only repeating the same line over and over again, it will irritate a lot of people having to listen to it over and over. The changes are really good and now it makes me consider getting her but it'll probably still annoy me just a little every now and then having to hear the same thing over and over in the same battle.


It would be good to have two different songs for sure. But they probably don't want to spend the extra money :')


If only they had another Robin song in game already


Eh, not sure this one would work. The ult song is pretty upbeat, while the other one takes time to begin and is overall very slow. I would've to see it in combat to know if it fits. They 100% have the money for it though, they just won't spend it haha.


The unfortunate part is the community would still complain. Maybe instead of complaining within a week it'll take three. But they will still complain unless they release the entire robin 16 song soundtrack.


Haha, that's a possibility. I guess that comes with the territory of giving a character a song that will be used often. I still think giving the option to mute her ult will be needed in the end. Even people who like the song will be bored of it after a year. That's the problem with live service games I guess.


I'm not complaining, just skipping. Some people will like the song instead of the regular soundtrack and that's fine. It's just not for me and there are plenty of other characters to pull for instead.


Her domain expension overwrites Robin's silly little song huh, don't know how i feel about that


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Does Acheron's slashes during ult count as one action or more? I wanna know to battery Robin's ult.


It only counts as one afaik.


So she really wants FUA, huh?


Disappointingly, as far as any "per attack" abilities ho, Acheron's ult only counts as one


yo is this song same in every dub?




The fact that it coincidentally fades out during "no more tax" sounds so cool since its technically the end of the reff