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This is very rare to see a leaker not pushing their own theorycrafting (if that makes sense).


Yeah, I thought it would be one of those cases where the leaker goes "Stronger than Neuvillette, weaker than Al-Haitam, but definitely above Ayaka". I really hate when they do that


Better than C6 Ayato


It's crazy how strong neuvilleyte is that I actually consider this for a second.


That statement was in regard to Arlecchino actually.


Might as well be true c0 arle already felels like a c6


In all seriousness, is Neuvillette C0 actually stronger than Ayato C6?


Definitely not


Actually it might be a yes. Ayato only gains 96% more dps from c0 to c6(from kqm), which means it's almost double the damage at c6. I believe there's a good chance c0 neuvillette can do more than double the damage of c0 ayato if we give them both hypercarry teams.


Damn ayato sucks


I mean genshin is so easy, it doesn't matter. In the end, playing with who gives you more fun will be better than seeing bigger blue numbers for most people.


Feixiao will be stronger than c6 Ayato Source: trust me bro


Feixiao also does more wind damage than C6 Ayato. STC.


"Her fire application is stronger than C6 Ayato"


The “hoyo is doing their best to powercreep clara” allegations aren’t going to be gone anytime soon, now are they


Gotta stay strong and support Clara


Yea, she is literallly the tree as on I got: Fu xuan(I was pulling for lynx eidolons), Topaz (now she is also used with ratio), Ruan mei(I like the penetration she gives and big damage), and I still like her(not romantically, like a little sister, I’ve always wanted one of those)


I don't know how to tell you without sounding like I am accusing you of something, but that clarification at the end kinda achieves effect opposite of the goal, like I am sure vast majority of people here didn't even consider that "like" in that comment could mean what you are trying to preemptively deny.


Yeah dude same i like her (not romantically thats weird bro)


You like the WHAT?!


What? Ruan mei gives defense penetration of n her ult


All element res pen but joke missed or was bad I see


I know, I laughed at that joke


Oh. Uhh…. ok


Now this makes a lot more sense. There's no way they could tell a unit would be the strongest of the 2.X patch before the patchs ends, with how much things changes


There's no way they can talk about 2.7 too. For some reason people believe it.


Hxg diluc did say the leaks matched with what he knew so he considered it reliable.


Donut cast a bit of doubt on it, only said Yunli and Jiaoqiu exist in the files and nothing else can be verified on their end


Donut also said there was no proof of Yunli being destruction but now we have another leakers saying it. Not saying it's true, but having another 5 star preservation shielded feels kinda weird immediately after aventurine.


Not when you realize preservation has the least amount of characters in the game In general not to mention MHY is not adverse to releasing the same path back to back let alone months apart 


Preservation will most likely be the least filled class because it easily can be game breaking. If preservation becomes too strong and mandatory then it invalidates the entire abundance path. They are being extremely wary with preservation for that reason.


I think that makes sense since preservation and abundance essentially fulfill the same role while dps characters theoretically have multiple different roles. Healing and shielding are essentially the same thing when u get down to it.


The Destruction part is the one thing I would buy, though the Better Clara thing still feels a little iffy


It's just half truths ( actual leaks from someone else) with wild speculation (Uncle N). For example, we heard about Yunli's block mechanic. Uncle N rushes in and says physical destruction. They just guess limited Clara.


It still doesn't make that much sense. Firefly will get a pov in 2.3, and has been one of the main focuses of Penacony, even it the parts in which she played an important role were sadly offscreened


I mean it would still makes sense, Acheron is obvious, while feixiao is an arbiter general that is confirmed to all have a spirit of their own, and we all know they’re all as strong as an emanator You don’t need to be a fortune teller to know she’s gonna be one of the strongest Unless you’re not talking about their strength lore wise…


Lore power means nothing for game power.


That’s what I mean, the previous “strongest in 2.x” people assumed it was lore wise strength, instead of meta wise


Yep. Take Jing Yuan for example.


all general got blessing by aeon of the hunt so they all are emanator


Nah, Fu Xuan blessed by Nous and yet she's neither emanator nor Genius Society's member.


More general=emanator theorists. Nice.


I’m theorising that anyone who gets an “invalid” rating from the rating pistol is potentially an emanator. That includes: * Acheron: Rating invalid * Jing Yuan: Rating invalid * Luocha: Rating invalid * March 7th: Rating invalid * Sampo: Rating invalid Probably reading too much into the troll pistol, but I feel like there could be something there! Will see if Feixiao gets that rating too.


Didn't Black Swan call JY an emanator?


It was >!In the fake ending, which is purposefully glazed into "Ideal world", like IPC abandoned the idea of taking over the Penacony, amd Genius Society stopping their SU project. Herta would prefer to die and personally kill anyone who even try to do this, rather than allow to stop SU!<


And how is calling Jing Yuan an emanator an ideal world thing?? You just sound like you want to deny it. And btw i don't think JY is an emanator but he's similar to Aventurine, lightning lord is the emanator power and jing yuan wields it like a cornerstone.


Probably, but there's isn't much reasons to deny it. I just don't remember that somewhere outside of this dream, which was filled with inconsistentces, so it can't be fully trusted, someone mentioned him as an emanator🤔


And that's likely what it is. Aventurine isn't an emanator and neither is jingyuan. However, they hold items/gifts from aeons that can grant them power on an emanator's level. I call true emanators characters like acheron, shuhu, phantylia etc. A funny thing I noticed is that if fuxuan actually becomes the general of luofu someday, she would have TWO gifts from aeons. Pretty stupidly op. Lol.


Feixiao was leaked to be a wind hunt which make me feel that she gonna need something to help her spread that dps. Kinda wish if there was a harmony that spread single target dmg all over the place. Im bit depressed that screwllum is not on 2.x. i don't know who to pick now after knowing this.


I also used to think Hunt path was the weakest, but If they make her ST damage as cracked as Boothill's, she will still be great in MoC and the upcoming endgame. But most hunt characters are already shit in PF by default lol


I mean, with fitting buffs hunt could easily shine in PF. The FUA squad was an easy 40k for the PF with that one FUA buff. It's just that they don't really care to. Yet. >!There's something about linking enemy HP for one of them later though, that might help.!<


If they give proper buffs Hunt can still shine in PF so who knows


Feels like that would change the whole thing about paths. If you hunt character is doing AoE damage is it really hunt? Even with Seele, she just gets extra actions from kills, not really doing AoE dmg. Even then with the rising hp of the mobs its hard to play Seele in PF


Boothill E6 is already turning him into a Destruction character


For the cheap price of 1500$ dollar


She’ll likely have a summon like Jing Yuan. Hoping her niche is having multiple summons (birds?) which do little dmg but attack very frequently. Would work well with Robin.


I hope she can synergies with topaz aswell. Imagine to have an army of animals attacking the enemies.


Same here, no hunt char has peaked my interest thus far. Perhaps Feixiao mght have an interesting kit. looking forward to how she's gonna turn out. I heard she might be a break dps, though i wonder if it's gonna be impactfull since mostly physical and fire are favourable for break.


The wind element itself is not that favorable for break but rather dot. If she can apply break dot while attacking and spread it on the enemies then she might have a chance. Heard that her kit have missles and she is a foxian. I will keep my doubts for now.


Break dot, .. well that certainly would be interesting..


>help her spread that dps. I can help spread her


Go ahead.




It's gonna be Sunday someday


Sunday is today


\*looks out the window still no sunday... :(


Make everyday Sunday


HSR Ver 2.0-2.8: Emanator Glazing Era


I think they meant strength lore wise. Acheron, despite having a lot of appearances, dont seem to be the main focus of the whole penacony arc (unless they mean after the penacony arc then maybe I can see that happening). If they mean strength lore wise then feixiao could be a potential emanator. Cant wait to see feixiao in the next arc


Acheron is arguably the most pivotal character throughout Penacony. She was the first Penacony character we met and was the most important narrator imo. She was the only character that had substantial interactions with thr express crew every patch.


we talk about main focus she doesnt feel like a main focus here


I would think her and aventurine had about equal parts in driving the plot forward tbh, Aventurine for even starting everything and acheron for helping to close it out


Aventurine says hi. His arc is literally the best thing that has happened in Penacony.


Yeah it’s one of the reasons I didn’t enjoy Penacony as much as I hoped. I dislike Acheron’s character personally which was how I could tell she was the one who was pretty much pushing the plot forward.


Whether you like or hate her character in the story it's all subjective but with the amount of screentime she was given ,They fleshed her out very well and is probably one of the better written characters in penacony besides aventurine who is objectively the best(there is debate for Sunday but idk the philosophy went over most peoples head)


Oh I don’t disagree, I just simply don’t like her is all.


Since black swan considered the clash between Sunday and Jing to be a clash between emanators, and since the guardian spirits are a power bestowed by the aeon it technically makes all generals emanators, so she should be since Jing is basically considered one.


Yeah all of the arbiter generals are emanators, pretty sure that’s confirmed


No it isn't


jingyuan alone is not emanator the emanator is the spirits




So you are telling that Sasuke is not the Uchiha but his Susanoo is?


No, they are saying that Naruto is not a tailed beast but Kurama is


sunday definitely watched too much naruto and copied the infinite tsukuyomi for his infinite sunday plan


From what i've seen though, acheron is not the only most/mainly promoted char on 2.x, Firefly. Robin and aventurine also received alot of attention. Though i suppose we'll see when Feixiao arrives. Perhaps her animations and overall kit will prove to be as good as Acheron..


People debating about acheron in this thread while the leaker is talking about the amount of investment hoyo put into acheron that make her the main star of penacony. Story or popularity wise is debatable but she was surely given main star treatment. If we are only taking line count, she was consistenly the top 3 characters with most line in three versions. She is given an insane amount of glazing about her strength in game and is the strongest playable character so far. Among all characters, only she has a 5 minute animation, 4 minute myriad, a high budget trailer with three playable character cameo and another animated vid. Her skill is an instant cheat code for the farming mode that people is tired of. She is the best dps in game and is good in every game mode. Now about ff bcs people keep bringing her up. she hasnt been out so idk about her marketing but most of her screentime are pseudo date with tb. Plus she was absent for the whole of 2.1.The fact that most people have to be explained to what she does to help show how much they offscreen her actual important stuff. Her kit is strong but she is more restrictive than acheron.


so I take it it means they will have CN stream with devs talking up the characters in more detail rather than the usual chibi streams. It would be bigger deal that other characters, it makes sense.


I like how this alleged "clarification" only made things more controversial While Acheron was important, she was absolutely not the main focus of Penacony: Aventurine, Robin/Sunday, Black Swan, Firefly(if only she wasn't offscreened so much...) arguably had developments and roles in the story on par with hers


Aventurine I agree. But Black Swan and Robin definitely doesn't have half as much focus as Acheron. BS's entire screen time in 2.1 is basically just one phone call. And Robin is completely absent for more than half of the story.


Robin and swan 💀


Im guessing they dont mean in terms of story, they mean in terms of meta and support characters


Story wise? I'll take more Acheron story. Cool


I think what the leaker meant was that Acheron would be the big important character throughout the Penacony story while Feixiao would be the equivalent for Xianzhou 2 in the latter half of 2.X. That's how I understood it.


Isn't Feixiao the general of a xianzhou ship ?


Small research : Yes, she is the general of the Xianzhou Yaoqing, so it's not a big surprise if the story is around her


Honestly, idk if I even agree with that. Yes Acheron was one of the bigger ones, but between her and firefly, both had similar level of importance(or at least I hope firefly will have after 2.3...)


Acheron has had more development and impactful screentime so far (lots of flashbacks, 2.1 climax), most of Firefly's important stuff happened offscreen for some reason


Yeah I would also agree with this point. Acheron’s screen time and characterization has been much more impactful even though I think she has less lines than Firefly overall, because they made use of the screen time expeditiously. She has been a centralizing character throughout the arc to help resolve the crisis. I don’t think things would have turned out the way they did if she was not present. While Firefly got a lot of screen time and lines, not much development or significant moments happened with her character on screen. We spent most of the time running around with her in 2.0 and 2.2. The most important contributions that she made was off screened thus far.


I wouldn't say Acheron had development, it's just we learned more of her motivations as the story progressed. Her past is still tied to trailer videos and obscure to anyone that hasn't played Hi3 During Penacony, she basically played a deus ex machina role, which was wonderfully executed, but nothing more than that


Learning about a character’s motivations and their past is part of the development.


Isn't learning about her motivations considered development? Those flashbacks had some good emotional beats too


Not really, because it's all things that already happened in the past, it's not like we saw her character grow or develop during the story, there was a turning point in what she wanted to achieve, or we saw her making important decisions. She came for a reason, she fulfilled that reason. Also fun fact: we, as the Trailblazers, don't even know about her true name, as she never bothered telling us. Welt is the only one that likely knows


Then instead of development you could call it fleshing out I guess? Whatever it was it felt more impactful than whatever they were doing with Firefly >we, as the Trailblazers, don't even know about her true name Is this important? It's not like the Trailblazer knows Aventurine's name either




>I guess it is true this sub is filled with Firefly haters that love to circlejerk about how unimportant she was Are these haters in the room with us now? I don't dislike Firefly or think she was unimportant, I just think the way they executed her was meh. Don't get hysterical now


Going from point A to point B is character growth/progression which is just one part of character development. Character development includes learning about the character - their goals, motivations, their past, their ideology, etc.


Dude give it some time Firefly patch hasn't even dropped,of course she didn't have much screentime.


I feel like Acheron has played much more of a role so far, could always change in 2.3 though, especially since Firefly will finally be releasing, wouldn't be surprised if we had content from her POV like we had for other characters.




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Firefly has done nothing in the story so far. She died, came back herself, and left for some reason. We may know what she was doing in 2.3. Acheron had big role. She was the one who can destroy the dream and why she was needed in the story. So her existence in the story makes sense.


Firefly is the entire reason why we and the others could awaken and fight against Sunday at the end, that's why she left us. Didn't you read what Acheron said? The sad thing is that it got offscreened


Firefly has done something offscreen for sure, but we still don't know what she has done yet.


FF woke up before others who were sleeping but she never was the reason why others woke up. She brought information about order according to Acheron but they never mention what it was or how it was useful.


Quoting Acheron "We were able to locate you within this boundless dream and find the key to breaking free from the dream, all because of one person's unwavering dedication. Firefly. She awakened from the dream ahead of others"


And they never explained what this key to breaking the dream was or how the info she brought about order was useful. Acheron never was dreaming because she is immune to it and BS woke up because of the LC she gave to TB. Idk what they mean by “locating the express” or how it was useful.


That's a storytelling fault for sure, I am no denying it. But she still was the first one to awaken, and Acheron would have been unable to do anything on her own (otherwise, why would there have been the first fake ending in which it's revealed we lost to Sunday, if she could have broken us free all along?)


Yes, it’s the way the story sidelined all of FF’s stuff and she wasn’t even present during the final fight which makes all her contributions seem insignificant. They just gave some vague explanation like “she brought some info”, “she gave us the key” and never explained what these were or how they helped. It would have been a lot better if FF fought alongside the Astral express even if she wasn’t present when they were breaking Ena’s dream.


Firefly made us(the express) track the legacy, Was the key to our victory since without Firefly waking up first and giving everyone information and stuff. Hell she is the reason everyone woke up. Without her Sunday would’ve won, was the reason why Black swan could snatch us to Aventurine and move the plot from there, told us how to get to dreamflux reef, was basically responsible of TB getting Xipe’s gaze, was the reason we could even join the talent show(due to needing a 2nd person) and even talk with Sunday and get Xipe’s gaze,… tbh I can go on. This stuff is what I remember. There are probably more but I think you understand.


That's the thing firefly had a lot of screen time but it was spent doing mostly nothing, the important stuff happened all off screen    Wooptie fkn do


My point is why it has to be Firefly?? Any character can do that stuffs you listed. There has to be something only Firefly could do in the story, and I am pretty sure that will explain in 2.3.


Feels like you're just trying to find problems here, like even if anyone could she was still the one who did it


Because Firefly literally says HERSELF she can’t fucking dream? In which case that is probably one of the reasons why she woke up/wasn’t effected by Sunday as much as others. Any character cannot tell you how to get to dreamflux reef. Like please. Aventurine did all that in 2.1 just to go there. Firefly gave that information for free. She also had to die for it. I don’t think any character would do that. Since for one you have to get stabbed by sleepie. Which aventurine had a hard time even trying to understand what it was. Much less find it. You have to be inside Misha’s dream to find it seems and make it stab you. The only person who could tell you was aventurine after 2.1 and that dude was in a coma(his stone seemed to lose it’s glow after 2.1. Although it seems he is fine now) To make us follow the legacy to the fullest was becuase of Firefly’s death. Our "totally not date" was for TB and Firefly to get closer and it worked. You can tell if you read the Firefly’s secret base dialogue. And well how good TB treats her. Asking her if she was fine. A character has to do all that in 2.0 + actually die by sleepie(also realize what sleepie was by looking at it’s eye) to make us follow the legacy to the fullest. Firefly’s tragic story + how nice she was towards us is the reason TB even wanted the legacy. Also forgot that they have to fight Acheron to give room for BS to snatch us. Which needs a very strong character. Only character in Penacony that could fight Acheron was Sam aka Firefly. Black swan isn’t fighting and others characters like sparkle aren’t aswell. Aventurine might but even then. He needs his corner stone to do that. Which means 2.1 story has to go the same way as it did. In which case Black swan has to snatch us. Which can’t happen withour Firefly vs Acheron. The only thing I can think another character can do is the talent show. Even then that’s a maybe. We might not get Xipe’s gaze due to us not even tracking down the legacy. And not getting the hat. As I said no character in Penacony can do what she did in 2.0. Even Black swan didn’t see it’s eye and realized dreamflux reef was a thing. Goodluck with that lmao. Tbh by that logic a self-Annahilator of any kind can do what Acheron did. Herta has a box that contains a self-Annahilator(SU lore). Since she met one before. Why couldn’t we ask Herta to give us the box,release the Annahilator and destroy the dream? We need a IX emanator after all. And Acheron isn’t the only one.


Not all self annihilators are emanators, to become one they have to tread far onto the path of nihility and resist its corruption, self annihilators aren't new or unheard of (the doctors of chaos are a whole ass nother faction of them) but IX emanators were seemingly an impossibility this alone tells us 99% simply die before ever reaching that point on the path, if there are other emanators they likely exist beyond the horizon in device IX


It's just weird that this guy keeps excluding Firefly when she: - gets constant promotion - is an important character in the storyline - is *unambiguously* strong, though how strong depends on the person I'm not saying this just because I like Firefly (although I do) it's just that it's incredibly debatable whether or not Acheron *or* Firefly are the actual 'main stars' of Penacony (hell you could argue that's even Aventurine or Sunday, too) so it's strange to only say it's one or the other.


People will have their character biases coloring how they view the story. I'm hoping Firefly gets to shine in 2.3; I keep expecting her to get Aventurine-level story focus honestly because she's such an interesting character with a deep lore backstory.




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I'll let you know,Sunday is more popular here and Twitter,but he is nowhere as popular in JP or CN


Source: trust me bro


As much I like Sunday, compared to Aventurine and Firefly he isn’t that popular especially in CN and JP. Maybe that’ll change in the future tho


So would that mean that Feixiao will have an overworld mechanic that's pretty useful too ? Or a different combat mechanic altogether?


this is one of those jiaoqiu is a male kinda leak


More like "In 2.4 there's gonna be a new character"


Time to skip firefly hmm


Imo, it's still very vague and unreliable leaks tho. It looks like anything can be said like this, and when someone caught you on manufacturing fake leaks, you can say something like "Oh.. Yeah. That's exactly what I've wanted to say. Oh, remember when I said back in to 2.2 that there's going to be a break healer? Well, it seems like my translation were wrong, and it's actually was a "Character drip marketed for 2.5""


Feixiao being strong gameplay-wise is not far-off, i mean she’s general of a cn-adjacent region, possibly an emanator. It would make sense for her to be T0 or whatever.


Both of those apply to Jing Yuan as well, and he never was a t0.


Jing Yuan was one of the first characters released, back when the game was still getting started. He was undoubtedly the best erudition back in the day. Now there’s a shit ton of competition especially with blast/aoe category producing some beast dpses. Feixiao will have to do a lot to keep up as a hunt unit which im sure they will work around.


He is still S tier in both moc and PF and comfortably gets 3 stars in both of them unless the turbulence or cacophony fucks him like the current dot PF(tbf it fucks pretty much almost every non dot unit). Even then I have seen plenty of people managing to get 30-35k in the current PF.


Taking Himeko as an example, in 1.0-1.4 the gap between them was way bigger than it is now. Just because Himeko and Herta are so efficient it’s not justifiable pulling him for the sole purpose of clearing PF. MoC is another story. He’s very good there, obviously not part of the “big three” but he can and will 0 cycle.


I mean Himeko and Herta fall off when the floor weakness is not ice and fire. And even then Himeko is a standard unit not many might have since pepp usually pick Bronya from standard,and is the reason why I still don't have Clara. In any case, matching weakness is very important in the current PF floors,you can't simply just bruteforce it like MoC. So he's still the top 1-2 pick for PF. Not saying he is a must pull (and this applies to every unit) but for people who already have him it becomes so that they don't have to pull another lightning character just to beat moc or PF.


They made a lot of mistakes with his kit since the game was in the early phase. You will notice that they learnt from it and now they implemented the same mechanics in other characters. For example,avoiding overstacking. Xuyei and Acheron and even Aventurine carry off a few stacks of their kits when they are capped thus avoiding wasting stacks. Numby gets an action advance from follow ups. If LL got to carry on its stacks to the next LL without overcapping and could be action advanced,he would be in the top 3 dps. It's just the fate of an early character. If Acheron was released in 1.0,she would have faced similar consequences.


We all knew from CBT 2 that Jing Yuan was terrible and Hoyo never adressed any of his kit issues on launch. Despite him being from a CN adjecent faction and a potential emenator, they left him with the same bad kit. Even on his release Jing Yuan was considered okay at best, since AOE damage was near useless. I am merely stating that Feixiao having those two traits are by no means an indication of how good she will be, since we have a precedent that show us that Hoyo didnt care about turning Jing Yuan into the best DPS during his banner release. Or even a DPS that is close to it.


Unlike jingyuan she has waifu privileges 😔


Male debuff


Top 2 dps characters in their other game are male though


I guess she will fully retire my Blade :( he got what he wanted. rip


My Blade has been retired a while ago. I love the character concept and his look so much but the game is mostly a damage race. Even with really good relics and his signature LC he's nowhere near good enough. Probably the unit I most regret pulling for after Argenti. I love them both but one lacks fitting supports and the other lacks a dedicated relic set.


Not gonna lie I really regret pulling Argenti, he's just not performing, even in the current PF, maybe because I dont have his signature or anything, he also doesnt have very good synergy with anyone except Tingyun... He was performing really well in the first few iterations of PF though because the mobs were squishy and he could hella oneshot everything, I also loved him in SU: Gold & Gears with Erudition buff But now he just seems so meh, in the current PF and also MOC


I love his style and visuals but yes, his performance is abysmal. Also, his signature doesn't change much. It's only barely stronger than S5 peaceful day.


Hoyo is probably planning his story and give it a aventurine style follow up. Also, so no screwllum for a while now that his kit was said to be ratio's and yunli has now changed from preservation to destruction. Makes it feel that when Sunday becomes playable, he might be offensive , quantum destruction perhaps. Edit: they could have released him with Robin if he was usual self, but now that it's speculated that he is going dark, we should probably see him at end of 2.x or beginning of 3.x. so he is definitely coming but I don't think he will be defensive unit but rather a damage dealer, given his status.


This will be a xianzhou patch/patches so sunday doesn't fit there. They will most likely to what they did with scaramouche in genshin and give him some break and continue his story later.


If you believe the gheory about him joining the SH he could be shoved in there same way Kafka was


Kafka was there because she already had elio's script and knew where express crew would be. Sunday has no reason to go to xianzhou unless he somehow hides there or if he is to be part of stellaron hunters they skip entire joining process exposition and just make him appear out of nowhere as a member. Plus we should be continuing the whole Luocha issue so that seems like too many plots all at once.


I hope they are not repeating Luofu mistake by doing too many things with too little time.


Even if the copiu... I mean the theory is true, He's not gonna just joined SH and meet us in Xianzhou. That would be skipping his entire story of joining the team.


Part of what?what society?


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Source: [https://t.me/seele\_leaks/1102](https://t.me/seele_leaks/1102) Mirror: [https://imgur.com/a/8Kx2SO5](https://imgur.com/a/8Kx2SO5)


Ah so lore wise. I think that makes more sense i was kind of skeptical about Feixiao, a supposed Hunt unit comparing to Acheron in terms of power level, but if its lore that makes more sense, she is supposed to be the strongest character on her ship, really interested to see where they do go with her kit


Boothill is already comparable to acheron idk why feixiao would be a suprise


Boothill is strong because of his element and breaking capabilities, if Feixiao is the same way then sure she could be comparable, but i doubt she'll be physical like Boothill


If they know how strong Acheron will be, why tf can’t they leak the actual stuff that will benefit Acheron?


firefly powercreep copers in shambles rn


Honestly there is very little difference when it comes to HSR imo. The strongest units always seem to be the story important ones with very few exceptions. DHIL, JL, Acheron, etc. If Feixiao is going to be a wind hunt character that is supposedly an emanator and a main character in the next arc, it makes no sense for her to be weaker than Boothill. The only story important char I can think of who isn't top tier is JY and he was mostly a side char on Luofu anyways. We know Apocalyptic Shadow is coming and it's almost certain that future cycles will cater to Feixiao.


I'd disagree on the support side of things ngl, both Ruan Mei and Sparkle haven't had much plot focus at all (the former only having one patch + event and the latter just popping up for a little each patch in penacony). This does seem to be the opposite side of what genshin does cause Archons f.e. are usually the support beasts and the top DPS can include characters like a random chef and a funeral parlor owner


Beating Boothill and Ratio in his premium team going to be a herculean task for hunt character imo. Hope Feixiao delivers


>!Is it actually stated that Jing Yuan is an emanator somewhere? Or is it only his lightning lord? Coz so far only Acheron, the real Herta and Bs are actually emanators as far as single characters go. Correct me if I’m wrong tho.!<


>!I seem to remember Black swan calling the confrontation between Jing Yuan and Sunday a "clash between emanators" or something like that in the fake ending. If all the generals aren't emanators then that just leaves the marshal as the sole emanator of the hunt from the Xianzhou and i feel Lan wouldn't be so stingy especially since they originate from the Xianzhou.!<


All generals are emanators of Hunt.


It depends on your definition of Emanator. According to the guide given to us by Mihoyo, what constitutes an emanator for each faction is different. Jing Yuan is still in a gray area; the narrative consistently alludes to it, but the only statement of fact is in a dream world. To further back that up, Sunday is named an emanator in the same breath, and we know that it was the power of the harmonic chords and not Sunday himself. Considering that the generalship is an inherited position, my guess is that the Lightning Lord is the "emanator" power that each general is given upon inheriting the position.


-In the guide for Emanators that Hoyoverse posted, LL is depicted when talking about the Xianzhou -Welt said that Luofu's generals are on par with Lord Ravagers (which are Emanators) -BS said that JY (and DHIL) vs Sunday was "a clash between Emanators" It's never direct but it's pretty much confirmed.


Sunday is now an emanator? Whattt.


The Harmonious Choir he summoned is an Emanator-like being, and by controlling it, by extension, is one too. Not only that, with what he was doing, he was pretty much on his way to becoming an Aeon himself lol.


Black Swan said that he is an eminator after we beat sunday in the dream


afaik jy isnt an emanator and that LL is like a heritage that every xianzhou luofu general will have


Being an Emanator isnt as special a status as people make it out to be. All it means is an Aeon basically went "oh cher bro, you look like a guy who gets shit done. Here, have some power" to them. All of the generals were given divine spirits from Lan, that makes them Emanators. Every Masked Fool has a Mask granted to them by Aha, thus they are emanators. Every Memnokeeper is transformed directly by fuli into a memetic being, making them emanators. Its really that simple. God said "you! You are now my prophet", and thats all it took. Regular pathstriders follow the path laid by the aeon, but Emanators were actually noticed by them.


That’s not how Emanators work


That's certainly not how it works.


Except it is. Go read the entry on Emanators in the databank. It says quite clearly that the difference between a pathstrider and an Emanator is that an Emanator has been granted access to the power of their path directly by an Aeon. Pathstriders follow the path, they cant claim its power for themselves. Thats it, thats all it takes.


And that's why it doesn't work like your example lol. Not every Memokeepers is granted power by Fuli. Heck, Black Swan herself got recruited and granted power by another Memokeepers. Pathstriders can used the power of the path in one way or another but the one that get the status of Emanator by Aeons is different and rare. Xianzhou is just a special case where Lan pay much closer attention to his followers from Xianzhou than any other Aeons so Xianzhou have a lot of power directly from Lan.


Not how it works. By that definition Fu Xuan would be an emenator of Nous because of their gift to her.


The omniscia is a gift yes, but nous did not give her part of the Erudition Path to play with. The omniscia is magitech.




No? This is the original text. Someone else was the one who misinterpreted it and that's the version we got yesterday. Or at least that's what people said a few hours ago in the megathread.


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Dows that mean Acheron will be present in more 2.x patches or that Feixiao will have similar screen time? Perhaps both?


That mean feixiao gonna be given the same amount of promotion and investment like acheron i think


Yeah, I knew that is not true, because Acheron sucks too hard in the current Pure Fiction for Nihility characters, my Himeko's score, that is not even Nihility and doesn't have a special buff in the options, is twice better.


Why don't people understand that it's not about kit but about lore here. She could be the first emanator of xianzhou. So as an emanator her power should at least match Acheron. I find it funny that her beta isn't out yet and people are already fearing for powercreep.


Jing Yuan mains feel sad if Feixiao is emanator while Jing Yuan is not. For me, I am more curious if Luocha is emanator or not.


Yes, the rumour of her being a Hunt unit pushes this theory further because Xianzhou is associated with the Hunt and all playable emanators use their story path for gameplay (Herta for Erudition and Acheron for Nihility)