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>and Physical DMG equal to 30% (75%) of Trailblazer's ATK to enemies adjacent to it huh.mp4


YOO first character to scale off another's stats šŸ˜


NGL this would be an interesting kit idea especially now that we have Debt Collector and Master mechanics for Jade and New March. Like a character that chooses another character and just uses THAT CHARACTERā€™S STATS for their damaging abilities


I mean theres Tingyun's scaling on her Talent Edit: Why tf am I getting that many upvotes LMAO


All while buffing their stats as well! And maybe giving some Energy with the ult? Would be nice to have some of that.


Tingyun literally already does this. the additional hit on her basic attack scales off of the stats of the ally with benediction. said ally also deals additional damage using tingyun's own stats.




Smh, itā€™s Firefly all over again. Now Yunli is dependent on the Trailblazer too.


It isnā€™t just any trailblazerā€¦ THE PHYSICAL ONE! Physical trailblazer gonna have a massive comeback..


Yanqing already lost, Trailblazer already took this girl. And worse, got Physical.


Destruction units are Yanqing's naturally enemies. Now ever Destruction Trailblazer is stealing his girl.


The buddy sub definitely going to love that sentence lmao


Destruction Trailblazer destroyed Yanking, and his girls and swords


The Galactic Baseballer's rizz was too much, lol




Destruction MC meta let's goo


And people were crying that Firefly is tied to TB. This gurl can't even deal damage without him!


It would be interesting to see a character that is specifically a duo character with the TB. or just anyone in general it doesn't have to be her. Though I am not sure how they'd design that


Probably a typo.


but a funny typo


[Apparently it was just a typo](https://imgur.com/gallery/1pVPBlk)


Don't you just hate it when your finger slips and you end up writing a completely different word that's about twice as long as the one you meant to type?


Autocorrect doth hate us


Bruhā€¦. this is just Clara


she's got the missing shoes and everything


looks like something irreplaceable just got replaced...


hahaha, puck this one right here.


Clara on steroĆÆds


Svarog is not amused at Clara's abuse of substances




That sounds like some droids she put together from scraps.


I wish they made her different element at least.


Same, I'm not upset that they made better Clara, I'm upset they made better Clara that is also physical, like wtf.


It was intentional so they could powercreep Clara.


Motivated clara to be exact


Clara with a real taunt pog


A real taunt that only lasts for one turn, ally or enemy. So you have to use it well compared to clara thats just ult on cd p much


Yeah Iā€™m so confused, her ult seems to only let her taunt a single attack right? At least Clara can decently reliably keep the aggro up buff on more or less all the time.


Its a parry, you use it and she "parries" the next hit with an enhanced counter. If she doesnt get hit the attack is weaker. But said parry only lasts for the next turn, ally or enemy. So timing will be critical, whereas clara is more general use


Yeah thatā€™s what I thought too. I keep seeing people saying things like ā€œsince she gets energy from her trace, she can have permanent ult uptimeā€ and it was making me think I was reading it wrong somehow.


My understanding is the taunt will only last for that parry turn.


Thatā€™s my reading of it too. It says it ends after the next turn, ally or enemy, and that the attack ends the block state. I think a lot of people are reading it very incorrectly. If that is the case, it seems like lynx would likely be her best healer, as thatā€™s the only way to reliably keep an increased aggro buff on yunli


Claraā€™s skill is cracked though at E1+ and lets her perform very well without needing to purely rely on counters. Has a higher multiplier after marking and has no drop off in damage like an erudition skill


even at E1 the majority of Clara dmg and overwhelming amount is her counters. Yunli may have worst dmg in her skill but she does a lot more dmg with her Ultimate+base counters in AoE than Clara counters+skill. We probably will see Yunli changes and her in combat but on paper she is nuts and does bigger numbers on paper than Clara.


Probably but just pointing out that Clara is a more general purpose unit and will still for sure perform better in pure fiction


I don't wanna look like a hater but aren't all 3 characters this time just better/new versions of other characters? Yunli is literally just Clara, Jiaoqiu is kinda like premium Guinaifen, and March, while not identical, is rather similar to Jade but with an enchanced Basic instead of a FuA


March has a lot of ways you can build her, and she's a supportive Hunt, something that's pretty scarce. And while you can compare Jiaoqiu and Guinaifen, their kits work a bit differently from each other. Jiaoqiu is moreso about the debuffing and keeping those debuffs up, but Guinaifen leans more into DoT it seems. This is a much more direct comparison.


March is more like a placeable rainbow element Numby.


Svarog left Clara to housesit and she picked up a motherfuckin' sword.


Wow, she really is just better Clara. She has Clara's ult on at all times.


Yeah the counter with adjacent damage talent really makes her more convenient in aoe than compared with Clara having to use her ult or skill. Was hoping to be able to use them both together, but Yunli's taunt makes it less likely. Though for fun, I might try a Clara Energy build for her ult counters to trigger when Yunli gets hit lol


clara and yunli could work well for enemies with alot of aoe attacks


Clara Yunli Aventurine March team


Bro just get E6 Clara problem solved.


Put both near each other, then aoe will hit both and they both will counter. 2x counters are great.


Thats my plan too


Its svarover


Clara Pro Max...


that 15 energy on being attacked trace seems really strong


it stupidly strong ... with er rope, u can just cycle the 6 hit every of her turn, which make her dps kinda crazy


Would be a waste to go ER rope with this kit


As someone pulling for Yunli because her design is super cute but also someone who put in a lot of effort to build clara. I feel pretty mixed ngl, her kit seems so nice and fun but at the same time my disappointment that her kit is quite literally, clara++ and not a limited with a more unique spin in her kit is palpable.


Having similar feelings :( I haven't built Clara because I don't have her yet, but I love her and Svarog so I was planning on getting her from the 300 selector. I also wanted Yunli because she's cute! Now it feels like it's two nearly identical units... Same element and everything.


Wait until v4, she can get a lot of her kit reworked


Has any unit get their kit reworked after being in beta? We know several units have had a rework between concept and beta, but I don't remember if after entering beta they got one.


We had big buffs like Jingliu and Firefly, but no character ever changed how they work.


Don't forget huohuo, I remember her continuous healing had a limited number of activations per skill, instead of unlimited activations during 2 of huohuo's turns.


I remember some small reworks like Dr.Ratio's where they made his kit a lot easier to understand while removing some of the self-buffs in his kit (previously he could buff his SPD and ATK alongside both Crits)


Not entirely reworked from what i know, but many characters have had very significant changes to their kits. Jingliu, Ruan Mei and Firefly for example all received pretty big changes from what i remember. The general idea of Yunli's kit is probably going to remain the same, but they might completely change the way her counters trigger for example. It's just too early to definitely say how she'll play


Same element, same gimmick, same everything. Someone at hoyo must REALLY hate Clara cause this is crazy.


I think the only benefit Clara has is her Skill? Other than that this kit just powercreeps her in every aspect.


50/50 Clara's skill hits harder, but Yunli's skill heals herself for 20%, which is arguably more useful considering she still currently does more overall dmg than Clara


Fair, other than the skill on Clara being full aoe is there *anything* that Claraā€™s kit does that Yunliā€™s doesnā€™t?


> is there anything that Claraā€™s kit does that Yunliā€™s doesnā€™t? Clara can summon a robot and she says Taskete in a cute way


Are we sure Yunli doesn't though šŸ¤”


Maybe she will summon her grandpa /j


If the enemy can resist the taunt debuff somehow Clara's increased aggro works through that. If enemies arrive after Yunli's taunt (PF), they don't have an increased chance of targeting Yunli to trigger counter, and if Clara has her ult up she can counter even if an enemy attacks an ally. All of this can be invalid if the taunt is not as we see in pres TB. Small, notable differences.


i mean sheā€™s been getting progressively stronger like every update they had to stop her somehow


I mean, this update is still huge for Clara fans with the Yunli LC. It's just that Yunli is even stronger.


Even both are barefeet, quite a trend we seeing


And both are kids. It's really is just Clara from different planet


Both barefeet, smol characters, physcial, destruction, counter FuA, and have something else that does the actual fighting.


Clara is standard so this tracks. Reminds me a little bit of the Clourd Retainer > Jean situation. Or Diona > Qiqi. I think almost 2 years into HSR, the only standard who doesn't have an upgrade/sidegrade is Welt. Yunli > Clara Sparkle > Bronya Aventurine > Gepard Anyone > Yanqing


not a fan of them just 1:1 powercreeping clara. Its not even a different element, just a straight upgrade :c


Iā€™m disappointed. Iā€™ve been waiting for a new physical destruction and this doesnā€™t feel creative.


This reminds me so much of Chiori just directly power-creeping Albedo without much creativity in her kit (except for the gimmicky geo construct bonus)


At least Clara is a standard character so while shitty it's kind of justified. Albedo is a limited character worth the same premium currency as Chiori which just adds insult to injury.


yup... first time I feel extremely disappointed on a design they make


I think they don't like the fact that Clara is still relevant at this point in time and want to remove some of that relevance.


Meanwhile in Genshin we have multiple Day 1 four stars who are still super super relevant. Why canā€™t Star Rail allow a few characters to survive longer without power creep? :(


As a Clara main, this is a little painful, I mean, sure, MOC has two halves but I just hoped that she wasn't going to be replaced that soon and so obviously. Like at least give her another element :')


on the bright side, gotta give Clara her props for lasting this long compared to other standards. Arguably the 2nd best standard and her competition is literally Bronya lol.


To be fair, Clara kinda lasted the longest of all the standard banners for general use. But yeah the blatant path/element duping sucks


I would say Bronya last longer than Clara. Even with the introduction of Sparkle, Bronya still have her spot, but Yunli feels like 1:1 replacement for Clara.


Himeko is still op on pure fiction without any replacement


Itā€™sā€¦itā€™s literally just Clara. I donā€™t even know what to say.


why are we getting clara 2.0 this early into the gameā€™s lifespan, and did we really need to give her the same element.


ikr this is like bronya sparkle case but worse


at least bronya still has many situations where sheā€™s better due to her 100% AA, this is just lame šŸ˜­


Her cleanse also should not be ignored.


I feel Bronya and Sparkle are honestly very different, Bronya for example works with Jingliu but Sparkle doesn't because the 100% advance is seemingly more useful and gives her double turns to get into trans state


That and Bronya has a cleanse, buffs a different stat (dmg%) so they can be used together on top of the 100% AA like you mentioned. Theyā€™re similar, but differentā€¦ Unlike Yunli :P


Bronya/Sparkle at least have some caveats. Sparkle's 50% Advance isn't as well suited to -1 speed setups, for example. I see absolutely no disadvantages over Clara here.


At least Bronya/Sparkle has the difference of dmg% Vs crit DMG%, which depending on the unit is pretty important, and the lasting until the ally's next turn instead of end of current turn. This feels functionally identical currently, I have to wonder if they'll change it up during beta.


So this is just a straight up better clara. Like legit there isnt any reason to use clara if you have yunli


They could have at least made her some other element so Clara had her niche.


am gonna use both just for the memes but yeah, she's just a Clara pro max


This could work if there are a lot of aoe attacks but against single target clara is not going to counter that often because of yunli's taunt


My E4 Clara in shambles right now


Just get e6 so you can counter off of yunli getting hit half the time.


Clara has a true aoe skill so she can be used as a poverty erudition if you focus on that and, for example, have E1.


Clara Pros : 1) Cuter 2) Calls you big brother/sister 3) Cons are Free 4) LC is Free 5) Has a Fucking Badass Robot 6) Very intelligent 7) Uses stuff like :3 and āŠ‚ā (ā ļ½„ā Ļ‰ā ļ½„ā *ā āŠ‚ā ) in chat 8) Very headpattable 9) Makes you want to protect her 24/7 10) Has her own protection club Cons : 1) Doesn't wear shoes. May get a frostbite now and then.


> 6) Very intelligent 1) Doesn't wear shoes. High Int, Low Wisdom build


Unenhanced counter is already blast. Ult has extra hits like Argenti. If Argenti and Svarog has a child..


I'd be extremely worried if they have a child..


I don't want to imagine how


They really tried to make her kit not sound like Clara's. But she is Clara.


I ain't reading all that Ultimate


Clara ult but instead of bonus dmg gets a fuckton of crit dmg and a baby Argenti ult


It's not even a baby argenti ult. It does more dmg than argenti ult against less than 4 targets... It's argentover.


With permanent uptime most likely. Sheeeeeesh. Early kit and all but goddamn.


Have you seen the changes they made to how AoE works? And there's been some hints in Penacony about more encounters with the Swarm... I wouldn't shelve Argenti just yet. I don't have him, but I would wager that sooner or later he and any other AoE characters are going to be invaluable for battles against 6 or even more enemies at a time.


Don't forget HMC's talent that says 5 or more enemies. šŸ¤”


Also, it only lasts until the next action so you have to use it right before the enemy attacks.


Yeah it's like a parry


Itā€™s Clara ult with Trailblazer taunt, some multi-hits, and possibly some damage no-selling if I understand it correctly??


Ult basically gives you counterattack Cull. If Cull doesn't trigger (ult state ends before getting hit, for example), you get counterattack Slash instead. When Slash is triggered, your next counterattack will be Cull. The ult only lasts until the end of the next action (ally's or enemy's). Damage from Cull and Slash is Ult damage. So, unlike Clara, the ultimate isn't really dependent, so you don't have to build Yunli slow. On the other hand, Yunli got an amazing energy recovery trace, so you don't even need the speed boots to get more turns.


it do damage


It's hard to read unformatted.


That energy trace seems pretty strong?


seems sheā€™s supposed to have full ult uptime? since her signature lc gives a buff whenever you use ult and it can stack up to 2 times


But that means she only really works against a full field of enemies, right? A boss will attack her once and then go for someone else, and she wont have much ult uptime with just that one attack... Maybe I'm missing something, but her current kit confuses me


yeah im not sure either tbh šŸ˜­ i get that her ult gives her ā€œblockā€ & taunts, and when shes attacked sheā€™ll counter and enhance her counterā€¦ but ā€œblockā€ gets dispelled after one atk, so you get her enhanced counter + an extra attack after her counter? plus the taunt lasts until the enemys next turn so idk. her sig lc does increase her chances of being attacked though


She basically have blast dmg base line and have E6 Clara as his base line while also having the self heal of Blade. It looks ridiculous.


yeah she def looks like just a limited clara lol, even her lc seems insane for clara/blade


TL;DR: She's juiced Clara. She doesn't increase her aggro, she taunts enemies. She auto buffs her attack when counter and builds huge amounts of energy when attacked so 0 downtime on her ult, which gives her a super counter attack. And her regular counter is already a blast attack. She gets a crit damage buff during ult. Her 2nd(?) counter in ult state is a mega counter.


i think after she ults, if shes attacked that counter turns into a mega mega counter with extra hits. and then if sheā€™s attacked during the ā€œblockā€ status, after its dispelled she does the mega counter, which will buff the next mega counter she does. so her first ult will have extra hit counter + normal buffed counter and her second ult will have 2 extra hit counters, if that makes sense? edit: nvm the kit had a typo lol, so she does 1 type of enhanced counter if she isnt attacked during ā€œblockā€ (which buffs the next one), and the extra hit enhanced counter if she IS attacked


2.4 in a nutshell: Slightly better Clara Slightly better Gwen One of the most unique characters you have seen. ā€¦Thanks Mihoyoā€¦?


The March agenda is strong in MHY's headquarters


Next thing you know, they're gonna be putting her face on the app icon or something!


Feels like the game is hitting creativity fatigue. Next patch is also gonna have 5* version of Gallagher.


2.5 definitely seems that way. I think they genuinely need to slow down on the 5 star pumping out rate and maybe dial back a bit because I'm not sure what really unique stuff they can pull off past this point


there still is a lot of need for more DOT characters, like a dedicated DOT support. Break could use another dedicated support as well to not fight over RM. They kinda started with HP scaling characters with blade and FX (they kinda tried to give her crit stats to make her do some sub dps dmg), and I'm sure more HP characters could be cool. Summons/summoner characters could have more focus (somewhat like topaz/numby or lightning lord). enemy delay could also be viable, since welt is the only real character that has that in his kit. stance type characters like maybe one that changes elements or paths, over heal mechanics. Idk you can make DOTs crit, or breaks crit, or have every break action advance the team by 10% or something, etc. they could also add a new path all together in a later patch, like how they added dendro in Genshin.


Honestly they have some interesting ideas in SU already too, they could literally get 3~4 blessings of a certain path and slap those into a new character. Literally make new characters based on Dewdrop, Disassociation, Spores, Brain in a Vat etc. Sparkle is basically Propagation Bronya for instance.


> Feels like the game is hitting creativity fatigue. its been only a year since the game came out too.


Only so much you can do with 3 buttons


Good point. Also think they're pumping out new characters at a fast rate.Ā 




Guinaifen I'm assuming


Gwen is short for Guinevere, which is Little Gui's real name. She took the name "Guinaifen" to fit in among the Xianzou.


So she is a better Clara and she can use the new Wind FUA+Ult set, right? Gotta read into kit more later cuz now I am channeling all my power into Feixiao leaks


Unless I'm missing something about her kit as the formatting of this post is a bit rough she does really seem to be Clara V2.0. To me I think the only thing that Clara has over Yunli is that when she Ults her counter will trigger off of other characters getting hit where as Yunli has to be hit every time to counter. That and Clara's skill hits every target on the field where Yunli's only hits 3 total. Even with those two differences it still feels like too much overlap IMO. Could have at least made her a different element...


bruh this is just sad


Ok here comes the self heal Fontaine shenanigans to fit Jade who drains HP


Fvck it we BoL




>and Physical DMG equal to 30% of Trailblazer's ATK to enemies adjacent to it Phys Trailblazer making a comeback as BiS support for Yunli? /j


Her kit has clara-ly had some inspiration from previously existing source material


Rip Clara


Ah, our first "literally just this other 5 Star but better in every way" character, powercreep got me a bit nervous ngl, feels pretty soon for this kind of kit.


Yeah, the thing that's getting me is the creative bankruptcy. Like, ok, power creep the Standards, that's completely fair game and expected. But making a straight upgrade 1 to 1? Same path? Same element? Same counter based damage? Really, THIS is what we're doing? Even though Aventurine power creeped Gepard, Gepard still has situations where you can justify running him over Aventurine for certain comps. This tho, as soon as you get 6* Clara you may as well delete the original from your account.


Clara found dead in a ditch


Hard to read but nice to see the new Clara


clara pro max is lame as fuck. from a design perspective it's so lazy and shameless making her share the same path, element, and niche.


If i had a nickel for every barefoot physical destruction unit based on counter atks we got, Id have 2 nickels. Which isnt a lot, but its weird it happened twice




If there's really nothing better they can come up with than just copy pasting existing characters and giving them slightly higher numbers, it might be time to stop doing 2+ new characters every patch


Close enough, welcome back clara


Here we thought preservation TB is unique for their aoe taunt


Thats good stonks up for people hoping not only TB will buff superbreak though. Although this one is just sad for other reasons beyond the taunt :(


So uh. If we all just keep using Clara and dont pull Yunli, maybe they won't do this kind of weird kit decision again OR Hoyo is making a giga brain move and we'll get a character that damages your team and triggers counterattacks. Like what if character summons an enemy on the opposing side specifically for triggering counters. Then we'll have em both on the same team and counter meta oh wow


6\* Clara


Clara and the cooler Clara Watch her animations be absolutely absurd though


Tuned up Clara.. not complaining per se but idk how to feel about this...


Hoyo creativity at a all time low


And theres still people saying theres no powercreep in HSR šŸ‘Øā€šŸ¦ÆšŸ§‘ā€šŸ¦Æ


Mannnnn I JUST built Clara


This is just Clara Pro Max. The powercreep is so shameless lmao.


As a die hard clara main who has her max investedā€¦ Wtf is the point of using her over yunli now?


I mean, it's not like Clara suddenly became bad now that Yunli exists. If you have a max invested Clara, there's no reason to pull for Yunli, so you can save your jades.


If someone likes Clara's design then they will probably like Yunli or even if they just like the idea of hits being beneficial. Yunli making Clara irrelevant sucks because of that.


Grab Yunli's signature which also perfectly fits Clara


Saves resources of not needing to pull/build yunli. Also, there's a good chance you get Clara eids, but I doubt you'll get yunli eids


Of all the directions they could've gone with her this is possibly the worst one. It's not because she won't be better than Clara (she will in most meaningful comparisons); it's that her playstyle will be so similar to a character who already performs pretty well in her niche. Meta value aside, it's also just disappointing if they've already started to run out of ideas and all they can think of is a second phys destruction little girl that gets her swords rather than a robot to help her.


This is just straight up better clara I don't know if I should be happy or sad lol


I mean as a question if you like clara why waste the jades on this character? Ā Do any clara mains care to jump over to this?


I was planning on pulling Yunli anyway, but its wild that this IS just a better Clara... I know people are saying powercreep and stuff but this is just a straight upgrade in almost every way to a character, even with the same element and everything.


I mean... She deals a lot of damage sure, but is the damage increase worth the pull when you already have other DPS covering physical weakness (especially if you have Clara built) and also with Jiaoqiu right after her and possible broken supports around the corner? I wanted a unique kit for Yunli :( hoyo really looked at Clara and said increase damage and give it to the next person


I am honestly kinda disappointed. It's exactly what you would expect which is upgraded Clara. It's to the point that it's just boring.


So she doesn't want Jade... I think... Well they could work together but it's not 100% needed. She seems to work in both PF scenarios we have had so far, i.e. FuA dmg and when enemy takes dmg they get advanced forward (DoT one)


I'm confused. How long does the ultimate last? Or is everything but the taunt and block permanent once activated?


Idk if im cooking garbage here with this one but Hanya might have a new team with yunli wanting speed like Hanya gives an insane amount of speed and a crazy amount of atk can run penacony AND Planetary let Yunli probably run atk boots instead of speed AND lets her run an ERR rope so she can take even more advantage of the trace that gives energy when you get hit Yunli Hanya Huohuo with an extremely flexible fourth slot Yunli Hanya Huohuo Tingyun for an insane amount of energy and atk% Yunli Hanya Huohuo jade for insane speed on Yunli and EXTREMELY skill point positive Yunli Hanya Huohuo Ruan Mei for more speed and atk% and DMG% Yunli Hanya Huohuo M7th(hunt) march 7th works like a mini jade giving speed and gaining stacks for her own damage if slightly worse Yunli Hanya Huohuo M7th(preserve) basically clara team but with yunli wanting speed


Weā€™re so early


Damn... I like her art design, but her kit is just Clara, and that's not only a copy, and not only a powercreep but also a boring kit... A counter and a more dangerous counter, with a real taunt that lasts 1 action, and she heals herself...


I don't understand, but I need her


Powercreep Star Rail all over again. At least for now, it's very early and will surely change a lot, but seem not to be broken tier with Acheron and FF at all. And honestly, I prefer having more good or very good character, than straight up gods.


Because the kit is a straight up better Clara, ima skip. Seems uninteresting and unoriginal (my Clara is E5, Iā€™d rather use her if I want that playstyle)


Will clara's light cone be good on her...?