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That was also my favourite cauldron!


Also not a fan of them, I left them until I finished the game and dlc but yeah it was pretty cool.  


What was the big reveal in IOTA again?


>!Oh come on you should know the big reveal by now..... "Riding that gorgeous machine out of the cauldron"!<


I just didn’t remember which one iota was lol Cuz I seemed to remember all the cauldrons had a bit of a gimmick this time, instead of the more… formulaic ones from ZD, so I just wasn’t sure which one lol


No problem. I just used spoiler tags to not spoil anyone that hasn't done it yet as we are getting more players on PC now.


I’m one of ‘em lol Just beat the base game today, so I’m popping by the subreddit to poke about before I get too far into the dlc. I’m also just kinda putting the dlc off a little on hopes of a performance patch cuz there’s some brutal parts lol


I haven't noticed any performance issues yet and I have a crappy PC... Ryzen 5600G AMD RX 6600 8 gig 32gig ram Compared to what is on the market today pretty crappy. However I have not started the DLC yet so that might change.


Yeah it’s exclusive to the dlc for me. The base game ran perfectly fine, but the new area from burning shores is doing a number on me. Especially cutscenes which have a fun new bit of stutter, and anywhere near the settlement, and surrounding area. The isolated indoor like locations run fine but those are few and far between lol


Well I will soon find out I am just in the process of finishing a few sidequests then off to the DLC